
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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Apr 14, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Lance: Hi Dr. Cabral, the more I pick your brain with these questions the deeper I research into whether your information is correct. This opens all sorts of doors! I have not been disappointed. My wife and I have the opportunity to expand our house and because of this, I get to recreate our yard. I am always looking to support my family's health/well-being as well as searching to minimize the cost of nutrition. I live in Central California and have plenty of great weather for planting and growing fruit/nut trees. My busy schedule does not allow me to garden but I could tend to trees. I have been asking people what type of trees they would plant. So my question to you is...if you lived in California, had limited space and was able to plant max 5 trees, which ones would you pick? Keep in mind, you would be using these trees for nutritional purposes.

Patrick: I started taking supplements to try and lower my blood sugar. I take others like HCL to help with digestion and even others for gut health or general wellness. Like many listeners, I find that I'm suddenly taking A LOT of supplements and keep hearing about new ones that would be beneficial. How do we know which to take long term, which to take short term and when to stop taking certain ones? Thanks!

Angela: Hi Dr. Cabral! First off, thank you for everything you do. Your advice and podcast lessons are priceless. My question is regarding my boyfriend's spine. In high school he played competitive hockey and endured 5 concussions and also broke his neck (the C4). Three years ago he was in a car accident and had suffered severe whiplash and another concussion. These injuries have taken place over the last decade and immediate treatment, such as physio did not happen. Over the last month he has changed his lifestyle by cutting out all alcohol and beginning to lift weights again. He instantly started to get severe dizziness, inability to focus his eyesight, intense head aches, as well as nausea and loose stool. He has since been diagnosed with Cervical Vertigo and he is starting his sessions with a chiropractor next week. He has a high stress job and also has a hard time relaxing the mind before bed and high anxiety to the point his heart rate speeds up and says that his pounding heart can turn painful. He has terrible posture and comments on his weak and painful lower back, and I have noticed considerable muscle mass decrease in his legs. I've been giving him Natural Calm before bed every night, trying to get him to cut down on caffeine, and from your description, he has a Vata body type. What are your recommendations on his healing journey in terms of rehab exercises or diet? He thinks he will be this way forever and I just want him to not be in pain or a stressful state all the time, and live a long healthy life. Thank you for your help!! Angela

May: Hi Dr. Cabral, Love your podcasts and thought I would take this opportunity to tell you to keep doing what you are doing. You are amazingly knowledgable and I appreciate your easy to apply tips and information and for that I am grateful. Without taking up too much of your time... I have had a dull pain in my upper left abdominal quadrant just under the lower rib. When I palpate under the rib, there is a mass that I can feel that is tender. I've had it checked with the physician a few times who states that it is muscular and has ordered a chest x-ray I'm thinking to ease my worry. Without having to go this route, could there be other reasons for the pain here? For some background, this dull pain initially started when I was pregnant with my son almost 6 years ago. When he was in my belly, he would "put his foot there" and I would gently nudge it aside. The pain has come and gone so I've left it to it being a muscular problem, but for the last 3 months, it hasn't gone away. I changed sides on the bed thinking it could be my sleeping position, I've stretched it over and over again and before it would subside. No change in appetite, or BM but the dull ache I've noticed is more prominent during my ovulation (day 1-12). Not sure of the pattern, or if it is hormonal (I'm 42). I'm regular, not on any pills and generally healthy otherwise. Blood work done recently with functional medicine practitioner who states that my liver could be compromised but nothing significant, more proactive in intervention (dandilion, milk thistle, etc) ... Any recommendations or suggestions I do welcome. Thank you.

Lily: I’ve been listening to Dr. Cabral’s podcasts recently due to a rash I’ve had around my mouth for about 10 months now. I’ve tried a lot of different things (vegan and gluten free diet, Doterra detox, medicated cream, etc.) and the only thing that’s worked is the cream. The problem is: as soon as I stop taking the cream for a few days, the rash begins to reappear. I know it must be unhealthy to use a medicated cream for as long as I have so I really want to find a way to heal the rash once and for all! From what I’ve gathered by listening to podcasts it sounds like I should do the Dr. Cabral detox, do a food sensitivity test, or both? I’m 24 years old and I’ve had a long history (It has been on and off since I was about 10 or so?) of eczema and other skin rashes such as my current one. I eat very clean and minimally processed foods. Please give me some advice on what you recommend.

Paula: Hi Dr. Cabral, I just got my hormone levels checked and they're all lower than those of most 90-year-olds (except cortisol, which is slightly lower than average). I'm 27. Slight hypothyroidism. Starting hormone replacement. I've also had a couple foot fractures this year (from minor things), and I'm worried I have osteopenia/porosis. Both of these issues are likely due to the eating disorder I had for several years. I also have acne, bloating, & foot fungus - so I'm trying candida cleanses, and am SURE I have leaky gut. I just ordered your HTMA & heavy metal detox kit (another test said my metals are high). Been eating a clean vegan diet mostly free of grains & foods I learned I'm sensitive to. Main questions: 1.) How REVERSIBLE are issues like osteoporosis & severely low hormones at age 27? (I'm worried my body is falling apart/permanently damaged.) 2.) WHAT CAN I EAT without causing more damage/food sensitivities? 3.) Is there any ORDER I should do all of these things, in order to best heal my body? PLEASE answer all you can - I know it will help others, and after gong to several practitioners that won't listen/don't get it, you're my main hope! THANK YOU for all you do.

