
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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Jan 29, 2018

Although the act of goal setting is a relatively easy concept to wrap your mind around, the actual act of going about reaching those goals is something entirely different…

There’s also certainly no one way that you must follow in order to make your dreams become a reality, but there are some proven tips to follow in order to make your journey a lot shorter and hopefully a lot less stressful…
Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 724 to discover the surefire way to predictable success - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 28, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks… 

Let’s get started!

Cristi: Hi Dr. Cabral, I apprecate the work you do more than you know. I ordered the daily protocol package to try with my husband and maybe kids too, but I do have other questions. Mostly, I’m wondering which supplements we’re currently taking would still be necessary, and in what amounts. For example, if I want to take additional vitamin D because it’s winter and we do live in a suburb of Boston as well, would I need more K2 than is included in the daily formula? Currently we take D3 with K2, and I know there is K2 in the formula, but is it enough to counterbalance extra D3? I also use collagen peptides on a daily basis as my protein in the morning. If I want to continue that, will that be too much protein in addition to the shake? The collagen peptides are listed as having 20 g of protein in two scoops, but I have also heard that this is not a complete protein. I do like the benefits of the collagen peptides and bone broth when I do not have the peptides, so I’m just wondering how to work this in to my regimen without getting excessive protein. I also take curcumin, Ashwaganda, and glucosamine condroitin. I do not think these are included in either the fruit and vegetable blend or the shake, so I believe I would continue these for joint health and stress? We also take a grapeseed extract from Pure synergy, but I see that is included in one of the blends. I’m assuming that would be redundant then? I am looking to cut down on the number of supplements we take and streamline a little bit. In addition, if we are going to do this for the whole family, it will end up costing a bit. I wish we could afford a consult or functional medicine testing right now, but we cannot. If more information is helpful, I take Synthroid for low thyroid, but I now have a very low-dose .88 MCG. My husband is on no medications, but he has untreated sleep apnea. I have many allergies, so I would like to get testing and try the allergy protocol when I can afford it. I exercise daily, and I am at a healthy weight, and my husband has recently lost quite a bit of weight, and is at a healthy weight too. He does not exercise, but he is a contractor, and his job has him moving all the time. We eat what might be called a Paleo diet, but with emphasis on vegetables, much as you recommend. I, in particular, have always tried to optimize my nutrition, and at age 43, and I am hoping to tweak a few things and figure out how to take care of my allergies without taking Claritin daily, why I get headaches, and why my digestive system seems very sensitive sometimes. For various reasons, life has been very high stress for a long time. We live in a suburb of Boston, and it is my dream to one day visit your wellness center. I am so sorry for the long question! I understand if it’s too much. Thanks, Cristi


Jackie: Hi Dr. Cabral, I started seeing a ND about three years ago after I attended a gym in SF. I started having symptoms of adrenal fatigue and I started noticing I wasn't digesting food well and had high cortisol levels. I took food panels, conducted blood tests, acupuncture and tried some elimination diets. All of this aided in the healing of my gut as well, I did find out I had leaky gut from my food panels. I recently visited the same gym earlier this year that had sparked some of these similar symptoms I had previously experienced. I am thinking my body is having some sort of histamine response or possibly an allergy to toxic mold. I have done more blood work, new food panels and other elimination diets as my current ND and I think it may be food and environmental. I am also wondering if it is something in my apartment. My symptoms are sinus pressure, headaches, ear pressure/wax build up, eye strain and focus, I sometimes get a little light headed or dizzy standing up, mucus, post nasal drip, my chest is tight and I have been wheezing a little bit. Some days are better than others. I wanted to get another opinion and advice on what next steps should be. Thank you!


Anonymous: I am on Day 31 of the CBO and it is going great and relatively easy. Unfortunately I just got a herpes (HSV II) outbreak and I have listened to your previous podcasts on Herpes and remedies. However, the Super Lysine, I cannot take because it has garlic and I can't have the Apple Cider Vinegar because of being on the CBO. I just upped my zinc and I will add magnesium spray and meditation, etc. Fortunately, my outbreaks are mild, but they hurt my mind and soul! I had the HSV II confirmed by a blood test when I was pregnant 3 years ago. It is something that definitely has changed my intimacy with my husband (he does not fear it at all) but I know there can be asymptomatic outbreaks and it makes me paranoid. I went a year without any outbreak and now I'm getting them every couple of months. Sleep is still a little elusive with a toddler, so maybe it's lack of sleep causing the stress. Or whenever I try to add running to my workouts, it seems to cause an outbreak. I was adding two days a week of 30 minute jogs and two weeks after that, I get an outbreak. Maybe running just is not for me? I was trying to add the 30 minutes of straight cardio after hearing your podcast on cardio. I also notice an outbreak after I get extremely angry about something, which did just happen. I eat super healthy and I do not drink alcohol (I have had maybe 4 glasses of wine this past year - pretty good for a first time mom!!), I do indulge in dark chocolate daily. Although, being on the CBO, I just started having 100% cacao after the initial 21 days. In one of your podcasts on herpes you say you've helped people fully eliminate (or cause dormancy) with herpes. I could really use this in my life, especially with wanting to have another child and not wanting to have this get in the way of that process or the delivery process. ******To do further work in an aim to fully eliminate the virus, do I need to schedule a consultation with you?***** Thank you as ALWAYS!


