
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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Now displaying: April, 2018
Apr 30, 2018

When I hear someone utter the words, "failure is not an option" I usually crack a little smile, since I know they must be new to this game we call life ; )

The funny thing is that the person uttering that phrase is actually more correct than they even know - but for the wrong reasons...

You see, failure is not an option. It's the only option in life. You don't get what you want in life, or achieve your wildest dreams without numerous failed attempts...

On today's #CabralConcept 815 I'll share with you why you MUST fail in order to ultimately succeed and why those failures are actually something to look forward to - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 29, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Judy: What brand of creatine do you recommend and do you recommend a certain amount based on body weight and goals or should I follow the manufacturer’s instructions?

Cristi: Hi Dr. Cabral, I continue to appreciate all of your helpful information, and I have been trying to listen to all the back episodes of your podcast. I’m wondering what you have to say regarding bruxism and/or gum recession. My conventional dentist claims that I grind my teeth at night which is causing cracks in my teeth that he showed me on an x-ray. He also said that this is the cause of my gum recession where as my previous conventional dentist said that I simply brush too hard and never said anything about bruxism. It seems as if this dentist recommends a mouth guard to almost everyone that comes to his practice. From what I overhear every time I am in the office, everyone seems to have one. After getting my teeth cleaned, I either have a headache or my mouth is sore in some way. The cleanings are very rough. When I wear the mouthguard, I have a hard time sleeping with my mouth closed especially if I am a little stuffy, and I wake up with a dry throat. I also feel like I grind my teeth at night after visiting the dentist and when wearing the night guard. I also hate the thought of sleeping with plastic in my mouth every night. When I did not use the mouthguard for a period of time because I had a cold, I then tried to wear it again, and the next morning my teeth had moved; my bite was different and it took a couple of days to come back to normal. Suffice to say, I am no longer wearing the mouthguard, and I am finding a new dentist. I have already started on your nutritional support shake, with additional magnesium and vitamin D as well as curcumin. I eat an extremely healthy diet, essentially what you recommend. I suspect that if I do grind at night, it is stress related. I try things to mitigate this Such as exercise, yoga, meditation, CBD oil, etc. But I have no way of knowing whether or not I am grinding at night and if my efforts are stopping the problem, or if I am going to end up with all of my teeth falling out one day Because I am not wearing the horrible night guard which the dentist chastises me for not wearing. Help! Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Vaughan: Hi Dr Cabral, thank you for your amazing mission to share your wealth of knowledge with the world, including myself! My question is for my wife, she has been diagnosed with Narcolepsy 5 years ago, has anxiety and situational depression. She has been loaded up with some high doses of medications over the last 5 years including clonazapam, Dex-amphetamine, A-nuvigil, Lyrica and a number of others on and off. She has had a history of chronic endometriosis, abdomen pain, mood issues and has only just completed surgery for a full hysterectomy. She is a 20+ a day smoker and displays addictive behaviours. I have been unable to get her to look at underlying causes, opposed to treating symptoms and feel there is serious gut linkages between all of her issues. She is the definition of a complex case and so far all medical practitioners are simply juggling her between specialists (neurological, sleep, gyno, psychiatrist) and nobody is looking at the whole picture to assess causation. HELP! I know a little (enough to think gut disbiosis - leaky gut / SIBO leading to neurological and hormonal impalances ). What are your thoughts? Thanks for your time and consideration.Best regards, Vaughan 

Ali: Hi Dr. Cabral! I've been told by a functional medicine doctor that when we take supplements, vitamins, probiotics, etc. that we're inhibiting our body's natural ability to create those things that we need on its own, which is turn makes us more dependent on the supplements... Is that true? She's big on fasting (after curing herself from Hashimoto's through fasting and fruit), and believes we can thrive on fruit-only, as our primate brothers + sisters do. I have some lymph stagnation and my kidneys aren't filtering waste, so she has me on a 90-day detox with a bunch of herbs and I'm told to eat only fruit.... This seems quite extreme and I'm wondering if you could offer your thoughts? I know I won't stick to fruit-only for the long-haul, but is it an okay thing to do for 90 days? On the long haul, do you agree that our bodies can make everything we need if we stop consuming so many supplements and probiotics? Thanks so much!

Derek: Hi Dr. Cabral. Found your podcasts about a year ago and love the helpful information. I have recently had a red rash/red bumps break out on just my neck. I believe it to be eczema. It flares up from time to time and gets a little itchy. I am going to try eliminating gluten and eggs from my diet as I know them to be common sensitivities. What else could I do in addition to this? Thank you so much!  

Krystal: Hello Dr. Cabral, My husband experienced a TBI after a near fatal car accident he had in 2015. Because of the accident he has loss of peripheral vision on the right eye, scarring on the left eye (retina), seizures, short term memory loss, depression and migraines. Doctors say he won’t be able to drive again because of the loss of vision. I give him magnesium, turmeric and multivitamin every morning. With that, he also takes seizure medication called oxcarbazapine and devalproex. I am hesitant to stop the medications because he had a grand mal seizure in July when he tried to come off the meds. Chiropractors are nervous to do any adjustments due to the severity of his accident. With all of his issues, are there any other natural remedies I can implement for my husband besides the turmeric and magnesium? The main thing he wants back is his vision. Thank you so much doctor, your podcasts are so informative! 

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Apr 28, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Eliana: Hi, I am addicted to your podcasts! They have taught me so much. My question today is about the timing of carbs. It makes sense to me that with my goal of getting lean, it would be best to eat my carbs earlier in the day and none at night (after 3?). I heard your episode about meal type/timing and do eat liquid breakfasts, and have begun to have my carbs at lunch. I have begun cutting carbs out of my dinner and mostly have greens and fish, sometimes lentil soup. I eat a very healthy diet based on Mediterranean practice. I do sometimes have a snack after dinner which is usually a rice cake with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or something with dark chocolate. Do you agree with cutting out these carbs at night, and do you have any other ideas for me to get lean, as I already eat well and exercise frequently (lift 3-4x’s per week and throw in cardio around that). Thanks!!

