
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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May 20, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Somah: Hi Doctor Cabral, Hope you are well. Your podcasts’ have changed my life. They are so informative. I’ve recommended you and your supplements to anyone who will listen. I take your CBD oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and some other things you recommend. I’m a 39 years old female, eat well, exercise often but last year I had about 7 bouts of tonsillitis. The doctors recommended that I get them removed but I’m a bit skeptical. I’ve been on Antibiotics all of last year and even steroids. There has to be another way. Please help. I’m so close to just getting them removed. I have an infection right now. Any information you can offer will be appreciated. Thank you so so much!!

Anonymous: Hello Dr. Cabral and Team, Just received diagnosis on Friday (2-16) of esophageal cancer. It was a complete shock, I am a 56 year old white male, 6'1", was 235 lbs in October and now 210 as of this morning. Unfortunately thought that my inability to swallow was a temporary issue. Have had Barium swallow, endoscopy (biopsy) and CT scan. Results from latter should be back today or tomorrow. Weight loss has accelerated to about 1 lb./day. Started on Ensure yesterday. Tough getting food down. Have been eating cream of wheat with bone broth, Athletic Greens with nut milk, soups, nuts, avocados, etc. Had just started listening to your podcast in January and had ordered your 7 day detox just a few weeks ago. Obviously won't be finishing that off. In process of setting up my team to fight this cancer. Hoping you can help out or point me in the right direction. 

Shannon: Hi Dr. Cabral. My question is regarding where to start in terms of what test to purchase to get a better idea of my personal health status. I'm 33 YO, 5'4", 62.7kg. My weight has not changed in the past 7 years, but my body composition has. I stay very active and eat clean organic foods, limit on the dairy and grains. I recently replaced my black morning coffee with ACV, lemon and sea salt and incorporated a fruit/veggie smoothie. Noticed an instant change; less bloating, no heart palpitations or anxiety. I was thinking of starting with the Organic Acids test, but not too sure. I would also like to complete your 7-day detox, but trying to conceive. What would you recommend? Very grateful for your time, thank you. Shannon

Judy: I read in one of your FAQs that we should not eat the skins of potatoes. Does that include all varieties of sweet potatoes? Why should the skins be avoided? 

Jess: Hi Stephen, Thank you for your incredible podcast! i have a few questions - sorry in advance for the long post what can i do to help acne during pregnancy? i usually do have some skin problems however in the few weeks it has been worse than usual. i just found out i am pregnant (about 6 weeks) so think thats the reason it has gotten so much worse. i am also still breast feeding my toddler (once or twice a day) - so i know a detox is out of the question. what are some other things i can do to help this? Also what would you suggest to use instead of toddler milk/formula when trying to wean? my little one is 19 months old and still had some breastmilk, apart from that he also has a grass fed toddler formula/milk. would you suggest an alternative milk like coconut milk? Thank you so much Jess 

Cristina: Hi Stephen, I am 36 years old woman. Two years ago I developed an autoimmune condition called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. So last year I decided to change my foods habits. I did an intolerance food test and with the diet I am in remission. My diet is gluten free, dairy free, nightshades free. I eat veggies, meats, fish, fruits and nuts. Two months ago I developed Papulostear Rosacea in one of my cheeks. At this moment I don’t understand what’s going on. I have been on a healthy style since January 2017. What’s wrong with me? 

Bill: I have a heavy, constant post-nasal drip. I have listened to Stephen's podcasts and it seems that the appropriate test for me to order is the IGG test. Is that what you would recommend in order to diagnose my problem? 

Ann: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you for addressing my question about fructose malabsorption. About three years ago I began to experience feelings of nausea, gas and diarrhea. I went to see a gastroenterologist and he completed several invasive tests as well as a test for h pylori and SIBO. He told me that I had IBS and to take Prilosec, which I never did. A couple months went by and the diarrhea got really bad. I went back to see the same doctor and told him that something was wrong. He said, “Well I guess we can run a breath test for lactose and fructose”. The test result showed that I have fructose malabsorption. The doctor told me that there is no cure and that I should avoid eating food with fructose in it. Little did I know that a lot of food has this in it with varying amounts. I am fine with not eating sugar, honey, wheat and most fruits but I love all vegetables. I don’t feel as though I am getting a balanced diet because some veggies I can’t eat. Everyday I take a multi vitamin, fish oil, and D3 during winter. Will I ever be able to eat all my favorite veggies and fruits again? Thank you for speaking about a common sense approach to medicine. I have referred many people to your website. Ann

James: My wife is having problem with heartburn and bloating.She is starting the detox this Monday. What else should she do to treat this condition?

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:



May 19, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Judy: Do you have any suggestions on how to prevent motion sickness when flying, driving or on a boat? I often get it when flying on a plane and have to take Dramamine and want to get away from taking conventional medicine. Periodically it happens on a car ride which I can prevent by not reading in the car and sitting in the front seat. 

Jenett: Hi Dr. Cabral, My daughter has had a red dotted rash around her mouth and below her nose. It appeared around the time she and my son were sick with step and had taken antibiotics. I had to take her off because she got an allergic reaction from the amoxicillian which made her entire body breakout in small dotted red rash so I assumed it was a part of that but it’s been weeks and the rash around her mouth is still there. When I look online, it looks like Candida. Could this be what it is? If so, are there any home remedies to get rid of this? Is there a way to rebuild their gut after the antibiotics? Thank you so much -Jenett

Camilla: Dear Stephen, I was crying through the entire 745/podcast. Happy tears. Because You just explained my dream. And with such ease. I would just love to come to Your clinic. But I live in Denmark. I listened to You on the Melissa Ambrosini show, and I just knew right away that I want You to help me get back on track. So my question is, what would You recommend for me. Like, where do I start? Do I run tests? Do I detox first? How do I find out what my body-type is, so I can start eating accordingly? I really hope that You can help me! I’m kind of desperate. Thank You so much, and please let me know What I need to do/ What info You need/ What to send/ pay.. I will do anything. All My Best, Camilla

