Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Debby: I have a strong family history of breast cancer (non-BRCA) and dense breasts, so one of my primary annual screenings is an MRI. From what I understand, much of the gadolinium is removed via kidneys and urine. However, there is evidence that it can buildup in brains and bones, and long-term effects are not fully known. I was hoping you had a podcast about how to detox after an MRI, but didn't find anything. Any advice?
Kelsi: hi dr. cabral! i’m on the CBO protocol and ive noticed during flex meals if i have something fried (chips, fries) that i will get a body fever after. my stomach area is hot to the touch and my sleep is interrupted. is this a pitta imbalance or my body rejecting unfamiliar food? needless to say, it’s never worth it.
Lauren: Hi Dr. Cabral - I had a look through the archive but only found a podcast about Autoimmune Hepatitis. A friend was recently "diagnosed" with (viral) Hepatitis A and has been dealing with a lot of fatigue and pain from the inflammation. Being a virus the doctor has said he needs to wait it out and told that he should have been vaccinated. Liver enzymes are low and I am wondering what support I can recommend. Standard dietary and lifestyle principles would apply specifically to liver detoxification and would the Dr Cabral Detox be beneficial or add more stress? I have read that it can be transmitted from an unvaccinated person, poor hygiene, contaminated water/food but that most people recover in about 6 months. Could you please share what you would do for someone in your family? Thank you
Sonia: Good morning Dr Cabral, Thank you for all the information you share, it has been really helpful. My question is: what do you recommend for someone with a nickel allergy, she is really overwhelmed since she was diagnosed with that, her food options are really limited. Thanks in advance.
Anonymous: Dr.Cabral please help ! I’m seriously worried about my physical and mental health .I have been suffering from EXTREME sensory sensitivity for a very very long time now 18 years . I’ve seen several holistic drs . I have done your big 5 and work with a coach , I have even tried meds but SSRIs I’ve had bad reactions to . I have used alcohol this whole time just to be able to be or host a social even , have dinner in crowded, place even to attend my kids sports functions . I feel like a fraud because I’m so health driven in all other aspects but i seriously feel as though I’ll have a seizure or stroke from the over stimulation I’d I don’t numb my nerves with alcohol! I’ve tried every calming product I can think of and it doesn’t touch how bad I get . When I try I’ll be so over stimulated I puke
Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!
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The Rain Barrel Effect
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