Julie: Hi Dr. Cabral, some years back I was diagnosed with PCOS (but no insulin resistance) after coming off the pill that was prescribed to me due to my bad acne when I was 15 years old. My doctor put me on the pill again until I had enough of taking synthetic hormones. I stopped taking the pill about three years ago altogether. I have always been very slim but about two years ago started to put on fat on my legs (+cellulite) and arms and just some around my belly. Also my skin has never been really clear. I suffer from acne mainly on my cheeks and upper back and shoulders. I am also prone to rosacea. I also noticed that hair growth increased on my legs and to some extend in my face. I have been taking vitex which brought me a regular period but I stopped taking it (June 2017) after my Naturopath told me that I should not take it long-term. I still get my period but my cycle is ranging from 35 to 61 days. I was trying to heal my gut with primal dieting, but felt awful due to histamine reactions. In August last year, I tried to heal my gut once again with the "gut thrive in 5 program" which I did great on. I did not lose any weight though, but my sugar cravings are gone, I seem to have a higher threshold for histamine containing products and I have regular bowel movements. Unfortunately, I still worked out even though my muscles were fatigued most of the time. I had the same issue when I was cutting out carbs on the primal diet. I now know that I was stressing out my body, and increased my carb intake dramatically. My carbs are mainly coming from sweet potato, pumpkin, some fruit (no citrus fruit), legumes, oats and occasionally from quinoa or wild rice. I also cut back on my workouts and focused on destressing, doing walks, Yin yoga (and some vinyasa classes if my body could handle them as my muscle fatigue was extreme at some points). I feel way better with an increased carb intake and have a lot more energy. My muscle fatigue is now completely gone and I started to incorporate about 2, 20 to 30 minutes runs into my week. I also do some more vinyasa classes now and I feel fine. Still do Yin Yoga, am on a 55 days meditation streak and started to take Rhodiola in the morning, which seems to help with energy and recovery and I think I am on a good way to get my period regular this time. I also started to look more into Ayurveda in order to tame my skin, as it still is inflamed most of the time and to better look after myself according to my body type. About two years ago I saw an Ayurvedic doctor in Germany, but she wasn't sure if I was a Pitta-Kapha or Tridosha. If I do online test, I always get Tridosha. However, I am focusing on a Pitta pacifying diet (but eat no dairy at all and just occasionally some eggs and salmon) at the moment and have the feeling that it helps with the inflammation on my skin. What still really bothers me is the fat around my legs and that I seem to not lose any weight regardless of what I am doing as well as the hair on my face. I am eating well (all very nutritious and organic food) as well as not too little or too much food. I am worried that I damaged my metabolism because thanks to your interview at the Melissa Ambrosini show I know now that cutting out carbs lowers your T3. Am I on the right track and just need to give my body more time to heal? Or could there be any other possible explanation? Some more infromation: An extensive hormonal test was done at the endocrinologist in Germany in 2015 (6 months after I stopped taking pill) and in 2016 (1,5 years after taking the pill). All has been fine according to my doctor. I had also an ACTH test performed since 17-OHP was slightly elevated with 1,38, but it came back normal. From 2015 to 2016 my T3 level dropped from 3.2 to 2.3, which I am not sure if that is concerning. I could not find a normal range for DHEA-S level. Mine seems pretty high with 311 (in 2015) and 362 (in 2016), but I am not entirely sure. I am 28 years old (as I know it matters when it comes to DHEA). I could not have a test done in 2017 so I don't know where my hormones are at at the moment.

Jocelyn: Hello, I recently heard you on a podcast and what you practice. I am 25 years old and suffering from the after affects of diagnosed achalasia. I have frequent heartburn and stomach inflammation. I have suffered from many cases after a hellar myotomy with hyponatremia. I am hoping to come here for help because my doctors don’t have any root cause answers. how can I set up a consultation with you?


Jen: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have three questions today: 1) As I've gotten into my 40's, I noticed my eyelashes and eyebrows have gotten lighter and I have a hard time growing my eye brow hair out. I've also always noticed that my hair grows incredibly slow. Do you know why this is and what I can do to grow out my hair faster as well as my eyelashes/brows? 2) If I have to do a round of antibiotics, is there a protocol for ensuring that I dont get candida, UTI or a yeast infection, as a result? Is there a natural anti-biotic that I can take in place of Antibiotics for a sinus infection, such as Silver? 3) Can you recommend a protocol or supplements to improve my memory, as I've noticed lately that I have a hard time remember (short term). Sometimes I think its due to stress or overwhelm, but I'd like to know what you recommend to improve this. PS, Please, please, please tell me when your new book is coming out? Thanks for all you do- Jen

 Josh: Dr. Cabral. I️ was diagnosed with Rocky Mountain spotted fever in 2015. I️ took doxycycline and was later cleared of any other co infections. But since then health has not went back to where it was. I️ suffer from fatigue weak and shacky muscles almost tremors and poor blood work. Any suggestions. Thanks for the work you do

Jodie: Hello, I am 28 years old I wasn't having menstrual cycles for 4-5 years since 2013. So many possible causes: rapid weight loss I dropped 2 stone in my final year at university and maintained that for a year and then I started exercising heavily and became orthorexic- choosing to only eat foods that were considered healthy/ superfoods. My gut health has been so bad since this miserable period in my life. In 2016 I tried to eat more and gain weight to see if my cycle would return but had no luck, so my doctors told me I may suffer with infertility in the long run so I should consider trying for a baby if this is something I wanted. I was terrified of being infertile so I followed their advice and opted to try fertility treatment to fall pregnant. In August I fell pregnant. My pregnancy has been ok, I've had some skin issues (rashes and spots on my face and legs), water retention, brain fog and extremely uncomfortable stomach issues ( gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea). I know I cannot do much in terms of rebalancing and detoxing during pregnancy but in 2 months time when my baby is here I'd love to fix my health once and for all. I know this is a silly question, but where should I start and what can I do now to help reduce the symptoms? Kind regards, Jodie, UK

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Apr 27, 2018

Today's #FridayReview is jam-packed full of some of my favorite new recommendations, research, and of course this week's super-nutrient of the week!

People have been writing in saying that they're enjoying the "sparkling water trick" I use when going out and this week I wanted to share with you another amazing natural spring water I consume quite often...

Next up, I want to explore some of the latest research on how just 1c of one particular form of vegetables benefits the brain, as well as how too much thyroid medication is causing heart conditions...

