Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Cindy: I love Fatlossity PM for the best sleep, but I often get jittery with caffeine so I have only used the AM short term. I don't get the same effect with your Sleep Support supplement (melatonin tends to awaken me after only a few hours). I do benefit from the amino acid L-trypophine, on occasion. Since Fatlossity PM cannot be purchased separately, do you have any suggestions for improving sleep or which supplement is likely to help me? My sleep has improved over the last 6 years from learning from you, but I often still wake up after 5 or 6 hours of sleep to go to the bathroom. I am post-menopasusal, but I do take estrogen replacement- which has helped. But, Once my brain starts thinking, sadly sleep is usually over!
Anonymous: Hello Dr. Cabral. 39 year old male here. My issue is related to “Incomplete Bowel Movement” and I have been experiencing this issue for at least 10 years and I’m unsure what I should do about it. Basically, I have a normal bowel movement but it sometimes feels like not everything came out. So then I use an anal douche and every single time there is more poop coming out with the water. This happens with every single bowel movement. I’m a “fitness guy” with a healthy diet and lots of fiber. Thank you!
Joy: Thanks for all you do Dr Cabral! (Q #1 of higher importance) I’m a 30y/o F & would consider myself to be decently healthy & aware of my body. I however experience awful joint pain & weakness. It tends to hold me back from enjoying an active lifestyle. It’s literally every joint from my neck to my ankles. My brother was born with a disease -Osteogenesis Imperfecta but has the more mild type 1. It affects the production of collagen. I don’t think I have OI also. Curious what would you recommend me take/do to help my joint pain. Q#2 I recently read of the “earthing” concept, which is supposed to have a range of health benefits. It involves the natural electricity of the earth, here is a link for more info. I’m skeptical, but would like to know what u think! https://groundingofficial.com/
Jade: Hey there. I’ve been invested in my health for some time now and have been doing my best to encourage people around me to be healthier versions of themselves. However, I have one aunt in her late 50s whose diet isn’t necessarily the best. She drinks Diet Coke mostly every day, eats out regularly and doesn’t exercise. She also has an extremely stressful job which doesn’t help. It‘s always been difficult to encourage her to change her eating habits, but she was just diagnosed with carpal tunnel. I told her I would do my best to get information on small changes she can make to better her condition and overall life. Is there anything she can do or take that may not be drastic? I would recommend your detox and less processed foods and drinks of course, but that’s too extreme for her.
Erica: Hi Dr. Cabral! I wanted to ask you your thoughts on what could be the root of my symptoms. I’ve had dizziness for about 3-4 years now and it’s very consistent almost every day. However, it hasn’t gotten worse it’s stayed very consistent over this time. It seems to be worse around the time of my period and also when under stress. In addition, I have a lot of popping in both of my ears and sometimes my ears feel itchy and almost like my eustachian tubes have to release pressure. I went to the ENT who said I might have Eustachian tube dysfunction but ruled out any fluid in my ears or other issues. I also tried the maneuver for crystals in my ears which didn’t seem to have an effect either. Any thoughts on things I could try? Dizziness got worse when I took antibiotics 3/4 years ago. Thank you
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