
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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The Cabral Concept












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Dec 6, 2017

The Holidays can be a real challenging time of the year when it comes to trying to stay healthy, fit, lean, stress-free, and not get sick...

On one hand you want to enjoy your time with friends, family, and at social events, but on the other hand you don't want to start the New Year, bloated, exhausted, overweight, and unhealthy...

Personally, I believe there is a way to still get to enjoy yourself while maintaining all the work you've been putting in over these past 12 months...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 670 where I explain how to survive the holidays without feeling bloated, burnt out, and overburdened - Enjoy the show!

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Dec 5, 2017

Too often we're just labeled by our doctors, society, or the media as being depressed, anxious, apathetic, ADD, or exhibiting "addictive behaviors...

Then, pharmaceutical companies would have us treat our natural symptoms of bodily and brain dis-ease with unnatural synthetic drugs that don't actually explain why you feel this way, or how you got here...

However, since we know there is always a reason why the body gets out of balance or begins to feel a certain way we can begin to look at your symptoms as to what may be running in short supply...

On today's #CabralConcept 669 I want to share with you the missing brain chemical that boosts motivation, drive, focus, and feelings of being alive - Enjoy the show!

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Dec 4, 2017

As far as any of us can tell the complete absence of suffering in our life doesn't seem like a feasible goal to strive for...

And that's because highs and lows are part of the human experience - It's actually essential to our growth, since it's impossible to appreciate either one without the other...

That's why on today's #CabralConcept 668 I don't want you to fight a winless battle, but instead focus on the 1 thing you can control in your life - Enjoy the show!

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Dec 3, 2017

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Megan: Hi Dr Cabral, as always, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. I wrote in a few weeks back about my 10 year old son and how we healed his leaky gut which in turn eleviated the eye tics he was having. His most recent Nutreval showed the yeast was elevating some again. We are back on the biociden and the biofilm buster. When you answered my first question about why the yeast returned, you explained how we have to get rid of the bad yeast and replace it with the good yeast. Makes total sense. We had stayed away from probiotics that have saccharomyces in them because it always caused his symptoms to flare. At first I thought the flare was because yeast was his highest sensitivity in the IgG. I realize the sensitivity is to the bad yeast but my question now is could the flare be from the saccharomyces (even though they are the good guys) or would the flare simply occur because we were adding the good guys while there were still too many guys which means too much yeast all together? Thank you so much for sharing with us each day, you are such a blessing. –Megan (Continued)

Hi Dr Cabral, I just sent in a question yesterday about my 10 year old son and the sacchromyces. I am realizing I may not have posed all of my question clearly so I'm adding on, and I'm so so sorry if this makes it confusing for you. Please feel free to copy and paste for the purpose of your house call. As I mentioned in yesterday's question my sons eye tics used to flare when I would give him probiotics with saccharomyces in them, but what I didn't mention was he was always totally fine with probiotics that didn't include the saccharomyces. His highest sensitivity on the IgG was to yeast. I realize that's the bad yeast and saccharomyces are the good yeast but why do the good cause a flare in symptoms? Is it simply because I added the good before getting rid of the bad? I guess my real question is why would he have been ok on probiotics that didn't include saccharomyces but have a hard time handling the ones that do have them? Is it as simple as too much yeast all together? So maybe when we rid the gut of the bad yeast he won't flare when we add the good? I've avoided the saccharomyces due to the previous flare in symptoms but am now learning that we need to be replenishing the good to keep the bad out! Thank you thank you thank you for sharing all of your incredible knowledge with us. I have the highest respect for you and what you do and can not begin to tell you how much I have learned and how our family's health has changed for the better since we were introduced to you and your incredible podcast. You are a gift to us. Megan PS I again apologize for the mistake and having to submit the same question twice, but I am interested to hear what you have to say about why the saccharomyces in particular cause a problem for him and I left out of the first submission.

Eliana: I love your podcast, it is so informative! I wanted to ask you about my workout program split. I typically do this kind of 5 day split: legs, arms, cardio and abs, back and chest, shoulders and cardio. Basically, I lift 4-5 days a week and get my cardio in either on the same day or on alternating days. Is this too much lifting? I have been doing it for awhile now and have enjoyed it, but I was listening to your recommendation about 3 days of resistance training per week. Thank you!

Tyler: Hi Dr. Cabral, I know you have a background in body building and personal training and am looking for advice in regards to putting on more muscle. I am a 25 year old former collegiate athlete and am very lean but am looking to put more mass on in the safest way possible. I eat predominately vegan and GF with some wild fish and eggs. I work out 3-4 days a week and do a combo of lifting, swimming, and hatha yoga. I am 6’1” and 182 lbs. I have read on the importance of ingrsting protein shakes before and after workouts as well as BCAAs pre, during, and post workout for anabolic muscle growth. Do you have brands that you recommend for vegan protein (I do your Nutritional Support Powder in smoothies in the morning) and BCAAs? Or are they even necessary? I appreciate your insight. Thanks, Tyler

Anthony: Hi Dr. Cabral, What are your thoughts on MRET water activators? Your products and podcasts have become a very positive part of my life, thank you for sharing your knowledge. Sincerely, Anthony

