
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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Now displaying: September, 2017
Sep 30, 2017

It's that time again! Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCalls where we answer our community's questions each and every week!

Here are today's Q&A topics:

Irene: Hello, I have type 2 diabetes. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago. A few days ago I ordered your Protocal package and I'm looking forward to start using it. I will also be doing the three day fast that I recently heard on one of your podcasts. My diabetes numbers average about 325 each morning. I am on Metformin and Glipizide. The doctors have tried other meds that got my numbers in the 180 range, but they made me very sick. When I eat healthy, my numbers average about 250 in the mornings. Right now I exercise doing Zumba for one hour, twice a week. What can I do immediately that can lower my numbers? Thank you for taking the time to answer this question.


Sally: Hi Dr. Cabral, thanks for taking the time to answer these questions! My issue- I have no trouble falling asleep but wake up multiple times a night- sometimes every 1.5. I don't feel low energy but I just want to be able to sleep the full night! And what makes it worse, is I'll wake up, go to the fridge and grab something small (even nuts or chocolate) and go back to bed. Therefore, I know I can't be doing the 12 hour fast each night and letting my body regenerate. If there are any tips you have to staying asleep throughout the night (I tried CALM before bed, tart cherries, yoga, limiting water before bed and nothing has helped), I would truly appreciate it.



Megan: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am a recent new listener and look forward to listening to your podcasts every day. Thank you for all that you do for this community. Your passion for medicine is incredibly inspiring and truly gives me hope I will feel well again. I am an intensive care RN and in graduate school to become a functional nurse practitioner. Similar to your story, I have pursued this career path partly because of my own health issues. I developed methane dominant SIBO 3 years ago during nursing school, a very stressful time, after years of birth control, minocycline for acne, and a recent bought of kidney stones. Other past medical history include chronic sinus infections as an undergraduate and an abnormal Pap smear. Since then I have taken 3 rounds of Xifaxin, worked with a nutritionist who advised me to eliminate FODMAPs, and followed a strict paleo diet for a year with moderate success. I am no where near as sick as I was but still suffer with occasional painful unpredictable gas, bloating and incomplete BM’s despite my seemingly perfect nutrition. I am currently working with a practitioner who ran labs that showed I was estrogen dominant with low T3, and vitamin D. My testosterone is also low. I am taking a probiotic, EPA/DHA, DHEA, a multi-vitamin, D3, and adaptogens for adrenal support. My practitioner doesn’t believe I have SIBO again but instead is treating my leaky gut with low-dose naltrexone. Since starting this therapy I feel better, but still not 100%. I have difficulty with word finding, low libido, staying asleep at night (side-effect of LDN?), I grind my teeth, and suffer each month with wild PMS and moderate anxiety. My practitioner believes the LDN will heal my gut but my question for you is can I be doing more to feel better faster? I started the Dr. Shulze’s intestinal cleanse hoping that will help also. I am 27 years old, getting married next year, and feel like a fraction of myself most days. I eat well, exercise and take care of myself. I am tired of feeling like everything I do, all the supplements I try, all the doctors I see, is useless. I want to get better and I am willing to do the work. What more can I do to finally feel well? Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to your next podcast. Megan


Cara: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you for always answering my questions. I tell EVERYONE I meet about your podcast! My daughter is almost 2 and since she started solids her breakfast has been mainly scrambled eggs, avocado and sometimes fruit. I had read to wait on giving them grains until they had their molars. I also just recently saw your oatmeal breakfast recipe and I'm curious what your thoughts are on grain and fruit food combining. Another very well known and versed holistic practitioner I've worked with said to never combine grains and fruit because they compete for digestion and result in fermentation. She also says "eat melon alone, or leave it alone." Thank you! 


Cara: Hi Dr. Cabral, We're flying to the east coast from the west coast in a month and we have an almost 2 year old that has flown twice. This time she will have her own seat because we're bringing the car seat. Since flying with a little one, I use a spray hand sanitizer and wipe down the arm rests, belt buckle, tray table and window to try and keep her from getting the plethora of germs that are left behind. Is this excessive, or smart since these areas are never cleaned? I usually add liquid echinacea and elderberry by Herb Pharm before traveling in addition to her daily spoonful of probiotic and camu camu. Any other recommendations, or traveling protocols you follow? I know some people who put a touch of tea tree oil right in their nose as a precaution. I can only imagine how I'm going to handle potty training and public toilets when we cross that bridge - hahaha! In gratitude, Cara



Elle: Hello! I was diagnosed with HSV-2 a little over 2 years ago and I am currently eradicating the virus from my body. I am slightly changing my protocol after listening to your recommendations on fighting the virus. I would like to know, how do I prevent the spreading of the virus to my partner? I have not been sexually active in fear of spreading the virus through viral shedding. What recommendations do you have while eradicating the virus? 


M: My mom is 85 and her body is strong and fit -- yet she has about 3 second recall and neurologist says dementia/Alzheimer's. she's been on namenda and arricept for 6 years. She also has glaucoma. She always lived a clean life with no alcohol and did yoga and took vitamins. Is there anything I can do now -- I give her a B 12 everyday? Should I have her tested for heavy metals? She lives in assisted living. Thanks for all you do!


Thank you for joining me today and I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow and answering more of our community's questions!

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Sep 29, 2017

We all know that food is our best medicine, but you may not know that certain foods have special qualities...

That means that certain foods possess innate attributes that can improve very specific health imbalances...

Every 4-6 months I try to add new foods into my diet that I purposely use as "supplements" in order to further improve different aspects of my health...

Tune into #CabralConcept 602 for my 5 favorite foods I'm supplementing with right now, and why... Enjoy the show!

