
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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The Cabral Concept












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Now displaying: 2018
Jun 14, 2018

90% of all dis-eases in the world stem from inflammation...

The problem is that inflammation is not a disease to be treated - It's a symptom of something much deeper going wrong inside the body...

Inflammation should serve as a signal that there is an imbalance within the body that is causing the immune system to work on overdrive...

Today on the #CabralConcept 860 we'll do deep dive on explaining one of the main hidden causes behind chronic inflammation that almost nobody talks about - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 13, 2018

Before I knew why eating more frequently wasn't good for me, I used to consume 6 meals per day...

When I was trying to "bulk up" that would consist of 3 large meals and 3 snacks or "protein shakes..."

Then, when I was looking to "cut up" and get leaner I would eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day...

Although this did work for body transformation it certainly is not the best formula for overall peak health or longevity...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 859 to discover how and why you should make the move to 3 meals a day - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Jun 12, 2018

The great thing about helping children from a natural health perspective is that they can heal quickly...

The problem is that they can also get sick more easily than adults due to their less developed immune systems and detox organs...
So on today’s #CabralConcept 858 I wanted to share with you my A-Z children’s health guide to getting well and overcoming coughs, colds, digestive distress, learning disabilities, mood issues, and much more - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 11, 2018

When it comes to being and achieving more than you ever thought possible you must begin to think differently...

Anything you see someone achieve in the real word once started with a thought and usually that triggered a vision to try something in a new way...

However, life is too short to try everything under the sun in order to reach your goals...

That’s why I recommend tuning into today’s #CabralConcept 857 to learn how to use the rule of 5 to simplify your life and help you achieve anything you want - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 10, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Mia: I have been struggling with bad acne on my neck jawline and chin. I’m taking estroblock 2 times per day I’m pretty healthy. Also I am 27 years old and I am so tired 10 days before mensturation! So very tired, brain fog and acne before my period. Do you ever suggest progesterone cream before period? 

Mark: Hi Dr Cabral. Why don't you use the GI-MAP GI Microbial Assay Plus Stool Test? I've heard that it is the best parasite checking stool test on the market because it use DNA analysis. Would love your thoughts.

Nina: Hi Dr Cabral - LOVE LOVE LOVE your show, i was recently introduced through an Ayurvedic podcast I listen to where you were a speaker. What i love is how you mash up ayurvedic, TCM, and other functional medicine areas to address health. As it should be! I have found so much wisdom in Ayurveda to address a bout of insomnia 2 years back where dr's were pushing sleep meds and I fortunately found holistic health, and of course discovered nothing is 'just' insomnia, etc etc. Have come a long way and incorporated different healthy practices into a blended approach that fits my lifestyle. Am curious your take on something... Ayurveda (at least what I hear and read) seems to frown upon smoothies - lowers agni, hard on digestion etc. What's your take? I see you promote smoothies and now that I am feeling healthier I would like to try them out (will pay attention to digestion etc) but i see them as a great opp to get so much nutrient dense food in one meal! What’s your stance on gluten, even if it’s organic non gmo? Same with org non gmo grains? Non gluten org Oats? I'm a vata pitta so even though i strive for lower carb/sugar, i have some carb at least with lunch and often also with dinner. Finally any Cookware recommendations, i see so many people mention ceramic? Is this type of investment 'worth it'? Trying to balance prioritizing health against managing the budget of course! Many many thanks if you made it this far - i'm busy catching up on the hundreds of episodes of yours I haven't listened to, digging into your wonder fb community, and starting the reading challenge! Bless you! Nina

Jessica: Hello wonderful Doctor Cabral. My mom is about to turn 60, and has been battling sinus infections since I can remember, every winter and spring in particular. A lot of the time she takes antibioitics to help, and they do. (though I keep telling her bad in the long run) She has seasonal allergies and teaches elementary students in a room that is not well ventilated. Lately she has been sick for weeks, out of school with an upper respiratory infection, with wheezing, a heavy chest, and cough when breathing. She is taking inhalers, Albuterol (I think a steroid) (so bad right?!) which also seem to temporarily help. Can you explain why these inhalers mask the issue. What can she do to help this naturally and stop having so many sinus and chest infections? She is ready to get control of her health and get to the bottom of this vs masking the issue w drugs. Thank you!!!

Sydney: Hello!! I have a question regarding the parasite protocol. In the information description it says that following one parasite protocol wasn’t enough to rid the body fully. Was this referring to this cleanse as well? Should I order two of them or is this cleanse long enough to ensure it rids the body of parasites?? Thanks so much :)

Aubrey: I have been sick for months it feels like. I have recently gone through a very stressful situation in my personal life and I am wondering if this could trigger bad health and a poor immune system? Since Christmas I have had influenza twice, 2 different stands. A couple week after that I was hit with strep along with an ear infections and then I was hit with a nasty stomach bug that put me out for a couple days. I am now dealing with what feels like a sinus infections. I typically eat a plant based diet, and I am very active. Although being sick has made that harder, but I have two little ones who are 4 years old and 2 years old who depend on me. So I don’t have much of a choice than to push through things! I can feel my body breaking down on me and I am searching for any support to boost my immune system, as well as to help aid in this stressful life situation I am currently experiencing. I am wondering if your Candida protacal would be a good first step to helping my body or if you have any other suggestions. I am open to about anything that is out thereright now! I love your podcast and what you are doing to help bless so many lives! Thank you for all you do!

