
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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Feb 23, 2018

It always amazes me as I write my #FridayReview IG post how quickly the weeks fly by!

On today's show I want to explain the results from a $10 Million Military Special Ops study on ketone drinks and how they may (or may not) boost performance...

Also, I've wanted to review this whole food healthy fat for some time, which is often referred to as "Golden Fat."

And finally, I can't wait to share with you our super-nutrient of the week, which is helpful for everything from energy conversion, auto-immune dis-eases, Alzheimer's, digestion, stress reduction, and much more!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 749 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 22, 2018

I'm excited to bring you a workout today that you can literally do anywhere!

That means whether you're traveling, at the gym, or at home, you can use just one piece of inexpensive (and fun) equipment and get in a great workout...

And, best of all you can customize this exercise circuit to be either 5-minutes (1 round) or 25-minutes (3 rounds) based on your time frame and skill level...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 748 for this 6 exercise medicine ball circuit - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 21, 2018

"Inflammaging" is now a widely accepted term in both the conventional medicine and natural health world...

It essentially is a catch-all term for all the symptoms associated with aging that relate to an increase in inflammation throughout the body and brain...

The problem is that all this inflammation has a root cause, but unfortunately in conventional medicine they only treat the symptoms associated with the inflammation...

This means that although the outward symptoms have been masked the true underlying imbalances still exist and when left untreated only manifest themselves as even more severe dis-eases in the future...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 747 to find out if you're suffering from these signs of inflammaging - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 20, 2018

As we're exploring the topic of brain based diseases and how they ultimately end up as Alzheimer's or dementia, it's important to understand this:

All brain based health issues can be treated, halted, and often reversed the same way other bodily health issues can be...

What it takes is uncovering the underlying root causes causing the inflammatory response and then eliminating or rebalancing them...

It may be easier said than done, but the truth is that when it comes to your long-term brain health it's absolutely worth going through the process (the sooner the better)...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 746 to discover how to halt and reverse Alzheimer's and other brain based diseases - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 19, 2018

The more the years pass by the more I realize that getting ahead in any aspect of your life has to do with a focused mindset...

And in most cases, it's not usually what you add into your life that sets you up for success, but rather what you take away...

This "addition by subtraction" philosophy actually allows you the brain space to then for the very first time see clearly enough what needs to be done to be successful in reaching your goals...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 745 to find out how to free your mind (from worries, stress, anxiety, and overwhelm) by using these rhythms & routines in your daily life - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 18, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started! 

Jessica: Good Afternoon, I heard Dr. Cabral speak on Melissa Ambrosini's podcast earlier today, and I was blown away with his interview. I'm a 34 year old female who lives in Georgia, and I'm seeking a naturopath who can help with my infertility issues. I currently have an FSH level that is 78, and while my thyroid levels came back normal from a western medicine standpoint, I don't believe the level is normal for me. Am I a good candidate for your services? Can you work with patients remotely? Please let me know as I'd love to set-up a consultation. I look forward to hearing back. Kind Regards, Jessica

Ani: Hi, I’m currently breastfeeding my 16 month old and am planning to get pregnant again this year. I had SIBO and candida while I was pregnant and definitely want to be clear for the next baby. I have successfully cleared my SIBO during this time but would like to also get rid of the candida, lose some excess weight and detox before I get pregnant. How can I do this while breastfeeding? I have a lot of lumpy cellulite and fluid retention. I’m on a low carb, low sugar/dairy, no gluten diet. Sorry if this question is too long. I live in Australia otherwise I would become a patient! Thanks Ani

Bernard: Hello I was directed to you from one of your avid listeners and supporters that I follow on Instagram (Tyler Jean @functional.foods ) he suggested I pass my query on to you to get a clearer answer. Without further ado here is the deal I am interested in doing a detox of some sort or at least doing some changes in my diet to assist in weight loss as well as just eat a diet that better assists my body to heal from my current situation. I was hoping you may have some insight as to where I should start. However I think you need some info about me to understand what Obstacles I am facing. I am a 29yo male 6ft2 249lbs. I am going through congestive heart failure and have heart disease that I was born with. The current treatment is a host of medication. Eventually I will need a transplant. My concern is that a detox will put me in danger of effecting how these meds work. The other obstacle I face is I am currently on a diet (set by my doctor) that states I am not to have more the 2000mg of sodium/day and I am only allowed to have 64oz of fluid/day. This puts a damper on a lot of detoxes I have found because most encourage and/or require you to ingest a lot more fluids due to the removal of unwanted materials being stripped away and need the extra fluids to help clean them out of the system. Also I have to be careful since I am on the low sodium diet not to overwhelm my system with potassium because with the low amount of fluids and sodium the potassium can potentially be just as harmful. I think a detox is what my system needs to help continue the healing process and help me get to my target weight of 210lbs fully clothed. I think this will be healthier for me and safer when the time comes that I need the transplant. Just don’t want to risk doing it wrong. Sorry this is so long and thank you for listening. Sincerely Bernard

