
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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The Cabral Concept












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Now displaying: February, 2017
Feb 28, 2017

I know this may be hard to believe, but almost everyone I meet with wellness or weight loss issues has some type of food sensitivity...

Typically it goes undiscovered by conventional medicine doctors because the food reaction doesn't happen immediately after eating and often the symptoms aren't what you'd expect a food reaction to look like...

Check out today's #CabralConcept 389 for the 10 signs you may a hidden food sensitivity - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 27, 2017

I believe it was Peter Drucker that eloquently said that there is no such thing as time management - there is only life management...

I think he was right. We all get the same 24 hours everyday and it's how wisely we use those hours (or not) that allows us to get ahead in life or fall further behind...

The beautiful thing is that at any point in our life we can decide to turn things around. We can choose to get more out of life. We just have to think differently...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 388 for details on the life management & productivity tips I recommend in order to achieve every goal you set for yourself - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 26, 2017

We're back with our 2nd Cabral #HouseCall of the weekend!

I really enjoyed answering yesterday's questions and looking forward to tackling today's Q&A...

So let's get started!

Tracy: Hi Doctor Cabral. Thank you thank you for all the info. I was wondering how you feel about consuming coconut water daily. I try and drink a 16oz bottle of organic harmless harvest coconut water every day (supposedly this brand is closest to the real thing and I truly enjoy it) 1. Does this count towards my daily water intake? 2. is it too much sugar at 28g, but since it is natural sugar I feel it is ok? 3. are there many benefits of drinking quality coconut water? Background, I do suffer from SIBO and many other intestinal and skin issues. Thank you.

Jenn: Hi there! I had also sent this email to the address too and never got a response. I am very interested in trying out the daily shake, but I need to make sure there is no caffeine, even green tea, in the product. My body is very sensitive to it and I have a hard time tolerating it at all. I hope to hear from you soon so I can make my purchase!

Lisa: Hi Dr. Cabral, I take Epsom salt baths 3 times a week using Dr. Teals Epsom salts unscented. I took you up on your recommendation of using San Francisco Salt Co Epsom salts and bought a gigantic bag of it. Unfortunately the two times I used it I got a huge headache about 2-4 hours later. I would love to know why that is. I hate that I stare at this beautiful big bag of salt I can't seem to tolerate. Btw, I use about 1 -1.5 cups of salt in the bath water. Thanks much! Lisa

Cynthia: Can you please do a podcast on silent reflux. I was just diagnosed and I'm looking for a natural cure to help me with my symptoms. Thank you…

Max: Hi Dr. Cabral! I've been listening to your podcast since last summer and it's been a great source of information. I've made many changes to my habits after listening to your podcasts, including the detox, and having smoothies every morning. It's definitely improved my daily life! Thank you for your work! My question to you now is about asthma and pet allergies. I was diagnosed with asthma at 32 y/o. After allergy tests, I was told I'm highly allergic to pet dander (dogs, cats) and common house dust mite. After a stern chat from my Dr., I found new homes for my cats, got rid of rugs and heavy fabrics, and "allergen proofed" my house. It's been 6-7 years of clean breathing with no asthma attacks; the only exceptions when visiting households with pets, and being exposed to them for over 3-4 hours, or overnight stays (and I'd take medication like Allegra and or albuterol pump in these occasions). Interestingly enough, the asthma/allergic reaction varies depending on the breed of dogs I'm exposed to (for example, hardly any reaction to a yorkie-terrier, but then get short of breath near a bulldog). My question is - should I never consider getting a pet again? Or are there any non-medication alternatives to alleviate these allergic reactions so I could potentially get a pet? Again, thank you for your work and time. Max

Lindsey: Hi, I've spent most of the winter mixing interval sessions on the treadmill and with weight sessions I have sore shin/ thigh and hip pain on one side; possible Sacroiliac joint? It's effecting my training now. I've changed shoes, rested a few days, massage etc but not helping. I will get back outside on the road when the weather is better but in the meantime what can I do? Is it the treadmill impact? Thanks for your fabulous podcast and help x

