
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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Now displaying: March, 2018
Mar 31, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Louis: Dr. Cabral, thank you for everything that you do. You are truly amazing. I have an issue and I am looking for some guidance. For the past 8 years I've been dealing with acne, and I can't get rid of it. I also was diagnosed with colitis when I was 10 but have for the most part gotten that under control. Now, my acne goes away when I'm on vacation, but it always comes back when I'm home. Here is the kicker though... I'm a functional medicine practitioner. I've ran half a dozen tests on myself. I've rebalanced my hormones, got rid of parasites, cleared infections and detoxed heavy metals (I had major mercury toxicity), and yet my acne still persists. I even got implants in my teeth that had root canals because doctor Mercola said that he had acne up until he was 40 and it didn't go away until he got his implants. Now, of course my skin has drastically improved over the years, but it is not clear. I am wondering what you would suggest? thank you, Louis

Sharon : I have started committing to the 12 hour overnight fast you have discussed in your podcasts. Is there a anything you can recommend to help the body with digestion and detoxifying overnight?

Jenn: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am a 33 year old female. I am wondering how to lower high prolactin levels? My levels are elevated slightly 35.7 ng/mL. My levels have been elevated for a few years but getting higher. I have hypothyroidism and am on medication (Synthroid). My menstrual cycles are very irregular and I have had bouts of major hair loss 3 times over the past 3 years. My LH and FSH were tested and normal (both 4.5 mIU/mL on day 2 of cycle). I am currently not trying to get pregnant but a bit worried for my future. I'd really like to find a natural approach to lower the prolactin level. Thank you! 

Christine: Hi, I'm a non-standard PCOS woman (no polyps but have insulin resistance). Currently I take 1500 mg Metformin for this (I do not have diabetes), Cabral's activated daily ( as well as additional mtheylated B complex, zinc, vit d 5,000, VIt C, chlorella/spirulina, curcumin, folate 400mcg) and eat a fairly healthy diet cooking my own food lots of veggies and quality meats. I did the 3mo healthy gut protocol and sealed my gut, ending last month. I exercise 5-6 days per wk (pilates, HIIT's, a 20 min "long run", walks, strength train 3x/wk, ab focus on TVA). I am lean (18-19% body fat), lean/toned, probably an ecto/mesomorph blend body type and in excellent physical condition. I'm 41 years olds (mitochondria test came back as 33yrs body age) trying to conceive my 3rd child but have been experiencing multiple chemical pregnancies and miscarriages. I suspect I have high cortisol and some other hormone imbalances as I am lean and toned everywhere but my belly and have steadily gained 7-8lbs over a 3 month period while making dietary changes to stop this. I have a pouch and slight love handles. What lab test (or other recomendations) do you suggest that I do in order to lean out my midsection and see if any imbalances are contributing to my pregnancy troubles. Thank you!


Craig: My 7 year old daughter has had swollen joints for about the past 2 years. Her doctor tested her for JRA and the blood test came back negative. The swelling is in her wrists and ankles, but usually one side at a time. It doesn't keep her from doing things like gymnastics, soccer, basketball, etc., but I also know that she has a very high pain tolerance. We are going to Children's hospital in Los Angeles today for an appointment with a specialist, but I really want to pursue a more natural approach if possible. What tests would you recommend running as a good starting point? Would one or some of the 'Big 5' be a good place to start? Thank you for your help, I don't want my baby-girl to be in any kind of pain.


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Mar 30, 2018

I hope you've had an amazing week! I'm looking forward to bringing you today's #FridayReview where I've recapped the week and can't wait to share with you some fun new information...

The first topic is a follow up from last month and is a brand new "eco-challenge" that I hope you'll join me in this April (Hint: it has to to with the 500 million straws used everyday in the US!)...

Next up, I'm looking forward to re-sharing with you a book that helps make sense of how certain nutrient deficiencies can lead to many mood related issues that a lot of people needlessly suffer from...

And finally, I'll be detailing the importance of our super-nutrient of the week that is essential for recovering from any type of stress, exercise, leaky gut issues, or illnesses...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 784 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 29, 2018

Can too much of a good thing suddenly become a very bad thing for your body, health & mind?

The research says is definitive and shows that unless you've built in unloading weeks, rest days, and a periodization based exercise model into your training it's only a matter of time before you break down...

The good news is that all of this is easily correctable if you know what to look for and how to assess how much your body can handle...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 783 to find out the 10 signs of over training and what you can do about it - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 28, 2018

Feeling bloated after a meal is not a new human phenomenon...