Anita: Hi Dr. Cabral. Thanks for your Aussie support, I've waited patiently for this time. You're podcasts are truly brilliant, thank you so much. So I have a question about my daughter. She is 23, lived her first 21 years in Australia, and now has moved to Oslo, Norway. Here are her symptoms. She has had rectal bleeding for two years now. She noticed this does not occur if the stool is very soft and no force is used. She has minimized gluten and dairy consumption. However still does consume these items on rare occasions. She gets recurring bouts of threadworm, even though she is very hygenic. She has great difficulty falling asleep and lives in Norway where lighting conditions vary widely. But she has always had sleeping difficulties, even in Australia, falling asleep around 4-5am, then sleeping till midday. She has had an outbreak of boils for almost 6 months and currently lives in a basement apartment in which mold seems to grow quickly. She does use a dehumidifier. She tries to keep her stress levels in check but is doing a Masters degree and thus they naturally rise. She exercises at least 4 times a week, mostly resistance training, with bits of intervals. She takes a Magnesium supplement called CalmX by Metagenics, which used to help, but no longer has much impact. She also takes fish oil, Vit B (as she is a vegetarian). There are several issues going on, I just don't know where to begin to help her? 

Donna: Dear Dr. Cabral, On a recent podcast you mentioned that it wasn't good to eat produce from Mexico. What if it's from Mexico but is USDA certified organic or some produce just has a little green "organic" sticker on it? Is that trust worthy? It seems as though most of our produce at our local Fresh Thyme store is from Mexico. On amazon and in stores I can only find organic cold pressed unrefined sesame oil from Mexico. What do you use and from where? Does Avocado oil need to be organic as well because I haven't found any. Also, is it important that all nuts we eat are organic too and must they say USDA organic? You recommend wild blueberries, but our costco store carries frozen ones that do not say organic.What brand do you use? What kind of cleaner is safe for kitchen sinks, showers / tubs to remove stains & build up.What about shampoos & soaps, laundry detergent, and dryer sheets? Are there specific ingredients to stay away from such as sodium laurel sulfate? What about make-up, nail polish, & polish remover? Thank You so much for sharing all of your knowledge with us!!! D.C.

Chantelle: You're a fabulous human, Dr. Cabral - thank you for helping so many of us be our healthiest self! I don't like going to the dentist because they require you to undergo x-rays at each cleaning. Do you think these frequent x-rays are safe?

Matt: Hey Dr Cabral. I heard about this new product which supposedly helps prevent hair loss. I looked at it and it seems to have high quality ingredients like Ashwagandha, Circumin, Kelp, Biotin, Selenium, etc. Do you think it could actually help prevent hair loss/male balding. Thanks!

Lance: Have you heard of "Chew and Spit"? What does this do to the physiologic and/or hormonal response? Your perspective is greatly appreciated! Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 18, 2018

I've really enjoyed bringing you my #FridayReview each week and now going forward there's going to be a brand new easy to follow along formula!

And, first up on today's show I want to update you on a fun new pop-up we have coming this Monday, as well as talking you through how to change your physiology in order to change your self-image, confidence, mood & mind... It's amazing!

Next, I want to discuss with you how "fascia" may just be the sticking point (literally) holding you back from becoming more mobile, flexible, and injury-free...

And finally, I want to take you through our super-nutrient of the week that has been clinically proven to balance hormones, boost mood, improve fertility, and increase stamina!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 833 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:



May 17, 2018

Helping people recover from debilitating low energy, anxiety, brain fog, or adrenal based issues has always been a passion of mine...

Many years ago I suffered from the same health issues and it was like living life as a zombie...

The funny thing is that now with every passing year, I actually have more energy, drive, and vitality than ever before!

Part of this has to do with how I reset my HPA Axis (adrenals) by using specific healing protocols that included herbal adaptogens...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept to learn how to choose the right calming vs. energizing adrenal herbal blend for you - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:

May 16, 2018

Whether you're a health & fitness coach or someone who is looking to transform their own body, it's vital you understand that there's more to losing weight than decreasing calories and moving more...

In order to truly master the weight loss game and keep the weight off forever, you must understand the road ahead of you...

Because once you understand how the game is played, you'll be able to set up your blueprint for success...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 831 to discover the 3 biggest challenges when trying to lose weight (and how to over come them) - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 15, 2018

I would never say Ayurvedic, TCM, Bio-Regulatory, Functional Medicine, or any system of natural health was simple to master...

However, the pathology of all disease can be traced back to only 2 main root causes. I know that may seem hard to believe, but it is none the less true...

And, once you know what to search out for in the first place, it makes getting well, losing weight, or living longer a whole lot easier and straight forward...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 830 to discover how to eliminate the only 2 causes of disease - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:


May 14, 2018

2 weeks ago I held a weekend-long Detox Retreat where I gave a seminar on the 9 toxic emotions that hold people back in life...

By the end of that 90-minute talk the attendees could begin to see where their limiting beliefs in certain areas of their life were holding them back from what they truly desired...

Awareness. That was the first step - Without being aware of what toxic emotions you may be holding on to you'll never be able to move past them...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 829 to find out how toxic emotions are holding you back from the life you were meant to live - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:


May 13, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Stephanie: Hello! My husband and I have listened to your podcast for several years. As a personal trainer, I use "A Man's Guide to Fitness" to train all of my weight loss clients. As a nutritionist and health coach, I now run your Organic Acids Test's, IgG and Metals tests and recommend all of your protocols. I do a lot of research and have spent countless hours and days watching videos and reading articles about the OAT's. I know more about bio-chemistry and the Krebs cycle than I ever thought I would! In fact, I'm downright obsessed with the test. However, when I ran my own test it was determined that all of my nutritional markers were fine except my Vitamin C was low (seems to be the case with everyone on this test) and my Vitamin B5 level was high. Pantothenic acid is not one of the vitamins whose high range indicates a deficiency. My question to you is this, "Would it be possible that my B5 is high because it is literally passing through me without being absorbed at all?" I was off the chart for Candida (101) and my Oxalic/Citric acids were off which I think was off due to a calcium deficiency. I found that PH was definitely acidic and I have begun taking your Cal-Mag and now my PH is back to normal. I eat a lot of spinach (thinking that I was getting calcium) but it turns out a high oxalate food like spinach does not provide much calcium and in fact may contribute to a decrease in my calcium absorption. Would the CBO protocol be appropriate for me to rid myself of the Candida? Furthermore, should I run a metals test to determine whether or not I have a build up of metals (I had my amalgams removed back in the late 90's by a regular dentist) since I understand that Candida can bind to metals in the body? Sorry to be so long winded. Thank you. Ayubowan.