Anissa: I need to figure out what is going on with my body. I've had my second outbreak of shingles on my face since January. I just drank the mixture of ACV recommended and my stomach is upset. Is there a lesser strength I can take and still be results? Many thanks. Anissa

Holly: Hi Doctor Cabral, I just found your site and podcast and couple weeks ago and can’t believe how awesome you are and all the interesting information you provide. I am 25 and struggle with acne and pitted rolling acne scars. I am struggling with the scars and how to get rid of them and was wondering if you can help. Much thanks.

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:


Jun 9, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Lindsay: Hello Dr. Cabral and Staff, I am a third year naturopathic medical student at Bastyr University in San Diego and I am writing to ask if Dr. Cabral would be my mentor. I'm certain he receives similar requests all the time, but let me tell you why mine is unique. I am married with 3 young children. My husband and I gave up a comfortable life in Colorado because we saw too much preventable suffering in the people around us and wanted to devote our lives to helping people get better. I, like Dr. Cabral, am motivated to reach masses of people, not because I am chasing wealth, but because I have a sense of urgency to reach a broad audience so that people who are suffering can find help before it's too late for them. For this reason, I want to hit the ground running when I graduate next spring. I would treasure the opportunity to observe the operational aspect of Dr. Cabral's clinic. If I can learn what's working for him, then I can spend less time reinventing the wheel and more time helping people. If it is possible for me to visit your clinic, even just for one day, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this message, and thank you even more for all you do each day to reach people in need. Sincerely, Lindsay

Michelle: I just heard Dr. Cabral on Joyce's Plant Based Nutrition Summit. She mentioned that Dr. Cabral healed his Addison's Disease. My little spitz terrier dog, Spooky (about 16 pounds) has had Addison's for about 4 years. I was wondering what Dr. Cabral did to cure his Addison's and is it translatable for dogs. I give Spooky a monthly 6 ml shot of Percorten and a daily 1/3 tab of 5 mg Prednisone. Hate polluting him with these but he is doing well but still would prefer a more natural way if possible. Thank you


Kate: Dear Dr Cabral team, Quick question. Is the fruit and vegetable blend safe to take in pregnancy? I am already working with a functional doctor, who has recommended some supplements, but I would like this in addition. Best, Kate

Staci: Dr. Cabral: Do you have a test that will check for H.pylori in the stomach? I have recently been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer and since I rarely take ibuprofen or Aleve and I don’t consume alcohol on a regular basis, I read where H.Pylori can be a factor. Also, can underlying stress cause an ulcer or enhance the symptoms of an ulcer? Thank you for your help, Staci

Deborah: Thank you for all you do to help people have better health and a better life! My grandmom-in-love (69 years old) has atypical leukemia; its a myeloid disorder (MDS/MPN). Her doctors started her with the Chemo pill-Hydrea and she is currently under a Dacogen treatment. She’s struggled with Hashimotos for years because of her thyroid. She’s had low energy and thyroid problems for decades. She has cellulitis on her thigh, back, ankle, and stomach. She is sensitive and had adverse reactions to all medications she’s been under. How would we be able to rebuild her immune system and detox her body from all the chemo she’s been under? What info do you need so we can help my grandmom? I believe you can help with her horrid “dis-ease.” The doctors don’t know how long she has to live. The best they hope for is her body will go into remission and she will be for 2 more years. I hope to see her live for another 15 years. I look forward to hearing back! I had submitted this question to the support group and they gave me some good suggestions but also recommended submitting my question as a HouseCall. Thank you! 

Josh: My sister is a 40 year old Mother of three. She can’t seem to shake some pesky stomach weight . After visiting multiple specialists, in committing to a personal trainer, the doctors have told her that she has diastisis recto and the only Way for her to get a flat stomach again. Is to get plastic surgery. Is this true? 

Kelly: When I was a teenager my doctor said that I had a condition where my red blood cells were irregularly shaped and I would always need to take iron supplements. Is this considered thalassemia? I frequently have low iron levels on traditional blood tests but have never had had any other low results- like low oxygen bind capacity. I used to take iron pills regularly but then read that this can be dangerous and lead to iron overload and brain issues. Over the past few years since I stopped taking iron, I have had puzzling symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath (which becomes more acute when I think I can't breathe), panic-y feelings connected to what I believe are heart palpitations after eating or when lying down, and rarely a feeling of doom and disconnect from reality and rare fainting. Although these symptoms may sound overwhelming, I am absolutely functional but consider myself highly sensitive and aware to bodily changes. Do any of these symptoms correspond to untreated anemia? I have tried to balance out my calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium on my own through mineral supplementation. If I take iron pills and never have too high iron on blood tests, is it safe to say that I am at no risk of iron toxicity/overload? Thank you, Dr. Cabral!