For thousands of years humans have been using natural “digestive aids” to improve digestion and help with poor food combining...

However, much of that ancient wisdom has been lost in this new age of acid blocking medications or over the counter antacids...

Today on the #CabralConcept 782 podcast I want to share with you some of these time-tested natural remedies to help improve digestion and decrease bloating with meals - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 27, 2018

The new buzz around "lectins" has certainly taken the nutrition industry by storm, but is it all hype or is there some truth to it?

The low-lectin diet asserts that it's the "sticky" proteins in most #plantbased foods that cause everything from intestinal discomfort to brain fog to leaky gut to auto-immune conditions...

The question is are we looking at the wrong enemy in terms of foods, or is there something deeper going on within the gut that may cause lectins to be an issue in the first place?

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 781 for an depth look at whether or not you should be following a low lectin diet!

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Mar 26, 2018

I believe the idea of "bucket lists" has begun to take a turn for the worse and is becoming synonymous with focusing on your mortality...

Instead, I believe creating a bucket list should actually be viewed more as a motivational tool for visualizing how much more life you have to live!

And as a result, I recommend that everyone construct multiple "buckets" for every stage of their life...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 780 to discover how to create the ultimate bucket list in order to begin to set the stage for the life you truly want to live - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 25, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Jessica: Dear Dr Cabral,

I have been listening to and learning from your podcast for quite awhile now and really enjoy it! I have a complicated health diagnosis right now that I was hoping you could weigh in on. We recently moved cross country and I need to find a new functional doctor. My last was excellent and after years of feeling ill and having odd symptoms she finally diagnosed me with Chronic Inflammatory reaponse Syndrome from mold toxicity. I had every positive test required for the diagnosis. I have MARCoNS in my sinuses at high levels which I am working on with a compounded colloidal silver spray and cholestyramine as well as GI detox. My thyroid is low functioning so I am on naturthroid. I had 4 children in seven years with hyperemesis gravidarum and no nutritional support so my labs all came back low and depleted for vitamins, minerals and electrolytes etc. Because the mold toxicity has gone on for so long my system is stressed on labs also. Everything from low adrenal function to low MsH levels and elevated liver enzymes, h.pylori, epstein barr and harmful gut bacteria. Progesterone is very low and estrogen a little low also. My inflammation levels are sky high and I take a ton of anti-inflammatory supplements just to function. I get horrible sinus pain and headaches and my body swells and retains water when the inflammation is higher. Regardless of taking large doses of functional brand magnesium and ionic magnesium as well as mineral salt soaks, I still maintain very low magnesium levels. Side effects of all these issues are random fevers, chronic constipation, brain fog and chronic fatigue levels as well as the inability to sleep well. The worst part is the horrible horrible mood swings, panic attacks, terror, ocd thinking cycles and nightmares. I did not have these before I became ill and my doctor was positive it was from the mold and inflammation. I take large amounts of turmeric, phenibut, and cbd oil. Sometimes it switches off like a light and I regain emotional balance and other times I stay that way for a long time. I have a family to care for and I cannot seem to turn this around. I eat low glycemic, no sugar, no dairy, low grains with lots of green vegetables. Id love to do the Dr. Cabral detox because my doctor said one of my issues is being unable to clear things from my system but I am allergic to stevia and dandelion both pretty severely so I have no idea how to go about throroughly detoxing. I can have monk fruit so I was put on Paradise Herbs greens powder to help support my system. I have a huge basket of top quality functional supplements that I take daily and still feel unable to do life. I also have about 20 lbs to lose and cannot seem to budge the weight no matter what I do. Thank you Dr. Cabral. All of my best to you and your family.



Elizabeth: Hi Dr Cabral, I noticed while on the Berkey filter website they have a product called WAVEEX for protection from mobile phone radiation and another product called Zeolite for removing heavy metals and body toxins. I was quite intrigued by these and wondered if you could share your thoughts on them? Thank you for one of (if not the best) health podcasts out there! 

Donna: Dear Dr. Cabral,

I am a 51 year old female and I don't think my body is properly absorbing water. In May 2017 I did the 7 day detox, June-Aug. the 90 day Gut protocol followed by your probiotic / healthy gut support. I eat a clean primal diet ( fruit, veg., nuts, seeds, good sourced meat, free range chicken/ / eggs), exercise with resistence 3-4 times a week.

I take pharmaceutical grade fish oil, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, butter from grass fed cows, Vit. D drops, Pure vit. C powder, have been one month now on your daily support shake and fruit / veggie powder.