Kat: Hi Dr. Cabral. I've been listening to your podcast for quite a while now, and love all of the information you are sharing. I had a question on behalf of a friend, who has been having some issues with brain fog, and having heart palpitations quite randomly (not linked to stress/anxiety as they can happen in the calmest of states). Doctors say he's fine, perfectly healthy heart and have no concerns, but he feels it's still not normal to experience both as often as he does. Alcohol does trigger the palpitations (they will happen the day after some drinks), but that makes me wonder if something else he is ingesting/exposed to on a more regular basis could be eliciting the same reaction?

Diana: Hello, I just want to start off by saying that I love listening to your podcast. It's so informative and I love learning from you. Question: I've had eczema all my life and about 4 years ago I decided to make a few drastic changes in order to improve my condition and heal. I gave up all meat and dairy (went mostly vegan), and stopped consuming alcohol. With this I experienced huge improvements in my skin, but never healed completely. More recently I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and have noticed that since giving birth my eczema has been getting progressively worse. During my pregnancy I began to consume meat again (mostly clean meat) because I had been anemic in the past and didn't want to risk it during my pregnancy even though I was taking iron pills. Prior to getting pregnant I was getting ready to do a liver detox to further my healing, but now that I'm nursing I know it's best not to do any type of detox until I'm no longer breastfeeding. What protocol do you suggest I follow to help improve/heal my eczema while I continue to breastfeed? And what type of diet do you suggest I follow? I also noticed that my 2 month old has dry skin as well, is it possible that I've passed eczema on to her? Thank you for all you do for the community!


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Feb 17, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Carol: Hi Dr Cabral! I want to start out by saying I absolutely love and very much appreciate the valuable content of your podcast. I started listening about 9 months or so ago when I was searching for information on IF, I found your podcast and I have been listening everyday. A little back ground on me I have my BS in nutrition sciences from Louisiana State University and a NDTR (registered nutrition and dietetic technician) the only thing separating me from RD is an impossible to get into and very expensive internship. I would like to say I am knowledgeable when it comes to nutrition because Hey I have a college degree, but most of the time I do not because I feel that most of the things I have learned at the university setting are very innacurate. I am writing today to ask for your advice and direction for my husband. About 1 year ago he saw a urologist for a vasectomy, prior to the surgery blood tests showed that his testosterone levels were very low, about 100-200. He was given a topical testosterone supplement and would follow up every 3 'months or so to check levels. The supplement, now at the highest dose was working but at last visit it has stopped. Fast forward to about 6 weeks ago the MD prescribed testosterone injections every 2 weeks and his level was still at 104. Since then he has now been instructed to administer weekly. I feel so hopeless bc if I should be so bold to say living with him is very stressful because his stress level is always on high. He is irritable, moody and not always fun to be around. He is also so tired, he had always fallen asleep very easily but he says during the day his fatigue and energy levels come in waves. He eats well, we follow the 80/20 rule, but when he is “on” he is ON with his calories and macros and so on. He works out about days a week. Takes vitamins daily, maybe not the most potent but at least it is something. I have tried telling him. Can you provide any help or guidance?? Thank you so much. Carol

Tianna: Hi! I have an autoimmune disease called minimal change disorder and it has relapsed a couple of times this last year. I’m sick of being on high doses of prednisone to keep it under control. I was wonder what naturopathic medicine recommends for my illness. Thanks, Tianna

Cristi: Hi Dr. Cabral, Your podcast is such a fabulous resource, and we’re enjoying your daily protocol. I ghave a question about my 9 year old son. He has small white spots on his cheeks that are not noticeable most of the time. If he’s very cold or hot they show up more, or if all the blood rushes to his face, like when he hangs upside down at the park, it’s visible. I believe I first noticed it after we had been out sledding on the cold. It faded as he got warm but never disappeared completely. It could have been there before, and maybe I never noticed it. He’s very fair, and he has gotten sunburned a few times, mostly when he was at camp and did not reapply sunblock. The pediatrician suggested some kind of sun damage, told us to moisturize and to see a dermatologist if it didn’t clear. We will do that, but to be honest, I trust your opinion more, and I want to be prepared when visiting the dermatologist if he tries to give us some kind of steroid cream, which may not be the best. Thank you!

Kat: What books would you recommend for someone looking into starting to read more about ayurvedic medicine, functional/natural medicine? I love listening to your podcast and would love some insight on good books to start off with!

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Feb 16, 2018

We're already back with another #FridayReview and I'm excited to share with you the "best of the best" from this past week!

Our 1st topic covers the hidden truth behind conventionally sprayed fruits & vegetables and how they are causing cancer at alarming rates in both children and adults...