Lance: Hello Doctor Cabral. I understand that you have multiple years experience in musculoskeletal strengthening, alignment, and mobility exercises. A few of my coworkers have replaced their office chairs with exercise balls. We sit multiple hours a day documenting on our computers. They say only good things about the switch. I am skeptical and have been doing research on the idea. I see arguments from both sides as realistic and I am still torn. What are your thoughts on the potential benefits or complications that can be caused by doing this?


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Jun 8, 2018

Welcome back to our #FridayReview where I'll be bringing you the best of the week!

This week we're starting off with the best natural tick repellent on the planet that is DEET-free and family safe (for pets too!)...

Then, I want to review the art of Ayurvedic tongue scraping so that you can beat bad breath, cleanse your palate and revitalize your digestive system...

And last but not least, I want to share with you this week's super-nutrient that is a virtually unknown powerful antioxidant that can help rebalance type 2 diabetes, improve energy, and slow the aging process!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 854 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 7, 2018

Let's face it some days you feel like exercising whereas others you'd rather be doing anything but going out for that run or hitting the gym...

I'm no different and since I have my own highs and lows, I have learned over the years how to "trick my mind" into actually looking forward to working out in order to stay on track!

I hoping that by sharing what I do to motivate my private clients and myself that you'll also find at least one of these tips to be what gets you going...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 853 where I share my 8 favorite ways to beat exercise boredom - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 6, 2018

I know in the health & fitness field we can fall into a lot of the "he said, she said" battles of whose idea is right or wrong, but under it all there are certain truths that we must all understand...

It's fine to debate the specific details of nutrition such as keto vs. Paleo, or exercises that are best to "tone your glutes," but what I'm more concerned with is helping people to build a strong foundation that will stand the test of time...

That's why on today's #CabralConcept 852 I want to share with you "The 10 Most Common Food Misconceptions" and what to watch out for - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 5, 2018

World War I and II brought a halt to many great innovations of that time, but maybe none more so than in natural medicine...

About 100 years ago numerous forms of "alternative medicine" were being studied, researched, and verified, as well as being proven with patients in the real world...

The problem was that conventional medicine was just beginning its surge and stranglehold on the way that we are allowed to "diagnose and treat disease..."

Therefore, many of these amazing forms of natural healing (although rooted in science) were forgotten or at least marginalized to the point that the general public never heard about them again...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 851 to re-discover with me one of those 100-year old forgotten forms of healing that is now making a resurgence - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 4, 2018

If you don't know who Dr. Wayne Dyer is, you are missing out on some of the most compassionate and inspiring books, speeches, and knowledge ever handed down to us...

Although he passed on a few years back, his teachings and words are alive today as ever...

Right now I'd like to share with you how I've used much of his work on rewiring your current mindset and adding in "anchors" throughout the day to stay in a positive and purposeful state of being...

Plus, I'm going to be playing 5-minutes of Dr. Wayne Dyer's own voice and words to not only inspire you to become the best version of yourself, but to also learn a specific set of phrases you should to be reciting to yourself before bed (very important)...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 850 for the best 5-minutes of motivational mindset teaching with Dr. Wayne Dyer - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 3, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Annie: Hi Dr. Cabral! Huge thanks for all you do and all the free help/advice you offer. I have been binge listening to your podcast over the past couple of weeks. I have really enjoyed how you integrate Ayurveda into your practice. I recently ordered my first 14-day detox and anticipate awesome results! My question is: could you talk about weight gain for Vata/pitta body types? I’m a Vata-Pitta (very thin wrists and ankles, a little broader shoulders, dry skin/hair, bloating and constipation) and have carried extra fat on my belly since around age 8 (I’m 24 now). It looks strange on my body as I am otherwise quite bony and lean. I eat clean and exercise regularly. Could this be excess Vata? I feel it’s not Kapha as it does not change with my diet or exercise and is in such a specific area. Would really appreciate any suggestions as it’s very frustrating and makes me feel insecure - I mean who doesn’t want a flat stomach? Thanks in advance!

Elizabeth: Hi Dr Cabral. I love your show and all the valuable information you provide! My question is about afternoon snacking... I find that I eat healthy, whole nutritious foods for the beginning part of my day, but when 3pm rolls around I am ravenous and reach for anything I can get my hands on. It feels like my brain shuts off it’s wellness meter and I get caught up in the moment. I wouldn’t say it’s a binge because it’s not a lot of food... but it definitely feels like a lack of control. Why does this happen? Is there something I should be doing earlier in the day to prevent this? Thanks!