I weigh 128, 5'6" and drink an average of 70 oz. of water daily from a Berkey.

My skin is dry and even through the night my throat gets dry and I have to drink some water. When I raise my arms above my head and pinch the skin around my left breast, the skin collapses together before going back to normal.

What might be blocking my body from proper water absorption?

Also, when I do Core Twist I actually hear a sound when I inhale / exhale out of my mouth. It sounds echoey as what I would imagine someone might kind of sound like with wheezing, but I'm not wheezing.

I haven't felt out of breath or had any restriction to breathing but it's as if there is something not clear in my lungs or chest? I have noticed this off and on for about two years and never hear it with cardio, resistance training, only core twists.

A recent Thermography scan suggests there is thermal asymmetry in the left ethmoid sinus consistent with sinus dysfunction. Midline hyperthermia in the lower anterior neck suggestive of possible thyroid dysfunction, inflammation of both carotid arteries. And scattered muscular / myofascial hyperthermia throughout the upper back and periodontal inflammation in which a few months ago I had a root canal right before hearing a pod cast that you would have recommended against doing!

What are your thoughts?

Thank You So Much!


"In It To Win It"


Michelle: Hi Dr. Cabral,

Im obsessed with all of your podcasts and the information available to us from you!! Thank you. I ve searched through your archives and cant seem to find anything about oxygen therapy.

2 questions... What are your thoughts on HBOT with regards to autism and when to implement the therapy if at all.

Question 2, one of my biomedical facebook groups has really been into ozone water therapy. Im trying to do research and it doesn't have too much online in regards to safety, and how long to implement. I would really love to hear your opinion on drinking ozone water. (they say it gets rid of bacteria and h pylori in the gut)

Thank you for your thoughts!


Jessica: Hi, I live in Australia and I am currently undergoing an intensive gut healing protocol. I was wondering if Dr Stephen Cabral offers one off skype consults? I was wanting to check in and get a second opinion on the protocol I am currently following and what other tools I could be implementing. I have blasto, very low bacteroides, heavy metals and mould issues.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Kind regards, Jessica


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Mar 24, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions:

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, thanks so much for continuing to produce such helpful information and insight to healing and optimizing health. I listen to your podcast daily and have shared various episodes with family members whom I believe would benefit. My question is about GI health--I've been working with my naturopathic doctor to heal mild gut inflammation I began experiencing around this past Christmas. In addition, I've also been working with diet and supplementation (digestive enzymes, probiotic, aloe vera after meals to soothe gut, etc) to address improved gut motility to eliminate constipation and now have improved bowel regularity and volume (BM at least 1-2 times per day, Bristol scale type 3 or 4). This week I had an ultrasound with my OB/GYN to rule out concerns I had with pelvic pain; while the ultrasound was negative for gynocological concerns, the tech reported that the imaging process was made more difficult due to an "overabundance of stool". I'm confused about why I am otherwise not feeling constipated and having productive BM's--is it possible that my gut motility is adequate but I'm somehow not emptying my bowels completely or have buildup in my large intestine? Most every BM feels "complete". I look forward to your response and appreciate your time!

Michael: I enjoy your podcast very much. I found out about you from the Food Heals podcast. I live in Ann Arbor, MI, and so far could not find an FIR Detox Sauna based on your recommendations. Before I buy anything, I'd like to try it with medical supervision. Could you help with some suggestions? Thanks.

Jessica: Hi, I heard Dr Cabral on the Melissa Ambrosini podcast. Dr Cabral was inspiring to say the least. I'll get straight to the point. My father in law has recently been diagnosed with ALS. Is this something you can help with at your studio? We have confirmation from the neurologist, we have just been to see a naturopath and she is running some tests (to name a few: Hair trace mineral analysis, Magnesium serum levels, Zinc status test). From the podcast you seemed like the kind (only) person who could help. The MD doctors here just gave the diagnosis and said 'Go write your bucket list and live your best life for the next 2-5 years' WTF! After some research I have come to realise ALS is not some mystery disease but like all 'disease' just the body telling us that these are toxic things in there affecting our system. We are in Australia, willing to travel! Can you help or lead us in the right direction? Jess

Bruno: Hi Dr Cabral, huge fan from Europe. I would love to do the food sensitivity test, but I saw that you don't ship to my country. Any recommendations on tests to do here. Can't seem to find anything similar here. Cheers! Bruno

Katie: Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, since learning about your podcast I feel I finally have information I can trust for my daily questions about health and wellness - I credit my current quality of life to you because I now know dairy, gluten & egg are sensivities for me and taking those foods out has helped me more than I could ever have enjoyed those foods - truly life changing. My question is about Juice Plus - I have been taking the orchard and vineyard blend capsules for a little over a year and because last year was my best year yet I am scared to stop taking them BUT would really like to know what you think. I stopped taking their daily complete shake because it contains pumpkin (one of my other food sensitivities) and switched to the equilibrium daily support shake. I now take my fruit and veggie juice plus capsules in the morning with my lime water with the hope they are comparable with the juiced powder you talk about all the time. Can’t wait to hear what you think - sure appreciate your thoughts and expertise!

