I'm excited to be answering your questions this weekend and can't wait to get started with our first Cabral #HouseCall!
Here are today's communities questions:
Jenn: Hi Dr. Cabral! I will be traveling internationally within the next week and a half and am trying to pump my body up with extra goodness to prevent illness while abroad. I have been using your all in one shake (which is out of stock and I am running out!) and have increased my vitamin c. What else should I add into my daily regimen? Anything I should throw in my backpack besides the vitamin c to take along with me? I am on xarelto, my only medication, for Factor V Leiden, as I have had 2 PE's. I love to integrate natural supplements etc into my life, but am confused at times if they interact with this drug. Thank you so much for your insight!
Vrajhi: Hello Dr. Cabral. I want to first thank you for all that you do. My family has benefitted so much from your podcasts and products... I honestly don't know where we would be without you. That being said, I have a question about facial hair on females. Is it possible at all to get rid of unwanted facial hair growth? I am hoping that once my hormones get rebalanced that it will go away on its own. I have only been dealing with chin hair for maybe 2 or 3 years and it has gotten aggressively worse with everything I've tried to do to get rid of it (which includes waxing, plucking, electrolosis, hair removal creams, etc). Is there a silver lining?
Anon: Hello! My mom gets frequent sinus infections, at least 2x a year and takes antibiotics about 1-2x year for them. She is an elementary teacher and has bad allergies. I tell her not to take the antibiotics but she feels it is the only way she can function and get back to normal. They usually work. How can she wean off of this bad habit, and kick sinus infections naturally. Any advice much welcomed. Also a reminder of what antibiotics do to our bodies. Thank you!
Anon: Hello, My husband has been dealing with excess gas, bloating, mucous in his stool and frequent constpation. We are currently doing your OAT test and food sensitivity test, but I know that those symptoms match the symptoms for colon cancer. I was wondering what your take is on colonoscopies. I know there are real risks associated with the procedure. 1 in 1000 cause death. I've also read that the harsh laxatives they give before procedure cause gut imbalances and there are often false positives and finding/treating tumors that may heal themselves. Would an FOBT be sufficient? Would a simple blood test possibly show if there are any problems? Or is a colonoscopy necessary? Thanks for info
Susan: Hello Dr. Cabral I am an avid listener and love your show. I have learned so much. I am a 52 year old healthy female - approx 10 to 20 lbs overweight I have been active over the years but not consistently. I recently went through menopause and now my hips are aching and certain motions hurt. I went to the doctor and through xrays he says I have arthritis (not sure what kind - but I do have psoriasis) The pain although not severe is somewhat constant. I have no pain in any other joints and am still very flexible for my age. I am concerned about this as I feel 52 is young to start getting arthritis and I do not want to lose my mobility? Help do you have any suggestions. Susan
Ness: Hello! I just want to say thanks, your an absolute legend for sharing all this information for free. I wanted to ask if its possible to eat too much avocado in a day. I eat about 1-2 a day, is this okay because of its high fat content? I don't eat a lot of carbs and try to stay full from healthy fats. Thank you for the work you are doing in the world.
Enjoy your weekend and be sure to join us tomorrow for our 2nd Q&A of the weekend!
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