Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Louis: Dr. Cabral, thank you for everything that you do. You are truly amazing. I have an issue and I am looking for some guidance. For the past 8 years I've been dealing with acne, and I can't get rid of it. I also was diagnosed with colitis when I was 10 but have for the most part gotten that under control. Now, my acne goes away when I'm on vacation, but it always comes back when I'm home. Here is the kicker though... I'm a functional medicine practitioner. I've ran half a dozen tests on myself. I've rebalanced my hormones, got rid of parasites, cleared infections and detoxed heavy metals (I had major mercury toxicity), and yet my acne still persists. I even got implants in my teeth that had root canals because doctor Mercola said that he had acne up until he was 40 and it didn't go away until he got his implants. Now, of course my skin has drastically improved over the years, but it is not clear. I am wondering what you would suggest? thank you, Louis
Sharon : I have started committing to the 12 hour overnight fast you have discussed in your podcasts. Is there a anything you can recommend to help the body with digestion and detoxifying overnight?
Jenn: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am a 33 year old female. I am wondering how to lower high prolactin levels? My levels are elevated slightly 35.7 ng/mL. My levels have been elevated for a few years but getting higher. I have hypothyroidism and am on medication (Synthroid). My menstrual cycles are very irregular and I have had bouts of major hair loss 3 times over the past 3 years. My LH and FSH were tested and normal (both 4.5 mIU/mL on day 2 of cycle). I am currently not trying to get pregnant but a bit worried for my future. I'd really like to find a natural approach to lower the prolactin level. Thank you!
Christine: Hi, I'm a non-standard PCOS woman (no polyps but have insulin resistance). Currently I take 1500 mg Metformin for this (I do not have diabetes), Cabral's activated daily ( as well as additional mtheylated B complex, zinc, vit d 5,000, VIt C, chlorella/spirulina, curcumin, folate 400mcg) and eat a fairly healthy diet cooking my own food lots of veggies and quality meats. I did the 3mo healthy gut protocol and sealed my gut, ending last month. I exercise 5-6 days per wk (pilates, HIIT's, a 20 min "long run", walks, strength train 3x/wk, ab focus on TVA). I am lean (18-19% body fat), lean/toned, probably an ecto/mesomorph blend body type and in excellent physical condition. I'm 41 years olds (mitochondria test came back as 33yrs body age) trying to conceive my 3rd child but have been experiencing multiple chemical pregnancies and miscarriages. I suspect I have high cortisol and some other hormone imbalances as I am lean and toned everywhere but my belly and have steadily gained 7-8lbs over a 3 month period while making dietary changes to stop this. I have a pouch and slight love handles. What lab test (or other recomendations) do you suggest that I do in order to lean out my midsection and see if any imbalances are contributing to my pregnancy troubles. Thank you!
Craig: My 7 year old daughter has had swollen joints for about the past 2 years. Her doctor tested her for JRA and the blood test came back negative. The swelling is in her wrists and ankles, but usually one side at a time. It doesn't keep her from doing things like gymnastics, soccer, basketball, etc., but I also know that she has a very high pain tolerance. We are going to Children's hospital in Los Angeles today for an appointment with a specialist, but I really want to pursue a more natural approach if possible. What tests would you recommend running as a good starting point? Would one or some of the 'Big 5' be a good place to start? Thank you for your help, I don't want my baby-girl to be in any kind of pain.
Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!
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