And finally, this week we'll be reviewing a popular vitamin that has been clinically proven to lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and increase energy in both the mind and body...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 812 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 26, 2018

Did you know that until just a couple of hundred years ago, it was common knowledge and practice to detoxify with the changing seasons?

Of course, it only makes sense when you think about how your body has to transition and adapt from a colder to warmer environment (as well as dealing with dampness, etc.)...

Fortunately, this knowledge has not been lost and through the preserved works of Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine we can begin to see how best to help our bodies remove the sluggishness, heat, allergies, brain fog, etc. that come with being out of balance...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 811 to discover the 4 natural ways to detoxify your body with the seasons - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 25, 2018

It's hard to imagine a scenario where looking at proper gut function, digestion, and absorption of nutrition wouldn't come into play...

After all, even if you're eating a great diet what truly matters in the long-run is if your cells are getting that nutrition...

And, for people with weak digestive systems that may have been compromised by antibiotics, alcohol, birth control, ibuprofen, stress, poor food combining, etc. they may be on the road to slowly declining in both mental and physical health due to improper absorption of nutrients...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 810 for details on what I do in my Functional Medicine practice to help people heal their gut and health by using what I call a "sensitive gut guide" - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 24, 2018

One of the fastest ways to heal the body is to eliminate the stressors that are currently holding it back from rejuvenating itself...

One of the first stressors that must be removed is the eating of foods that your body is sensitive to...

The reason for this is that food sensitivities (or allergies) cause an inflammatory immune response every time they are eaten...

Overtime, this greatly wears down the body's defenses and leads to greater dis-ease in the body and mind...

On today's #CabralConcept 809 I want to share with you how to eliminate inflammation from food sensitivities and how to rebuild your body - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 23, 2018

There are many strategies and principles when it comes to achieving the life you want to live, but very few matter if you don't get this right:

Unless you're willing to really get crystal clear on what that end goal looks like, it will be difficult to then follow the in between steps needed to attaining that which you desire...

On today's podcast I look forward to helping you visualize what an end goal should look like, as well as how to create the strategy to making that dream a reality...

Tune into #CabralConcept 808 to learn how to start with the end in mind and create the life you've always wanted - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 22, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Jenett: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am interested in what supplements you would recommend to help keep the skin more youthful. I heard a combination of collagen, Omega 3's and a good probiotic, would help. Would you agree? Can you recommend good brands for these and any other supplements you might recommend? Thanks, Jenett


Dr. Dianne: Hello, I am so thankful to have been connected to Dr. Cabral and enjoy his daily podcasts. I have been through two years of tests and products to resolve Chronic GI issues without significant results until beginning with products suggested by Dr. Cabral. My Questions are in relation to directions of usage as follows;

  1. Intestinal Formula #1 states; "Start with 1 capsule daily. Increase by 1each day until desired effect." Question: Once desired effect is achieved do you discontinue use (until needed) or continue with 1/day?
  2. Intestinal Formula #2. Is the intension to continue with the directions until the entire container is gone or until a specific result occurs.
  3. Intestinal Cleanse. Is this something that can be utilized during a average work schedule or is it a cleanse in which your will need consistent access to the bathroom.

Thank you, DiAnne


Steve: “Any Lab Test Now” has food sensitivity tests ranging up to around 1 grand. Is this worth it or is there a better way? Thanks, Steve

Lisa: Hi Stephen I often get pins and needles, cramping and dead legs. I am female, 34 and around 50kg/5’ 4. I do an office based job so I am sat down for most of the day, but I live in London and so I walk a lot everyday. I often find I wake up in the night with a dead leg or an arm that has gone to sleep and I can’t move - I need to physically lift it up to try and get some blood back into it. Could this be due to a magnesium deficiency? Thanks for all your invaluable advice in these podcasts - keep up the good work! Lisa


Cassi: Hi Dr. Cabral. I am trying desperately to heal my gut, but I feel like I keep taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. I did your Candida protocol about a year ago and felt fantastic for around 6 months. Then I wanted to continue to the healing so tried turmuric - I was so bloated for about 2 weeks it was awful. Once I got back to "normal" I tried drinking apple cider vinegar with water in the mornings and again my stomach got extremely exacerbated and I had to do a liquid diet for a day and restrict my diet to get back to normal. The same process repeated when I started taking probiotics (I didn't buy your brand but a well known quality one). Now I'm back to being very constipated, bloated, gassy and miserable after every meal again. I did see a NP and did a stool test, they said I had SIBO and for about 2 months took a digestive enzyme w/ meals and Biocin for 4 weeks. I felt like this did nothing whatsoever to help. Do you have any next steps recommendations? I am thinking about going strictly on youe sensitive food diet plan or a SIBO specific plan, but not sure if that's what I should try next. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Apr 21, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Chrystelle: Hi Stephen, I heard your podcast & I thought "finally! Someone that can help me!" I want to give you the full story (so you have all of the facts) but the short version so I don't write a story book. So here goes - I had a milk allergy as a child. I couldn't drink it without getting sick and sometimes leading to bronchitis. Milk was reintroduced back in my diet in my early years & I was told I had outgrown the allergy. I drank milk for another 20 years before realising it doesn't agree with me. It bloats and constipates me. And I was probably bloated for 20 years. I also had asthma and a child and plenty of medication to go along with it. I also took adhd medication at the age of 14 until o refused to keep taking it. Since then, I have taken the pill, I have had 3 Caesarean's, a d&c because of a missed miscarriage, a breast reduction & wisdom teeth removed surgically. So again, plenty of medication. Over two years ago I entered a body building competition. Where I reached about 8-10% body fat. I was eating more than most in the same position but I was also eating 175g of protein a day in every form, shakes, bars, meat, canned fish. I ate a lot more rubbish that I usually would. I was training up to 8 times a week. I started noticing plenty of digestive issues after the comp. I'm unsure if they were caused by the prep or if they came back as I introduced foods that I had cut out. To help, I cut out gluten, dairy and rice. It seemed to help but as time went on, I started to react to more and more foods. I would get bloated or more commonly headaches, pimples on my facd, get tired and change of mood. I tried cutting out all grains, sugar and starchy carbs. Doing this I lost weight & the boating and headaches stopped but then I became constipated and not much energy and not sleeping well. I have had inconsistent bowel movements for as long as I can remember. I have drank alcohol but very rarely these days & also look drugs as a teenager. Last year I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome by my gp. Determined to find out why (the doctors aren't much help) I did my own research and I thought I might have candida overgrowth. I tried the candida diet which did not help. I gained weight and felt awful and reacted to more foods. Wow as I write all of this down, I realise I have put my body through a lot! But I just want to feel good again. I would love consistent moods, energy & no more headaches and bloating. I hope you can help me figure out my dishes, heal my body and point me in the right direction. Kind Regards, Chrystelle

