
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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Jul 13, 2017

If a drug were ever created that could reduce hearts by 60+% and any cause of death by 40%, every human would be taking it...

It would literally be the first 10 trillion dollar drug and be given out like a multi-vitamin to take daily...

The interesting thing is that this "drug" already does exist and a large-scale study was done over 2 years ago proving its efficacy, but I believe it's been kept under wraps for a number of reasons...

One of those reasons being that you don't need to go to your doctor for a prescription and it's actually a form of natural detoxification that only takes 19 minutes per day to produce those remarkable life-saving results...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 524 for all the research, details, and how you can reap these same benefits in your life - Enjoy the show!

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Jul 12, 2017

Let's face it, you're going to go out with friends, family, co-workers, or on a holiday and eat a few foods and drinks that maybe aren't the healthiest...

You know that they're not the best choices, but part of life is also enjoying a few meals out with good people and letting loose...

I lean more towards the belief that you'd actually be unhealthier not doing this...

And because of this, I created something my private clients have been calling the "One Day Reset" diet. It essentially resets your body to the previous levels of healthy inflammation, blood sugar, hormones, etc. 

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 523 where I explain the entire One Day Reset Diet and how you can download it for free today - Enjoy the show!

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Jul 11, 2017

Many people don't know this, but in ancient times (and still some places it's still practiced today) there was always a specific pre, peri, and postnatal plan.

The prenatal plan focused on preparing the woman's (and man's) body for conception, while the perinatal prescription was comprised of healthy living, eating, and other recommendations while pregnant...

And finally, detailed postnatal recommendations were given to ensure a healthy mom and baby after the birth...

These measures included detoxification protocols, rest, specific foods to eat, and much more. And, on today's #CabralConcept 522 we explore these fertility issues, as well as how to have the healthiest pregnancy possible - enjoy the show!

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Jul 10, 2017

I know it's easier said than done, but if you ever plan to be truly happy in life you're going to have to follow this time-tested advice...

While there's nothing inherently wrong with wanting others to like you, want to hang around with you, or think highly of you, it's important that it's for the right reasons...

You want to make sure that when others want to spend more time with you that it's because they enjoy being around the genuine YOU...

Remember, you can only fake it for so long before inside you start to become down, depressed, or feel like life has no meaning...

On today's #CabralConcept 521 we explore this topic of why you don't need the approval of others if you want to have a happy healthy life - Enjoy the show!

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Jul 9, 2017

We're back with our 2nd HouseCall of the weekend and I'm excited to share this brand new Q&A with you...

Let's get started!

Monique: Hi Dr. Cabral! Ive been loving learning about my own health from you, following my plan and listening to this amazing podcast, but now I'm curious about my moms! She was diagnosed with Crohns Disease around 2010 and had her small intestine removed and part of her large as well. She was very skinny then, she was very sick. She currently eats one full meal a day and maybe something else small, and has since gained weight back and is now just slighty overweight. She drinks coffee every morning, she loves veggies but finds that it causes her to go to the bathroom too much and eats carbs like potatoes, pasta, and bread to make it so she holds her bowel movements (she used to have accidents often). She is b-12 deficient and gets the shots every month, she is also slightly anemic. She within a last few years has also grown a large hernia on her stomach. Just wondering what advice I could give her to start living healthier and happier! Thank you so much for everything you share with all of us! Monique


Michael: Hi Dr. Cabral, I would appreciate to pick your brain on a question I have. Unfortunately, I just had my 3rd round of food poisoning in the last 6 months. The first one was from oysters, second from sketchy Mexican food at the airport, and third from some hot bar wings. My stomach has seemed to get a bit more sensitive and I am wondering if you have any protocols to follow after you get food poisoning and or any wisdom around how to get my gut feeling stronger after all these rounds of food poisoning. Thanks, Michael


Lindsay: Hi, I'm just wondering if food sensitivities change? For example I did the IGG test a year ago. Would it always show the same sensitivities and if not, why would this change over time? Thanks


Jennett: Hi DR. Cabral, I have been working our regularly doing a DVD called Body pump three days a week and walking at least 30-60 minutes 5-7 days a week. I eat fruits, veg and grass fed beef and organic chicken and occasionally fish (usually salmon, cod or halibut) when I can find a good source. I do have a sweet tooth but try to keep that to a cheat day and then dark chocolate with 80% or higher and usually only a couple times a week. I do drink coffee. I recently purchased bulletproof coffee to see if that makes a difference. No matter what I do, I cant seem to get rid of the cellulite on the front and back of my thighs/butt. I feel like I'm missing something.I'm 42 and weigh 135lb so I'm not overweight but I also feel like I have more un-toned muscle and could lose 5-10lb. I've hear about Keto diet that helps train your body to burn its fat as fuel. Would you suggest this being a good lifestyle to try? Do you have any suggestions as to why I cant seem to rid the cellulite or is there a supplement that helps eliminate those deep cell toxins that actually work? Is my workout routine lacking? Thanks so much for your help!


