
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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The Cabral Concept












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Now displaying: May, 2018
May 31, 2018

I had never heard of the term "Total Toxic Load" or "Total Body Burden" until about 12 years ago when I was re-discovering the ancient Eastern practices of detoxifying the body...

What was interesting to me is that no matter what form of medicine you study such as Functional Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Bioregulatory Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc. (except conventional medicine ; ) you'll find that ALL of them use detoxification as a cornerstone for helping people get well...

But the question is, how do you know how many toxins you may be holding onto if they are inside of you and not able to be seen?

Luckily, there's a Functional Medicine quiz we use in my practice that can show you very simply what your total body burden is based on your current symptoms...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 846 to find out your total toxic load and how you can lower it - Enjoy the show!

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May 30, 2018

Did you know that there are actually 3 main "levels" of weight loss and that depending on where you fall within those levels that the type of nutrition and exercise will vary greatly?

The truth is that the plan to help someone lose the last 10 lbs is drastically different than the blueprint for losing 50-100 lbs...

The trick is to know what is holding you back from ultimately achieving the body and health you desire and then following the proven plan to get you there...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 845 to discover what no one ever tells you about losing weight (and how to keep it off) - Enjoy the show!

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Read Dr. Cabral's New Book:

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May 29, 2018

I'm a big proponent of never having to say goodbye forever to some of your favorite foods - even if they don't make the "healthy food list..."

The problem is that the key to keeping your body and mind healthy is not moderation, but instead balance...

And this means that you must first rebalance the body and get it firing on all cylinders before you begin to introduce a regular once or twice a week "cheat meal" (we'll also discuss "alternative word phrasing")...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 844 for all the details on the right and wrong way to enjoy a cheat meal - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 28, 2018

Sometimes in my practice I see people stuck - They don't know what they're doing wrong, and for whatever reason they can't seem to "catch a break..."

However, from an outsider looking in, and as someone that's suffered quite a bit from poor (mental & physical) health earlier in their life I can see where they're going wrong...

But, even if I'm able to articulate it to them, it often times doesn't resonate and this is simply because it clashes with their current belief systems...

The problem is that although your beliefs up to this point have gotten you to where you are now (both good and bad) they most likely will not take you to the next level you seek...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 843 to discover how NOT to hold yourself back from your goals - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:


May 27, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Hayley: Hi Dr Cabral, thanks for all that you do! I've listened to your recommendations on water filters and alkalising water. However I have a question about rain water. I live in rural Australia where we have a rainwater tank for our drinking water. I know rainwater in naturally acidic... is this necessarily a "bad thing"? Ours is around pH6. I know it's not the acidity of the food/ drink that's the issue, it's the way our body responds and processes it. If you think rainwater would be too acidic, how can we rectify it? Would a pinch of (aluminium-free) bicarb do the trick, or would that have other negative implications? Thanks!

Susanne: Hi! I am interested in sorting out my health, Im struggling with fatigue, anxiety, stomach problems and thining hair. I am a 26 year old woman. However, I live in Spain. Is it possible to take the health tests from Spain? With shipment and legislation and everything. In advance, thanks for replay. Kind regards, Susanne 

Anonymous: Hello Dr. Cabral, I was recently diagnosed with Esophageal cancer. The PetScan says it has not metastasized and that it is at the base of the esophagus. My questions are many:

#1. How did I get this? We have no family history of any cancer; my job is like most people these days basically typing onto a computer screen and on the phone all day. I work out of my home. I am considered an obese 56 year old male at 6'1'' and 235 lbs. Now I am down 25+ lbs. to 209 so am simply considered overweight. I have never smoked, only drink alcohol occasionally and have a relatively healthy diet consisting of no soda or junk food, good home cooked meals, occasional sweets, espressos and teas. I have been on and off at the gym over the years as it never seems to produce results.

#2. What can I do from a naturopathic angle to fight this cancer?

#3. Understanding everyone is different and you cannot diagnose my specific case, is radiation, chemo and surgery the only answer? I watched "Cancer Can Be Killed" on Amazon last night and they discuss "Hyperthermia," "Ozone Therapy" and naturopathic dietary alternatives that sound a lot better than the traditional big 3.

