Welcome back to our first Cabral #HouseCall of the weekend where we're answering our community's questions on all things wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging!
Here is today's Q&A:
Lisa: First I want to thank you for all the amazing knowledge you share for FREE! You are a one of a kind type of doctor. I follow you on Instagram and now have many friends following you as well. I'm finally all caught up with you podcast....LOVE the ALL! You mention that you listen to Joe Rogan’s podcast and I do as well. He had Mr. XXXX on his show about the Keto diet. Mark is clearly in amazing shape and definately does not look 63 yrs old. My question is, Is a Keto Diet safe and healthy? I have worked with a doctor like you to help heal my daughters Tourettes and OCD and Im obsessed with nutrition. I am a Raw Vegan and I feel my body healing. My husband wants to eat lots of meat like Mark and Im concerned cuz of all the research about meat and cancer. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Ellen: Dr Cabral, Is it ok to take the Ascorbic Acid powder I received if I have crystal oxalate kidney stones? I have read differing opinions on it and just want to be sure before I take it. Thank you!
Chris: Hey Dr. Cabral, I love your podcast and all the great content you give your listeners. I was wondering what you thought about Soil Based Organisms. I have been taking care of my gut repopulating it with lacto and bifido probiotics for several months with great progress after a long period of antibiotic use which lead to parasites and candida overgrowth. I Just tried taking the SBO supplement Prescript Assist and became instantly constipated, and started to develop bloating, belching, and heartburn as well as gut lining irritation. I stopped because I was worried it was not for me. Is that the case or is it just a normal reaction to introducing the microbiome to completely new kinds of bacterial species. Thanks!
Annie: Hi! I'm about to embark of IVF and I'm worried about all the hormones etc in my body. Do you have anything you can suggest for me to do before or after to aid in getting my body back to normal etc? Thanks!
Jane: Dr Cabral, do you think switching to a Ketogenic way of eating could help my boyfriend with his erectile dysfunction caused by type 2 diabetes? He is 51. Thank you, Jane
Marielle: Thanks for sharing so much great information with all of us. This problem comes and goes, but I have realized my frequency and urgency to urinate is out of this world sometimes. I've gone to doctors and even been on overactive bladder medications. If I drink enough water it happens, when I don't drink enough, it still happens. Especially when I am trying to fall asleep I have a hard time just feeling like I have to try to go maybe three or four times before I actually can fall asleep. What do you think could be the cause of this?
Thank you for tuning into today's show and I look forward to bringing you another Cabral #HouseCall tomorrow!
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