James: Is a kenogentic diet good for you 

Zach: What's up Doc, writing in for my 27 y/o girlfriend who has recently been to the "doctor" because she was having allergic reactions (tingling itchy lips, redness around the lips, and breakouts) whenever she ate certain foods. She's tired all the time, never seems to have energy to do anything active, and could lay on the couch all day. We recently (within the last year) went vegetarian, and we limit dairy and eggs as much as possible, but this hasn't seemed to help with the issues she's having. She has had allergy problems (histamine issues) her whole life and found out she was allergic to nickel, as well as many different pollens/grass/trees when she was younger. About a year and a half ago she had a psoriasis "patch" show up on the back of her neck on her hair line, during a stressful period at work. It went away after she was prescribed some cream for it, but it bothers her randomly. Basically she's always had skin issues, and her mother and grandmother have thyroid issues that we now know have been passed to her. Here are the results of her first blood test...only going to give you what was "out of range" as well as her thyroid numbers. T3 uptake - 25.9 T4 - 8.1 TSH - 8.32 BUN - 5 CALC/BUN/Creatine - 7 On a food/skin prick test she was "allergic" to almonds, cherries, hazelnut, soy, and green peppers. I know she needs to do an IgG food sensitivity test, but unfortunately we can't afford that and insurance won't cover it. She cut out those foods, and had her blood work taken about a month and a half later. These were her results the second time: Free T3 - 3.2 Reverse T3 - 14.5 Free T4 - 1.11 TSH - 5.07 Thyroid peroxidase AB - 130 IU/ML Thyroglobulin AB - 6 IU/ML Positive for ANA ANA titter 1:1280 Cholesterol - 212 Calculated LDL - 127 So we know she has hypothyroid and an auto immune disorder. I believe its from some form of intestinal permeability (IBS, Leaky gut, etc) but I also think she has high levels of heavy metals, as she's always putting stuff on her skin/hair whether its make-up, hairspray, or dry shampoo. I've told her she needs to cut out gluten and dairy for sure, but what do you recommend for her as far as the next step in testing, diet, detoxing, and overall lifestyle changes? I just ordered a 21 day detox from your store...I'm going to start her on a 7 day detox whenever that comes in, and hopefully have her doing a 21 day detox in January. If money weren't an issue, after the IgG test I'd have her doing a heavy metal detox, candida/SIBO/yeast protocol, and then start rebuilding her gut. What do you think Doc? Thanks for everything you do. I listen to you daily, and I pass your podcast on to anyone and everyone because theres isn't a person it wouldn't help. If you ever want to take someone under your wing and create the next you, you have my email. ;] But then again, you're already creating more of us like you everyday! Thank you sincerely for the knowledge you pass along. Keep it up! -Zach

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Dec 2, 2017

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Anonymous: hello! I heard you mention to go backwards to see what has worked in the past. For my acne, growing up I was put on antibiotic "zpacks" 1x a month some years. I was also on 2 separate rounds of Accutane. Both of these "treatments' works while taking them. After I was off the antibiotic or when accutane was done, acne came back. My question is the antibiotic and accutane did different things, so how do i know what is really causing my acne today. today it is on my back, neck and face, sporadic. worst with period but really its all the time. I also ALWAYS break out after a workout, is my sweat dirty? I am healthy and do detoxes a lot. thank you thank you for your advice! 

J: Hi Dr Cabral, (Food Sensitivity Question) Thank you for teaching us to take control of our health, research, test and make change. I am working on it but would appreciate some insight from you. I did a food sensitivity test and came back high for the below foods. Someone suggested to me these are histamine based, but I am low for all other histamine based foods. Avoiding yeast is tricky as it is in so many things. I am plant based and gluten free but to now have to exclude yeast, corn and peas is tricky! Pea protein is in all protein powders! And this was always a staple in my morning routine. My primary symptom is chronic pain. Would you recommend I avoid all these foods for 3mths? I also did HTMA which was high for Hg - which I am removing and said I was a slow oxidizer (if this info helps). I take B12, Mg, Selenium, Zinc, Vit B. Elevated Foods (>30 U/ml) Brazil Nut 112 Pea 75 Ginkgo 72 Oyster 64 Egg White 58 Yeast (Brewers) 58 Cola Nut 54 Milk (Cow) 51 Barley 48 Bean 47 Pistachio 47 Wheat 47 Corn 42 Yeast (Bakers) 42 Agar Agar 38 Caesin 38 Flax Seed 30 Plum 30 Thankyou - I will keep listening. Have a great day! J

Chirag: Hi Dr. Cabral. I live in New Delhi, India. As of November, 2017, we're living in completely hazardous environment with air quality completely deteriorated now! What can I do to make sure that me and my family are healthy and our bodies completely detoxify those harmful air chemicals!

Lauren: Hi, I have had some stomach issues in the past..for the most part i will get stomach pains whenever i eat somewhat unhealthy or off the course of what i typically eat. I get severe lower abdominal pains but not always. I am interested in overall wellness and I wanted to see where you typically tell your clients to start? Does it make sense to get the organic acid test? I also want to do the food allergy testing as I feel it may be wheat. Also, do you recommend hair/mineral testing or stool? I am not sure where to start. Also, i live in NY would it make sense to do everything via phone etc.? thanks so much!!

Alex: Hi Dr. Cabral, I'm a female with low estrogen and high testosterone levels. I was wondering if you had recommendations on foods or supplements to balance out my estrogen. Many thanks!

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Dec 1, 2017

I'm looking forward to today's #FridayReview and can't wait to bring you 2 popular request items and some brand new research into cancer...

The first item is based on an ancient Chinese Medicine formula and has literally been dubbed a "miracle rub" when it comes to reliving pain within minutes...

The 2nd topic I'm going to bring you is on a single lifestyle change you can make in order to not become 1 of the 1,000,000 new cancer cases in 2018...

And finally, I want to share an excellent book on Functional Medicine that will allow those looking to take their education to the next level...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 665 for all the tips and reviews - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 30, 2017

Although I'm a huge advocate of exercise and the benefits it provides the body (both short and long-term), there is a part that's often missing from many people's routine...

And that part is stretching - Namely completing certain flexibility movements after your workout in order to calm the nervous system and begin the healing and recovery process...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 664 to discover the 5 stretches to do after every workout - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 29, 2017

Contrary to popular belief right now carbohydrates are not the enemy...

However, we all have a unique upper limit as to how many we can consume based on a variety of factors such as body type, metabolic rate, activity level, etc...

The trick is finding out if you're at just the right amount or if you may have gone too far...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 663 to find out if you are eating too many carbs and the 3 warning signs that will let you know - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 28, 2017

Until recently it was assumed that everyone aged according to their genetic code and that outside factors didn't play any role...

However, today's medical science has proven that their are a handful lifestyle factors that can slow or reverse the aging process...

One of the ways we're able to study these anti-aging factors is by the effect they have on telomere length, which are biological markers that tell us how fast we are "breaking down..."