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral! My husband and I are healthy 27 year olds who want to try for a baby soon. Do you have any tips (aside from what you have given in previous podcasts of which I will check) on a healthy pregnancy? I’m doing the 14 day Cabral Detox before we try and wondered if that is a wise choice. In my mind, I’m removing toxins and preparing a healthy place for our baby to grow. I’m a petite 119 lb woman and I hope I can do the right things to strengthen myself in the process and eventually for giving birth. Is there a book you could recommend that tracks what to be mindful of each month to pursue an ideal health for my family and I? Thank you so much for all you do!

Melissa:Hi Team, I started day 1 of the 7-week detox today. I'm curious about sugar being listed as "other" ingredients. If the whole point is to reset liver and avoid sugary fruits to help lose weight, why is this an ingredient in the protein powder? Thank you, Mel

Jess: Hi dr Cabral, I can’t thank you enough for you’re generosity in sharing your wealth of knowledge! I heard you on Melissa ambrossini’s podcast and listen to you every day in the car! Was hoping you could shed some light on the topic of food addiction and practical ways to beat it? OR pyrolles, undermethylation and copper/zinc imbalance which I have recently been diagnosed with. Would love to hear your thoughts on how to overcome these imbalances as I know a major overhaul of my diet and lifestyle is necessary. Thanks again, Jess

Bill: Hi Dr Cabral, Long time listener, big fan of the show. What are your recommendations for supplements on your website to take if I can’t afford the candida protocol at this time? Thanks!

Robert: Dr. Cabral, First of all, I enjoy your podcast. I'd like to leave some general feedback about the podcast sound. Lately the podcast is only on the left channel, nothing from the right. I randomly choose an older podcast, and it didn't have this problem. So, please adjust your equipment so we can enjoy the podcast in both ears. Thank you.

Rosie: Hi Dr Cabral, I have been told I have an enlarged thyroid by my past few primary care physicians. Every year I end up taking a blood test to check my thyroid levels as well as an ultrasound to make sure there aren’t any growths. My tests always come back normal and I am always told just to continue to keep an eye on it. Is this something I should be concerned about or do some people just happen to have a larger than normal thyroid? I would like to find out what the root cause of this could be. I’m 36 years old and pretty healthy, no major health issues. I would appreciate any information/advice you could give me!

Kathryn: Hi Stephen, A friend turned me onto your podcasts and I've been listening to many episodes and then decided to do a search of every episode you mention SIBO and have been going through those. I've had ongoing digestive issues for 6 years now. At one point I couldn't eat anything without getting sick. I changed my diet to a whole food plant-based lifestyle (no animal product at all except for honey occasionally with my oatmeal) and that helped tremendously but I still have episodes about 1 time a week or so. I've done an ALCAT food sensitivity test and stay away from all foods that cause a severe or moderate reaction but still occasionally eat the mild reaction foods in very small quantities, those don't seem to be a problem. I've had a organic acids test done recommended by my naturopath which showed SIBO and candida overgrowth. That was a year ago, since I was training heavily for an Ironman we decided to go the route of fixing some of the other problems like nutrition deficiencies and thyroid problems. Right now I take a vitamin D supplement, Vitamin B12 complex liquid, I just started Iron, and I've been taking Saint John's wert and HPA adapt for over 6 months now. I am again heavy into ironman training with my race being a little less than 3 months away, April 28th. I'm still having symptoms almost once a week where I just feel like my body is not digesting the food and it just sits there until I become nauseous or I have diarrhea. through listening to your podcast I've heard you say over and over again to use the Candida and bacterial protocol and I'm considering it. Should I wait until after the Ironman since its a 12 week protocol and I have to eat certain foods during training to sustain my workouts? my workouts are about 4-6 hour bike rides and 2-4 hour runs on the weekend totaling about 12-17 hours of endurance training a week. Thank you for all your information you provide. I'll be bringing you up at my next appoint with my naturopath as she uses the same supplements you do. Thank You, Kathryn

Lauren: I have a question about my 60 year old mother. She has recently been diagnosed with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. They found a spot on her lungs and are telling her its emphysema. She has never smoked. She was around her Nana who was a smoker but that was when younger and only when they visited her weekly. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency is said to be a genetic disorder but I didn't know if its 'turned on' by inflammation. Is this something she can take care of with diet? She has had asthma for years, steroids and many breathing treatments multiple times a year. She also has been on depression pills for at least 25 years and fibromyalgia for 20 years. She also only has bowel movements a few times a week. She has the symptoms of parasites and candida (low appetite nauseous and high sugar cravings). I would like her to do the OAT test. Wondering what your suggestion is and what you know about Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. Thank you!

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Apr 20, 2018

Welcome back to the #FridayReview where we'll be taking a break from the product and research reviews to settle the "Ascorbic Acid vs. Vitamin C" debate...

I want to share with you both sides of the argument from a non-biased standpoint that will then allow you to have the knowledge to decide for yourself what to use (and when)...

Then, we'll be diving into our super-nutrient of the week breakdown! This week we'll be talking about "Vitamin P," which is one of the most overlooked #plantbased nutrients for removing free radicals from your body...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 805 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 19, 2018

Although I truly believe those working in the field have a huge advantage over those studying exercise physiology in a controlled lab environment, every once in awhile I come across some research that we can all agree upon...

Usually those studies revolve around foundational exercise programming that every human should be following...

I also believe that one of the reasons why people are getting injured more than ever or completely burning out their adrenals & thyroid (HPTA Axis) is because they've lost sight of what a balanced workout program looks like in the first place...

On today's #CabralConcept 804 I want to share with you a letter written by Harvard University on the 4 most important types of exercise you should be following for best results - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 18, 2018

Wouldn't it be great if we knew what foods were undeniably "bad" for our thyroid and metabolism and which foods actually benefited them?

