If you have increased intestinal permeability (aka "leaky gut") there are many ways to try to heal & seal the gut wall...
The problem is that there's really only one best way to do it...
Sure, you could use probiotics, fermented food, and bone broth, but those items simply do not work for the majority of people...
The reason is that although people get the foods and nutritional supplements right a lot of the time, what they miss is the correct order in which to implement them...
Unfortunately, the order you use your anti-bacterial/fungal herbal blends, biofilm disruptors, and probiotics is the key to whether or not your gut will ever fully heal (and seal up)...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 515 for the exact details on how I help my private wellness clients heal & seal their leaky gut issues - Enjoy the show!
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