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 662 for the 5 proven ways to slow and turn back the aging process - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 27, 2017

It's hard to imagine taking life advice from a lobster, but today's analogy may just hold the answer you are looking for...

In today's "pill for every ill" mindset we often lose sight of the fact that we don't always need to mask our symptoms...

This same mindset holds true when it comes to us feeling a little down, depressed, or anxious...

Sometimes what we really need is a reframing of our mindset while being sensitive and respectful to the fact that some people really are going through trying times...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 661 on why lobsters shedding their shell may just hold the answer you're looking for when it comes to taking your life to that next level - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 26, 2017

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Judy: Hi Dr. Cabral, Could you please explain jawbone cavitations, how we know if we have it and if it really causes inflammation that can have a negative impact on our health. I had wisdom teeth extractions about 14 years ago and my naturopathic dentist recommends addressing my possible cavitations in my jaw. I have had some minor gut issues and what I feel to be moderately severe acne that I have been unsuccessful in correcting. Could this be the answer? I am also having my amalgams removed by a dentist using Dr. Huggins’ protocol. Any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated.

Zoe: Hi Dr Cabral, I have listened to your podcast religiously since approx episode 200 - you are my one and only consistent and trusted health guru! Thank you so much for all the help and good you do in your community - you are truly making a difference. This is my first time writing in, as i always think that other people's problems are more important than my own (in general and on here - which may say a lot!) - but here goes... I started my own awareness of my health journey 2.5years ago when i realised i was burnt out and looking terrible and had freed myself from a very toxic and negative romantic relationship (abusive partner) and wanted to rebuild my life and my confidence and my health - i cut out sugar from my diet (processed, honey, sweeteners - but i still have fruit and veg and some wholegrains). my died was loaded wih sugar previously so i really noticed a difference in my energy and skin after a month or so - and have been doing it ever since and am constantly looking to better and improve myself and my education. i am a highly stressed anxious type a personality - always on the go and 100% or "nothing at all" in approach to everything. i have many minor ailments -i feel quite toxic (city life (current) alcohol (sometimes) and previous toxins - other substance abuse, medications, sleeping pills) - i try to do some fasting, but i burn a lot of energy (being so anxious!) that i struggle to do it too often - ive probably done 10 fasts in the last year 24-72hrs, although i do practice intermittent fasting regularly (work permitting) - 16/8 fast. Im 5ft 8inch and weight approx 58kg, naturally ectomorph probably 75% with the rest being endomorph (legs) and i eat approx 3000kcal min per day just to maintain this weight (BMI approx 19, i think) even without much conscious exercise (although im constantly running around, fidgety - im sure you know the type!). i tested for overactive thyroid with my MD approx 2 years ago when i changed by diet and suddenly lost a lot of weight (i was very anxious at this time and she said it was the anxiety that was causing the weight loss) -she said i actually had a slightly underactive thyroid!! at this time i was eating 4000kcal per day but now its under control (sort of) at 3,000. Additionally, and unrelated, i suspect there is mould in my (bought) flat (TBH i believe there is mould in a lot of central london properties) and i think that i have chronic inflammation - because it's very easy for me to get inflamed - i see it on my face and water retention if, eg, i eat something i shouldnt/experience a particularly stressful situation. i also believe that i have a lot of toxins to get out of my body - physically and emotionally (based on exeperience of a couple of 72hr fasts that ive completed where i had some slightly scary but eyeopening experiences and insights). i've just completed a 48hr fast (i didnt really notice a reduction in the inflammation or many positive benefits - and felt like it wasnt long enough, maybe because im getting used to them now) and after 24hr hours of my finish time, i became unbearably itchy on my scalp, back, arms and elbow - and it's still going on 24hr later. i have tried researching what it could be but to no avail - i havent eaten gluten recently (in the last week or so). i eat a lot of nuts (because its hard to eat 3000kcal a day and eat healthily without nuts, in my experience!), coconut products, lots of organic veg and berries, some grass-fed meat, i regularly make bone broth and i hardly eat dairy. i wouldn descibe my diet as high fat (200g per day), moderate protein (60g per day) and moderate complex carbs and fruit (maybe 100-130g per day). i dont try to do keto but i need my calories to be high enough to not lose weight, i dont want to OD on protein (as i know it gets turned into sugar, and i dont want to have too much sugar (complex or otherwise). so FAT is the balancing macros! I imagine you are laughing at this ridiculous message by now....anyway - my digestion seems to be worsening - i sense that im not digesting my food properly (i have to eat alot and i dont eat mindfully - which i know is bad for me!). im always in a rush and rarely slow down. my brain is very wired and my job is challenging and the hours are long (lawyer at a hedge fund). im 33 years old and people say i look healthy - i feel like im trying so hard and putting the right organic foods and supplements in my body but that it might be a waste. my skin could further improve (acne, jaw, cheeks, mostly). i dont drink caffeine, work out with a PT twice a week on core and strength, walk a lot and do some cycling. I dont often drink alcohol (although if i do - approx once a month/once a fortnight - it tends to not be moderately, in full disclosure - classic lawyer!). im sure this is the longest question youve ever received but id love to know your initial thoughts - especially on the (extremely annoying and prevalent) itchy which has appeared 24hours ago and any recommendations for any of your tests and/or supplements and foods to avoid. Thanks for much for your help in advance - youre amazing!

