
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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Oct 20, 2017

When it comes to winning the battle against aging what we're really looking to do is keep our energy, stamina, mood, vitality, and body strong...

This means putting good quality foods in our body, exercising (without overdoing it), getting adequate sleep, and doing things that boost our mood...

But, there are also some additional ways you can take your health and longevity to the next level. One of those ways is by using science-backed nutritional supplements proven to keep you feeling (and looking) younger longer...

Tune into #CabralConcept 623 for the Top 7 supplements to slow and reverse aging - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 19, 2017

Some people love to exercise, while others despise it, but the bottom line is that if you want to get into great shape you really do need to include at least a little movement into your day...

This is why I'm a big believer in doing the exercises that maximize your results with the least amount of time involved...

After all, we're all busy and lead pretty hectic lives, so our workouts shouldn't add more confusion or stress to that equation...

And, on today's #CabralConcept 622 I'll clearly lay out exactly how to design your workouts to maximize output while also sharing with you how to "ice the cake" on your workouts for sculpting the arms, abs, and legs you've been looking for - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 18, 2017

Although I have previously reviewed this style of "dieting" before I have gotten so many questions on intermittent fasting (IF) and which form is best, that I thought it deserved a more thorough discussion...

The problem is that there are so many different types of IF diet plans that it's often difficult to surmise which plan is best for you...

After all, you need to figure out if you should just eat dinner one day, skip meals all together, or if you should just drop your calories for a couple of days per week...

To clear up this confusion, tune into today's #CabralConcept 621 for all the details and breakdown of the 5:2 "Up-Down" Dieting Method - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 17, 2017

Food sensitivities are one of the most misunderstood health issues plaguing our culture...

Since a food sensitivity isn't a direct allergy that could result in death or an immediate disease symptom, they are often overlooked...

However, what a food sensitivity does is cause short and long-term stress on your immune system that can eventually lead to what we label as "diseases."

This means that eating certain foods (even healthy ones) could be causing your immune system unknown stress unless you know what to look for...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 620 to find out the 5 facial signs to see if you may have a food sensitivity - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 16, 2017

An ancient secret was known to all philosophers of almost every culture thousands of years ago before it was "lost" in today's modern society...

At one point a general knowledge existed that our deepest thoughts are what ultimately lead to our feelings, which eventually manifest themselves in our actions...

And those actions eventually become what we see in our lives. The problem is that we don't always like what we see and we don't feel we really asked for what we're currently getting...

So on today's #CabralConcept 619 I want to explain how to break those negative thought patterns leading to the less desirable parts of your life - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 15, 2017

Our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend is here featuring these amazing community questions!

Nina: Dear Dr. Cabral, Thank you for the very reasonable, thorough, and integrated information on your podcast and website. I feel I have benefited tremendously from what I have learned from you and from some of your products. I am wondering if you have a take on the efficacy of "bioregulation therapy" (BRT) or "pulsed electromagnetic field therapy" (PEMF) and the devices that supposedly provide these treatments. (For instance: BRT has been recommended to me as a treatment that has a lot of research associated with it, but it does sound a bit like science fiction. (For instance: Some non essential background information about our situation: I have been listening to your podcast and interested in "alternative" therapies since early 2016 when I removed all my symptoms of psoriasis and autoimmunity through diet, lifestyle change and water fasting. Despite eating carefully and taking good care of myself since then, I am still dealing with some minor health complaints and would prefer to improve my situation before anything more serious develops. But my issues are minor compared to others in my immediate family, and I am primarily interested in the technology on their behalf. My husband and sons have a range of inflammatory conditions: chronic back pain, arthritis, IBS, severe allergies, eczema, ADHD, difficulty sleeping, severe irritability and all around cantankerousness. While they watched me heal the disgusting bleeding plaques that had covered much of my body and face through diet and entirely natural means, my spouse and sons don't want to change their food, medication or daily habits. Part of the problem is perhaps that they are too cranky, tired and pessimistic to consider change. (The other possibility is that they will always resist as I have become too annoying in my desire to help them improve their health) At any rate, I am hoping to find some sort of therapy that might gain us some ground so that we have the fortitude to eventually try other changes. Thanks so much for your time and kind assistance! Nina 

Lisa: Appreciate you and your staff! Here are my questions: What are your thoughts on hydrotherapy? What might be the causes for tingling in legs or "jumpy" legs primarily at night but also occur when I'm getting a pedicure? Know that I'm celiac and follow a Palio low glycemic lifestyle with a healthy diet of mainly fruits and vegs, little dairy, rice and meat. Exercise 3-5 days a week with moderate strength training using weights and cardio using an elliptical or fast walking. Thanks! 