Jeni: Hi Dr. Cabral! Words cannot describe how much you have changed mine and my family's health since I have discovered your podcasts! Thank you! I have asked questions before regarding my husband and children's health issues (to which your advice worked 100% on each question), but have always put my health issues off for another time. I am ready to start feeling better as well! My story is a little more complicated than theirs. My main symptoms are hives (usually around my joints but also on any part of my limbs) and joint pain. The hives also come on any time of day or night, but really appear after I have had any type of contact on my skin. (Example: when I go skiing, my boots rub in certain places on my feet. My ankles and feet are super swollen with hives for the rest of the evening.) Most Dr.'s have automatically chalked it up to a food intolerance and Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have taken the steps from a medical doctor to do allergy tests for food, but all have come back negative. Let me also say, they did NOT do a food sensitivity test. I have done the Whole 30 program to help me eliminate foods but in doing, the hives and severe joint pain have NOT gone away. I am in my mid 30s and this has started just a few years ago, but has gotten progressively worse and is starting to affect my life. Does this sound like a classic case of Rheumatoid Arthritis to you, and if so, what should my next step be? I don't love the idea of taking medication to improve it but am starting to feel like that is my next step. I just recently listened to your podcast on nightshades, and am just starting to eliminate that. What else do you recommend?

I hope you enjoy today's Q&A and all the tips along the way!

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Feb 25, 2017

I'm really looking forward to today's Cabral #HouseCall!

We have so many amazing questions and I think the answers may even surprise you in some cases...

Let's get started!

Nikki: What is the best test for Optimal Health?

Lizzie: 2 questions for the wonderful doctor cabral: 1.What are you feelings on castor oil packs for detoxing? How do you do this simply? Life is already so busy, I was thinking I could do this at the same time as a coffee enema that I do once a week now. Good idea? Does this help with hormone issues/ovarian cysts? 2. What is the #1 oil for facial scars, I am trying to make my own acne serum for my face, back and arms, I did a lot of picking, and now need to eradicate the scarring that is so awful. Thank you!

Chloe: Hi Dr Cabral, thanks for your podcast on adrenal thyroid, looking forward to more. So I have started on a journey to repair my adrenals over the past month as much as possible using adaptogenic herbs (Gaia herbs) etc and just started taking natural thyroid support (also Gaia herbs) the other day, the last few days however, almost since taking the thyroid supplement, I have noticed I have been very moody and negative. I am trying to minimize stress to help adrenals but even the smallest thing will tick me off! I haven't touched birth control for almost 4 yrs. I am due a period but it is late (36 days), I am definitely not pregnant. I am not sure if it's just really bad PMS or if it could be some kind of adjustment to my hormones rebalancing - does this happen? I was wondering how long approximately it may take for this "adjustment" or the hormonal state to return to normal? Love this community, thanks and very much appreciated

Maura: Everyone talks about out of balance hormones and how they ruin everything but no one gives clear direction on what to do to fix them. Can you help with that?

Ashley: Hi Dr. Cabral, I recently got tested and found out I have a parasite AND a candida overgrowth - what do you recommend I work on healing first? Thanks for your help!

Frank: Thank you very much for responding to my instagram question about finding a Naturopathic today. Since I live in NY, I'm not sure I could find a doctor that does the things you do. I will check the website and hope for the best. Believe me, I would love to see you, but since it is about a 5 hour trip, it doesnt look plausible. Thank you again for your help, your podcasts and overall great information. Blessings to you and yours. 

Thanks for tuning in and I can't wait to bring you 5 more community questions tomorrow!

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Feb 24, 2017

Given the fact that the air we breathe is literally the most important thing to our health I always find it odd that we allow so many chemicals to float around unseen in the atmosphere around us...

Invisible gases, allergens, dust mites, and other chemicals literally pollute our air and poison our lungs and blood causing many of the immune responses responsible for what we label dis-ease processes...