Jan: Hi Dr. Cabral, Hope you're having a nice day.Thanks in advance for your time and words of wisdom! I'm trying to figure out the underlying cause for a malfunctioning ileocecal valve (valve gets stuck open). I have tried dietary changes, meditation, chiropractic care, massage, cold packs, castor oil packs and all help temporarily but inevitably the valve flairs open and leaves me feeling pretty awful. Could candida or bacterial overgrowth be causing this? I completed your parasite plan and am now a week into your CBO protocol. Do you have any suggestions for supporting the valve? Thanks, you Rock Jan

Dustin: I am 35 years old, 6 foot, and 170lbs. I have alway been relatively skinny despite what I eat. One thing I have always struggled with is oily skin and acne. I wipe the oil off my face up to 15 times a day just to appear “normal,” Thoughts? I have recently changed my goals to be more healthy/well. I take your daily protocol, increased my fiber and water intake, and follow a Mediterranean diet mostly with a lot of veggies. I still have cheat meals a few times per week. I enjoy 2-3 beers or a couple glasses of red wine 2-3 times a week. I do not work out enough but live a busy/active lifestyle. I find that I have a lot of gas (flatuence). Thoughts and recommendations? Thank you! Dustin

Amanda: Hi Dr. Cabral. I am a health coach. One of my clients has scoliosis. The lower part of her spine is shaped like a C. Around her tailbone the area is inflamed and tender and she said that it is almost always like that and causes her pain sometimes. Looking at her back her hips are titled, making her left side a little higher and causing an indent in her left side about belly button level. This is something that makes her self-conscious. Is there anything she can do to help with the appearance of the indent.

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Nov 25, 2017

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Nikki: I just wanted to submit feedback. I listened to your tongue diagnosis and nail diagnosis, they were very informative! Please continue to post more on those types of topics! Additionally, I am new to naturopathic medicine and would like to know how I can learn more and make it a part of my life as well as to share it with others..Are there seminars i can attend? Or a list of naturopathic doctors I that are out there? Or books that should be read? Thanks so much!

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, As always, I am so appreciative of the work you do and I truly admire your dedication to helping others! My question is in regards to natural constipation relief. To give you some background, I am a 24 yr old female, and was diagnosed with SIBO a few months ago. I sought out natural treatment with a naturopath and started herbal treatments, however, due to financial restrictions, I have had to temporarily stop treatment with my naturopath for the time being. I started following the low fodmap diet back in June, and I intend to keep this up as it does seem to bring some relief, however, even with this diet in place, I constantly struggle with severe constipation (this was the case even during treatment). I usually have a BM every 2-3 days, however, if I ever even slightly fall off the rails of the fodmap diet, my body is so easily thrown off and I can go a week without a BM. This is incredibly frustrating as even when I 'cheat' on my diet, I still always eat only all natural foods. I am strictly off gluten and dairy, as well. When I am experiencing this level of constipation, I have tried numerous efforts such as aloe Vera, diuretic teas, yoga, essential oils, lots of hot water, exercise, magnesium citrate, etc. sometimes these do the trick, however, lately it seems that no matter what I try I can't seem to get myself back on track. Do you have any other tips for how to overcome constipation? Thank you! Keep up the incredible work.

Mary:  Thanks Dr. Cabral for your helpful insight and information for body, mind, and spirit. I've ordered the telemere test and am awaiting my results and I enjoyed a 30 minute consult with you for help on my migraines. My daughter is 8 weeks pregnant and I'm wondering if you would suggest any testing at this point and what she can do to maximize health for her baby. She was on pre/natal vitamins for sometime before getting pregnant and she had no fertility issues at all. She is 30 years old. My husband and I both have the mutation that doesn't absorb folic acid so she's gotten pre/natal vitamins that have folate I believe. But looking forward to your best recommendations. Warmest!

Teaganhello. I am writing in to ask about coffee enemas. I do them about 2x a week and recently have been feeling extremely burpy and bloated and gassy afterwards? Why is this? Should I stop? ( I did switch the type of coffee from the typical organic coffee you woudl drink to "coffee enema coffee" which is light yellow/greenish when brewed vs classic dark brown. You would think since I am removing a lot from my system I'd feel lighter and better (I used to) now I just feel worse after in terms of upper GI issues. what could be going on? Thank you

Susan: Hi, my daughter suffers from eczema and acne. A friend told me her daughter used the Candida and Bacterial Complete Protocol and cleared up her eczema. My question is, will it also clear up my daughters acne? Thank you for your quick response. Susan

Erica: I've read that manuka honey is a better anitbiotic than perscription drugs. "Manuka Honey is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic." so says doctor google. I am battling candida, sibo, intestinal worms, hpylori, you name it. Can I take a teaspoon of this every morning? I have so far and been feeling great, but not sure if it is helping or hurting me. I know it has sugar, but since it has so many benefits, the sugar in it isn't the same as your evil white sugar. Thanks in advance for your help!

Erin: Hey Dr. Cabral, For the last 6 years I've been getting acupuncture and it has helped tremendously. Mostly to help regulate my cycle, back pain, and my digestive issues that come up periodically. I asked my acupuncturist during my last visit about doing a juice fast for one day. I asked her because I deal with a lot of bloating, usually I go back to my fodmaps diet and it helps but adding back in some of the foods seems to be fine but eventually my bloating comes back and/or I get stomach cramps. She said because fall and winter is yin, it wouldn't be a good idea and also it can mess with my hormones. She recommended to try intermittent fasting up to 12/14 hours from my last meal, and eat smaller meals that are easy to digest and cooked. Dosha wise I'm always a combo of vata-pitta. I'm overall plant-based, vegetarian, no dairy, very rarely I eat soy, and the only gluten I eat occasionally is sour dough I get from a local baker with no preservatives. What are your thoughts? Thank you for your time.

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Nov 24, 2017
Tired of giving (and getting) the same old gifts every holiday season?
Why not spice things up this year with some fresh, healthy holiday gift ideas…
The gifts will be more thoughtful and will definitely not go to waste. Plus, each gift idea I’ll be sharing today will help to improve overall health & wellness!
Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 567 for this year’s 2017 holiday gift giving (& receiving) guide - Enjoy the show!
  1. Healthy gift certificates for massage (cranial sacral), personal trainer, or sauna
  2. Reflexology appointment 
  3. Thersage IFR portable sauna  (episode #524)
  4. Thersage water pitcher & Best water filters (episode #286)
  5. Shower & Bath Filter (episode #307)
  6. Favorite books or audio - pick one that means something to you!
  7. Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol (the 3 supplements every needs)
  8. Daily Nutritional Support (your all-ine-one for your morning smoothie)
  9. Dr. Cabral Detox (introduction to getting well and healthy eating)
  10. Dry brush or raw silk gloves, sesame oil, and epsom salt bundle basket (episode #321)
  11. Genetic Test
  12. Functional Medicine Lab Test (our food sensitivity test is very popular)
  13. EMF Meter 
  14. Tea of the month
  15. Blender (episode #279)
  16. Juicer (episode #272)
  17. Essential oil diffuser (episode #476)
  18. Wake Light (episode #353)
  19. 1 week trial to home meal delivery service like Sun Basket
  20. Gift certificate for cooking class with a friend

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Nov 23, 2017

By now you've probably noticed that you can have 2 people that are the same height, but have very different body shapes and sizes...