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Sep 28, 2017

When it comes to exercise and working out the secret is always in the details...

This is one of the reasons why you'll often see some people exercising  half the time as others and getting better results from their workouts!

Training your abs and core is no different. You need to know how, when, and for how long to train that muscle group to get the best results...

tune into today's #CabralConcept 601 for all the details on when to work your abs - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 27, 2017

Last week I shared the 4 toxins that are toxic to your thyroid and inhibit it from functioning well...

Now I want to detail the 2 minerals that are missing from most people's diet that adversely affect their thyroid...

Unfortunately, these 2 minerals can also be blocked by the toxins I spoke about last week...

And, without these 2 minerals your body literally cannot make active thyroid hormone - Which means many of the thyroid drugs we're giving people are at best masking symptoms and at worst only contributing to the underlying problem...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 600 to discover the 2 missing minerals your thyroid needs to thrive - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 26, 2017

I almost made it to episode 600 without going on a full out rant about one of the most popular diet plans in the world right now!

But, I just couldn't hold back any longer and wanted to expose the truth about eating a high fat/low carb diet in the long-term...

Remember, just because something has merit in one area of science or weight loss, does not make it a viable long-term solution...

The body has to eventually adapt and when it does it can negatively affect stress hormones, digestion, immunity, and the microbiome...

Today, I'll briefly explain the downsides of imbalanced eating and also provide the differences with the 4 main food pyramids...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 599 for all the details on why following an "upside down" food pyramid may just make you worse off in the long-run - enjoy the show!

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Sep 25, 2017

Once I realized that accumulating knowledge wasn't enough to actually move forward and accomplish my goals, I began to look for ways to take action...

I studied the best. I tried to model their actions, tips and behaviors...

And, one of those strategies I can attest to that works exceptionally well is called the "90/90/1 Principle."

Although it's been stated in many different ways over the years, I like how Robin Sharma broke it down and crystalized it...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 598 for my personal take on how to use "Sharma's 90/90/1 Success Principle" to achieve your goals in life - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 24, 2017

Thank you for tuning back into our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I'm excited to share this week's community Q&A with you. Here are today's amazing questions:

Rose: I have a niece and a great niece that suffers from eczema very bad. They have looked to traditional medicine and natural path medicine to try and find a answer. They have went through the usual limitation diets, cleanses, And out of desperation have even used traditional drugs. At times they both have had some improvement but it always flairs up. My niece is a positive individual and will try almost anything but I noticed in the more recent month she seems a bit depressed about it and I think it is mostly because of her 5 year old daughter suffering so bad with it. Any suggestions. I would pay for the testing for them. Listen to your podcasts regularly. Thanks!


Lindsay: Hi, After a recent blood test it showed I had estrogen Dominace (due to excessive amounts of estrogens being produced, compounded by inadequate progesterone production) inadequate methylation of these estrogens, high adrogen production - with reduced DHEA and optimal cortisol rhythm, adequate cortisone and melatonin. I decided to start on DHEA, ID3 and progesterone cream but seem to have side effects; moody, tires, low libido, spots on neck, etc. So after 2 months I want to stop. Is there anything I can do to help the progesterone get back to normal rhythm? Without the hormones? I have had 2 children and spent many years before them on birth control. I don't use it now and the main reason for the hormone testing was I have low libido. Healthy, exercise daily, eat well etc. Thanks Dr Cabral for your insight- I share your podcast with everyone (even my boss at work yesterday) 


Cynthia: Hi Stephen, So blessed to listen to your podcasts daily, its the first thing i do when i wake up. I am 50 years old, have had low energy most of my life, never feel great, often bloated and can have brain fog often. However, other than some sugar, i have a fairly healthy diet, work out at the gym twice a week and maybe fit in yoga once a week. Ten years ago i started suffering from IC, and general inflammation (eight months ago my left SI joint twisted and currently have bursitis in left hip.) i am an ectomorph with thinning hair and nails. Recently had a food sensitivity test and found out i"m sensitive to dairy, nuts and some seafood. Also suffer immensely from allergies to pet dander, pollen and dust mites. I was taking twice weekly shots for that and currently taking allergy serum orally. Also, peri menopausal (still mensturate) and have been put on a low dose of PrometrIum. I travel many weeks out of the year and have suffered from travellers diarrhea of varying degrees. I'm very sensitive by nature, have social anxiety and prone to sadness from time to time. Have recently started using your daily support powder, and CBD oil when necessary. Thank you, thank you for everything you do, truly so grateful. Heading over now to leave a review. Most Sincerely, Cyn 


Jamie: Hi Dr Cabral, Loving your podcast.. It's my daily dose of healing inspiration. I have had migratory chronic pain for nearly 2 years. Started in Right shoulder, then moved to back, hamstrings and now focused in left hip. I have had every test under the sun (Inc OAT etc). No ANA, parasites, or 'western' diagnosed condition. Have tried different diets, low oxalate, low histamine, vegan.. low luck. I still eat a plant based diet as I feel this gives me more energy. I have high mercury and am currently chelating with DMPS. I have had 3 rounds and so far no improvement but no detox symptoms either which is good. I am using quicksilver binder. I can still surf (which keeps me sane) but being in pain all day everyday takes it toll. I meditate, use sauna, manage stress as best as able. Do you think mercury will be the answer? Do I just need to trust the process and give it more time? Integrative dr said 6 sessions and we will re-test. Was hoping to see improvement already.. but might take longer? Appreciate any advice..


Simone: About a week before my menstrual cycle starts, my appetite becomes absolutely insatiable. I crave all the bad carbs (pastries, fries, etc.) and can just never get enough. Is there anything that I can do to curb these cravings? I know that consuming so much junk food (even if I've been eating healthy for the rest of the month) isn't good for me.



