Welcome back to our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!
We have some amazing questions lined up for you today, so let's get started:
Amanda: Hi Dr. Cabral. Love the show. Last September I switched birth control contraceptives. I had been on the pill for about 10 years. I switched to the cooper IUD (paragard). I've had spotting almost every single month since the switch. I was told this was normal, however, I didn't expect it to last this long. Is there anything I can do to help stop the spotting?
Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral, is it fine to start taking probiotics after a few weeks of a decent candida cleanse even if you are still experiencing candida symptoms, i.e. bloating, gas etc; is it usual to still experience the symptoms until you start on probiotics or should you completely wait or avoid probiotics until those symptoms are fully gone? I also wondered what your take is on the controversial probiotic Enterococcus faecalis (found in Threelac/Fivelac)? Learnt so much thanks for your amazing podcast!
Amanda: Hi Dr Cabral, I am a holistic nutritionist and love your show. Almost 5 months ago I ended up with leaky gut which led me to having perioral dermititis. My skin problems were really bad until I started Going on a leaky gut protocol; healing with bone broths, fermented foods, green juices and probiotics. Today I am much better but there is still a slight rash around my nose that hasn't totally gone away. Some days it's better than others. Do you have any experience of what could keep this lingering dermatitis? Is it bacteria or fungal? And any suggestions on a cure? Thanks for all that you do
Elizabeth: Hi Dr Cabral, similar to the CBD oil I was very intrigued on your 483 episode on CoQ10. I purchased a CoQ10 supplement & serum about a year ago from "MitoQ"; unfortunately I wasn't consistent with either but since your episode, I have looked back into them and noticed this supplement contains 5mg Mitoquinol and wondered how that compares to the supplements you suggested of 100mg Ubiquinol? I have read reviews for both and both seem to be very effective but the price range is quite significant. Thanks and awesome podcast!!
Tony: Hi Doctor Cabral, I am mid fight with my gf about microwaving food. I do not see the issue, she is telling me it disrupts the food on a cellular level and I just don't believe her. Is there truly any harm in microwaving your food for best health. Also, What makes GMO food GMO? I do not see gmo as hurtful, again my gf thinks otherwise, so we come to you! I do not see the harm in eating gmo plants since cross pollination is inherently natural. My gf believes its the seed that is corrupt and therefore needs more pesticides. it is all confusing to me. please help explain. Does gmo food truly connect to disease? Thank you!
Geena: I have been breaking out on the front of my neck and LOWER back and shoulders, and eyebrow area of my face. I have tried to learn about Chinese facial mapping and I think it points to a bad liver? Any ideas? The acne on my neck is the most troublesome and creates anxiety. thank you for your help and podcast, I am sure to spread the news you give.
Stephanie: Hello! I have extremely bad lower back pain the first 2 days of my period when it is the heaviest, any reason? I can't really work or do much on these days. I heard it is just normal and my doc just wants to put me on birth control, but I know better. Any advice? I am 32 years old an would like to have kids in the next couple years. Also since on the topic, is it true women get to "clean out their blood" through their period monthly, so it is really something we should look at as a good nuisance....? I also break out on my back the week before my period. normal? Thank you! Great show.
I hope you enjoyed today's Q&A and all the tips added in along the way!
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