
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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The Cabral Concept












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Now displaying: 2021
Nov 11, 2021
I honestly love the health, wellness, and fitness industry and couldn't imagine doing anything else…
But, the level of misinformation out there in the world is at its highest level due to the ease of posting on social media…
It's actually doing this amazing industry a disservice because people see so many contradicting diets, exercise, supplements, or other advice…
That's why on today's #CabralConcept 2106 I'd like to share with you the top 7 myths health experts perpetuate - Enjoy the show and let me know what others you would add!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

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> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

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> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

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> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

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> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Nov 10, 2021
On the surface, intermittent fasting seems like an easy enough protocol to implement, but it's actually much more nuanced than it seems.
Although fasting really is the closest thing that we have to the fountain of youth right now if you do it incorrectly you can actually do some serious harm to your metabolism, nervous system, and hormones…
That's why on today's Cabral Concept 2105 I'd like to share with you the three things never to do while fasting - Enjoy the show and let me know if you have any other tips for people below in the comments!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

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> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

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> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Nov 9, 2021
By now I hope you have heard about all of the health, metabolism, and longevity benefits of omega-3s…
Not only do they help combat high levels of inflammatory omega-6s that show up in processed foods, vegetable oils, non-wild fish, and non-pastured meats, but they act on almost every health system in your body (including your hormones & mood)…
The problem is that most people think they are not eating that many high omega-6 foods and that getting in enough omega-3s while allowing the dis-ease state of the body to manifest - which is why inflammation is referred to as the “silent killer…”
So to be on the lookout for a lack of Omega-3s in your diet I wanted to share with you the major signs of omega-3 deficiency on today’s #CabralConcept 2104 - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Nov 8, 2021
We all have those moments in our lives when hours seem to just pass by like minutes…
And conversely, we also have times where minutes feel like hours and we can't wait for that situation to pass…
The secret is capturing more moments where you feel “in the zone,” while decreasing the painstaking points of your days…
That's why on #CabralConcept 2103 we're going to detail how to find out and calculate your personal “Alive vs. Dead” time so that you can capture more happy minutes of your day - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Nov 7, 2021

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!   

Samantha: Hi Dr Cabral, I had the big 5 ran and found out I have an extreme sensitivity to vanilla. I also found out I need to stick to a low oxalate diet. :( Would you suggest I take the daily activated multi-vitamin instead of drinking the dns shake since I can't have vanilla or cocoa because it's high oxalate? If so, what would you suggest for a substitute on protein powder? Thank you once again for bringing awareness to so many health concerns. Because of you I was able to bring my TSH number down on my own using Adrenal Soothe and Thyroid Support! :)

Jen: I wanted to put in a request for you to do an entire show on the root causes of hypoglycemia. There is a lot of talk surrounding high blood sugar, but my problem is low blood sugar and it really disrupts my life. I know this isn't a simple answer, so I would love to hear a full episode on the topic if you would be willing :)

Jason: Hello Dr Cabral, first of all I’d like to thank you for all the content! I really appreciate it :) I’ve been suffering with chronic non bacterial prostatitis / CPPS for the last couple of years. Typical symptoms include: Frequent / urgent urination, Poor urine flow and hesitancy, At times painful urination with a milky/cloudy discharge, Lower abdomen pain, Testicular pain and Perineum pain. The urinary symptoms are present 24/7, however the pains will come and go, my last flare up was really really painful. I have been prescribed many different antibiotics over the years, my doctors use to say I had epididymitis, however it kept coming back year after year. I was finally referred to urology and they said it was non bacterial prostatitis, I couldn’t take flomax due to side effects. I’ve had a CT scan which came back normal and an ultrasound scan of the testicles which came back normal. STD tests all clear. I have regular blood tests and my neautrophil count is slightly low, my doctors have assured me it is nothing to worry about. I have a peanut and nut allergy so I avoid these foods at all costs. I workout 3/4 times per week and use the traditional sauna 4+ times per week. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Matt: a friend recently recommended Stur Water Enhancers, it contains Stevia but also contains natural fruit flavor, concentrated white grape juice, citric acid...however it is zero calories but contains 1g carb. will this break my fast for weight loss?