Danny: Hi Dr. Carbral! I'm a 4th yr medical student and aspiring functional medicine doctor, I have learned so much from your podcast and love tuning in everyday! In short: I have 4 homozygous polymorphisms of COMT, for which (if I'm not mistaken) I should supplement hydroxy B12 and avoid methyl B12 & methyl folate. I also have a heterozygous polymorphism of MTHFR (C677T) for which I should take methyl B12 & methyl folate. It seems like what is therapeutic for one problem is toxic for the other and vice versa. Hence my question, what should I do? Will supplementing with both hydroxy and methyl B12 'counteract' each other like 2 horses running in opposite directions? I also recently did your organic acids test and had a follow up call with Caitlin, which was really helpful! On my OAT, my quinolinic/serotonin ratio was high (9.0), and we concluded that this was due to low serotonin (.08) as my quinolinic level was .72. I know MTHFR is involved in the synthesis of serotonin (via tryptophan), could the lower serotonin level be due to this MTHFR mutation? I know this is pretty detailed stuff but I'm hope there are other ppl out there with both COMT and MTHFR polymorphisms who have had similar questions. Really appreciate you taking time to do these house calls and for the awesome podcast! Best, Danny


Deborah: Dr. Cabral, You are the coolest. Thank you for sharing info about health and wellness that will have long term impact for people around the world and for generations. I am very interested in holistic nutrition and want to begin the journey of becoming a nutritionist and figure out what I want to specialize in. Do you have any good books to get started with reading for that field? If you have any good starter books to get an idea of different specializations of natural health or natural health in general, I would appreciate it. Thank you.


Thank you for tuning in to another Cabral community Q&A and I look forward to chatting with you tomorrow on our Motivation & Monday show!

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Jul 8, 2017

Welcome back to the #CabralConcept and our weekend HouseCall shows!

This weekend we have some fantastic questions and I did my best to answer each an every one of them!

Monique: Being a wellness client of yours and seeing my own health transform makes me want to share that with me personal training clients, I just have a question for what you would recommend for one of my clients. My client is a women (24) who had surgery on her ear a few months ago, I believe something had burst in her ear or was about to, she was on bed rest for a couple weeks taking lots of antibiotics and other medications. She constantly gets sick when shes travels, I saw her this morning after flying out of state this weekend and she had said she lost her voice and couldn't breathe when she got off the plane, other times she has gotten a pneumonia. She is constantly stressed from full time school (which she just graduated so that stressor is gone for now) and full time managing a bank. We work on mediation and stretching, i've suggested natural calm before bed when she feels wired at night like she sometimes does. I see how this all connects from all i've learned from you, I just am not sure which protocol or test I should recommend to her and then what she can do moving forward! She also has been having trouble losing weight, she hasn't changed her diet very much (it is for the most part healthy) I was thinking about your ENT protocol, but again just want to see what your best recommendation is! Thank you for everything, love sharing what you've helped me with! Sharing all the knowledge with all my clients and everyone who talks to me about their health and just spreading the truth!


Johny: I noticed that part of the Dr. Cabral 7-Day Detox includes solid meals (not smoothies). I'm wondering if they are vegetarian, or if there is a vegetarian alternative? Thanks



Anon: Hi Dr. Cabral, I recently completed your 7-Day Detox protocol. After the first two days, I lost about 4 lbs, but my weight went up about 1 lb after incorporating food into the plan. Overall, I lost about 3 lbs on the plan, and I followed the protocol exactly as outlined. I'm seeing a Naturopathic doctor for hormonal issues and mentioned that I would be completing your detox plan for 7 days, and really wanted to invest in the 21 day plan, but was concerned about the amount of associated weight loss, since I don't need to lose that much weight. They stated that 1) I should be on a longer protocol, as 7 days is not going to be enough to address any of my underlying issues, and 2) I won't lose that much weight, because I eat better than the average person (plant-based vegetarian, little to no dairy, low sugar and so forth) and that your detox is primarily targeted for people who are relatively unhealthy and eat a standard american diet, so their weight loss will be more substantial. I do have about 10 lbs of weight that I would like to lose, as I've gained this amount in the last 2 years and have plateaued with my weight (don't gain or lose much with diet and exercise). Also, I exercise 3-4x per week, doing strength training and vigorous yoga. What are your thoughts? Could this be hormonal or because my diet is "clean" already? I'll also mention that the meal plans that are outlined in your detox protocol are what I eat in a typical day, including green smoothies, more fruit, big salads, some carbs and the occasional processed food. Many thanks!



