World War I and II brought a halt to many great innovations of that time, but maybe none more so than in natural medicine...
About 100 years ago numerous forms of "alternative medicine" were being studied, researched, and verified, as well as being proven with patients in the real world...
The problem was that conventional medicine was just beginning its surge and stranglehold on the way that we are allowed to "diagnose and treat disease..."
Therefore, many of these amazing forms of natural healing (although rooted in science) were forgotten or at least marginalized to the point that the general public never heard about them again...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 851 to re-discover with me one of those 100-year old forgotten forms of healing that is now making a resurgence - Enjoy the show!
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If you don't know who Dr. Wayne Dyer is, you are missing out on some of the most compassionate and inspiring books, speeches, and knowledge ever handed down to us...
Although he passed on a few years back, his teachings and words are alive today as ever...
Right now I'd like to share with you how I've used much of his work on rewiring your current mindset and adding in "anchors" throughout the day to stay in a positive and purposeful state of being...
Plus, I'm going to be playing 5-minutes of Dr. Wayne Dyer's own voice and words to not only inspire you to become the best version of yourself, but to also learn a specific set of phrases you should to be reciting to yourself before bed (very important)...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 850 for the best 5-minutes of motivational mindset teaching with Dr. Wayne Dyer - Enjoy the show!
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Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!
I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…
Let’s get started!
Annie: Hi Dr. Cabral! Huge thanks for all you do and all the free help/advice you offer. I have been binge listening to your podcast over the past couple of weeks. I have really enjoyed how you integrate Ayurveda into your practice. I recently ordered my first 14-day detox and anticipate awesome results! My question is: could you talk about weight gain for Vata/pitta body types? I’m a Vata-Pitta (very thin wrists and ankles, a little broader shoulders, dry skin/hair, bloating and constipation) and have carried extra fat on my belly since around age 8 (I’m 24 now). It looks strange on my body as I am otherwise quite bony and lean. I eat clean and exercise regularly. Could this be excess Vata? I feel it’s not Kapha as it does not change with my diet or exercise and is in such a specific area. Would really appreciate any suggestions as it’s very frustrating and makes me feel insecure - I mean who doesn’t want a flat stomach? Thanks in advance!
Elizabeth: Hi Dr Cabral. I love your show and all the valuable information you provide! My question is about afternoon snacking... I find that I eat healthy, whole nutritious foods for the beginning part of my day, but when 3pm rolls around I am ravenous and reach for anything I can get my hands on. It feels like my brain shuts off it’s wellness meter and I get caught up in the moment. I wouldn’t say it’s a binge because it’s not a lot of food... but it definitely feels like a lack of control. Why does this happen? Is there something I should be doing earlier in the day to prevent this? Thanks!
Gabriella: Hi Dr. Cabral, First off, thank you for sharing your work and for sharing it with us. I have a question regarding what I was told was pain that started from a virus. The pain in my chest on the left side by my heart. My GP felt the area and told me it was text book costochondritis and that the virus that’s caused it was probably long gone but that the inflammation was still around. He told me to take three Advil a day until the pain went away. I usually refrain from taking Advil especially that much. I was wondering if you had another solution. Thank you, GP
Donna: This is somewhat urgent. I’ve been a smoker for over 30 years struggling to completely quit. I’m getting ready to take advantage of your CBD Oil offer for March. Will this help me and do you have a protocol or suggestions for quitting smoking? I have been using the DNS for seven months, completed a 7 day detox, and ready to do a 21 day detox. I eat healthy, exercise and in good health except slightly elevated cholesterol. I will eventually do some testing but need to end this habit now. I prefer this question not be on a podcast or could this be addressed in a most general way as to addiction. If you could help me through a personal email I would greatly appreciate it. Otherwise I would like to be anonymous. Thank you so much,
Joel: Dr Cabral, my four year old has been complaining of stomach pain just left of his belly button for about 3 months. He originally had a “stomach bug” in November for a few days in which he vomited and wasn’t feeling well. Afterwards he’s continued to complain on average 3 times a day of just general stomach pain. In January he had an incident where he was writhing in pain. We took him to the ER by the time we arrived he said he felt fine. We eat overall pretty healthy Paleo style diet with organic foods overall. I can’t tell if it’s stress or if he’s really got something going on there. I’ve noticed his anxiety increase (gut/brain Or perhaps craving attention cuz we have a 7 month old that takes a lot of our attention noe too). He poops once a day and they are normal. His appetite is normal as well. Would you recommend rotation diet? Could you give a 4 year old CBD? Would you still run an organic acids/allergy test? How would you do a 21 day Cabral detox with a 4 year old? Thanks! Joel
Woody: Hi, I'm interested in working with your advisory services. Briefly, 65, healthy, no meds, 180, 6 ft. PSA went from 3 to 6. MRI/biopsy Gleason 7. Urologist wants to destroy. Been following podcasts for awhile, done some research. Overseas business trip mid April through early May and putting off decision. Using Nutraceuticals and intermittent and longer fasting.