David: Hello from Australia I really enjoy your podcast and gain plenty of useful information from it. Thank you very much. I have a health question which I am happy for you to share if you wish. I am 36 years old and have suffered from an eye condition called central serous retinopathy (CSR) for the past 12 months. Simply put, it is when a blood vessel bursts in the back of my retina and the fluid leaks into my retina causing blurred and dulled vision in that part of the eye. My eye is unable to drain the fluid faster than it enters my retina. It is incredibly hard to read and function as my sight has become so impaired. Each time I think it is improving it seems to happen again and I end up back at square one. I have had repeated attacks in both my left and right eyes. I have seen an eye specialist and he basically says only time can heal or I can have laser surgery to fuse the leak. Laser surgery means that I will lose that part of my sight forever but I am told that I shouldn't notice it. The other problem with laser surgery is that it doesn't stop the cause of my condition and there is nothing to say that the blood vessels in my retina won't burst again the next day and I am back where I started. The specialist tells me that the condition can be caused from high cortisol levels and is often linked to steroid use and stress. I have used a topical steroid for a contact dermatitis I used to have on my hands but I have cleared this dermatitis since switching to a mostly (90%) plant based diet and I have not used any topical steroids since October but my eyes don't seem to have improved. I have received no advice re nutrition or supplements or any other testing that I should have done or could do. Do you have any suggestions? Kind regards, David

Judy: When is the best time of day to take my vitamin D and vegan omega 3 supplements? And are they best on an empty stomach or with a meal?

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Apr 13, 2018

Today's #FridayReview is packed with some brand new product reviews and of course our "super-nutrient of the week" breakdown!

I begin today's show by inviting you in this final upcoming week to join us on the Life Harmony Detox Retreat outside of Boston MA in early May... it's going to be amazing!

Next up, I review the ingredients that make up "African Black Soap," which can be an incredible addition to any internal skin healing regimen...

Then, we'll be detailing a skin care product that is providing users with amazing results on reducing and eliminating marks and scars left from acne...

And last (but not least!), I'm bringing you one of my favorite forgotten gut healers that is almost never thought about when trying to repair digestive issues...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 798 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 12, 2018

It doesn't seem possible, but believe it or not, children as young as 8 years old are starting to succumb to adult dis-eases...

These include auto-immune issues, diabetes (formerly adult onset), cardiovascular, and now non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (what!)...

And if children are susceptible to these toxicities of the modern world just think about the accumulation that has happened by the time you get to be an adult...

Luckily, #FunctionalMedicine has provided us with a roadmap of how to uncover what is wrong with the individual and then go about rebalancing the body from the inside out...

On today's #CabralConcept 797 I want to share with you how to use exercise & detox methods to combat weight gain and liver issues associated with aging - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 11, 2018

If you're at a loss for how to get well, keep the weight off, or live longer the very first place I recommend looking into is your overall gut health...

And, you may very well be surprised to find that the majority of people who are struggling with some type of body, mind, or health issue have a degree of gut dysbiosis...

This means that their intestinal tract has some type of over growth of yeast or fungus (Candida) or bacterial overgrowth (SIBO, C. Diff, etc.), or both...

This can be lab tested and verified or you can listen to your body and your symptoms and choose to rebalance your gut without further Functional Medicine testing...

On today's #CabralConcept 796 I will lay out all your options, what your symptoms of dis-ease may feel like, and then how to finally get rid of candida and bacterial overgrowth for good - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 10, 2018

Over 20 years ago I made the promise to myself that if I ever figured out how to get well again I would share that message with the world...

250,000+ private client appointments later with 18 years of research, I can honestly say I believe what I've learned and put into practice works and it can help you too...

My wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging philosophy was shaped by a decade of feeling unwell, thousands of books read, studying under dozens of mentors, and interning in natural medicine clinics all over the world...

All of that led to an eye-opening revelation of what really works. And that comes down to healing the body at a deep foundational level where you are removing the toxicities and replacing the deficiencies all at once...

In my new book, The Rain Barrel Effect, I share with you exactly how I have helped thousands of people get well, lose the weight, and finally feel alive again even when they had given up hope...

It is my goal on today's #Cabral Concept 795 to pass along this much needed information and explain my specific protocol of how to take back control of your life and body - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 9, 2018

What was once a "woo-woo" metaphysical concept called "The Law of Expectation" is now being proven by quantum physics...

The problem is this powerful concept will most likely never be taught in schools and there's no way the media will be sharing this information with you...