Dave: Good Afternoon A friend forwarded your podcast to me awhile ago. I try and read the ones that pertain to me but somewhere along the way I might have missed anything that deals with Arthritis Diets. Two and a half months after surgery in December 2015, psoriatic arthritis hit me in my feet and osteo-arthritis in my knees. Before my surgery I was walking the golf course carrying my bag with no issues. After surgery I became a cripple. I couldn’t get up from a chair, climb stairs let alone swing a club. I have sorely missed golf for two years now. I am 68 years old and 6 weeks ago I read an article on the importance of diet. (duh) The article did not specifically deals with diet concerning arthritis so I did some more research on foods that cause inflammation. I eliminated red meat, dairy, sugar and processed foods. I stick to veggies, fruit and fish. I do cheat on occasion and treat myself to chicken but that is just for some variety. Organic as much as I can find. Since I really enjoy your approach to life from every angle I would appreciate your thoughts and help to get me back on the golf course again. The last 3 weeks I have noticed a marked improvement which I am attributing to the “new” diet routine. I also do some Physio, CBD and an occasional rum&coke. Enbrel and methotrexate are helping with the psoriatic feet. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas


Mari: You have been so helpful throughout my health journey. I have noticed within the past year that either the day before and when I am already menstrating that I get these intense headaches that seem like sinus headaches. I get really bad neck pain, ear pain, temple throbbing and I get really moody as well. I have deep pains under my eyes and around my sinus area. There just feels like so much pressure and tension in my ears and my face. I get extremely irritable a few days before and during. I am on birth control and plan to come off soon and am hoping this doesn’t get worse by coming off.

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Jan 27, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Donna: Dr. Cabral thank your for the excellent service you provide. I am an active 68 year old female. My only medication has been Omeprazole for GERD and Barrett’s Esaphogus which my Gastro has prescribed for 15 years. Would love to get off this but haven’t found a way. I completed your 2 week Detox and continue to use DNS, Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics. History of testing/lab work for 2016-2017. First my Total cholesterol has been high for about 15 years since I had a hysterectomy and went through menopause with a 12 lb weight gain - I rejected statins. February 2016 had micronutrient testing and Cardio Metobolic Test through SpectraCel. High cholesterol with dense cholesterol particles showing high risk for cardio vascular disease. August 2016 had Lifeline screening - Cholesterol total 254; but my carotid artery, peripheral arteries showed no plaque and CRP in normal range. 2017 slowly lost 12 lbs. Second Lifeline screening in October 2017 total cholesterol drops to 180; however, my carotid artery showed slight plaque and CRP moved from normal to low risk. So now I’m concerned. I continue to eat healthy and maintain my weight at 120 - I’m about 63 inches. Only other issue I can’t clear up is a fungus toenail. What will reverse the plaque and dense cholesterol particles? Sorry this is so long. Would be happy to make an appointment to discuss this with one of your practitioners. Thanks so much. Donna

Michael: I have high blood pressure, aside from that I am an essentially healthy 58 year old who eats a mostly whole foods plant based diet. What tests do you recommend to determine root cause? I have to admit I am a bit skeptical about hair analysis and have very short hair anyway so may not be able to get enough to analyze. I know Dr. Dennis Goodman recommends the Mg RBC to determine how much Mg is actually making it to the red blood cells. What other steps/protocols/products do you recommend to lower my BP? Should they be used without testing first? Thank you!

Mel: Hi, love your work!! What are your recommendations for baby's first foods.....conventional advice is fortified cereal not real food. In addition, if breast feeding is hot possible (mum returning to work) which formula would you precribe ( dairy free?), Also what do you recommend for contreception eg following having a baby I am not sure what is the healthiest option after being on pill for 13 years and hearing mixed messages about copper IUDs. Where do you point women to get best information? Thanks for your wisdom!

Melissa: I just found you thru the essential oil revolution. Love your podcast! My question is: I have always taken plant based omega3s thru chia. I also follow Dr. Stephen Gundry. He has put chia on his "do not eat" list. What are your thoughts. I am very confused. thank you!

Katarina: My mom, who’s in her mid-50s, was recently diagnosed with scleroderma and suffers from raynauds and arthritis. Doctors said that she has caught it early (hasn’t spread to other areas - just fingers/hands) but I’m wondering if you had any tips for lessening her symptoms and inflammation? I would rather her go the natural route and halt the progression of this if possible. Thank you so much - I love your podcast!