#4. How proven are these other modalities? If I was your brother or father what would you suggest? Thanks for all you do Doctor!! Hoping you can provide some answers sooner than later, Anonymous

Travee: I have been taking your CBD oil for 25 days now . It gives me indigestion. I rarely get indigestion. Is there anything I can do for that Oh and I love, love, love your podcast. I am learning so much and slowly getting healthier

Jenett: Hi Dr. Cabral, My friends son is a little over a year old and has been suffering in and off, from seizures. He has not had vaccinations so she's ruled that out, but the doctors cannot seem to figure out why he continues to have the seizures. Do you have any ideas as to what can cause this and what she can do about it? Thank you so much for your help. Jenett

Krissy: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am a new follower of your podcast and as a podcast fiend I have many episodes to get through still! I was wondering if you had any recommendations for my current health situation. I've been dealing with gut issues ever since having an infection and taking Cipro while living in Guatemala a few years ago. After returning to Canada I was diagnosed with leaky gut, Hashimotos and have since been treated for Candida, Klebsiella (multiple types), SIBO and various other overgrowths. After my last visit with my ND we agreed it was time for another SIBO treatment, this time making sure to emphasize prokinetics. The issue I have is that every time I start to treat SIBO I get such severe Adrenal Dysfunction.. I wake up during the night and cannot fall back asleep for hours.. and am incredibly fatigued and weak feeling throughout the day... as well having a reduced tolerance for stress. I wonder if this is because the treatment also reduces good bacteria and thus essential nutrients and minerals? Or is it due to a sudden increased ability to produce my own thyroid hormone and now my medication is too high? My ND does not want to test my thyroid levels every week as she thinks they will be all over the place anyways throughout the treatment. Have you ever worked with someone with these symptoms? I appreciate your feedback.

Toni: Hi Stephen! I have been listening to your podcast for a while now and have finally decided to write in. I have just been diagnosed with Pyroluria and undermethelation and couldn't seem to find any information on your podcast search page in regards to both. I am from Australia and not sure if this is a new term for it here or where I should turn to look for more information on the topic. Hopefully you can shine some light on the diagnosis for me! Thank you, Toni 

Christine: Hi, do you still offer the healthy gut protocol (the powder AND probiotic) as a package? I bought it in September and am recommending to a friend but cannot find it. I only see it in your store as sold separately. Thank you.

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:


May 26, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Carla: Hi Dr. Cabral, I live in a Canadian city that fluoridates it's water and have been using a table top distiller to make drinking water for the past 5 years. I've been adding mineral drops to the water as I've heard that distilled can leach minerals from your body. Is this true and am I doing enough to make the water safe to drink? I've also heard that distilled water is acidic and also not good to drink for that reason. Unfortunately I rent and can't afford to add special filters to the household system. Thank you very much for any advice you can give! Carla


Meghan: Hi Dr. Cabral! I’ve searched through your podcasts for your take on copper toxicity and couldn’t find what I was looking for so here it goes. I had a copper iud in for 10 years and then replaced with another one year ago. I had it taken out today. I’ve been suffering with; brain fog, insomnia, recurring UTIs, bladder urgency, recurring yeast infections (chronic), extreme fatigue, dry skin and most recently - dermal hyperpigmentation above my upper lip out of no where. I’ve been to dozens of specialists and taken countless tests with no help. I’m gluten and dairy free. I’ve tried the candida cleanse and recently your 21 day detox with no results which I know is abnormal. I did the OAT with you and subsequently ordered the yeast protocol from you while waiting for the results because I know I have candida overgrowth. My OBGYN said NONE of this is related to my copper IUD and it couldn’t cause copper toxicity but I just don’t believe it so I decided to have the IUD removed against her recommendation. Do you recommend I do the hair tissue mineral analysis for copper? Will I have any success on the yeast protocol of yours without cleansing myself of the copper? I am so tired of trying everything with such high hopes and then no success. Do you have any recommendations for someone with suspicion of high copper? I know that copper toxicity can cause candida overgrowth and most of my other symptoms as well. Thank you for all you do and looking forward to my coaching session this week to go over my OAT results.


Melisa: Seeking your guidance. We have a 3 year old son who at the end of last winter we realised our wood fire was causing him to cough at night, we stopped immediately & the cough went away. Several months later we had a camp fire to cook dinner (forgetting about the cough) and again our son woke at 3am with asthma symptoms & very restricted airways. I have tried using essential oils, diffuser, garlic teas, salt, coconut oil, to open his airways but it has been two nights now where we are awake all night. In the past he has had symptoms the same on two occasions & as his father suffered from serve asthma as a child & can relate to the tight chest & short of breath feeling we have given him an asthma puffer as recommended by a doctor. Can you suggest anything else I can do to quickly open his airways & allow him a nights rest without having to resort to the puffer. Also is it your recommendation to never use wood fires & instead using electric heating if living in a cold climate? Thank you!!!

Cynthia: Hello. Without getting into my whole condition I have is gout. I am curious what your view is. Some say it is a liver issue some say methylation, without knowing the individual do you think there is a common thread? Thank you! 

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral! I recently discovered your podcast and you are amazing! I really enjoy your podcast and have learned a great deal about how functional medicine can help heal the body.