Well the good news is we do ; )

Plus, we also now know the science behind why some foods block metabolic thyroid function while others preserve it and give it a boost...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 803 to find out the top 3 best and worst foods for your thyroid and metabolism (and why) - Enjoy the show!


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Apr 17, 2018

Today's topic is no doubt going to raise a few eyebrows, ruffle a few feathers, and have a few people seeing red, but...

I ask if that is your initial reaction without first hearing the research what is your allegiance to eating meat?

And, in today's podcast I'm not actually telling you not to eat any meat, but I do find it interesting when a research study with thousands of people in it provides some telling data why can't we listen first?

Remember, "I have no dog in the race" and my #1 and only priority is helping people (and myself & family) live the longest healthiest lives they can...

I think you'll find today's #CabralConcept 802 eye-opening when it comes to the mounting evidence against meat and protein consumption in general - Enjoy the show ; )

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Apr 16, 2018

I have to admit that at one point in my life I was searching deeply for the answers on how to remove this human condition we refer to as "suffering..."

At the time I was angry, unwell, my body was broken, and I had very little going for me...

What I was looking for was a magic pill, undiscovered path, or some other remedy that could transport anywhere, but here...

However, after taking time to study the world around me and dig into ancient philosophies dating back thousands of years I discovered a universal truth on how we can turn our trials in triumphs...

On today's #CabralConcept 801 I want to share with you why life is not supposed to be easy and why that's actually a good thing - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 15, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Courtnie: Hi my name is Courtnie and I was just wondering if there was any other detoxes you could recommend to me? I’m having a problem with my bloating and I would love more than anything to do your detox but unfortunately I just can not afford it anytime soon. So if there are any cheaper brands that could help me in the mean time, I would really appreciate any suggestions you may have! Thank you guys so much for your help and all of your hard work!

Maya: Hi Dr. Cabral, I love your podcast, and value your opinion and expertise very much. I was wondering what your thoughts are on gluten.. is it good or bad for our (gut) health? I’ve read so many conflicting studies and articles, and I just don’t know what to believe. I would love to know your thoughts. Thanks so much for all you do!

Ameliah:  Dr. Cabral I need help. I found you through the elite man podcast my significant other listens to. I love your podcast and I see a naturopathic doctor where I live. My health has been in a really bad place the past 2 years or so. This time last year I went to my Pcp for chronic chest pain and she told me it was my stomach. I tested positive for h. Pylori. Did a strict 2 week regimen of antibiotics twice a day and an ulcer preventive. Went back tested again it was negative. About a week later I woke up with the worst stomach ache of my life and chest was burning so I went back and they put me on a PPI. I took it everyday for 10 months. Knowing I didn't want to be on medicine I tried coming off by myself several times over the course of the 10 months. The Pcp had no intention of helping me get off the meds and actually increased my dosage after 6 months because I went back with the complaint of something feeling stuck in my throat. She diagnosed me with globous sensation and ordered me to get scoped by a GI. I was really scared and have been suffering panic attacks during this entire process and didn't want to see the GI. So the Pcp wouldn't refill my prescription for the PPI and actually dismissed me from the practice. That's when I found the naturopathic doctor this past December and followed her protocol for getting off PPIs. Since I went cold turkey off them I suffered intense symptoms that mainly resided in my throat. My throat felt so strained and made it hard to swallow. I lost 7lbs in 5 weeks from not being able to eat without discomfort. The naturopath put me on zinc carnosine and panplex 2 which has helped a lot. But since December she's only did Amma therapy and ordered a blood test. Her suspicion is leaky gut. But she seems extremely puzzled by my throat. I've eliminated all gluten and dairy the past 6 weeks as doing elimination diets I'm sure I'm sensitive too. I haven't ate meat for almost 2 years . My stomach doesn't hurt I pass normal bowel movements everyday that are very clean. My lymph nodes under my chin constantly feel swollen. My extremities tingle I'm always fatigued. My heart beat accelerates from walking so I haven't been able to work out for months which was a big part of my daily life. I feel lost,hopeless, and desperate. I'm a mother to a beautiful 4 year old and I can barely get through my days for myself. All I drink is tea,water,and fresh juices. I live off fruits vegetables and grains. I don't understand why I'm not healthy I'm 28 years old. Please help me.

Shawnna: I have been dealing with chronic yeast infections for over 8 yrs. I've tried to get rid of them myself, and many times I've broke down and taken fungal medications, only for it to return within 2 months. I have also been diagnosed with seborreheic dermatitis, which is frustrating by itself. I heard your podcast #725 on Candida overgrowth.. I loved it! I'm hoping I will finally be able to get rid of the yeast problems I have been dealing with and feel normal again. Can I go ahead and order the protocol without getting the organic acids test?

Christina: Dear Dr. Cabral, I live in Germany and I am a really big fan of yours, I listen to your podcast religiously. On episode 730 you answered a question that 1 to 1 translates to my situation. I was on a detox diet for 4 months and I haven't had a migraine ever since. I used to have them every week. My ND had me test everything except for adrenal hormones. During the diet I developed dry skin and and dry eye symptoms and it hasn't gotten better. I looked up fat absorption issues and I definitely have those so i am going to get an enzyme. If I do have adrenal fatigue what would I need to do to get better? Thanks a million!

Dan: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you so much for all that you do. You are truly changing the world. I am a 27-year-old male and former collegiate wrestler. I have recently become hypothyroid and have extremely low Testosterone. I have been working with a functional medicine doctor who has tested my blood for all deficiencies related to thyroid (Vitamin D, Selenium, Zinc etc.). I also had a CDSA 2.0 stool test, SIBO saliva test, and food sensitivities test. I am still waiting for my adrenal test results. Everything has come back completely normal except that I was slightly low on vitamin D so I immediately began supplementing. I also take a comprehensive multivitamin, fish oil, and curcumin. I have not done any type of hormone therapy yet and I would really like to avoid it if possible. I am desperate to find the root cause and I'm not sure what to do next. Please help. Thank you so much!