Adam: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have been listening to your podcasts for about 6 months and can't say how grateful I am to you and your practice for all you've taught me. God bless you, your family and your practice and keep up the good work. My question is quite lengthy, so about 2.5 years ago I took a workout supplement called a pro-hormone(which was legal at the time) and that significantly increased my strength and size in my workouts, later I found out that this was basically a lower dose of legal steroids. I took this Throughout college about 3 times over the course of 3 years, each time being for about 1 month. I haven't taken anything of the sort in 2.5 years and recently about a year ago I got my blood tested and found my testosterone to be very low. I tested at 345 blood level testosterone serum in a range of 350/1100. I've been tested 3 times since August of 2016 and every test shows the same thing, low testosterone. I'm 27 and in great physical shape, I take your daily nutritional support, pro biotic, fish oil, berry smoothie every morning and vegetables at every meal along with organic/grass fed meat. I would say I have a very good diet. I excercise 5 times a week, have a low stress job/life and can't seem to understand why my body hasnt recovered. 2.5 months ago I did a tissue mineral analysis with my chiro, which indicated that a have low adrenal function and that my thyroid was being a little overworked. Since then I have been supplementing with Cataplex AC, Drenamin and Isagenix Ionic Supreme along with stretching/yoga 2-3 times per week, I still feel the same. I've been trying to fix this problem for over a year, I have very low sex drive and low energy at times and can find myself becoming depressed easier than I used too. Have you treated anyone in this situation before? Could I have caused permanent damage? Is there a natural fix or do you think I'll need to go on TRT at such a young age? What should I do, I want to live optimally and am ready to get this fixed. Thank you so much for your time, Adam.



Courtney: Hey Dr. Cabral! Long story short I have been dealing with sibo (methane dominant) for about a year now.. I have been on antibiotics and NOTHING seems to be working.. I have chronic bloating and discomfort whenever I eat anything…. I want to buy your candida protocol however im scared that it is not going to work like everything else I have tried.. I have spent so much money on medicines and doctor visit I just don’t want to try this and it fail for me.. If this does not work is there a money back guaranteed? I will do anything to stop bloating and be normal again.. Please help! 

Janice: Can you please do an episode on benefits of black seed oil?

Amanda: Im a holistic health practitioner and started my health journey about 3 years ago. Since then I have realized I have a sensitivity to gluten and dairy (often getting leaky gut even if I consume only a little) . I feel that as I go down this road of health, although I feel amazing, I feel very restricted in my habits, where my friends seem to eat the worst foods ever and don't have problems. Is this a natural cleansing process? Now that by body is so clean it cant tolerate the poisons I've been putting into it? Is there a reason why I react severely yet my friends seem to have no symptoms? Second topic is identifying resources: Where is the best place to get my information when I'm working on research to find the best information for my clients? I use nhbi often and try to look for medical studies, but it's so difficult to find good studies even that are backed by a bias or a funded study. Last question: I heard you say cooking in oil causes acne. Can you explain how that happens?


I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow on our 2nd edition of the HouseCalls!


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Jul 7, 2017

200 scientists and medical doctors joined together to express the dangers of the chemicals in antibacterial soap (and toothpaste!). The side effects from using these products can be worse than the benefits you're looking for...

Plus, on today's #FridayReview I'm going to share with you the best plants to keep away mosquitos, flies, and ticks - And, I'll also give you my personal recommendation for the natural bug & tick spray I use with my family (and on my French Bulldog!)...

Last, but certainly not least, I share one of the favorite massage tools my private clients enjoy using to give the soles of their feet a self-massage and relieve planter fasciitis pain...

Tune into #CabralConcept #518 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Jul 6, 2017

One of the amazing things about the human body is its ability to withstand the processed foods, beverages, polluted air, and other toxins we ask it to deal with...

Our liver, kidneys, skin, and lungs have a remarkable built-in detoxification mechanism that can allow us to stay healthy...

This is why no matter what symptoms you struggle with there is hope as long as you follow a specific health plan that takes advantage of your body's innate ability to heal...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 517 to understand how you can potentially use exercise to help detox your body - Enjoy the show!

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Jul 5, 2017

I'll always remember this quote that I heard when interning under an old school naturopath:

"The world doesn't need any more medical specialists - What we need are more generalists..."

What he meant by this wasn't that there isn't a time and place to see a specialist for a health condition, but the problem is many specialists aren't looking at the entire picture of how the whole body is interconnected...

This connection couldn't be more pronounced than the link between link between stress, infertility, and weight gain, yet most doctors and IVF specialists completely miss it...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 516 as I share with both men and women how to uncover the underlying root cause holding them back from improving their physical, mental, sexual, and emotional well-being - Enjoy the show!

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Jul 4, 2017

If you have increased intestinal permeability (aka "leaky gut") there are many ways to try to heal & seal the gut wall...

The problem is that there's really only one best way to do it...

