Today is our #FridayReview and I'm going to share with you how to save your money and spot a scam artist or fraud from a mile away...
Plus, you'll find out one of the books I recommend many of the personal trainers and nutritionists on my team read...
And, I share with you the simplest way to find recipes, exercise, and much more - all for free!
Enjoy today's #CabralConcept show!
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Show Notes:
See all the Show Notes, Links & Recommendations at:
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* (MAY) Listener Only Thank You Offer! *
Thank you again for your support of the Cabral Concept – I couldn’t do it without you! And as a thank you this month in May I’m offering free shipping on the Equilibrium Nutrition Daily Meal Replacement Shake (use it for your smoothies or shakes).
Quite simply it is the easiest way to get every vitamin, mineral, electrolyte, and generous dose of antioxidants to keep your body health and strong. And it contains a rice/pea vegan protein as well as enough healthy fiber to keep you feeling satisfied.
It’s the #1 thing my private clients use each and every day to get well, stay well, and achieve their ideal body and I want the same for you…
So while supplies last in May I’m offering free shipping on all 1 month of more orders in the US, Canada and the UK! Simply go to “” and enter “freeshipping” all one work and lowercase at checkout.
Enter Promo Code at Checkout: freeshipping
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Get Your Questioned Answered!
Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:
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