Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral, I love the supplements from equilife and have several of them. They are great and there arent many other brands I would trust over it. I do have a concern regarding the DFV & DNS Shake supplements. I've noticed that the day after taking them, I get a strange and off putting chemical odor in my breath, urine and stools. It's more pronounced in the DNS shake, and seems to become more noticeable if taken on consecutive days. I would like to participate in the 7 day detoxes, but have paused those due to this issue. What do you think could be going on? The only other thing I can add is that I seem to have chronic upper abdominal discomfort that seems to line up with gastritis or delayed emptying symptoms. Thanks
Ally: I’m currently pregnant and expected due date is 12/12. I have a history of being GBS positive at delivery and my OB would not allow me to do a vaginal swab at delivery. All of my babies have been breech, hence requiring a c-section. I’m anticipating another, repeat c-section since my OB won’t let me try a vbac after three c-sections. My question is there anything I can do to help be preventative of GBS when tested? I was GBS negative at 13 weeks and they retest around 32-36 weeks. Thank you.
Gail: Hi Dr. Cabral- I listen to your podcasts daily and appreciate all you do to graciously help so many. My question is this: I did the 7-day detox and had fabulous results with diminished bloating, mental clarity, and quality sleep. If I felt this great after the 7-day, I cannot wait to see what the 21-day will bring. I'm reluctant, and scared to go forward though because my liver enymes were normal pre-detox, but my AST and ALT QUADRUPLED post detox (drawn 2-3 months post) and took 8 months to return to normal. My PCP was so concerned that she ordered an ultrasound, then a CT scan with contrast of my liver which was completely normal. Dr. Cabral why do you think this happened, and can I safely do a 21-day? Thanks a million!!
Colleen: Hi Dr. Cabral! Seemingly out of the blue I’ve gotten very sick. It started with severe constipation & then the only thing coming out were clots of blood followed by pain in my intestines. I’ve started the Intestinal Cleanse which is helping a lot. But looking at my tongue is concerning me as well. I have a Pitta/Vata body type but my tongue has a white/yellow coating that won’t go away, a deep crack down the middle, red dots all over, & a metallic taste in my mouth. I’ve no energy & am barely eating due to nausea. I listened to your pod on what your tongue says about your health & will be doing a 7 Day Liver Detox & the CBO Protocol. Is there anything I’m missing? I’m running the Complete Stress lab to hopefully get more answers. I appreciate all that you do for this community.
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> Complete Minerals & Metals Test
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> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test
(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)
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> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test
(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)
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> Complete Food Sensitivity Test
(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)
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> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test
(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)
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