
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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The Cabral Concept












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Now displaying: April, 2017
Apr 30, 2017

We have a very special bonus #CabralConcept show today where I've invited N.Y. Times Best Selling Author, Dr. Sara Gottfried, on to talk more about how our genetics effect everything from our immune system, to brain health, to unwanted weight gain...

I also ask Dr. Gottfried to break down the "Top 10 Conditions that Steal Your Youth," as well as as follow up with the "10 Factors that Improve Longevity."

Plus, we'll give you an action step take-away plan to get healthier, lose the weight, and feel great!

Tune into today's podcast for all the details and show notes - Enjoy this fun & enlightening bonus interview!

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Apr 30, 2017
Jessie: Thanks for your podcast on castor oil packs. Other castor questions: - Do you recommend this topically for scarring on face? How much? - Do you recommend a tablespoon of castor oil at night, to keep bowl movements going during a cleanse, or in general day to day life. I have been hearing very beneficial daily. - Can you rub on your abdomen as lotion at night, if you don't have time for the pack? Still beneficial?
Heather: Hi Dr Cabral, First want to thank you for your free podcasts, my husband and I have made some serious changes since starting your daily podcasts. I have been dealing with forehead acne for almost 6 years(post getting off-implanon birth control) , the acne that is tiny bumps all throughout the forehead, sometimes jawline and back of neck which never come to a head just stay under the skin. I have been to dermatologists and have been prescribed each time , topical clindomyicin and minocycline which caused irregular periods so I had to stop but continued the topical which seemed to work until a couple months later all returned. I regularly do a coconut oil cleanse for removing makeup/daily toxins and have gotten rid of all harsh soaps, limit makeup use and have cut gluten, dairy and eggs and nothing seems to help fully clear it up. I am currently not on any medications, workout regularly and just started your detox. Is there anything else I could do to finally rid this acne? Thank you in advance for your advice, Heather
CC: Hi Dr Cabral, I have two quick questions; my nose is guaranteed to always run in hot or cold temperatures (i.e. outside cold weather or taking a hot shower, eating hot soup, spices etc) what would be the cause of this, as far as I'm aware I have no allergies, it's purely temperature related? Also I wonder what your view is on CBD oil and if there are any brands that you are in favour of? Thanks so much, excellent show!
Joe: Hey Dr. Cabral, I was wondering what you thought of oil of oreganofor a daily "tonic". I hear one side say its selective and doesn't kill good bacteria and that you could even make kefir with it. And then you have the other side saying it will destroy your good gut bacteria. Also I have been working on fixing adrenal fatigue from a anti candida diet and tried taking adaptogens like ashwaganda and rhodiola and got severe insomnia and just felt like i couldn't shut my body down. I know these aren't for everyone and people react differently, wasn't sure if it was that or it was adapting to handle some underlying stressors in my body. Thanks. Really appreciate you answering everyones questions. Your the man!
Misty: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have been listening to your podcast for several months now. I have even gone back and listened to the previous shows. My question is about detoxing. About 10 years ago I started taking a real interest in my health. I am a ethical vegan who tries to follow a planet based diet but does occasionally indulge in some vegan junk food. I have tried to do a several different detoxes. The first I was introduced to was the master cleanse. I tried it and failed miserably. Each detox I've tried I have thought was more sophisticated and healthier detox than the previous. The last one I tried was your seven day detox. With all of the detoxes I get to either the end of day two or the beginning of day three and I end up with a massive migraine that usually involves Extreme pain, light sensitivity, vomiting, and diarrhea. I am very good about drinking plenty of water during the detox. I stopped the seven day detox at the end of day three. I was about 6 weeks postop from a hysterectomy and was afraid that the vomiting would disrupt some of the stitches I still had on the inside. I would like to complete the seven day detox. What advice do you have for me? With love and admiration, Misty
Ms. Taylor: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you so much for the valuable information you share!!! I have a question about the 7-day detox. I'm currently on day 3 and I have some interesting side effects and I'm hoping you can tell me if they're normal. I ate my vegetarian lunch (salad) and within two hours, I had an urgent, yellow, liquid, BM that had green bits (my salad!) in it. My stomach doesn't hurt. I feel great. In fact, I feel almost euphoric, very energetic. Is this normal??? I will mention I'm drinking more tea than I normally do but not excessive. Thanks again!!
Anon: hello! thankyou for all your advice, I would love to hear a "What I Eat in a Day" Dr Cabral style! What you eat on a regular basis for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do you have healthy desert? thank you
I hope you enjoyed today's Q&A and all the tips added in along the way!
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Apr 29, 2017
I'm excited to be answering your questions this weekend and can't wait to get started with our first Cabral #HouseCall!
Here are today's communities questions:
Jenn: Hi Dr. Cabral! I will be traveling internationally within the next week and a half and am trying to pump my body up with extra goodness to prevent illness while abroad. I have been using your all in one shake (which is out of stock and I am running out!) and have increased my vitamin c. What else should I add into my daily regimen? Anything I should throw in my backpack besides the vitamin c to take along with me? I am on xarelto, my only medication, for Factor V Leiden, as I have had 2 PE's. I love to integrate natural supplements etc into my life, but am confused at times if they interact with this drug. Thank you so much for your insight!
Vrajhi: Hello Dr. Cabral. I want to first thank you for all that you do. My family has benefitted so much from your podcasts and products... I honestly don't know where we would be without you. That being said, I have a question about facial hair on females. Is it possible at all to get rid of unwanted facial hair growth? I am hoping that once my hormones get rebalanced that it will go away on its own. I have only been dealing with chin hair for maybe 2 or 3 years and it has gotten aggressively worse with everything I've tried to do to get rid of it (which includes waxing, plucking, electrolosis, hair removal creams, etc). Is there a silver lining?
Anon: Hello! My mom gets frequent sinus infections, at least 2x a year and takes antibiotics about 1-2x year for them. She is an elementary teacher and has bad allergies. I tell her not to take the antibiotics but she feels it is the only way she can function and get back to normal. They usually work. How can she wean off of this bad habit, and kick sinus infections naturally. Any advice much welcomed. Also a reminder of what antibiotics do to our bodies. Thank you!
Anon: Hello, My husband has been dealing with excess gas, bloating, mucous in his stool and frequent constpation. We are currently doing your OAT test and food sensitivity test, but I know that those symptoms match the symptoms for colon cancer. I was wondering what your take is on colonoscopies. I know there are real risks associated with the procedure. 1 in 1000 cause death. I've also read that the harsh laxatives they give before procedure cause gut imbalances and there are often false positives and finding/treating tumors that may heal themselves. Would an FOBT be sufficient? Would a simple blood test possibly show if there are any problems? Or is a colonoscopy necessary? Thanks for info
Susan: Hello Dr. Cabral I am an avid listener and love your show. I have learned so much. I am a 52 year old healthy female - approx 10 to 20 lbs overweight I have been active over the years but not consistently. I recently went through menopause and now my hips are aching and certain motions hurt. I went to the doctor and through xrays he says I have arthritis (not sure what kind - but I do have psoriasis) The pain although not severe is somewhat constant. I have no pain in any other joints and am still very flexible for my age. I am concerned about this as I feel 52 is young to start getting arthritis and I do not want to lose my mobility? Help do you have any suggestions. Susan
Ness: Hello! I just want to say thanks, your an absolute legend for sharing all this information for free. I wanted to ask if its possible to eat too much avocado in a day. I eat about 1-2 a day, is this okay because of its high fat content? I don't eat a lot of carbs and try to stay full from healthy fats. Thank you for the work you are doing in the world.
Enjoy your weekend and be sure to join us tomorrow for our 2nd Q&A of the weekend!
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Apr 28, 2017