Adalyn: Hi Dr. Cabral I just purchased your 21-day detox as well as your heavy metal detox. I have two questions. I am interested in what to eat after in order to stay healthy and feel my best. I've heard you talk a lot about ectomorph and endomorph body types and what works for their types as far as a good diet to follow, but I want to ask what you would suggest as a good diet plan guideline that works for a Mesomorph body type? My second question is, what would be a good workout for a Mesomorph body type to get ripped muscle definition?

Dan: Hello! I am writing to you (due to the gf) about a pain I recently had. I went surfing the other day with a wetsuit, and when I got out of the water, I felt nauseous and then about 5 minutes after I had sever cramping in my head. It felt like the muscle around the skull was cramping around my forehead. Not like a throbbing headache, felt more muscular to me. The pain/cramping started in the middle of forehead and then seemed to wrap around to the sides. Lasted about an 1.5 hours. I massaged my head and it seems to dissapate. Have you heard of this, or is this something I should be worried about. What could have caused this? Thank you! 

Jess: Hello! My husband has been complaing about heartburn on and off now for the past few months. Sore throat off and on. Also acid reflux pains. He has been taking baking soda, which seems to provide relief. Couple questions. 1. What causes heartburn? 2. does lemon water help heartburn? 3. He also has toe fungus that won't go away, connection? 4. how to prevent and what to do when it happens? Thank you so much for everything you do. We need to clone you!

Anon: My husband believes he needs to eat meat for protein and iron. I told him this isn't so but of course he doesn't take my word for it. can you please set him straight, and also add top veggies/beans/grains with most protein. thank you!

Nikki: Hi dr Cabral, Been recently introduced to your podcast and decided to look into your methods and try some. About two years ago I lost 100 pounds and now weigh around 150. Right after the weight loss I had onset anxiety and panic attacks so bad that I had to quit my job. I did a ton of research and couldn't find much of a real answer as to why I have it. After listening to your podcasts, I decided to try your detox system but the first shake I did I got super bad anxiety I'm thinking from all the minerals or nutrients in it? Any ideas? I drink homemade organic kefir daily with vegan one protein powder. I eat pretty much a paleo diet and consider myself decently active and in good health. Please help! All I want is this debilitating anxiety to go away and live a normal life. Any help would be really appreciated!! Love your podcast!!

Claire: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have a question about tooth cavities and if they can be healed or at least stopped. My dentist says that I have a cavity on one of my wisdom teeth around the gum line. The tooth has grown in sideways on a 45 degree angle towards my cheek so the side with the cavity is hard to brush and often gets food stuck in the area. I've been diligent about cleaning it but I worry it's getting worse. My dentist says because of the angle he isn't able to get a drill back there to fill it and that if it does get worse I may have to have it removed, which I would like to avoid. Is there anything I can do to halt this progress diet or cleaning wise? What happens if I just leave the cavity to get worse rather than have the tooth removed; will it affect other teeth? Thank you for your help! Claire

Thank you for tuning into this weekend's Cabral HouseCalls and I hope you enjoyed all the Q&As and tips added in along the way!

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Oct 14, 2017

Welcome back to our first HouseCall of the weekend!

I'm looking forward to answering our community's questions on all things wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging so let's get started!

Here are today's questions:

Melanie: Hi Doc, Any clinical pearls on renal artery stenosis? I have been looking for a supplement protocol. All I can find is proteolytic enzymes and chromium to support the arteries. I was hoping you had some herbal remedies to suggest? I am well aware of lifestyle and diet being huge factors. Thanks for all you do for us! I appreciate all you have taught me!

Leilani: Dear Dr Cabral, Thanks again for your great podcast! I did a search and couldn't find anything on glaucoma. My dad is 71 years old and has glaucoma. He had valves inserted to regulate the pressure. He now takes two different kinds of drops and has to do daily eye massages. The drops gives him terrible black circles around his whole eye socket, it makes him look very sick and old. I was just wondering if there is anything you can suggest in general to help glaucoma sufferers. He doesn't take any supplements and doesn't have a particularly healthy diet either. Would vitamin C and/or astaxanthin supplements be of any benefit? Very grateful for your time and assistance, thank you in advance for your advice and suggestions.

Thomas: Hello Dr. Cabral, Thank you for always taking the time to answer our questions. This may seem like a strange question but whenever I take my socks off my left foot is dry but my right foot is always just a bit damp. I am a lefty. I have noticed this for as long as I can remember and was just wondering if there was some type of medical meaning behind this?? Thank you

Dee: Hi Dr Cabral, Could you recommend a good way to get enough Omega 3 on a vegan diet? We eat chia, flax, hemp and berries often, but I wondered if I should also be supplementing it? We do use your all in one powder, your fruit and vegetable blend and gut support daily. I noticed you have omega 3 on your site, but it's fish based. Wondering if there is a good vegan option? Thanks! 