Sure, you could use probiotics, fermented food, and bone broth, but those items simply do not work for the majority of people...

The reason is that although people get the foods and nutritional supplements right a lot of the time, what they miss is the correct order in which to implement them...

Unfortunately, the order you use your anti-bacterial/fungal herbal blends, biofilm disruptors, and probiotics is the key to whether or not your gut will ever fully heal (and seal up)...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 515 for the exact details on how I help my private wellness clients heal & seal their leaky gut issues - Enjoy the show!

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Jul 3, 2017

I've had the pleasure of working with some of the most successful people on the planet...

They represent philanthropists, CEOs, Billionaires, Hollywood celebrities, professional athletes, world champions, and many more...

And although I was the one teaching them about health, wellness, and body transformation, they were unknowingly sharing their success secrets with me at the same time...

On today's #CabralConcept 514 I'd like to now reveal to you the one thing all successful people do, so that you can begin to model that in your own life to get those same benefits - Enjoy the show!

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Jul 2, 2017

Welcome back to Day 2 of the Cabral #HouseCall podcasts!

We have more great questions to answer today from our community and I'm looking forward to getting started!

Lindsey: Hi I've been through some hormonal testing which has now put me on the supplements below. Please can you advise if I can take these supplements whilst I do the candida bacteria protocol. Please can you also advise if you can take other supplements like Maca Powder, acai powder, greens powder and flaxseed? Douglas Labs Ultra Preventive III w/ copper Douglas Labs B-Complex - Douglas Labs DHEA 25mg - Douglas Labs Glutathione Plus - Douglas Labs Zinc Picolinate (50mg) - Douglas Labs Ultra I-3-C –


Julie: Dear Dr. Cabral, my Dad got a stage 3 melanoma diagnosis a couple of weeks ago. The doctors removed the tumour and one lymph node with a 1mm metastasis. Now they want him to take interferone alpha for the next 18 months. Interferone has severe side effects like flu symptoms etc. From your naturopathic point of view is there anything we can do to ease the side effects? And do you have any additional suggestions to support his body and immune system in healing? Thank you so much for all you do to help people! Best regards, Julie


Dee: Hi Dr Cabral My husband and I finished your liver detox and are now on week 3 of the candida protocol. We had blood work done last week and got the results today. Our white blood cells are low. Besides cancer, what could be the cause of that? (We are getting another test in a few months to check count again) Also our vitamin D was low. We do have some of your should we be taking that along with candida protocol? Thanks for suggestions


Nikki: Hi there - I have tension headache symptoms but feel like it might be my TMJ. I'm sure you've answered this in the past so if you could direct me to the episodes to listen to, that would be great! I was having trouble locating it. Also, not necessary to read on your podcast but I just want to give a huge, THANK YOU! We have never met or spoken but I really do feel a genuine thoughtfulness and care from you and I'm so appreciative for this. I think many listeners probably feel this way and it's very special (and rare) to make that kind of connection. A million thank you's to you and your team...from the bottom of my healthy gut!



Sara: emf radiation - how important is it we acknowledge this, stay away from it. how can we stay safe and how can we help our bodies deal with it since impossible to avoid! Please explain the dangers of emf radiation as well. Shungite Bracelets help? Thank you!



Rebekah: Hello! I'm so grateful for this podcast! I've written in several times and appreciate every answer you've given me! What you're doing is truly amazing so thank you! I took an IgG food sensitivity test and found out that I am intolerant of a disturbing amount of foods, and very healthy foods such as sweet potatoes, mushrooms, beans, eggs, ginger, kale, collards, turmeric... just to name a few. I've had so many issue with my stomach and esophagus but never have issues with diarrhea or constipation. The main issues being nausea, reflux, indigestion, burping, and at its very worse, my left upper abdominal area will hurt so bad, swell and I will vomit for a full day. The pain in that area is worse than the actual vomiting at times. I'm staying away from acidic foods as well and eating large portions (anything more than a cup and a half) other wise I will get ill and have that pain. For the past 3 months I've had a whole foods organic smoothie every morning and the past 2 weeks I get really nauseous after the smoothie and I've had to stop drinking them. Between the IgG test and eliminating what I've had to based on the nausea and vomiting, I feel like i'll be eating cardboard in a month. What could this be?? Also I have purchased your all in one nutritional support powder and add it to my oatmeal in the morning since I'm so limited on what I can eat I know I need to get my nutrients in some how. Thank you so much in advanced.


Thank you for tuning into this weekend's HouseCall and I look forward to speaking with you again on tomorrow's Motivation & Mindset Monday!

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Jul 1, 2017

Hello and welcome to Day 1 of our weekend Cabral #HouseCalls!

I'm looking forward to answering more of our community's questions today and we have some great ones!

