Edgar Cayce passed away a few years ago, but what he left us with was a treasure trove of natural remedies...
Those remedies are finally being studied and research has irrefutably acknowledged what ancient forms of medicine and Cayce recommended as effective healing therapies...
One of those therapies involves Castor Oil and the unique properties it holds in regards to reducing inflammation and balancing certain parts of the immune system...
Cayce described an ancient Ayurvedic heat pack therapy using Castor Oil, but he did it in a modern way...
As someone that's used this specific therapy and seen it work in my practice, I highly recommend checking out the precise formula to make your own Castor Oil pack at home for just a few dollars...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 424 as I explain how to use these special oil packs to decrease inflammation and pain - Enjoy the show!
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