Gabriella: Hi Dr. Cabral, First off, thank you for sharing your work and for sharing it with us. I have a question regarding what I was told was pain that started from a virus. The pain in my chest on the left side by my heart. My GP felt the area and told me it was text book costochondritis and that the virus that’s caused it was probably long gone but that the inflammation was still around. He told me to take three Advil a day until the pain went away. I usually refrain from taking Advil especially that much. I was wondering if you had another solution. Thank you, GP

Donna: This is somewhat urgent. I’ve been a smoker for over 30 years struggling to completely quit. I’m getting ready to take advantage of your CBD Oil offer for March. Will this help me and do you have a protocol or suggestions for quitting smoking? I have been using the DNS for seven months, completed a 7 day detox, and ready to do a 21 day detox. I eat healthy, exercise and in good health except slightly elevated cholesterol. I will eventually do some testing but need to end this habit now. I prefer this question not be on a podcast or could this be addressed in a most general way as to addiction. If you could help me through a personal email I would greatly appreciate it. Otherwise I would like to be anonymous. Thank you so much,

Joel: Dr Cabral, my four year old has been complaining of stomach pain just left of his belly button for about 3 months. He originally had a “stomach bug” in November for a few days in which he vomited and wasn’t feeling well. Afterwards he’s continued to complain on average 3 times a day of just general stomach pain. In January he had an incident where he was writhing in pain. We took him to the ER by the time we arrived he said he felt fine. We eat overall pretty healthy Paleo style diet with organic foods overall. I can’t tell if it’s stress or if he’s really got something going on there. I’ve noticed his anxiety increase (gut/brain Or perhaps craving attention cuz we have a 7 month old that takes a lot of our attention noe too). He poops once a day and they are normal. His appetite is normal as well. Would you recommend rotation diet? Could you give a 4 year old CBD? Would you still run an organic acids/allergy test? How would you do a 21 day Cabral detox with a 4 year old? Thanks! Joel

Woody: Hi, I'm interested in working with your advisory services. Briefly, 65, healthy, no meds, 180, 6 ft. PSA went from 3 to 6. MRI/biopsy Gleason 7. Urologist wants to destroy. Been following podcasts for awhile, done some research. Overseas business trip mid April through early May and putting off decision. Using Nutraceuticals and intermittent and longer fasting.

Jai: Hi Stephen, 3 questions: My girlfriend gets headaches a lot when she is on her period, if she lacks sleep and when stressed, what can we do to prevent this? She also gets swollen breast that are painful to the touch. Yes, she takes birth control. And finally, she has lost about 50 lbs, and would like to lose an additional 10-15 more. She works out 4-5x per week at 45 min each, eats 3-4 balanced meals (protein, fat, carb and veggie), she drinks 1/2 her bodyweight in water or more daily. She is a CNA 4 3rd shifts per month and outside of exercise and the extra activity from being a CNA she is sedentary. She cannot break 139.8 lbs at 5'4" and endomorph body type. What would you suggest? Thanks.

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Jun 2, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Hayley: Hi Dr Cabral, I would love an opinion about vasectomies. I have read many men suffer side effects following the procedure, which isn't really talked about. Are there longterm hormonal implications from interfering with the normal flow of things down there? Thanks so much!


Lizbeth: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you for all the knowledge that you keep sharing through your podcasts. I will forever be grateful to everything I am learning through your podcast! I finally decided to purchase the CBO protocol! What made me make the final decision was getting a skin reaction after a dinner at a work-related event that I had to attend. None of my co-workers had it, and so I figured my body is definitely asking me to take care of this situation once and for all. I have always had a weak digestive system, but never had I experience rashes because of food consumption. These rashes also made me feel hot in those specific areas where the rash was happening. It did itch but I was not able to see any type of bump caused by it, only red skin. And I still get the itchy sensation after eating most meals. I do follow a very healthy diet, organic produce and meats, and Mediterranean style as you have suggested in other podcasts. Also, after that meal I suddenly gained a couple of pounds, and I can tell I am inflated because of how my watch and rings feel. I do have to say your team was extremely helpful in helping me make a choice to start at least with the CBO, and they suggested I contacted you as well to have a better idea of whether there are more steps I need to take besides the CBO Protocol. I have had h pylori in the past, and I have been concerned whether I have it again or no. I have listened to your how to leak a leaky gut in the past, as well as the one on food poisoning and H pylori, but I still can really put down the proper timeline of the products that I need to heal my body because I think I may need the intestinal cleanse. I know your upcoming book will have this info, but I would much rather not wait. I would think (for what I have heard you say) that I need the Healthy Belly, digestive enzyme, the intestinal cleanse and the CBO protocol, but for instance the CBO protocol already has the healthy belly and I have no idea if that bottle is all I need. Could you help me and guide me on whether or not I need an intestinal cleanse to heal my gut and the timeline on how to heal my digestive system? Thanks for your advice! 