Here are today's topics:

Alex: Hello Dr Cabral! I was wondering if you've ever done an episode on adaptogens. I've been reading about them and wondering if they are worth investing in. If possible, could you go over their effects/pros/con/benefits for the body? If you've already covered them, let me know what episode, and I'll check it out. Thanks for all you do. Alex


Andy: Hi Dr. Cabral, Our son, 19, is having problems with his wisdom teeth. They recommend he has them extracted. He has a needle phobia and has syncope with all needles, injections, IV. The receptionist at the oral surgeon mentioned he may need nitrous oxide before they put in an IV. I've read nitrous oxide can be detrimental to ones health especially if the MTHFR snps is in play. We don't know that though. He recently did the hair, tissue, mineral analysis and organic acids tests through your clinic but those results could be 4-6 weeks away. He's generally in good health. Do you see any issues with using the gas? Thanks for your help! Andy 

Lindsay: Hi Dr Cabral! I came across your profile on Instagram , and as a certified Holistic Nutritionist I've been following you closely since. I absolutely agree and align my thought process with all that you educate on, so thank you for all you do. My question is regarding fluoride. I've received numerous questions on this topic regarding "should we choose a fluoride free toothpaste since there is conflicting information on fluoride in the talks of it being in our water, oral care ( toothpaste etc). " Thanks so much , appreciate you ! Lindsay


Alyssa: Hi, I have been experiencing digestive distress for the past 3-5 years. I am pretty certain that I am gluten intolerant, though I tested negative for Celiac (when I eat gluten, i experience symptoms such as significant bloat, belching, fatigue, sometimes nausea; when I eat gluten-free bread or meals, I feel OK). Additionally, I experience similar symptoms even when I am avoiding gluten. I've been to a couple different GI's, and one of which was helpful in the sense that he suggested I try a breath test for SIBO; I tested positive. And the test noted that I produce an overabundance of methane gas. My relief was through-the-roof: "I finally found out what is wrong with me!". However, I asked my doctor some follow-up questions and he left me feeling less relieved and a bit in the dark on some things. So, through some research and a friend's recommendation, I am reaching out to you in hope that you may have the answers to some questions or at least be able to provide some sort of guidance. - Do any foods trigger bacteria overgrowth or producing methane gas? - How can this be avoided in the future? - Once the 2 weeks pass and I get the bacteria out, would you suggest I immediately start taking probiotics to introduce good bacteria and build up the lining again? If so, do you suggest any probiotics' brand or type in particular? - I often experience fatigue. Do you believe this could be a direct effect of SIBO or consuming gluten if I'm gluten intolerant? My doctor told me that the recurrence is real and is about 50%; he is not able to identify if foods trigger the bacteria overgrowth or provide suggestions on how to perhaps avoid this in the future. He also cannot say if he recommends probiotic, based on conflicting evidence. Any insight you are able to offer is greatly appreciated! Best, Alyssa


Stephanie: Hello About 4 months ago I stopped eating gluten and dairy products and have gotten relief from many health issues and feel tremendously better. I feel silly asking this but one thing I noticed is that I no longer have issues with frequent urination/overactive bladder (was never officially diagnosed with this by a doctor but it was always an issue). I am just wondering if this could somehow be related? Thanks for any info you can provide! :) Stephanie


Christie: I stumbled across your podcast and man am I glad I did, your podcasts are inspiring and I finally have hope that one day I can just be normal! So thank you thank you for all that you do!! 6 years ago I had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy, after losing 120 pounds I got pregnant with my 3rd son. While pregnant with my son my ferritin levels were untraceable and I still struggle to keep those numbers up. I’ve struggled to keep my vitamin D levels up but I've struggled with that for over 15 years. I had an IUD in for 8 months and was so depressed that I was sucicidal, plus I gained 40lbs while on it. I had it removed and now I can’t get the 40lbs off (that was 2 years ago), but the depression is better. Also the week before my period (we call it shark week) I am insane my emotions are all over the place from depression to suddenly happy and inspired to angry and the only time I feel normal is when I'm on my period I feel great when I'm on my period but the weeks before and after are pretty scary. No matter how much I sleep, I still find it hard to get out of bed in the morning and I need a nap in order to finish functioning during the day. I have to exercise at night because after working out I have to go straight to bed and if I workout in the morning then I sleep all day. My doctor has tested my thyroid loads of times and TSH is 1.98 within the numbers I guess. My doctors say that I have “Adjustment Disorder” as well as exercise induced asthma and was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis in my low back at age 30 (6 years ago) but I refuse to be on medication for any of it, I just deal with the pain and go every week to the chiropractors for the pain (i won’t even take Tylenol) and try and avoid exercising outside so I don’t go into an asthma fit. Over the past 10 months I've been on 10 different antibiotics, I've had 2 root canals, 2 nasal infections, 2 vaginal bacterial infections, and pneumonia and am currently on an antibiotic. I just would like to know where you think I should start first, what test do you suggest I start with? My doctors just want to put me on medication and I want to fix the problems, not mask them and create more issues than I already have! Also several doctors just shrug me off and say “you’re normal” and just a tired mom of three boys but man I certainly don’t feel normal. Help please!