Rebekah: Hello!! I'd like to know your thoughts about iridology. Is it true? Does it work? Many raw vegans claim that their eyes have changed colors after starting raw veganism. I always look at things with a healthy skepticism and I'd like to know if there is any science behind this. Thank you for all you do and I REALLY looking forward to your up coming book! I forgot to add this question to my last one about iridology. I had an endoscopy and showed I had gastritis and biopsies showed no h. pylori or other pathogens, only a small hiatal hernia. You always talk about peeling back the layers and asking why. Where would I go to find the answer to the question: why do I have gastritis? I did your 7 day detox and for the first time in almost a year I was reminded what it felt like to eat and not have ANY negative residual GI issues. This was an amazing experience for me and I plan on doing another 7 day detox. I am 27yo and never done a formal detox till yours. Could it be my toxic load is heavy? What else have you seen been the root cause of gastritis beside h.pylori. Thanks a million

Thank you for tuning into this week's Q&As and all the tips added in along the way!

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Sep 23, 2017

Welcome back to our 1st Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

Here are our community questions for today:

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral! Long time listener, first time caller! ;) My question is about raw foods & being a classic vata. I am a whole-foods vegan with very occasional dairy here & there. I am a classic vata... very small boned, always cold (I wear pants all summer in Phoenix), high anxiety, and frequent trouble digesting heavy or complicated foods/bloating/gas/lower abdominal pain/abdominal bloating to the point where I look a little pregnant by the end of the day even though my upper waist/stomach area stays very small. I am 36 years old, 2 kids, a normal weight (110 lbs/ 5'2") and have been stable at that weight for 15 years, other than a foray into paleo/high fat/keto, which was awful and made me instantly gain 5-10 pounds and feel like crap, but I lost the weight immediately when I went back to vegetarian/vegan. Whenever I go through a phase in my diet where I want to commit to taking my diet to the next level... staying completely gluten free, dairy free or even grain free, going raw or at least high raw, cutting out fats, juicing until dinner, eating pounds of cruciferous veggies to stave off basically everything bad in the world... my lower abdomen gets so swollen and bloated that I look pregnant. I end up with extremely low energy, gross burping that is the worst with raw lettuce, sharp gas pain that sometimes requires me to lay on my stomach and basically sleep it off, food cravings, and anxiety... even mild depression that actually goes away immediately when I eat something less "perfect" like a bowl of veggie soup in a sourdough bread bowl. I tell myself these are "cleansing" symptoms and I need to stick it out, but end up back at a more regular vegan diet after a while just to get my energy back & stop the bloating... still whole foods based, no weird fake meat, but more grains & cooked foods, soups, baked sweet potatoes, roasted veggies with olive oil, sourdough bread, etc. I find it sort of hard to believe I could still be having cleansing symptoms, as I did my first 5-day water fast in 2005 and have been cleansing ever since! Juice cleanses, colon cleanses, candida cleanses, parasite cleanses, colonics, enemas, liver flushes, you name it I've done it! When I'm not cleansing I'm always food combining & trying to drink as many green smoothies as possible (although they make me so cold it takes me a good hour to stop shivering.) I've been reading up on Ayurveda, and wondering now if perhaps a high-raw diet is just never going to work for a super-vata like me? Maybe I am supposed to be eating grains and soups and not this idealized perfect raw foods diet that's in my head? It looks like the vata pacifying diet is identical to my natural baseline diet, which coincidentally is the diet that makes me the least bloated. But I always feel like I should be eating more huge kale salads, raw veggies all the time, smoothies, fasts, etc because of all the living nutrients & enzymes & all of the things I read about. I also feel almost guilty when I eat wheat, because wheat is supposed to be the worst thing ever, even though it actually makes me 1000x less bloated than raw veggies. So basically: can I still be healthy & live to be 100 to play with my great-great grandkids on a vata-pacifying diet full of warm, cooked whole foods & grains instead of what I have pictured as the ideal health superfoods diet full of literally pounds & pounds of raw cruciferous veggies and smoothies? I feel like I need to hear reassurance from an expert on this. Any other tips on vata pacifying foods/lifestyle would be so appreciated! Thanks so much!!



Hayley: Hi Dr. Cabral! I have a quick question about saunas. I have heard that infrared sauna's are the best, but my gym only has a regular dry heat sauna. I've also heard that EMF's can be a concern. If I have to make a choice between the gym sauna which could have high EMF, or no sauna at all, which is the best choice? Thank you for all that you do! Your podcast is a daily staple in our house. The only bad thing about it is that our two parakeets freak out when they hear your voice and chirp loudly to drown you out. I guess they don't want to hear your healthy tips, hah!


Jill: Hello! Thank you for everything you do! I love your podcast! I have been on my health journey for the past year or so and I have a question regarding diet. What is your opinion on meat/fish consumption? I currently do eat meat/fish and it is all organic/pasture raised/wild-caught/etc. There has been so much debate on this topic and I'm honestly not sure what to believe any more. I would love if you could give me some guidance. Do you believe it is healthy? Does it depend on body type/genetics/etc.? Thank you so much!! 


Adrienne: Hi! I have heard that canned food is dead food. Do you agree? What about home canning? Thanks so much, love listening to your podcasts each day on my way to work!