But, if you can harness this scientific universal law you will begin to turn your life around or mold it into something even greater than it is right now!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 794 to discover the Law of Expectation and how to maker it work in your favor - enjoy the show!

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Apr 8, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Chelsea: Dear Dr Stephen, Hi there, I'm Chelsea and I'm currently a final year medical student at the University of Otago. Next year as our intern year we are required to spend 6 weeks at a clinic or a hospital of our choosing as apart of our course. I heard your podcast on the Melissa Ambrosini show and it really resonated with me. I am very interested to learn about the different healing modalities other than Western medicine and I believe that this make me a better a medical practitioner in the future. I see a lot of cases at the hospital where Western medicine is making people sicker instead better and I know there is another way. I would absolutely love to spend around 6 weeks with you and your clinic if that is possible. I am fascinated by everything you do at your clinic but particularly in the Ayurvedic medicine and how you treat people according to their body types. Please feel free to ask me any questions or concerns you have. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Warm Regards, Chelsea.


Leslie: Hello Stephen, I am someone who has been investigating and practicing health and wellness for many, many years. I am a composer who also uses sound and voice to support clients. (I coach voices for all occasions, from public speaking to personal health and therapeutic purposes.). As a coach and practitioner— and physical trainer (I have been a certified yoga teacher for over 15 years), I have been thinking about getting a certification as a coach for wellness— body/mind/spirit to integrate with voicework. Hearing you speak recently on a podcast, I resonate deeply with both your history and mindset. I thought I heard you share that you have a coaching program... I am curious if this is true? I am based in Spain until July, but may be spending time in Cambridge until for a month or so in August. I am not sure if you are in town then, but I would Love to meet you!!! Thank you, Leslie

Marcela: Hello I recently listened to your podcast abut Candida. I am so lost I have some of the symptoms you been describing and have had a numerous of blood works done with all of them showing inflammation and blood white count low, I get the bloating, joint and muscle aches brain fog and irritation. I am not sure where to begin. Is there a way for you to take a look at my blood work. Please help.

Gabrielle: Hi Dr Cabral! Thank you so much for all you do! I love your podcasts I have become some what addicted to all the information you share ! I have a few questions I hope that's not too much! I have a 7 year old daughter who was recently diagnosed with PANS her Mycoplasma was not active but showed higher numbers and she tested positive for only band41 for Lyme and often has cold sores. We have done stool tests blood work and an organic acid test. Acording to our bio med Dr she has a "small bacterial overgrowth" which he said we would deal with in the future??? She is currently on antibiotics now 65 days and I really don't want to continue her down this road. She also takes coq10 lysine 3thorne multis vit c Nordic nats omega 3 meltaonin for bed and digestive enzymes when eating protein. I really want to remove the antibiotics but it seems every time we remove them within 3 days her motor tics aggression sleep disturbances etc are back full force what should we do next ? Thank you again so much !!!

Melissa: Hi Stephen, I just listened to your podcast about candida and wanted to learn more information about it so... im here. :) I noticed online you sell a package that is onsale right now for candida and yeast kill off to get back to healthy stages... Is this going to help me get back to normal gut health in 3 months? I know you don't quite know my status of my gut... and neither do i quite frankly, but I do know its to the point now where almost every time i eat i am either in pain or really gasey/bloaty. I just really want to make sure if im investing into this package, it will help me. I am currently unemployed and feel helpless with my issues... all doctors (like you said) think i just have IBS... but i know its alot deeper than just that. Thanks for your time, Melissa


Melodie: Hello Stephen! The vessels inside my nose are extremely dilated. It causes me to bleed easily, especially when I get too much sun. They also are dilated outside which has me dealing with rosacea from time to time (I've managed to get rid of redness naturally). Plus, I have very dark circles (brown / purple) under my eyes. People say it's genetics (hello Portuguese genes) and there's nothing to do about it. But, I'm wondering if all of this isn't related. Also, in your previous shows, you said to look for gut issues. So my question is : could dark circles and dilated vessels in the face be related to digestive system issues? Muito obrigada! Melodie 

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am wondering if there are any imbalances that could be the cause and or any natural ways to help with premature ejaculation. It is a subject that people don't talk about and so it is rather an embarrassing question. However, I have just been so curious if there are any natural ways to improve this that you would know of. Thanks

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Apr 7, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Louise: Dr. Cabral. I am so very grateful to have found you. You and your team do outstanding work, from your clinical expertise, to your podcasts, to your excellently laid-out website and user-friendly instructions for treatment protocols. I am starting my 7-day detox and will continue on with your candida protocol. Here is my question: I tend to have soft, peeling fingernails that break easily. What do you think about collagen, silica, and biotin supplementation?