Next up, we'll talk about our Australian based community and all the wellness, weight loss, anti-aging and mindset books I've been reading and reviewing from the past 2 weeks...

And finally, I want to share with you the "Super Nutrient of the Week," where I'll be discussing the ins and outs and benefits of Bromelain!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 742 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 15, 2018

For years I preached about the benefits of interval training, HIIT, Tabatas, and other metabolic resistance training...

But I did that often at the exclusion (or detriment) or not including some cardiovascular based work...

The truth is that there is most definitely a place for both of them and by totally removing aerobic based work from your workout program you are missing out on a massive set of health & hormone benefits...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 741 for all the details on why aerobics is making a comeback - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 14, 2018

For the past 2 months I've been having the freshest cold-pressed juice delivered to my house each and every month...

To my knowledge, this is the only company delivering low-sugar, organic-only, vegetable based juices that come directly to your door...

I love the convenience of this service and the fact that for one day per month, I can give my digestive system a rest and do a "Juice Ritual Day..."

To learn more about this company and what goes into making the best organic, fresh pressed, vegetable juices in the world, tune into today's podcast where I interview "The Juice Lady" herself - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 13, 2018

One of the most overlooked aspects of total body wellness is the health and state of your teeth and gums...

Every system of your body from fighting cancer to inflammation to regulating hormones is affected when you oral health is suffering from built up bacteria, inflammation, or infections...

This is why it's critical to have a proven (but simple) step-by-step routine in order to care for your mouth health for years to come!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 739 to find out the daily 5-minute method for taking care of your teeth and gums - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 12, 2018

I'm excited to introduce you to Dave Ruel, who is one of the leading coaches on helping entrepreneurs and those seeking life-balance to finally live the life they've been searching for...

Dave and I met about 6 months while speaking at an event and we immediately bonded over our passion for helping people to create structure in their life by following simple sets of of systems designed to create freedom...

It's funny, but freedom and peace of mind actually come from routine and the ability for your brain to know what is coming next...

On today's #CabralConcept 738, Dave and I will share with you how to create your ideal life by design (with a little surprise invite at the end ; ) Enjoy the show!

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Feb 11, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend! 

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Christa: Hi Dr Cabral, Thank you for this great podcast. I've been listening to daily since I heard you on another podcast about a month ago. I am 42 years old. 5' 7" 130 lb small boned typical type A personality so primarily Vata. I was diagnosed with MS about 11 years ago. I immediately decided to start exercising and eating healthy to give my self a sense of control over a condition I was told I had no control over. I currently workout 5 days a week as well as walk daily and am starting to work yoga back into my routine. I eat a primarily plant based diet. I gave up grains and dairy in 2017 when I decided to stop listening to my doctors who had me on prescriptions for migraines, fatigue, and bladder control on top of the Tecfidera for the MS. All my issues were blamed on MS but after changing my diet I successfully got off all but the Tecfidera. I still have some gut based issues such as bloating, the occasional headache that comes along with flushing (a side affect of the Tecfidera??) I'd like to get off the Tecfidera and figure out what is causing the rest of my gut based issues. I am wondering where to start. Since I had so much success with my recent diet changes I've been wanting to get a food sensitivity test done to see what else could be an issue. One more complication, I had breast implants done 6 months before my MS diagnosis. Not a single doctor has suggested a correlation but recently I've seen a lot of information that suggests this surgery could be the root cause of the MS. I plan on getting explant surgery in the next 12 months so I am not sure what I can do in the meantime and what I should wait to do after the surgery. Thank you for taking the time to read my long email. I appreciate any suggestions and advise you can give. Christa 

Hill: Hi Dr. Cabral, Firstly, your podcast has seriously changed my life and I appreciate all your sage advice. My inquiry is regarding alcohol use & SIBO. I am 29 and My GI diagnosed me with SIBO after taking a breath test and I’ve since began the Candida Protocol. I was an athlete in High School & College and had to stick to a strict diet consisting of veggies, only fish, no sweets, and occasional starches. I’ve maintained this diet to present day. I was a pretty heavy drinker in my early 20s and continued to drink on the weekends up until my diagnosis with SIBO. Can alcohol use cause SIBO ? And/or what is the relationship between alcohol use and SIBO ? Thanks!

