Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Anonymous: I am having trouble figuring out my body types - kapha, pitta, vata, mesomorph, ectomorph and endomorph. Can you do a show helping us determine our body type or direct me to a show if one already exists?
Roya: I need to lose weight. I’ve tried everything under the sun. I’m an athlete but after having my 2 boys it’s been a struggle. I gain weight evenly all over so I’m proportional and curvy. I know I need to lose 20-30 lbs and I believe my body type is a mesomorph. Where do I start with your protocol? Please help!
Mary: Thank you for all that you do. I very much enjoy your podcast and all the work that goes into making it. What are your thoughts on taking colostrum? Thank you!
Mary: I have been working in a cadaver lab full time for around two years now. There are a lot of noxious chemicals around me at all times, in particular formaldehyde, which I am hovering over while dissecting and teaching. I feel like this is very detrimental for my health but will be in the lab for at least another half a year. Should I constantly be detoxing my body? I have recently been working with a functional medicine physician and have determined that I have hypothyroidism, low WBC (low IgG's), super low hormone levels with amenorrhea since getting off of birth control two years ago. I also transitioned off anxiety medications and adderol two years ago and the underlying anxiety and brain fog/low energy/ poor concentration returned. I also have stomach issues including chronic constipation and bloating. I suppose I would simply like your advise on where to start. For instance, if everything in your system is off unbalanced where do you start? Is it always healing the intestinal permeability first or would you detox heavy metals first? Thank you. P.S. Thank you for your amazing work and podcast. You are so inspiring and contribute to my continued drive to be a functional medicine physician some day. Thank you.
Briana: Hello! I was wondering if being petite/short has anything to do with how much a shorter person should intake in terms of food, as well as exercise and if there was portion advice you could recommend. I am 5’2 and constantly struggle with appetite and keeping weight off. I am about to start your 7-day detox and am looking forward to restarting and moving towards a healthier lifestyle. Love your podcast and what you’re doing! Best, Briana
Gina: Hi Dr Cabral! Just want to thank you for all you do and your help in my daily life! My father was diagnosed with Myastenia Gravis and complains of muscle weakness and double vision along with eyelids dropping. He’s a 65 year old in decent shape and it’s making him crazy that he can barely brush his teeth without getting fatigued. He also takes medication for A-fib, a cholesterol med and an aspirin. I told him he should give up drinking alcohol and eat a better diet. Is there anything else you can tell me about the dis-ease or something I can help him with!? Thank you so much!
Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!
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