Thank you for tuning in today and we'll be back tomorrow with another HouseCall!

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Jun 30, 2017

We're back with another #FridayReview bringing you the very best of the week on all things wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging!

The first review is focused on a book that people love to hate! It discusses the many hidden symptoms of gluten-sensitivity and why you may be suffering from its effects...

Next up, I share some Functional Medicine lab data from my practice and let you know the scary results of how many people are truly vitamin D deficient - even in the summer time!

And finally, we wrap up with a full discussion on how much sun you really need, how do you know when you got enough, and what are some natural sunscreens that won't give you cancer...

Tune into #CabralConcept 511 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 29, 2017

I often get exercise questions asking if your workouts should change based on the "season?"

The reasoning behind the questions is typically around goal setting and how you should be training to develop your ideal physique...

Believe it or not, for over 100 years there has been a specific "cyclical training cycle" that has rotated with the seasons based on your yearly body transformation goals...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 510 to learn how you can change up your workouts to fit the season and make sure your body "peaks" at just the right time - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 28, 2017

Personally, I don't think it's realistic or even necessary to walk around everyday of your life at your ideal perfect goal weight, or body...

That would require that you exclude all of your favorite "cheat foods" on a weekly basis and that you're strictly adhering to an exercise program...

What I do believe is that we should all stay within 5-10 lbs maximum of our healthy goal weight, and then when desired we can easily lose that extra weight within a week or two...

This is a more relaxed, enjoyable, and realistic way to live in my opinion...

For details on how to lose that 5-10 lbs quickly before a big event, photo shoot, wedding, beach day, or vacation, tune into today's #CabralConcept 509 where I share with you my private client's Bathing Suit Body Diet plan - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 27, 2017

No matter what you may be currently suffering from, it almost always ties back to your gut health...

The reason for this is that 80% of your entire immune system lies inside and surrounding your approximately 28 feet of digestive tract (intestines)...

Plus, if your gut health is imbalanced you will not properly break down and assimilate your food - leading to malabsorption and nutrient deficiencies...

AND, if you have any increased intestinal permeability (a.k.a. "leaky gut") you will spill proteins, yeast, and bacteria into your bloodstream causing a host of issues (and symptoms)!

This is why it's so important to ensure you have proper gut health. I urge you to tune into today's #CabralConcept 508 to see if you have the very specific signs & symptoms of leaky gut - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 26, 2017

Until just a few hundred years ago it was vitally important that we looked out into the world with a comparative eye...

It would have often been life or death situations, and therefore, crucial that we would be constantly judging and comparing ourselves to our environment...

The issue is that in 2017 we're still stuck with this "compare and contrast" mentality - And that thought process is causing massive anxiety, depression, poor self-image, and a competitive non-stop lifestyle...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 507 for all the details on why you should never compare yourself to others and what to do instead - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 25, 2017

I hope you're enjoying the weekend and thank you for tuning back into this weekend's Part 2 of the Cabral #HouseCall!

Today's community questions are:

Tanya: ill be quick! a couple food questions: -black garlic good health benefit? Tastes amazing -is there an anti-acne diet? -do nut butters contribute to acne? already cut out dairy, eggs, gluten and still have acne (35 years old using retin-a) - portion control - are their easy ways to remember portion sizes, like size of fist, finger, etc? (not cups or ounces which are harder to visualize) thank oyu


Anonymous: Dear Dr. Cabral, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the work that you and your team are doing. I can’t thank you enough for the positive impact you have had on my life, which is carrying over to my family’s life as well. My 16 year old son now starts his day with your “Blue Crush” smoothie, instead of a sugar filled yogurt! A little history regarding my question: I am 45 year old female, diagnosed with SIBO in May 2015, then Candida in October 2016. I recently completed your Candida protocol and am feeling better. However, I don’t feel that I am at my best health. I am still showing various symptoms, such as brain fog, low energy (tired for a majority of the day), low libido, difficulty relaxing my mind, some bloating and occasional foul smelling gas after eating, and constant stuffed up nose. Last year I was diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, and now I have it again. I typically eat very healthy, the Dr. Cabral Detox is my typical way of eating. I exercise regularly with yoga, walking, a little bit of running and strength training. I have a limited meditation practice. I have been overly stressed about the past 6 months though. I continue to add wellness practices to my routine. However, I am feeling of balance, and would like to hear what avenue you might suggest that I look into next to continue my healing journey. Thanks again for all you do! Love your podcast and refer it often, as well as your Instagram.