Linda: Hello, I'm interested in coming up with a nutrition plan, and would like to figure out if I have a food intolerance. Your application form is not secure, and so I did not feel comfortable providing that level of personal information online. Please let me know if there is a written form I can pick up to fill out instead, if I can speak with someone on the phone, or, preferably, set up an appointment. Thank you, Linda

Philippa: Hi Dr Cabral. I love your show and since discovering it a couple of weeks ago i have been trying to listen to as many as i can. I have especially enjoyed your shows about Ayurveda and my husband and I have started to implement a lot more Ayurvedic principles into our life. We think that I am a Vata-Pitta (medium height, small wrists, always dry and cold and a tendency to worry a lot) and my husband is a Pitta-Kapha (moderate build, does not do well with hot weather, but very easy-going and can sleep for hours). My question is about food. As i am dominant in Vata i know that my body needs more carbohydrates for fuel and i have found that I do not do well on red meat. However, my husband as a Pitta seems to crave protein and especially red meat. I am not sure what foods to cook now - during the day it is fine as we both have our own breakfasts and eat lunch at work. But at night we eat together at home. Can you recommend any kinds of meals which would work well for both of us? I do not want to end up cooking two meals, but want to make sure we are both nourishing our bodies in the right way. Thank you so much!

Joey: Dr. Cabral, Good morning. First of all thank you for everything you do. I sent you a question on Jan 14. I know you say it takes 3-4 weeks. It’s now been five weeks and I just wanted to know if you received my email. I am attaching my email below. Thank you so much. Joey. Dr. Cabral, I am a 39 year old male that’s an ex athlete that still works out everyday. My diet is really good and have been fasting between 12-16 hours a day for about a two years. The last three years I have been spending time coaching basketball in Eastern Europe and in China(4 months). For the past year, I have been having serious lower throat pain that comes and goes usually lasting for weeks. Also while having this pain I get other symptoms such as blurred vision(especially bad in left eye), fatigue, lightheaded when standing up, dizziness, numbness in hands and feet(like they have falling asleep) and just overall really jittery and anxious. Doctor, I just feel off like everyone is moving around me in fast motion. It’s really frustrated because nobody can seem to figure out what’s wrong with me. Anything you can do would be appreciated.


Marisa: I'm a 34 year old female and for over 10 years I regularly get cystic painful breakouts around my mouth area during ovulation and sometimes just before my period. My period was always regular. I then became pregnant and started breastfeeding and the breakouts disappeared and I got my great complexion back. My baby is now 8 months and I have started to wean her and my breakouts have returned although my period hasn't come back yet. My blood sugar is within the normal range but at the higher end. Could there be a testosterone link? My body type is slim and slender and I've never had to diet, always been slim but I do have a sweet tooth but otherwise my diet is healthy. I also suffer from constipation. Thank you ever so much! 

Jeff: Hi Dr. Cabral, A friend of mine had been diagnosed with Marfan Syndrome. His doctor told him I can not lift weights or even move heavy furniture. I was wondering if you have any insight into this condition that I can pass along to him. My concerns are the effects a lifetime of not being able to step into a gym will have on him down the road. Thanks!! -Jeff


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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May 12, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Tom: Dr. Cabral, I am contacting you today seeking help with gastritis. I heard you on Justin Stenstrom's elite man podcast and talked breifly with Justin about contacting you. I have been on and off medications for almost a year, have kept refining my diet, I meditate regularly, currently trying acupuncture, anything I can to try to rid this, but I just can not seem to kick it, I am willing to do anything to get rid of it for good. Let me know if you can help. Thank you for your time!

Valerie: Hello Dr. Cabral! I have Adrenal fatigue and astopinia. I like my wine (a little to much) and I tend to drink about a bottle , on my two days off. I wonder if you could do a Podcast on drinking and how your body process it and in general, what what effects it has on ones health. I really enjoy your Podcasts. So much great information.


James: Hi Doctor Cabral. I listen to all your podcast and just ordered the 21 day detox. I have many questions but thought I stay with one for now. I have had serveral attacks for 15 years with Diverticulosis. I take heavy dose of anti biotics for 10 days drink only fluids and it goes away. My attacks come once every year to a year and half. Do not want to have the surgery just yet. I am 60 years old and wondering if getting my gut better and doing your detox a few times a year would help with me from getting the attack’s. I do not follow a healthy diet but was thinking of going with plant base type mediteraining diet. Can you please let me know what I should do to prevent this for good. Please keep up the great work you are touching, and helping so many people. Be well, James

Zoe: Hi Dr Cabral, I wondered if you could help me with some issues that my parents are suffering from:

