Goals are a funny thing. We all have them and we want to strive for more out of life, but we don't always want to do the work required to get there...
Part of it is that we can get too comfortable with where we are right now even if it's not a good place. The reason is that it's become routine and although not where we want to be we at least know this familiar ground...
And let's face it, to get to that next level in life we're going to have to change. Something needs to be different in order to get a different result...
A lot of the time too, many of us know what needs to be done to make that change to get that new result, but we're not always willing to make that trade. Tune into today's #CabralConcept 395 to find out how to do what you don't want to in order to get ahead - Enjoy the show!
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