I know there's a lot of talk in the media and online about "Muscle Confusion" and how you should be changing up your workouts every time you exercise, but...
That type of mentality not only isn't scientifically validated, it will not lead to the greatest results in terms of body transformation, strength, or overall health...
Check out today's #CabralConcept 243 to discover how often you should be switching up your workout program for maximum results!
Enjoy the show!
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I think too much of the time we believe we don't know how to achieve our goals and that we lack the proper plan or guidance to get us there...
However, I believe that if you look back on your life you will see times when you did achieve success...
It is at those moments of success that we must look for what caused that result? Success leaves clues and today on the #Cabral Concept 242 I will show you what to look for, so that you can ensure your success for the future!
Enjoy the show!
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If you're suffering from digestive issues, bloating, fatigue, skin, headache, or autoimmune issues there is one thing you must clean up before anything else...
That one thing is finding out what the offending foods are that are causing the systemic inflammatory immune reaction creating the outward symptoms you are now experiencing as your "dis-ease."
You can use elimination, rotation, exclusion & other diets to pinpoint those foods, or complete a simple at-home food sensitivity test...
For details on how to complete this and begin the healing process tune into today's #CabralConcept 241. Enjoy the show!
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Some people seem to be born with strong willpower and a knack for easily sliding into healthy habits and sticking to them, while others trudge through day in and day out trying their hardest to stick with a plan...
The truth is though that everyone develops habits in the same way, it's just that not everyone is conscious of how they're doing it...
Today, on #CabralConcept 240 I'm going to break down the psychology and demystify how anyone can begin to develop a range of habits that will serve them and help them accomplish any goal they set for themselves!
Enjoy the show!
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We're wrapping up this week with our final community questions on everything from supplements, to cancer warnings, to choosing the right protein for you!
Here are today's specific questions:
Carla: Is collagen powder a good source of protein?
Carla: Is collagen protein good for sagging skin?
Lisa: Non-sweet protein powder recommendations?
Amelia: What is the Prop 65 Cancer & Birth Defect Warning?
Chad: Should I keep or throw out the silica packets in my supplement bottles?
Enjoy today's House Call and feel free to forward this podcast to anyone you believe it could help!
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We've got a great group of community questions lined up for this weekend and I'll be tackling the first 4 on today's #CabralHouseCall!
Here are our questions for the day:
1. Aimee: How do you get rid of chronic ear aches/infections?
2. Teresa: Should I still eat after my workout even if I don't finish until 9:30pm?
3. Elizabeth: How do you get rid of a distended stomach that is not caused by bloating?
4. Dee: Can you recommend a natural and vegan firming/anti-aging cream? Or a homemade recipe for one?
Enjoy the Q&A and all the tips along the way!
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