Although we can't always run away from toxic environment we've inherited, on today's #CabralConcept 385 I will share with you how to make your world and the air you breathe a whole lot cleaner & safer - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 23, 2017

Muscle stiffness, soreness, and joint inflammation are one of those nagging pains that travel with you everywhere you go and can really be debilitating in life...

I find muscle and joint pain to be one of those topics you never think about until it happens to you-  But when it does it's all you can think about it...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 384 for a healing method I use to alleviate join pain and speed up recovery - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 22, 2017

We've all been led to believe that we crave certain foods because those are just our taste bud's preferences, but the truth lies a lot deeper than that...

While it is true that people prefer certain foods over others, sometimes it's not because of a taste preference, but instead due to a physiological need of your body.

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 383 to discover what your food cravings really mean and what you should do about it - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 21, 2017

In my practice I see people suffering from both adrenal fatigue and low thyroid issues, but often times they may have been previously diagnosed incorrectly...

Today, what I'd like to do is share with you the specific "traits" of how adrenal fatigue differs from low thyroid even though many of the symptoms appear very similar...

For example, someone with adrenal or chronic fatigue can be tired all day, but then have difficulty sleeping. Whereas, someone with low thyroid will be tired most of the day, but still have no problem sleeping at night as well...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 382 for more details, as well as a specific test you can run to know for sure which one it is that you may be suffering from - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 20, 2017

I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to wanting to achieve my goals overnight...

However, the universe doesn't seem to work that way, and because of this it can sometimes create a lot of anxiety, impatience, frustration, and feelings of being overwhelmed...

The good news is you will achieve your goals if you simply learn how to reframe your expectations while going about your plan a little differently. Tune into today's #CabralConcept 381 for that exact stress-free formula - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 19, 2017

Thanks for tuning back into our 2nd Cabral #HouseCall of the weekend!

I think you're really going to enjoy today's community Q&A so let's get started!

Anon: Hi Dr. Cabral! I love your podcast. I have learned so much from you. I believe I have mild symptoms of: leaky gut, hypothyroidism, candida and food sensitivities (for which I am following a protocol through my naturopath – I am avoiding my sensitivities, cooking mostly organic low-glycemic carbs, ethical meat, good quality fats My bloating has reduced and energy is better, but I still have the following which started at 17 (when I started university) and now I am 27: dark circles under my eyes, cold hands and feet (poor circulation), hair and eyelashes thinning, weakening and falling out (hair has also been turning gray), hard to lose fat and cellulite overall, but predominantly in lower body (I feel as though I hold on to water even in my calves). I am a female, of South Asian descent, 5’3 and weigh 120 pounds approximately, live in Canada and have mid-level stress. I am not sure what else to do. I want to ask for any tips and am just wondering what else I can do because I feel that I put in so much effort and still do not feel motivated to do my best in life (mood instability – sometimes down/depressed) and do not feel comfortable in a bathing suit... Thank you!


Jenn: Hi Dr. Cabral! I am so glad I found you on Instagram! I listen to the podcast regularly and value the information you share. What an honor it would be to meet with you one day. Thank you for your passion! There are so many questions that I want to ask, but I have narrowed it down to one! I have had a planter's wart on my foot for almost 20 years. I have tried many methods of treating it and nothing has worked. I have had it frozen, cut out, special topical treatments, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil mixed with tea tree oil to name a few. It is slowly spreading and at times painful. Not only is it uncomfortable, but I find it a bit embarrassing as well. I constantly keep duct tape on it at all times. Any thoughts? I am a believer that we can heal most things life throws at us if we are addressing the right areas of our health and wellness. Thank you for any insight into this annoying issue. (294)