These same two people can literally eat the same amount of calories per day, yet one person gains weight and the other loses weight...

How can this be? The discrepancy comes from our unique body types, which allow for many varying attributes - one of which is our metabolism...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 657 to discover how many calories you need to eat everyday (and how many you burn) - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 22, 2017

Today I want to share with you 5 foods that when eaten immediately begin to slow your metabolism and deteriorate your health...

The reason they do this is because they can throw off your hormones such as insulin, cortisol, and estrogen...

And when your fat burning and fat storing mechanisms get out of whack you end up gaining weight due to the slowing of your metabolic rate...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 656 to find out the foods that wreck your metabolism - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 21, 2017

Although the phrase, "beauty is created from the inside out" is often uttered softly in the skincare world, not enough real merit is given to that fact...

The food we put in our body literally decides the expression of our genes, wellness, weight, aging, and even the quality of our skin (and hair)...

So when we choose to put high-nutrient quality, skin-nourishing whole foods in our body we are in turn materializing beautiful glowing skin...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 655 to find out the 8 best foods for radiant skin - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 20, 2017

I used to believe that I could pull myself out of a depressed state or "funk" by trying to be more Zen or let things just roll off me as if they didn't matter...

After all this is what a lot of the current dogma and books preach, but the problem was that this advice simply didn't pan out in the real world...

The reason you can't go from feeling apathetic and overwhelmed to Zen is that there are a few other levels in between that you need to ascend up the ladder on in order to reach a higher state of enlightenment or happiness...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 654 to discover how to raise your vibrational energy & happiness factor - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 19, 2017

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Megan: Hello! absolutely love your podcast and have the highest respect for you and what you do! That being said, I need your help! I am having the hardest time losing weight! I have a functional medicine doctor that has run many blood labs along with a Nureval test and long story short, the highlights of all my labs were... *a normal functioning thyroid *a healthy gut with no markers for yeast or bacteria, *low progesterone (2.8 on day 19 of my cycle), *high need for vitamins B6, 7, 9 and 12, *high need for vitamin C *high need for alpha lipoic acid, *high need for vitamin D *low glutathione Is all of this what is keeping me from losing weight? I can't understand how I can have a healthy thyroid, eat a healthy diet high in vegetables and yet I am still not able to lose weight. How do you naturally boost progesterone and balance out hormones? Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of knowledge with people like me on a daily basis!! Megan

Judy: Dear Dr. Cabral, I am so grateful to have found your podcast. I am a 34 year old woman battling acne since my teenage years with the exception of when I took Yaz birth control for about 2 years. I later tried a generic brand to help with acne but it never worked. It has been at least 5 years since I was last on birth control. My acne continues to get worse mostly on my chin and cheeks. I have been on a vegan, plant based diet for almost a year. Several of my digestive issues improved once I gave up animal products such as I can now process beans and most cruciferous foods that for years I just thought I was allergic to. However, my acne continues to get worse. Starting a month ago, I am now taking about 5mg Maca, and 2tsp of flax oil and a vegan epa/dha supplement and eliminating all other oils and my beloved nuts to reduce inflammation and boost my omega 3s which I heard could help acne. However, I am constantly craving sweets especially before my cycle and I often binge on sugar on the weekends. Also, my eyelashes fall out causing bald spots so I started using a lash enhancer to keep the balding at bay although I can clearly see the new growth that is replacing the hairs that fell out. I am also concerned that I have lost my half moons on all my nails except my thumbs which are starting to go away too. Do you have any suggestions on what may be causing my acne, binging, hair loss and nail issues? Is there a vegan solution for me? I look forward to you reply.

Anonymous: I’m not sure which tests to order and I’m hoping you can give me some direction. I am Hypo/Hashi x 10 years and still don’t have my health anywhere close to where I want to be in my overall health and life. I am a 52 yr old female. I’m still experiencing some fatigue, some muscle/joint pain especially with a change in routine, exercise intolerance (can walk 4 times a week for 30 minutes but can’t do an hour long gentle yoga, Pilates, or any gentle weight lifting for strength and muscle tone). I am COMT homo, MTHFR Heter, CBS. I KNOW I do not tolerate crucerious veggies in large amounts, sulfur anything gives me a migraine that can last weeks - no exaggeration. I have seen a couple of different ND’s, thyroid nurse expert over the last 7 years and although I am at about 50-60% in my overall health I am not happy with that. I feel like I am running on half my pistons. I wouldn’t doubt mitochondrial issues. I have psoriasis which is 90% improved but still have a few small patches. I am taking a ton of pharmaceutical targeted supplements after doing the AIP diet for a year and half. I have a sensitive constitution (Kapha/Vata about 50/50) and have worked extremely hard on lowering the ‘bucket affect’. I eat a modified Paleo diet, avoid most nightshades most of the time. Gluten and dairy free for 7 years. Very little sugar in the form of honey/maple syrup or low glycemic fruit. Meditate daily for years and walk, do yoga stretches. I take T3, NP Thyroid and LDN 2 mg. I am happily married and have a lot of great support. Stress in managed well. So other than what labs might you suggest I would also like to know if Dr. Cabral would think outside the box with me. If he recommends a ‘protocol’ to treat something, say candidiasis for instance, will he be able to recommend a different care plan if I am intolerant to an ingredient in one of his protocols? I absolutely cannot take Molybdenum and refuse to suffer any more migraines when I know I have tried that, several times in the past, even a tiny doses with dire consequences. I think this is what makes me a more difficult case but I would love to work with him if he thinks he could truly help me. Do you think he could? I am and have been for 7 plus years 100% committed to my health and wellness. I have done a ton of work with old past trauma, addressed environmental chemicals/personal care/diet/lifestyle/addressing hypoadrenia, phase 1/neurotransmitter imbalance/oxidative stress/micronutritional deficiency/genetic deficit, enzymatic, methylation. I am a changed woman in many ways due to his podcast and Motivation Mondays! Thank you for all that you do for all of us.