Laura: I just discovered your podcast and I love it! It's hard to find health podcasts where there isn't some strong lean towards a very specific lifestyle. I find your information to be very useful and presented in a way that everyone can understand. My question is - I am a 44 year old female and I've had a higher heart rate for years now. However, it seems to be worse the past few months. It jumps up to 120 sometimes just upon standing and almost always runs close to 100 even when sitting doing nothing. I do have a history of autoimmune/connective tissue disease but I don't require medication at this time. I have had a tremendous amount of stress the last few years as I gave birth to my first and only child at age 41. Then my husband was diagnosed with AML (Leukemia) and had to have a stem cell transplant, my mother passed away and another grandmother had a stroke. I don't doubt I have adrenal fatigue although I haven't taken an official test yet. I'm at a loss as to what is causing the high heart rate. As of now, the stress in my life has lessened a great deal compared to the peak. I've had a history of low potassium as well. Where should I start in figuring this out? I went for a checkup with my MD and I'm not diabetic and thyroid panel was fine. However, I was slightly anemic and borderline low Vit D. Thank you for all you do!


Tom: Dr Cabral l do a lot of working out and have had some personal problems in the last year ! A lot of stress! My nipples have become tender which l believe is because of elevated estrogen levels. Do you agree? Is there any supplements you recommend? DIM? Could it also be low T or elevated cortisol levels? Great podcast ltd like going to college! Thank you so much Doc!


Thank you for tuning into today's #CabralConcept HouseCall and be sure to come back tomorrow where we answer more of our community's questions!

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Sep 22, 2017

Poor posture has far more to do than with just aesthetics or how you present yourself to the world...

The rounding of your shoulders, curving of your lower back, swaying of your hips, locking out of your knees, as well as other postural deviations can set you up for a host of health issues...

Pain, headaches, tension, and numbness are just a few of those symptoms associated with poor posture...

Today on the #CabralConcept 595 I'll detail all the symptoms of poor posture, what proper posture is, and how you can go about correcting these issues - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 21, 2017

Although I love all forms of exercise, some specific modalities do work better than others when it comes to increasing lifespan...

One way that I'm measuring aging in my Functional Medicine practice is through Telomere testing, which essentially tells you how quickly your body is breaking down...

Although some people get nervous about finding out their true "biological age," I believe it's a great thing to know...

Since knowing your biological age (not chronological) allows you a baseline as to how your current lifestyle is working for you...

And, if you happen to want to decrease your rate of aging, there are many factors to do so - with one of those being a specific form of exercise...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 594 to find out the one form of exercise that has been show to increase longevity - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 20, 2017

When it comes to healing your thyroid one of the issues that's often overlooked is toxicity...

This also goes well beyond leaky gut/intestinal permeability and has more to do with certain heavy metals that disrupt this delicate gland...

And if these specific heavy metals are high, they'll actually block your thyroid's ability to make activated thyroid hormone (T3)...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 593 for all the details on "The 4 Toxins that Slow Your Thyroid & Metabolism" - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 19, 2017

There are times when your health or weight loss issues can be quite complicated...

But more times than not, I've found that there can be just a couple of systems out of balance, which are holding you back from your goals...

For example, all of the different health issues on today's show all seem unrelated, but believe it or not, they could all be a symptom of one missing mineral...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 592 to see how many symptoms can all just different be different manifestations of the same imbalance and how to fix the list stated above - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 18, 2017

Have you ever wanted to just give it all up and just run away?

If you've ever felt this way, you're not alone - It happens to most of us more than we care to admit...

However, sometimes we misunderstand this feeling for what our deepest feelings are really trying to tells us...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 591 on why you don't need to escape or run away from it all and what those feelings really mean - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 17, 2017

Welcome back to this weekend's 2nd Cabral HouseCall!

I'm so happy to have you back and we have more amazing community questions to answer, so let's get started!

Paula: Hi doc. Very pleased with the info and insights discussed on your podcast. My question is in regards to chemotherapy. My father (61 yo) was diagnosed with a bladder tumor which was surgically removed 2 months ago. A week ago (without having fully recovered from the surgery and still using a catheter to urinate), he started a 6-cycle-long chemo protocol: Each cycle lasting 3 weeks with Gemcitabine 3x/cycle and Cisplatin 1x/cycle. Upon the first application of Cisplatin, the side effects were severe, ranging from headaches, to lack of appetite, weight loss, joint and back pain and constant nausea and brain fog. Needless to say, he dreads continuing treatment and has been following a low-carb diet when he does eat. We would like for him to go full-on ketogenic (based of Dr. Seifried's work) and compliment with other therapies. However, an alternative doc has advised us against STOPPING CHEMO and suggested we finish the 4-month-long treatment and then opt for other alternatives. We want to hear your take on this. Should he continue chemo given all those side effects? Or should we go the full-on functional route? Thanks a lot (I know this is a question with a long background info)


Jenett: Hi Dr. Cabral My question is regarding my four year old daughter. Her tongue has a white coating but I can see the red tastebuds through it like dots all over. She also has off and on itching in her vaginal area. I thought it was from her not wiping the area very well after peeing. I'm wondering if this is candida? If so, how do I treat it? Thank you for all you do! Jenett