Katie: Can you talk about crohns on a show? Specifically what are the best and worst foods to eat & why? My husband has had a terrible quality of life for the last 15 years or so when it comes to pain & flare ups. He gave up on his medicine & medical doctor after coming to the understanding that what he was taking led to cancer (Cimzia) - he gets by with drinking ensure and naked juice as his main nutrition, toast or cream of wheat for Breakfast and chicken with Mac n cheese or rice as dinner - this is his typical diet for about 6 years) He believes at this point in his journey that veggies will put him in the ER (he’s not tried it) and that milk is one of the only things he can tolerate. I think he needs re education but I’m not sure where to send him (yes, I’ve tried getting him to listen to your podcast) thanks for any thoughts! I owe so much to you in my own personal health journey

Amber: Dr. Cabral Where to begin how grateful I am to have stumbled across your podcast about a year ago now! Since then I have been able to implement some of your protocols. Despite lifestyle changes I continue to suffer from cystic acne, with occasional headaches, and brain fog. I am 31 yr female, 5’9 160 lbs, I lift weights regularly with yoga & mobility work. I have had acne since about the age of 15. I have let my skin affect all aspects of my life, and have never felt comfortable in my own skin. I struggle with anxiety because of this. I wrote to you before and now again after I found out my dermatologist of 15 years was now retiring, and despite my many years of commitment to healing my skin naturally, and through my efforts to heal my skin through elimination diet, 21 day detox, and eliminating alcohol, caffeine, sugar and grains I still struggle with my skin. As a personal commitment to myself, I chose to take Accutane. In my last resort and desperation to live life without being at the mercy of how my face looks. I started this the beginning or December 2017, and not even a month in I am beginning to feel heavy pressure in my head, along with mild hair loss, and recently noticing some g.i. upset. Terrible pain in my stomach, clay reddish colored stool, and orange tinge urine. However, I am also just recovering from some stomach flu so I don’t know if this could even correlate with the Accutane. This is extremely concerning, going against my beliefs and values in treating your body holistically, I have resented myself and this decision. I would like to reach out to you one more time, in hopes for your recommendation on where to go from here? I believe my acne is mostly hormonal, I only break out on my face, my skin otherwise is beautiful. what alternative supplements beside DIM do you recommend? If acne is due to dirty blood, how do I begin? What is your input on the drug Accutane and its uses for acne? Despite my horrible side effects, I’m already noticing my skin clearing which is more frustrating. I’m intending on continuing the daily protocol, and loved the way I felt while on the 21 day! Also I believe I must have some food sensitivities, but I noticed more when I was fasting that my ears would become beet red, and become really warm lasting anywhere between 20-60 minutes! This also happens when I eat, I cannot correlate this to one food. However, is definitely happening more frequently. This reaction began before my course of Accutane. Thanks in advance for all the differences you make in peoples’ life’s each day, it’s truly amazing what you do! -Amber

Melissa: Hello, My name is Melisa and I am writing to you regrading my husband Nathan who had an injury 4 years ago & is still suffering ongoing headaches 2-4 times per week. We have seeked medical advice from neurologist consultations on several occasions but have been unsuccessful in finding answers or a solution. Please find Nathan's story below of injury and where he is at today. In 2012 we were living in Far North QLD and went for a holiday to Southern WA. Nathan was going out for a surf after 4 months of not surfing. After Nathan got out of the surf straight away he felt like he had an earache (nothing unusual had happened in the surf). We were having to fly in 3 days time & Nathan was concerned about the earache on the plane, so we decided to see a doctor. The doctor advised Nathan he had an earache & also mild conjunctivitis (his eye was a bit droopy and sticking) & prescribed medication for both of these issues. Nathan commenced the treatment. Three days later we flew home to Far North QLD. When we got home Nathan had a headache & the headache went on for 1 week before the left side of his face & head had a funny sensation & he felt congested in his nose. He decided to go to the doctor, the doctor also found Nathan's left eye had dropped & his left pupil was unresponsive. We only have minor medical treatment where we lived so the doctor immediately put Nathan on a flight to Cairns. Upon arrival Nathan had scans & was told he had a dissected carotid artery. He was prescribed medication & advised to have another scan in 1 years time. Prior to the incident Nathan had also had a chiropractic appointment where his neck was manipulated. So we understand the incident was trauma caused by one of these two events. At the anniversary of the incident, Nathan had another scan & saw a Neurologist in Cairns. We were advised the scan showed the artery had completely healed & was back to normal & they were happy with how the artery looked. We advised the Dr, Nathan was still getting regular headaches (at least 2 per week) eye is still drooping when tired & occasionally getting a slight ear ache. The Dr advised to take medication to prevent/relief headaches & advised although the artery has healed perhaps the artery is irritated & is causing symptoms & internally could still require further time to heal & hopefully within time symptoms will stop. However Nathan did not need any further scans or monitoring as artery had healed. 2 years later the headaches were still occurring 2-4 times per week. So Nathan decided to see another Neurologist to get another opinion. Unfortunately the Neurologist could not help and advised Nathan should not be getting headaches. Nathan then decided to try another avenue & booked in to see a Vascular surgeon. Again the surgeon was unable to help, but after further persistence the surgeon advised he would send Nathan's latest 2015 MRI scan away to a radiologist who specialises in vascular imagery. A few months later we received a letter advising the radiologist had viewed Nathan's scans and found an aneurysm on the opposite side to the original dissected artery also. Again this would need yearly scans to monitor them. After not receiving many answers from the medical industry, we decided as a family to change our lifestyle to see if this had an effect. Nathan stopped working to live a stress free / simply life. We also changed Nathan's diet to be a whole foods plant based diet & eliminated all coffee & alcohol. Nathan has been eating a high raw plant based diet based for 3 years now in hopes this would help heal his arteries & reverse the aneurysm. Unfortunately his headaches are still the same to date 2-4 per week & he takes maxi-gesic & naproxen when they are at their worst (2-4 per week) I am writing to you, after listening to your podcast with Melissa Ambrosini which gave me with renewed hope that we need to keep searching for an answer. We live in Australia, I’m wondering if there is anyway to do testing with you to find the best way of eating for Nathan and a solution to his on-going debilitating headaches. Thank you, Kind regards, Melisa.

