Welcome back to the 2nd edition of this weekend's Cabral #HouseCall!
I'm looking forward to answering our community's questions and we have some amazing ones today, so let's get started!
Rebekah: Hi doc! Is it scientifically to proved that the soles of your feet can absorb particularly oils for medicinal benefits. Someone told me that if I rubbed cilantro essential oil on my soles I could get the detoxifying effects of the cilantro just by my feet absorbing it. Also, I'd love to know your opinion or vaccines if you don't already have a podcast of them. Thanks for all you do, you have a big heart!
Jennifer: Hello Doctor! If you have SIBO AND candida AND PARASITES what should you do first? Also, I heard you say no garlic for sibo but garlic is in all the intestinal parasite methods/supplements and it supposed to be great at killing them..... Lastly is it smart to take glutamine at night before bed daily as part of maintenance? I do feel gassy when I take garlic, but I will do anything to get rid of the parasites. Please advise/help thank you J
Shahna: Dr. Cabral, enjoying everything I hear and continue to be grateful for the information and passion you convey. So excited for your book. Two-parter question, if you are able and willing... 1) what is your opinion on magnets and negative ion bracelet such as ion loop. They also have a watch. Hype? Legit? 2) Could you please direct me to the show for help with Lyme's disease for my husband? I thought he was improving without a rash of antibiotic treatment, the typical treatment, but I am getting worried as he occasionally says he feels achiness radiate throughout his body, not centralized. Thank you for your energy and passion. Most sincerely, SHAH - nah
Tom: Hello Dr. Cabral I'm just following up with my question from instagram: Does CBD oil have any anti candida/bacterial overgrowth properties? Thanks!
Anon: Hi Stephen, Love your podcast and the amount of knowledge you have and share! I am a 27 year-old health-conscious Muslim female in Toronto, Canada and am going to be fasting for Ramadan starting May 26, 2017 (4:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. approximately - 16 hours) for a month for religious purposes (which are ultimately for optimal health and spiritual wellbeing). What do you recommend I eat during this time (and anything else you recommend) so that I have enough energy to last through the day at work, avoid brain fog and lose body fat without losing muscle mass? I am not sure if you are familiar, but I cannot eat or drink anything (including water) during the times stated so I want to fuel well during the times I can eat/drink and I am planning to workout (slowly lift weights/resistance train) 3 times a week during the day to retain muscle and get some exercise. Thank you in advance!
Ewa: Hello, our good friend got cirrhosis of the liver due to medication and alcohol. He have had almost all the known symptoms since last summer and just now going thro major back surgery, fusing last 5 discs they found out about his liver. Just heard your natural detox pod- thanks, what else do you recommend in this case? So appreciate your view on health and healing !! Thanks for everything you do! Ewa
Jen: Hi Dr. Cabral, Love, love, love your podcast!! Thank you for all the awesome information you share each day!! I've been interested in my own health and wellness for a while, although I fell 'offtrack' a bit while dealing with all the life changes and busyness associated with getting married and moving, but I'm now back to making my health (and my new husband's) a priority. One thing I've always wondered is how am I supposed to consume *all* of the healthy foods during the course of a day/week/month? If I regularly ate everything which has been found to be good for my health, I think I'd not only be eating all of the time, but I'd also get to be as big as a house! Ha! For instance, we all know certain nuts provide certain nutrients and health benefits, but we all also know nuts tend to be high in calories. I'm not a member of the 'all calories are the same' camp, but I do know that for me too many calories each week will make me gain weight over time, regardless of how much I workout. Even if we completely eliminate all grains from our diet (we try our best) eating avocados, nuts, lean grassfed meats, lots of veggies, leafy greens, flax and chia seeds, the list of healthy foods goes on and on, can become overwhelming on a daily/weekly basis. Do you have any suggestions for how best to prioritize quantity and frequency when it comes to healthy foods? Your recent podcast about how/when to take vitamins & supplements was very helpful. Perhaps you have a similar podcast related to foods? Thanks in advance for your guidance! Your willingness to share your knowledge is a blessing to many!
Thank you for joining this weekend's Q&A and I hope you enjoyed all the tips added in along the way!
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