Kevin: Dr Cabral, You have helped my wife and I with so many things for ourselves...and now we seek guidance for our 8 year old son. He has developed into a moderately selective eater. He eats relatively healthy, for the most part, but only has about 3-6 foods in his arsenal at a time that he'll even consider...and almost never tries new things. I've read quite a bit about this...and there are a lot of opinions ranging from "make one meal then let him decide if he eats or not" to "just make him what he wants and not worry about". Sure would value your thoughts on this. Appreciate everything you do. - Kevin 


Jenn: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thanks so much for your podcast, I love listening to it everyday! I am starting the Bacterial and Candida cleanse protocol soon, and as I look through the meal plan I am beginning to become a little concerned I might get hungry throughout the day. I have an ectomoprh body type and typically have a few snacks during the day between meals. I am on my feet during the day and like to workout after work. I do not want to disrupt the cleanse process so I wanted to ask before I started in case I feel the need to snack. Do you have any suggestions for what type of snacks I could have or if I could bulk up the meals with a certain group? Would it be more harmful to increase a certain recommended food group? My last question: I know they are not on the list so just double checking if you would approve of chia seeds, flax seeds, salmon, coconut oil for cooking or any type of tea? Thanks so much for everything you do! I am extremely excited to commit to this protocol and get rid of all my Candida and Bacterial dysbiosis symptoms! Best, Jenn


Vivian: Hello, Dr. Cabral, THANK YOU so much for all that you do - don't know how you do it all, but perhaps one day you'll offer a podcast on your time management skills! LOL! Was curious if you could comment on biopsy clips. My allopathic doctors shot several titanium clips into me, to mark several masses located in the armpit area. The masses have all shrunk (I have since switched over to a completely holistic route, and have never felt better), but I can still see and feel small bumps, which I believe are the biopsy clips themselves. My questions: (1) Since the masses have shrunk, what exactly are the clips attached to? I've documented their locations via thermography, and at least one seems to have moved about an inch in the last 3 months. (2) What would be the safest way to have them removed? (The more research I do, the more I'm convinced I'm far better off having nothing foreign introduced into my body.) Thanks a million!

Feb 18, 2017

It's that time again and that means we're back with another #HouseCall weekend!

On today's show we answer our community's questions on:

Rebekah: Are Natural health and your consultations and labs covered by regular medical insurance? How do people pay for services in your practice?

Amanda: I have been doing well GI wise, no bloating gas cramps or diarrhea. However I believe i have had a yeast infection for about a week now I figured it may just go away but it hasnt. I also have eczema popping up on my right hand where it usually is. Haven't had it since i started workig with you really so I thought that these 2 random symptoms were odd. How can I get rid of my yeast infection naturally?

Shahna: Love the podcast and all of the help. Stay healthy. Quick question: is there anything unhealthy or dangerous about a plant based, vegan menu? Some sources/critics claim it is lacking in important nutrients, etc. and is thus harmful to have a diet that does not include meat at least occuasionally. Thank you

Alma: Hi Dr. Cabral, I love listening to your podcast & how they're so informative. You recently mentioned in a house call that it'd be a good idea giving kids a good multi vitamin. I was wondering if you could recommend any specific brands?? I've been searching for one for some time now & honestly get overwhelmed with all the variety out there. Thanks so much for your feed back! 

Caitlin: Hi, I am a Registered Dietitian and have been following the functional medicine philosophy and community for awhile now. This approach to disease prevention and healing has given me the faith I was beginning to lack from working as an RD in conventional roles. I currently am working in the Boston area but am eager to find a setting in which I can utilize my knowledge and expand my skills using a functional approach. Do you have any suggestions for how to begin transitioning into Functional Medicine from a traditional RD setting? I would greatly appreciate any insight you have. Thank you for all of your great work within this amazing and inspiring community of professionals! Best, Caitlin

I hope you enjoyed today's Q&A and all the tips along the way - Please join us tomorrow where we answer another 5 of our communities questions!

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Feb 17, 2017

I'm a big fan of Friday and one of the reasons is because I get to bring you my #FridayReview where I share some of my favorite health, wellness, fitness, and anti-aging recommendations!