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Feb 10, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Cassidy: Hi Dr. Cabral, I’m not sure whether you deal much in feminine health, but I always enjoy listening to your house calls and thought you may be able to help. I’m an overall healthy woman in my 20s. However, I find that during sex, I typically don’t produce much or any of my body’s own natural lubrication, regardless of level of arousal. This dryness always leaves my vagina irritated, itchy and sore for several days after sex. I mentioned it to my doctor and she suggested using a lubricant gel, this does help, but I would like to get to the root of the issue. Not to mention, avoid all the synthetic chemicals in those lubricants. The odd thing is, I believe I produce a normal to above average amount of vaginal discharge during my day to day life. I can rule out any stds as the cause, as I have been tested at my recent OB/GYN visits. Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

Elizabeth: I was wondering if I would still get an accurate food sensitivity test result if I have hypocomplementemia? I am very low in C4 and c3 and didn’t want to spend the money on the test if this could affect it?

Emily: Dear Dr. Cabral, First and foremost, thank you for all you and your staff have done to help improve my and my family's health over the past year! You are providing the valuable gift of knowledge, as well as ways to apply this knowledge for greater health, which has been priceless. My question is regarding is regarding my 17 year old son. He was diagnosed with celiac disease 5 years ago, which he manages superbly. For two years, his blood test was showing low white blood cell counts, so they had us visit a pediatric hematologist. The hematologist was not concerned at the results and cleared him of any further visits. When I asked my son's celiac doctor if there was any lifestyle changes that we could take to improve this, she said no, however, I am skeptical at this response. I would like to hear your opinion on whether or not there is any lifestyle change(s) we can make to improve my son's white blood cell count? Keep up the excellent work! You are making a real difference!


Rebekah: Hello! My husband is 25 years old and predominately a kapha/endomorph body type. Standard American diet, has an enormous sweet tooth, sedentary, and overweight. Amongst the obvious health issues one thing that happens is hypinc jerking. Most nights it’s a minor twitch here and there for up to 5 in a row and other times it’s he’ll wake me up from my sleep with a jerk that feels like he’s jumping out of bed. The jerking happens pretty much every night while falling asleep. He also moans/wails a lot in his sleep, it sounds like he’s scared. His sleep patterns are very irregular and maybe every couple of months he’ll go through a week or two of insomnia like phases where he’ll sleep about 3-4 hours a night. It breaks my heart to see him in his 20s and already unhealthy and I know that broken or lack of sleep can be incredibly stressful on the body. I know this frustrates him so I’d like to know what could cause and cure this one ailment in hopes that his mind will change concerning the importance of health. Thank you for the help you give to us all


Angela: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thanks again for being the best and answering more questions of mine! My father-in-law barely survived a fire on Christmas morning. We are so thankful he is alive, but after suffering Carbon Monoxide poisoning, he is having the latter affects of lung tissue damage. He is in his mid-50's, and has never been a smoker. He has been experiencing chest pain which he said is worse when he showers, due to the hot water. Can you make any suggestions for him to clear out the toxins in his lungs and to repair any damage? Thank you for all your help, you really are the best! Angela

Judy: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am your #1 fan and have been catching up on all your previous podcasts. You mentioned in a previous podcasts that pull-ups (along with squats, deadlifts, lunges, step ups, etc.) are important to incorporate in our 3x per week full body workouts. Do you have any tips on how to do an unassisted pull-up? I have been lifting weights for years and have yet to successfully complete a pull-up on my own and would like 2018 to be my year. Have a happy and healthy 2018! Judy

Wendy: I have ordered CBD oil twice. I understand it does not contain THC. I need to know if this oil will cause any issues during a drug test for employment purposes. I routinely have to submit to drug testing and now that I've started using the CBC oil, I'm a bit nervous about my next drug screen. Thank you for your input. I love the product by the way.