Mary: Hi Dr Cabral! About 4 years ago, I under went bariatric surgery. The procedure was successful and I lost 180 pounds. I plateaued about a year and a a half ago and have maintained my current weight of 180 lbs. As a result of the procedure, I have some quite a lot of excess skin. I've started the process of looking into plastic surgery to remove the skin. The procedure is costly and the doctors have advised me to be at a weight I am happy with before going through it. I wondering if there is way to know what an ideal weight would be for myself. I've always had a goal of being 160-150 lbs in mind but assumed due to the excess weight to my skin I may not be able to achieve that number unless its removed. Is there a way to figure out what an ideal weight would be for myself before I under go plastic surgery? And if so, which one of you test would you recommend running for me to jump start the process of trying to loose what I need to hit that number. I am 30 year old female, 5'7' and 180 lbs. I would consider myself pretty active. I walk 4 miles a day. I strength train three time a week and focus on cardio 2 times a week. I still monitor and mindful of my eating habits. Thank you in advance!


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Apr 14, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Lance: Hi Dr. Cabral, the more I pick your brain with these questions the deeper I research into whether your information is correct. This opens all sorts of doors! I have not been disappointed. My wife and I have the opportunity to expand our house and because of this, I get to recreate our yard. I am always looking to support my family's health/well-being as well as searching to minimize the cost of nutrition. I live in Central California and have plenty of great weather for planting and growing fruit/nut trees. My busy schedule does not allow me to garden but I could tend to trees. I have been asking people what type of trees they would plant. So my question to you is...if you lived in California, had limited space and was able to plant max 5 trees, which ones would you pick? Keep in mind, you would be using these trees for nutritional purposes.

Patrick: I started taking supplements to try and lower my blood sugar. I take others like HCL to help with digestion and even others for gut health or general wellness. Like many listeners, I find that I'm suddenly taking A LOT of supplements and keep hearing about new ones that would be beneficial. How do we know which to take long term, which to take short term and when to stop taking certain ones? Thanks!

Angela: Hi Dr. Cabral! First off, thank you for everything you do. Your advice and podcast lessons are priceless. My question is regarding my boyfriend's spine. In high school he played competitive hockey and endured 5 concussions and also broke his neck (the C4). Three years ago he was in a car accident and had suffered severe whiplash and another concussion. These injuries have taken place over the last decade and immediate treatment, such as physio did not happen. Over the last month he has changed his lifestyle by cutting out all alcohol and beginning to lift weights again. He instantly started to get severe dizziness, inability to focus his eyesight, intense head aches, as well as nausea and loose stool. He has since been diagnosed with Cervical Vertigo and he is starting his sessions with a chiropractor next week. He has a high stress job and also has a hard time relaxing the mind before bed and high anxiety to the point his heart rate speeds up and says that his pounding heart can turn painful. He has terrible posture and comments on his weak and painful lower back, and I have noticed considerable muscle mass decrease in his legs. I've been giving him Natural Calm before bed every night, trying to get him to cut down on caffeine, and from your description, he has a Vata body type. What are your recommendations on his healing journey in terms of rehab exercises or diet? He thinks he will be this way forever and I just want him to not be in pain or a stressful state all the time, and live a long healthy life. Thank you for your help!! Angela

May: Hi Dr. Cabral, Love your podcasts and thought I would take this opportunity to tell you to keep doing what you are doing. You are amazingly knowledgable and I appreciate your easy to apply tips and information and for that I am grateful. Without taking up too much of your time... I have had a dull pain in my upper left abdominal quadrant just under the lower rib. When I palpate under the rib, there is a mass that I can feel that is tender. I've had it checked with the physician a few times who states that it is muscular and has ordered a chest x-ray I'm thinking to ease my worry. Without having to go this route, could there be other reasons for the pain here? For some background, this dull pain initially started when I was pregnant with my son almost 6 years ago. When he was in my belly, he would "put his foot there" and I would gently nudge it aside. The pain has come and gone so I've left it to it being a muscular problem, but for the last 3 months, it hasn't gone away. I changed sides on the bed thinking it could be my sleeping position, I've stretched it over and over again and before it would subside. No change in appetite, or BM but the dull ache I've noticed is more prominent during my ovulation (day 1-12). Not sure of the pattern, or if it is hormonal (I'm 42). I'm regular, not on any pills and generally healthy otherwise. Blood work done recently with functional medicine practitioner who states that my liver could be compromised but nothing significant, more proactive in intervention (dandilion, milk thistle, etc) ... Any recommendations or suggestions I do welcome. Thank you.

Lily: I’ve been listening to Dr. Cabral’s podcasts recently due to a rash I’ve had around my mouth for about 10 months now. I’ve tried a lot of different things (vegan and gluten free diet, Doterra detox, medicated cream, etc.) and the only thing that’s worked is the cream. The problem is: as soon as I stop taking the cream for a few days, the rash begins to reappear. I know it must be unhealthy to use a medicated cream for as long as I have so I really want to find a way to heal the rash once and for all! From what I’ve gathered by listening to podcasts it sounds like I should do the Dr. Cabral detox, do a food sensitivity test, or both? I’m 24 years old and I’ve had a long history (It has been on and off since I was about 10 or so?) of eczema and other skin rashes such as my current one. I eat very clean and minimally processed foods. Please give me some advice on what you recommend.

Paula: Hi Dr. Cabral, I just got my hormone levels checked and they're all lower than those of most 90-year-olds (except cortisol, which is slightly lower than average). I'm 27. Slight hypothyroidism. Starting hormone replacement. I've also had a couple foot fractures this year (from minor things), and I'm worried I have osteopenia/porosis. Both of these issues are likely due to the eating disorder I had for several years. I also have acne, bloating, & foot fungus - so I'm trying candida cleanses, and am SURE I have leaky gut. I just ordered your HTMA & heavy metal detox kit (another test said my metals are high). Been eating a clean vegan diet mostly free of grains & foods I learned I'm sensitive to. Main questions: 1.) How REVERSIBLE are issues like osteoporosis & severely low hormones at age 27? (I'm worried my body is falling apart/permanently damaged.) 2.) WHAT CAN I EAT without causing more damage/food sensitivities? 3.) Is there any ORDER I should do all of these things, in order to best heal my body? PLEASE answer all you can - I know it will help others, and after gong to several practitioners that won't listen/don't get it, you're my main hope! THANK YOU for all you do.