Dominic: Hi Dr. Cabral, I enjoy your podcasts. After consulting ear specialist, doctor for my 2 year old recommends adenoids removal. He has fluid on one ear and the other ear drum is inverted. Don't like the idea of my boy being cut open and body parts removed. Is there an alternative? Thanks you, Dominic

Michelle: Hello, I have been prescribed and have been taking Alprazolam for several years for anxiety, insomnia, and to counteract the side affects of Vyvance. This past year I have started experiencing several terrible side affects and when I questioned my doctor she told me long term use is fine. I do not feel well and as I age my symptoms get worse and I want off of this medication!! As my doctor does not want me to go off of the Alprazolam I decided I would take myself off of it but I would like to ask for your recommendation on how best to taper off. Also, I have Gilbert’s which I suspect is affecting my tolerance and overall liver function, but all of the doctors I have spoke to about this have very limited knowledge surrounding Gilbert’s. As this may affect the way my body processes Alprazolam any insight you may have in regards to tapering off and/or any information in general you could share would be grately appreciated!!! Thank you, MIchelle

Lindsey: Two years ago, I had a Bartholin cyst surgically removed. I’ve had the cyst come back a few times since then but opted out on having surgery again. I’ve read about the causes of Bartholin cysts but I have yet to find any information on how to rectify whatever is going on inside my body to prevent them from developing. Is the cause diet based or is there something else going on inside me that is causing them to develop? I know there’s an underlying cause and I would much rather correct my body from the inside out as opposed to having multiple surgeries.

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Nov 18, 2017

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Tyler: Hi Stephen, I am an avid listener of your podcast and I’m pretty sure I have listened to almost every single one of your episodes over the last 14 months. I have learned more from you than I have in all four years of my undergrad. I am currently a first-year naturopathic medical students and hope to follow in your footsteps as a naturopathic and functional medicine practitioner. My question for you is dealing with a chronic eczema-like skin condition that has been going on for about two months. I developed this towards the end of a one month long vacation in Europe during the month of August. I am a very health-conscious individual and follow a predominately vegan lifestyle that includes some cold water oily fish and pastured eggs and avoid dairy, wheat, and refined sugar. I have been following your Dr Cabral daily morning protocol since February and do a combo of hot yoga, weight lifting, and swimming 4-5x per week. I have done your organic acids test and hair tissue mineral analysis test in the last six months as well as an IGA and IgG food sensitivity test. I have known sensitivities to tuna, wheat (but not gluten), cane sugar, and cows milk and my other two tests came back normal. While in Europe, I decided to “live a little” and completely throw my diet out the door. I ate all the wheat, dairy, sugar, and meat I wanted and ate relatively little plant-based foods. I did not exercise during this time as well. The one thing I did bring with me was your nutritional support powder which I consumed everyday. During the last week of my trip, I came down with what I would consider a really bad cold. Very sore throat, swollen tonsils and lymph nodes, chronic red eyes that looked like conjunctivitis that would switch from eye to eye, a stuffy nose, body aches, and clogged ears. During the course of this I try to drink as much fluids as possible, get sleep, and I decided to go back to a more anti-inflammatory diet. After returning to California, I quickly started on your immune support protocol and within a couple days started feeling much better. I also started getting back into my normal eating habits which seemed to help as well. Towards the end of the cold, I found myself itching my quads, buttocks, the back my elbows, forearms, and wrist more frequently because they itched but there was no noticeable inflamed/irritated skin. Within two days of returning from Europe I moved up to Washington to start medical school. I didn’t have a place to live yet which was stressful and found a place right before school started. When school started we hit the ground running and I was under a lot of stress trying to get everything together, school, being sick, etc. Since then, I have developed small red, sometimes inflamed, dry patches of skin in between my fingers, in the webbing of my fingers, palms, on my wrists, on parts of my abdomen, upper chest, the inner quad and growin area, as well as in the upper buttocks region. When not inflamed, it almost looks like caluses you get from gripping weights. It itches. The worst thing is it is gets worse at night and so it is affecting my quality of sleep where I’m constantly waking up or can’t fall asleep. I’ve seen a naturopathic doctor here twice and they have given me a topical steroid to control the itching so I can sleep. Not super effective and I don’t really like using it so I have discontinued. They ruled out the possibility of scabies from physical examination. I have been cooking my own food since moving up here and my stools have been regular and solid/normal looking. The working diagnosis they are working with is dyshidrotic ezczema although the patches/bumps have never been fluid filled. I just started your natural sleep protocol and it seems to be helping some. I also just did a condensed 5 day version of your detox without the supplements and just the powder. Before the natural sleep protocol, I was using CBD oil which was also helping a little bit. I’ve also been trying to take baths consisting of baking soda, coconut oil, and Teatree oil. During this time period, I have also had two canker sore’s in my lower lip that have lasted 11+ days and have been very large and painful. I’ve been using your immune support protocol on and off for the last month. I take at least 3+ grams of vitamin C and 15 to 30 µg of zinc picolonate every day and try to use a sauna every day since my gym offers it. I feel like I’m doing all the right things but it is still persistent. Sorry for the long message. I just wanted to be as thourough as possible. I appreciate your guidance!