Julie: Hi there, should I be concerned about stool that floats? My stool has floated since I can remember and I am now reading the plethora of issues this may potentially be associated with. What is your take on this? Is it something to be tuned into? Any advice would be great. Thank you!

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Feb 9, 2018

Welcome back to this week's #FridayReview where I'll be sharing with you the "best of the week" on all things wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging!

The first topic we're covering today is something called an artesian aquifer, which provides the purest & highest quality (and most delicious) water in the world...

I also wanted to provide you with a flu remedy follow up on how to recover and prevent the flu when everyone around you is getting sick...

And finally, I'm looking forward to discussing our "Super-Nutrient" of the week and the 3 types of vitamin C I use in my practice...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 735 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 8, 2018

Gone are the days where I take the information I was taught in school and in my textbooks at face value...

Granted, most of it is sound advice, but some of it needs to be tested in the real world to see if the research holds up outside of controlled clinical or lab studies...

I applied this same questioning methodology to the long held belief that working your abs will hurt your lower back...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 734 to find out if this statement is really true: Doing crunches (and sit-ups) will hurt your lower back - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 7, 2018

One topic that most people shy away from speaking about is anything that pertains to their bowel movements...

The problem is that neglecting your gut health can lead to devastating wellness and weight issues in the future...

That's why on today's #CabralConcept 733 I want to share with you how better bowel movements can lead to a flatter, happier & healthier tummy!

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Feb 6, 2018

Our understanding of brain based dis-eases has come a long way over the past few years...

We now know the 14 risk factors for getting dementia or Alzheimer's and because of that knowledge we can now act upon it to lessen or even prevent these brain based health issues...

My goal on today's #CabralConcept 732 is to teach you the 5 proven ways to detect and eliminate the root causes of imbalanced brain health, so that you do not need to fear getting Alzheimer's as you age - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 5, 2018

Providing advice to someone that's at a real low point in their life can be a sensitive and tricky topic to bridge...

However, saying nothing, and offering no advice at all can often leave someone feeling even more alone, overwhelmed, and unable to cope with their current situation...

On today's #CabralConcept 731 I'd like to share some wisdom that has been passed along to me that I believe may just help you put your life back together in a way that not only leaves you more happy, but also fulfilled - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 4, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks… 

Let’s get started!

Lisa: Hi, Dr. Cabral! I am 48 years old and about 175 lbs. I'm always bloated, but I eat healthy. My upper right stomach area is more bloated and distended than the left. My Dr. isn't concerned because of how long it's been like that; assuming it;s from the 4 c-sections I've had in the past. I always feel bloated. I know that stress has me producing Cortisol (based upon my own research). Should I try an elimination diet?

Joana: Dear Dr. Cabral, I have been listening and reading the information that you have been giving in your podcast and in your site for a week now. You have a lot of great information. Probably you have talked about this before but I still didn't find question is: if you had a friend who is studying to be a functional or integrative health coach or doctor, which 5 books would you give her as a present? Thank you so much for all that you do. I hope this question is of interest to you.


Louis: Dr. Cabral, I heard you on the Jason Ferruggia podcast and was very impressed with how intuitive you were regarding ectomorphs, training, etc. It really struck a chord with me. That being said, I'm actually writing on behalf of my father. He suffers from an extremely low platelet count and suffers from something called MDS. I was just wondering if you had any suggestions on how he could naturally raise his platelet count. I can be reached at the e-mail address provided. Thank you very much.


Alex: Hello Dr. Cabral, i’ve Been a big fan of your podcast for some time now, been in your Boston office for a massage and an infra-red sauna, done a 7-day detox and follow many of your recommendations. I’m 90% vegetarian and do not take any medications other than biotin, ashwaganda, Vit D, and magnesium or Valerian root (at night). About 6-7 weeks ago I noticed a big bright pink spot under my arm, within the next 2 weeks similar but smaller spots appeared on my chest, stomach and upper legs. There are also multiple smaller spots surrounding these big spots. They are somewhat itchy but not too bad. I went to see a dermatologist who diagnosed me with Pityriasis rosea and gave me cortisone cream. I have not picked up that prescription cream from the pharmacy, but instead tried to use coconut oil, tea tree oil on these spots with no results. Dr. Google also has no info on the root cause or treatment for this condition and basically says that it usually goes away with 8-10weeks on its own. I have not seen any improvement and would like to get your opinion. Can you recommend any treatment? Truly appreciate your help and the education that you provide daily. Thank you!