  1. My mother has osteo-arthritis - as "diagnosed" by a medical doctor. She has felt it worsening over recent years - one of her ankles has only limited movement (as it has seized up/the bone has fused - per my understanding) - and she worries that she will end up being unable to walk. She is otherwise fit and healthy, although she suffers with anxiety, depression and some digestive issues (which seem to be linked to the anxiety). (she has also suffered from debilitating migraines since childhood, which can be better or worse depending on what else is going on in her life) and she had a difficult upbringing. When she does do exercise (such as dancing or hill walking), she really suffers with pain for several days after, and i worry that she is inclined to do less and less exercise as her condition worsens. She is a type a personality and either wants to walk for miles on end, or not bother with anything at all - all or nothing. I have heard that changes to diet and myofascial release can be beneficial, but i'd really appreciate your advice.
  2. My father has suffered with quite significant digestive issues for the last few years since he gave up work, and since encountering significant emotional stress in our family life. Before this, he had seemingly a very strong constitution - he had a very good job at the top of a company - and i think he misses this defined purpose and interaction. He is generally slim, fit and healthy, although he has suffered with inflammation and significant pain in his knee in recent years. he can have low mood and energy and he no longer sleeps deeply or well. If he eat rich food, late at night or a high volume of food, he experiences significant pain, bloating and a need to rush to the loo on a repeated basis. He took a food diary for a week, and it seemed to me that dairy and wheat (including beer!) were, at least, contributing factors. However, he is very relunctant to remove any of these, as he thinks that removing them will making him more sensitive to them, and that he then wont be able to tolerate these foods at all.I think there is a pattern with his digestive issues and how happy/purposeful/stressed he is. He added disgestive enzymes to his routine, on my advice, which he found helped more than the acid reflux medication that his GP gave him (called, i believe, Lansoprazole). However, in recent months, his pain and acid has become worse and he has gone back onto the acid reflux recommendation, which unfortunately says that he cant used any other digestive aids (including enzymes, presumably) for at least 2 hours either side of taking the meds. He doesnt have any white coating on his tongue so i dont think he has a bacteria overgrowth, so i've been trying to get him to take probiotics. Ive encouraged him to take electrolytes as he has a tendency to drink a lot of water (to counter the red white and beer!) - and he thinks that this has helped with energy and hydration too. Do you have any advice including a test you'd kindly recommend as i would like to give him a test as a belated Christmas present from myself!
  3. General question - i wondered if you had any thoughts on myofascial/lacrosse balls for releasing tension in the shoulders and ankles? And do you rate tissue salts? Finally, do you have any recommendations for strong CBD oils in the UK, as unfortunately, i believe that I am unable to purchase your product.

Apologies for the length of this request - i am hoping to pass your advice to my parents, and to get them to listen to your podcast, so they dont think im simply nagging them unnecessarily! Thank you, as always, for all that you do for our community! Best, Zoe



Zhang: Hi Dr Cabral. In regards to the food sensitivities test you offer, should I avoid the foods that come back as being highly sensitive for the rest of my life or just for a period of time? Thank-you

Joe: I am a regular listener and I appreciate what you are doing through your podcast. I am completing your detox protical with great results. In your daily nutritional support you list the various %’s of how each vitamin or mineral compares to the USDA minimum guidelines. Like you, I plan on using the daily support powder in my smoothies. I was curious after looking at the label, why do you have B-12 at 4,167% of % daily required and B-6 at 1,250%, but at the same time, calcium and magesium are respectively 5% and 13%? For instance, I have stopped consuming dairy and I find it hard it to reach 100% of calcium through diet alone. Should I find other supplements for these minerals? Thanks for your feedback.

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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May 11, 2018

Welcome back to this week’s #FridayReview where we’re going to be catching up on some exciting announcements, and our super nutrient of the week!

First up, I’m excited to share with you a brand new extraction process that is now allowing far the highest quality, organic, Full spectrum CBD oil in the world!

I also want to detail what exactly “Full-Spectrum” Cannabinoids are and how certain ones have been successfully used to heal over 100 mental & physical health ailments...
Keeping with our monthly health challenge I have a brand new quick tip on how to cut back on more plastic waste many of us unknowingly contribute to every week...

And finally, I want to take you through the healing powers of two specific types of omega-3 fatty acid‘s that can dramatically reduce inflammation, calm joint pain, and improve mood...
Check out today’s Cabral concepts 826 for all the details, tips, and resources – enjoy the show!
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May 10, 2018

Nothing is more frustrating when you're trying to eat well and exercise, yet the weight still won't come off...

One of the reasons for this is that "cheat meals" (or even healthy meals as you'll learn on today's show) can be so calorie dense that they may be effecting your basal metabolic balance...

My goal is to be able to teach your how to live a life without depriving yourself of some of your favorite "treats," while being able to still transform your body to its peak health & shape...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 825 for the answer on whether or not you can "out exercise a bad diet" - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 9, 2018

Too often we attribute the benefits of weight loss to strictly being able to fit into smaller clothes and take a few inches off of our bodies...

And although I have no problem with someone wanting to lose weight and transform their body for personal body image goals, I believe the main focus should still be on your health...

The great news is that while you're losing weight some very unexpected benefits can arise through your efforts without you having to set them as additional goals...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 824 to discover the 8 unexpected side effects of weight loss - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Read Dr. Cabral's New Book:

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May 8, 2018

If I could make only ONE suggestion on how to help people get well, lose weight, or combat the aging process, it would be with a Functional Medicine detox protocol...

It's the one protocol I've seen have more impact on multiple areas of the body than anything else I've ever studied or used in clinical practice...

So on today's #CabralConcept 823 I want to take you through how to complete your own 7, 14 or 21 Functional Medicine detox protocol the right way - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Own Dr. Cabral's New Book:

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May 7, 2018

It's been my experience that the majority of schooling (even Naturopathic) teaches us to treat the individual as an object that is almost like a car out of alignment...

We look to prescribe a medication or natural supplement in order to heal (in the case of conventional medicine "suppress") the health issue, but we pay very little attention to the silent cries of the patient...

What if the real reason a person can't get well has more to do with their dominant thoughts rather than their physical being? What if they've "tried everything," but still can't get well? Do we do more of the same?

Or, do we begin to treat people as human beings and speak with them on a deeper level? Unfortunately, this level of care is not taught in school, but it is imperative for those looking to heal others as well as themselves...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 822 to find out for yourself how to get out of your own head in order to finally heal - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:


May 6, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Lauren: Hi Dr Cabral, First, thank you! You continue to help me daily! This question is for my sister. She is 32 and after doing a month of whole 30 she found out she has a mild case of crohns in the tail of small intestine. She only got ct scan and colonoscopy with biopsy. The gastro told her to take lialda 1.2 (2tablets a day) and budesonide 3mg (3times a day) for two weeks while she is overseas and then come in to discuss treatment. I am very anti this as the doctor never discussed why she has all this inflammation in the first place. For background she also found out she had HSV-2 3 years ago right after she randomly got shingles. for the HSV2, she takes valtrex as she thinks its the only way. She has also been on birth control for 15 years. I believe since she started Valtrex, her stomach has been in shambles and her hair appears to be thinning. The doctor took her blood work and said everything seems 'fine' but she has elevated testosterone. First, Can you please recommend what she should do for crohns as well as what foods she should eat/avoid .. I want her to see a nutritionist to see what she can eat and/or a functional doctor or better yet you despite living in NY, to test for food sensitivities, organic acid test, heavy metals, thyroid etc. Secondly, can you please recommend the absolute necessary testing she should get done and how she can go about NOT taking these harsh treatment drugs doctors typically prescribe. I have a feeling her immune system already is poor and those treatments will make it worse and lead to later bigger problems. Third, could the valtrx and birth control and HSV2 in general be something causing the crohns? I want her off those medicines but I figured she may respond better to you rather than me telling her! Thanks in advance!! I really want to help her as she is overwhelmed and needs direction on what exactly to do/eat etc.