Meg: hello , is there a Canadian functional medical doctor that you recommend? with the exchange these test and one on one will get a bit too expensive...thanks for your time : )

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Jan 26, 2018

It's hard to believe another week has already passed by and that we're almost at the end of January!

I always get into this reflective mindset as I bring you each week's #FridayReview and that's why I love the repetition of trying to recap each week and then look forward to what's coming in the next...

On today's show I'll be sharing you breaking news in the Cannabis and CBD oil industry where outside forces are looking to take control of a very vulnerable industry (and not for the better)...

Next up, we'll discuss the real effects of alcohol on gut function and aging, as well as who should definitely NOT be consuming it on a regular basis...

And last (but not least!) we'll be covering our new super-nutrient of the week responsible for everything from boosting hormones and metabolism to ensuring you reduce your risk of getting cancer...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 721 for all the detail - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 25, 2018

It's unfortunate right now that in our culture certain dogmas or mindsets get formed that become so rigid no new information is allowed to enter in...

One of those areas is without a doubt the fitness field. "Experts" will spend years building a name for themselves based upon a certain style of training, but then find themselves in so deep that they can't turn back - Essentially their programming has become their namesake...

It's my belief that you must absorb all information (from great minds around the world) and then use what is applicable for yourself in order to create a personalized approach to health & fitness...

On today's #CabralConcept 720 I'd like to share with you how you can transform your body in just 6 weeks by combining the best of the best in training and nutrition - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 24, 2018

I've gotten so many questions on how to heal from Hashimoto's and low thyroid symptoms such as brain fog, thinning hair, fatigue, cold hands/feet, and low mood that I wanted to create a "how-to" show on what you need to do to rebalance your body...

Although there are thousands of Functional Medicine doctors and practitioners that help patients and clients everyday to recover from thyroid issues, it's not very well known in the conventional medicine world...

After all, if you're diagnosed with Hashimoto's, low thyroid, or any of the symptoms above you're most likely only given the one option to take a thyroid medication for the rest of your life - But how does that help rebalance the body? 

It doesn't... So, on today's #CabralConcept 719 I want to share with you the "Done for You Complete Low Thyroid Protocol" I used every week in my Boston and online practice - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 23, 2018

There are dozens of what are called "sub-clinical" lab tests that can literally reveal to you what your underlying root cause health imbalances are, but unfortunately you'll most likely never hear about them...

The reason they're kept from you is simply because they do not "diagnose dis-ease," which means that pharmaceuticals cannot be prescribed - which also means that health insurance will not cover them...

Unfortunately, these are the labs that could save lives. They'll tell you far in advance what your hormone, gut dysfunction, mineral, vitamin, omega-3s, food sensitivity and other biomarkers are, so that you don't have to wait for the dis-ease to come for you...

This is ultimately how I figured out what was wrong with my failing body and how I finally begin to heal - It's now my mission to share what those lab tests were with you...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 718 to discover the "Big 5" Functional Medicine lab tests anyone can run at home without their doctor signing off on - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 22, 2018

Sometimes I feel compelled to do a show that on the outside may not seem like it has anything to do with helping people get well, lose weight, or live longer...

But after doing some unraveling you begin to understand that the way we frame our lives has everything to do with how we think and what actions we take...

And it's those actions that lead to eventual outcomes (good and bad) that become our lives...

Therefore, if our goal is to live a life of happiness and no regrets we must change the way that we currently see ourselves and what we believe we can achieve...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 717 to discover how and why it's important to make your dreams become a reality - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 21, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Mariellen: Thank you for all that you do. I have had a pilonidal cyst for the past three weeks that has been so painful. It hurts to sit and I cannot lay on my back when I go to sleep at this point. I sit all day at my job, 40 hours a week 5 days a week. I am 23 and a female. I have no dairy or gluten in my diet. I am very sensitive to sugar and recently feel as if I have candida. I really do not want to get this drained. I have had this before but I feel like it went away on its own or maybe just never was this bad. It's embarrassing and I am looking for more of a natural route. I do not want to have to live like this, but I am in so much pain. Everything I do irritates it.


Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, Happy Holidays! I am in my late 20s and have been experiencing chronic red eyes since I was a teenager. They don't hurt or itch and my vision is excellent but they're just always red. I've used "Clear Eyes" or "Visine" eye drops every single day for the past decade to clear the red. I get close to 8 hours of sleep everyday, I am physically fit and eat a fairly clean diet (no processed food, no dairy, gluten free, cheat meal 1-2 times a week). Both my parents occasionally have slightly red eyes, but not as severe as mine. I've had full blood work done by various PCPs since my early 20s and the results have been outstanding. The red eyes don't necessarily bother me but people often ask if I'm tired or my eyes look like I just smoked marijuana! LOL. Can this be part of an underlying health issue ? Love your work, Anonymous


Jill: You mentioned on a podcast that when you studied in India, you helped make capsules that had hot spices in them, to balance the kaffa body type. I know hot and spicy foods can help, but I don’t prefer eating them. Can you recommend something similar to what you made in India, that we have access to in North America?