I'm writing based on a severe infertility issue I'm having, so I apologize for the lengthy question. At 37 years old, I was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficieny (POI), which has been heartbreaking. I'm now 38 years old, 130 lbs, 5'4" and have been trying to conceive my first child. I had a failed IVF cycle and made it all the way to egg retrieval, but unfortunately there were no eggs to retrieve.

I developed this condition fairly quickly , which leads me to believe it can be reversed. At the time of my diagnosis, I had food sensitivities, weird rashes on the side of my stomach, itchy skin, severe bloating and weighed 145 lbs. I also went through extreme stress (moving, job dissatisfaction, money woes, one parent diagnosed with cancer, other parent died unexpectedly).


-My periods are now irregular (40-72 days)

-FSH reading on two separate cycles were 32 mIU/ml and 27 mIU/ml

-AMH was 0.21 ng/mL

-Extremely low estrogen, progesterone DHEA, testosterone.

At 36 years old, I had a fertility work up and everything was normal

-Regular periods (27-29 days)

-FSH 9 mIU/mL

-AMH 3.8 ng/mL

-Normal estrogen/progesterone.

I do have a history of an autoimmune disorder (mixed connective tissue disorder), and my POI is not due to a genetic mutation. I want to try another cycle of IVF but I'm worried about the low rate of success based on my stats. I've lost all the excess weight and bloat through dietary changes (mainly paleo diet) and walking. What do you suggest I work on leading up to my next IVF cycle? Also any ideas as to why this severe infertility disease happened to me in such a short time? Would you be willing to work with me to help me get back to optimal reproductive health? Thanks!


Zach: Hi Steven! I am currently dealing with problems with tinnitus, and strange sensations in the ear that make them sometimes feel plugged, and I am wondering if this is a sinus issue, blood pressure issue, or something else. Also I had my lipid panel done a few months back and everything was fine except my LDL was high. Could the LDL have some sort of connection to this? And what can I do to find out what type of nutrition will work for me to get to optimal health?


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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 25, 2018

It’s #FridayReview time and I’m looking forward to bringing you the latest life hacks, cutting edge research, product and book reviews, and of course our super-nutrient is the week!

Today’s Life Hack has to do with a study showing how you can increase satiation while decreasing caloric intake by 15% by just changing how you chew your food...
I’m also exited to start speaking with you more about essential oils and their myriad of benifits including increased hair growth and thickness...
And finally, I’m looking forward to talking with you about a vitamin that is clinically proven to balance cholesterol, boost antioxidant levels, help with vision, and improve hormones!
Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 840 for all the details - Enjoy the show!
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May 24, 2018

It's official...

Both the President's Cancer Panel and the American Cancer Society have both stated that cancer is a man-made disease that IS preventable...

This is directly quoted from both councils on multiple occasions that outlines exactly how people are getting cancer and subsequently what we can then do to keep ourselves safe...

And since 1 out of 2 people are expected to get cancer within this lifetime, NOW is the time to heed this information and take back control of our health, body and mind!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 839 to discover the details on the shocking news from the President's Cancer Panel - Enjoy the show!

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May 23, 2018

Both men and women contain estrogen in their body, but having too much of this hormone can spell disaster in terms of health, weight, or mood issues...

That's why it's important to understand the delicate balance we need in order to ensure we don't overload one particular hormone, which can disrupt all of the rest...

And believe it or not, there are multiple outside environmental factors that can increase estrogen in your own body without you even knowing it!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 838 to discover the one controversial high estrogen food that you may (or may not!) want to avoid in your diet - Enjoy the show!

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May 22, 2018

By popular demand we are back with the finer details of how to maximize your body's ability to get well, lose weight, and live longer!

I'm excited today to bring you the most popular questions we get from people all over the world doing a Functional Medicine detox and the answers that will allow you to make the process that much easier and more stream-lined...

So on today's #CabralConcept 837 I'm looking forward to sharing with you the top 20 do's and don't of detoxing - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 21, 2018

Deep down I have an unsuppressible need to teach people that they are not their disease...

This most likely stems from years of my own previous wellness issues that I used to embody and wear as part of my identity... 

That's why it's so important for me to get you to understand that you are not your autoimmune, migraine, skin, weight, cancer, or other health issue - Instead you are a healthy, strong, vibrant human-being presently struggling to get well...

But, the first step to overcoming dis-ease in any area of your life is that you must dissociate with this current condition and begin to change the persona of the person you've told yourself that you've become...

I know it's not easy, but I fear that without changing your mindset you will never be able to break the cycle of suffering...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 836 for details on how to change your thinking, rewire your neurology for success, and begin to live the life you were meant to have - Enjoy the show!

