The interesting thing about goals is that almost anything can be achieved with enough time, persistence, and effort...
The issue is that many of our goals have inadequate timelines, which leaves us feeling overwhelmed and anxious every time we think about them...
The same holds true for any body transformation goals. You can literally change the shape of your body into any healthy form you're aiming for...
You just have to make sure you set specific and measurable markers with a realistic deadline attached to them. This then allows you to track your progress and course correct along the way as needed...
Check out today's #CabralConcept 426 for how to design your own "12 Weeks to Summer Shape Up Goal Setting" program - Enjoy the show!
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There's no doubt following a low-carb diet can work wonders (temporarily) for some health conditions as I've explained in the past...
The issue is that not everyone responds well to staying under 50-100g of carbohydrates per day...
And when that someone (maybe you) drops their carbs too low for too long their body begins to go into a protective, low metabolic state...
From a survival standpoint, this is a very good thing - But, from a body transformation and health perspective the results aren't going to make you very happy...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 425 for all the details on how Low Carb can equal Low Thyroid, which can then lead to "Hibernation Syndrome" - Enjoy the show!
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Edgar Cayce passed away a few years ago, but what he left us with was a treasure trove of natural remedies...
Those remedies are finally being studied and research has irrefutably acknowledged what ancient forms of medicine and Cayce recommended as effective healing therapies...
One of those therapies involves Castor Oil and the unique properties it holds in regards to reducing inflammation and balancing certain parts of the immune system...
Cayce described an ancient Ayurvedic heat pack therapy using Castor Oil, but he did it in a modern way...
As someone that's used this specific therapy and seen it work in my practice, I highly recommend checking out the precise formula to make your own Castor Oil pack at home for just a few dollars...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 424 as I explain how to use these special oil packs to decrease inflammation and pain - Enjoy the show!
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The interesting thing about life is that you really can have and be anything you want, but you first have to know what it is that you actually want...
And, maybe more importantly, you need to know who it is that you currently believe you are...
You see, we've all been conditioned to believe we can achieve certain things, but not others, or that we are a "certain type of person..."
This societal brainwashing causes a serious mental disconnect when it comes to the dreams and desires you have for yourself...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 423 for details on how to abandon your current dogmas in order to change your life's story so that you can live the life you've always wanted - Enjoy the show!
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We're back with our 2nd Cabral #HouseCall of the weekend!
And just like yesterday's Q&A we're going to be answering another round of community questions sent in by you, our listeners!
Here are today's questions:
Erika: Dr. Cabral - thanks so much for all of your podcasts. I can't wait to visit your practice in Boston sometime soon. I just had a terrible accident skiing, which involved an IV, ambulance ride, hours in the ER, and 48 hours of oxycodene. My X-rays show that I didn't break anything. I lost my footing going pretty fast in steep terrain on an alpine run and skied fast right into a tree with my left shin. I got an MRI this morning and have been told I have a grade 2 partial tear of my PCL, I also tore my knee capsule, and sprained my MCL. I haven't heard much on this on your podcasts, but was wondering... is there something I can start putting in my diet on a daily basis to help heal the partial tear? I'm really hoping not to have surgery... also what is the top thing you recommend for inflammation of this magnitude? I was a D1, and professional athlete- I work out multiple times a day and am very committed to my recovery. Thanks soooooo much for taking the time to answer my question! Staying positive and hopeful!! Erika
Elise: Hello Dr Cabral, I have struggled with anxiety to a certain degree my whole life. It has always been more separation anxiety until after I had my first son three years ago. Since then it has increasingly been changing and getting worse. I often struggle with leaving my "comfort bubble" which I have created in my home town. I say often because it doesn't always happen there are some situation where I can go somewhere and be totally fine. Then other times just trying to drive an hour away becomes extremely difficult/impossible. When the attacks happen it feels like a ball is in my stomach and the more the anxiety grows it feels like roots are growing through my gut. I long to be free and to be able to travel and take my sons places. But I don't exactly know where to start that doesn't involve being medicated. I would love to find a natural solution to actually bring healing to my body as a whole. I have been taking probiotics for years and have changed my diet a bit. I also just recently started taking omega-3 after reading that could help with anxiety. I am just at a loss I don't know where to start. If you have any advice on where to start or any suggestions on what type of blood tests/labs, supplements or diet changes I should look into I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much.
Debbie: Hello, I just recently found your podcasts and am loving them! Is it possible for you to send me the PDF downloads from episode #292? When I click on them they are expired. Thanks and keep up the great work! Debbie
Tom: Hi Dr. Cabral, I recently purchased the Prakriti book you had made a book review of in one of your earlier podcasts. After doing the test to figure out my constitution, I discovered that I'm a PItta with Vata as secondary. I also remember you had mentioned that you as well are Vata-PItta. My question is about nutrition. How strictly do you follow the nutritional guidelines Dr. Svoboda mentions? Do you follow a vata pacifying diet in winter and pitta pacifying in summer? I'm just finding it hard to follow this protocol. How strict should I be with this? Thank you!
