Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Susanne: Hi, I have been taking SSRIs for several years now and want to stop taking them. Since I started with them, I have taken better choices for my health, and now only eat raw home-made food, exercise regularly, prioritize sleep and take nutritional supplements. I want to try to have a child in a few years, and have read that SSRIs can affect the fetus negatively and that there is a risk of developing heart defects in the fetus. My GP thinks it's ok to take the medications, but I have my doubts when I read the research myself. Is it possible to stop using SSRIs without impairing the quality of life? If so, how can I do it? I will do it in collaboration with my doctor. Thank you! Best regards, Susanne
Tiana: Hi, always appreciate the insightful discussions you bring to light. Lately, I've been delving into the fascinating topic of Crossinology brain integration. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this approach. Thank you for sharing your valuable insights on the podcast!
Lara: Hi, dr. C. As I’m slowly moving through the IHP course, I’m wondering how I will be able to to this as my job if I’m based in Europe. EquiLife doesn’t ship to my country and even if I ship it to UK or Italy and try to get it from there (additional cost), the shipping from the US is so expensive. Now, I know you don’t charge more for shipping & try to reduce the cost as much as possible, but still, are there any plans for the future to help your IHPs in Europe implement your protocols into their practices? Maybe a European based EquiLife company manufacturing products here? Or a distributor here in Europe? Otherwise they are twice the price for us & I cannot afford them even to help myself with my health problems but so far I haven’t found equivalent products here. Thank you
Chamel: Hi Dr. Cabral, I want to start by thanking you for all the work you do in changing lives and truly helping people get to the root causes of their health problems. My question is about puberty-related gynecomastia. I understand the aromatase effect, elevated estrogen, estradiol, elevated testosterone, and elevated prolactin, as well as the underlying health issues and medications like steroids that can cause this issue. However, I am focused on gynecomastia caused by puberty. My question to you is, have you seen breast tissue in men shrink without taking raloxifene or tamoxifen? If so, how was this achieved with hormone balancing? Additionally, what are your thoughts about cryotherapy and cold exposure for potential treatment, as well as fasting and autophagy to shrink glandular tissue?
Jessica: I was wondering if L’Bri natural skin care products are a good brand to use?
Ellie: Hi Doctor Cabral, I frequently experience a sensation of thick phlegm in the back of my throat and upper chest. Occasionally, when I bend over or lie down, I feel pressure in my upper chest. Sometimes, this pressure coincides with a perceived increase in heart rate. I'm a 46-year- old female with a history of childhood bronchitis. However, I don't suspect this is the current issue because I have no breathing difficulties. Do you have any idea what it could be? Thanks so much for all your help! Ellie
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