Anonymous: Stephen, thanks for your uplifting and informative podcasts! I get a lot of value from them. First I need to add a testimonial to your “super-nutrient of the week,” zinc, that you discussed on the March 2, 2018 podcast: I had extensive plantar warts on my toes for decades. I tried virtually all OTC remedies and liquid nitrogen at the MD’s office and none of these worked. Finally a dermatology PA suggested I try oral zinc along with my OTC topical remedy. Having decided by experience the OTC topicals were useless, and the zinc dose she suggested was high (400 mg) the literature cites up to 600 mg/day, I took (only) like 200 mg zinc per day for several weeks. My decades-long infection with plantar warts went away. I went off the supplemental zinc and the infection did not recur. This personal nutritional medicine outcome is why I listen to your podcast. You can find scientific studies showing effectiveness of Zn on Pubmed for example, “Oral zinc sulphate in the treatment of recalcitrant viral warts: randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial.” However you won’t find Zinc supplement in the plantar wart department at your drug store. Despite its effectiveness its use doesn’t seem to be widespread. Zinc may have some special properties for viral infections, for example production of antiviral interferon. See (You might be interested in the authors’ acknowledgement of the limitations of blood trace element analysis in diagnosis) Now, on to my question. (I’m hoping a naturopathy based therapy might help for my other medical problems) I’m 64 and suffered a heart attack about 12 years ago and had a stent implanted in my right coronary artery, Then I immediately changed my diet to a healthy plant based one, and also do a moderate exercise program 5+ days a week and often do mindfulness meditation. For 95% of the 12 years since I have taken statins, blood pressure medicine and aspirin. My BMI is good, all blood based testing is good, except lipids if off the statin. I drink alcohol moderately. Since the heart attack I also have ED and pain/stiffness in calf muscles when walking. I also get some swelling in my ankle sometimes if walking or standing for a length of time. I also have some degree of plantar fasciitis Conventional medicine has me diagnosed with peripheral artery disease, based on ankle/wrist blood pressure ratio. I’m a little skeptical of this because many people show similar patterns in these pressures and are asymptomatic. My cardiologist doesn’t think I am at a high risk for another heart attack. Generally I feel great. I’ve recently gone off my statin to see if my calf stiffness problem will go away. So far no luck. While they were OK with an experiment, the MDs highly recommend staying on the statin. I think the literature overall indicates statins help reduce the likelihood of a second cardiovascular event, but it’s not like a silver bullet. My blood pressure is not terrible without the medication so I could go off it temporarily, or permanently if a natural method would give adequate reduction. Could you recommend a course of action that might help identify and treat the underlying cause(s) and symptoms? Are the symptoms all the result of a systemic vascular disease? What would you recommend? I did hear you mention cayenne, ginger and argenine that might help my condition but you didn’t mention how much. I am sure there are many people with a similar set of symptoms. What do you think of Nobel prize winner Dr. Ignaro’s recommendation of argenine, citrulline, Vitamin C, E, folate, and lipoic acid? (published in “NO more heart disease” 2005) Thanks so much for any comments and keep up the great work!!!

Peta: Hello, My name is Peta, I'm 28 and live in Australia. I'm wondering if you would recommend I do a lab test first or go straight to one of your detoxes. My main concern was acne, and being tired a lot of the time. Acne is at it's worst before my menstrual cycle (so maybe hormonal?) It is a lot better when I eat good fats and reduce sugar intake. However the past few months my bowel movements have changed - constipation and then diarrhoea and acne has worsened. My DR ran a blood test. Results say A mild thrombocytopenia (not sure what that is). Stool test detected Dientamoeba - the doctor said they are not sure if this is causing my symptoms and has prescribed antibiotics. Is this the best option? I am yet to take them. Thank you, Peta 

Kathryn: Hi Dr. Cabral, I listen to your podcast every week after someone from my yoga teacher training told me about it. I find myself relating strongly to the questions from your house calls that deal with digestive issues. You always have the same advice, do the Candida & Bacterial Complete Protocol. My question is when is the best time to start this? for some back ground information about me (I'll try to keep it short) I'm 33 years old and have had digestive issues for the better part of 5 years. For the first two years of this I would get sick almost every time I ate, I was advised by doctors and dietitians to only eat what I didn't have a reaction to which was almost everything. I was also told to eat chicken and eggs to get nutrients I might have been missing. for most of 2 years I had every medical test done to check my gallbladder, my stomach, and intestines but the only thing found was legions on my stomach and an increased number of mast Cells in my stomach. my Doctor theorized I had an over active immune system called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. I was put on medication and told again not to eat anything that I had a reaction to. I mostly ate potatoes and eggs for a year but saw no improvement. I eventually took my health in my own hands and became a plant based vegan eating mostly fruit. This helped a lot and the occurrence of my digestive problems reduced dramatically. I did this for about 6 months and started training for ironman triathlons which had been a dream of mine. My coach said I needed to eat a mostly high fat diet, I tried this for a a few weeks but my symptoms returned. in the last 2 years I've stayed plant based vegan, but now I eat a more balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and starchy vegetables. it comes out to about 10-15% protein, 25-30% fat, and the remaining carbohydrates in the form of fruit or starchy vegetables. I've been seeing a naturopath for the past year and have done an organic acids test and food sensitivity test. As well as numerous blood tests to check nutrient levels and hormone levels. I never eat foods that I have a severe or moderate reaction to according to the food sensitivity test and very rarely eat foods that I have a mild reaction to and when I do it's in very small amounts. The organic acids test showed that under yeast and fungal markers Arabinose, Carboxycitric, and Tricarballyllic are high being 50, 35, and .76 respectively. Under Bacterial markers Hippuric and 2-Hydroxyphenylacetic were high at 575 and .76. My naturopath suggested Candida and SIBO but instead of advising on how to treat it because I was in the midst of Ironman Training has instead been trying to correct my low nutrient levels with supplements even though I'm not absorbing them well despite sticking to my whole food lifestyle. I literally never have a cheat meal or day. I experience diarrhea and nausea about once or twice a week still and would really like to put my digestive problems behind me for good. Right now I'm taking a Heart Burn medicine for inflammation in my stomach, St. John's Wort, HPA Stress Adapt, 10,000 IU Vitamin D3, Iron, and Liquid Vitamin B Complex, and probiotic. I'm again heavy in ironman training so I'm reluctant to start the protocol while training 12-15 hours a week. what amount of exercise do you recommend while doing the protocol? Is it an violable option for me during training? or would I need to reduce my exercising until I finish the protocol? I really appreciate your podcast and will be bringing this up to my naturopath the next time I see her. Thank You, Kathryn