On today's show I review how the olive oil you're buying right now is most likely an imitation version of the real thing. I'll tell you what to look for and which brands are best to ensure you're getting the "real deal."

Next up, I'll share with you how one capsule a day of a certain vitamin is dramatically reducing asthma by 30+%...

Then, I review two products I love and use all the time. Tune into today's #CabralConcept #378 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 16, 2017

After I tore my achilles tendon when I was 16 years old I had to find a different athletic outlet other than long distance running...

This led me to my passion for fitness and training my body through resistance workouts, intervals, sprint triathlons, and other fun activities like rock climbing and martial arts...

And out of all the routines that I've created over the years, there's one simple formula I keep coming back to. It's called the "20/20 Workout Formula" and I use it once a week to boost my metabolism and tone every muscle in my body...

Tune into #CabralConcept 377 for the complete details and workout examples - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 15, 2017

One of the fastest ways to spiral out of control in terms of health and weight gain is by riding the sugar roller coaster...

Until you get your blood sugar under control, it's simply not possible to rebalance your energy, immunity, thyroid, health, aging, skin, or weight loss goals...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 376 to find out the "5 Specific Ways to Stop Sugar Cravings" to get off the roller coaster ride and start getting healthy - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 14, 2017

Hidden just under your skin lies an intricate network of vessels that is more than double the size of your arteries and veins, however no blood is pumped through this system...

Instead, this system is often referred to as the "garbage disposal or trash collector" of the body because its job is to sweep out toxins, kill viruses, and safely transport them out of the body...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 375 to discover the forgotten secret to getting well, losing weight, reducing cellulite, clearing your skin, relieving brain fog, and increasing your energy - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 13, 2017

Sometimes the best and only way to accomplish the goals you set for yourself is to literally get out of your own way...

I find that many of us are the roadblock to achieving our goals due to self-sabotaging actions (or non-action) and self-limiting beliefs that hold us back from doing what we know will ultimately bring us greater joy in our life... 

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 374 for an action plan on how to get out of your own way so that you can finally become the person you know you should and can be - Enjoy the Show!

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Feb 12, 2017

We're back with our 2nd edition of the Cabral HouseCall and we have 5 more community questions to answer today!

Here are those questions:

Nikki: Hi there! First, thank you so much this podcast. I live in LA and I actually look forward to driving so I can get some uninterrupted listening time in. I really appreciate you spreading your knowledge on wellness and also really enjoy the spiritual tones many of your podcasts take. I'm just so happy I found you and I tell friends/family about you often. My question: I recently had to give my 8 month antibiotics for an ear infection. While I really didn't want to (as I've heard you say and also believe they should be taken more in a life threatening situation), the scared mother in me did as I didn't want it to turn into something else with her being so young. My question is, what can I do now to help her. She's on solid foods a couple times a day. Sweet potato, peas, bananas, etc. And in the same vain, how do you handle situations with your children as far as what they eat with other family members or parties where treats and soda are flowing like crazy! My 3 year old eats healthy at home but loves treats when we're out. 


Laura: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am a physical therapist who works with patients with pelvic pain and pelvic floor disorders. Many of them also have chronic constipation. I know that unless their constipation resolves they will not get better due to the pressure on the pelvic floor and also increased inflammation. I am constantly referring my patients to functional medicine but they rarely follow through because of the cost. So instead, I have started making my own recommendations based on my own research. I advise them to take magnesium glycinate and vitamin C powder to soften the stool. This has been very effective. I may also recommend a probiotic. If they are willing to take it a step further I will instruct them in an elimination diet to look for food sensitivities. I know it is preferable to treat the underlying cause, but I know that if I do not get their bowels moving quickly, any work I do to relax and strengthen their pelvic floor is futile. Any advice for me as a practitioner trying to help my patients?