Lance: Hello, I am a new listener and now follower of your podcast. I am so interested that I am ordering some of the books you have suggested in Ayurvedic Medicine. My question is regarding my children. I have looked into previous podcasts and have not been able to find definitive information on this subject. My children are 6 and 3. Their past Pediatrician mentioned both the children were major ear wax producers. So much so that the medical staff is not able to view the eardrums during a basic physical exam. What is this? Can it be a problem? Is this a Nutritional issue? It was suggested that I use a hydrogen peroxide and water solution or Debrox ear drops to clear the wax. Do you have any advice or suggestions? Thanks for your perspective! Lance

Donna: Dr. Cabral, I have concerns over my 11 year old grandson. He is and has been a very bright child, testing show high intelligence. However, in the last four years he has gone through much emotional turmoil with family issues, loss of a cousin, and two additional siblings, he is now the oldest of five. Current issue is he is now in middle school at 11, he does not turn in assignments yet does well on tests. He goes to bed late and does not get enough sleep and is always tired. What in your sleep protocol would be appropriate for him? Loss of sleep and emotional issues is setting him up for failure in my opinion. Thank you for your time. Donna

Caitlin: Hi, I'm not sure where to direct the questions you answer in your podcasts, but I was wondering if you had any information/advice about balancing post pardum hormones and safe weight loss methods for breastfeeding moms. I feel like I need a detox, but know I can't really do that while nursing. Any advice? Thank you!

Mari (Mary): My questions were some that were missed through the unfortunate reset to the website!!! Glad you got everything resolved. I have been on birth control for 10 years and would like to come off of it a little more graceful than I have tried in the past that left me discouraged and going back on it. I have had terrible cystic acne for the past few years and with the help of your podcast have made some life changes. I no longer eat dairy at all, it causes too many sinus issues for me and skin issues as well. I recently cut out added sugar and I can't believe what that has done for my skin. I currently take the DIM product per the hormone test I had done with you guys previously. I also take the daily multivitamin. My anxiety comes and goes but when it comes, it is so terrible. I tried the CBD and LOVED it.. sometimes its just not in the cards for me to spend the money that it costs, but I do plan on reordering because I loved what it did for me. Last time I got off birth control, my skin became extremely oily, my anxiety got a little better, my back broke out which it never has prior and it was huge cystic pimples. My results were as followed for your testing: Estradoil 1.1 progesterone 39 ratio pg/e2 35 L Testosterone 35 DHEAS 9.8 Cortisol morning 8.6 cortisol noon 2.6 coristol 1.4 coristol 1.5 H Night. I would like to come off birth control without as many issues as I had. I slept through the night when I came off of it and felt like my bladder wasn't as overactive. The physical side affects the acne, the back acne really had me torn and I jumped right back on it. I was wondering naturally with supplementation what I could do to make this maybe an easier transition. Currently, I go through moods where for sometimes what seems like weeks, I am sad and down for a reason I don't know.

Mari (Mary): Thank you for all that you do. You have no idea how much my life has changed because of this podcast in the past year. Recently, I have noticed my right thumb killing me. It is hard to open almost anything. I crack my knuckles and fingers and I can't even get it to crack anymore. Pushing down on it even hurts. I did not do anything to cause this, but it is so hard because I have an office job and am constantly using my hands. I recently cut out added sugar of my diet and am dairy and gluten free. Anything would really help. Thank you!

Robert: Hi Dr. Cabral. Thank you for all of the great work that you do! I've started to focus more on weight-training this coming winter, but I'm at a bit of a loss where to get started. My body type is what some in the industry call "skinny fat" - I have a relatively thin frame (probably ectomorph or combination), very thin legs and arms, a moderate metabolism, and so on. Overall, I have a low body fat percentage, but unfortunately I don't have that natural abdominal tone that many ectomorphs benefit from. I generally eat pretty cleanly, so I'm at a loss what I might be doing wrong. I want a mostly "lean" and toned result, so I'm worried that excessive bulking might be counterintuitive. I've researched online a bit, but encountered very mixed suggestions. Should I minimize cardio? Dramatically increase calories? Any words of advice are appreciated!

Lauren: hi, I was wondering if you could help recommend a way I can get omega 3's and get my blood work better. I am allergic to fish so i have to be careful to make sure nothing has fish oil in it etc. I currently got some blood work done and I am low in alot.. (iron serum-53; folate serum -13.2, b12 -381ng/ml, ferretin - 11ng; d3-34; my cholesterol was go, my TSH was 1.030 which i think is low? hemoglobin - 11.8). My doctor said nothing to worry about but, I know based off ideal #s these are low. Currently I started taking vitamin d3 5000, your activated bcomplex, your multivitamin and your daily protein shake. Is there anything else I can be doing? If I want to have a baby in the next 2 years, I know it is impt to get folic acid at a good level too. Any recommendations will be appreciated! Thank you!!

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Nov 17, 2017

By now, we all know that most of the beverages we consume should come from pure clean water, but sometimes that can get a little monotonous and boring...

When that happens it's important to understand that there are equally hydrating and healthy options...

By understanding what else is available and when it's best to drink those, you'll be able to stay on track with your health and body transformation goals while satisfying your taste buds...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 651 for what to drink when you get tired of water - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 16, 2017

When it comes to pre and post workout nutrition there is definitely not a one-size fits all approach...

Things like waiting 1 hour to eat, or eating immediately after a workout to "seize the window" are contradicting statements that are often touted as absolutes, but nothing could be further from the truth...

The science lies in a customized approach to fit one's individual goals of whether you're looking to mainly lose weight (fat) or gain weight (muscle)...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 650 for all the details on how to optimize your pre and post workout nutrition in order to reach your goals and maximize your results - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 15, 2017

Today, I get the opportunity to share with you an interview I did just about a week ago where I got "put under the lights" by one of the top podcasts in business & entrepreneurship...

I was asked to explain why I don't believe in "disease" as we currently know it and to share my philosophy on how to get well, lose weight, and feel alive again!

It was a lot of fun and we got to go deep on some topics I haven't explored in this fashion on my podcast, which is why I'm looking forward to sharing this particular interview with you...

Tune into today's #Cabral Concept 649 for this special interview and I hope you enjoy the show!

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Nov 14, 2017

Nutrition is one of those topics that can get so specific and tedious that it often holds people back from doing what really matters the most...