Ruchi: Hi, I am looking for children candida and bacterial overgrowth protocol for my son. My 6 year old son is suspected to have candida yeast overgrowth and based on reviews from other moms, I am hoping that your protocol will help him. I am based in Netherlands and may not be allowed products from US. Do you have any branch in Europe from where we can order? Please advice. Thank you. Kind regards, Ruchi

Andrea: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have struggled with constipation for years now, and after trying several protocols, elimination diets, x-rays, etc. I still can't figure out the root cause. My question is this: Can a tight hip flexor or abdominal muscle impair digestive function? When I palpate my lower left quadrant, it feels dense and ropey, and I can't tell if I am feeling a strained muscle or part of the sigmoid colon. Thanks so much for any help you can provide! I love your podcast. I've learned so much and continue to learn more each day.

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, thank you for answering my question on HSVII and the CBO protocol. I am early in my 2nd pregnancy and wondering if the high/full spectrum vitamin C, full spectrum magnesium and reishi powder are safe throughout pregnancy. I take your Orthomolecular/Innate Iron prenatal combo. If so, at what dosages? Also after a emergency cesarean first pregnancy I have contemplated a planned cesarean this go around (never thought I’d say that, as I wanted a natural birth) however I also have a fear of possible outbreak the time of birth. Any recommendations for delivery? OB wanted me on valtrex 2 weeks before delivery which I never took because my baby came a month early. Less important, but curious, if the virus can be eradicated why would arginine foods still sometimes trigger it?

Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral! Accounting to the Arginine / Lysine List on episode 273 someone with HSVII should also avoid blueberries? This is one of the foods that i have every day in my smoothie as one of your high recommendations. Pumpkin seeds are another healthy go-to I have a couple times a week and I even opt for the sprouted pumpkin seeds. Any suggestions?

Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral! I have a question linking the gut, SIBO and immunity. Stool tests have shown that I have ‘nil’ lactobacilli and bifidobacterium. I also have a leaky gut (lactulose recovery 1.5% and mannitol recovery 19.6%) and an immune deficiency (igG subset deficiency). My question is - how do I restore balance in my gut when I don’t seem to tolerate any probiotics due to relapsing SIBO (I’ve tried many). The only way I seem to keep SIBO in check is to stay on maintenance herbal protocols, prokinetics and strict(ish) diet. I know this isn’t helping to heal the gut though ....yet all my symptoms (eg stomach spasms, nausea etc) return when I try to broaden diet or introduce probiotics, fermented foods etc. It’s a vicious cycle. How would you suggest moving forward to heal the gut?

Andrew: Thank you so much for everything you do for us and humanity. You are an amazing soul. Quick question for you regarding a friend of mine. She bruises extremely easy all over and has pretty severe menstrual cycles. No birth control pretty healthy. I suggested she take the adrenal + hormone lab. She also was recently on acutain for acne until I was finally able to get her to question it enough to where she ended up stopping at less than a month of use. Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you!!


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Apr 6, 2018

The #FridayReview is here and I'm excited to share with you some new research showing that you can decrease your chance of dying from cardiovascular disease by over 30%!

Next up, I'm looking forward to re-introducing you to a book that I can't recommend enough on the fundamental (life) success principles that have stood the test of time...

And finally, this week's super-nutrient has been nicknamed "Vitamin H" for its ability to strengthen your hair, skin, and nails... but it does so much more!

For all the details please tune into today's #CabralConcept 791 - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 5, 2018

Time and time again one of the biggest factors that sets people back from enjoying the body and health they want is an unjury...

And much of the time that injury comes from an accident while in the gym or outside of it that could have easily been prevented if the body was properly prepared...

That's why on today's #CabralConcept 790 I want to share with you exactly what you need to do to "injury-proof" your body and joints for a life-time of functional use - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 4, 2018

Lowered metabolic rate or low thyroid symptoms have so much more to do with your health than just the inability to keep the weight off...

Other symptoms such as brain fog, low mood, fatigue, low body temperature, decreased drive & ambition, as well as hair loss can all be explained by a lowered metabolic state...

The good news is that all of this is reversible when you know what the root causes are that are holding you back from the health that you deserve...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 789 to discover how to know the difference between metabolism and thyroid testing and which one to run when - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 3, 2018

Believe it or not, Conventional Medicine is actually beginning to not only accept, but scientifically verify hundreds of natural health based "signs of disease..."

From a Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, or Facial Diagnosis perspective these tell-tales have been known for thousands of years to reliably predict ongoing or future health based issues...

This is why it's so important to become more aware of your symptoms and how your body may be changing (even if it's subtle)...

So to make it easier for you to know where to look, on today's #CabralConcept 788 I will outline the 10 tell-tale signs of an upcoming disease (and of course how to overcome them) - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 2, 2018

One of the big benefits of getting to help people work on their overall health & wellness on a daily basis is that I get to see trends...

As I listen to each person explain their story of how they got sick, put on weight, or can't seem to get well, patterns begin to form...

And these patterns start to look eerily similar to each other when it comes to very specific stressors in our lives...

One of those stressors that many people share is constantly being a people pleaser - to the detriment of one's own health...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 787 for details on how to stop being everything to everyone and begin to get your life back -Enjoy the show! 