Chris: Hey Doctor Cabral! I feel a little stuck as to finding the best diet for myself. I am a 26 year old 6'1 175lb male. I eat a fairly high protein diet, 30-40% of all of my calories because that's where I find I feel my best. I know a high protein diet can be hard on the kidneys and overall health but when I eat higher carbs I get sleepy ie insulin spikes and when I try to switch to higher fat I notice my skin gets really oily. I have a PPARG CC gene which I'm pretty sure affects both fat and carb metabolism and according to DNA fit results, based on all of my genes I have medium sensitivity to fat metabolism and High sensitivity to carbohydrates, so I'm not exactly sure what a good Macronutrient split would be for me to aim for. Any insight is much appreciated. Thanks for everything you do, you are my go to for all things health and wellness!

Kevin: Hi, My name is Kevin and I was wondering what books you would recommend to learn more about nutrition and how it impacts our body, especially from a training aspect. Thank you Kevin

Nicole: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have been listening to your show for a few weeks now and have really been enjoying it. For the past 7 years I have been experiencing confusing symptoms which have continually gotten worse and the past two years have been more and more frustrating. I have been to about 5 natural health doctors and followed their recommendations without any relief, I have seen acupuncturists, chiropractors and done a lot of research on my own all to no avail. I am constantly constipated, I am lucky if I have one (incomplete) BM per day. I have tried Magnesium (worked for a few months but now has the opposite affect and just makes me more bloated and constipated), natural laxative tea (Smooth Move, etc.), probiotics (worked short term and now have the opposite affect as well), psyllium husk pills (sometimes works) which have all worked for short periods of time and then begin to make me more constipated. I also get very bloated so by the time I go to bed I am so uncomfortable I can't fall asleep for a while. Along with the bloating comes muscular aches and weakness particularly in the low back and hip flexors however overall general weakness. Most nights I ask my husband to sit on my back because it is the only temporary relief I can get. This usually starts around 3pm and then gets worse until bed time. I have had my food sensitivities tested and have followed that diet for about 6 months with no change in symptoms. I haven't noticed any correlation between the symptoms coming and something that I have done or not done, just the time of day. I also got a complete blood panel done about a year and a half ago (by a naturopathic doctor) because I have not gotten my period in 6 years. It showed that I barely have any estrogen, progesterone or testosterone in my body. The ND had me start taking supplements to calm and support my brain and I took progesterone for the last two weeks of every month. At first, my body loved the progesterone and most of my symptoms cleared up however after about three months they all returned. I then moved and saw another ND who had me take estradiol every night and progesterone Days 14-26. I noticed an increase in energy and my period came back but a different doctor told me I was taking too much estradiol and told me to stop and my period has not returned. I saw an endocrinologist after that who also put me on estrogen patches and progesterone days 10-20 and this time I noticed no improvement in how I felt, I only felt worse. I am so tired of being passed around to different doctors that tell me all I need to do is gain weight and I will be fine when every time I do gain weight, I feel significantly worse. (I currently am 5'7 and weight about 127. I work out regularly and eat a mostly clean, whole food diet with limited sugar, dairy and grains. I can't help but feel everything is connected but I don't know what the missing puzzle piece is. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Jan 20, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Andrea: Good evening! I have been listening to your podcast for months now and am so thankful for them! Each episode is jam packed with information to optimize my health and teach me so I can share with others. I am a personal trainer and have been approached by people who take and sell Isagenix Products. I am not sure if you have heard of this line, but wanted to get your thoughts on the products. Thank you so much in advance! -Andrea


Lily: Hi Dr. Cabral! I absolutely love your podcast - especially the house calls. There are so many different subjects you tackle, and it’s so great that you give reference to specific episodes if listeners want to know more about them. I’ve learned so much from you, and can’t thank you enough for that. Now, I have a health question which I hope you can help with: my problem is that I feel bloated, look 6 months pregnant and have flatulence almost after every meal. I’m 39 years old and have had this problem for maybe 10-15 years. I’ve been vegan for 5 years now, don’t eat gluten or sugar, have regular bowel movement every morning and I work out 5-6 days a week, do yoga, not really stressing out too much. I only eat raw foods (fruit) in the morning, in my smoothie. Cutting dairy and gluten has helped a little bit, but it’s still pretty bad. I also do intermittent fasting, use probiotics and digestive enzymes, but nothing is helping :( Other than PCOS, I don’t have any health conditions that I’m aware of. So, what do you think is the problem? What’s would be the best thing to try to get better? I live in the Netherlands, so can’t order any of your tests unfortunately, but any advice on how to start treating this would be MUCH appreciated. Thanks so much in advance!