Jeff: Hi Dr. Cabral, I’m writing on behalf of my wife, Amanda. She has currently been nursing our daughter for 6 months. She has gotten several clogged ducts which resulted in Mastitis at least 3 times already. She has been prescribed Keflex for the infection each time but we are not crazy about the idea of taking that many rounds of antibiotics. She would like to stop breastfeeding seeing as she’s back to work and has had several complications with going several hours without nursing or pumping. Unfortunately, the typical advice is “skip feedings and pump less” but she seems to have an oversupply and that method just results in more clogged ducts. She has tried several natural remedies, I.e. cabbage leaves, sage/peppermint teas. We are now worried it may be an issue with her prolactin levels. Her OBGYN Just today suggested a prolactin inhibitor. She has reduced the number of feeding/pumping sessions but her milk supply remains the same. If you have any tips or advice we would greatly appreciate it. We are huge fans of the podcast and your advice is rapidly changing our nutritional and exercise habits. Thank you for everything you do!


Chris: Hello, I am inquiring about the approximate wait time for acceptance of the "private concierge consulting" for a new client. I am writing on behalf of my brother who is overweight, has back problems so severe he now walks with a cane at 49 yrs old. We are desperate to help him before he falls to becomes so debilitated he has to be in a wheelchair. Thank you, Chris


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Mar 23, 2018

One of the major issues with our current healthcare system is the fact that we don't consider people "unwell" unless they have a gross abnormality on their blood work labs...

However, waiting until people are sick we are negligently allowing people to walk around with nutrient deficiencies (that blood work can't pick up) and toxicities, which later cause the dis-eases we're trying to prevent in the first place...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 777 for more details on that topic as well as some ground breaking research on a 3x5-minute workout and our super-nutrient of the week discussion - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 22, 2018

It's not that shorter workouts are just easier to fit into your day or keep consistent with, but it's the fact that they are actually better for you that's changing the game...

Exercise physiologists, personal trainers, and strength coaches have come to better understand how the human body functions under stress (exercise) and how it recovers...

With this new knowledge more advanced workout programs are being created that not only are quicker to complete than ever before, but they actually get you better results!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 776 to discover why shorter workouts are the future of fitness and how to implement them in your own life - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 21, 2018

We tend to look at disease as something that's out of our control and that it just happens to us...

Conventional medicine and the media has brainwashed us into thinking it's simply "bad genetics," or a normal process of aging...

However, none of that is true and holds very little weight when you begin to understand the "pathology" of dis-ease in the body and why we become sick or overweight unintentially...

And, the great news is that all these poor health conditions are reversible, as long as we begin to uncover the underlying imbalances that created the environment within our body that allowed for the expression of these symptoms in the first place!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept #775 to learn the 7 contributing factors that create poor health and what you can do about it - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 20, 2018

Last week I detailed what you should request for your annual blood work (and why), and I still stand by the importance of running those labs, but...

Running just blood work will never catch everything...

For example, it's near impossible to figure out gut dysfunction (GI issues), allergies, heavy metals, cortisol, and other hidden imbalances through your blood work alone...

This is why Functional Medicine lab testing has become so popular over the last decade...

It is the ONLY way to figure out what the underlying root causes are to the wellness, weight loss, or anti-aging issues you may be facing...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 774 to learn why running just your blood work is never enough and what other labs you may want to look into based on your conditions - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 19, 2018

Have you ever found yourself in a downward cycle where everything seems to be going the wrong way...

During these times it's easy to play the role of the victim and complain about our current circumstances...

We've all been there and we certainly feel justified in our complaints since after all we've got a lot worth complaining about!