Angela: Aloha Dr. Cabral, I don't need to waste precious air-time proclaiming you are a worshipped in my house as a demi-god kahuna. So instead I will pose a question about bone loss. I use a "smart" scale which now says I lost 0.4 lbs. of bone mass over the last 2 months. I am now in the "inadequate" zone of bone mass and it has me concerned. The only thing different I've been doing in the last 2 months is perhaps eating less meat and not as much resistance training. What do you think about the accuracy of these "smart" scales', especially reading one's bone mass, fat and muscle composition? Are there any dietary changes or supplements I should take to increase bone mass? Of note, I'm a 51 y.o. perimenopausal woman trying to prevent old folk problems! I eat a plant-based diet with fish 1x/wk. I am waiting for my Big 5 Lab results to come back as well. Will those results shed light on my bone health? As always, mahalo for all your knowledge. Angela

Chris: Hi Doctor Cabral! First I'd like to thank you for being a huge part of who I am today. Your teachings have improved my life in so many ways. My question is about parasites. I had a parasite and took the parasite protocol (Para Support Protocol) by EquiLife and all my parasite symptoms went away. Since one of (if not the only) bad things about eating organic produce is the higher chance of of ingesting parasites. I've seen several videos of people putting organic produce under a microscope and seeing worms inside things like berries. I know there are ways to wash the outside of produce but what do we do about the parasites inside? I'm worried I'll just keep getting them no matter how many parasite protocols I do.

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

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 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

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> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

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> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Nov 6, 2021

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Caroline: I have worked with a functional practitioner for a year and a half to heal my H pylori infection. To treat Hpylori, I used biocidin, bio-HPF and triple probiotics for two months. Now I take bio-HPF and probiotics daily and have no symptoms, however, if I stop bio-HPF, the symptoms come back within two days. I feel amazing on the herbals, but feel extremely defeated that I still have the infection. I am now interested in antibiotics but I am scared of the long term side effects. Do you ever feel like cases are in need of antibiotics or is there is deeper reason I am not fully treating H pylori? I take HCL with my meals to help digestion and have no stomach pain but is it better to avoid these while treating H pylori?

Lisa: Dr. Cabral- Thanks for sharing so much great information!! My question is about my granddaughter, 3 years old, who has been diagnosed with enamel hypoplasia (soft enamel). By the time you read this she will have undergone surgery to put crowns on several of her teeth due to widespread decay. Her pediatric dentist says it is due to my daughter having had some some of fever during the pregnancy at the same time the baby's teeth were forming and that there is nothing that can be done for it. The dentist said my granddaughter will always have soft enamel and will probably end up with lots of crowns or implants, possibly false teeth. My daughter is beside herself because she feels it is her fault. She provides good dental care, lots of tooth brushing, limited sugar and processed foods, and no fruit juice. I'm in school for nutritional therapy and even though I've learned a great deal, I'm not sure how to help my granddaughter. She is a picky eater, which might be due to her teeth being uncomfortable - we don't know. Please help me understand what might be done from this point on to help her have the best outcome possible. Thank you! Lisa N

Darren: Good day Dr. Cabral. We appreciate all you do. May seem like a trivial question and I'm not putting you on spot to promote any brand but when you highlight the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar you typically talk about Bragg's. Would like to know if other brands like Vermont Village, Heinz, Dynamic are also good to use given they're USDA organic, GMP, non GMO and contain the "Mother" too. Thank you

Luann: Hello Dr. Cabral! I hope all is well with you today! Do you have any insight into why my face gets very red when I exercise compared to the rest of my body? This has happened even when I was a little kid, and even when I was young and in very good shape running track and cross country. It also happens to my son who is and has always been very athletic. Thank you! Lu

Brooke: Hello. My son is almost three. About 6 months ago he had giardia. We gave him what was prescribed and he cleared up. Since then, however, whenever he gets over tired or off schedule for a day, the next day he has diarrhea. We had him retested and he tested negative for giardia but positive for leukocytes in his stool. Do you have any thoughts on what it may be or what the best protocol to help his little guys would be? Thanks so much for your time!

