Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Richard: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have recently been looking for a new blender and it seems like much to my surprise, all the descent premium or high end blenders have a plastic jar. After some time of doing research I had decided on purchasing the ninja but then found out that the jar of this particular blender is plastic. This is really concerning to me because it's something that I use everyday and I don't want to be ingesting chemicals from the plastic. I know a lot of these blenders claim that the plastic is BPA free but from what I understand, when BPA is not used they use other chemicals that are just as bad if not worse than BPAs. I also mix in hot water for my morning smoothies to warm them up a bit since I use a lot of frozen fruits so that would make things more problematic. I also use hot water to clean the blender since sometimes there are stains I need to remove. Is this a legitimate concern or am I missing something here? I would love to hear your thoughts on this and some potential alternatives. Thank you for all your help, it is much appreciated!
Kristen: Hello! I’ve learned and been helped so much through you! After a “virus” my chest feels so much pressure, I went to a cardio dr and all checks out. I do have MTHFR I read that “ Homozygous variants, and some heterozygotes, may see a decrease in the metabolic pathway that converts folate and folic acid (vitamin Bs) into active forms. There can be a build up of homocysteine (amino acid) which has been linked to cardiovascular issues. ” I’m trying to turn over every leaf to get to the bottom of the random pressure when I lay down. Is It possible they are related or is there a connection with either one of these issues. I’ve done 5 protocols in over a year with significant improvement! To which I’m soo grateful to you and your staff!
Darren: Good day Dr Cabral. I see un ayurveda, they extol the benefits of ghee. I use it but recently started looking at the nutrition facts label and all the grass fed New Zealand based ghee brands I have seen say they contain some trans fat. Is pure grass-fed ghee of transfat concern? ? If ghee has trans-fat, why is ghee called healthy? Or is it a misperception given New Zealand is often touted as favoured by nature when making milk, with a climate, soils, and plentiful water that generate an ideal environment for growing healthy grass and New Zealand livestock access open pasture year-round, meaning space to roam and follow their natural affinity outdoors. Care to make us understand? Thank you
Lori: Hi, I am considering enrolling in your certification program. I am wondering, however, how to utilize it to practice legally in IL and many other states where it seems only an RD or CNS are allowed to make nutritional recommendations to clients. Thank you! ~Lori
Hazel: Im at a loss for breakfast I have high oxalates, a latex alergy and spontaneous uticaria/ dermatographia. I am following your mediteranean diet Many thanks. I listen to all your podcasts
Cody: Hi Dr. Cabral - I get acid reflux, mild diarrhea, and intestinal pain on my left side when I eat mildly spicy or citrus foods. I was curious if I had H Pylori, and I did a stool test and upper endoscopy which both came back negative. I also did an organic acid test which showed high levels of yeast. Before I start the CBO protocol, I decided to try some supplements targeted towards H Pylori just in case due to my symptoms. I've been taking Manuka honey, 1/2 cup cabbage juice, and L. Reuteri. I was fine for 2 weeks, but I'm now starting to get intestinal pain on my left side. I was planning to add mastic gum, but I've put that on hold now. Would you recommend stopping the H Pylori supplements and starting the CBO protocol? Compared to the CBO protocol, I've taken much less potent antimicrobials/antifungals in the past which started out fine but then gradually gave me intestinal pain. This is what led me to trying a treatment targeted towards H Pylori, which testing says I don't have, in the hope that it would allow me to tolerate the CBO protocol better, but I'm already having pain which I suspect is from the strength of the Manuka honey. In addition, zinc supplements give me intestinal pain, but I also take DGL licorice which is fine. Thank you for your time and advice.
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