Ashley: I recently discovered that I have another cavity, or maybe it is the same cavity, located in between two molar teeth, that has become wider and more serious. I know I need to get more fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, so I started to supplement with Wiley's Finest Wild Alaskan Fish Oil, Orange Burst. This supplement has vitamins A and D. I try to eat more organ meat like chicken liver, and fish like sardines. I do not use fluoride products on my teeth. I use OraWellness brand and other natural products on my teeth and I think they are slowly helping a little. I plan to purchase Fermented Skate Liver Oil capsules, which has all the fat soluble vitamins and Blue Ice Royal Blend capsules, which is a mixture of 1/3 butter oil and 2/3 fermented cod liver oil from After doing a little research, I suspect my tooth decay is due to my intestinal problems. I usually have constipation and other health concerns that would be helped if my intestines were cleansed and working at their best. The earliest time I got an appointment at my dentist was early next month (October), so in the mean time, I'm also considering skipping the Organic Acids Test for now and going straight ahead and purchasing your Candida & Bacterial Complete Protocol and Constipation Support. I am only 26 and I do not want to lose any of my teeth. What do you think about the supplements and products that I have been using? What do you think about the supplements that I plan to purchase? What else do you suggest I do to preserve and remineralize my enamel? Thank you for your excellent podcasts! 

Rose: Thanks Stephan. I have been listening to your podcasts for a couple months and really enjoy your balanced approach to health concerns. You are not dogmatic. I have a niece that is suffering from eczema and so is her 5 year old daughter. She has tried food eliminating and natural pathetic medicine but it keeps flaring up. She does have a quite a bit of stress in her life but she is getting help with that. We have good natural path doctors locally but I find it is difficult to find a good doctor that will do testing. What tests do you recommend for eczema? Thanks so much. Also, I am a post menopausal women that would like to get optimal health I know that I would like hormone testing but would like advise too as to testing. 

Cara: The 2 weeks leading up to my cycle or a couple days for and weeks after a full moon, my heart rate at night is 10 beats higher than normal and my body temperature is up 1 degree. This causes me to wake up feeling like I worked out all night and am exhausted. I can't seem to figure out what is causing this. I am 48, female, 5"2', 112 pounds, love to workout but it's hard when I don't feel like I've slept. I eat a low FODMAP diet, and Paleo. Thanks for any insight

Thank you for tuning and be sure to check back tomorrow as I answer more of our community's questions!

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Oct 13, 2017

Much of the health, wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging information we're uncovering today is actually more of a "re-discovery" than a new breakthrough...

The reason I say this is that there are 6,000 year old texts that very succinctly lay out how to overcome dis-ease, weight gain, and pre-mature aging...

The issue is that these texts are very rarely studied and because of that most people (and doctors) are missing out on the potential "cure" to what ails them...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 616 for all the details on a 6,000 year old discovery that holds the answers to healing what ails you - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 12, 2017

I often find myself in the interesting predicament of knowing something is working in my practice, but don't have the science to back it up...

Many health practitioners and personal trainers share this same sentiment and get frustrated with the lag time between research and the real world...

Meaning, often times practitioners of their craft will be doing things that are getting people fantastic results, but the data won't show up on Pubmed or in the scientific literature for a decade later...

I've found this to be especially true with interval training and on today's #CabralConcept 615 I'd like to explain why we should begin to re-think the best interval training & HIIT workouts - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 11, 2017

What personal trainers and nutritionists eat on a daily basis has always been a fascination by many outside of the health and fitness industry…

After having worked in this space for the last 20 years I believe there's a lot we can learn from those that try their best to practice what they preach…

So on today's #CabralConcept 614 I'd like to share with you the tips and strategies of what and how personal trainers and nutritionists really eat when no one's watching – Enjoy the show!

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Oct 10, 2017

There's a lot of debate going on right now about the perfect breakfast and what it consists of...

Some say it should be high fat, others recommend high protein, a few say high carb, while another whole group suggests skipping breakfast all together...

Whenever, there seems to be this much confusion and debate I like to reference the many thousand year old Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine manuscripts...

After all, we humans have had a lot longer than just 150 years of "modern science" in order to figure out what works best for the human body...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 613 to learn from this Ayurvedic breakfast and morning routine - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 9, 2017

It's one thing to be focused on getting well, losing weight, or being happy, but how you go about it is much more important...

For example, if you are focused on overcoming your inflammatory dis-ease or reshaping your body, but your thought process is consistently centered around what you lack I can assure you that your focus will only lead to more lack...

This is why I invite you to tune into today's #CabralConcept 612 where I'll show you how to flip this focus in order to try to attract what you truly want without feeling anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 8, 2017

We're back with our 2nd day of Cabral HouseCall questions submitted by our online community.

I'm looking forward to getting to more of these Q&A's so let's get started!