Krystle: Hi Dr. Cabral, My question is a bit threefold, so thank you in advance for your review and guidance! I delivered identical twin boys at 33.5 weeks, resulting in a 23 day NICU stay. One of my twins was required to be on a CPAP for lung support. This twin is constantly contracting rsv - the first time needing hospitalization for oxygen support. I’ve been told asthma may be inevitable, so I would like to strengthen his lungs, immunity and try to prevent further complications down the line. My other son is frequently battling eczema - both who are now 2, have been diagnosed with a minimal stove too egg allergy and have been advised they will grow out of it. I have noticed that by removing dairy and gluten, the eczema clears up. Wondering if there are any connections between both twins symptoms or if they are requiring separate treatments. I appreciate your suggestions!

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Get Your Question Answered:


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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

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> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

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View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family)

Nov 5, 2021
Welcome back to this week’s #FridayReview where I can’t wait to share with you the best of the week!
I’m looking forward to reviewing:
  • EquiLife Shake it Up Giveaway
  • Vitamin B6 & COVID (research)
  • Free Time & Your Well Being (research)
  • EPA Ban on Harmful Pesticides (article)
  • 4-7-8 Breathing Technique for Sleep (article)
For all the details tune into this week’s #CabralConcept 2100 – Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Nov 4, 2021
We're back with a brand new interview on our Conversations with Cabral podcast that centers on the topic on of controlling blood sugar for maximum body transformation and wellness results!
I’ve invited Kara Collier, co-founder of Nutrisense, to share what she has learned from thousands of customers’ data wearing continuous glucose monitors…
For all the details on learning how to better regulate blood sugar all day long tune into today’s #CabralConcept 2099 - Enjoy the show and let @KaraCollier1 and me know what you thought in the comments!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Nov 3, 2021
Today's show is dedicated to both those suffering from digestive issues and the practitioners looking to help them resolve those problems…
I will share the exact 9 questions I've formulated over the years to get to the root cause of almost all (digestive) health issues… 
And on today's #CabralConcept 2098 I share not only those questions to figure out your root causal issue(s), but also the exact gut-healing plan I use with my clients - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Nov 2, 2021
As someone that use to suffer from Addison’s Disease I can assure you waking up everyday mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted is pretty much one of the worst ways to spend your life…
The good news is that I was taught that everything has an underlying root cause, and exhaustion is no different…
So when eating well and getting more sleep isn’t enough to recover, we need to go deeper and look at the possible causes as to why…
On today’s #CabralConcept 2097 I will share with you the top 9 most common causes people are tired all the time and what the solution likely is - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Nov 1, 2021
Sometimes we make life a bit more difficult than it needs to be, myself included...
This is especially true when we’re problem-solving and looking to find a solution to our current troubles…
On today’s #CabralConcept 2096 I’d like to share 2 life-changing questions to ask yourself whenever you’re at a crossroads in life - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Oct 31, 2021

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!   

Nicolo: I finished the 21 day detox and feel great. the one issue that i thought would be relieved by the detox was bumps/pimples on back of upper arms and shoulders. i am 44 year old male 6'-1" 200 pounds.

Lorena: Hi Dr Cabral! I'd love to get your view on the following: For young women that don't have their periods whether it is due to primary or secondary amenorrhea, are chronic levels of low estrogen an issue? Estrogen levels of 211 pmol/L for example. I've read that: 1. Not having a period is strongly correlated with below normal bone density. 2. Heart function - low estrogen is associated with a increased risk of heart disease as estrogen helps with the formation of hormones like nitric oxide and so keeps levels of vasoconstrictors low. 3. Increased risk neurodegenerative diseases as estrogen is highly protective of brain cells because the cells called microglia are turned off by estrogen and progesterone thus reducing inflammation in the brain. Do you agree on the above?