Lauren: Hi Stephen, Thank you for your great podcast. It is my go-to. You may have already discussed Magnesium but, I was wondering if you had a preference. I have heard good things about Life Extension magnesium citrate and Pure magnesium Glycerite. I generally want to take magnesium for overall health as well as for my back pain and heart health. Can you please advise? Thanks
Wellness Catalyst: Love your posts and podcasts. My question is "Is a liver and gallstone flush necessary and if so what protocol do you recommend?" You probably already covered this but what protocol do you recommend for a child with severe eczema? Thanks for including that book review on Friday, great minds seem to enjoy similar things including books! Many blessings, your contributions are greatly appreciated-
Belinda: Hi Stephen, I just got back from India, Mysore where I have completed a month long 200h yoga teacher training. While it has been an amazing experience, I feel it has also left me broken. We had approximately 3-4h yoga per day which wasn't the problem but we were probably sitting cross legged at least 2h per day for meditation, pranayama, etc on the floor as well and on the last day we did 108 sun salutations (quite proud I managed to get through that). Anyway, my knees hurt really badly and my wrists hurt as well. Nothing is visibly swollen and I can walk and jump without pain. It's when I sit down or want to do sun salutations at home that there is this this point when I bend my knee that I have excruciating pain. Been given an oil by an ayurvedic doc which I use, but doesn't seem to cut it. The ayurvedic doc also said I should eat a lot of ghee to lubricate my joints as I am predominantly Vata +++ Kapha ++ Pitta +. This is all great and I do believe in Ayurveda, but I am worried that eating ghee and turmeric won't help. Another important thing to mention is that once my body seems to have warmed up i.e after 12 rounds of painful sun salutations, I'm fine, pain free and can then continue. Then it hurts again afterwards. I will give my body some rest, but also don't want to lose muscle memory. I would appreciate any advice you can give me. Thanks so much! Belinda
I hope you enjoyed this weekend's Q&A and all the tips added in along the way!
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This weekend on the Cabral #HouseCall we have our most questions ever answered over a 2-day period!
Our community’s questions have been piling up, so we’re catching up this weekend with some amazing Q&A – Enjoy the show!
Susan: Hi Dr. Cabral. I’m a rabid fan – and could probably spend most of this email heaping praise onto you, but I will get to the point because I know you are so very busy. My daughter has food sensitivities and we have been super diligent about removing the items we think are the cause. When we removed gluten her eczema was better. When we removed dairy her constipation improved. We don’t feed our children a lot of processed foods but the odd time when my daughter attends birthday parties and has a piece of cake etc her symptoms seem to explode. If she plays ringette her hands become raw…. She has only had antibiotics twice in her life (she’s 5) once was steroid eye drops as a result of cataract surgery. I am in the process of getting her food sensitivities tested. Is there anything else you might recommend? Thank you – your value to your profession cannot be measured.
Wendy: Dr. Cabral, I am a regular listener to your podcast and I love the education I’m getting every day! I am a certified holistic nutritionist in Wyoming. I eat 95 percent clean – no bread of any kind, no dairy, and no processed foods. I exercise 6 times per week for at least a half hour every day doing a combination of cardio and strength. However, I am about 15 pounds over my ideal weight and can’t seem to break this plateau. I recognize that part of my problem is that I have a food addiction – I eat when I’m not hungry, and even though I eat very healthy food, it’s more than my body needs. I go through periods of time when I’m more disciplined, but even then I can only manage to lose about 3-4 pounds and I plateau. Have you run across this scenario before, and what do you suggest that your patients do about it? Thank you again for all the fabulous tips you give in your podcasts! Oh, and for the record, I’m all in for the Training Thursday kettlebell challenge you talked about on the March 9 show – I’ll be starting that tomorrow!
Briana: Dear Dr. Cabral, I recently purchased your prenatal package. I am about ten weeks pregnant with number three, I lead a healthy life and do a lot of reasearch but still find myself confused when it comes to choosing the best for my babies! I have been a listener for about 6 months and have learned so much and come to value your opinion! That being said I wondered why there is no vitamin K in the orthomelecur prenatal. I didn’t think too much of it until I heard your recent podcast about the benefits of vitamin k. In my previous pregnancies I took Seeking Health’s prenatal which contains 100mcg. Do you feel supplemental vitamin k imoportant during pregnancy? You teased a pregnancy episode and I hope it is the works soon! Keep up the amazing work, it is truly a public service!
John: Hi Dr. Cabral, I love your show and listen to it when I’m in the car. I have a slightly raised, red, “rash” around my neck, collarbone, centre of my back, and it sometimes crawls up to my ears. It looks like several little circles about 1 cm in diameter. It’s not itchy and it doesn’t hurt. I went to the conventional doctor 3 times and they said I have tinea versicolor. I work in a hot & humid environment at least 5 days a week (I’m a chef). It flares up when my body temperature rises. I exercise regularly, eat mostly plant based, and have a strong immune system. I have taken an anti-fungal medication (pill and topical). My symptoms went away with the pill but not with the cream. I have done your detox (about 2 months ago) and have had a flare up since then. What do you recommend? Thank you, John
Tania: Hi Dr. Cabral, I love all your work so much. Thank you for sharing all that you do. I always share your podcasts with my friends and family. I have a question about my career path and would love your insight. I am a classically trained chef but have recently become extremely interested in health & wellness. Every day, I listen to podcasts and read books to further my knowledge. I have always believed that food is medicine and have been mostly plant-based for over a year. I am looking to further my education in the holistic/naturopathic space but don’t know where to start. I definitely want to continue cooking for a living but I want to have a strong foundation in health. I worry that I won’t be able to acquire the information that I need by going to a holistic nutrition school, and time is of the essence for me. I know you speak highly of your travels and have considered seeking practical work experience abroad (India, Sri Lanka, Europe). I appreciate any advice you may have. Thank you once again for all that you do. You are an inspiration. Tania
Maria: How does alopecia happen and is there a cure besides rogaine, which is not a cure. Never really heard about it till it happened to me. Thank you Dr. Cabral love your pod casts.
Daniel: First and foremost – thank you for your podcast and the wonderful information you share herein. I have a friend across the pond in London who has a four year old nephew struggling with nephrotic syndrome. We talk about leaky guy, but what can someone (specifically someone four years old) do to reverse a leaky kidney? Thank you for your help!
I hope you enjoyed the Q&A and join us tomorrow for another Cabral #HouseCall answering your questions!