Today I'm back with a fun #FridayReview covering everything from high-tech health gadgets to the new sheets I bought for my bed!

If you've never heard of bamboo clothing or bedding, you have to check out this plant-based fabric. It's incredibly soft and cooling to the touch...

Next up, I'll be talking about a specific blood pressure lowering device that has 22 clinical research studies backing up its effectiveness...

I'll also be discussing a garlic based supplement that's completely orderless, but gives you all the cardiovascular benefits...

And finally I'll discuss a smart, funny, and outlandish book on all things health and nutrition - Tune into today's #CabralConcept 448 for all the reviews and enjoy the show!

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Apr 27, 2017

Working out will always have a special place in my heart...

It's the one thing I was able to control when I was sick, feeling down, and unable to recover from some debilitating diseases as a teenager...

This led me to studying the finer points of maximizing results in the gym, while ensuring you do not burn out your body for long-term health...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 447 for a more balanced approach to working out, taking days off, creating "unloading weeks," and structuring your program design - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 26, 2017

It's hard to believe, but there lies an ancient system of medicine so profound that it often gets overlooked in our "modern" medical outlook...

However, it is this 6,000 year-old form of natural medicine, called Ayurveda, that holds the key to understanding your body type and what it needs in order to stay balanced…

It is ultimately this balance that keeps you healthy and at an ideal weight for your body… 

I invite you now to tune into today's #CabralConcept 446 to discover the 7 Ayurvedic weight loss tips to boost your metabolism – Enjoy the show! 

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Apr 25, 2017

For most people, the occasional headache doesn't mean too much except to point out that you're overly stressed or that you've come into contact with something you're sensitive to...

But, for many people debilitating headaches are an unfortunate part of life that they believe they must manage and live with...

The truth is though, that headaches are not a disease, they are a symptom of a much deeper underlying health issue...

In today's #CabralConcept 445 we talk about natural headache remedies that work, as well as why you may get them in the first place - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 24, 2017

Stress is at the core of 95% of all diseases...

And much of that stress comes from our relationships: Work, Coworkers, Friends, and Family.

Sometimes a relationship that once served you at a certain point in your life, is no longer healthy...

You don’t want to be cold and just tell someone that they aren’t good for you, but you do need to take a poll of what happens when you're with certain people or in certain environments:

Do you feel stressed, think negatively, eat more, drink more, stay out too late, etc. when you with a certain person or group?

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 444 for details on how to handle this delicate topic while moving on and forward with you life - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 23, 2017

I hope you're enjoying this weekend and that you got to tune into yesterday's Cabral #HouseCall!