Cara: Hello, Dr. Cabral!! As always thank you for your commitment to helping as many people as you can. This one is for a dear friend of mine: My friend is 48 years old and this is her litany of ailments: -Hashimotos -Lupus -RA (but thinks its misdiagnosed) -Catabolic -Infrequent bowel movements (only a couple a week) -On antibiotics from birth to 12 years old (everyday) -Metal in hand from an injury -No OTC or prescription meds since 2006 other than 90 mg of Armour - She's about to be without insurance and regular doctors are mis-reading her thyroid numbers and she is a "crazy" person when she comes off the Armour...doesn't know how to get this prescribed while she gets to the root cause. What tests / protocols do you recommend ...she is desperate and the type of person who helps EVERY but herself. In gratitude, Cara 

Chelsea: Hi Dr. Cabral, thank you so much for sharing all of your knowledge with us. I recently starting listening to your podcast and I can't get enough. I have two questions for you. First, I had surgery about 8 months ago (breast augmentation) I'm wondering if there is anything you recommend for scaring? Second, I am a relatively thin woman, workout regularly, but I've been noticing some slight weight gain in my face and in my chin. This may be genetic, because a lot of women in my family have double chins. Is there anything I can do to slim down this area? Thank you in advance!! 

Amanda: Hello, I have a question about your products. I feel as though I am nutrient deficient, but i can only get one of your products. Would you recommend the daily nutritional support or the activated multi in my case? Thanks

Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral, what would be the main reason for skin to take so long to heal? Whether it be from acne, mosquito bites, scar, bruise etc? I typically find any hormonal acne marks I get takes months to disappear so by the time one fades I am trying to get rid of another! I know I have some health issues (candida, hypothyroid) that I am trying to resolve and these may well be part of the reason but I wondered if there was more reason than this and if there is something I can do to help it heal much faster moving forward. Thanks so much 

Josie: Hello! I am an adult (33) female with acne on back, shoulders and neck before every period. Every time it finally clears up, it is back again! I have also struggled with acne my entire life. And it seems to be ruining my life. Could this now be due to PCOS? or Parasites? Is there a way to test for both in one test? Would CBD oil help? Any other help with this would be fantastic. Thanks a bunch. 

Steph: Thank you in advance for all you do! For the past 6 months maybe more, my left shoulder has been bothering me. And it is only getting worse. I sometimes wake up on my left side, and then it takes a coupe hours before it seems loosened up for the day. It cracks more than the right shoulder when moving it, and I seem to be using it less naturally. I can't really do pushups anymore, or even 5lb weight shoulder exercises. It is a dull pain I have been able to live with, but now I am afraid if I don't do anything it will get worse. I am a healthy, thin, fit female and enjoy working out. What can I do ? What could be causing this? I don't remember any particular injury, always light weight workouts / pushups and yoga.

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Oct 7, 2017

Hello and welcome back to another Cabral HouseCall where we answer our community's questions each and every weekend!

So let's get started - Here are today's questions:

Morgan: Hi Dr. Cabral and crew, Many thanks to you and your staff for the incredible work you do! Do you have any suggestions for overcoming secondary amenorrhea. I am a 30 year old female lacking menstruation for the past 18 months. I am hypothyroid and have digestive health issues including parasites, candida/SIBO.I was previously on a keto diet and had additional weight loss from chronic digestive distress. I believe both factors and high stress levels contributed to my body shutting down menstruation. I am currently gluten, dairy and grain free and almost back to my normal body weight. I plan to complete your parasite and candida/bacterial protocol. In the meantime, do you have any lifestyle, herbal or dietary recommendations for getting back my period? Strategies for increasing carbs without worsening candida/SIBO symptoms? Thanks for taking the time to answer my question, I sincerely appreciate it. Cheers, Morgan


Priscilla: Hi Dr. Cabral, I listen to your podcasts all the time and this is an issue that I have never heard you talk about. I was curious if you would have any background with my situation. My son is now 5 1/2, but about two years about he woke up and one of his eyes was turned in. We went to about 7 different eye doctors and surgeons who told us different things and then we started working with a functional medicine doctor/chiropractor. We have been gf/df for over a year. There has been some improvement in his eye, but it is still turned in much of the time. Have you ever heard of this or have any experience working with this? Thank you so much for any help or insights you may have!