Tessi: I am a 36 year old, and have addison's disease and hypothyroidism. I recently suffered a Missed Miscarriage (silent miscarriage) after being 8 weeks pregnant. Is this common for people who have autoimmune issues? I read that it this type of miscarriage only happens to 3-5% of females...I really want to try to get pregnant again but scared this may happen again.... Currently I'm waiting to get my big 5 lab results back so I can start my healing journey.

Lorena: Hi, it's me again :) If the risk for osteoporisis, heart disease and brain diseases are increased on a woman with amenorrhea what would you advice be other than getting the period back? At this point, I give up on getting my period back. It's been years without it since I came off birth control and never got it. I've gone to the best endocronologists and gyneocologists in Germany and they can't figure out why I can't get my period back. All of my hormones are normal according to them. Maybe a little on the lower side when it comes to E2, LH and testosterone but that's about it. I even ran the saliva test with your team and they said that my estrogen, DHEA and progesterone were a little low but nothing crazy out of range for me not to have my period. I did all of your protocols (CBO, CBO finisher, heavy metal detox & more). Foundational protocol level 3 with extra vitamin D & magnesium. One endocrinologist suspects hypothalamic amenorrhea but tbh I doubt it. I'm a 25 year old vata (bmi 20.1. & 14% body fat.,10k steps per day & 30 mins of strength training 4 times a week. Eat 90% plant-based with plenty of protein, carbs and fat approx 2000 calories). Maybe body fat is a little low? I'm doing everything right and I just want my period back.

Leandro: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you for answering so many questions. I find the answers very helpful and I have learned so much. My question is regarding waking up in the morning with a locked jaw. My wife, for years wakes up most mornings with a locked jaw. You can actually hear her jaw pop, like when you crack your knuckles, when she tries to open it most mornings. Sometimes she says it's stuck for a little bit before she can open it. She has been to a chiropractor and seen other doctors and dentists, but most doctors/dentists recommends she gets a shot of botox to help address it, which she doesn't want to do. Is there anything you could recommend to address this? She has PCOS, but otherwise is a very healthy woman. Thank you.

Aubree: My question is, is there an underlying issue that goes along with ganglion cysts? I’ve had two. The first went away on its own and the 2nd one I’ve had for a couple of years. Any help you can give without getting it lanced?Thanks!

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Oct 30, 2021

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Anonymous: I have HSV-1 (genital) and used to have a flare up once a year, then when I developed a Candida problem it has been 3-4 times a year. After getting the covid vaccine, I am now having outbreaks every 2-4 weeks. For the last 6 months I have completely changed my diet to mostly meat and veggies to keep the right ratio of lysine/arginine in my body. I drink acv with gse and cayenne daily. I run three times a week, get enough sleep, take a multivitamin, etc. I cannot figure out what else this increase in outbreaks is from without linking it to when I got vaccinated. I have a stressful job but have had that stress for years so that is not something recent. I feel like I am starting to become depressed with how often I am going through these outbreaks. Do you have any other recommendations or have you heard of the vaccine being linked to more frequent outbreaks at all? I love your podcast and appreciate any advice you have.

Shelly: Hi Doc! Thrilled to have this resource to guide my health. Thank you for your selflessness. I am hoping you can help me with the supplements I am taking. I feel I am double-dipping and not taking them at correct times but it's easiest to take them after I break my fast with a smoothie. I am a 44-yr-old female, 5’5”, 130 lbs, very healthy lifestyle. I strength train 3 days/week, HIIT 2 days, rest 2 days. My workouts are 30 min/day. I start my day with a smoothie: almond milk, DNS & lots of fruits and veggies. I am almost 100% DF and GF. I get 7½-9 ½ hrs sleep/night and fall asleep within 2 min. I fast from 7:30pm-11:30am most days & do one 24-hour fast/mo. I was diagnosed with RA 3 years ago and changed my nutrition immediately. I found out 2 yrs ago that I have a hole in my heart that I was probably born with. 14 years ago I began getting 1 ocular migraine every 2 years. Weird. I haven’t had one in 2-3 years now. I take Pure Curcumin 500 with Biopterin & Vitamin D3 5,000, Nordic Omega 330 EPA/220 HHA, St. Joseph's Aspirin 81m, Magnesium Oxide 500 mg Zinc 15+by Kal, Equilife mushroom pills. What are your thoughts on my situation? Am I taking too much or not enough of something? Thank you so much.