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May 20, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Somah: Hi Doctor Cabral, Hope you are well. Your podcasts’ have changed my life. They are so informative. I’ve recommended you and your supplements to anyone who will listen. I take your CBD oil, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and some other things you recommend. I’m a 39 years old female, eat well, exercise often but last year I had about 7 bouts of tonsillitis. The doctors recommended that I get them removed but I’m a bit skeptical. I’ve been on Antibiotics all of last year and even steroids. There has to be another way. Please help. I’m so close to just getting them removed. I have an infection right now. Any information you can offer will be appreciated. Thank you so so much!!

Anonymous: Hello Dr. Cabral and Team, Just received diagnosis on Friday (2-16) of esophageal cancer. It was a complete shock, I am a 56 year old white male, 6'1", was 235 lbs in October and now 210 as of this morning. Unfortunately thought that my inability to swallow was a temporary issue. Have had Barium swallow, endoscopy (biopsy) and CT scan. Results from latter should be back today or tomorrow. Weight loss has accelerated to about 1 lb./day. Started on Ensure yesterday. Tough getting food down. Have been eating cream of wheat with bone broth, Athletic Greens with nut milk, soups, nuts, avocados, etc. Had just started listening to your podcast in January and had ordered your 7 day detox just a few weeks ago. Obviously won't be finishing that off. In process of setting up my team to fight this cancer. Hoping you can help out or point me in the right direction. 

Shannon: Hi Dr. Cabral. My question is regarding where to start in terms of what test to purchase to get a better idea of my personal health status. I'm 33 YO, 5'4", 62.7kg. My weight has not changed in the past 7 years, but my body composition has. I stay very active and eat clean organic foods, limit on the dairy and grains. I recently replaced my black morning coffee with ACV, lemon and sea salt and incorporated a fruit/veggie smoothie. Noticed an instant change; less bloating, no heart palpitations or anxiety. I was thinking of starting with the Organic Acids test, but not too sure. I would also like to complete your 7-day detox, but trying to conceive. What would you recommend? Very grateful for your time, thank you. Shannon

Judy: I read in one of your FAQs that we should not eat the skins of potatoes. Does that include all varieties of sweet potatoes? Why should the skins be avoided? 

Jess: Hi Stephen, Thank you for your incredible podcast! i have a few questions - sorry in advance for the long post what can i do to help acne during pregnancy? i usually do have some skin problems however in the few weeks it has been worse than usual. i just found out i am pregnant (about 6 weeks) so think thats the reason it has gotten so much worse. i am also still breast feeding my toddler (once or twice a day) - so i know a detox is out of the question. what are some other things i can do to help this? Also what would you suggest to use instead of toddler milk/formula when trying to wean? my little one is 19 months old and still had some breastmilk, apart from that he also has a grass fed toddler formula/milk. would you suggest an alternative milk like coconut milk? Thank you so much Jess 

Cristina: Hi Stephen, I am 36 years old woman. Two years ago I developed an autoimmune condition called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. So last year I decided to change my foods habits. I did an intolerance food test and with the diet I am in remission. My diet is gluten free, dairy free, nightshades free. I eat veggies, meats, fish, fruits and nuts. Two months ago I developed Papulostear Rosacea in one of my cheeks. At this moment I don’t understand what’s going on. I have been on a healthy style since January 2017. What’s wrong with me? 

Bill: I have a heavy, constant post-nasal drip. I have listened to Stephen's podcasts and it seems that the appropriate test for me to order is the IGG test. Is that what you would recommend in order to diagnose my problem? 

Ann: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you for addressing my question about fructose malabsorption. About three years ago I began to experience feelings of nausea, gas and diarrhea. I went to see a gastroenterologist and he completed several invasive tests as well as a test for h pylori and SIBO. He told me that I had IBS and to take Prilosec, which I never did. A couple months went by and the diarrhea got really bad. I went back to see the same doctor and told him that something was wrong. He said, “Well I guess we can run a breath test for lactose and fructose”. The test result showed that I have fructose malabsorption. The doctor told me that there is no cure and that I should avoid eating food with fructose in it. Little did I know that a lot of food has this in it with varying amounts. I am fine with not eating sugar, honey, wheat and most fruits but I love all vegetables. I don’t feel as though I am getting a balanced diet because some veggies I can’t eat. Everyday I take a multi vitamin, fish oil, and D3 during winter. Will I ever be able to eat all my favorite veggies and fruits again? Thank you for speaking about a common sense approach to medicine. I have referred many people to your website. Ann

James: My wife is having problem with heartburn and bloating.She is starting the detox this Monday. What else should she do to treat this condition?

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:



May 19, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Judy: Do you have any suggestions on how to prevent motion sickness when flying, driving or on a boat? I often get it when flying on a plane and have to take Dramamine and want to get away from taking conventional medicine. Periodically it happens on a car ride which I can prevent by not reading in the car and sitting in the front seat. 