Thomas: Hello Dr. Cabral I love your podcast. I am a 43 year old male 6'2" 175 eat very healthy gluten free a and exercise almost daily in some form. I have had a blood test and was told my HEMOGLOBIN A1C was 5.7 a bit high. Like I said I eat very healthy and even have a very low sugar diet. I went on a 30 day NO sugar diet and did the test again. I had the same exact results they did not budge. I then decided to test my blood sugar on my own through out the day. Before and after meals, early in the morning and everything came out great. Very good readings. So my question is should I be concerned that my HEMOGLOBIN A1C is 5.7 and can not be able to change that? For the record my parents and one of my sisters also has the same exact reading 5.7. If there is anything you think I should do please let me know. Thanks Thomas


Michael: Stephen: I have been experiencing inflammation in either of my eyes for the last 24 months. I went to primary care and an eye doctor who called the issue “episcleritis”. Frequency was either eye being inflamed every 60 days or so. Doctor prescribed an artificial tear product that didnt seem to change the frequency. They tested for rheumatoid arthritis and did not find anything. Last May, I added a daily multi-vitamin and an extra C tablet to my regimen. I went 6 months before I had a recurrence...since then I have had several days of redness/inflammation/pain in either eye. Is there another recommendation besides the continued increase of vitamin intake (preventive)? I typically double up in vitamin C and take ibuprofen during the inflammation events. Is there another recommendation for treatment during the event? Appreciate your podcast...heard you on EOFire and appreciated your approach/insight. Thanks. MLC 

Angelita: I am 63, 5'6" , 140lbs. Exercise on a very regular basis. Love my smoothies, eat well and exclude anything white in my diet. Am on medication for cholesterol, blood pressure and Paxil. I am confident that these meds could have been avoided if I had been more informed of diet when I was younger. Throughout the last 40 years, I have been always physically active and hope to continue. I just discovered your insightful podcasts. I am truly confused whether I need to take multi-vitamins. There are so many out there. What do you recommend for someone my age? II live in Quebec, Canada and our winters are quite long. Do I need a mineral boost throughout this season? Thank you.


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Jan 19, 2018

I'm excited to bring you this week's #FridayReview on all things wellness, weight loss & anti-aging!

This week I'm bringing you a fun study on how owning a certsin type of pet will actually increase your quality of life, mood, and lifespan by a whopping 20%!

Next, I'll be sharing some a pre/peri-workout drink that is all natural and can give you the "warm" boost your body needs to burn fat and get ready for that day's workout...

And finally, I'll be detailing the "super-nutrient of the week," which is a virtually unknown trace mineral, but holds the power to help you improve energy, detoxification, and remove Candida waste...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 715 podcast for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 18, 2018

More and more people are becoming interested and aware that there are different body types in life...

We are not all born the same shape and size and while it's nice to believe that we can reshape our body into anything we'd like, that's not totally the truth...

The good news is that we can all enjoy a positive self-image and the self-empowerment that comes along with creating the best body for YOU...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 713 to discover your Ayurvedic body type and learn how this knowledge will lead to a greater acceptance and peace of who you are and how amazing your body really is - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 17, 2018

In order for you to get well, lose weight, improve your mood, and wake up everyday with plenty of energy your hormones must be optimized and balanced...

If they're not, that's when we start to see a decline in cognitive ability, mood, metabolism, and being able to maintain a healthy weight...

The good news is that it's very easy to look at which hormones may be out of balance and how they could be effecting other systems in your body that cause you to either gain weight, feel sluggish, or decrease your energy...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 712 to discover the 5 hormones that can hurt your metabolism (and how to rebalance them) - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 16, 2018

CBD is getting close to becoming a "mainstream" topic and nutritional supplement with good reason... it works!

However, not all CBD products, dosages, studies, and research are created equal, which is why on today's podcast I want to share with you the truth about what CBD works best for based on clinical results, as well as how to use it for anti-aging purposes...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 711 for all the details on the 7 little known anti-aging benefits of cannabinoids (CBD) and how to use it appropriately - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 15, 2018

Typically, we make the mistake in life about assuming that finding a coach is reserved just for those athletes looking to improve in their sport...

However, finding a local coach, virtual mentor, or proven plan can be used in any area of your life in order to enhance your performance in an area that you want to improve...

The reason why this can be so powerful is that having an experienced coach can shortcut your time to getting results and save you a lot of the stress along the way to achieving your goals...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 710 to discover the 5 different coaches your need to find in life - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 13, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral, I'm a long time listener and have used some of your tests and products. I truly appreciate everything you do. My question for you is about my recent food sensitivity test results. Out of the three levels of reactivity (high, moderate, mild), I was moderately high for dairy and moderate for 22 other foods, such as nuts, gluten, green beans, peas, soy, coconut, and eggs. This seems like a lot of foods to have a sensitivity to so I'm wondering if I should do your SIBO/Candida protocol a 2nd time (did it earlier this year) in case I have SIBO/Candida issues again or if I have to just omit these foods for a while to give my body a rest. As always, appreciate any insights you can share on how best to move forward.