We're back today with another 8 community questions, so let's get started!

Lisa: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you so much for answering my questions on your podcast! You are one of a kind and we are all blessed by your time and knowledge you put into your podcasts! My question is, for years when I lay down I would suddenly hear noises. For me it was rock-n-roll music. I could hear words and it was ALWAYS the same song. I personally have NEVER listened to rock-n-roll before and Im pretty confident the song I heard was never an actual song on a radio before. It use to drive me crazy and again, it was only when I laid down. This lasted for at least 8 years but it suddenly stopped. My 9 year old daughter has the same problem but for her its not music, rather it's just beeping, clicking noises she hears when laying down. I feel bad for her because it truly bothers her. Have you ever came across people who only hear noises when laying down? And do you know the root problem? You may need to know that my daughter did have a history or Tourettes and OCD, however, since she has been on a special diet and gut healthy supplements, she no longer has those problems. Thank you so much! -Lisa


Karen: I heard about your podcast at a Weight Watcher meeting two months ago and have been listening ever since. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge and especially, your Monday Mindset thoughts. I am 53 and recently had decided to see a cardiologist to have baseline heart checkup since my parents both died of heart disease at 60 and 61 and my sister(54) had a major stroke last year. (All three were diabetics who did not believe they were diabetics and did not routinely take meds or change lifestyle.) Anyway, my bp is good, glucose is 82, overall Cholesterol is 184, but the ratios are out of sorts with higher triglycerides and HDL. The main question is my LDL-P is elevated and is there a natural way of lowering it? I understand that this sub-particle test is a more accurate indicator of problems down the road. My lpa-2 is within normal range. The doctor or PA in this case, never discussed diet, lifestyle.....just immediately wrote a prescription for a statin and even called it in without asking me what I would like to do. I haven't picked the statin up and am hoping that there is a more natural way. If anyone would know, I trust it is you. Thank you so much.


Norman: Dr. I have cervical spondylosis and a kidney problem, can u please help me to cure or prevent this health problem of mine? Thank You very much, and more power!!


Ceri: Hi Dr Cabral. I've recently started following you on Instagram and have been listening to your podcasts ever since. They are hugely informative and helpful, thank you for sharing and passing your knowledge onto others. I have been having gut issues and diarrhoea for the past 20years. I have spent multiple trips to the doctor trying to find out what is wrong with only being told I have IBS. I recently found out I have a parasite, Dientamoeba Fragilis. My Gasteroenterologist wants to put me on a 10day course of antibiotics “Secnidazole” and “Doxycyline” I have heard mixed results and am unsure what to do. I have changed my diet over the years and now eat a whole food diet consisting of predominantly vegetables, moderate protein, lots of healthy fats and some fruit, mainly berries. This has helped with my gut issues but obviously they have not fully resolved. I don't want to ruin all my hard work in getting my health on track by taking the antibiotics. What do you recommend from your experience? Thank you in advance, Kind Regards, Ceri


Anon: Hi Dr. Cabral! I've been listening since last year, and I've learned so much along the way, so thank you! I have been a nutritional health coach for a while, and realized this has been fun because people themselves want to become healthier. I've been struggling with the people closest to me. For example, I have a friend put on anti-depressants for headaches, a friend with gut issues that affects her quality of life but won't change her diet for more than a couple days, and a baby cousin with really bad sinus issues only after she's fed her multiple bottles of cows milk. I never say anything because it's not my place, but also because no one likes a know-it-all. It just kills me because I want them to be happy, and feel like they could benefit from alternative options. I was curious to see what you would do in these types of situations. Thank you in advance :)


Angie: Hi Dr. Cabral, I check my basal body temperature every day, and it has been very low for years (96.8, sometimes lower) and I have a very hard time raising it, even throughout the day. I have had a full panel thyroid test done, which came back "fine" even though I struggle with many low thyroid symptoms. How can I raise my BBT and help my thyroid work properly again? Thanks for all of your help today and always.


Isabelle: Hi! Thanks for everything that you do, you guys are great! Do you have any recommendation for healing panic attacks yourself (and the general anxiety for having another panic attack), or do you consider therapy to be the best way to treat it? I have developed a fear of driving (as well as just being a passenger in a car) due to several separate panic attacks I had while being a passenger for about 3 years ago. I do think it is connected with the claustrophobia I have had for years, because it seems to get pretty bad when the car is very small, or when I drive on a highway where there is little -or no- chance of "getting out". It has only gotten worse over the past 3 years, and it has now come to the point where I avoid cars for all costs. This is so painful for me (as I used to literally love driving), and not to mention inhibiting and exhausting, as I now make up just about any excuse not to get in a car. If there is anything you know that could help, I would be forever grateful! Keep up the great work. Additional information: *I don't have my own car at the moment, so it is difficult to "practice" driving a car. *I live and work in the city, so I don't really have to drive anywhere, which make it easy for me to avoid driving in everyday life. Have a great day!