David: Hello from Australia I really enjoy your podcast and gain plenty of useful information from it. Thank you very much. I have a health question which I am happy for you to share if you wish. I am 36 years old and have suffered from an eye condition called central serous retinopathy (CSR) for the past 12 months. Simply put, it is when a blood vessel bursts in the back of my retina and the fluid leaks into my retina causing blurred and dulled vision in that part of the eye. My eye is unable to drain the fluid faster than it enters my retina. It is incredibly hard to read and function as my sight has become so impaired. Each time I think it is improving it seems to happen again and I end up back at square one. I have had repeated attacks in both my left and right eyes. I have seen an eye specialist and he basically says only time can heal or I can have laser surgery to fuse the leak. Laser surgery means that I will lose that part of my sight forever but I am told that I shouldn't notice it. The other problem with laser surgery is that it doesn't stop the cause of my condition and there is nothing to say that the blood vessels in my retina won't burst again the next day and I am back where I started. The specialist tells me that the condition can be caused from high cortisol levels and is often linked to steroid use and stress. I have used a topical steroid for a contact dermatitis I used to have on my hands but I have cleared this dermatitis since switching to a mostly (90%) plant based diet and I have not used any topical steroids since October but my eyes don't seem to have improved. I have received no advice re nutrition or supplements or any other testing that I should have done or could do. Do you have any suggestions? Kind regards, David

Judy: When is the best time of day to take my vitamin D and vegan omega 3 supplements? And are they best on an empty stomach or with a meal?

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Apr 13, 2018

Today's #FridayReview is packed with some brand new product reviews and of course our "super-nutrient of the week" breakdown!

I begin today's show by inviting you in this final upcoming week to join us on the Life Harmony Detox Retreat outside of Boston MA in early May... it's going to be amazing!

Next up, I review the ingredients that make up "African Black Soap," which can be an incredible addition to any internal skin healing regimen...

Then, we'll be detailing a skin care product that is providing users with amazing results on reducing and eliminating marks and scars left from acne...

And last (but not least!), I'm bringing you one of my favorite forgotten gut healers that is almost never thought about when trying to repair digestive issues...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 798 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 12, 2018

It doesn't seem possible, but believe it or not, children as young as 8 years old are starting to succumb to adult dis-eases...

These include auto-immune issues, diabetes (formerly adult onset), cardiovascular, and now non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (what!)...

And if children are susceptible to these toxicities of the modern world just think about the accumulation that has happened by the time you get to be an adult...

Luckily, #FunctionalMedicine has provided us with a roadmap of how to uncover what is wrong with the individual and then go about rebalancing the body from the inside out...

On today's #CabralConcept 797 I want to share with you how to use exercise & detox methods to combat weight gain and liver issues associated with aging - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 11, 2018

If you're at a loss for how to get well, keep the weight off, or live longer the very first place I recommend looking into is your overall gut health...

And, you may very well be surprised to find that the majority of people who are struggling with some type of body, mind, or health issue have a degree of gut dysbiosis...

This means that their intestinal tract has some type of over growth of yeast or fungus (Candida) or bacterial overgrowth (SIBO, C. Diff, etc.), or both...

This can be lab tested and verified or you can listen to your body and your symptoms and choose to rebalance your gut without further Functional Medicine testing...

On today's #CabralConcept 796 I will lay out all your options, what your symptoms of dis-ease may feel like, and then how to finally get rid of candida and bacterial overgrowth for good - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 10, 2018

Over 20 years ago I made the promise to myself that if I ever figured out how to get well again I would share that message with the world...

250,000+ private client appointments later with 18 years of research, I can honestly say I believe what I've learned and put into practice works and it can help you too...

My wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging philosophy was shaped by a decade of feeling unwell, thousands of books read, studying under dozens of mentors, and interning in natural medicine clinics all over the world...

All of that led to an eye-opening revelation of what really works. And that comes down to healing the body at a deep foundational level where you are removing the toxicities and replacing the deficiencies all at once...

In my new book, The Rain Barrel Effect, I share with you exactly how I have helped thousands of people get well, lose the weight, and finally feel alive again even when they had given up hope...

It is my goal on today's #Cabral Concept 795 to pass along this much needed information and explain my specific protocol of how to take back control of your life and body - Enjoy the show!

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Apr 9, 2018

What was once a "woo-woo" metaphysical concept called "The Law of Expectation" is now being proven by quantum physics...

The problem is this powerful concept will most likely never be taught in schools and there's no way the media will be sharing this information with you...

But, if you can harness this scientific universal law you will begin to turn your life around or mold it into something even greater than it is right now!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 794 to discover the Law of Expectation and how to maker it work in your favor - enjoy the show!

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Apr 8, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Chelsea: Dear Dr Stephen, Hi there, I'm Chelsea and I'm currently a final year medical student at the University of Otago. Next year as our intern year we are required to spend 6 weeks at a clinic or a hospital of our choosing as apart of our course. I heard your podcast on the Melissa Ambrosini show and it really resonated with me. I am very interested to learn about the different healing modalities other than Western medicine and I believe that this make me a better a medical practitioner in the future. I see a lot of cases at the hospital where Western medicine is making people sicker instead better and I know there is another way. I would absolutely love to spend around 6 weeks with you and your clinic if that is possible. I am fascinated by everything you do at your clinic but particularly in the Ayurvedic medicine and how you treat people according to their body types. Please feel free to ask me any questions or concerns you have. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Warm Regards, Chelsea.


Leslie: Hello Stephen, I am someone who has been investigating and practicing health and wellness for many, many years. I am a composer who also uses sound and voice to support clients. (I coach voices for all occasions, from public speaking to personal health and therapeutic purposes.). As a coach and practitioner— and physical trainer (I have been a certified yoga teacher for over 15 years), I have been thinking about getting a certification as a coach for wellness— body/mind/spirit to integrate with voicework. Hearing you speak recently on a podcast, I resonate deeply with both your history and mindset. I thought I heard you share that you have a coaching program... I am curious if this is true? I am based in Spain until July, but may be spending time in Cambridge until for a month or so in August. I am not sure if you are in town then, but I would Love to meet you!!! Thank you, Leslie

Marcela: Hello I recently listened to your podcast abut Candida. I am so lost I have some of the symptoms you been describing and have had a numerous of blood works done with all of them showing inflammation and blood white count low, I get the bloating, joint and muscle aches brain fog and irritation. I am not sure where to begin. Is there a way for you to take a look at my blood work. Please help.