Today's Show Notes:


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol” (This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

Dr. Cabral Detox (The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

Daily All-in-One Support Shake (The #1 recommendation in my practice)

Daily Fruit & Vegetables blend (22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

> CBD Oil, Candida/SIBO, Immune Support & much more!


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Organic Acids Test

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

Adrenal + Hormone Test

Food Sensitivity Test

Omega-3 Test

Stool Test

Genetic Test

View all Functional Medicine lab tests


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Apr 1, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Tania: Hello Stephen, I have been diagnosed with Hashimotos and was wondering what test is the best one to take from your lab to help me lead a healthier life and get off Synthroid for good ? I am taking different Synthroid doses on alternate days and still feel tired and have cold feet and hands. I am hoping you can help me. Regards, Tania 

Joyce: Thank you so much for all you do! I LOVE listening to your Pod-casts and I do your daily protocol daily! I also drop Vit D and occasional your CBD oil! I exercise daily during the week and eat clean! I generally feel awesome !! ( I am in my 50’s, some say I look like 40’s J ) Anyway in the past few years I have been become less and less tolerant to alcohol ( 1 glass a night not every night) and party occasions 2 glasses. Most times I drink , I will wake up at 2am with a bad headache, eye and neck ache which will last 24 hours no matter what I do.! Is it possible that I have developed an alcohol sensitivity ? I have really stopped drinking because of this, however when I do have the occasional glass I really do pay a price…. Your thoughts 

Michelle: Hello! I just wanted to ask a quick question regarding nutritional programs. I recently received my holistic nutritionist certification and I am looking to expand that. I was wondering if there are programs or certifications for nutrition and holistic health in general that you think are most beneficial. Thank you so much!

Denise: I know you said that some people can not get better because they hold on to anger. Do you think it could be a problem with EBV. I have RA and I think it was triggered by EBV. When I get stressed I think it might be triggered. I was on AIP for two years and was doing OK and slowly improving. Then under a stressful situation I had the RA triggered again. Now I am having a problem stopping the reaction. If I try to alkaline my diet it help some. I am still having inflamtion problems. I am also very cold all of the time then my body temperature shots up and wakes me up

My lymphatic system does not seem to be working well. If you have any advice please let me know. I love your podcasts and lessen all time hoping to figure it out. I have tried to work with some functional medicine people and had some testing done but it did not help much. Then when I added sunflower oil and vitamin B and did see some improvement. My hand joints are very deformed is there anything I can do to stop it from getting worse. I have a lot of pain in them now. Can you tell me why they continue to become deformed. Please help your number one fan.Denise 

JD: Hey Dr. Cabral, I just started listening to this podcast at the beginning of this year. I love it. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. So I’m a 31 year old male and I have been getting pimples under my skin for for a while now in places like my jaw line and behind my ears on the side of my nose. Soon as i try to pop them they swell up to double the size. Sometimes it feels like I’m walking around with a golf ball attached to my chin. I also wash my face once a day. Just hoping you could give me a few reasons why it happens and maybe how to stop them. Cheers.


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Mar 31, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Louis: Dr. Cabral, thank you for everything that you do. You are truly amazing. I have an issue and I am looking for some guidance. For the past 8 years I've been dealing with acne, and I can't get rid of it. I also was diagnosed with colitis when I was 10 but have for the most part gotten that under control. Now, my acne goes away when I'm on vacation, but it always comes back when I'm home. Here is the kicker though... I'm a functional medicine practitioner. I've ran half a dozen tests on myself. I've rebalanced my hormones, got rid of parasites, cleared infections and detoxed heavy metals (I had major mercury toxicity), and yet my acne still persists. I even got implants in my teeth that had root canals because doctor Mercola said that he had acne up until he was 40 and it didn't go away until he got his implants. Now, of course my skin has drastically improved over the years, but it is not clear. I am wondering what you would suggest? thank you, Louis

Sharon : I have started committing to the 12 hour overnight fast you have discussed in your podcasts. Is there a anything you can recommend to help the body with digestion and detoxifying overnight?

Jenn: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am a 33 year old female. I am wondering how to lower high prolactin levels? My levels are elevated slightly 35.7 ng/mL. My levels have been elevated for a few years but getting higher. I have hypothyroidism and am on medication (Synthroid). My menstrual cycles are very irregular and I have had bouts of major hair loss 3 times over the past 3 years. My LH and FSH were tested and normal (both 4.5 mIU/mL on day 2 of cycle). I am currently not trying to get pregnant but a bit worried for my future. I'd really like to find a natural approach to lower the prolactin level. Thank you! 