Bryan: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and have been put on a beta blocker to help control the symptoms. My goal is not to be on medication for my whole life as I am only 32. Other then losing weight, what other suggestions from a naturopathic point of view can I do to help keep my heart in normal sinus rhythm? Thank you for the help! Bryan


Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, So glad I found your podcast and appreciate everything you do. I've been battling gas, bloating and constipation for years and was recently diagnosed with SIBO. I listened to episode #544 on "Mono meals" and you mentioned that you don't advise people with weak digestive systems to eat salads but the Candida Protocol recommends a diet high in vegetables. What is the best course of action while on the Candida Protocol ? Cooked over raw vegetables ? Stay away from veggies all together ? Thank you!


Donna: Dear Dr. Cabral Support Team, I listened to a recent podcast on cookware. In local stores I saw ceramic (nonstick) cookware. Is that what is recommended because I wasn't sure about the nonstick coating. Also I saw some spoons/Turners molded from 100% bamboo but also had a slick nonstick coating. Should those be totally wood instead? Respectfully, Donna


Donna: Dear Support Team, My Dr. doesn't think I am absorbing water very well since my skin is dry and my throat gets dry every night through the night. I weigh 128#/ 5'6". I drink approx. 72oz. of water daily. I work out, eat a Dr. Cabral clean diet, Have done the 7 day detox, 90 Candida Gut Cleanse followed by the two supplements to seal it up (Healthy Belly and forgot the other one), a liver cleans. I take magnesium, his Vit. C, Vit. D, a pharmaceutical grade fish oil,Probiotic, Dr. Cabral recommended healthy fats, and I just started on his daily shakes & fruit/veggie powder, and use the counter top Berkey filter with our well water. Any suggestions? Respectfully, Donna 

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Feb 3, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Anonymous: Dr Cabral, thank you so much for taking time to answer all of your community’s questions. My husband has a strong odor to his feet to the point where no spray, no powder can help. He wears work boots all day and does construction in Boston. He’s in the boots for probably close to 12 hours a day. We go through buying him new boots all of the time because they are honestly putrid. We have a boot warmer that is supposed to help but will knock you on your toosh if you walk in the basement. His diet is ok, could be a lot better. Exercise is basically just his work. He wants to start eating better and working out. What could be the cause of this terrible smell coming from his feet? Sincerely a wife who is tired of throwing away socks and buying expensive work boots all of the time.

Maxine: Good afternoon! I am writing to confirm that the following products are vegan-- as in no animals or animal byproducts: Activated B-Complex Daily Activated Multi-Vitamin Daily Nutritional Support Shake I just really want to be sure, thank you(: Maxine


Lauren: Hi, I live in NY and am greatly interested in taking the organic acid test. I know the lab you use cant be used in NY; however, I was wondering if you can recommend any other labs or if there is any other way I can get this test. Thank you! 

Louise: Dr. Cabral. I am very impressed with your breadth of knowledge and commend the stance you take on health and healing. It is courageous and standout individuals like you who will transform the healthcare and fitness industries for the better. My question pertains to the health of my 13 year-old daughter. Over the years, she has had four bouts of mesenteric lymphadenitis. The attacks of severe abdominal pain sometimes accompanied by vomiting seem to come on fairly suddenly and the after-effects can last weeks. She tested positive for the gluten and casein sensitivity gene, however being a teenager she has not been 100%compliant with her diet, in adition to sneaking in candy and other treats. I understand that many physicians currently consider mesenteric lymphadenitis a nondisease and its symptoms unexplained. In your functional medicine point of view, what could be contributing to her recurring issue and what can be done from a practical standpoint to end her suffering?


Jennifer: Hi Dr. Cabral, My name is Jennifer, and through divine intervention I found you. In July I had a week off of work, so I completed the Cabral 7 day detox. i have never experienced a detox before, so safe to say I had no idea what I was getting into. First off, I came to realize VERY quickly that a large part of my daily routine is thinking, planning, shopping, preparing, and eating food. When you don’t eat for the first 2 days you have free time that you didn’t know you would have. I came to an understanding on how time consuming food really is in our daily lives. in stating that, when day 3 arrived I was so happy to incorporate food again.The plan was so simple and easy to follow. I thought, “ Im going to breeze through this” however, I was very wrong. I work in a salon with many many chemicals in my daily life. Not to mention the roller coaster of poor food choices in my life and what damage had built up from that. Prior to the detox I could work out endlessly and really not budge the scale at all. Weight has been a life long issue for me. So as day 3 went on my body became really weak and I didn’t have the energy I had before when it came to my workouts. My brain was starting to reel from the detoxification happening and I actually was uncomfortable in my own skin. By day 4 I felt skittish and afraid to even talk to people. I felt so terrible that I was worried I wasn’t going to make it to the end. I knew I was toxic due to a lifetime of exposure to unhealthy things, but wow! Well, day 5 came and it was like the dark cloud lifted! I felt amazing! Each day became better and better. I didn’t have a starting weight but knew about where I was. When I was done I did weigh myself and I lost probably 5-7 pounds. I continued strong on your eating plan but have wavered quite a bit in the last couple months but have continued to lose weight. My body and brain feel better than they have in a very long time. I plan to do my next 7 day detox in the next month. So thank you for your research and creation of your supplements and detox. I listen to as many of your podcasts as I can. I recommend you constantly. My first question is regarding my daughter. When she was around 7 or 8 she showed me this rash on her hands and said when her hands come in contact with any form of water this is what happens. This white raised bumpy skin was between her fingers and almost looked like blisters or skin that was going to peel. Fast forward to now, she is 18, and the rash has come and gone since then. It now covers most of her palms. When it is severe the skin pulls tight and can be painful until her hands dry out. Usually it takes about twenty to thirty minutes for her hands to completely return to normalcy. When her hands are dry, you can see remnants of whits spots on her palms. It does this in any type of water and can be severe to slight; sometimes it goes away all together. We have tried organic products as well, and that helps, but it doesn’t go away, so we think its water itself. We have only been to one doctor and they have no idea what it is. At the moment it's at a medium degree. I attached a picture, and wonder if you might know what it is or what to do. My second and final question is regaurding your weightloss blood test. I have been experiencing a steady decline in my sex drive for many years and as of now I virtually have no sex drive at all. Would that specific test measure my hormone level to see if thats whats wrong? Thank you for your time. I look forward to your advice! I tried to attach the photo of my daughters hands but it won't attach. If you would like to see a photo please just let me know where to send it and I will. Thanks again!! Jennifer 