Christine: I have recently been diagnosed with leaky guy through a food sensitivity test. My naturopathic doctor recommends a glutamine gut repair powder (Glutamine Forte by Integrative Therapeutics), but it has corn derivatives associated with it. I would like to use Cabral's Gut Building protocol Basic instead, a 3 month supply. Is this the correct substitute? Please let me know so I can purchase asap. Thanks, Chris


Deia: Hello, I am asking to be advised on the proper lab tests to purchase from you, Dr. Cabral. My husband Shaun has suffered several years with thyroid issues had his right lobe removed at age 21 and was told it was benign. At age 49 he recently was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and hashimotos disease. He also had a sleep study done for sleep apnea and was told he was fine but suffers greatly with sleep issues. I just happened to stumble upon Your podcasts and am first so thankful I found you but also convinced this is the place we need to be to help my husband get his health in the right order. He has been suffering since his early 20's and now is 50 years old. He of course, having hypothyroidism suffers with overweight issues and has tried to exercise but is overly and abnormally exhausted and thus, does not get too far with his workouts. Can you please direct us in ordering the proper tests and or your advise on what we need to do first. Much appreciated, Deia


Irene: Hi Dr. Cabral, this week, my 10 year old nephew was taken into Texas Children's hospital here in Houston. After many blood work tests, a colonoscopy, upper GI's, etc., he has been diagnosed with Chron's Disease. As I type this, they are doing and infusion of meds through an IV. What can be done for him in regards to "healing". From what I understand, there is no cure for Chron's. Please let me know what his parents need to do to help him manage this. As a 10 year old, I think it is going to be tough to do. Although he's only been feeling sick for about the last month, his primary physician said he's lost 27 pounds in the last two years. Thank you for ANY help you can give. 


Stephanie: I have one more question for you about cholesterol this time. At my last Appt with my natural Dr she mentioned she was worried about my cholesterol being too low (which I eat a plant based diet so I wasn't surprised it was low). It was 127 and she said she wants to see it in the 160-200 range. My LDL was 70 and my HDL was only 42 which i know is low, but I am guessing this has to do with my overall low cholesterol number. She is encouraging me to try and raise it through adding more oil to my diet in a great amount (since I don't eat meat). Do you think I should raise it, and if so how would you suggest? Thanks!


Annette: Hi Dr. Cabral, First off I just wanted to thank you for all you do. I am a regular listener to your podcast and your insights have helped dynamically change my outlook on life. I look forward to listening each and every day. I am writing to you on behalf of my boyfriend. He has 3 glaring issues with his health which he has dealt with his whole life. No doctor has been able to help him overcome any one of these issues and I cant help but wonder if there's something you could suggest, and I'm also wondering if these three issues aren't somehow related to some larger underlying issue. The first is that he has IBS-like symptoms, but only in the morning upon waking, or throughout the whole night if they're bad. Cutting out dairy seems to have helped a bit but the symptoms are still there. He has gone through periods of cutting out other things like gluten and again, it eases the symptoms a bit but not totally. The second issue he struggles with is cystic acne. He has very large pores and is constantly troubled by acne, which he says has been there his whole life. The third and probably most prominent symptom he has is crippling anxiety. It affects his entire life and sidelines him at least once a day. It puts strain on every aspect of his life, his job, our relationship, his relationships with friends and family and not to mention his own well being. Thanks so much for your help and insight again. I very much look forward to hearing your suggestions and advice!


Thank you for tuning in today and be sure to come back tomorrow as we answer more of our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging question!

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Oct 6, 2017

I get asked all the time how it could be possible for so many people to have gut based issues...

The reason is actually simpler than you would think:

Environmental toxins like heavy metals and plastics combined with NSAIDs (Ibuprofen), alcohol, birth control, processed food, fried foods, stress, antibiotics, tap water, and numerous other man-made products all contribute to a break down in the gut...

This can then lead to every known dis-ease we've come to give a name and prescribe a drug for...

The great news is that just like bone broth there are natural nutritional supplements proven to help protect and rebuild your stomach and intestinal tract to keep you healthy and strong!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 609 for the details on a nutritional supplement that combines 5 food extracts proven to be even more powerful that bone broth at healing and sealing your gut wall - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 5, 2017

If you're looking to transform your body and actually change the shape of the way you look it's important to get the most out of your workouts…

This doesn't necessarily mean putting in more time or effort, but it does mean exercising smarter…

One of the best ways to do this is by systematically tracking your workouts by looking at specific variables…

Not everything in your workout is important to track, but there are a few specific numbers that will get you to your goals faster...

On today's #CabralConcept 608 I will share with you how to track your workouts in order to get better results – enjoy the show! 

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Oct 4, 2017

I'm not sure who came up with the line, "a clean colon is a happy colon," but nevertheless there is a lot of truth to that...

The reason for this is that a stagnant or corroded intestinal tract can lead to malabsorption, reabsorption of estrogen and other toxins, as well as bacterial imbalance...

So the goal isn't necessarily to completely "clean out" your intestines, but it is to create a balanced microbiome between all inhabitants...

One of the best ways to do this is with an intestinal cleanse and on today's #CabralConcept 607 I'll share with you why, when, and how to complete one - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 3, 2017

The worst time to think about your brain health is after you get the diagnosis of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia, memory loss, or some other brain related dis-ease...