Deanna: hi Dr. Cabral, I had some recent blood work done and it came back with low ferritin and low white blood count. My herbalist said to get a covid antibody test which may account for the low white blood cells. That test was negative. I am wondering what other causes might be? In addition, I also have had a lot of random bruising which seems to have mysteriously started since my partner received his vaccine. I have not taken it myself. On a side note, you have answered my question about fever blisters in the past. I have determined that I would get them any time I was in the vicinity of a cell tower. I started researching EMF sensitivity and found that glutathione and NAC are both helpful for mitigating the effects of EMFs. I have not had one fever blister since taking these two supplements. Coincidence? thank you for you podcast! Deanna

Ryan: I've been suffering from severe toenail fungus for well over a year. I've done OAT + mycotoxin combo testing and both showed perfect results. Low/normal yeast, fungal, and mold levels. I've been following a healthy diet & lifestyle for years, have done the CBO protocol in full, and continued to follow the diet template in that protocol for the past 1 year since completing it. I've tried foot soaks, topical creams, ointments, essential oils, and literally dozens of proposed toenail fungus remedies and can't beat this thing. I've done extensive ozone (rectal + topical), h202 therapy, IV vitamin C, nail fungus laser removal, and more. Nothing has worked to eliminate the toenail fungus. I don't have any other symptoms or fungal issues anywhere in/on my body (that I know of). I am at the point of trying oral itraconazole or terbinafine. I have been reluctant up until this point due to potential side effects, but I feel I have exhausted virtually all-natural health options and they do have a high success rate. I'm not looking for any medical advice, simply your personal opinion on oral anti-fungal drugs and what you would do in this situation (hypothetically speaking of course).

Lily: Hi Dr.Cabral, Do you have any advice regarding back acne in male adults? My husband has been experiencing a lot of acne all over his back, shoulders, and chest. Some are very deep, and some are blackheads. We have tried soaps for sensitive skins and also acne body washes and spray that contains salicylic acid. Could it be something in his diet? I tried to search your podcast but could not find anything on this specific subject. Thank you so much for your time and your wonderful podcast!

Chelsea: Hi Dr. Cabral! Fellow Bostonian living down under in Australia. Sharing your podcast far and wide down here! Thanks for all you do - you're truly amazing at what you do, and so generous to share such in-depth knowledge with the community! I just started the limited yeast protocol after reviewing my labs with your team. Leading up to now I've often used a high quality flavourless collagen protein/beef gelatin powder made of bovine hides (see below for link) as I'm mostly plant based but struggle to digest plant proteins. Would this disrupt the CBO/limited yeast protocol or hinder my results? I often put in smoothies as I like that it's tasteless which I like, but don't want to compromise my results. I take the daily nutritional support separately in a little shake with water as I like the fresh unflavoured taste of fresh fruit and veg in a smoothie. Also just curious why things like nuts, seeds, red meat, and bone broth aren't allowed during limited yeast protocol as I wouldn't have associated them with high yeast! Thanks again for all you do and for the time you spend sharing with the community!