Jai: Hi Stephen, 3 questions: My girlfriend gets headaches a lot when she is on her period, if she lacks sleep and when stressed, what can we do to prevent this? She also gets swollen breast that are painful to the touch. Yes, she takes birth control. And finally, she has lost about 50 lbs, and would like to lose an additional 10-15 more. She works out 4-5x per week at 45 min each, eats 3-4 balanced meals (protein, fat, carb and veggie), she drinks 1/2 her bodyweight in water or more daily. She is a CNA 4 3rd shifts per month and outside of exercise and the extra activity from being a CNA she is sedentary. She cannot break 139.8 lbs at 5'4" and endomorph body type. What would you suggest? Thanks.
Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!
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Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Hayley: Hi Dr Cabral, I would love an opinion about vasectomies. I have read many men suffer side effects following the procedure, which isn't really talked about. Are there longterm hormonal implications from interfering with the normal flow of things down there? Thanks so much!
Lizbeth: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you for all the knowledge that you keep sharing through your podcasts. I will forever be grateful to everything I am learning through your podcast! I finally decided to purchase the CBO protocol! What made me make the final decision was getting a skin reaction after a dinner at a work-related event that I had to attend. None of my co-workers had it, and so I figured my body is definitely asking me to take care of this situation once and for all. I have always had a weak digestive system, but never had I experience rashes because of food consumption. These rashes also made me feel hot in those specific areas where the rash was happening. It did itch but I was not able to see any type of bump caused by it, only red skin. And I still get the itchy sensation after eating most meals. I do follow a very healthy diet, organic produce and meats, and Mediterranean style as you have suggested in other podcasts. Also, after that meal I suddenly gained a couple of pounds, and I can tell I am inflated because of how my watch and rings feel. I do have to say your team was extremely helpful in helping me make a choice to start at least with the CBO, and they suggested I contacted you as well to have a better idea of whether there are more steps I need to take besides the CBO Protocol. I have had h pylori in the past, and I have been concerned whether I have it again or no. I have listened to your how to leak a leaky gut in the past, as well as the one on food poisoning and H pylori, but I still can really put down the proper timeline of the products that I need to heal my body because I think I may need the intestinal cleanse. I know your upcoming book will have this info, but I would much rather not wait. I would think (for what I have heard you say) that I need the Healthy Belly, digestive enzyme, the intestinal cleanse and the CBO protocol, but for instance the CBO protocol already has the healthy belly and I have no idea if that bottle is all I need. Could you help me and guide me on whether or not I need an intestinal cleanse to heal my gut and the timeline on how to heal my digestive system? Thanks for your advice!
Anonymous: Stephen, thanks for your uplifting and informative podcasts! I get a lot of value from them. First I need to add a testimonial to your “super-nutrient of the week,” zinc, that you discussed on the March 2, 2018 podcast: I had extensive plantar warts on my toes for decades. I tried virtually all OTC remedies and liquid nitrogen at the MD’s office and none of these worked. Finally a dermatology PA suggested I try oral zinc along with my OTC topical remedy. Having decided by experience the OTC topicals were useless, and the zinc dose she suggested was high (400 mg) the literature cites up to 600 mg/day, I took (only) like 200 mg zinc per day for several weeks. My decades-long infection with plantar warts went away. I went off the supplemental zinc and the infection did not recur. This personal nutritional medicine outcome is why I listen to your podcast. You can find scientific studies showing effectiveness of Zn on Pubmed for example, “Oral zinc sulphate in the treatment of recalcitrant viral warts: randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial.” However you won’t find Zinc supplement in the plantar wart department at your drug store. Despite its effectiveness its use doesn’t seem to be widespread. Zinc may have some special properties for viral infections, for example production of antiviral interferon. See (You might be interested in the authors’ acknowledgement of the limitations of blood trace element analysis in diagnosis) Now, on to my question. (I’m hoping a naturopathy based therapy might help for my other medical problems) I’m 64 and suffered a heart attack about 12 years ago and had a stent implanted in my right coronary artery, Then I immediately changed my diet to a healthy plant based one, and also do a moderate exercise program 5+ days a week and often do mindfulness meditation. For 95% of the 12 years since I have taken statins, blood pressure medicine and aspirin. My BMI is good, all blood based testing is good, except lipids if off the statin. I drink alcohol moderately. Since the heart attack I also have ED and pain/stiffness in calf muscles when walking. I also get some swelling in my ankle sometimes if walking or standing for a length of time. I also have some degree of plantar fasciitis Conventional medicine has me diagnosed with peripheral artery disease, based on ankle/wrist blood pressure ratio. I’m a little skeptical of this because many people show similar patterns in these pressures and are asymptomatic. My cardiologist doesn’t think I am at a high risk for another heart attack. Generally I feel great. I’ve recently gone off my statin to see if my calf stiffness problem will go away. So far no luck. While they were OK with an experiment, the MDs highly recommend staying on the statin. I think the literature overall indicates statins help reduce the likelihood of a second cardiovascular event, but it’s not like a silver bullet. My blood pressure is not terrible without the medication so I could go off it temporarily, or permanently if a natural method would give adequate reduction. Could you recommend a course of action that might help identify and treat the underlying cause(s) and symptoms? Are the symptoms all the result of a systemic vascular disease? What would you recommend? I did hear you mention cayenne, ginger and argenine that might help my condition but you didn’t mention how much. I am sure there are many people with a similar set of symptoms. What do you think of Nobel prize winner Dr. Ignaro’s recommendation of argenine, citrulline, Vitamin C, E, folate, and lipoic acid? (published in “NO more heart disease” 2005) Thanks so much for any comments and keep up the great work!!!