And the problem is that most doctors will never test for things like cortisol levels, heavy metals, or other factors that can "burn out" and "rust out" your brain...

The good news is that we know that there are certain labs you can use as early warning detectors, as well as certain supplements that can aid in brain health...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 606 for the 4 proven supplements to boost your brain power - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 2, 2017

It doesn't matter who you are, where you were born, or even how successful you currently are right now...

Eventually you're going to hit a point of stress and frustration that stems from not being able to take your goals and life to that next level you desire...

It's at this point that you need to sit yourself down and have a real chat about how the knowledge, experience, and know-how you've accumulated up to this moment is not enough to get you to that new chapter in your life...

It's at this time where you must begin to pose new questions to yourself in order to change your current level of thinking and mindset...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 605 to find out the key question to unlocking the answers you desire - Enjoy the show!

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Oct 1, 2017

Izziness, We're back with our 2nd day of the Cabral HouseCalls and I'm looking forward to sharing with you more of our community's questions...

Let's get started!

Leilani: Dear Dr Cabral, I have tried dry brushing twice and each time I start off, I'm fine for around 2 to 3 weeks after which my legs start to itch! I brush for a few minutes before showering and then when I dry my legs after coming out of the shower, they will not stop itching for quite a while. Rubbing with a towel or just my hands make it feel better for a little bit, but then it just starts off again. At first I didn't see anything strange (like a rash) but when I looked closer I could just slightly make out some small white spots...? Eventually the itching will go away (10 - 30 minutes later) but sometimes when I sit on the train (when my legs make contact with something, usuly wearing trousers) it can kick off again. After I stop with the brushing, my legs will continue to itch after showering for up to a month. I only moisturise my body with coconut oil, I have for years now, so I know it's not that. I only use natural soaps from the health food store, also have done so for years, so I don't think it's that. Our towels are cotton, always have been. This occurs whether my legs have been shaved ot not. We don't have a water filter in our shower and the water is quite hard - we've lived in hard water areas for many years and it didn't do anything to my skin, it's just when I start dry brushing. The brush I have came in a gift pack with some natural skin care profucts, so I assume the bristles are natural, but it did 't say. The last time I tried I made a point of not rubbing too hard, just making very gentle strokes. But just before I stopped again the second time, my arms also started feeling itchy although nowhere near as bad as my legs. I did take Roaccutane when I was a teenager, which dried out my lips to this day. Could it have had an effect on all of my skin? I do get stretch marks very easily and whenever I go for a facial I'm told my skin is quite dry. I drink a lot of water and herbal tea during the day, is there something else I can try? Dry brushing seems like such an easy thing to do to benefit your health, it's just so annoying this happens when I try. Thanks again for your amazing podcast and especially all the time you spend educating all of us on a healthier way of living. It is so very much appreciated.


Marie: Hi Stephen, I have an itchy patch on my gluteal cleft and sometimes also around the anus. It gets worse around menstruation. I did have candida overgrowth a couple of years ago and did a cleanse to balance things out. I'm wondering if this could be a yeast issue or something else. I'm in my 30's and have an active lifestyle. I occasionally drink matcha and have chocolate (Hu Kitchen/Eating Evolved) sweetened with coconut sugar. I don't eat dairy & occasionally eat gluten. I mostly shop at the farmers market & whole foods eating little to no processed foods regularly. Thank you in advance for your time and thoughts. I really appreciate listening to your podcast because you give so much information & you've taken the time to study both eastern & western medicine. 


Tara: What can you tell me about seborrheic dermatitis? What are the causes and what are the treatments? And will lab tests help determine root causes? Thanks! 


Hi Dr Cabral, first off love the podcasts, they are a daily ritual for me. I am writing because I just finished the 21 day detox with sole purpose of trying to get rid of lifelong acne. I took prescriptions growing and 15 years ago before I was aware of how bad it was, I took Accutane which got rid of it temporarily but it now seems to be getting more aggressive as I get older. Unfortunately the detox didn't help. I have been eating a plant based diet for about 6 months now and am thinking this isn't diet related at all. I feel great, have lots of energy, sleep well, no stomach pains or bloating or weird cravings. I do have really heavy and long periods and surprisingly have no acne when I am pregnant or breast feeding. I have seen a natural Dr who ran a ton of blood work and said everything looks pretty good but noted my Estradoil and Estrone were a bit high and put me on some progesterone because she said it's a tad low, but i took myself off because I felt horrible on it. She also gave me several supplements but here I am 4 months later with acne. I'm not ready to give up yet, but don't know where to go next. I am not able to purchase every test so would love to know what you would suggest as my next step. Thanks so much for your time!