Lisa: Hi Dr. Cabral, I listen to all of your podcast and you truly amaze me with your knowledge. I have a question for a friend who is desperate to help their daughter. 3 years ago their daughter had a soccer injury in her ankle.... although her ankle has healed, something happen to her body and she has pain everywhere. The videos of her are so horrible to watch and Im praying you have some insight on her condition. The doctors say she has CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome....formerly called RSD. Can you help guide us to the root problem and I will pass on your podcast to the family? The doctors currently have tried everything and have no more ideas as to how to help her. Thank you again for being such a blessing to so many people! May God bless you and your family.

I hope you enjoyed today's Q&A and all the tips added along the way!

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Apr 22, 2017

Welcome back to this weekend's Cabral HouseCalls!

We have a biggest Q&A ver this weekend answering over 16 of our community's questions!

LaSandra: Hi, Dr. Cabral. I found your podcast a few weeks ago and have been obsessively trying to catch up on previous calls. My good friend has been struggling with some neurological issues and cannot get answers from her physicians. A few months ago she had a cervical disc replacement in her neck, but her symptoms continue to worsen. She has burning sensations in her mouth, tongue, upper shoulders and head. She also feels like she has a lump in her throat. She recently found out that she has extremely high B6 levels even after quitting her multivitamin. I told her that I had heard you talk about the MTHFR gene and that it might be related. Because she can't find information on it with the Mayo Clinic, she is skeptical. She is unsure of where to go from here. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Angela: Hi Dr. Cabral! First off, thank you for your amazing work. I've been listening to your podcast for only a few months now and it has become a part of my daily routine. I have already seen rewarding progress by the numerous little changes you have suggested. I have also spoken very highly of you to friends, colleagues and family, and I'm borderline becoming that Nutrition nerd that is full of facts and guidance! Now for my question: I have always struggled with acne and digestion issues since I was a kid, but not anything acute or serious. My mother was always hesitant with antibiotics and always work to heal me as gently as possible. I have been detoxing bi-annually for about 3 years now and two days ago I finished your 14 day Dr. Cabral Detox. WOW! I feel amazing. However, before I started the detox I completed an IGG food sensitivity test with my local Naturopath, and the results show that I have way more sensitivities than what I expected. The top 5 foods of my elevated intolerance are: egg whites, Cow's milk, Baker's yeast, cashews, and rice. I also show high sensitivity to every dairy and wheat source that was tested, as well as, almonds, amaranth, beans (kidney, white, and soy) and peas. I am concerned with how I should continue my diet due to the fact that I am also sensitive to the main alternatives of wheat and dairy, and the great protein source of beans. I have a few plans and would like your opinion on their validity: - I am continuing to not eat any fruit or starch vegetables for another week and then I am going to introduce starch carbs, Quinoa, and oats back into my diet like you have suggested on an earlier podcast. I am looking forward to balanced sugar levels and hormones. - Suggested by my Naturopath: I am going to test the strength of my stomach acid with a burp test and if needed, taking acid capsules at meals to test the strength (I can't remember the name of the acid) REAL QUESTION TIME: - How long should I cut out these foods to see results and what should I be doing to heal my gut? - What is the best way to naturally increase my stomach acid to healthy levels? - Can I ever eat these foods again that i'm sensitive to and how should I plan this? - What exactly is food combining and will this help with my digestion/absorption/stomach acid health? Thank you so much for your time, I really appreciate everything you offer! Angela


Emily: Hi Dr Cabral, thank you for doing this podcast and spreading knowledge. I recently got my blood test back and my Hgb A1c is 5.4%. ESTIMATED AVERAGE GLUCOSE is 108 mg/dL. How do I prevent pre-diabetes and get my Hgb A1c down? My mother has pre-diabetes and my grandmother (on my mom's side) has diabetes. Thank you


Amanda: I would like to know what my mom can do to improve her memory, as it appears she is in the early stage of Alzheimer's or dementia. She is 61, not over weight, eats a relatively healthy diet and is active. She drinks maybe 3-5 glasses of wine or rum and cokes a week. She does not have any other health concerns that we are aware of. She has been forgetful for about the last 5 years. However this last year her short term memory has gotten worse. She will ask me a question and then ask me the same question 5 minutes later. She knows she is struggling. I would love to have her work with you if you feel this is an area you can help with. Love the show Thanks, Amanda Rau