Jenett: Hi Dr. Cabral, My daughter has had a red dotted rash around her mouth and below her nose. It appeared around the time she and my son were sick with step and had taken antibiotics. I had to take her off because she got an allergic reaction from the amoxicillian which made her entire body breakout in small dotted red rash so I assumed it was a part of that but it’s been weeks and the rash around her mouth is still there. When I look online, it looks like Candida. Could this be what it is? If so, are there any home remedies to get rid of this? Is there a way to rebuild their gut after the antibiotics? Thank you so much -Jenett

Camilla: Dear Stephen, I was crying through the entire 745/podcast. Happy tears. Because You just explained my dream. And with such ease. I would just love to come to Your clinic. But I live in Denmark. I listened to You on the Melissa Ambrosini show, and I just knew right away that I want You to help me get back on track. So my question is, what would You recommend for me. Like, where do I start? Do I run tests? Do I detox first? How do I find out what my body-type is, so I can start eating accordingly? I really hope that You can help me! I’m kind of desperate. Thank You so much, and please let me know What I need to do/ What info You need/ What to send/ pay.. I will do anything. All My Best, Camilla

Anita: Hi Dr. Cabral. Thanks for your Aussie support, I've waited patiently for this time. You're podcasts are truly brilliant, thank you so much. So I have a question about my daughter. She is 23, lived her first 21 years in Australia, and now has moved to Oslo, Norway. Here are her symptoms. She has had rectal bleeding for two years now. She noticed this does not occur if the stool is very soft and no force is used. She has minimized gluten and dairy consumption. However still does consume these items on rare occasions. She gets recurring bouts of threadworm, even though she is very hygenic. She has great difficulty falling asleep and lives in Norway where lighting conditions vary widely. But she has always had sleeping difficulties, even in Australia, falling asleep around 4-5am, then sleeping till midday. She has had an outbreak of boils for almost 6 months and currently lives in a basement apartment in which mold seems to grow quickly. She does use a dehumidifier. She tries to keep her stress levels in check but is doing a Masters degree and thus they naturally rise. She exercises at least 4 times a week, mostly resistance training, with bits of intervals. She takes a Magnesium supplement called CalmX by Metagenics, which used to help, but no longer has much impact. She also takes fish oil, Vit B (as she is a vegetarian). There are several issues going on, I just don't know where to begin to help her? 

Donna: Dear Dr. Cabral, On a recent podcast you mentioned that it wasn't good to eat produce from Mexico. What if it's from Mexico but is USDA certified organic or some produce just has a little green "organic" sticker on it? Is that trust worthy? It seems as though most of our produce at our local Fresh Thyme store is from Mexico. On amazon and in stores I can only find organic cold pressed unrefined sesame oil from Mexico. What do you use and from where? Does Avocado oil need to be organic as well because I haven't found any. Also, is it important that all nuts we eat are organic too and must they say USDA organic? You recommend wild blueberries, but our costco store carries frozen ones that do not say organic.What brand do you use? What kind of cleaner is safe for kitchen sinks, showers / tubs to remove stains & build up.What about shampoos & soaps, laundry detergent, and dryer sheets? Are there specific ingredients to stay away from such as sodium laurel sulfate? What about make-up, nail polish, & polish remover? Thank You so much for sharing all of your knowledge with us!!! D.C.

Chantelle: You're a fabulous human, Dr. Cabral - thank you for helping so many of us be our healthiest self! I don't like going to the dentist because they require you to undergo x-rays at each cleaning. Do you think these frequent x-rays are safe?

Matt: Hey Dr Cabral. I heard about this new product which supposedly helps prevent hair loss. I looked at it and it seems to have high quality ingredients like Ashwagandha, Circumin, Kelp, Biotin, Selenium, etc. Do you think it could actually help prevent hair loss/male balding. Thanks!

Lance: Have you heard of "Chew and Spit"? What does this do to the physiologic and/or hormonal response? Your perspective is greatly appreciated! Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 18, 2018

I've really enjoyed bringing you my #FridayReview each week and now going forward there's going to be a brand new easy to follow along formula!

And, first up on today's show I want to update you on a fun new pop-up we have coming this Monday, as well as talking you through how to change your physiology in order to change your self-image, confidence, mood & mind... It's amazing!

Next, I want to discuss with you how "fascia" may just be the sticking point (literally) holding you back from becoming more mobile, flexible, and injury-free...

And finally, I want to take you through our super-nutrient of the week that has been clinically proven to balance hormones, boost mood, improve fertility, and increase stamina!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 833 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:



May 17, 2018

Helping people recover from debilitating low energy, anxiety, brain fog, or adrenal based issues has always been a passion of mine...

Many years ago I suffered from the same health issues and it was like living life as a zombie...