Kristen: Hi Dr. Cabral, I've been listening to your podcast for about a year now and have learned so much in multiple areas thanks to your breadth of knowledge and desire to continue learning and educating others. As a Registered Dietitian, I'm also constantly trying to stay up on research but appreciate the more functional approach to medicine and have also gotten a health coaching certification so I can approach wellness a bit differently with some of my clients. However, my question today is in regards to myself. I'm a 29 year old relatively fit, recovering type-A female and over the past 2 years or so, have gone through quite a number of changes in my life - relationships, moving (states, towns, houses, etc), job changes, unemployment - and am finally in a bit of a more stable place, relatively speaking (relationship, home). I've never considered myself a highly anxious person but do now experience periods where it almost feels like a "butterflies in my stomach" sensation when my nerves are heightened or I'm anxious due to unknown circumstances/outcome. After learning more about normal bowel habits and healthy elimination, I realized that what I used to consider "normal" for myself was actually bordering on constipation and has since gotten worse this past year with so many life changes. Being a health professional who is highly interested in gut health, I'm seeing a possible connection between my changes in GI health and how these two might be correlated. Which leaves me wondering which angle to take in treating/resolving my issues. I've tried a range of approaches from probiotics and home-brewed kombucha to magnesium and now your digestive enzymes. I used to do smoothies almost daily but found that they didn't provide any sort of consistent relief or regularity for my situation. I know for some, they actually aren't the best solution when looking at digestive issues so I've currently made a switch away from them. Otherwise, I maintain a fairly healthy diet (with the occasional treats) which is mostly whole foods, plenty of fiber and at least 75 oz of water daily in addition to regular activity. I've tried a few unique approaches for a short time, never stuck with anything long term - very low carb for and also FODMAP (for a handful of days each), a detox/cleanse supplement regimen by NOW (coupled with flax, lemon, homemade green juice and mostly plant-based eating in addition to a less crazy schedule, I did see some regularity for a few days...a big change for me). But I don't want to mask symptoms that something is out of balance by taking supplements which make it seem as though things are functionally more optimally than they really are. Also, I should mention I've noticed heightened symptoms with my monthly cycle, specifically more breakouts, which I attribute to the hormone imbalance resulting from poor elimination. At this point, I'd say information overload or possibly analysis paralysis is what I'm suffering from and would love the opinion of an expert to narrow down my consideration for how to begin healing myself from this symptom. I'm ordering your HTMA test tonight as a good baseline to evaluate my current wellness and plan to use these results with other information in your reply. I greatly appreciate your time and experience in responding. Thanks SO MUCH for doing what you do. I'll continue to listen to each episode and share your wisdom with others it may help!! :)


Sheila: Hi Love your podcast, learn something every day. I am an active 62 year old but have noticed muscle loss especially in arms, help what can Indo to build up my muscles and stave off further decline?


Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you for everything you're doing to help improve the life of others including myself. I have a few questions that i'm hoping you can help me with. first off, can candida transmitted through sexual intercourse or oral sex? I've had white sticky vaginal discharge and a thick white coating on my tongue(especially in the AM) for years. I have no idea what it is or how to get rid of it. I took your candida cleanse and am now taking the daily probiotics but it has not gone away. Can you give me some guidance on how to deal with this issue?


I hope hope you enjoyed this weekend's Cabral HouseCalls Q&A and all the tips we add in along the way!

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Sep 16, 2017

Thank you for joining me this weekend on the Cabral HouseCalls!

I'm happy to have you and can't wait to share our community's questions with you now:

Jen: Hi Dr. Cabral I am experiencing Brain Fog, joint pain in my knees, some numbness in my arms when I am sleeping, lower back pain, bloating, fatigue to a point of unmotivated to do anything, especially after eating, and some constipation. I do sit at work a lot but I walk on my lunch hour and I try to do workout videos with weights during the week as well. What could all of this be a sign of and what can I do about it? Thank you, Jen


Lizbeth: Hi Dr. Cabral, Around march, I gained about 12 lbs out of nowhere. I went from 120 lbs to 132. and it seemed as if it had happened literally overnight. I am only 5'2" so that is a huge change in my body. I have always kept a clean diet, with maybe a couple cheat days. And I have always been extremely active, working out 5 to 6 days a week. So I sense something was wrong. At first I didn't notice the gain right away. I thought I was bloated (as usual). I have always been sort of constipated and suffered from bloating, so I thought it was one of my episodes. When I was 16, I was overmedicated, and it wiped out my intestinal flora. So I got used to some discomfort. Also I had thought that all of this weight gained was due to the high stress I have had during the months before March since I had just gone through one of the most stressful times in my life (moved to the US, got married and then my husband got deployed a few weeks after the wedding). However, my stomach was killing me. This time around the pain was 10x the usual. I am very glad that somehow I found you, after listening to your podcasts, I decided to do your detox only for a week. I figured the stress had filled my body with toxins and a detox would be extremely helpful. I lost about 4 lbs, But then I noticed that I was very bloated and gassy especially in the mornings. In your FAQ you explained that this means that my digestive system is very weak so I started taking the enzyme to help my stomach. And then, I heard your podcast on h pylori and I had all the symptoms. I also listened to your podcast on how to seal a leaky gut, and I was wondering if this could be the reason on my change of weight. What steps do I follow? Once I start the healthy gut, is the intestinal cleanse the second part? And would I need the candida protocol? Thanks again for all the information you provide! You have no cue how much knowledge and helped I have gotten from your podcasts! Thank you doesn't seem enough.


Leah: Hello. I believe I am in moderate adrenal fatigue and possibly low thyroid as well. I was about to get all of my blood work and tests done when I found out I am pregnant. The ND I was working with said come back after baby is born. Is there really no way to get answers before then? Should I just eat and act as if I am these things to be safe? I've read about links between low thyroid and issues with baby like Downs Syndrome, and I am worried about crashing really bad after baby is born. I really don't want postpartum depression or even lower thyroid from all the stress. How do I go about this?


Gina: Hi! Thank you for you informative and refreshing podcasts! Took me a while to find podcasts actually worth listening to. So I quit smoking about a month ago and am finding so little information about the withdrawal period! It's really frustrating understanding what's going on with my body. For the most part I feel good but I'm very lethargic, have a sore throat and chronic headaches. Is there anyway to speed up the recovery period!? I REFUSE to relapse and go back to that awful habit so anything helps! Thank you so much!



