I hope you enjoyed yesterday's first round of #HouseCalls and now we're back with 4 more of your questions today!
Enjoy the Q&A and all the tips added along the way - Let's get started:
Anonymous: Hi Stephen, how do you go about getting rid of mold based issues and what if you constantly live in a mold based environment? P.s. catching up on all the great podcasts noticed you changed the intro music, preferred the old one but as always great, great podcasts!! :)
Marie: Hello Dr. Cabral! I love your podcast and am so grateful for the way you share your knowledge so freely, as well as your heart to help people! I was wondering if you have read the new book, "Eat Wheat: A Scientific and Clinically-Proven Approach to Safely Bringing Wheat and Dairy Back Into Your Diet" by John Douillard? As someone who has been off of wheat and dairy for years now (and go to great measures to keep my 3 children and husband away from it as well), I was skeptical of the title. But after reading the summary and the many rave reviews on amazon, I feel inclined to read it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Thank you, Marie
Ava: Hi Stephen! Keep up the good work - I love your podcasts. Please can you tell me what podcasts you listen to and recommend? I'm interested to hear what inspires you as you inspire me! Thanks x
Susan: Hi, My 4 year old won't stop biting her nails to the point they are very sore. Please can you advise how I can help her? I've tried the stuff that tastes horrible but that didn't work, rewards etc. I don't know why she does it; usually when bored or nervous sometimes excited. Any advice would be most welcome! Thanks
Thank you for another great week and I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow on our "Motivation & Mindset Monday" show!
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