Lori: Hi Dr. Cabral. I’m so glad I found your podcast. I tell everyone about it and love passing on information to them that I think will help them - I have a question about my loud stomach. My stomach seems extremely loud after I eat, but there’s even times when I haven’t eaten anything and it is still making gurgling noises. I drink a smoothie every morning using your daily nutritional support, and I just ordered the fruit and vegetable blend. I tried using the probiotic in the daily protocol but it made me so bloated and uncomfortable that I stopped taking it. My diet is okay. It could be better but I don’t eat red meat, have occasional chicken, and eat mostly fish. I don’t eat a lot of processed food, and I do some form of exercise every day, either rowing, elliptical, weights or yoga (my favorite). I also try to meditate daily. I do get heatburn and maybe 5 years ago I was put on Zantac every day. I went off after a year or two because I felt I didn’t need it anymore. Ironically, I was put on high blood pressure meds a few years ago even though I am not overweight and have no other risks factors other than high bp readings at dr.’s office. I’m 5’7”, 135, workout daily, limit salt, no red meat. In your podcast 108, it said low stomach acid could be a cause. I monitored my bp for one month at home and had very good readings. I brought that info to my pcp and he said I could possibly stop, which I did. I’ve been monitoring and am having good readings. It’s been almost 4 months that I’ve been off all medication, not even over the counter Tylenol. I’m wondering if you think my loud stomach is because of an overgrowth and should I give the probiotics another try? It really made me very bloated and it was very uncomfortable. Thank you for your help. I look forward to hearing what you think I should do.

Deb: Dr. Cabral, I am a new 'convert' to your wealth of health insights thanks to friend Lisa. I am 68 female with Hashimoto's who has osteoporosis in both hips and osteopenia in spine. I have resisted taking any of the bisphosphonates or Prolia in the 15+ years I've experienced bone loss due to all the side effects. I eat healthy mostly Mediterranean diet (and no gluten, soy, or GMOs, eat organic 90%) and focus on exercises that will strength butt muscles and take 'all the right supplements.' A functional medicine osteoporosis expert proposes (while not a fan particularly) I take Prolia for 1 year and follow it up with a year on Fosamax reasoning that Prolia DOES build bone BUT if you stop it you are at greater risk of fracture. My integrative PCP is proposing Prolia and does not like bisphosphonates. What is your advice please?

Sarah: Hi Dr. Cabral, I recently got introduced to your podcast through your interview on Jay Ferruggia's podcast and I've been tuning in often to your podcast ever since! I've also been sharing it with my friends and colleagues and family members when I hear something on your podcast that might help them! So thankful for your insights and simple, straight-forward approach to healing. Over the last year I worked with a nutritionist in the Ottawa, Canada area (I also got him hooked to your podcast). Together we identified many food sensitivities (through electrodermal testing) and I changed my diet and approach to food drastically since then. (I'm trying to get my family on board but that has been a bit more challenging. But that is a topic for another day!) I saw immediate and ongoing amazing results. I am 5'4", athletic body type although small, and when I was a teenager weighed around 105-110 lbs), but after my 2nd child I kept gaining weight and couldn't lose it even though I kept increasing my exercise and work-outs and considered myself to eat very healthy. I had reached over 130 lbs, felt tired all the time, and was experiencing early signs of depression. Removing the foods I was sensitive to, I lost 18 lbs in around 3 months, and I recently lost that last stubborn 5 lbs after a bout of the flu (I am now back to 108-110lbs!). I have more energy and more zest for life, etc. Among my food sensitivities are the usual culprits but also a curious list of fruits and vegetables: gluten, oatmeal, corn, soy, dairy, pork, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchinis, all legumes, papayas, mangos, kiwis, bananas, coconut products (except oil), sesame oil and seeds, garlic, food additives and stevia, etc. But I still experience frequent bloating and gas and sometimes constipation after having a "cheat meal" no matter how small the "cheat" ingredient is (which is on my food sensitivity list). The funny thing also is that my food sensitivities seem to change every few months. I also still struggle with psoriasis on my scalp - that has not gone away (had it for nearly 10 years now) and still is itchy even after 14 months of being on my program. I recently eliminated caffeinated coffee (still have decaf) and alcohol but this didn't seem to do anything. I have sugar maybe once a week in a larger amount, usually it is a teaspoon or less per day. I eat vegetables and protein every meal (usually meat protein since I can't do legumes) and do starch for lunch and dinner. I recently stopped eating between dinner and bedtime (and changed my bedtime routine based on your diurnal rhythms podcast episode. I go to bed close to 10pm and I naturally wake up close to 6am sometimes before. Whereas before I was so tired no matter how late I slept in!) I take magnesium glutamate (2 capsules before bed), a Vit B12 supplement (bought at pharmacy, Jamieson brand - my physician had identified low B12 levels through blood work before I started my diet change), and a Vit D3 supplement (also bought at pharmacy). I also take a probiotic capsule every day (mix of bifido and lacto) that my nutritionist gave me specifically for IBD-type of symptoms. I take the odd digestive enzyme before a cheat meal, and during periods of more cheating (e.g. holidays) I take glutamine powder every day. Wondering if you have any specific recommendations on how to figure out the problem around my digestion and my psoriasis (I suspect they are related). I listened to your previous podcasts on psoriasis and also on food sensitivities and digestion related. However, I am not clear what is the best protocol to start with: candida yeast overgrowth protocol, or the detox, and should I do the 7 or 14 or 21 day detox? and then what? (weight loss is not my goal). And, based on my body type, should I be eating a different proportion of macro nutrients? Also, my nutritionist's method did not identify the severity of food sensitivities, so I don't have a good sense for which foods to really remove completely and which ones are ok to cheat once in a while (other than dairy and gluten, they give me constipation for 3 days).Lent has started so this is a perfect opportunity to reset my body and my mind! Look forward to your suggestions. thank you so much.