Allison: well. I was listening to an episode Dr. Cabral previously did on hives and was hoping to ask a question regarding my situation. I am 34 years old. Four months ago I started to get hives on my body. I now have hives every day and they are severe. The doctors I have seen have not been able to help me. Detail are as follows. Originally there would be small outbreaks of hives on my arms, pelvis area, legs and stomach that usually would go away with antihistamines. After a couple months the hives started getting worse, covering larger portions of my body, and the antihistamines stopped working. For the past 6 weeks, the hives have become constant, covering my back, legs, arms, neck and some days, my face. They seem to get worse from pressure and heat so I wear light loose cotton clothing to cover my body. I also have swelling to my eyes and lips occasionally. I had a son 5 months before the hives began so initially thought it was hormone related and stopped nursing. When that didn’t resolve the issue, I stopped eating gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. This was 6 weeks ago. I also changed all products in our house including laundry detergent, dish soap, hand soap, diaper wipes, etc. 6 weeks ago I also started taking probiotics, vitamin D, B12, a multivitamin. I also started taking fresh garlic and coconut oil daily. My doctor has done the standard blood tests and found no obvious problems. Outstanding results from various tests include low RBC (3.84), C reactive protein of 13.9 ( very high), no hepatitis B immunity detected. H. pylori IgG was 0.59. Allergy testing for common allergens and inhalants did not show any issues. I had an ovo parasite test done that showed I had many blastocystis hominis and I was treated with 2 courses of antibiotics which has not helped. Specifically I took paromomycin – 1000 mg x 2/day and metronidazole – 750 mg x 3/day for 10 days. I have been prescribed the following antihistamines by my doctor, allergist, and the emergency room but none have helped consistently. Cetirizine, Loratadine, Bilastine, Hydroxyzine, Zantac and Rupatadine. I started getting Xolair (omalizumab) injections of 300mg yesterday. Today the hives were not as bad as they have been the last 3 weeks but they are still all over my body and constant. I am nervous to stay on Xolair given the side effects and it is not solving the problem, just trying to mask it. Other potentially related symptoms: I am often tired. I have undigested food in my stool which is relatively recent (last 2-3 months). I am usually cold. I do not seem to be sweating as much as I used to or at all. I have seen my doctor several times as well as two allergists, an emergency room doctor, a naturopath and an infectious disease doctor. No one has been able to help. I have had hives every day since mid December. I would be very grateful for any help you could provide. Thank you.


Maria: Hi Dr. Cabral thank you so much for everything you do. Listening to your podcasts I know I have yeast overgrowth I was given antibotics 3 times in one year. Have all the systems, now feel like I have fibromyalgia. Feel like its getting worst. Will a gastrologist help me dont know where to turn. Im really scared. If so is there someone I could see for this on the northshore in MA. I never would have know this if it wasnt for you. I would try on my own listening to what you say to do but I get a little mixed up on all the things. Thank you. Maria


Aiden: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have Tourette's Syndrome and have lived with it for at least 20 years. When I was younger I was given medication and I took it blindly until I started to feel like I wasn't myself. I accepted it as part of who I am and accepted that I will live with it and stopped searching for a "cure." It's been so long since I've given much thought to treating it. Is there anything I can do to help control my tics? Anything I could focus on adding or taking away from my diet to reduce them? Thank you for your time and insight. Aiden


Edward: I am currently battling the various symptoms of LPR: asthma, chronic, recurring, cough, occasional lump in throat, and general discomfort in lungs and throat. Is this disease something you have dealt with, in your practice, and, if so, what advice would you give? LPR seems to be notoriously hard to beat.


I hope you enjoyed the show and be sure to tune back in tomorrow for 8 brand new questions!

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Apr 21, 2017

I'm back with another #FridayReview bringing you some of my favorite products from the week, as well as reviewing items you've written in requests for!

Our first debate and review is when to use probiotics and when not to. I detail one specialty Probiotic for yeast overgrowth, as well as when to opt for a stronger yeast and bacterial overgrowth removal protocol...

Next up, we discuss a follow up from our Wednesday show on how to burn more fat by balancing your blood sugar levels. Today, I'm reviewing a Functional Medicine supplement that combines natural herbs and minerals to help you stabilize healthy glucose levels...

And, I'm excited to bring you an old school book that is a wealth of information on what nutrients are contained in pretty much every food you could possibly imagine!

As always, this was a fun show to record and I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback on what I should review next - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 20, 2017

I hate to draw straws over which form of exercise is the best, since just getting your body moving is such an important factor in getting healthy, losing weight, and living longer...

However, if you're looking to optimize your fat burning potential and get the most bang for your buck, some forms of exercise do outperform others...

On today's #CabralConcept #440 I explain what burns more fat: Cardio, Intervals or Weight Training? Enjoy the show!

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Apr 19, 2017

The one thing is common that all weight loss diets that include low carb, keto, high protein, high fat, or high fiber is that they all work by controlling blood sugar...

Until you can rebalance your blood sugar and get it low enough (75-95mg/dl) you're going to have a hard to burning body fat...

Not only that, your energy, mood, cravings, and other hormones aren't going to stay stable without regulating your blood glucose levels...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 439 for the surprising way of how to balance your blood sugar to burn more fat - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 18, 2017

Turmeric, Omega-3s, and even ginger get a lot of credit as natural pain relievers, but did you know they aren't nearly as strong as some others?

The beautiful thing about natural medicine is that plant based remedies used in India and and China has been used, studied, and refined over the past 6,000 years...

They've stood the test of time. They work - and now they're being verified in human clinical trials...

On today's #CabralConcept 438 I want to bring you the 3 natural pain relievers you've never heard of to alleviate the arthritis, inflammation, joint and muscle pain you may be experiencing - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 17, 2017

I once believed that the goal of life was to be in a constant state of Zen...

I believed this was somehow achievable and that I wouldn't be truly happy until I entered this state...

Years later I realized, not only is this not achievable, it should never even be a goal...