Christine: Hello, I really enjoy the Cabral Concept and listen regularly. I am hoping you can discuss MTHFR. I have recently found that i have homogeneous MTHFR and wondering if supplements work( L5 MTHF and Ultra b12 folate ) and how long will i need to take them? Thanks, Chris


Michele: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am so happy to have found your podcast, and thank you for all that you do, including answering questions that everyone sends in. I have hemrhorids. I can manage them with OTC products, but I just wish I didn't have to. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and fiber. I drink a lot of water and nothing else except a cup of coffee in the late morning/early afternoon. Limit my alcohol to events only. I exercise 3/4 days a week. I take extra magnesium. I'm not sure what else I can do. At what point to I go to a dr to fix this ?? Thank you! Michele


Patrick: Is there an advantage to the type of protein you're taking? I know pea protein is popular (and other vegan varieties) but many health/fitness articles say whey is the protein of choice. Does it really matter? In the end does your body just synthesize protein? Thanks!

Thank you for tuning into another week of the Cabral Concept and I can't wait to talk with you again tomorrow on our Motivation & Mindset Monday!

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Feb 11, 2017

I'm really looking forward to this weekend's HouseCalls because we've upped our Q&A to 5 questions per show!

Check out today's community questions:

CC: Hi Stephen, what are your thoughts on mammograms and the titanium marker clips? Thanks always for your inspiring podcasts!


Sarah: Hi Dr. Cabral - I recently heard that Radon is super poisonous and responsible for many illnesses. What are your thoughts? is it worth it to buy a radon detector for my home?


Michele: Hello again Dr. Cabral! Me again! I was wondering what your opinion is on getting a flu shot. I have never gotten one and have mixed feelings about it. I am almost 47 and healthy and cannot even tell you the last time I had the flu let alone a cold. Just curious to know your thoughts. If you have already addressed this subject, please just respond to this with the podcast number. Thanks as always for your selfless time and energy you put into helping others! So grateful! Be well, Michelle


Rebekah: Hi there, I'm interested in the Genetic DNA Wellness Package, but I have a few questions. One - Do the results cover what would be in all of the other targeted packages (Omega-3, Hormone, etc.)? Two - Would it be possible to submit to insurance for coverage?


Michael: Hello Dr. Cabral, My name is Michael from Alberta Canada. Thank you for your encouragement and your great content! My question is actually for my grandmother. She has recently become very ill because of what has been called liver failure from apparently drinking in excess. She has been told that there is basically no solution for fixing her liver and she has met with a dietitian who has prescribed her a low salt diet and to avoid drinking anything anymore. If she doesn't drink and her condition improves then she may be able to have a partial liver transplant in the future. Though unlikely. Is there a diet that could help speed up her recovery and any supplements or other protocols that she could follow. You said on episode 360 that little by little people can recover from anything, they just need some hope. I just hope this is true in my grandmothers case. Thank you again for all you do. All the best


I hope you enjoyed the show and be sure to tune back in tomorrow when I answer another 5 community questions!

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Feb 10, 2017

I love Fridays and not because it's the end of the work week, but rather I get to look back and reflect on what was accomplished, what needs more work, and what's coming next week!

It's also the day I release my weekly #FridayReview and bring you the top products I'm recommending for your health, body transformation, or anti-aging goals!

On today's #CabralConcept 371, I'll review Cyclone Cider, a "Magic Book," and 3 unlikely air fresheners that you probably already have in your kitchen cabinet... Enjoy the show!

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Feb 9, 2017

Hopefully by now we all know that we need to be exercising for robust health, an in shape body, and a positive mood, but often times we get stuck as to where to start...

And even if you choose the right workout for you, injuries and poor form can cause you to not get the most out of your exercise sessions leaving you with lackluster results and feeling frustrated...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 370 to discover how to start your workout right so that you can keep your body healthy and get in the best workout of your life - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 8, 2017

One of the most misunderstood and incorrectly diagnosed health conditions is low thyroid...