Cristie: Dr. Cabral, Thank you once again for all that you do. I was wondering if you've done a podcast on post nasal drip, if so if you could direct me to those episodes that'd be great. If not, I have post nasal drip ALL of the time, it's awful. I take Claritin with sudafed to stop it, it only helps a little, but I'd really like to know the best treatment for it because I'd really like it to stop. Thank you again for being so amazing and helping the way you do!!


Anonymous: Dear Dr Cabral, Thank you for sharing so much knowledge, I love listening to your podcasts every day on my way to work. My question is about high bilirubin levels. For the past 10 or so years, every time I do my annual blood tests, my bilirubin levels are elevated. I believe it's called Gilbert's Syndrome. It's not high enough to cause concern according to my doctors, but I'm wondering what is the underlying issue that is causing my body to always have slightly higher levels or bilirubin? I don't have my latest numbers for you, but previous tests showed: 2014 - total bilirubin: 28.8 (normal = <21) / Free Bilirubin: 20.7 (normal = 0-18) / Conjugated Bilirubin: 8.1 (normal = <5.00) 2010 - total bilirubin: 26 (normal = 0-20) 2009 - total bilirubin: 35 (normal = 0-20) 2008 - total bilirubin: 49 (normal = 0-20) Does this indicate a problem with my liver? I'm 37 years old, I hardly ever drink alcohol, I have the odd glass of wine with a meal, but that can be months apart. I don't smoke, I don't eat much meat, I hardly ever drink coffee. I'm sensitive to gluten and dairy, so avoid those foods. I start my day with warm lemon water, followed by herbal teas - I drink at least 2 litres of water every day. I also have a berry smoothie for breakfast. I eat a lot of fruit and regularly make carrot and ginger juice. I do at least 10 000 steps every day - I used to run 4 times a week but due to new working hours I only get to run 5-7 km once a week. I'm still trying to figure out when to fit regular exercise into my new schedule. I got my first amalgam fillings when I was about 6 and I had 6 amalgam fillings removed in 2014 by an holistic dentist. Although he didn't offer intravenous vit. C during the treatment, he just told me to take high strength vitamin C tablets before I come and I had to finish the bottle. I believe it was 1000 mg, 3 times a day. He also told me to take Selenium and Activated Charcoal until I finish the containers (not sure if they were 60 or 90 tables/capsules per bottle). But my high bilirubin was an issue before the amalgams came out in 2014. One of my doctors once said that I don't have to worry about my elevated bilirubin until I have digestive issues. Lately I've been feeling very bloated and my bowel movements are not as good as they used to be, so I went to the doctor for new tests and again it showed slightly high but he didn't sound at all concerned, he said it was nothing serious and there was no suggestion to follow up with any other tests - he told me to have my levels re-checked in a year. I've also been having a dull ache/lightest of pains in my right side, just inside my right-side rib which I thought would be my liver. But my liver & kidney function came out normal - just my iron was low. Again, I don't have the numbers, I will try to acquire a copy for my person records. I'm not sure if this is linked but I thought I should mention that my hair has gradually been thinning and my nails have been soft, brittle and flaking for at least the past 5 years. Do you have any thoughts on this? Is there something you can suggest? I live in Europe so I'm not eligible to purchase and do your test kits. If you have any European based recommendations on tests and products, that would be extremely useful. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance - and thank you for trying to make the world a healthier, happier place. God bless you & your family. Thank you very much.


Thank you again for tuning in and be sure to check back tomorrow with more questions from the community!

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Sep 15, 2017

What if there was a vitamin that could not only decrease your stress, and increase your energy, but also boost your mood?

What if I also told you that this vitamin also protected your cardiovascular system, nervous system, liver, and even helped to prevent dimentia...

Would you be interested?

I think most of us would answer yes to that question, especially since this is also one of those vitamins that I can become depleted through increased exercise, poor nutrition, weak digestion, and stressful life events... 

The great news is that it's easy to get an inexpensive to take in on today's Cabral concept 588 I'd like to share all those anti-stress, energy, and mood boosting benefits with you - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 14, 2017

Our current cultural philosophy says that we need to continue to push forward even when our bodies are signaling us to stop and slow down...

So when I'm asked if you should workout when tired, I often have to share advice that may run contrary to popular belief...

However, one thing I typically recommend people to do is not to skip their regular workout, but instead simply modify it for that day...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 587 for exactly how to modify your workout and when to skip your exercise when you're exhausted - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 13, 2017

There seems to be some confusion over inflammation as something that is bad for our body...

Inflammation is not something to try to squelch, reduce, or avoid unless it is a life saving situation...

Believe it or not, inflammation is your friend! It's a natural healing process and it's trying to tell you something...

It's telling you something is wrong at a deeper level and that something must be rebalanced before something else goes really wrong...

This is why you should never ignore inflammation or try to suppress it...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 586 for the only 2 causes of inflammation and how to repair the true root causes of your dis-ease - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 12, 2017

Within the next decade the new statistics state that 1 in 2 will get cancer in their lifetime...

This is a travesty of where our values have gone in society. Instead of asking why we are seeing such an insane spike, we focus on how can we find a pharmaceutical cure...

It makes no sense at all, but it is ultimately the reality that many people will face unless they begin to detoxify and follow certain healthy habits to combat the over 77,000 man made toxins in the environment...

At the top of that list sits a common staple, called sugar. Learning how and why to remove this one item can be the catalyst you need to keeping you and your family healthy and safe...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 585 for the 10 ways that sugar causes cancer - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 11, 2017

I find it interesting that at times a lot of what my consultations turn into is helping people on the psychological side of healing...

Originally, I thought my private practice would be more of a straight forward interpretation of Functional Medicine lab testing and Personalized Wellness Plan designs...

But what I've realized is that in order to help someone truly heal, you must treat the individual and not the dis-ease...