CC: Hi Stephen, I wondered if you are you familiar with or better yet, have taken Shilajit? I was reading about the ancient herbal ayurvedic substance to balance hormone levels and reduce fatigue then realised it had a whole wealth of benefits due to all it's vitamins and minerals but apparently there are a lot of low-grade imitations and even genuine shilajit can be contaminated with fillers? I purchase Jing Herbs.


Taylor: Hi Dr. Cabral, For the last 4 years I have noticed my eyes doing something interesting. My pupils alternate sizes. At random times one will be significantly larger than the other and they alternate all day long on and off. Both seem dilate fine as I've had them checked out with my yearly eye appointment. It is something that has concerned me but I don't have headaches or any other symptoms that I feel may correlate. Do you know anything about this? I would love to know any knowledge you may have around this symptom. Thanks, Taylor 


Anon: Hello doctor! About 8 months ago I ate Taco Bell (...I know gross but Health wasn't a concern for me at that time). Less than 30 minutes later I got sick with nausea/vomiting and since then my digestive system has not been the same. I had the worst heartburn I never knew existed for about 2 months after just about daily. I was given omeprazole but stopped taking it after two weeks because it made me really nauseous so I turned to Rolaids/tums/pepto for a couple of months just about daily as well. Then I started with overwhelming anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and couldn't eat but about 10 different foods. Saw a naturopath and did a clean guy protocol and was back on my feet after about 3.5 months. The question I have is one thing that keeps reoccurring are episodes of gastroenteritis. Three times in these past 8 months I've gotten what I believe to be food poisoning. It usually starts less than an hour after I eat. I'll get painful upper abdominal cramps right under the left rib area and usually will start vomiting 2 hours after. Vomiting never last longer than 20hrs or so. Is this a bad coincidence or are there some questions I need to start asking. Now I eat a good diet of mostly whole organic foods but will occasionally snack on junk foods maybe once a week. My naturopath had ordered me a functional medicine stool test that looks for things that a normal stool test doesn't but I'm really want a second opinion.

I hope you enjoyed this weekend's community Q&A and all the tips added in along the way!

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Jun 24, 2017

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral #HouseCalls!

We have some amazing questions this weekend starting with these 6 community questions today:

Emily: Hi Dr Cabral, I need to get all four of my wisdom teeth extracted in a month. What can I do before and after surgery to help me heal faster and detox from the anesthesia? Thanks!


MariEllen: I went to the doctor for trouble swallowing. Got tested for my thyroid and had an ultrasound and all was okay. They want me to go to a GI for maybe an esophagus issue, but I have gone to so many doctors I don't want to waste any more money or time. I often feel the need to burp. Could this just be acid reflux? And I am not interested in taking a prescription, is there any thing else I can take for this? Hi doctor Cabral, I have written in previously a week ago and have done some research with your help. You have not answered my question yet and I know you guys generally have a few weeks lag and it's no problem but I have been thinking... would I be wasting my time doing the candida bacteria overgrowth protocol if I am currently on birth control? I am getting married in three months and the last time I tried to get off birth control, my entire back broke out and I can't have that happen seeing as my back will be showing in my wedding dress. I kind of have tried to cross out everything else that is wrong with me.. is there a connection between candida and a hormone imbalance as well? Thank you!


MariEllen: Dr Cabral, you are amazing and I feel like I have made more progress with my health with listening to you daily than any conventional medicine I have tried. I just got back blood tests and an ultrasound on my thyroid. Everything came back ok. I believe my symptoms to be adrenal fatigue and no one seems to agree. I have been on birth control for far too long and hate what it does to me. I noticed when I stopped taking it for a short amount of time I slept a lot better but am back on it for my acne apparently. My cystic acne has yet to go away for good. I am still suffering from it. My symptoms are hard time falling asleep, irritable, snappy, anxiety, overwhelmed quickly, dry skin, frequent urination, purple nails and poor circulation to hands and feet, no sex drive, neck pain, trouble swallowing, cravings for sweets, extreme headaches, mind never stops racing, constantly worrying, startle extremely easily, grinding/clenching my teeth, lack of taste/smell, extreme hunger, burning and aching eyes, always cold, no motivation, dry and itchy scalp and oily hair and lighter periods as well as trouble swallowing and ear aches. I know you have a test for this, but I can't find room for it in my budget this second and just want to feel better. I feel confident in saying I have adrenal fatigue, but want your advice. I also wanted to just get off birth control completely and keep telling my OBGYN that my cystic acne has got to be hormonal and no one will believe me. I want to take natural supplements to help me get back to myself and don't want coming off birth control to be a complete disaster either but I don't want to take birth control anymore. I also have your candida protocol that I will hopefully be starting next week.. Thank you 


