Welcome back to another #FridayReview where I'm bringing you my best from the week!
First up today, I'll be sharing with you the excitement of moving from an older, slower, clunky shipping center and web platform to a brand new system for getting you what you need faster!
Next up, I have a great recipe (and June eco-Challenge!) on how to use simple, at-home ingredients to make your own household cleaner, which will save you money and save the environment at the same time...
And, I also wanted to recommend a really fun book (for the whole family) on how to ease into learning about herbs and their phenomenal benefits...
Last, but never least, we'll be going over my super-nutrient of the week highlight, which is centered around a vitamin renowned for its ability to protect the brain, nervous system, and "wake up" the body!
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 847 for this info-packed podcast - Enjoy the show!
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