The funny thing is that now with every passing year, I actually have more energy, drive, and vitality than ever before!

Part of this has to do with how I reset my HPA Axis (adrenals) by using specific healing protocols that included herbal adaptogens...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept to learn how to choose the right calming vs. energizing adrenal herbal blend for you - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:

May 16, 2018

Whether you're a health & fitness coach or someone who is looking to transform their own body, it's vital you understand that there's more to losing weight than decreasing calories and moving more...

In order to truly master the weight loss game and keep the weight off forever, you must understand the road ahead of you...

Because once you understand how the game is played, you'll be able to set up your blueprint for success...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 831 to discover the 3 biggest challenges when trying to lose weight (and how to over come them) - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 15, 2018

I would never say Ayurvedic, TCM, Bio-Regulatory, Functional Medicine, or any system of natural health was simple to master...

However, the pathology of all disease can be traced back to only 2 main root causes. I know that may seem hard to believe, but it is none the less true...

And, once you know what to search out for in the first place, it makes getting well, losing weight, or living longer a whole lot easier and straight forward...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 830 to discover how to eliminate the only 2 causes of disease - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 14, 2018

2 weeks ago I held a weekend-long Detox Retreat where I gave a seminar on the 9 toxic emotions that hold people back in life...

By the end of that 90-minute talk the attendees could begin to see where their limiting beliefs in certain areas of their life were holding them back from what they truly desired...

Awareness. That was the first step - Without being aware of what toxic emotions you may be holding on to you'll never be able to move past them...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 829 to find out how toxic emotions are holding you back from the life you were meant to live - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Get Your Question Answered:


May 13, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Stephanie: Hello! My husband and I have listened to your podcast for several years. As a personal trainer, I use "A Man's Guide to Fitness" to train all of my weight loss clients. As a nutritionist and health coach, I now run your Organic Acids Test's, IgG and Metals tests and recommend all of your protocols. I do a lot of research and have spent countless hours and days watching videos and reading articles about the OAT's. I know more about bio-chemistry and the Krebs cycle than I ever thought I would! In fact, I'm downright obsessed with the test. However, when I ran my own test it was determined that all of my nutritional markers were fine except my Vitamin C was low (seems to be the case with everyone on this test) and my Vitamin B5 level was high. Pantothenic acid is not one of the vitamins whose high range indicates a deficiency. My question to you is this, "Would it be possible that my B5 is high because it is literally passing through me without being absorbed at all?" I was off the chart for Candida (101) and my Oxalic/Citric acids were off which I think was off due to a calcium deficiency. I found that PH was definitely acidic and I have begun taking your Cal-Mag and now my PH is back to normal. I eat a lot of spinach (thinking that I was getting calcium) but it turns out a high oxalate food like spinach does not provide much calcium and in fact may contribute to a decrease in my calcium absorption. Would the CBO protocol be appropriate for me to rid myself of the Candida? Furthermore, should I run a metals test to determine whether or not I have a build up of metals (I had my amalgams removed back in the late 90's by a regular dentist) since I understand that Candida can bind to metals in the body? Sorry to be so long winded. Thank you. Ayubowan.


Linda: Hello, I'm interested in coming up with a nutrition plan, and would like to figure out if I have a food intolerance. Your application form is not secure, and so I did not feel comfortable providing that level of personal information online. Please let me know if there is a written form I can pick up to fill out instead, if I can speak with someone on the phone, or, preferably, set up an appointment. Thank you, Linda

Philippa: Hi Dr Cabral. I love your show and since discovering it a couple of weeks ago i have been trying to listen to as many as i can. I have especially enjoyed your shows about Ayurveda and my husband and I have started to implement a lot more Ayurvedic principles into our life. We think that I am a Vata-Pitta (medium height, small wrists, always dry and cold and a tendency to worry a lot) and my husband is a Pitta-Kapha (moderate build, does not do well with hot weather, but very easy-going and can sleep for hours). My question is about food. As i am dominant in Vata i know that my body needs more carbohydrates for fuel and i have found that I do not do well on red meat. However, my husband as a Pitta seems to crave protein and especially red meat. I am not sure what foods to cook now - during the day it is fine as we both have our own breakfasts and eat lunch at work. But at night we eat together at home. Can you recommend any kinds of meals which would work well for both of us? I do not want to end up cooking two meals, but want to make sure we are both nourishing our bodies in the right way. Thank you so much!