Gabrielle: Hi Dr Cabral! Thank you so much for all you do! I love your podcasts I have become some what addicted to all the information you share ! I have a few questions I hope that's not too much! I have a 7 year old daughter who was recently diagnosed with PANS her Mycoplasma was not active but showed higher numbers and she tested positive for only band41 for Lyme and often has cold sores. We have done stool tests blood work and an organic acid test. Acording to our bio med Dr she has a "small bacterial overgrowth" which he said we would deal with in the future??? She is currently on antibiotics now 65 days and I really don't want to continue her down this road. She also takes coq10 lysine 3thorne multis vit c Nordic nats omega 3 meltaonin for bed and digestive enzymes when eating protein. I really want to remove the antibiotics but it seems every time we remove them within 3 days her motor tics aggression sleep disturbances etc are back full force what should we do next ? Thank you again so much !!!

Melissa: Hi Stephen, I just listened to your podcast about candida and wanted to learn more information about it so... im here. :) I noticed online you sell a package that is onsale right now for candida and yeast kill off to get back to healthy stages... Is this going to help me get back to normal gut health in 3 months? I know you don't quite know my status of my gut... and neither do i quite frankly, but I do know its to the point now where almost every time i eat i am either in pain or really gasey/bloaty. I just really want to make sure if im investing into this package, it will help me. I am currently unemployed and feel helpless with my issues... all doctors (like you said) think i just have IBS... but i know its alot deeper than just that. Thanks for your time, Melissa


Melodie: Hello Stephen! The vessels inside my nose are extremely dilated. It causes me to bleed easily, especially when I get too much sun. They also are dilated outside which has me dealing with rosacea from time to time (I've managed to get rid of redness naturally). Plus, I have very dark circles (brown / purple) under my eyes. People say it's genetics (hello Portuguese genes) and there's nothing to do about it. But, I'm wondering if all of this isn't related. Also, in your previous shows, you said to look for gut issues. So my question is : could dark circles and dilated vessels in the face be related to digestive system issues? Muito obrigada! Melodie 

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am wondering if there are any imbalances that could be the cause and or any natural ways to help with premature ejaculation. It is a subject that people don't talk about and so it is rather an embarrassing question. However, I have just been so curious if there are any natural ways to improve this that you would know of. Thanks

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Apr 7, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Louise: Dr. Cabral. I am so very grateful to have found you. You and your team do outstanding work, from your clinical expertise, to your podcasts, to your excellently laid-out website and user-friendly instructions for treatment protocols. I am starting my 7-day detox and will continue on with your candida protocol. Here is my question: I tend to have soft, peeling fingernails that break easily. What do you think about collagen, silica, and biotin supplementation?

Ruchi: Hi, I am looking for children candida and bacterial overgrowth protocol for my son. My 6 year old son is suspected to have candida yeast overgrowth and based on reviews from other moms, I am hoping that your protocol will help him. I am based in Netherlands and may not be allowed products from US. Do you have any branch in Europe from where we can order? Please advice. Thank you. Kind regards, Ruchi

Andrea: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have struggled with constipation for years now, and after trying several protocols, elimination diets, x-rays, etc. I still can't figure out the root cause. My question is this: Can a tight hip flexor or abdominal muscle impair digestive function? When I palpate my lower left quadrant, it feels dense and ropey, and I can't tell if I am feeling a strained muscle or part of the sigmoid colon. Thanks so much for any help you can provide! I love your podcast. I've learned so much and continue to learn more each day.

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, thank you for answering my question on HSVII and the CBO protocol. I am early in my 2nd pregnancy and wondering if the high/full spectrum vitamin C, full spectrum magnesium and reishi powder are safe throughout pregnancy. I take your Orthomolecular/Innate Iron prenatal combo. If so, at what dosages? Also after a emergency cesarean first pregnancy I have contemplated a planned cesarean this go around (never thought I’d say that, as I wanted a natural birth) however I also have a fear of possible outbreak the time of birth. Any recommendations for delivery? OB wanted me on valtrex 2 weeks before delivery which I never took because my baby came a month early. Less important, but curious, if the virus can be eradicated why would arginine foods still sometimes trigger it?

Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral! Accounting to the Arginine / Lysine List on episode 273 someone with HSVII should also avoid blueberries? This is one of the foods that i have every day in my smoothie as one of your high recommendations. Pumpkin seeds are another healthy go-to I have a couple times a week and I even opt for the sprouted pumpkin seeds. Any suggestions?

Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral! I have a question linking the gut, SIBO and immunity. Stool tests have shown that I have ‘nil’ lactobacilli and bifidobacterium. I also have a leaky gut (lactulose recovery 1.5% and mannitol recovery 19.6%) and an immune deficiency (igG subset deficiency). My question is - how do I restore balance in my gut when I don’t seem to tolerate any probiotics due to relapsing SIBO (I’ve tried many). The only way I seem to keep SIBO in check is to stay on maintenance herbal protocols, prokinetics and strict(ish) diet. I know this isn’t helping to heal the gut though ....yet all my symptoms (eg stomach spasms, nausea etc) return when I try to broaden diet or introduce probiotics, fermented foods etc. It’s a vicious cycle. How would you suggest moving forward to heal the gut?

Andrew: Thank you so much for everything you do for us and humanity. You are an amazing soul. Quick question for you regarding a friend of mine. She bruises extremely easy all over and has pretty severe menstrual cycles. No birth control pretty healthy. I suggested she take the adrenal + hormone lab. She also was recently on acutain for acne until I was finally able to get her to question it enough to where she ended up stopping at less than a month of use. Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you!!


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Apr 6, 2018

The #FridayReview is here and I'm excited to share with you some new research showing that you can decrease your chance of dying from cardiovascular disease by over 30%!

Next up, I'm looking forward to re-introducing you to a book that I can't recommend enough on the fundamental (life) success principles that have stood the test of time...

And finally, this week's super-nutrient has been nicknamed "Vitamin H" for its ability to strengthen your hair, skin, and nails... but it does so much more!

For all the details please tune into today's #CabralConcept 791 - Enjoy the show!

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