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Jun 1, 2018

Welcome back to another #FridayReview where I'm bringing you my best from the week!

First up today, I'll be sharing with you the excitement of moving from an older, slower, clunky shipping center and web platform to a brand new system for getting you what you need faster!

Next up, I have a great recipe (and June eco-Challenge!) on how to use simple, at-home ingredients to make your own household cleaner, which will save you money and save the environment at the same time...

And, I also wanted to recommend a really fun book (for the whole family) on how to ease into learning about herbs and their phenomenal benefits...

Last, but never least, we'll be going over my super-nutrient of the week highlight, which is centered around a vitamin renowned for its ability to protect the brain, nervous system, and "wake up" the body!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 847 for this info-packed podcast - Enjoy the show!

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May 31, 2018

I had never heard of the term "Total Toxic Load" or "Total Body Burden" until about 12 years ago when I was re-discovering the ancient Eastern practices of detoxifying the body...

What was interesting to me is that no matter what form of medicine you study such as Functional Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Bioregulatory Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc. (except conventional medicine ; ) you'll find that ALL of them use detoxification as a cornerstone for helping people get well...

But the question is, how do you know how many toxins you may be holding onto if they are inside of you and not able to be seen?

Luckily, there's a Functional Medicine quiz we use in my practice that can show you very simply what your total body burden is based on your current symptoms...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 846 to find out your total toxic load and how you can lower it - Enjoy the show!

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May 30, 2018

Did you know that there are actually 3 main "levels" of weight loss and that depending on where you fall within those levels that the type of nutrition and exercise will vary greatly?

The truth is that the plan to help someone lose the last 10 lbs is drastically different than the blueprint for losing 50-100 lbs...

The trick is to know what is holding you back from ultimately achieving the body and health you desire and then following the proven plan to get you there...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 845 to discover what no one ever tells you about losing weight (and how to keep it off) - Enjoy the show!

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May 29, 2018

I'm a big proponent of never having to say goodbye forever to some of your favorite foods - even if they don't make the "healthy food list..."

The problem is that the key to keeping your body and mind healthy is not moderation, but instead balance...

And this means that you must first rebalance the body and get it firing on all cylinders before you begin to introduce a regular once or twice a week "cheat meal" (we'll also discuss "alternative word phrasing")...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 844 for all the details on the right and wrong way to enjoy a cheat meal - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 28, 2018

Sometimes in my practice I see people stuck - They don't know what they're doing wrong, and for whatever reason they can't seem to "catch a break..."

However, from an outsider looking in, and as someone that's suffered quite a bit from poor (mental & physical) health earlier in their life I can see where they're going wrong...

But, even if I'm able to articulate it to them, it often times doesn't resonate and this is simply because it clashes with their current belief systems...

The problem is that although your beliefs up to this point have gotten you to where you are now (both good and bad) they most likely will not take you to the next level you seek...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 843 to discover how NOT to hold yourself back from your goals - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 27, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Hayley: Hi Dr Cabral, thanks for all that you do! I've listened to your recommendations on water filters and alkalising water. However I have a question about rain water. I live in rural Australia where we have a rainwater tank for our drinking water. I know rainwater in naturally acidic... is this necessarily a "bad thing"? Ours is around pH6. I know it's not the acidity of the food/ drink that's the issue, it's the way our body responds and processes it. If you think rainwater would be too acidic, how can we rectify it? Would a pinch of (aluminium-free) bicarb do the trick, or would that have other negative implications? Thanks!

Susanne: Hi! I am interested in sorting out my health, Im struggling with fatigue, anxiety, stomach problems and thining hair. I am a 26 year old woman. However, I live in Spain. Is it possible to take the health tests from Spain? With shipment and legislation and everything. In advance, thanks for replay. Kind regards, Susanne 

Anonymous: Hello Dr. Cabral, I was recently diagnosed with Esophageal cancer. The PetScan says it has not metastasized and that it is at the base of the esophagus. My questions are many:

#1. How did I get this? We have no family history of any cancer; my job is like most people these days basically typing onto a computer screen and on the phone all day. I work out of my home. I am considered an obese 56 year old male at 6'1'' and 235 lbs. Now I am down 25+ lbs. to 209 so am simply considered overweight. I have never smoked, only drink alcohol occasionally and have a relatively healthy diet consisting of no soda or junk food, good home cooked meals, occasional sweets, espressos and teas. I have been on and off at the gym over the years as it never seems to produce results.