Let me save you years of frustration by tuning into today's #CabralConcept 437 on "The Zen Myth Explained" - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 16, 2017

We're continuing on with our massive Q&A this weekend on the Cabral #HouseCall!

I hope you enjoyed yesterday show and you're ready to tackle another round of our community questions!

Cheryl: After 25 years with autoimmune problems, I'm hearing about a new cause centering around the Epstein Barr Virus, which I had . That in effect, if you get rid of the Epstein Barr Virus, which stays hidden within cell barriers in the body , you can create wellness. That in fact, the body is not out of sync attacking itself, but is actually attacking an invading cell. Especially is noted in Hashimotos which I have, where this Epstein Barr Virus attaches itself . Do you have information on these new findings and might this be a breakthrough and how do we go about ridding ourselves of residual Epstein Barr cells. Thank you


Ellen: How do you determine so many of the recommendations you provide in your personalized weight loss analysis simply by analyzing saliva and small blood droplets. My Integrative docs have always taken a lot of blood work. Thank you


Anon: Hi Stephen! I have dealt with interstitial cystitis for a year now and it is terrible! Since I was diagnosed, I have been eating very clean (no wheat, dairy, soy or refined sugar) and have been trying to incorporate more fruits/veggies into my diet. I have definitely improved but I still have much more work to go...any advice on how I can get rid of it for good and stay healthy? Thank you so much!


Natalie: Hi Dr. Cabral! I'm curious what your thoughts are on Oral Allergy Syndrome? Is there a way to combat it/lessen the symptoms/reverse it? Thank you! Natalie


Lindsey: Hi it's that time of the year where I get hay fever! Please can you help me with a natural remedy for this so I don't have to take antihistamines everyday! Many thanks! We love you in the UK - come and visit us soon!


Brooke: Hi Dr. Cabral, First, thank you for providing quality information for free to the world daily! My question is, do tattoos damage the body? If so, how? What are the long term effects? thank you for your time, Brooke Elise


Lauren: Hi Steve, I have a few questions in regards to when to take certain supplements and if it matters. I loved your podcast on top 10 supplements and just purchased the magnesium as well as the D3. I have deficient in B12 and Folate/Iron so I was going to purchase the Activated B complex as well. Can you please let me know if i should take these at specific times? I currently take D3 right before breakfast as well as my probotic and magnesium at night. Also, do you know when your nutritional support protein shake will be back in stock? Thanks! Hi Steve, Thanks for answering my questions in regard to magnesium. I was wondering in the one you suggested, I see the inactive ingredient is hypromellose. Is this something I should be weary of? I have read a lot of different things but it is hard to follow and fully understand. Thanks


Thanks for tuning in and I hope you enjoyed the Q&A and all the tips added in along the way!

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Apr 15, 2017

It's time to get started with our first #HouseCall of the weekend!

We have so many great community questions this weekend and it's best we just dive right in!

Sue: Hi, Few questions regarding cooking. I often cook with coconut oil as I hear cooking with olive oil isn't healthy? Please can you confirm if I'm doing the right thing. Also, I often heat food up I've cooked in the microwave - can you let me know what the dangers to this are?? Thanks for answering. I love your show!


Lindsey: Hi Stephen, Quick question as I know you have lots of questions. You talk about ginger tea a lot and I love ginger.. do you have a specific recipe for this tea? Thanks


Jess: Hello!! Thank you for all that your doing in the world, would you be able to talk about Miso soup? Is it healthy and beneficial to our bodies? Thanks in advance!


Brook: Hi, Dr. Cabral. For around 1.5 years my husband (23 yo) has needed to wear a breathing strip 24/7. He has suffered from asthma since he was five years old, but this is a relatively new issue resulting in him needing to breath through his mouth and wear breathing strips out in public which is very embarrassing for him. He recently visited an ENT. The ENT Dr. said that he has a mildly deviated septum but the main issue is inflamed blood vessels that partially block his nasal passages. He was prescribed a nasal steroid, Flonase, and the doctor said that if the steroid doesn't help then surgery could be an option. In the last 1.5 years his diet has improved tremendously but he now has more stress in his daily life. In addition, he does take Advair twice daily for his asthma, which is his only prescription medication. My husband has voiced the desire to get off his Advair, but we're not sure how to begin that journey along with figuring out how what to do about his nasal vessels and breathing. Thanks so much, Dr. Cabral. I really enjoy your podcast and am thankful for your knowledge and love for healing. Hope to implement and teach patients about functional principals once I start working as an RN! Brooke


Anon: Hi Dr Cabral, thanks for everything you do. I have rather an embarrassing question but don't know who else to turn to. My doctor says I'm fine but I don't feel fine. I recently noticed gray stains on all my bra cups and sometimes, my nipples would get very itchy. I'm 25 years old and not pregnant. My grandmother (on my mom's side) had breast cancer. Thanks in advance for your help


Yvonne: Hi doctor, I'm a 28 year old female. I always have whitish vaginal discharge without any pain or itchiness. But, if I have sex with my partner, cheesy cottage white discharge is emitted and vagina will start feeling itchy and sex will feel painful. If i do not have sex, I have another kind of vaginal discharge before and after my period. Is this normal?