Jess: Hi Dr. Cabral, I recently completed the Candida and Bacterial cleanse protocol and feel amazing! I have significantly less bloating and love the results! I have learned so much about my body and how food affects it. I noticed that during the protocol my white clumpy vaginal discharge went away (I frequently got yeast infections), however some of the discharge is back now that I am off the protocol. I do sometimes get some foul smelling gas after meals as well. I am in the health professional field, followed the specific shopping list you provided and did my best to stay satiated on the meal plan. I did lose some weight that I am now trying to slowly gain back because I have not gotten my period the last two months. I am wondering if this white ( somewhat clumpy) discharge is normal. There is no itching like before. Any input or recommendations on gaining weight back without causing increased Candida growth would be so helpful! I started the gut rebuilding protocol but if you have other suggestions for another supplement to take to avoid Candida/ bacteria overgrowth again / ensure it is all gone that helpful as well! Thanks for everything that you do, I appreciate all of your time and commitment! Jess


Carla: Hi Dr. Cabral, I believe I have a staph infection on my arms and I was wondering the best way to treat it myself? I know that they can become very serious but I'd like to avoid going to a Doctor and being given antibiotics. I've been applying turmeric poultices for 2 days to two small open wounds on my arms but haven't noticed much of a difference. Is there anything else I can do? Also what can I do to prevent it in the future? I do a martial art where I come in direct contact with other people (Brazilian jiu jitsu). Thank you so much for the work you do! Carla


Lauren: Hi Stephen, I recently got an alarming amount of marks that look like welts/hives/bites etc all throughout my body. It began as very itchy (including my scalp) as if i had a bug on me. Then within 2 days throughout the day I kept developing more welt like marks that are very itchy mostly on my torso area; however a few on my forehead near my scalp. I haven't used any new products and I am very conscious of using Fragrance-free products as I used to have eczema and have generally sensitive to dry skin. I went to a walk-in clinic, and the doctor insisted it wasn't bug bites but that it was something called pityriasis rosea. After looking at the symptoms of that, I have no similarities nor do my marks look anything like that as mine resemble mosquito bites. thus, i am stumped and worried it could be auto-immune related or something like scabies etc. Last week, i felt weird tingling in my left foot near my ankle as if the sense of touch felt different on that ankle compared to the right side. Just thinking if any of this could be related. I eat generally well and try to eat organic as best as I can but, I am not perfect & could be better. What route do you suggest I take in regards to the above? I wish I lived in boston to come visit you! thanks in advance!!

Thanks for tuning and be sure to come back tomorrow where we answer more of our community questions!

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Jun 23, 2017

We're back with another #FridayReview bringing you the very best of my favorite wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging products from the week!

Today, I'm sharing some new #blueblocker UV based research, as well as a more stylish pair of cortisol managing shades.

Next up, I'm reviewing two products that we have in our fitness studio to help clients use a self-massage technique to open up tight muscles in their hips and back…

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 504 for all the details – Enjoy the show!

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Jun 22, 2017

A few years back barefoot training (not wearing shoes while working out or running) began to catch fire all over the world...

And while there are many pros to not wearing shoes while running I explained back on episode 103 that just switching to barefoot running can be potentially very harmful...

Today though, I'd like to share with you the top 7 benefits I see to working out (resistance training/classes) without shoes. I'll also share some tips we use in my practice to help people get the most out of this type of training...

Tune into #CabralConcept 503 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 21, 2017

Most people are aware of the normal food allergy and sensitivity reactions such as skin rashes, hives, or at worst anaphylaxis...

But did you know that there are quite a number of other food sensitivity reactions that are a bit more hidden...

The reason I say that is because these reactions can happen days later or show up as symptoms that may seem completely unrelated to the foods you ate...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 502 for the 5 "sneaky" food sensitivity symptoms that you may not be aware of - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 20, 2017

Anxiety and mood disorders affect more than 40 million people in just the US alone...

Anxiety, OCD, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety, Depression and PTSD are both mental and physical health issues that can hold you back from reaching your full potential in life...

My goal is to make sure you don't have to live with these debilitating issues your entire life and cannabinoids are one example of plant-based healing modalities that has shown a lot of promise...

On today's #CabralConcept 501 I'm going to share the science with you in a very approachable way so that you can begin to understand how CBDs can be used to calm the mind and body so that you can feel free and alive again - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 19, 2017

Without a doubt the hardest part about taking action on our new goal or dream is that we have to start back again at ground zero...

This can be intimidating to think that you may have to leave your current comfort zone and go after a new career, relationship, body transformation, or wellness goal for the "first time" again...

The good news is that starting from scratch can often times be a blessing - It allows us to wipe the slate clean and start fresh... And, it can actually be a huge source of motivation and excitement when done right!

Join me on today's celebratory #CabralConcept 500 as we outline where to start and how not to get overwhelmed as you begin your new journey - Enjoy the show!

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