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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May 5, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Josh: I wanna know the ingredients in the detox protocol?


Denise: I would was wondering if the parasite test are very good at finding farm type parasites. I have been around farm animals all my life and did have two parasite test that did not find anything. I know my gut is still boating causing discomfort. It could be bacterial overgrowth but l don't know how to tell want the problem is. Do you have any thoughts on how to figure the problem out. Love your podcasts. Thanks for all your great advice.


Gene: I heard Dr. Cabral on a podcast and realized he may be one of the few people would could solve the last puzzle in my blood glucose puzzle. Does Dr. Cabral do online consulting? What is his hourly rate? Thanks for any thoughts. Gene

Jordan: Hi Dr Cabral. I recently took an Adrenal Stress Index test by Diagnos-Techs. Everything came back normal except my Total salivary sIgA which came back high. Do know what this could be a sign of? Or is there any any follow-up tests you think I should run to see if this is anything to be concerned with? Thanks!

Daniel: Hi Dr. Cabral, You are amazing. The knowledge on Health, Nutrition, Fitness and mindset provided to us by you on the Carbal Concept is outstanding. I first heard your interview on the Renegade Radio podcast and I resonated with much of your ideas and principals of balance in life. After finishing the 21-day detox, I would like to continue with the daily all-in-one shake, but I have a question regarding the influence of anti-oxidants (vitamin E, C, etc.) consumed post-workout on muscle adaptation, particularly muscle growth. Health is most important and with health comes both performance and aesthetics. I would like to build more muscle as I am slightly underweight after being overweight as a teenager and losing both muscle and fat with too much cardio focused training (lowest I have been was 160lbs at 6ft 6” tall). I still have some stubborn belly fat to address and was wondering if there is accuracy in some of the research regarding post-workout anti-oxidant consumption blunts the muscle growth stimulation? My training sessions (weights or HIIT) are first thing in the morning and my breakfast is also a post-workout shake. Would it be more optimal to have a 2:1 Carb to protein post workout shake for breakfast then have the Dr. Cabral All-In-One Shake later in the day as a snack away from the workout? Thank you and all the best, Daniel

Jordan: Dr Cabral. Thank you for the Jala water recommendation. I live in Boston and had been going to the Boston Clear Water mineral spring in Lynnfield and filling up with glass jugs to get my water, but now I will be getting the Jala water. My question is, it seems that the Jala water comes in plastic water bottles. What is your opinon on this? I've heard some people say some kinds of plastics are fine and others say all plastics are bad. What do you think? Am I fine drinking from Jala plastic water bottles? Thanks


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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May 4, 2018

I'm very careful about whom I introduce to you on my podcast - the special guest has to be someone that literally walks the walk (not just talks the talk)...

Today's guest embodies just that: Melissa Ambrosini's life is one of service, love, gratitude and paying it forward...

Her words will move you and her emotionally charged advice is 2nd to none when it comes to how to improve your relationships and love life...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 819 to listen to my conversation with Melissa Ambrosini and be prepared to walk away ready to take your personal life and sense of love to the next level!

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 3, 2018

In any industry that has the ability to do a lot of good, you'll inevitably find a few "bad actors" that try to smear the good name of those looking to server others...

This is the exact case in the nutritional supplement industry where cutting-edge Ayurvedic, TCM, and Functional Medicine formulas are literally giving people their life back (along with healthy lifestyle modifications), but still a few companies are trying to ruin things for everyone else...

What they do is use very cheap ingredients that often contain putrified protein, heavy metals, mold, or other contaminants and try to get away with it...

The problem is that those "marketing companies turned supplement retailers" do not care about your overall well-being and health...

That's why on today's #CabralConcept 818 I want to share with you the 4 weight loss and sports supplements to stay clear of in order to keep yourself healthy & safe - Enjoy the show!

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 2, 2018

If you suffer from low mood, high cholesterol, poor muscle tone, weak connective tissue and bone, or aging skin/hair/nails, it may be a sign that your natural growth hormone levels are declining...

With age, everyone's internal production of growth hormone begins to slow down and with it goes our vitality, strength, mood, and suppleness...

The good news is that we know ways around this phenomenon including a simple way to give your body a healthy boost every week (no matter what your age!)...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 817 to discover how to increase your own natural growth hormone by up to 2000% - Enjoy the show!

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 1, 2018

The problem with heart health issues is that we usually never worry about them until it's too late...

Our reason for pretending nothing is going on is completely normal since we've never been taught what the signs or symptoms are weeks, months or even years before a heart attack, stroke, or cardiovascular event takes place...

But all that changes today on the #CabralConcept 816 where we'll review the 11 early warning signs of heart health issues - Enjoy the show!

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Apr 30, 2018

When I hear someone utter the words, "failure is not an option" I usually crack a little smile, since I know they must be new to this game we call life ; )

The funny thing is that the person uttering that phrase is actually more correct than they even know - but for the wrong reasons...

You see, failure is not an option. It's the only option in life. You don't get what you want in life, or achieve your wildest dreams without numerous failed attempts...

On today's #CabralConcept 815 I'll share with you why you MUST fail in order to ultimately succeed and why those failures are actually something to look forward to - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 29, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Judy: What brand of creatine do you recommend and do you recommend a certain amount based on body weight and goals or should I follow the manufacturer’s instructions?

