Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!
I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…
Brad: Have you heard anything about vedicinals9 in terms of treating long covid or prevention altogether? My family and I have had covid 5 or more times since March of 2020 even though we try and keep our immune system on the up and up. I’m beginning to wonder if the effects of having covid are becoming more taxing on my body as time goes by. I’ve read good reports on vedicinals9 and would like to gather your thoughts. Thank you and look forward to hearing from you, Brad
Joesph: Hey doc hope all is well. I’m 48 and a very active person I hit the gym a few days a week and play hockey a few days a week. I’d like to know why whenever I have a pulled or strained muscle or if I just over did it at the gym the pain seems to bother me most in the middle of the night. Thanks
Michelle: Dear Dr. Cabral, I am a lactation consultant and RN working in a hospital/clinic setting. I encourage breastfeeding as much as I can and consider it the best start for babies, when possible. But not every woman makes enough milk, even with all the efforts! Various reasons such as infertility, PCOS, diabetes, obesity can affect milk production. I often have women that really don’t want to feed formula, but their baby needs supplementation. Is there a formula you would recommend, or do you have any suggestions as to what to look for in an infant formula? I appreciate any input you have! Thank you!
Eva: What is the cause of granuloma annulare? How do you get rid of it?
Gina: Hi Dr Cabral! I am looking for advice regarding fast heart rate that seems to mimic POTS- it'll go up to 130+ about 10 mins after eating a meal especially lunch + especially going from sitting to standing. Sometimes just by walking outside or going up and down a few stairs. My RHR is in the 60s and overnight goes into the 50s. Seen a cardiologist, all clear. HTMA showed high calcium, electrolytes under 4. Cortisol/hormones test; cortisol AM high (18) but the rest of the day + night cortisol normal. Progesterone high, estrogen + other hormones normal + ratios all normal. Added mag, natural Gatorade, multi, C, D, zinc, plan to start adrenal soothe but worried bc of the 3 normal cortisol readings. Wondering what you think I should do next and if you think adrenal soothe is ok? Ty so much!!
Kayla: Hi Dr.Cabral, I just want to start off by saying thank you for all that you do, your podcasts give me hope everyday! So I’ve done two labs (starter kit) and have been working with one of your IHP coaches (she’s great!) I’ve done the 7 day detox & I am now on the parasite protocol it’s my second week: here’s my question I suffer from psoriasis and have occasional (couple times a day) anal itching & fissures, doctors keep telling me it’s related to psoriasis the itching, and the fissure due to constipation which I am not. I can’t shake off my negative thoughts that it’s something worse, and every time I look down there I can’t see anything but some fissures and a bit of swelling. Is this really related to Candida and parasites? My Candida levels on my lab results weren’t that high ..
Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!
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(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)
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