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

 - - -

Show Notes & Resources:

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Get Your Question Answered:


- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family)

Oct 29, 2021
Welcome back to this week’s #FridayReview where I’ll be sharing with you the best of this past week!
On today’s show we’ll be covering:
  • EquiLife CBD Gummies
  • WildFlower Granola (product review)
  • Herb Fairies (book review)
  • Obesity & Genetics (research)
  • Kids & Meal Choices (research)
For all the details and much more check out today’s #CabralConcept 2093 – Enjoy the show and let me know if you have any questions!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Oct 28, 2021
Rounding out our week on reducing bloating and improving digestion, today I'd like to share with you a specific case study on “leaky gut.”
I'm always trying to bring you real-world actionable tips, and on this case study, we're going to examine food sensitivities and potential increased intestinal permeability…
For all the details check out today's case study on what leaky gut looks like with food sensitivities - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Oct 27, 2021
Food Sensitivities may cause bloating, but bloating & gas do not necessarily mean you have a food sensitivity…
At first, this can seem confusing, but once you discover the difference between the two you’ll have an easier time assessing your symptoms and then know how to go about correcting them…
For all the details on the BIG difference between bloating & gas vs. food sensitivities tune into today’s #CabralConcept 2091 - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought in the comments!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Oct 26, 2021
Want to get rid of bloating and stomach distention quickly?
Fasting is a sure-fire way to do so for most people - However, it has its pros and cons…
That’s why on today’s #CabralConcept 2090 I’d like to share with you why fasting reduces bloating & digestive issues (while providing the potential downsides as well) - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought in the comments!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Oct 25, 2021
I got COVID…
I previously thought I had it at the very beginning of the pandemic, but that was before testing and so I couldn’t confirm it for sure…
Now after 2 separate and positive lab tests I know I got it.
And now that I’ve been through it and that I’m fully recovered I wanted to share with you today my personal COVID-19 story, as well as the plan I used in order to maintain a strong and healthy immune system.
Today’s show on my COVID story and comeback is completely unbiased and will present both sides of the aisle and hopefully, you’ll gain a few takeaways in the process - Enjoy #CabralConcept 2089 and let me know what you thought in the comments!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Oct 24, 2021

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!   

Darren: Good day Dr Cabral. Hope all is well with you and family. I read James Nestor's Breathing book on your recommendation and after hearing him on your show. What are your thoughts on "mewing" as recommended in the book. If it's something you believe has benefits (or drawbacks) is it possible for you to discuss it further? Thank you

Anonymous: Hi dr cabral, thank you infinitely for all you do and your passion for sharing your knowledge with us.. i love listening to the podcast. My question is for my daughter who is 18. She is in college and is busy. She enjoys exercising and is on the cheer team so lots of tumbling and is active but she suffers from anxiety. Some days worse than others, especially these days. I too have it. I take the adrenal soothe. Would that be something that she could take as well ? Any other suggestions ? Thanks so much again - take care

Nicole: Hi Dr Cabral! First off, thank you for all of the time and effort you put in…it is GREATLY appreciated! I have been struggling with severe cramping, bloating and back pain about 7 days before my period starts. I’ve also had lab work done over the years and it has shown that my progesterone typically peaks within a high range during first half of luteal phase but then drops off “earlier than desired” (a quote from my RE). My question is, could my low progesterone be solely due to high cortisol (which I already know is one of my issues) or could it be caused by insufficient egg quality/premature ovarian failure? Is there any way to know for sure? Can the two be related? Any other advice on how to increase egg quality would be greatly appreciated!

Carrie-Ann: Thank you a million times over for all that you do for this world. 12 months ago I did the big 5 labs and in the last 12 months I have done the 21 detox, CBO protocol with finisher and citrocidal drops, intestinal cleanse, heavy metal detox, 7 day detox, another 3 weeks of citrocidal drops (as symptoms hadn’t cleared) and I continue to take your DNS, DFVB, magnesium, zinc, probiotic, vitamin C and D, fish and fish oil daily. I am IHP level 2 certified and also I have been a chiropractor for the last 20 years. I’ve lived a natural healthy lifestyle for the last 15-20 years. After having my first baby 10 years ago I developed psoriasis and now also have high grade cervical dysplasia. Since starting your protocols I’ve had some great things change. My two fungal toenails are almost all grown out normal and I’ve had 2 plantar warts on the soles of my feet for years and they are both gone. I’m thrilled about both these changes as it really lets me know things are improving internally. Although I have seen no change in my psoriasis and I still have high grade cervical dysplasia (confirmed 2 weeks ago with biopsy and colposcopy). So finally to my question, what more can I do? I have no other symptoms. Digestion is great, I sleep well, my stress levels are low and I love my life.