Essentially, you can make tracking calories, macros, micros, meal timing, etc. your entire day, or you can choose to live and eat simply (and practically)...

I understand that my private clients our community members have no interest in making nutrition more complicated than it has to be, but they still want the benefits of looking and feeling great that come along with eating properly...

That's why on today's #CabralConcept 648 I'm going to detail my top 10 rules on eating well, so that you can make your meal planning a part of your life, but not your whole life - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 13, 2017

I’ve made the analogy before that I’d rather fail 5 out of 10 times and be able to recalibrate than wait for the perfect moment and hope I succeed right of the gate...

However, the popular schooling over the last 50 years had been that you should do everything in your power not to fail - We’re told as children and students to do all we can avoid failure at all costs...

Not only does this crush our psyche, but it leaves us living in mediocrity while we never really go for our dreams and at the same time living in regret...

Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 647 to find out why doing nothing is worse than failing - Enjoy the show!

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Nov 12, 2017

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Rebecca: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am in the middle of doing the 21 day detox. After the first week of the detox, my menstrual period came and it was a week earlier than I was expecting it! My periods are usually pretty predictable - every 28-30 days. Can you explain why this happened during the detox? Thanks!

Lindsey: What is your opinion on ingesting food grade Diatomaceous Earth for health benefits, such as improved hair skin and nails due to the high silica content, removal of parasites etc. thankyou!

Priscilla: Hi Dr. Cabral, When my son was 3 1/2 (about two years ago), his eye started to turn in. At first it only happened every few days, then it was constant. We saw many different doctors with different opinions and finally found a functional medicine doctor/chiropractor. He put us on a plant based, gluten free and dairy free diet. We have seen some improvement, but very slow. Wondering if this is something you have ever heard of and what advise you would have? Thanks so much!

Sandy: Confused about apple cider vinegar. Some say it is very beneficial to take before meals with water others warn it is not good to take on a regular basis. What is your thought on this issue. Thanks for your sincere dedication to help as many as possible to better health.

Courtney: Hi Dr. Cabral and staff! My name is Courtnie and I have recently started listening to your podcast! I love the housecalls and have been considering sending in my questions there but you always remind us how much longer it will take to hear a response (thank you for that). Well, I’ve had a big problem with weight gain the past couple of years, 10-15 pounds, but I am a 5’1 girl and 10 pounds looks like a lot more on my height. I have really struggled with trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. I am on a birth control pill (which also helps with my acne that I have struggled with in the past but has recently started to clear up a lot), I had switched to an IUD, which I have recently taken out due to difficulties, and I am back on the pill. I lost weight with the IUD very quickly after insertion and then put it all back on almost immediately after switching back to the pill. I have recently switched to the lowest dose of estrogen pill that they offer in hopes that the estrogen is my issue. I have considered stopping the pill all together but I am afraid it will make my acne flare up. In addition, I eat fairly healthy and I workout 3-5 days a week. If you have any suggestions to offer, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for all that you do!

Mark: I first discovered Dr. Cabral via a podcast search and am a subscriber to the Cabral Concept. I am writing to share information about myself and determine which of Dr. Cabral’s protocols may be best for me. About me: 53 years old 6’ 3” tall 235 lbs. which I believe is about 25-30 pounds overweight BMI: 29.4 I’m currently taking Effexor, irbesartin, pravastatin, omeprozale, Glucosamine and Chondroitin, and allergy meds. I use a CPAP machine to manage sleep apnea. I have osteoarthritis in both knees (right knee worse). On a scale of 1-10 (1=poor) my eating habits are probably a 6 on most days—not enough vegetables. Ice cream is my kryptonite. I have found that I can adhere to a 16:8 fast pretty easily and have been doing this for about four months. I lost 11 pounds pretty quickly, but have gained about 5lbs back I do not drink alcohol, but wonder if sugar is the replacement addiction that occurred when I quit drinking alcohol 15 years ago. I do not smoke. I was drinking too much diet cola, but recently quit it altogether. I was exercising but just had rotator cuff surgery so I am limited. I’d like to get a handle on my nutrition and am not sure where to start. What might you suggest in terms of a process for “starting over”? Should I Assess, Plan, Implement? If so, which assessment? Thank you for sharing your expertise. I look forward to hearing from you. Mark

Laura: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you for all the information you share on your podcast. I always go to it when I need some inspiration, when I'm having a bad day and not feeling well. I am 35 years old and was diagnosed with Sjögren's syndrome about 4 years ago. I suffer from dry eyes, all over aches and pains in my joints and muscles, POTs symptoms, arms and legs fall asleep easily, exhaustion, inability to exercise much, etc. it's difficult to be so young and feel like I'm 90! It's also difficult to feel so differently than just a few years ago when I was running 4 miles a day a couple times a week. I miss the feeling of being refreshed after exercise. The other piece that has been difficult is that I want to have a family and haven't found the right guy for me and I think my illness over the last few years has held me back. I've been following many of your suggestions. I don't currently take any medications because I don't have faith that they will truly help me. I eat a mainly vegan diet at this point with some fish. Lots of green smoothies, omega 3s, daily nutrition supplement, gluten free, cut out foods that i can tell I'm sensitive too, lots of water, infrared sauna, meditation, etc. I get scared when I see that this is a lifelong condition that progresses. I want to believe that I can get better, but haven't seen that in 4 years. If my immune system has caused damage already to my eye glands and other parts of my body, is that really reversible? What suggestions do you have? Thank you again

Anonymous: Hello Dr Cabral- Big fan of your podcast and the helpful knowledge and mindset you embody. I am suffering from some SIBO related autoimmunity and have a pesky issue I hope you can address. My anus is extremely itchy and is a constant nuisance even waking me up and causing me to sleep poorly. I have done parasite testing and am negative and assume (pun intended!) that the itching is related to SIBO and stomach/bacterial/food sensitivity issues. I am currently completing your bacterial/candida/SIBO 3 month protocol but am hoping you can help provide some immediate relief to the itchiness and help me get my life back, thank you for your time and support.

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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