Having a poor functioning thyroid can lead to a slow metabolism, weakened immunity, brain fog, fatigue, depression, and host of other health issues - The problem is that your thyroid is most likely not the cause of your current problems...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 369 to find out how it's the adrenals that effect the thyroid and how that then causes wellness and weight gain issues - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 7, 2017

As the saying goes. "One's Man's Food Is Another Man's Poison..."

This is why there is NO one diet for every human. Our physiological requirements force us to eat some carbohydrates, protein, and fats, but the type of foods vary widely based on the individual...

On today's #CabralConcept 368 I share with you one specific type of food that is typically considered healthy, but can cause a host of inflammatory issues and joint pain in susceptible individuals...

Tune into today's show for that food group and the entire list that corresponds to it - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 6, 2017

Even as technology improves and everything in life seems to be becoming automated or simplified one ancient truth still holds true...

And that's the fact that we can never escape our day-to-day actions. It is these actions that accumulate and eventually tell the tale of who we are...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 367 for more insights on how to achieve the life you've always wanted through the deliberate action of a well thought out plan - Enjoy the show!

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Feb 5, 2017

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's first round of #HouseCalls and now we're back with 4 more of your questions today!

Enjoy the Q&A and all the tips added along the way - Let's get started:

Anonymous: Hi Stephen, how do you go about getting rid of mold based issues and what if you constantly live in a mold based environment? P.s. catching up on all the great podcasts noticed you changed the intro music, preferred the old one but as always great, great podcasts!! :)


Marie: Hello Dr. Cabral! I love your podcast and am so grateful for the way you share your knowledge so freely, as well as your heart to help people! I was wondering if you have read the new book, "Eat Wheat: A Scientific and Clinically-Proven Approach to Safely Bringing Wheat and Dairy Back Into Your Diet" by John Douillard? As someone who has been off of wheat and dairy for years now (and go to great measures to keep my 3 children and husband away from it as well), I was skeptical of the title. But after reading the summary and the many rave reviews on amazon, I feel inclined to read it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Thank you, Marie


Ava: Hi Stephen! Keep up the good work - I love your podcasts. Please can you tell me what podcasts you listen to and recommend? I'm interested to hear what inspires you as you inspire me! Thanks x


Susan: Hi, My 4 year old won't stop biting her nails to the point they are very sore. Please can you advise how I can help her? I've tried the stuff that tastes horrible but that didn't work, rewards etc. I don't know why she does it; usually when bored or nervous sometimes excited. Any advice would be most welcome! Thanks

Thank you for another great week and I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow on our "Motivation & Mindset Monday" show!

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Feb 4, 2017


It's already the weekend and that means we'll be reviewing the questions we've gotten over the past few weeks and helping our community get the answers they're searching for...

So let's get right into it and answer the first 4 questions on the Cabral HouseCall!

Tony: Hi Stephen, what do you recommend for ? Have read that bioidentical aldosterone drops (although not sure where to purchase) are good for hearing issues and tinnitus, any thoughts? Excellent podcast, thanks!


Tricia: Hi Stephen, I have this fingernail-size lump/nodule on the back of my heel. It's been there for a couple weeks, no redness but is painful to touch. I don't do any intense exercise (only walking) but could this be Achilles tendonitis or Haglund's? I will take turmeric for inflammation and tightness but how would be best to get rid of this bump? Thanks and great podcast!!


Kara: Hi Dr. Cabral, Do you have any tips on how to stop snacking while cooking? I tend to mindlessly snack when preparing/prepping meals even if I don't feel hungry. Thanks, Kara


Rose: Hi Stephen, first off I would like to thank you for all information you give out freely! Love your podcasts ! Great job! I have been with an holistic dr for awhile treating my bouts with vertigo , I do Accupuncture and cupping and at the same time she has given me supplements, have you heard of isotonix? I take everything from b,c multi , calcium etc. Are they any good? Thx so much


Thank you for tuning into our first HouseCall of the weekend and I look forward to answering 4 more of our community questions tomorrow!

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