Lilly:  Hi doctor Cabral, After you talked about your experience with a CGM, I started wearing one and am learning so much about my diet. Thank you for that great tip! I’ve noticed that my sugar drops extremely low a few times a night and I usually wake up when that happens. I think I know what’s causing it: I eat a very early dinner and fast until breakfast. And I know that in order to prevent the nighttime dips, it would be good to eat something before sleep, but I really don’t want to break my (clean) fast. Is there anything you could recommend to prevent the nighttime hypoglycemia, without using food? Thanks so much! Lilly

Richard: Hello Dr. Cabral, First off I want to say thank you for all that you do. Your passion for helping people is truly remarkable and it is much appreciated! My question is regarding the use of iodine with autoimmune diseases, particularly Hashimotos. I have done a lot of research on this and listened to some of the top autoimmune specialists and most of them seem to agree that taking iodine, whether from foods or supplements, can do more harm than good. Their argument is that an autoimmune condition is basically and overactive immune system and Iodine can also increase the activity of the immune system, which in turn increases the autoimmunity. They claim there are numerous research papers in scientific literature that shows when Hashimotos patients are given iodine, their autoimmune condition can flare up. I would love to hear you thoughts on this and whether or not you recommend iodine for your patients that have Hashimotos. Thank you so much!!

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

 - - -

Show Notes & Resources:

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Get Your Question Answered:


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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

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 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family)

Oct 23, 2021

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Leanne: Hi Dr Cabral, I have a question regarding FASD, Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder. What advice can you give for a 9yr old boy affected by FASD? Symptoms are vast but include sleep issues, mood and behavioral problems, learning difficulties, ADD type behaviors although we've had an assessment for autism and add and there was no diagnosis given. Any input you have will be gratefully received! Thanks.

Josh: Hey I have been having an issue with an ingrown toenail. I've had a round of antibiotics and a podiatrist trimmed the nail and didn't do the full procedure. Going back for a checkup on Sept 21. I think the nail is getting infected again, I've been soaking it in epson salt and treating it with neosporin. I've just recently learned of your podcast and was wondering what could I treat my toe with instead of neosporin, didn't realize that it was an antibiotic. Thanks!

Tammi: Dr Cabral, Thank you for all the information you provide on your show. I have been listening to your show for quite some time and often though man this guy discusses mold lot. I realize that mold can be a huge issue but coming from the West Coast with our dry heat there’s never really an issue. I also have lived in Japan but we had dehumidifiers in each room so still mold and mildew were never an issue. Fast forward to a few weeks ago (the beginning of August) my husband, our 13 month old and I moved to Boston. Now I’m blown away and get that mold is a crazy real thing here, that I just don’t know how to manage. For example, I bought a watermelon less than a week later when my husband went to cut it there was mold underneath the watermelon. Our bathroom is constantly mildewy despite the dehumidifier being right outside the door. Our water bottles need to be scrubbed weekly even if they only contain water… I have asked several people we have met about the humidity, how they manage it in there homes and I really just don’t get any response other than yea it’s an issue. Could you please explain to someone who just does not know how to manage the humidity here, what do I need to be doing to manage it and to keep our family safe? Thank you Feeling ridiculous and lost

Chad: Hello Dr. Cabral, love everything you do. For the past 6 months I have been miserable in my own home with near crippling allergies. When I wake up in the morning my eyes are swollen and itchy, I sneeze about 20 times and my head feels like it’s underwater. The worst part is that my sinuses are swollen shut so breathing my nose is next to impossible. I’m almost positive the allergen is in my house ie. mold, dust mites, or some other indoor allergen. What would your advice be for the first step to solving this so that I can get my life back to normal. Thank you very much, Chad

