I hope you're enjoying the weekend and welcome back to our Cabral HouseCalls!
Today's we've got 8 great community questions that I'm looking forward to answering!
Elizabeth: Hello! Quick question: Do you reco raw honey, specifically manuka at night with chopped up raw garlic for stomach issues, health in general and as part of a parasite cleanse? I heard this is extremely beneficial, the garlic and honey together. Or is garlic chopped up in coconut oil better, so much info out there it is overwhelming. Also what are your thoughts on manuka honey daily in water? Thank you.
Anon: Hi Dr Cabral, My sister has endometriosis and is considering having surgery. (It could be hereditary). I have read that DIM-Plus is very good for endometriosis to balance out oestrogen? Not sure if you have answered in your podcasts before about this and wondered what your thoughts were? Thank you and thanks for your great podcasts!
Kelly: Hi Dr. Cabral. I just had a skype consultation with you and can't wait to get even healthier!!! Thank you for dedicating your time to help others. I pray and send well wishes your way daily. My question: I've been suffering from melasma since my mid 20s. At the time it started I was on birth control and constantly in the sun. Now obviously I stay out of the sun as much as possible to avoid it from darkening. Sun, heat, and also my period can contribute to its darkening at times. I'm assuming this is mainly an internal hormone issue. Do you have a protocol you can share for dealing with melasma... INTERNALLY & TOPICALLY. I have read many different things that may help, including vitamin C. Also can you share links for any products or information you recommend for this. Thank you for your time.
Mary: I have lupus and was wondering if you have any information on this, whether it means managing it or recovering from it and no longer having it. On a related note, is there a way to increased complement levels (C3 and C4) in your lab work? Thank you! I am grateful for your show and the wonderful information!
Mary: Can you suggest a protocol for weaning off anti-depressants?
Sharon: Dr. Cabral, My husband has night sweats. They range from not so bad to soaking wet; the sheets, the mattress cover, everything. He practices extremely good self care. Great diet, freshly squeezed juices, exercises daily. He currently has no known health issues. Can you help me understand this? Thanks for your great podcasts. Sharon
Kavita: Hello Dr. Cabral, I have been following you on instagram and listening to your podcasts a lot lately! Your work and knowledge makes a lot of sense to me. I am always looking for natural remedies for all problems health and body related, love ayurveda and on my path to regaining my health and weight. All that being said I have been troubled by terrible migraines since the last 4 yrs, first they were premenstrual and now they are post :( They are debilitating and leave me helpless. I have tried meds, Sumitriptan works best but want to get off it too!! My struggle with weight loss still continues and need help with these 2 problems!! Will be waiting.Thanks
Yvonne: Hi dr, I would like to ask about hormone imbalance and if it is connected to whitish discharge from my vagina. I'm 28 this year. I'm currently having many acne on the chin area with slightly dark patch armpits. Whitish discharge was since last year with no itchiness but when I have sex, it's painful. No burning sensation or bleeding. Thank you for ur time.
Thank you for tuning nto today's #CabralConcept and I look forward to answering our community's questions again on tomorrow's 2nd #HouseCall of the weekend!
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I've been looking forward to bringing you this "High-Tech BioHacking" show for some time!
It includes many of my favorite tech gadgets that help regulate your natural circadian rhythm for deeper more rejuvenating sleep, as well as in increased daytime energy...
One of those items includes my top pick for blue blocker "junk light" sunglasses!
Plus, I'll share my favorite clinical thermometers and BP cuffs, in addition to the ones I use at home with my family...
Finally, you'll be getting my top pick for whom I believe is at the top of the health & fitness "smart device" category...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 456 for all the details on my high-tech biohacking recommendations!
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For some people, just the thought of working out is exhausting in itself...
For others, their workouts have become "sub-par" and not living up to their potential...
Either way, something is missing in terms of motivation and because of that you're not going to get all the massive benefits of exercise until you step up your game...
On today's #CabralConcept 454 I share with you "7 Tips to Get Motivated to Workout" - Enjoy the show!
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Today I want to share with you how to always be assured that you'll be able to make healthy food choices even when you're on the run!
What I'm going to to do is give you some of the most popular tips I share in both our wellness & weight loss practices in #Boston...
This will help you with breakfast & lunch meal prep, as well as how to find the healthiest places while out and about...
And, I also share about a half dozen healthy alternatives for mid-afternoon snacks that will keep you energized and on track to your goals, while feeling satiated at the same time...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 453 for the top tips on "How to Eat Healthy on the Run" - Enjoy the show!
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It's taken me a long time to actually come around to the thought of using CBD Oil as a nutraceutical in my Functional Medicine practice...
I would have liked to have looked into it much sooner, but the legalities and government lockdowns on Naturopathic practitioners using it was too much to contend with...
The issue of course is that CBD oil (cannabinoids) are so incredibly powerful for healing the human body (in both children and adults - and even animals!) that not even the government could keep it under wraps any longer...
The great news is that CBD Oil is now available legally in all 50 states in the US and much of the world. The bad news is that BigPharma is trying to patent and alter certain strains so that it can make it available as a prescription drug...
Today, I'd like to share with you my 6-month experiment using CBD Oil (no THC=No high) and how it's benefited my sleep, inflammation, and mood. Plus, I'll list which health conditions (and at what dosage) CBD Oil is most successful at helping to heal...
Tune into #CabralConcept 452 for all the details - Enjoy the show!
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It happens to all of us...
Anyone that's ever tried to break free of the chains that have been holding them back to a certain level in life has experienced "Growing Pains."
The reason for this is 2-fold...
Our brain sends signals of anxiety, overwhelm, and apprehension to our body to keep us in our comfort zone. It may not be a particularly happy place, but at least we're familiar with it and have learned to cope...
The 2nd reason we feel growing pains is that we're exploring unchartered territory for ourselves. This can be scary and we often fail at first, which is why so few end up going on to accomplish what they truly desire in life...
Unfortunately, these growing pains can prevent you from ultimately living a life of purpose and feeling like what you do and who you are matters...
Tune into to today's #CabralConcept 451 for details on how to minimize and overcome these growing pains as quickly as possible- Enjoy the show!
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