Christine: Hi, I'm a non-standard PCOS woman (no polyps but have insulin resistance). Currently I take 1500 mg Metformin for this (I do not have diabetes), Cabral's activated daily ( as well as additional mtheylated B complex, zinc, vit d 5,000, VIt C, chlorella/spirulina, curcumin, folate 400mcg) and eat a fairly healthy diet cooking my own food lots of veggies and quality meats. I did the 3mo healthy gut protocol and sealed my gut, ending last month. I exercise 5-6 days per wk (pilates, HIIT's, a 20 min "long run", walks, strength train 3x/wk, ab focus on TVA). I am lean (18-19% body fat), lean/toned, probably an ecto/mesomorph blend body type and in excellent physical condition. I'm 41 years olds (mitochondria test came back as 33yrs body age) trying to conceive my 3rd child but have been experiencing multiple chemical pregnancies and miscarriages. I suspect I have high cortisol and some other hormone imbalances as I am lean and toned everywhere but my belly and have steadily gained 7-8lbs over a 3 month period while making dietary changes to stop this. I have a pouch and slight love handles. What lab test (or other recomendations) do you suggest that I do in order to lean out my midsection and see if any imbalances are contributing to my pregnancy troubles. Thank you!


Craig: My 7 year old daughter has had swollen joints for about the past 2 years. Her doctor tested her for JRA and the blood test came back negative. The swelling is in her wrists and ankles, but usually one side at a time. It doesn't keep her from doing things like gymnastics, soccer, basketball, etc., but I also know that she has a very high pain tolerance. We are going to Children's hospital in Los Angeles today for an appointment with a specialist, but I really want to pursue a more natural approach if possible. What tests would you recommend running as a good starting point? Would one or some of the 'Big 5' be a good place to start? Thank you for your help, I don't want my baby-girl to be in any kind of pain.


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Mar 30, 2018

I hope you've had an amazing week! I'm looking forward to bringing you today's #FridayReview where I've recapped the week and can't wait to share with you some fun new information...

The first topic is a follow up from last month and is a brand new "eco-challenge" that I hope you'll join me in this April (Hint: it has to to with the 500 million straws used everyday in the US!)...

Next up, I'm looking forward to re-sharing with you a book that helps make sense of how certain nutrient deficiencies can lead to many mood related issues that a lot of people needlessly suffer from...

And finally, I'll be detailing the importance of our super-nutrient of the week that is essential for recovering from any type of stress, exercise, leaky gut issues, or illnesses...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 784 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 29, 2018

Can too much of a good thing suddenly become a very bad thing for your body, health & mind?

The research says is definitive and shows that unless you've built in unloading weeks, rest days, and a periodization based exercise model into your training it's only a matter of time before you break down...

The good news is that all of this is easily correctable if you know what to look for and how to assess how much your body can handle...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 783 to find out the 10 signs of over training and what you can do about it - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 28, 2018

Feeling bloated after a meal is not a new human phenomenon...

For thousands of years humans have been using natural “digestive aids” to improve digestion and help with poor food combining...

However, much of that ancient wisdom has been lost in this new age of acid blocking medications or over the counter antacids...

Today on the #CabralConcept 782 podcast I want to share with you some of these time-tested natural remedies to help improve digestion and decrease bloating with meals - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 27, 2018

The new buzz around "lectins" has certainly taken the nutrition industry by storm, but is it all hype or is there some truth to it?

The low-lectin diet asserts that it's the "sticky" proteins in most #plantbased foods that cause everything from intestinal discomfort to brain fog to leaky gut to auto-immune conditions...

The question is are we looking at the wrong enemy in terms of foods, or is there something deeper going on within the gut that may cause lectins to be an issue in the first place?

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 781 for an depth look at whether or not you should be following a low lectin diet!

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Mar 26, 2018

I believe the idea of "bucket lists" has begun to take a turn for the worse and is becoming synonymous with focusing on your mortality...

Instead, I believe creating a bucket list should actually be viewed more as a motivational tool for visualizing how much more life you have to live!

And as a result, I recommend that everyone construct multiple "buckets" for every stage of their life...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 780 to discover how to create the ultimate bucket list in order to begin to set the stage for the life you truly want to live - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 25, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Jessica: Dear Dr Cabral,

I have been listening to and learning from your podcast for quite awhile now and really enjoy it! I have a complicated health diagnosis right now that I was hoping you could weigh in on. We recently moved cross country and I need to find a new functional doctor. My last was excellent and after years of feeling ill and having odd symptoms she finally diagnosed me with Chronic Inflammatory reaponse Syndrome from mold toxicity. I had every positive test required for the diagnosis. I have MARCoNS in my sinuses at high levels which I am working on with a compounded colloidal silver spray and cholestyramine as well as GI detox. My thyroid is low functioning so I am on naturthroid. I had 4 children in seven years with hyperemesis gravidarum and no nutritional support so my labs all came back low and depleted for vitamins, minerals and electrolytes etc. Because the mold toxicity has gone on for so long my system is stressed on labs also. Everything from low adrenal function to low MsH levels and elevated liver enzymes, h.pylori, epstein barr and harmful gut bacteria. Progesterone is very low and estrogen a little low also. My inflammation levels are sky high and I take a ton of anti-inflammatory supplements just to function. I get horrible sinus pain and headaches and my body swells and retains water when the inflammation is higher. Regardless of taking large doses of functional brand magnesium and ionic magnesium as well as mineral salt soaks, I still maintain very low magnesium levels. Side effects of all these issues are random fevers, chronic constipation, brain fog and chronic fatigue levels as well as the inability to sleep well. The worst part is the horrible horrible mood swings, panic attacks, terror, ocd thinking cycles and nightmares. I did not have these before I became ill and my doctor was positive it was from the mold and inflammation. I take large amounts of turmeric, phenibut, and cbd oil. Sometimes it switches off like a light and I regain emotional balance and other times I stay that way for a long time. I have a family to care for and I cannot seem to turn this around. I eat low glycemic, no sugar, no dairy, low grains with lots of green vegetables. Id love to do the Dr. Cabral detox because my doctor said one of my issues is being unable to clear things from my system but I am allergic to stevia and dandelion both pretty severely so I have no idea how to go about throroughly detoxing. I can have monk fruit so I was put on Paradise Herbs greens powder to help support my system. I have a huge basket of top quality functional supplements that I take daily and still feel unable to do life. I also have about 20 lbs to lose and cannot seem to budge the weight no matter what I do. Thank you Dr. Cabral. All of my best to you and your family.