Often times, this means teaching people how to lower stress, overcome adversity, and rise above life's numerous challenges...

One of the ways to do this is by (re)discovering your gift in life and on today's #CabralConcept 584 I'll teach you the 3 simple questions to discovering yours - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 10, 2017

I'm excited to bring you part 2 of our weekend Cabral #HouseCalls where I answer our community questions on all things wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging!

Here are today's questions:

Kevin: Dr Cabral, So I have been following your work for about 5 years when I bought and implemented the teachings in "A Man's Guide to Muscle and Strength". I was looking for a program to follow, and this fit the bill perfectly. I've used the structure of the programs in the book ever since. I rotate these programs every 4-6 weeks, and try to increase the weight throughout the program before cycling off onto a new 4-6 week program. My question is around the SAID principle. There are many exercises that I've plateaued. For example, take a bench press or a seated row. Each of these are part of a 4-6 program so I may do these 6 times a year. And when I first started working out with your book as my guide, I was able to increase the weight as I went along. But with both, I've can't move past the weight that I'm currently at. And like you book lays out, when I cycle off the current program, the next program usually has another, yet different, version of each of these exercises. Logic tells me that I'm going to plateau with any exercise. It's not like I'd be able to keep adding weight, year in and year out, to each of these. What do you do when this happens? Thanks for being our guiding light in health, wellness and've helped transform mine and my wife's life. 

Pana: Hi dr Cabral! I love your podcasts and I listen every day since I found you! My 15 year old son came back from camp and all he wants to drink is powder aid because he was told that is good for him. In our house we do not have any soft drinks or ever juice. He just drinks water. Please let me what your thoughts are on powder drink and what Would be agood alternative to power drinks specially when he is very active? Thank you so much for all that you give us!

Rebekah: Hello! I bought your healthy belly because I was sure I had h.pylori. I just got an endoscopy that confirmed I'm negative for the bacteria. How long is the shelf life for this and are there any alternative uses for it that I could benefit from? I hate to waste this unopened bottle. Thanks for all you do. I listen to every podcast without fail!

Rena: Hi Dr. Cabral, So grateful for your podcast! I am in my 60's and have gout, and a bone spur in my foot. Could you possibly recommend any cures for this? I've heard you talk about CBD Oil and I wonder if this is something that I might try that would help? Also, I've been studying the blood type diet as someone recommended it to help with understanding my personal susceptibility to dis-eases (Hypothyroidism, Gout, osteoporosis) Is there any truth to the antigens on your blood, lectins on foods and how it affects the way your specific blood breaks down food? I am O+ and I definitely have the dis-eases that it lists that I am prone to for my blood type so I'm curious to try this type of diet but I wanted a professional opinion as there are so many fads out there and I am looking more for a lifestyle change rather than a temporary fix. I highly respect what you are doing for the world. Keep up the great work! Rena 

Cara: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am so appreciative for your house calls, thank you and I always leave a stellar rating on iTunes review! You answered my question last weekend on having high Eosinophils. The high eosinophils came back on my annual CBC in July. This is the first time they've ever been high. I just had my food sensitivities / environmental allergy test ran through my PC. I have zero environmental allergies. My food sensitivities test was ran through Genova Diagnostics. They only food that was in the red, "very high" were grapes, which I rarely have. Maybe this is why I get a headache after one glass of wine. I have a couple of foods in the yellow, "very low" which include cabbage, garlic, green pepper, white potato, sunflower seed. I have quite a few foods in the green "very low" which sadly includes broccoli, egg yolk, mushrooms and more. Do I need to cut out all foods that showed up on this test, or only grapes which ranked "very high"? If so, how long do I eliminate them for? Could having the foods that are "very low" as well as "low" be the cause for my Eosinophils being 18.5? I just had my blood redrawn yesterday to confirm the lab did not make a mistake. Next will be a parasite test, which I'll likely have ran through my PC to try and cut the cost. Although, once I have some preliminary answers, I will schedule a consult directly with you (even though you're a few weeks out). I also read that high Eosinophils can indicate cancer, so I'm a little concerned. I eat super healthy, paleo-ish and I consume two servings of greens a day. They only thing I indulge and sometimes over indulge in is dark chocolate. Thank you for all that you do! In gratitude, Cara

ADDITION to my previous email on high Eosinophils... My lab came back today and my Eosinophils dropped from 18.5 to 6.0. I called my doctor and he didn't seem concerned. I told him I was still concerned because I know that is still on the high end of the spectrum. He said I could do a stool test or re-test my blood in 3-4 weeks. He said I could either have a parasite, or I could have been exposed to something in my environment to cause the spike. When I asked his protocol if it is a parasite, he said sometimes antibiotics for stubborn bugs or supplements. What are your thoughts? In gratitude, Cara

Ada: Hi Dr. Cabral, I've really enjoyed all the education and information from each of your podcasts and I get something out of every episode. Thank you for that! My question today is really where to start. I am in my early 40's and I have been struggling with trying to figure out why my weight has plateaued. I'm doing weight training three times a week and walks/hikes three-four times a week. I am medium athletic build but I feel I need to tone up a lot. I eat salads, fruits, veggies, some meats three-five days a week. I just feel like nothing works. I also feel extremely tired all the time. As soon as I hot the bed I am dead asleep. I don't know if what I need is a candida cleanse, a heavy metal detox, food sensitivity or your weight loss testing. I cant afford to do them all right now but I would love to know what my particular body needs as I know we are all different. Could you possibly recommend what test that would give me the most information on what my specific body needs in order to regain energy and lose weight? Thank you so much! Ada


I hope you enjoyed this weekend's Q&A and all the tips added in along the way!