Zoe: hi Dr Cabral, another question for you to kindly answer - i wondered if you had any thoughts how to manage a combination of rosacea and rayneuds (as, they appear to me, to be equal and opposites) - ie what is good for rayneuds - like saunas, keeping warm, spices - is bad for rosacea. Thanks, as always. Zoe

Jenmarie: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am trying to figure out my body type and what diet works best for my body type. I am 5'6" weigh about 135 lbs, my shoulders are as wide as my hips, Smaller breasts, long neck, and If I put my middle finger and thumb around my wrist, my thumb overlaps my middle finger. Can you tell me what body type this is and recommend what diet I can benefit from the best? I am training for a marathon as well so I want to feel and look my best. Thank you so much for all your advise. Jenmarie


Jenett: Hello Dr. Cabral, Over the past month, I have been feeling increasingly fatigued, have had a lot of headaches, neck pain and overall weakness. I had blood work done and found I am low on Iron but I've been taking it for a while now, with little improvement. I try to drink coffee to give me an alert boost but it doesn't help much. As much as I love coffee, it doesn't love me, as It never fails that I breakout after drinking it for more than once a week. Why is this, and what could all of these symptoms be a sign of? IS there a test I could run to determine what is going on? Many thanks, Jenett


Kelly: Hello Dr. Cabral. I love your podcast and listen every day! I am a 31 year old female that has suffered from on-again/off-again bulimia since I was 15. The root of my bulimia has always been my desire to lose weight. I am VERY pear-shaped (medium sized on the top, very large in the hips, thighs, and butt) and have always been overweight despite infinite futile attempts, which always leads me back to bulimia. Two questions- FIRST QUESTION: Can you speak to why some women have such large bottom halfs? I have been taking DIM, Calcium D-Glucarate, adrenal support herbs, extremely clean vegan diet, as well as progesterone cream on days 14-28 of my cycle to try to balance out my hormones after blood tests revealed almost non-existent progesterone levels and average to above-average estradiol levels. SECOND QUESTION: What are the long term effects of bulimia? I have always suspected that my bulimia habit is working against my weight loss efforts due to an insulin rollercoaster. Thank you for your time!

Katie: I love all the tips and education you share, thank you! My question is about what could cause areas of my body to “fall asleep” During a yoga flow? I know it typically has something to do with circulation but I’m moving and breathing yet seem to be the only one in my class that constantly has to come out of a pose to “shake” the tingling feeling in my legs, arms & back. I’ve asked a couple of my teachers and mentioned it to other students and they were confused - like they’d never heard of that before. It happens a lot when I sleep, too, but that seems more normal. Is this an indication of a problem that the “google dr” just doesn’t know about?

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Jan 12, 2018

I’m excited to bring you another #FridayRevkew where I’ll be answering your questions on the most popular topics that have come up throughout the week!

One of those questions is if it’s too late to get the flu shot and whether it’s even a good idea...

I’ll also share what to do if you end up getting a cold or flu this year and how to boost your immune system naturally!

Plus, I’ll share a brand new highly absorbable form of vitamin D3, as well as our super nutrient of the week!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 707 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 11, 2018

Somwtimes exercise can seem more like a chore than a fun and invigorating time in your day where you get to move, sweat, and release some stress...

Because of this I make sure to add one “fun workout” per week where I break it down into 3 parts, which also makes the time fly by!

And even if your someone that loves working out and looks forward to every workout, I have no doubt you’ll see great results from using this method as well...

Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 706 where I explain my 3x20 Weekly Workout formula and give you the exact movements I do - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 10, 2018

Did you know that it's only been over the past 100 years or so that we've followed what we now consider to be a "normal" breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Somehow, we've been corrupted by corporate marketing agendas to get us to eat a certain way in order to over consume certain foods that they mass produce...

The problem is that this style of eating is making us sick one bite at a time and since the progressions is so slow we never make the connection that our health issues stem from what we're eating (and when)...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 705 for the truth behind your 3 main meals per day - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 9, 2018

Hopefully by now we all realize hypey, quick-fix approaches in life rarely ever produce the long-term results we're looking for...

However, what has always stood the test of time are ancient healing principles for both mind and body that when followed help to rebalance your entire being...

And, I believe the only reason they're not being followed is because there's too much "mystery" or confusion surrounding them...

So on today's #CabralConcept 704 I want to share with you the simplified version of the 5 Ayurvedic detox techniques that you can complete in under 5-minutes each morning - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 8, 2018

It's partly media driven and partly the society we've grown up in, but our conditioning has been so warped that we come to expect immediate results...

And when we don't get results that week or maybe even the same day, we throw in the towel and give up on the plan we felt was going to get us the results we were searching for...