However, in the long-run this cycle of complaining actually hurts far more than it could ever benefit us...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 773 to discover how to make the choice to never complain again - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 18, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Dalila: Hello, Could you kindly tell me, weither you deliver to England, UK. I am very interested in doing your wellness and food sensitivity test! If not, would you be able to recommend anywhere in the south of England that may practice something similar to what you do. This would be of great help. I love listening to the podcast, very informative. Thank you for your time. Kind Regards, Dalila

Aaron: Hi Stephen, thanks for the podcast. I have been struggling with gynecomastia caused by low testosterone. Everywhere I look online seems to say that since it is not weight based there is not much to do. I also do not want to begin taking testosterone. Thanks

Tenille: Greetings from Hobart, Australia Dr Cabral! I really appreciate your podcasts, the wisdom you share & am really hoping you can provide some guidance for my own health issues. I ordered various tests last year and now have a clear picture of what I'm dealing with. I'm seeing a local Dr (integrative medicine specialist); her knowledge is amazing, but admits she's honestly not 100% sure of an exact diet plan to suggest for all of my symptoms (aside from a cup of organic bone broth 3 times/day to repair stomach lining/heal gut, no fruit, no starchy veggies, 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar daily, only eat soluble fibre (ie: soaked psyllium), no coffee, no yeast products or gluten, etc), which I find extremely difficult to navigate & follow as it's bland, unappealing & I honestly haven't been able to stick to it :-(

I recently listened to your podcast via Melissa Ambrosini's show & believe you may be the person who can help :-)

Here are the results of various blood tests, colonoscopy/endoscopy & complete stool test:

- no h.pylori or parasites detected

- Aerobes: Overgrowth of streptococcus gallolyticus (formerly called strep. Bovis); thankfully colonoscopy detected no bowel cancer, nor polyps. Normally streptococcus level allowed is <5%; I have 58.33%.

E.coli undergrowth; level is 41% (should be 70-90% range)

Anaerobes: bacterioids low - only 39.5% & only 3 species detected.

-severely lactose intolerant

- GORD/erosion of oesophagus/experiencing frequent reflux/heartburn

- high level of candida overgrowth

- zinc level is 10.4 (low considered 11.5 on Australian scale & 23 considered high)

- copper toxicity found: Australian scale states 8 is low & 21 is highest margin. I'm 38.4 (extremely high)

- low bile production level

- oestrogen dominance

- not breaking down fats properly

- leaky gut / malabsorption of vitamins & minerals

- luckily all thyroid levels were within normal ranges

I have also gained 20kg in 2 years. I have been on the contraceptive pill for 23 years now (tried to stop it on 6 occasions only to have severe acne breakouts).

- experiencing very low energy, fatigue, brain fog, gurgling stomach, etc.

I dearly want to fix my gut, absorb all the vitamins & minerals naturally from veggies, fruit & meat, and then finally; stop taking the pill. I've spent over $3,000 on testing, hospital visits, supplements & Drs appts in the past 4 months. I've also completed the OAT test, but can't afford to return my Dr just yet for the results, as her visits are so expensive and I'm trying to renovate my home on the top of everything else.

I imagine your CBO protocol is probably my next best step, but is it possible to purchase a shopping list or a nutritional guide (eg: month 1 of the protocol) separately, then the other 2 months in due course? I'm trying to find the most economical solution as it has been an expensive road getting to this point & stressing me out like crazy!!

I've been prescribed in the past months the following:

- 1 mth of Nexium (1 tab daily) for GORD. Reflux has returned nightly since stopping it.

- 2 mth course of Nilstatin to combat candida overgrowth

- high strength vitamin c daily

- co-enzyme Q10 daily for fatigue

- Uflora Intensive (1 daily) made by Metagenics

- Acitvated Vit. B6 (1 daily)

- Acticated Vit B (B12, etc) 1 daily

- zinc citrate (30mg/day zinc equivalent) - 1 daily (to help pull out copper slowly)

I was also prescribed 2 x 2 week courses of Erythromycin initially to try & kill off the strep. Gallolyticus

(Eg, 2 wks of antibiotic, then 2 wks Uflora intensive to try to rebuild gut flora, then 2wks antibiotic/ then continue to take Uflora.

I know this is a long message, but I wanted you to have a clear picture of where I'm at. I'm doing all I can to be proactive in learning, researching & funding better health for my body, but I really need some expert advice to put me on the right track moving forward.

With deepest gratitude, Tenille

Dee: Hi Dr Cabral, We recently purchased a Therasage personal sauna on your recommendation. We love it! I’m wondering if there is a guide as to how long you should stay in the sauna and also at what temperature? I’ve googled it, but there are many differing opinions. I remember one of your podcasts said just 20 minutes is beneficial, but we don’t even start sweating until after 15-20 minutes at 140 degrees. Thanks for any info you may have on the subject.