Elizabeth: Hi Dr Cabral, I noticed while on the Berkey filter website they have a product called WAVEEX for protection from mobile phone radiation and another product called Zeolite for removing heavy metals and body toxins. I was quite intrigued by these and wondered if you could share your thoughts on them? Thank you for one of (if not the best) health podcasts out there! 

Donna: Dear Dr. Cabral,

I am a 51 year old female and I don't think my body is properly absorbing water. In May 2017 I did the 7 day detox, June-Aug. the 90 day Gut protocol followed by your probiotic / healthy gut support. I eat a clean primal diet ( fruit, veg., nuts, seeds, good sourced meat, free range chicken/ / eggs), exercise with resistence 3-4 times a week.

I take pharmaceutical grade fish oil, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, butter from grass fed cows, Vit. D drops, Pure vit. C powder, have been one month now on your daily support shake and fruit / veggie powder.

I weigh 128, 5'6" and drink an average of 70 oz. of water daily from a Berkey.

My skin is dry and even through the night my throat gets dry and I have to drink some water. When I raise my arms above my head and pinch the skin around my left breast, the skin collapses together before going back to normal.

What might be blocking my body from proper water absorption?

Also, when I do Core Twist I actually hear a sound when I inhale / exhale out of my mouth. It sounds echoey as what I would imagine someone might kind of sound like with wheezing, but I'm not wheezing.

I haven't felt out of breath or had any restriction to breathing but it's as if there is something not clear in my lungs or chest? I have noticed this off and on for about two years and never hear it with cardio, resistance training, only core twists.

A recent Thermography scan suggests there is thermal asymmetry in the left ethmoid sinus consistent with sinus dysfunction. Midline hyperthermia in the lower anterior neck suggestive of possible thyroid dysfunction, inflammation of both carotid arteries. And scattered muscular / myofascial hyperthermia throughout the upper back and periodontal inflammation in which a few months ago I had a root canal right before hearing a pod cast that you would have recommended against doing!

What are your thoughts?

Thank You So Much!


"In It To Win It"


Michelle: Hi Dr. Cabral,

Im obsessed with all of your podcasts and the information available to us from you!! Thank you. I ve searched through your archives and cant seem to find anything about oxygen therapy.

2 questions... What are your thoughts on HBOT with regards to autism and when to implement the therapy if at all.

Question 2, one of my biomedical facebook groups has really been into ozone water therapy. Im trying to do research and it doesn't have too much online in regards to safety, and how long to implement. I would really love to hear your opinion on drinking ozone water. (they say it gets rid of bacteria and h pylori in the gut)

Thank you for your thoughts!


Jessica: Hi, I live in Australia and I am currently undergoing an intensive gut healing protocol. I was wondering if Dr Stephen Cabral offers one off skype consults? I was wanting to check in and get a second opinion on the protocol I am currently following and what other tools I could be implementing. I have blasto, very low bacteroides, heavy metals and mould issues.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Kind regards, Jessica


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Mar 24, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, thanks so much for continuing to produce such helpful information and insight to healing and optimizing health. I listen to your podcast daily and have shared various episodes with family members whom I believe would benefit. My question is about GI health--I've been working with my naturopathic doctor to heal mild gut inflammation I began experiencing around this past Christmas. In addition, I've also been working with diet and supplementation (digestive enzymes, probiotic, aloe vera after meals to soothe gut, etc) to address improved gut motility to eliminate constipation and now have improved bowel regularity and volume (BM at least 1-2 times per day, Bristol scale type 3 or 4). This week I had an ultrasound with my OB/GYN to rule out concerns I had with pelvic pain; while the ultrasound was negative for gynocological concerns, the tech reported that the imaging process was made more difficult due to an "overabundance of stool". I'm confused about why I am otherwise not feeling constipated and having productive BM's--is it possible that my gut motility is adequate but I'm somehow not emptying my bowels completely or have buildup in my large intestine? Most every BM feels "complete". I look forward to your response and appreciate your time!