Joey: Dr. Cabral, Good morning. First of all thank you for everything you do. I sent you a question on Jan 14. I know you say it takes 3-4 weeks. It’s now been five weeks and I just wanted to know if you received my email. I am attaching my email below. Thank you so much. Joey. Dr. Cabral, I am a 39 year old male that’s an ex athlete that still works out everyday. My diet is really good and have been fasting between 12-16 hours a day for about a two years. The last three years I have been spending time coaching basketball in Eastern Europe and in China(4 months). For the past year, I have been having serious lower throat pain that comes and goes usually lasting for weeks. Also while having this pain I get other symptoms such as blurred vision(especially bad in left eye), fatigue, lightheaded when standing up, dizziness, numbness in hands and feet(like they have falling asleep) and just overall really jittery and anxious. Doctor, I just feel off like everyone is moving around me in fast motion. It’s really frustrated because nobody can seem to figure out what’s wrong with me. Anything you can do would be appreciated.


Marisa: I'm a 34 year old female and for over 10 years I regularly get cystic painful breakouts around my mouth area during ovulation and sometimes just before my period. My period was always regular. I then became pregnant and started breastfeeding and the breakouts disappeared and I got my great complexion back. My baby is now 8 months and I have started to wean her and my breakouts have returned although my period hasn't come back yet. My blood sugar is within the normal range but at the higher end. Could there be a testosterone link? My body type is slim and slender and I've never had to diet, always been slim but I do have a sweet tooth but otherwise my diet is healthy. I also suffer from constipation. Thank you ever so much! 

Jeff: Hi Dr. Cabral, A friend of mine had been diagnosed with Marfan Syndrome. His doctor told him I can not lift weights or even move heavy furniture. I was wondering if you have any insight into this condition that I can pass along to him. My concerns are the effects a lifetime of not being able to step into a gym will have on him down the road. Thanks!! -Jeff


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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May 12, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Tom: Dr. Cabral, I am contacting you today seeking help with gastritis. I heard you on Justin Stenstrom's elite man podcast and talked breifly with Justin about contacting you. I have been on and off medications for almost a year, have kept refining my diet, I meditate regularly, currently trying acupuncture, anything I can to try to rid this, but I just can not seem to kick it, I am willing to do anything to get rid of it for good. Let me know if you can help. Thank you for your time!

Valerie: Hello Dr. Cabral! I have Adrenal fatigue and astopinia. I like my wine (a little to much) and I tend to drink about a bottle , on my two days off. I wonder if you could do a Podcast on drinking and how your body process it and in general, what what effects it has on ones health. I really enjoy your Podcasts. So much great information.


James: Hi Doctor Cabral. I listen to all your podcast and just ordered the 21 day detox. I have many questions but thought I stay with one for now. I have had serveral attacks for 15 years with Diverticulosis. I take heavy dose of anti biotics for 10 days drink only fluids and it goes away. My attacks come once every year to a year and half. Do not want to have the surgery just yet. I am 60 years old and wondering if getting my gut better and doing your detox a few times a year would help with me from getting the attack’s. I do not follow a healthy diet but was thinking of going with plant base type mediteraining diet. Can you please let me know what I should do to prevent this for good. Please keep up the great work you are touching, and helping so many people. Be well, James

Zoe: Hi Dr Cabral, I wondered if you could help me with some issues that my parents are suffering from:

  1. My mother has osteo-arthritis - as "diagnosed" by a medical doctor. She has felt it worsening over recent years - one of her ankles has only limited movement (as it has seized up/the bone has fused - per my understanding) - and she worries that she will end up being unable to walk. She is otherwise fit and healthy, although she suffers with anxiety, depression and some digestive issues (which seem to be linked to the anxiety). (she has also suffered from debilitating migraines since childhood, which can be better or worse depending on what else is going on in her life) and she had a difficult upbringing. When she does do exercise (such as dancing or hill walking), she really suffers with pain for several days after, and i worry that she is inclined to do less and less exercise as her condition worsens. She is a type a personality and either wants to walk for miles on end, or not bother with anything at all - all or nothing. I have heard that changes to diet and myofascial release can be beneficial, but i'd really appreciate your advice.
  2. My father has suffered with quite significant digestive issues for the last few years since he gave up work, and since encountering significant emotional stress in our family life. Before this, he had seemingly a very strong constitution - he had a very good job at the top of a company - and i think he misses this defined purpose and interaction. He is generally slim, fit and healthy, although he has suffered with inflammation and significant pain in his knee in recent years. he can have low mood and energy and he no longer sleeps deeply or well. If he eat rich food, late at night or a high volume of food, he experiences significant pain, bloating and a need to rush to the loo on a repeated basis. He took a food diary for a week, and it seemed to me that dairy and wheat (including beer!) were, at least, contributing factors. However, he is very relunctant to remove any of these, as he thinks that removing them will making him more sensitive to them, and that he then wont be able to tolerate these foods at all.I think there is a pattern with his digestive issues and how happy/purposeful/stressed he is. He added disgestive enzymes to his routine, on my advice, which he found helped more than the acid reflux medication that his GP gave him (called, i believe, Lansoprazole). However, in recent months, his pain and acid has become worse and he has gone back onto the acid reflux recommendation, which unfortunately says that he cant used any other digestive aids (including enzymes, presumably) for at least 2 hours either side of taking the meds. He doesnt have any white coating on his tongue so i dont think he has a bacteria overgrowth, so i've been trying to get him to take probiotics. Ive encouraged him to take electrolytes as he has a tendency to drink a lot of water (to counter the red white and beer!) - and he thinks that this has helped with energy and hydration too. Do you have any advice including a test you'd kindly recommend as i would like to give him a test as a belated Christmas present from myself!
  3. General question - i wondered if you had any thoughts on myofascial/lacrosse balls for releasing tension in the shoulders and ankles? And do you rate tissue salts? Finally, do you have any recommendations for strong CBD oils in the UK, as unfortunately, i believe that I am unable to purchase your product.