#2. What can I do from a naturopathic angle to fight this cancer?

#3. Understanding everyone is different and you cannot diagnose my specific case, is radiation, chemo and surgery the only answer? I watched "Cancer Can Be Killed" on Amazon last night and they discuss "Hyperthermia," "Ozone Therapy" and naturopathic dietary alternatives that sound a lot better than the traditional big 3.

#4. How proven are these other modalities? If I was your brother or father what would you suggest? Thanks for all you do Doctor!! Hoping you can provide some answers sooner than later, Anonymous

Travee: I have been taking your CBD oil for 25 days now . It gives me indigestion. I rarely get indigestion. Is there anything I can do for that Oh and I love, love, love your podcast. I am learning so much and slowly getting healthier

Jenett: Hi Dr. Cabral, My friends son is a little over a year old and has been suffering in and off, from seizures. He has not had vaccinations so she's ruled that out, but the doctors cannot seem to figure out why he continues to have the seizures. Do you have any ideas as to what can cause this and what she can do about it? Thank you so much for your help. Jenett

Krissy: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am a new follower of your podcast and as a podcast fiend I have many episodes to get through still! I was wondering if you had any recommendations for my current health situation. I've been dealing with gut issues ever since having an infection and taking Cipro while living in Guatemala a few years ago. After returning to Canada I was diagnosed with leaky gut, Hashimotos and have since been treated for Candida, Klebsiella (multiple types), SIBO and various other overgrowths. After my last visit with my ND we agreed it was time for another SIBO treatment, this time making sure to emphasize prokinetics. The issue I have is that every time I start to treat SIBO I get such severe Adrenal Dysfunction.. I wake up during the night and cannot fall back asleep for hours.. and am incredibly fatigued and weak feeling throughout the day... as well having a reduced tolerance for stress. I wonder if this is because the treatment also reduces good bacteria and thus essential nutrients and minerals? Or is it due to a sudden increased ability to produce my own thyroid hormone and now my medication is too high? My ND does not want to test my thyroid levels every week as she thinks they will be all over the place anyways throughout the treatment. Have you ever worked with someone with these symptoms? I appreciate your feedback.

Toni: Hi Stephen! I have been listening to your podcast for a while now and have finally decided to write in. I have just been diagnosed with Pyroluria and undermethelation and couldn't seem to find any information on your podcast search page in regards to both. I am from Australia and not sure if this is a new term for it here or where I should turn to look for more information on the topic. Hopefully you can shine some light on the diagnosis for me! Thank you, Toni 

Christine: Hi, do you still offer the healthy gut protocol (the powder AND probiotic) as a package? I bought it in September and am recommending to a friend but cannot find it. I only see it in your store as sold separately. Thank you.

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 26, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Carla: Hi Dr. Cabral, I live in a Canadian city that fluoridates it's water and have been using a table top distiller to make drinking water for the past 5 years. I've been adding mineral drops to the water as I've heard that distilled can leach minerals from your body. Is this true and am I doing enough to make the water safe to drink? I've also heard that distilled water is acidic and also not good to drink for that reason. Unfortunately I rent and can't afford to add special filters to the household system. Thank you very much for any advice you can give! Carla


Meghan: Hi Dr. Cabral! I’ve searched through your podcasts for your take on copper toxicity and couldn’t find what I was looking for so here it goes. I had a copper iud in for 10 years and then replaced with another one year ago. I had it taken out today. I’ve been suffering with; brain fog, insomnia, recurring UTIs, bladder urgency, recurring yeast infections (chronic), extreme fatigue, dry skin and most recently - dermal hyperpigmentation above my upper lip out of no where. I’ve been to dozens of specialists and taken countless tests with no help. I’m gluten and dairy free. I’ve tried the candida cleanse and recently your 21 day detox with no results which I know is abnormal. I did the OAT with you and subsequently ordered the yeast protocol from you while waiting for the results because I know I have candida overgrowth. My OBGYN said NONE of this is related to my copper IUD and it couldn’t cause copper toxicity but I just don’t believe it so I decided to have the IUD removed against her recommendation. Do you recommend I do the hair tissue mineral analysis for copper? Will I have any success on the yeast protocol of yours without cleansing myself of the copper? I am so tired of trying everything with such high hopes and then no success. Do you have any recommendations for someone with suspicion of high copper? I know that copper toxicity can cause candida overgrowth and most of my other symptoms as well. Thank you for all you do and looking forward to my coaching session this week to go over my OAT results.


Melisa: Seeking your guidance. We have a 3 year old son who at the end of last winter we realised our wood fire was causing him to cough at night, we stopped immediately & the cough went away. Several months later we had a camp fire to cook dinner (forgetting about the cough) and again our son woke at 3am with asthma symptoms & very restricted airways. I have tried using essential oils, diffuser, garlic teas, salt, coconut oil, to open his airways but it has been two nights now where we are awake all night. In the past he has had symptoms the same on two occasions & as his father suffered from serve asthma as a child & can relate to the tight chest & short of breath feeling we have given him an asthma puffer as recommended by a doctor. Can you suggest anything else I can do to quickly open his airways & allow him a nights rest without having to resort to the puffer. Also is it your recommendation to never use wood fires & instead using electric heating if living in a cold climate? Thank you!!!