Haley: Why do you recommend not cooking with oils? I've read that baking/sauteeing/etc with coconut oil (supposedly because it has a higher temperature tolerance) is okay. I would love to know why you recommend cooking without oils - I think I heard you mention that in episode #357, when sharing your favorite healthy fries recipe. Let me know! Thanks so much for all you do - I can't stop listening to and sharing these podcasts! :)


I hope you're having a great weekend and enjoyed the show!

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Apr 14, 2017

We've got a solid #FridayReview for you this week that runs the gambit from beating allergies to the 10th anniversary edition of an instant classic book that made mind-body medicine an approachable topic to talk about!

My first review covers what I personally recommend in my practice for instant allergy relief and also how to recover from your allergic sensitivities in the long-run...

Next up, I'm brining you one of the most unique olive oil companies in the world. They've literally turned the making of olive oil into a science and developed one of the first 3rd party tested products for "high-phenol" antioxidant olive oil (and it's delicious!)...

I also talk briefly about my favorites fresh pressed juice I drink, and why I chose those 3 ingredients...

And last, but certainly not least, I re-review a book I spoke about almost 400 episodes ago - It's groundbreaking book that's easy to read and literally shows you through simple science how your thoughts, feeling, and environment influence your DNA and its genetic expression...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 434 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 13, 2017

Some of the best exercises in the world can actually be the most dangerous when done incorrectly...

The reason for this is that although they mimic natural human movement, when the proper form isn't used your joints, tendons, and ligaments can be put at risk...

Plus, when you add weight or resistance to the exercise you are greatly increasing your odds for injury whenever your technique breaks down...

Check out today's #CabralConcept 433 for the top 10 most dangerous exercises and how you can avoid getting injured - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 12, 2017

If you thought probiotics was a controversial topic and considered cutting-edge wait until you hear about "prebiotics" and their potential to improve (or hurt) gut health!

Prebiotics actually aren't bacteria at all, but rather the food that feeds the bacteria already in your gut...

The issue is that some prebiotics are more beneficial than others - especially if you're currently dealing with IBS, candida, SIBO, or another gut based issue...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 432 for a list of the best natural prebiotics for gut health - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 11, 2017

Bowel movements are one of those taboo topics that we're not supposed to discuss...

We're told they're gross, disgusting and we need to pretend they don't even happen...

But the issue is that your "poop" says a lot about the health of your digestion and overall internal health...

Therefore, not talking about it, or knowing "what your poop says about you" leaves you in the dark about whether your system is functioning properly...

The other reason this is so important is because your gut is literally the center of your immune system, your 2nd brain, and the #1 organ in terms of your overall health since it contains your microbiome...

Plus, if your gut (intestines) isn't working well then it doesn't matter how healthy the food is that you eat, since you won't be absorbing the maximum amount of nutrients possible!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 431for all the details about what healthy bowel movements should look like and what your poop says about you - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 10, 2017

No matter who you are, you're going to come to a point in your life where you feel like you've hit a wall...

You just feel stuck...

It's that feeling you get where you know you're in a place you're not not supposed to be - The idea or vision you have for yourself is much greater...

It's at this point that you have to make a choice about going after that goal of yours or not...

And if you do decide to believe in yourself enough to push forward, there are 3 main ways to make a breakthrough in your life...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 430 to find out how - Enjoy the Show!

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Apr 9, 2017

Welcome back to out 2nd Cabral #HouseCall of the weekend!

We're picking up where we left off and I'm looking forward to sharing the answers to these community questions:

Chelsea: Not sure if this is for the house call page, but I have a few questions. 1) I have vertical ridges on my fingernails that I can't seem to get rid of. I have hashimotos, Lyme, and chronic low WBC as well as chronic low BP. I'm on AIP and have been working with a functional doctor for a year but can't seem to figure out the vertical nail ridges. 2) I have a bad case of floaters in my eyes, specifically my left eye. Many times part of my vision is obstructed because of it. I've been to the eye doc and I'm 20/20 and am told floaters are normal, my functional doctor does not know what could be causing them. Your thoughts on these annoying yet telling conditions? Thank you, LOVE your podcast and IG!!!!!


Maria: Hi, I had a question regarding healthy weight gain. I'm 20 and I have always been active throughout my teenage years (I have always been a runner), but the last year I have changed my diet such as cutting out processed foods. I have also been exercising much more intensely (more weights) and as a result I dropped around 10 pounds. This put me at a weight now of around 115 and I'm 5'6". I'm concerned about losing more weight, but I also enjoy eating healthy and working out regularly. What are your thoughts on how to gain healthy weight in the forms of muscle without comprising my health? I have struggled with counting calories in the past (and sometime currently) and my mindset on weight loss in general. Thanks for your help!