Apologies for the length of this request - i am hoping to pass your advice to my parents, and to get them to listen to your podcast, so they dont think im simply nagging them unnecessarily! Thank you, as always, for all that you do for our community! Best, Zoe



Zhang: Hi Dr Cabral. In regards to the food sensitivities test you offer, should I avoid the foods that come back as being highly sensitive for the rest of my life or just for a period of time? Thank-you

Joe: I am a regular listener and I appreciate what you are doing through your podcast. I am completing your detox protical with great results. In your daily nutritional support you list the various %’s of how each vitamin or mineral compares to the USDA minimum guidelines. Like you, I plan on using the daily support powder in my smoothies. I was curious after looking at the label, why do you have B-12 at 4,167% of % daily required and B-6 at 1,250%, but at the same time, calcium and magesium are respectively 5% and 13%? For instance, I have stopped consuming dairy and I find it hard it to reach 100% of calcium through diet alone. Should I find other supplements for these minerals? Thanks for your feedback.

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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May 11, 2018

Welcome back to this week’s #FridayReview where we’re going to be catching up on some exciting announcements, and our super nutrient of the week!

First up, I’m excited to share with you a brand new extraction process that is now allowing far the highest quality, organic, Full spectrum CBD oil in the world!

I also want to detail what exactly “Full-Spectrum” Cannabinoids are and how certain ones have been successfully used to heal over 100 mental & physical health ailments...
Keeping with our monthly health challenge I have a brand new quick tip on how to cut back on more plastic waste many of us unknowingly contribute to every week...

And finally, I want to take you through the healing powers of two specific types of omega-3 fatty acid‘s that can dramatically reduce inflammation, calm joint pain, and improve mood...
Check out today’s Cabral concepts 826 for all the details, tips, and resources – enjoy the show!
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May 10, 2018

Nothing is more frustrating when you're trying to eat well and exercise, yet the weight still won't come off...

One of the reasons for this is that "cheat meals" (or even healthy meals as you'll learn on today's show) can be so calorie dense that they may be effecting your basal metabolic balance...

My goal is to be able to teach your how to live a life without depriving yourself of some of your favorite "treats," while being able to still transform your body to its peak health & shape...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 825 for the answer on whether or not you can "out exercise a bad diet" - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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May 9, 2018

Too often we attribute the benefits of weight loss to strictly being able to fit into smaller clothes and take a few inches off of our bodies...

And although I have no problem with someone wanting to lose weight and transform their body for personal body image goals, I believe the main focus should still be on your health...

The great news is that while you're losing weight some very unexpected benefits can arise through your efforts without you having to set them as additional goals...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 824 to discover the 8 unexpected side effects of weight loss - Enjoy the show!

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Read Dr. Cabral's New Book:

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May 8, 2018

If I could make only ONE suggestion on how to help people get well, lose weight, or combat the aging process, it would be with a Functional Medicine detox protocol...

It's the one protocol I've seen have more impact on multiple areas of the body than anything else I've ever studied or used in clinical practice...

So on today's #CabralConcept 823 I want to take you through how to complete your own 7, 14 or 21 Functional Medicine detox protocol the right way - Enjoy the show!

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Own Dr. Cabral's New Book:

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May 7, 2018

It's been my experience that the majority of schooling (even Naturopathic) teaches us to treat the individual as an object that is almost like a car out of alignment...

We look to prescribe a medication or natural supplement in order to heal (in the case of conventional medicine "suppress") the health issue, but we pay very little attention to the silent cries of the patient...

What if the real reason a person can't get well has more to do with their dominant thoughts rather than their physical being? What if they've "tried everything," but still can't get well? Do we do more of the same?

Or, do we begin to treat people as human beings and speak with them on a deeper level? Unfortunately, this level of care is not taught in school, but it is imperative for those looking to heal others as well as themselves...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 822 to find out for yourself how to get out of your own head in order to finally heal - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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