Samantha: Hi Dr Cabral, After running my big 5 labs it was recommended I stick to a low oxalate diet. I have read this will help with kidney stones although I haven't had any as of yet, I'm 43, but my question is if it has any connection to help with tonsil stones? I am currently starting the CBO protocol with my mom and hoping it will cure the chronic tonsil stones but if it hasn't I'm hoping to find another answer. I have listened to all previous podcasts on tonsil stones and have followed all advice regarding gargles etc BUT maybe the CBO will get me there as I know it's a biggie. I just wonder if eating low oxalate could help as well?? Thank you so much Dr Cabral. You truly are amazing.

June: Hello, I have been a long timer follower, dedicated to the detox protocol and beyond. With all the podcasts available and the search engine supplied, i am unable to find a podcast that would support my dilemma. My son who has a two year old is suffering from excema and has been prescribed multiple doses of steroids “GULP” (against my counsel) is now reaching out to me for help. What podcast would be best to send to him regarding this issue. As much as I try, I cannot find out the 100’s of podcasts one that speaks to this directly. Thank you, thank you, thank you

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

 - - -

Show Notes & Resources:

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Get Your Question Answered:


- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family)

Oct 22, 2021
Welcome back to this week’s #FridayReview where I’ll be sharing with you the best of this past week!
On today’s show we’ll be covering:
  • Free Vitamin D Test
  • Conscious Parenting (book review)
  • Bleeding Gums and Vitamin C (research)
  • Gardening and Lifespan (research)
For all the details and much more check out today’s #CabralConcept 2086 – Enjoy the show and let me know if you have any questions!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Oct 21, 2021
It’s funny that when I talk with people, aerobic-based “cardio” (running biking, etc.) is just one of those things that most people love to hate…
I hear all the time that “it’s boring, it’s a waste of time, it’s catabolic, HIIT is much better…”
You can insert your own insult for cardio as well (I know I have!), but with every passing year, I find more and more research pointing not to the body transformation benefits of cardiovascular exercise, but rather the health, mind, mood, and longevity results…
Today, I’d like to share with you a new stress-reducing neurotransmitter we can make ourselves every time we do aerobic cardio - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Oct 20, 2021
Last week I spoke about Carb Cycling and how to effectively use it to lose weight and transform your body…
Today what I’d like to do is compare Carb Cycling to Macro Cycling to see if the latter may be a better fit for you (it’s definitely simpler) and your goals… 
For all the details tune into today’s #CabralConcept 2084 to find out if Macro Cycling Is Better Than Carb Cycling - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought in the comments!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Oct 19, 2021
By now we all know the immune & metabolic benefits of taking vitamin D3 on a daily basis if we’re not maintaining a tan…
However, did you know that you could be absorbing more than double the vitamin D each day by making minor changes as to when you take your daily D3?
Plus, there are potential downsides to supplementing with Vitamin D3 if done incorrectly, which is why I want to help you easily navigate away from those side effects and instead enjoy all the immune, metabolic, blood sugar, hormones, and many other benefits of using Vitamin D3 safely…
So for all the details tune into today’s #CabralConcept 2083 for the missing cofactors for absorbing vitamin D3 - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought in the comments!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -

 Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

> Complete Minerals & Metals Test

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

> Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

> Complete Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

> Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

Oct 18, 2021
I would love to be able to tell you that there is a silver bullet approach to living the easy life, but if I did I’d be lying to you…
I think deep down we all know this, but we hold out hope that there is a “one-day fix” or “magic pill” that we can use to create the life we want…
Luckily, there’s an even better answer that will lead to far greater happiness in the long run and I explain why and what that is on today’s show…
Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 2082 to find out what you must do the hard things every day - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought in the comments below!

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

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> Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test

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