Cristi: Hi Dr. Cabral, I continue to appreciate all of your helpful information, and I have been trying to listen to all the back episodes of your podcast. I’m wondering what you have to say regarding bruxism and/or gum recession. My conventional dentist claims that I grind my teeth at night which is causing cracks in my teeth that he showed me on an x-ray. He also said that this is the cause of my gum recession where as my previous conventional dentist said that I simply brush too hard and never said anything about bruxism. It seems as if this dentist recommends a mouth guard to almost everyone that comes to his practice. From what I overhear every time I am in the office, everyone seems to have one. After getting my teeth cleaned, I either have a headache or my mouth is sore in some way. The cleanings are very rough. When I wear the mouthguard, I have a hard time sleeping with my mouth closed especially if I am a little stuffy, and I wake up with a dry throat. I also feel like I grind my teeth at night after visiting the dentist and when wearing the night guard. I also hate the thought of sleeping with plastic in my mouth every night. When I did not use the mouthguard for a period of time because I had a cold, I then tried to wear it again, and the next morning my teeth had moved; my bite was different and it took a couple of days to come back to normal. Suffice to say, I am no longer wearing the mouthguard, and I am finding a new dentist. I have already started on your nutritional support shake, with additional magnesium and vitamin D as well as curcumin. I eat an extremely healthy diet, essentially what you recommend. I suspect that if I do grind at night, it is stress related. I try things to mitigate this Such as exercise, yoga, meditation, CBD oil, etc. But I have no way of knowing whether or not I am grinding at night and if my efforts are stopping the problem, or if I am going to end up with all of my teeth falling out one day Because I am not wearing the horrible night guard which the dentist chastises me for not wearing. Help! Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Vaughan: Hi Dr Cabral, thank you for your amazing mission to share your wealth of knowledge with the world, including myself! My question is for my wife, she has been diagnosed with Narcolepsy 5 years ago, has anxiety and situational depression. She has been loaded up with some high doses of medications over the last 5 years including clonazapam, Dex-amphetamine, A-nuvigil, Lyrica and a number of others on and off. She has had a history of chronic endometriosis, abdomen pain, mood issues and has only just completed surgery for a full hysterectomy. She is a 20+ a day smoker and displays addictive behaviours. I have been unable to get her to look at underlying causes, opposed to treating symptoms and feel there is serious gut linkages between all of her issues. She is the definition of a complex case and so far all medical practitioners are simply juggling her between specialists (neurological, sleep, gyno, psychiatrist) and nobody is looking at the whole picture to assess causation. HELP! I know a little (enough to think gut disbiosis - leaky gut / SIBO leading to neurological and hormonal impalances ). What are your thoughts? Thanks for your time and consideration.Best regards, Vaughan 

Ali: Hi Dr. Cabral! I've been told by a functional medicine doctor that when we take supplements, vitamins, probiotics, etc. that we're inhibiting our body's natural ability to create those things that we need on its own, which is turn makes us more dependent on the supplements... Is that true? She's big on fasting (after curing herself from Hashimoto's through fasting and fruit), and believes we can thrive on fruit-only, as our primate brothers + sisters do. I have some lymph stagnation and my kidneys aren't filtering waste, so she has me on a 90-day detox with a bunch of herbs and I'm told to eat only fruit.... This seems quite extreme and I'm wondering if you could offer your thoughts? I know I won't stick to fruit-only for the long-haul, but is it an okay thing to do for 90 days? On the long haul, do you agree that our bodies can make everything we need if we stop consuming so many supplements and probiotics? Thanks so much!

Derek: Hi Dr. Cabral. Found your podcasts about a year ago and love the helpful information. I have recently had a red rash/red bumps break out on just my neck. I believe it to be eczema. It flares up from time to time and gets a little itchy. I am going to try eliminating gluten and eggs from my diet as I know them to be common sensitivities. What else could I do in addition to this? Thank you so much!  

Krystal: Hello Dr. Cabral, My husband experienced a TBI after a near fatal car accident he had in 2015. Because of the accident he has loss of peripheral vision on the right eye, scarring on the left eye (retina), seizures, short term memory loss, depression and migraines. Doctors say he won’t be able to drive again because of the loss of vision. I give him magnesium, turmeric and multivitamin every morning. With that, he also takes seizure medication called oxcarbazapine and devalproex. I am hesitant to stop the medications because he had a grand mal seizure in July when he tried to come off the meds. Chiropractors are nervous to do any adjustments due to the severity of his accident. With all of his issues, are there any other natural remedies I can implement for my husband besides the turmeric and magnesium? The main thing he wants back is his vision. Thank you so much doctor, your podcasts are so informative! 

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Apr 28, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Eliana: Hi, I am addicted to your podcasts! They have taught me so much. My question today is about the timing of carbs. It makes sense to me that with my goal of getting lean, it would be best to eat my carbs earlier in the day and none at night (after 3?). I heard your episode about meal type/timing and do eat liquid breakfasts, and have begun to have my carbs at lunch. I have begun cutting carbs out of my dinner and mostly have greens and fish, sometimes lentil soup. I eat a very healthy diet based on Mediterranean practice. I do sometimes have a snack after dinner which is usually a rice cake with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or something with dark chocolate. Do you agree with cutting out these carbs at night, and do you have any other ideas for me to get lean, as I already eat well and exercise frequently (lift 3-4x’s per week and throw in cardio around that). Thanks!!