Rebekah: Hi dr! Love your podcast! I'm the person who saves your episodes till I get home so I can write down notes. I so wish I could have all the knowledge you have so I could help people the way you do. I am a RN and have a deep passion for helping people get better however it saddens me that conventional medical training is void of this life giving info. What is the difference between the hair tissue mineral analysis and the organic acids test and what test of the two (or any other test) would you recommend I take annually. I am quickly moving into a 100% Whole Foods plant based diet (no meat or dairy) and trying to focus on a lot of raw fruits and veggies. I want a test that will show if I lack something so I can steer clear of illness due to deficiencies. Thanks a ton! Also could you recommend any books/seminars to educate myself on naturopathy/ human physiology


Stephanie: Let me first start by saying how much regard I have for you and your incredible amount of knowledge. My husband and I have turned on several friends and family members to your podcast and to your detox. And you do not have to respond to this on your podcast. I just wanted to reach out to you. So the other day I was listening to your podcast and someone is asked a question about Dr. T Colin Campbell's "China Study." I read the book and I also took Dr. Campbell's six week course through the center for nutrition studies at Cornell. While I understand that he may have based his book on a lifetime's worth of work, I was surprised to hear you give such little credence to cancer rates in Japan being related to their diets. If you've read the China Study, then you must know about the migrant studies. If you take a person from the United States and send them to Japan, feed them the traditional Japanese diet, their rates of disease go down to that of the Japanese native. (For women in Japan the rate of breast cancer is less than 1%.) However, if you take the Japanese native and move them to America, feed them the standard American diet, their disease rates rise to that of an American. (That Japanese woman's breast cancer would rise to 13%, the same rate as an American woman). To dismiss the differences as just a matter of genetics surprised me. There are hundreds of migrant studies that show that disease is strongly related to what you eat, your culture, and your environment.


Ella: Hi any advice for my teething 1 year old - her cheeks get so red and her ears - it's horrible to watch and i don't want to keep giving her painkillers as i imagine it's not that great for babies/ toddlers? Thanks for the show!


Alice: Hi I have foul smelling gas/ wind and bloating more or less all day. I eat a healthy natural diet/ exercise well and don't eat any foods that have shown up on the IGG food sensitivity test so what could this be? quite embarrassing problem. I take your top 3 recommended supplements as well as B complex, zinc, lipoid acid and omega 3. Many thanks in advance - keep up the good work.

Thank you for just tuning in and I hope you enjoyed the Q & A and all the tips along the way!

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Apr 8, 2017

Welcome back to our first Cabral #HouseCall of the weekend where we're answering our community's questions on all things wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging!

Here is today's Q&A:

Lisa: First I want to thank you for all the amazing knowledge you share for FREE! You are a one of a kind type of doctor. I follow you on Instagram and now have many friends following you as well. I'm finally all caught up with you podcast....LOVE the ALL!  You mention that you listen to Joe Rogan’s podcast and I do as well. He had Mr. XXXX on his show about the Keto diet. Mark is clearly in amazing shape and definately does not look 63 yrs old. My question is, Is a Keto Diet safe and healthy? I have worked with a doctor like you to help heal my daughters Tourettes and OCD and Im obsessed with nutrition. I am a Raw Vegan and I feel my body healing. My husband wants to eat lots of meat like Mark and Im concerned cuz of all the research about meat and cancer. I would love to hear your thoughts. 


Ellen: Dr Cabral, Is it ok to take the Ascorbic Acid powder I received if I have crystal oxalate kidney stones? I have read differing opinions on it and just want to be sure before I take it. Thank you!


Chris: Hey Dr. Cabral, I love your podcast and all the great content you give your listeners. I was wondering what you thought about Soil Based Organisms. I have been taking care of my gut repopulating it with lacto and bifido probiotics for several months with great progress after a long period of antibiotic use which lead to parasites and candida overgrowth. I Just tried taking the SBO supplement Prescript Assist and became instantly constipated, and started to develop bloating, belching, and heartburn as well as gut lining irritation. I stopped because I was worried it was not for me. Is that the case or is it just a normal reaction to introducing the microbiome to completely new kinds of bacterial species. Thanks!


Annie: Hi! I'm about to embark of IVF and I'm worried about all the hormones etc in my body. Do you have anything you can suggest for me to do before or after to aid in getting my body back to normal etc? Thanks!


Jane: Dr Cabral, do you think switching to a Ketogenic way of eating could help my boyfriend with his erectile dysfunction caused by type 2 diabetes? He is 51. Thank you, Jane


Marielle: Thanks for sharing so much great information with all of us. This problem comes and goes, but I have realized my frequency and urgency to urinate is out of this world sometimes. I've gone to doctors and even been on overactive bladder medications. If I drink enough water it happens, when I don't drink enough, it still happens. Especially when I am trying to fall asleep I have a hard time just feeling like I have to try to go maybe three or four times before I actually can fall asleep. What do you think could be the cause of this? 


Thank you for tuning into today's show and I look forward to bringing you another Cabral #HouseCall tomorrow!

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Apr 7, 2017

I'm back with another #FridayReview and today we've got some great picks for you!

The first thing I share is some cutting edge anti-aging research that is actually taking place right now - These treatments have the potential to add another 10-12 years to your life!

Next up, I review an enzyme supplement that very few people have heard of, but it works wonders for the immune system and inflammatory pain...

And finally, I'll be reviewing 2 new wearing technology devices. One helps women time their fertility cycle, while the other looks to replace your FitBit or other health tracker with a much smaller wearable ring...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 427 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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