Jon: Hi Stephen, was recently introduced to your podcast from the Elite Man Podcast was was impressed with your diverse knowledge, I have spent all day today listening and will continue to listen to the great advice you give. To cut straight to the point, I had blood tests done 6 months ago which showed very low testosterone and very high estrogen. After scans to confirm there were no problems with my pituitary I was put on Clompihene which worked very well for a week then my mood began to decline, next bloodwork showed my testosterone had raised slightly but my estrogen had more than doubled! I was eventually put on a HRT protocol of Sustanon 250, Anastrazole (to control estrogen) and HCG. I have been on this for 3 months now and felt very little benefit, and some areas such as libido have actually got worse! I would like to come off and try to restore natural healthy levels of hormones. At the time of my diagnosis I was working a very stressful job with long hours, suffering insomnia, training (weights and cardio) hard 6+ days a week and not eating as well as I could have. My bloods also revealed I was low in Vitamin D and Zinc but the doctors did not think this was relevant. After lots of research it does not seem surprising my hormone levels were suffering! I have since stopped the Sustanon but continued with the HCG and will switch to clompihene for 6 weeks in an attempt to restart my body's natural function before coming off all medication. I have been supplementing with Zinc, ZMA, Vit D3 and Maca Root powder for a month now. What are my chances of getting my hormones where they should be for a 27 year old active man and what is the fastest way for me to get there? Thanks again for all the great advice. You're a true asset to the healthcare profession and if there more people like you the world would be a much happier, healthier place. Many Thanks, Jon

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Feb 2, 2018

I'm super excited today to share with you 14 measurable (and preventable) risk factors for Alzheimers that makes it much easier to assess your your likelihood for any type of brain-based atrophy or dis-ease...

Plus, on today's #FridayReview I'd also like to bring you my February book challenge and I want you to be a part of it!

And finally, I'm going to share with you this week's "Super Nutrient of the Week," which is in my opinion is one of the most overlooked vitamins - Enjoy the show!

Go to or click the link in my bio to listen-

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Feb 1, 2018

Unless you're able to workout 5-6 days a week, you need maximize the time you do have when you exercise...

This means that the programs you spend your time on have to work, so that you're not just wasting energy by going through the motions...

For most people, this means switching up your workouts to include full body routines that will boost your metabolism while reshaping your physique...

On today's #CabralConcept 727 I want to share with you the 2 exercises to include in every workout that will help you do just that - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 31, 2018

Most of us are familiar with life-threatening food allergies like having a peanut anaphylactic reaction, but being "sensitive" to certain foods goes much deeper...

Did you know that the weight gain, wellness issues, or brain fog you're experiencing may be tied to "healthy" foods you're eating that unexpectedly trigger delayed immune reactions in your body?

These food based reactions cause inflammation days after eating the food, which then in turn can create other more pronounced symptoms that we label as "dis-ease..."

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 726 for all the details on how and why food sensitivities make you feel inflamed and swollen - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 30, 2018

Having personally dealt with a debilitating case of Candida overgrowth many years ago I literally "tried it all" when it came to curing my Candida...

The problem was that no matter what I did, all I could ever find was temporary relief...

This is why I understand when people come to me frustrated with not getting the intended results of following a "Candida Diet..."

Today on the #CabralConcept 725 I explain the truth behind why Candida Diets don't work and what to do instead to get the results you want - Enjoy the show!

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