Julie: Hi Dr. Cabral, some years back I was diagnosed with PCOS (but no insulin resistance) after coming off the pill that was prescribed to me due to my bad acne when I was 15 years old. My doctor put me on the pill again until I had enough of taking synthetic hormones. I stopped taking the pill about three years ago altogether. I have always been very slim but about two years ago started to put on fat on my legs (+cellulite) and arms and just some around my belly. Also my skin has never been really clear. I suffer from acne mainly on my cheeks and upper back and shoulders. I am also prone to rosacea. I also noticed that hair growth increased on my legs and to some extend in my face. I have been taking vitex which brought me a regular period but I stopped taking it (June 2017) after my Naturopath told me that I should not take it long-term. I still get my period but my cycle is ranging from 35 to 61 days. I was trying to heal my gut with primal dieting, but felt awful due to histamine reactions. In August last year, I tried to heal my gut once again with the "gut thrive in 5 program" which I did great on. I did not lose any weight though, but my sugar cravings are gone, I seem to have a higher threshold for histamine containing products and I have regular bowel movements. Unfortunately, I still worked out even though my muscles were fatigued most of the time. I had the same issue when I was cutting out carbs on the primal diet. I now know that I was stressing out my body, and increased my carb intake dramatically. My carbs are mainly coming from sweet potato, pumpkin, some fruit (no citrus fruit), legumes, oats and occasionally from quinoa or wild rice. I also cut back on my workouts and focused on destressing, doing walks, Yin yoga (and some vinyasa classes if my body could handle them as my muscle fatigue was extreme at some points). I feel way better with an increased carb intake and have a lot more energy. My muscle fatigue is now completely gone and I started to incorporate about 2, 20 to 30 minutes runs into my week. I also do some more vinyasa classes now and I feel fine. Still do Yin Yoga, am on a 55 days meditation streak and started to take Rhodiola in the morning, which seems to help with energy and recovery and I think I am on a good way to get my period regular this time. I also started to look more into Ayurveda in order to tame my skin, as it still is inflamed most of the time and to better look after myself according to my body type. About two years ago I saw an Ayurvedic doctor in Germany, but she wasn't sure if I was a Pitta-Kapha or Tridosha. If I do online test, I always get Tridosha. However, I am focusing on a Pitta pacifying diet (but eat no dairy at all and just occasionally some eggs and salmon) at the moment and have the feeling that it helps with the inflammation on my skin. What still really bothers me is the fat around my legs and that I seem to not lose any weight regardless of what I am doing as well as the hair on my face. I am eating well (all very nutritious and organic food) as well as not too little or too much food. I am worried that I damaged my metabolism because thanks to your interview at the Melissa Ambrosini show I know now that cutting out carbs lowers your T3. Am I on the right track and just need to give my body more time to heal? Or could there be any other possible explanation? Some more infromation: An extensive hormonal test was done at the endocrinologist in Germany in 2015 (6 months after I stopped taking pill) and in 2016 (1,5 years after taking the pill). All has been fine according to my doctor. I had also an ACTH test performed since 17-OHP was slightly elevated with 1,38, but it came back normal. From 2015 to 2016 my T3 level dropped from 3.2 to 2.3, which I am not sure if that is concerning. I could not find a normal range for DHEA-S level. Mine seems pretty high with 311 (in 2015) and 362 (in 2016), but I am not entirely sure. I am 28 years old (as I know it matters when it comes to DHEA). I could not have a test done in 2017 so I don't know where my hormones are at at the moment.

Jocelyn: Hello, I recently heard you on a podcast and what you practice. I am 25 years old and suffering from the after affects of diagnosed achalasia. I have frequent heartburn and stomach inflammation. I have suffered from many cases after a hellar myotomy with hyponatremia. I am hoping to come here for help because my doctors don’t have any root cause answers. how can I set up a consultation with you?


Jen: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have three questions today: 1) As I've gotten into my 40's, I noticed my eyelashes and eyebrows have gotten lighter and I have a hard time growing my eye brow hair out. I've also always noticed that my hair grows incredibly slow. Do you know why this is and what I can do to grow out my hair faster as well as my eyelashes/brows? 2) If I have to do a round of antibiotics, is there a protocol for ensuring that I dont get candida, UTI or a yeast infection, as a result? Is there a natural anti-biotic that I can take in place of Antibiotics for a sinus infection, such as Silver? 3) Can you recommend a protocol or supplements to improve my memory, as I've noticed lately that I have a hard time remember (short term). Sometimes I think its due to stress or overwhelm, but I'd like to know what you recommend to improve this. PS, Please, please, please tell me when your new book is coming out? Thanks for all you do- Jen

 Josh: Dr. Cabral. I️ was diagnosed with Rocky Mountain spotted fever in 2015. I️ took doxycycline and was later cleared of any other co infections. But since then health has not went back to where it was. I️ suffer from fatigue weak and shacky muscles almost tremors and poor blood work. Any suggestions. Thanks for the work you do

Jodie: Hello, I am 28 years old I wasn't having menstrual cycles for 4-5 years since 2013. So many possible causes: rapid weight loss I dropped 2 stone in my final year at university and maintained that for a year and then I started exercising heavily and became orthorexic- choosing to only eat foods that were considered healthy/ superfoods. My gut health has been so bad since this miserable period in my life. In 2016 I tried to eat more and gain weight to see if my cycle would return but had no luck, so my doctors told me I may suffer with infertility in the long run so I should consider trying for a baby if this is something I wanted. I was terrified of being infertile so I followed their advice and opted to try fertility treatment to fall pregnant. In August I fell pregnant. My pregnancy has been ok, I've had some skin issues (rashes and spots on my face and legs), water retention, brain fog and extremely uncomfortable stomach issues ( gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea). I know I cannot do much in terms of rebalancing and detoxing during pregnancy but in 2 months time when my baby is here I'd love to fix my health once and for all. I know this is a silly question, but where should I start and what can I do now to help reduce the symptoms? Kind regards, Jodie, UK

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Apr 27, 2018

Today's #FridayReview is jam-packed full of some of my favorite new recommendations, research, and of course this week's super-nutrient of the week!

People have been writing in saying that they're enjoying the "sparkling water trick" I use when going out and this week I wanted to share with you another amazing natural spring water I consume quite often...

Next up, I want to explore some of the latest research on how just 1c of one particular form of vegetables benefits the brain, as well as how too much thyroid medication is causing heart conditions...

And finally, this week we'll be reviewing a popular vitamin that has been clinically proven to lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and increase energy in both the mind and body...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 812 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 26, 2018

Did you know that until just a couple of hundred years ago, it was common knowledge and practice to detoxify with the changing seasons?

Of course, it only makes sense when you think about how your body has to transition and adapt from a colder to warmer environment (as well as dealing with dampness, etc.)...

Fortunately, this knowledge has not been lost and through the preserved works of Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine we can begin to see how best to help our bodies remove the sluggishness, heat, allergies, brain fog, etc. that come with being out of balance...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 811 to discover the 4 natural ways to detoxify your body with the seasons - Enjoy the show!

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