Peta: Hello, My name is Peta, I'm 28 and live in Australia. I'm wondering if you would recommend I do a lab test first or go straight to one of your detoxes. My main concern was acne, and being tired a lot of the time. Acne is at it's worst before my menstrual cycle (so maybe hormonal?) It is a lot better when I eat good fats and reduce sugar intake. However the past few months my bowel movements have changed - constipation and then diarrhoea and acne has worsened. My DR ran a blood test. Results say A mild thrombocytopenia (not sure what that is). Stool test detected Dientamoeba - the doctor said they are not sure if this is causing my symptoms and has prescribed antibiotics. Is this the best option? I am yet to take them. Thank you, Peta
Kathryn: Hi Dr. Cabral, I listen to your podcast every week after someone from my yoga teacher training told me about it. I find myself relating strongly to the questions from your house calls that deal with digestive issues. You always have the same advice, do the Candida & Bacterial Complete Protocol. My question is when is the best time to start this? for some back ground information about me (I'll try to keep it short) I'm 33 years old and have had digestive issues for the better part of 5 years. For the first two years of this I would get sick almost every time I ate, I was advised by doctors and dietitians to only eat what I didn't have a reaction to which was almost everything. I was also told to eat chicken and eggs to get nutrients I might have been missing. for most of 2 years I had every medical test done to check my gallbladder, my stomach, and intestines but the only thing found was legions on my stomach and an increased number of mast Cells in my stomach. my Doctor theorized I had an over active immune system called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. I was put on medication and told again not to eat anything that I had a reaction to. I mostly ate potatoes and eggs for a year but saw no improvement. I eventually took my health in my own hands and became a plant based vegan eating mostly fruit. This helped a lot and the occurrence of my digestive problems reduced dramatically. I did this for about 6 months and started training for ironman triathlons which had been a dream of mine. My coach said I needed to eat a mostly high fat diet, I tried this for a a few weeks but my symptoms returned. in the last 2 years I've stayed plant based vegan, but now I eat a more balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and starchy vegetables. it comes out to about 10-15% protein, 25-30% fat, and the remaining carbohydrates in the form of fruit or starchy vegetables. I've been seeing a naturopath for the past year and have done an organic acids test and food sensitivity test. As well as numerous blood tests to check nutrient levels and hormone levels. I never eat foods that I have a severe or moderate reaction to according to the food sensitivity test and very rarely eat foods that I have a mild reaction to and when I do it's in very small amounts. The organic acids test showed that under yeast and fungal markers Arabinose, Carboxycitric, and Tricarballyllic are high being 50, 35, and .76 respectively. Under Bacterial markers Hippuric and 2-Hydroxyphenylacetic were high at 575 and .76. My naturopath suggested Candida and SIBO but instead of advising on how to treat it because I was in the midst of Ironman Training has instead been trying to correct my low nutrient levels with supplements even though I'm not absorbing them well despite sticking to my whole food lifestyle. I literally never have a cheat meal or day. I experience diarrhea and nausea about once or twice a week still and would really like to put my digestive problems behind me for good. Right now I'm taking a Heart Burn medicine for inflammation in my stomach, St. John's Wort, HPA Stress Adapt, 10,000 IU Vitamin D3, Iron, and Liquid Vitamin B Complex, and probiotic. I'm again heavy in ironman training so I'm reluctant to start the protocol while training 12-15 hours a week. what amount of exercise do you recommend while doing the protocol? Is it an violable option for me during training? or would I need to reduce my exercising until I finish the protocol? I really appreciate your podcast and will be bringing this up to my naturopath the next time I see her. Thank You, Kathryn
Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!
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Welcome back to another #FridayReview where I'm bringing you my best from the week!
First up today, I'll be sharing with you the excitement of moving from an older, slower, clunky shipping center and web platform to a brand new system for getting you what you need faster!
Next up, I have a great recipe (and June eco-Challenge!) on how to use simple, at-home ingredients to make your own household cleaner, which will save you money and save the environment at the same time...
And, I also wanted to recommend a really fun book (for the whole family) on how to ease into learning about herbs and their phenomenal benefits...
Last, but never least, we'll be going over my super-nutrient of the week highlight, which is centered around a vitamin renowned for its ability to protect the brain, nervous system, and "wake up" the body!
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 847 for this info-packed podcast - Enjoy the show!
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