Cynthia: Hello. Without getting into my whole condition I have is gout. I am curious what your view is. Some say it is a liver issue some say methylation, without knowing the individual do you think there is a common thread? Thank you! 

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral! I recently discovered your podcast and you are amazing! I really enjoy your podcast and have learned a great deal about how functional medicine can help heal the body.

I'm writing based on a severe infertility issue I'm having, so I apologize for the lengthy question. At 37 years old, I was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficieny (POI), which has been heartbreaking. I'm now 38 years old, 130 lbs, 5'4" and have been trying to conceive my first child. I had a failed IVF cycle and made it all the way to egg retrieval, but unfortunately there were no eggs to retrieve.

I developed this condition fairly quickly , which leads me to believe it can be reversed. At the time of my diagnosis, I had food sensitivities, weird rashes on the side of my stomach, itchy skin, severe bloating and weighed 145 lbs. I also went through extreme stress (moving, job dissatisfaction, money woes, one parent diagnosed with cancer, other parent died unexpectedly).


-My periods are now irregular (40-72 days)

-FSH reading on two separate cycles were 32 mIU/ml and 27 mIU/ml

-AMH was 0.21 ng/mL

-Extremely low estrogen, progesterone DHEA, testosterone.

At 36 years old, I had a fertility work up and everything was normal

-Regular periods (27-29 days)

-FSH 9 mIU/mL

-AMH 3.8 ng/mL

-Normal estrogen/progesterone.

I do have a history of an autoimmune disorder (mixed connective tissue disorder), and my POI is not due to a genetic mutation. I want to try another cycle of IVF but I'm worried about the low rate of success based on my stats. I've lost all the excess weight and bloat through dietary changes (mainly paleo diet) and walking. What do you suggest I work on leading up to my next IVF cycle? Also any ideas as to why this severe infertility disease happened to me in such a short time? Would you be willing to work with me to help me get back to optimal reproductive health? Thanks!


Zach: Hi Steven! I am currently dealing with problems with tinnitus, and strange sensations in the ear that make them sometimes feel plugged, and I am wondering if this is a sinus issue, blood pressure issue, or something else. Also I had my lipid panel done a few months back and everything was fine except my LDL was high. Could the LDL have some sort of connection to this? And what can I do to find out what type of nutrition will work for me to get to optimal health?


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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 25, 2018

It’s #FridayReview time and I’m looking forward to bringing you the latest life hacks, cutting edge research, product and book reviews, and of course our super-nutrient is the week!

Today’s Life Hack has to do with a study showing how you can increase satiation while decreasing caloric intake by 15% by just changing how you chew your food...
I’m also exited to start speaking with you more about essential oils and their myriad of benifits including increased hair growth and thickness...
And finally, I’m looking forward to talking with you about a vitamin that is clinically proven to balance cholesterol, boost antioxidant levels, help with vision, and improve hormones!
Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 840 for all the details - Enjoy the show!
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May 24, 2018

It's official...

Both the President's Cancer Panel and the American Cancer Society have both stated that cancer is a man-made disease that IS preventable...

This is directly quoted from both councils on multiple occasions that outlines exactly how people are getting cancer and subsequently what we can then do to keep ourselves safe...

And since 1 out of 2 people are expected to get cancer within this lifetime, NOW is the time to heed this information and take back control of our health, body and mind!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 839 to discover the details on the shocking news from the President's Cancer Panel - Enjoy the show!

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May 23, 2018

Both men and women contain estrogen in their body, but having too much of this hormone can spell disaster in terms of health, weight, or mood issues...

That's why it's important to understand the delicate balance we need in order to ensure we don't overload one particular hormone, which can disrupt all of the rest...

And believe it or not, there are multiple outside environmental factors that can increase estrogen in your own body without you even knowing it!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 838 to discover the one controversial high estrogen food that you may (or may not!) want to avoid in your diet - Enjoy the show!

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May 22, 2018

By popular demand we are back with the finer details of how to maximize your body's ability to get well, lose weight, and live longer!

I'm excited today to bring you the most popular questions we get from people all over the world doing a Functional Medicine detox and the answers that will allow you to make the process that much easier and more stream-lined...

So on today's #CabralConcept 837 I'm looking forward to sharing with you the top 20 do's and don't of detoxing - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 21, 2018

Deep down I have an unsuppressible need to teach people that they are not their disease...

This most likely stems from years of my own previous wellness issues that I used to embody and wear as part of my identity... 

That's why it's so important for me to get you to understand that you are not your autoimmune, migraine, skin, weight, cancer, or other health issue - Instead you are a healthy, strong, vibrant human-being presently struggling to get well...

But, the first step to overcoming dis-ease in any area of your life is that you must dissociate with this current condition and begin to change the persona of the person you've told yourself that you've become...

I know it's not easy, but I fear that without changing your mindset you will never be able to break the cycle of suffering...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 836 for details on how to change your thinking, rewire your neurology for success, and begin to live the life you were meant to have - Enjoy the show!

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