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Sep 9, 2017

It's already the weekend and that means it's time for our HouseCall shows!

Here are this weekend's community questions!

Erin: Hi Dr. Cabral, I can't thank you and Julia enough for the positive influence you are having on our family and our health. Your health coach Julia has been amazing in guiding us, answering our questions and encouraging us on our path to health. My husband and I are both on our healing journeys and it is all thanks to you and your team! We listen to your podcast every day and talk about you and your teachings to all our friends and family. My question for you today is concerning my mother. She is 73 years old and has suffered with Polymyalgia Rheumatica for many years. She has been taking prednisone and the side affects are debilitating, always hungry, weight gain, hair loss to name a few. She was looking into biologics based on the recommendation of my sister-in-law, but then discovered they are only available for those suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis. Today her doctor gave her a prescription for Celebrex. We would love for her to work with you and ultimately be prescription free and pain free. I think she has digestive and possibly hormone balance issues too. What would you suggest to be the best place for her to start? Thank you again for all you do. You are making an amazing difference in the world by sharing your knowledge, passion and compassion with others! Take care, Erin 

Monique: Hi Dr. Cabral! Monique here again, Im sure youve answered this question before or something similar but I just wanted to get a more direct answer! My nephew (boyfriends nephew) is a little over a year and a half and is having symptoms of a problem that runs in the family, with only the men. For the past maybe 5-6 months he has had a constant runny nose and now the doctors are saying he has fluid build up behind his ears. My boyfriend and almost every man in the family has had tubes put in their ears for this same problem when they were very little. For a while when he first started eating harder foods he started having very disgusting poops and getting sick often. I believe he has taking a few different kinds of medication but im not sure exactly what. I truly believe from all that I have learned from you that it is all related and he has some type of sensitivity. His mother doesnt think so, she is a nurse, and believes he might just have to get the tubes too. I want so badly to help but dont want to step on toes over the truth. I know they will do whats best but im also not sure how to go about explaining this to her. He is an awesome kid and has great parents and family but they just dont understand the natural health side and the true issue and solution that will last forever instead of the alternative(conventional medicine). Love them want to help them as much as I can, what do you suggest for me to do in my position and what do you believe is happening with him. Thank you so much for all you do truly. Monique

Taylor: Hello Dr. Cabral, I have been trying to figure out why I get weird dizzy spells in my bed room. My husband pointed out last night that we sleep within 5 feet of the circuit breaker in our apartment. Unfortunately, there is no where else to put our bed because of the size of our apartment. Do you have any recommendations on how to block the EMFs from the circuit breaker? I'm also aware that apartment at are like hot spots since there is so much WIFI surrounded you. Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated! As always, grateful for your help!


Elizabeth:  Hi Dr. Cabral I was reading about pure gum turpentine and how it's been used medicinally since ancient times and was used in ancient Babylon to treat stomach problems, inflammations, joint pain, ulcers etc. I trust your view so wondered your opinion on this remedy. There was an interesting article on this and Lingzhi mushrooms by Dr Mark Sircus. Thank you for all that you are and do... look forward to future podcasts :)

Dee: Hi Dr Cabral. I appreciate your podcast very much. It's the only podcast I listen to! I had a question about menstrual cramps. I am 46 yrs old and have sporadic cycles. (3 weeks late, 1 week early etc) The first two days of my period are pretty unbearable and I'm in excruciating pain. I had high hopes that the CBD oil would help with the pain, but I've tried it for the past 3 cycles and I don't see a noticeable difference. I'm even taking it every 2 hours and I'm not having any relief. Can you recommend anything natural to take for that kind of pain? Years ago I took Advil and that did help, but I'm not using chemicals anymore and am struggling to find something natural that helps. Thank you 

Lauren: Hi, Thank you in advance for everything. I am addicted to your podcasts. You are great! My dad has severe tennis elbow (bursitis) that he left untreated for a while. He received cortisone shots and some PT etc and nothing permanently helps. He had an MRI and it is torn. He is a chef and can't take off so resting really isn't an option at this time as he is always using elbow/wrist. The pain is severe and I was wondering if there is anything more natural that he can be doing. Can this inflammation be linked to other issues / problems? Should he be following any specific diets? Thank you! 

I hope you enjoyed the show and be sure to check out part 2 tomorrow!

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Sep 8, 2017

Welcome back to the #FridayReview! This week we've got some amazing research and products to chat about and it all starts with the topic of genetics...

Too many people use "genetics" as an excuse for why they have some dis-ease or imbalance... They simply haven't been taught that genetics just means you're predisposed to something - It's does NOT mean you have to suffer from some ailment...

Next up, we'll be discussing what seems to be an epidemic amongst fibromyalgia patients (93% were low in this nutrient)...

Plus, on today's show I talk about an easy way to get extra folate while pregnant without having to switch over to a "Prenatal vitamin..."

And last, but certainly not least, I attempt to smash the stigma around using CBD Oil with children that could benefit from a lower dose protocol...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 581 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 7, 2017

One of the greatest myths in health & fitness is that by doing cardio you are actually training your legs...

Running, biking, elliptical, and other modes of cardio work can have their own benefit, but they are not the same as squats, deadlifts, lunges, and step-ups...

This means that by skipping your leg training and opting for cardio only, you are greatly missing out on dozens of benefits...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 580 for all the details on why running & cardio don't equal leg training - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 6, 2017

Nowadays it seems like there are as many diet, exercise, or wellness plans as there are gurus... 

So this begs the question: Who's right?

And, maybe an even more important question is, how do you know which plan is right for YOU?

On today's #CabralConcept 579 I'll help you figure out what plan to follow to get the best results possible - Enjoy the show!

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