Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!
I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…
Let’s get started!
Amanda: Hey Doc, Thanks for all your amazing information. You continue to help me guide my clients to the highest form of health. I have a client with quite a great number of food sensitivities. My question is with removal of heavy metals, balancing of the microbiome & healing and sealing of the gut wall is it possible to restore my clients gut health to the point where he is no longer sensitive to so many foods? Thanks!
Jenn: Hi Stephen, First of all I just want to tell toy how much I LOVE your podcasts! They are my listening choice when I am out walking, hey... why not kill two birds with one stone? I get in my physical activity AND mentally you get the wheels turning in my head, thoughts to ponder. I have a question for you in regards to your Podcast #615, looking at HIIT training. At the tail end of the Podcast you summaries the differences in regards to longer intervals = shorter rest and shorter intervals= longer rests which makes complete sense to me now after your explanation. You stated that the shorter intervals should be done at the end of a strength training session for 3-5 hard workouts. Does this mean 3-5 times through or for 3-5 minutes? Thanks for any info you could pass on, Jenn
Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral! I really love listening to your podcasts every morning on my way to work. I'm a female Dietitian, 26 years old, and struggle with gas, bloating and some constipation. I've never struggled with my weight (BMI right around 18) or any health issues, and my hormone levels are always normal. I sleep very well, exercise often and eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, nuts/seeds, sweet potatoes and oatmeal and drink PLENTY of water. To my knowledge, I have no food allergies or intolerances and can't seem to figure out why some days I am more bloated or constipated than others. I started taking a probiotic daily about a year ago, which helps a little, but doesn't fix the issue. I tend to eat similar foods each day and can't find a pattern with my symptoms and some days just wake up bloated or produce more gas than others. It's so frustrating and I feel like I shouldn't have these problems at my age! I never had these issues until about 5 years ago. Any advice or help you can provide would be great! I've listened to your previous podcasts about constipation and found them very interesting. Thanks so much!
Megan: Hi Dr. Cabral, Let me begin by thanking you for being such an incredible resource for all of us who listen to you. I have the highest respect for you and am so grateful for your generosity in sharing all of what you know! My question is in regards to my 10 year old son. Let me give you a bit of the back story. 2 years ago he started suffering with terrible eye tics. It started with rapid blinking and then turned into hard blinks with some facial scrunching as well. It was constant and so sad, very hard to watch him suffer. We did go to a biomedical dr who ran a nutreval and we found he had yeast overgrowth and leaky gut. We cleared up the yeast using biociden and a biofilm supplement along with others that he needed (zinc, B complex, vitamin D, alpha lipoic acid, and restore for the gut). We cleared up the tics quite quickly and really have been symptom free for 2 years. He does flare a little with illness, so when he gets sick he has a little twitch but nothing at all like he had. I guess he is considered a PANS child. We have completed the nutraeval twice since then, the last one being in June. The yeast had returned despite following his food sensitivity diet (we also had the sensitivity test done as well). We started the biociden and the biofilm supplement again and also continued using the other supplements he needs as well. We have followed our plan fairly strictly and have kept with it for 2 years. So I am a bit confused as to why the yeast came back. The last week or so I have noticed some of that blinking again. Not at the same severity it was to begin with but I am confused as to why it is returning and what may be causing the inflammation which would in turn cause the tics? I guess my question is how do I best support the immune system to help reverse this response? What do you think I should do from here to help keep these tics from returning? Thank you so much for your help and I apologize for this long winded question, I just felt it was necessary to explain a little of our background! Thank you again, Megan
Megan: Hello! What's your best recommendation for boosting glutathione levels? Levels came back on a nutreval as very low in this area. We have tried using pharmanac and NAC pills but have yet to be successful in boosting these numbers. Thank you in advance!
Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!
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Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Melissa: Hi Dr. Cabral - my question is this: I am currently expecting my first baby (early December). I am choosing to have a natural birth at a birthing center and am hoping that you can steer me in the right direction for postpartum recovery. Some background: After college I didn't have a period for 5+ years. When I got married in 2013 I realized that I needed to address my lack of a cycle if I wanted to start a family someday. My gynecologist told me 'don't worry we'll deal with it when you want to get pregnant' (as in, we'll put you on clomid). Well, I didn't want that. I knew I needed to get my system balanced to avoid more long term problems. I did some testing through a functional medicine doctor, and along with a supplement protocol and some lifestyle changes I was able to balance everything out, get my cycle regulated and ultimately get pregnant (praise God!). Postpartum I want to make sure that I set myself up for success to get my hormones regulated again and specifically make sure my thyroid is healthy (which I know can become an issue for many women during/after birth). Given my history with hormone imbalance I'm wondering if you can suggest what blood tests I should run, and when I should run them (2 months postpartum, 6 months, etc.) to get an idea of how my body is recovering and if I need to supplement. I might add that I will be exclusively breastfeeding. Prior to getting pregnant I was taking KyoGreen for iodine intake as well as some other adaptogenic herbs (ashwaganda, maca root, vitex) for hormone regulation. I'd love to hear your thoughts on going back on these as well as any suggestions you have so that I can be the best and healthiest mom possible!
Jessi: Hi! I have been taking DE dailey to great success I can't put my finger on it but feel it's helping w parasite issue and skin. 2 part question: 1.I want to go through a round of the intestinal cleanse - is it ok to add DE to the doc. shultz #2 powder /drink? for added benefit? 2. for a daily "upon wake drink" can i mix DEearth w psyllium or psyllium husk pills ? i want to keep taking DE every day will start intestinal cleanse as soon as i hear thanks for everything always !
Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, I've been struggling with acne since April of this year (cheeks, jawline, eyebrows, temples, forehead). I've referred back to all of your acne related podcasts and have done the following: 7 and 21 day detoxes (acne cleared and came back within a week), and food sensitivity testing (reactivity moderate for cow's milk, yogurt, egg yolk, and candida). One of your health coaches had suggested that I try your candida protocol. Back on another 7 day detox, post-travel and additional flare ups. I've also just completed your Weight Loss test to evaluate my hormones (no results yet). My naturopath has also prescribed me Berberine Complex (integrative therapeutics) and CandiBactin-AR (metagenics), since I tested positive for candida and this could be a contributor to my acne. Background - I stopped birth control in December of last year. I'm a vegetarian who eats mostly vegan, but have limited my intake of eggs, since testing (I rarely consume dairy). I'm very frustrated and feel like I have very little control over my skin, and testing/supplements are not inexpensive. Please help! And thank you for all that you do.
Tiina: Hi! I've been listening to your podcast for a while and really enjoy your objective and scientific take on functional medicine. I'm a 23 year old female and been suffering from bad gut issues on and off for around 5 years. I am currently doing an internship and studying on the side and struggling to get through day to day with my symptoms and keep up with my life, even though I have tried to take tone it down as much as possible and only focus on the necessary. My main problems include nausea, stomach aches, feeling very tired, anxiety/mood issues and brain fog. Just to add, I've been on a gluten free paleo diet for several years now and it did help a bit. I've recently had the GI Effects stool panel done and am waiting for results from that to see if I have a parasite or gut infection problem. I've had functional blood tests for lyme and other infections done recently and came up positive for Yersinia and Anaplasma / Ehrlichia and had a high MCV and other markers that point to a B12 deficiency. My question is what can I do right now to feel better? The rest of my lab results will take several weeks and I won't see my functional medical professional in nearly 3 weeks. I understood that it's important to keep the adrenals in balance too (since I would bet in my case they are under strain) but I also want to get rid of all the infections and toxins from my body as soon as possible to feel better. My nutritionist who ordered the tests said that we would start using herbs to cleanse my body of the infections and bugs, but I've read that that might be very hard on your adrenals and body if you are releasing all those toxins all of a sudden. I am just worried I will get bad side-effects and have to take too many days off due to the detox. Thank you so much if you take the time to respond, I'm listening to all your podcast episodes back and look forward to new ones every week! Kind Regards, Tiina
Lisa: Hi Dr. Cabral, thank you so much for answering my questions, I truly appreciate it! My question today is about poop and lack of energy. Im a gluten free vegan and eat only healthy foods, I do not even have a cheat meal! I have done your candida/bacteria protol, I also do your daily shake, your greens and your B complex. Although my digestion is better, I still wake up tired. I go to bed by 10, wake-up at 5:30. Also, I can see undigested food in my nuts, seeds and even quinoa. I do take digestive enzymes, HCL and a gall bladder supplement as well. Should I be avoiding the foods that I see in my stool? What else can I do to get more energy? I always feel my best when Im fasting, but its difficult to always fast cuz I crave my healthy foods. Thank you
Matt.: Hello Dr. Cabral! Just wanted to say thank you for your life changing/accessible information through your podcasts and site! I've tried to share the information you present with my family and close loved ones, and will continue to spread the word. You are making a difference in people's lives! I wanted to see what information you could give me about collagenous colitis. My mom has this as well as lupus. She hasn't had a bad lupus flare up for a few years but the colitis affects her every day life. She lives a fairly healthy lifestyle but we are confused as to what steps to take to heal this. There does not seem to be much information on collagenous colitis out there and want her to avoid any surgery on her gut unless absolutely necessary. It is a hard thing to approach due to the mixed information we hear about how to heal the gut as she suffers from a lot of similar symptoms of leaky gut but "collagenous colitis" as I understand is the excess build up layer of collagen in her gut not allowing for proper absorption among other things. I would love to hear your input as my mom is approaching 50 this winter and would love to get her on the right track to healing! Thanks so much Dr. Cabral, I'm 21 and so much of what you went through as a teenager resonates with me; as I've dealt with similar issues! -Matt H
Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!
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I know there are thousands of diet variations on the market, but there is only one true foundation for human nutrition...
Meaning, you can choose high fat/low fat, high carb/low carb, high protein/low protein, but in the end unless you're basing your diet plan around low glycemic, anti-inflammatory foods that are high in antioxidants you are missing the mark...
Again, this may not matter to you in the short-term, but if your goal is to achieve long-lasting, permanent results I can't recommend enough creating a rock-solid foundational eating plan...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 637 for all the details on what to use as the foundation for any and all diet plans you come across - Enjoy the show!
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Although movement must be a part of everyone's daily and weekly routine, the amount of exercise should actually change based on the individual...
Unfortunately, in our all-for-one culture we have lost the bio-individuality component to allow for some diversity amongst recommendations...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 636 for details on how to exercise right for your type, so that you don't over or under do your workouts - Enjoy the show!
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I'll be the first person to say that there is no need or benefit to being super skinny, but when I do speak on the topic of weight loss it's because of the health issues associated with it...
Many people don't realize that there are over a dozen "diseases" and a half-dozen cancers that increase in risk the more over weight a person becomes...
This is why losing weight first and foremost is a health issue rather than simply a body transformation one...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 635 for all the details on what nobody ever tells you about being overweight - Enjoy the show!
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