Amanda: Hello Dr Cabral, I look forward to the weekend house calls each and every week. The amount of information that I gain from these calls have helped me immensely in my private practice. I have a client who has come to me with ME/CFS. She has had a myriad of health issues since she was a child and has finally been "diagnosed" with ME/CFS. She is very aware of diet and nutrition (bachelors in nutrition), has tried many different alternative methods of healing and still can't seem to find answers. She has had copious amounts of antibiotics around 2014-2015 and right now we are working on rebuilding her gut flora, but her stomach is very sensitive so many things she struggles with including sauerkraut. Do you have any advice on this condition or ways you would advise me to help her progress back to health and vitality? Thank you so much for all the knowledge and healing wisdom you share.



Tony: Dr. Cabral, I've listened to a couple of your podcasts regarding Menieres "disease". I was diagnosed with this about 18 months ago which was about 6 months after my initial onset of tinnitus. The ringing and pressurized feeling started in my right ear in August of 2015. At the time I believed it was directly related to stress. I had just moved my family across 3 states, my wife was pregnant with very severe kidney complications, and I had left my old career behind to become a Police Officer. In February of 2016 I had my first experience with brain fog and severe dizziness. Since then I have had seasons where it increases and decreases in intensity. I was also diagnosed with a shift work sleep disorder. Long story short the dizziness and nausea became too intense to continue in my new career as a Police Officer. Menieres has drastically impacted my life and I'm hoping to find out what I can do differently to get my life and health back. A little more info about me that may be helpful...I lift weights about 5 days a week and have always taken care of my body. I generally eat a protein rich diet and especially have been consuming lots of cruciferous vegetables lately. I typically start my days with anti oxidant berry blend smoothies with a handful of spinach and a scoop of Muscle Farm's Combat Powder(tri-blend protein). I've started to limit processed foods but I still eat a lot of bread. I have noticed that my worst days often fall a day or two after a "cheat day" where I probably binged on chips or other similar processed foods. I've become very conscientious of sodium intake but I still experience random bouts of brain fog and dizziness. For a short while I was receiving vestibular therapy and dry needling around my right trapezius/upper back and shoulder area. I found that very relaxing and that it did suppress some symptoms. However, like I said, since then I have had to walk away from my job as a Police officer and no longer have he insurance coverage for V therapy or dry needling. I'm curious to know... I've had a very high protein diet for about 11 years, since I really got into weightlifting. Is there a possibility that I've just trashed my gut and it may be manifesting itself through the ringing and dizziness in my ear? What would be the test you recommend to look into this? Also, for years I have taken Benadryl (1 tablet) at night to help me fall asleep. Is there any way that this could also be causing an adverse reaction affecting my Menieres diagnosis? Thank you so much for what you do, your a blessing to many, and I'm looking forward to hearing back from you soon. -Tony



Alexandra: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions! I was just wondering if you'd have any idea why I'm overall a lean female but frequently feel as if my face is bloated. Others tell me they don't notice it but I know I have fluid retention there and it can be discouraging. Any tips? Thanks!

Thank you for tuning into today's Q&A and hopefully you picked up a lot of tips along the way! 

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Sep 30, 2017

It's that time again! Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCalls where we answer our community's questions each and every week!

Here are today's Q&A topics:

Irene: Hello, I have type 2 diabetes. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago. A few days ago I ordered your Protocal package and I'm looking forward to start using it. I will also be doing the three day fast that I recently heard on one of your podcasts. My diabetes numbers average about 325 each morning. I am on Metformin and Glipizide. The doctors have tried other meds that got my numbers in the 180 range, but they made me very sick. When I eat healthy, my numbers average about 250 in the mornings. Right now I exercise doing Zumba for one hour, twice a week. What can I do immediately that can lower my numbers? Thank you for taking the time to answer this question.


Sally: Hi Dr. Cabral, thanks for taking the time to answer these questions! My issue- I have no trouble falling asleep but wake up multiple times a night- sometimes every 1.5. I don't feel low energy but I just want to be able to sleep the full night! And what makes it worse, is I'll wake up, go to the fridge and grab something small (even nuts or chocolate) and go back to bed. Therefore, I know I can't be doing the 12 hour fast each night and letting my body regenerate. If there are any tips you have to staying asleep throughout the night (I tried CALM before bed, tart cherries, yoga, limiting water before bed and nothing has helped), I would truly appreciate it.