The problem is that this type of thinking keeps us stuck in the proverbial quicksand always struggling to pull ourselves out of our current situation...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 703 to find out the one thing you should focus on in order to achieve your goals (predictably every time) - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 7, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks… 

Let’s get started!

Alexis: Hi Dr Cabral, I am slowly working my way through your podcast and have to say that they are life changing. They have actually replaced my music while I work out.  I learn so much each time. I am needing some guidance on where to begin. I am wanting to have some of your functional lab test performed at the beginning of the year but not sure which one to start with. I live a healthy lifestyle, work out 6 days a week with weights and hiit/Tabata, rarely eat out and buy all organic. The time I go to bed I am learning is far to late (between 12-1 am).  I have been having odd issues creep up over the last 2 years. I have developed a skin disorder called dermatographia, also called skin writing. Basically when I scratch an itch it gets really red and swells. I also have high cortisol levels (24 in the morning and around 21 at 5pm). My cortisol binding globulin is also high. I struggle with anxiety and have all my life. My fasting glucose is also a little high (around 100); however my a1c is normal at 5.1. Lastly, I have a sore in my nose that I cannot get to heal. My initial thought was pre diabetes, but I am not overweight and with my a1c being normal, I am stumped as to what is going on. I am a 33 yr old female, 5'7", 133 lbs. any insight would be greatly appreciated.   Thank you so much! 

Lance: Hi Dr, I work with people who have long-term illegal drug use in their past. My clients are in early recovery and I firmly believe that nutritional changes can prevent more negative consequences in their lives. I will be using your MM podcasts to uplift and help them set new goals for success. What type of nutritional changes would you initially suggest for people who have anywhere from 5 - 30 plus years of Methamphetamine use?

Denise: I have RA that I am trying to control with the AIP protrocal but after 2 years  of this I am still having problems. If I try the FOOD sensitivity  test would it show much when I have been on such a restricted diet . I HAVE severe brain fog and some hand joint inflammation and bad hair loss. Do you or your team have any advice for me. I recently  found your podcasts and love it. I hope you can help me. I HAVE SEEN 2 functional  medicine doctors that did a lot of testing but it did not help much. I went to someone who reads energy and she did help  some by adding sunflower oil that stopped the dehydration problem. Then adding B vitamin helped some brain dysfunction. Any help would be appreciated.  SINCERELY  DENISE 

Gary: Hi Dr. Cabral, My name is Gary from Philippines and I'm interested with your book - Rain Barrel Effect. Don't you have any paperback version of the book? I'm interested because I've believe in reversing ailments and my son was diagnosed with autism and I'm following GAPS diet for him and we're seeing improvements. Hope to hear from you. Regards, Gary

1,000th Question: Bree: Hi Dr. Cabral, My 3 year old son has had recurrent impetigo breakouts around his mouth. He was prescribed a topical antibiotic ointment which I put on the sores as soon as they start. It usually takes about 2 weeks for them to clear up. It just doesn't seem normal for him to be constantly getting these sores. There must be something wrong at a deeper level. He's generally healthy otherwise. No major health issues, typical 3 year old. He does have a terrible diet. He pretty much refuses to eat anything green. Sometimes I can get him to drink a smoothie but it has to be pretty mild for him to drink mostly fruit and a bit of spinach. I'm thinking my next step is to get the sores cultured....ugh! What are your thoughts?? Thank you SO much!!! 

Kevin: Hi Dr. Cabral, I was wondering if you could provide me with 2 nutrition books that most impacted you? I am going in the nutrition/fitness field and crave to learn more about the topic. Thank you, Kevin

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Jan 6, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows! 

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track! 

Check out today's questions:

Marina: Dr. Cabral & Team, before I start I'd just like to thank you for everything you do! You are such an incredible human being and you have inspired me to pursue my education in the medical field to HEAL and not just mask symptoms. I listen to your podcast everyday and have learned so much over the past year, you truly as remarkable and I wish the best for you and your practice. I am a 21, going on 22 year old female living in Southern California. I am currently studying at the University of California Irvine after transferring from a CC. I tend to be a very stressed person, maybe due to my perfectionist type A personality. Aside from striving for perfection in school, I also strive for perfection in my health. Over the past 2 years I have struggled with my eating behavior and body views. Sometimes I binge eat and have just developed a disordered relationship with food. I workout 4-5 times a week because i genuinely love it and for the most part eat pretty healthy, except when I overindulge, which is typically in processed, sweet foods such as bread, cookies, ice cream, cake. I've learned a ton about health and nutrition from your podcast and have tried to include as many health foods possible in my diet, again, except for the times i overeat or binge. The past 3 months have been pretty stressful for me, starting at a new school, moving away from home, trying to figure out my career and school plans, and on top of that dealing with my disordered eating and body issues. I'm usually irregular when it comes to my menstrual cycle but since starting school, I have not gotten my period since August, it is now December (3-4 months). I used to have mild acne 2 years ago, it cleared up and now, over the past 2 months, my acne has come back, mildly but i get constant breakouts primarily on my chin area, sides of checks, and sometimes on my forehead. My hair has been falling out a lot lately! It even feels extremely thinner than before and i have developed mild dandruff. I know this must have to do with stress and maybe what Im eating. Stress about school, my eating and body issues, and how I appraise those stressors. Foods i eat such as dairy (4-5 eggs weekly), sometimes milk derived foods (cookies, cake, ice cream). I know this is a lot f information and I plan on working with you to help me heal once I have some extra cash. If you could direct me to certain podcast episodes or give me advice on any of these issues, I would seriously appreciate it so so much. Thank you again for all that you do and all that you provide for us, your works and efforts do NOT go unnoticed. -Marina