Michael: I enjoy your podcast very much. I found out about you from the Food Heals podcast. I live in Ann Arbor, MI, and so far could not find an FIR Detox Sauna based on your recommendations. Before I buy anything, I'd like to try it with medical supervision. Could you help with some suggestions? Thanks.

Jessica: Hi, I heard Dr Cabral on the Melissa Ambrosini podcast. Dr Cabral was inspiring to say the least. I'll get straight to the point. My father in law has recently been diagnosed with ALS. Is this something you can help with at your studio? We have confirmation from the neurologist, we have just been to see a naturopath and she is running some tests (to name a few: Hair trace mineral analysis, Magnesium serum levels, Zinc status test). From the podcast you seemed like the kind (only) person who could help. The MD doctors here just gave the diagnosis and said 'Go write your bucket list and live your best life for the next 2-5 years' WTF! After some research I have come to realise ALS is not some mystery disease but like all 'disease' just the body telling us that these are toxic things in there affecting our system. We are in Australia, willing to travel! Can you help or lead us in the right direction? Jess

Bruno: Hi Dr Cabral, huge fan from Europe. I would love to do the food sensitivity test, but I saw that you don't ship to my country. Any recommendations on tests to do here. Can't seem to find anything similar here. Cheers! Bruno

Katie: Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, since learning about your podcast I feel I finally have information I can trust for my daily questions about health and wellness - I credit my current quality of life to you because I now know dairy, gluten & egg are sensivities for me and taking those foods out has helped me more than I could ever have enjoyed those foods - truly life changing. My question is about Juice Plus - I have been taking the orchard and vineyard blend capsules for a little over a year and because last year was my best year yet I am scared to stop taking them BUT would really like to know what you think. I stopped taking their daily complete shake because it contains pumpkin (one of my other food sensitivities) and switched to the equilibrium daily support shake. I now take my fruit and veggie juice plus capsules in the morning with my lime water with the hope they are comparable with the juiced powder you talk about all the time. Can’t wait to hear what you think - sure appreciate your thoughts and expertise!

Jeff: Hi Dr. Cabral, I’m writing on behalf of my wife, Amanda. She has currently been nursing our daughter for 6 months. She has gotten several clogged ducts which resulted in Mastitis at least 3 times already. She has been prescribed Keflex for the infection each time but we are not crazy about the idea of taking that many rounds of antibiotics. She would like to stop breastfeeding seeing as she’s back to work and has had several complications with going several hours without nursing or pumping. Unfortunately, the typical advice is “skip feedings and pump less” but she seems to have an oversupply and that method just results in more clogged ducts. She has tried several natural remedies, I.e. cabbage leaves, sage/peppermint teas. We are now worried it may be an issue with her prolactin levels. Her OBGYN Just today suggested a prolactin inhibitor. She has reduced the number of feeding/pumping sessions but her milk supply remains the same. If you have any tips or advice we would greatly appreciate it. We are huge fans of the podcast and your advice is rapidly changing our nutritional and exercise habits. Thank you for everything you do!


Chris: Hello, I am inquiring about the approximate wait time for acceptance of the "private concierge consulting" for a new client. I am writing on behalf of my brother who is overweight, has back problems so severe he now walks with a cane at 49 yrs old. We are desperate to help him before he falls to becomes so debilitated he has to be in a wheelchair. Thank you, Chris


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Mar 23, 2018

One of the major issues with our current healthcare system is the fact that we don't consider people "unwell" unless they have a gross abnormality on their blood work labs...

However, waiting until people are sick we are negligently allowing people to walk around with nutrient deficiencies (that blood work can't pick up) and toxicities, which later cause the dis-eases we're trying to prevent in the first place...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 777 for more details on that topic as well as some ground breaking research on a 3x5-minute workout and our super-nutrient of the week discussion - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 22, 2018

It's not that shorter workouts are just easier to fit into your day or keep consistent with, but it's the fact that they are actually better for you that's changing the game...

Exercise physiologists, personal trainers, and strength coaches have come to better understand how the human body functions under stress (exercise) and how it recovers...

With this new knowledge more advanced workout programs are being created that not only are quicker to complete than ever before, but they actually get you better results!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 776 to discover why shorter workouts are the future of fitness and how to implement them in your own life - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 21, 2018

We tend to look at disease as something that's out of our control and that it just happens to us...

Conventional medicine and the media has brainwashed us into thinking it's simply "bad genetics," or a normal process of aging...

However, none of that is true and holds very little weight when you begin to understand the "pathology" of dis-ease in the body and why we become sick or overweight unintentially...

And, the great news is that all these poor health conditions are reversible, as long as we begin to uncover the underlying imbalances that created the environment within our body that allowed for the expression of these symptoms in the first place!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept #775 to learn the 7 contributing factors that create poor health and what you can do about it - Enjoy the show!

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