Megan: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am a recent new listener and look forward to listening to your podcasts every day. Thank you for all that you do for this community. Your passion for medicine is incredibly inspiring and truly gives me hope I will feel well again. I am an intensive care RN and in graduate school to become a functional nurse practitioner. Similar to your story, I have pursued this career path partly because of my own health issues. I developed methane dominant SIBO 3 years ago during nursing school, a very stressful time, after years of birth control, minocycline for acne, and a recent bought of kidney stones. Other past medical history include chronic sinus infections as an undergraduate and an abnormal Pap smear. Since then I have taken 3 rounds of Xifaxin, worked with a nutritionist who advised me to eliminate FODMAPs, and followed a strict paleo diet for a year with moderate success. I am no where near as sick as I was but still suffer with occasional painful unpredictable gas, bloating and incomplete BM’s despite my seemingly perfect nutrition. I am currently working with a practitioner who ran labs that showed I was estrogen dominant with low T3, and vitamin D. My testosterone is also low. I am taking a probiotic, EPA/DHA, DHEA, a multi-vitamin, D3, and adaptogens for adrenal support. My practitioner doesn’t believe I have SIBO again but instead is treating my leaky gut with low-dose naltrexone. Since starting this therapy I feel better, but still not 100%. I have difficulty with word finding, low libido, staying asleep at night (side-effect of LDN?), I grind my teeth, and suffer each month with wild PMS and moderate anxiety. My practitioner believes the LDN will heal my gut but my question for you is can I be doing more to feel better faster? I started the Dr. Shulze’s intestinal cleanse hoping that will help also. I am 27 years old, getting married next year, and feel like a fraction of myself most days. I eat well, exercise and take care of myself. I am tired of feeling like everything I do, all the supplements I try, all the doctors I see, is useless. I want to get better and I am willing to do the work. What more can I do to finally feel well? Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to your next podcast. Megan


Cara: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you for always answering my questions. I tell EVERYONE I meet about your podcast! My daughter is almost 2 and since she started solids her breakfast has been mainly scrambled eggs, avocado and sometimes fruit. I had read to wait on giving them grains until they had their molars. I also just recently saw your oatmeal breakfast recipe and I'm curious what your thoughts are on grain and fruit food combining. Another very well known and versed holistic practitioner I've worked with said to never combine grains and fruit because they compete for digestion and result in fermentation. She also says "eat melon alone, or leave it alone." Thank you! 


Cara: Hi Dr. Cabral, We're flying to the east coast from the west coast in a month and we have an almost 2 year old that has flown twice. This time she will have her own seat because we're bringing the car seat. Since flying with a little one, I use a spray hand sanitizer and wipe down the arm rests, belt buckle, tray table and window to try and keep her from getting the plethora of germs that are left behind. Is this excessive, or smart since these areas are never cleaned? I usually add liquid echinacea and elderberry by Herb Pharm before traveling in addition to her daily spoonful of probiotic and camu camu. Any other recommendations, or traveling protocols you follow? I know some people who put a touch of tea tree oil right in their nose as a precaution. I can only imagine how I'm going to handle potty training and public toilets when we cross that bridge - hahaha! In gratitude, Cara



Elle: Hello! I was diagnosed with HSV-2 a little over 2 years ago and I am currently eradicating the virus from my body. I am slightly changing my protocol after listening to your recommendations on fighting the virus. I would like to know, how do I prevent the spreading of the virus to my partner? I have not been sexually active in fear of spreading the virus through viral shedding. What recommendations do you have while eradicating the virus? 


M: My mom is 85 and her body is strong and fit -- yet she has about 3 second recall and neurologist says dementia/Alzheimer's. she's been on namenda and arricept for 6 years. She also has glaucoma. She always lived a clean life with no alcohol and did yoga and took vitamins. Is there anything I can do now -- I give her a B 12 everyday? Should I have her tested for heavy metals? She lives in assisted living. Thanks for all you do!


Thank you for joining me today and I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow and answering more of our community's questions!

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Sep 29, 2017

We all know that food is our best medicine, but you may not know that certain foods have special qualities...

That means that certain foods possess innate attributes that can improve very specific health imbalances...

Every 4-6 months I try to add new foods into my diet that I purposely use as "supplements" in order to further improve different aspects of my health...

Tune into #CabralConcept 602 for my 5 favorite foods I'm supplementing with right now, and why... Enjoy the show!

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Sep 28, 2017

When it comes to exercise and working out the secret is always in the details...

This is one of the reasons why you'll often see some people exercising  half the time as others and getting better results from their workouts!

Training your abs and core is no different. You need to know how, when, and for how long to train that muscle group to get the best results...

tune into today's #CabralConcept 601 for all the details on when to work your abs - Enjoy the show!

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Sep 27, 2017

Last week I shared the 4 toxins that are toxic to your thyroid and inhibit it from functioning well...

Now I want to detail the 2 minerals that are missing from most people's diet that adversely affect their thyroid...

Unfortunately, these 2 minerals can also be blocked by the toxins I spoke about last week...

And, without these 2 minerals your body literally cannot make active thyroid hormone - Which means many of the thyroid drugs we're giving people are at best masking symptoms and at worst only contributing to the underlying problem...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 600 to discover the 2 missing minerals your thyroid needs to thrive - Enjoy the show!

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