Zoe: hi dr cabral, thank you for answering my previous wellness question - i am currently trying to take onboard your advice and make the necessary changes to my life and calm my nervous system down, eat a lower fat, higher carb diet and am looking to conduct some of the recommended tests soon. On a separate note, im thinking about going to India for 10 days - 2 weeks in the new year - id like to continue my wellness journey, and ive never been to india before - id like to learn about the culture, more of Ayurveda and perhaps the yoga and spiritual side. i realise that this is not strictly a wellness related question - but i wondered if you had any tips/suggestions where to go and what to do as its my first visit and id really appreciate your advice and your love of India and Ayurveda. Eventually id love to go to there for a longer stint, but right now, the max i can take is 2 weeks. Appreciate your thoughts as always, best, Zoe 

Tony: Hello Dr. Cabral, Thanks again for taking my question. As I write this I am about three weeks into the Cabral detox. In early November I spoke with Caitlin regarding my OAT and food sensitivity test results. I have been on point with the diet recommendations and the detox protocol. I decided to have testing done and do the detox to get to the root cause of Ménière’s disease which I have had for about two years. Overall, I am feeling a lot better in the mornings and throughout most of the day. However, around three or 4 o’clock each afternoon, I experience brain fog. It feels as if my brain is fatigued and cannot keep up and I sometimes deal with a slight dizziness as well. My OAT shows that I have low VMA, high HVA, extremely high Quinolinic acid, and really low 5-HIAA. One of my chief concerns in my results was the possibility of neural excitotoxicity, because of the potential long-term effects of it. Since I am three going on four weeks into this and still feeling the brain fog and slight dizziness for a portion of the day I was wondering what your recommendations for me are at this point. As far as Meniere’s cases in your practice, what is the average timetable for those who got better after addressing the root causes?

By the way, for those listening who are wondering about the detox and whether it really helps you lose weight or not, let me say that it definitely works. Weight loss was not my goal, especially since I am a hard gainer weightlifter, but I have lost over 15 pounds in the three weeks I’ve been doing this. I would say the product is effective. Thanks again. 

Tami: Hello Dr Cabral, I get recurring inflammation of my underarm glands from preteen years. I am currently in my early 30s. I have changed diets, recently started doing a natural detox, however it has reoccurred. When I was younger my tonsils would often get inflamed, however in my later teens this stopped and the inflammation moved to my underarms. I did a full blood test and urine, and all the results came back fine, of course lymphocytes were a bit on the high side, due to the inflammation at the time the blood test was done. I wanted to get a second opinion, on what might be triggering this and possible methods of treatment. Thank you for your time and response. - Tamilia

Elizabeth: Hi Dr Cabral, wondered what your thoughts are on Dr Patrick Flanagan's (Phi Sciences) Crystal Energy and/or MegaHydrate. I am currently using 'Cell Food' by NuScience and wondered if it's similar or if these things are even worth using? If I may also ask your thoughts on BioLive Gold liquid probiotic Thanks for such a great podcast, learning so much! Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Jan 5, 2018

Welcome back to our #FridayReview where I share the best of the week in terms of all things wellness, weight loss, anti-aging, and healthy living!

This week, I'll review the pile of books I read over New Year's, as well as what I'm currently studying more of and what I'm moving on from...

Today I'm also going to reveal some disturbing trends going on in the reporting of "scientific studies" that show the true hidden nature of the AMA...

And last, but certainly not least, each week going forward I'm going to be highlighting one of the "super hero" nutrients that your body needs to function at it's highest capacity...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 700 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 4, 2018

I got my start in the health field by working in gyms and "cutting my teeth" by helping clients transform their bodies through exercise...

However, what I quickly realized was that there wasn't a one-size-fits-all approach that I could use to template workouts no matter who walked through the door...

This discovery then led me to be able to look at and treat each client as an individual that needed specific guidelines in order to make sure that their workout was customized based on their needs...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 699 to find out what I discovered in terms of whether or not you can lose weight and get well without doing any exercise at all - Enjoy the show!

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