Jennifer: Hello, Jenn here. I listen to your podcasts during my commute to work on a daily basis and enjoy learning. i am very interested in health and wellness and am hoping to transition into that arena in the future. I am going to order a few of your tests that I think would be right for me and see where I am. Currently I have no major issues, that I am aware of. I am 43, 3 year plant based with minimal processed food and sugar. I occasional drink. I get my B12 and Vit D checked often and taken both supplements. I think the hormone test might me best for me, thoughts?? I just want to be my best self and improve anyway I can.

I also want to schedule an appointment with you or your staff for my husband, Matt. Not sure what my options are and pricing. He is 40, 3 year plant based as well. We both train for 70.3 triathlons. We believe he has some sensitivity to gluten, do to his congestion when drinking beer. Whenever he trains consistently for a few months he ALWAYS gets sick. He has constant sinus, mucus stuff going on. He got the sinus surgery and did not help. We tried gluten free for 3 months and seemed to help only minutely. This has been going on for over 10 years, even before we has plant based. He too takes B12 and Vit D. It makes him depressed and discouraged to workout and train when he always gets sick and it sets him back. We would love to figure this out. Thanks, Jennifer

Tila: Hello Dr. Cabral, I'm trying to make this as short as possible. Since I was a baby I had multiple ear infections (which meant rounds of antibiotics) and because of that I had tonsillectomy when I was only 2 years old. I got my first food allergies and sensitivities when I was around 5 and had always stomach issues when growing up. In my teens I was sick all the time, I had low fever almost daily, stomach issues (which I thought were normal) and multiple sinus infections (more antibiotics).

I kind of just got used to feeling tired all the time and having my stomach issues. Fast forwarding to my College years. I got super busy, like most of us. I did college year faster than others which meant long days and weekends studying. I was also in long distance relationship which brought more stress in my because of 10 hour time difference. I think I finally hit my limit. One day, out of nowhere I got really serious allergic reaction from peanuts (anaphylactic shock), I ended up going to hospital for a day. MD's did one good thing, they sent me to do more food allergy testing. I had so many food allergies and sensitivities it was crazy! No wonder my stomach had been hurting for years.

I got some diet help from a professional, I removed all the foods that caused trouble for me and I started to follow SCD Diet. It helped so much. Year later I moved to United States. I had lof of time to study about nutrition and I got really into plant based diet. However, I was also emotionally stressed because of being far away from my family and I started to eat more sugar than ever again. In couple years, my stomach issues were back.

This year I went back following SCD diet. It's hard because I would love to eat mostly plant based diet, but it seems like my stomach has hard time to handle certain carbs and sugars. I wonder if my gut bacteria is still unbalanced or if I have parasites/candida? What would you recommend to do? I would really love to feel energized and live my life without my stomach issues. Especially, because like you, I would love to help people with their health issues in the future, but I don't feel super confident, because I can't even fix my own issues. Thank you so much!


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Mar 17, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track! 

Check out today's questions:

Ruben: Hello Dr. Cabral, First of all THANK YOU for putting in the time to put out the podcast on a regular basis. I wasn't sure what address to reach out with my question, so I figured I would start with this one. The question is actually for my wife. She had a annual exam yesterday and the Cholesterol test came back high. The doctor prescribed her a low dose Statin. My wife has been really sad since then because she really watches what she eats and is active.

here is a brief overview:

Height: 5'8

Weight: 134 lbs

Age: 38

- Does not eat beef/pork

- Eats chicken ( once a week)

- eats fish ( once a week)

- drinks a green drink 98% of the time, daily ( spinach, banana, apple, ginger, tumeric, spirulina, water)

- when she doesn't pull her back ( she has few back issues), she works out about 4 times a week.

- workouts consist: 10 minutes cardio fast pace, 20-30 minutes strength and conditioning.

- Prior to the blood test she hasn't really worked out for about 2 weeks

here are the numbers ( fasted test)

Chol: 280

Trigly: 173

HDL: 51

Chol/HDL rate: 5.49

LDL: 194

Non HDL Chol : 229

Rest of the numbers look good.

She has a history of high cholesterol even though she doesn't eat bad at all

2012 : Chol 169 | Tri 62 | HDL 40 | Ratio: 4.23 | LDL 117

2015: Chol 246 | Tri 139 | HDL 46 | Ratio: 5.35 | LDL 172

2017: Chol 226 | Tri 186 | HDL 47 | Ratio: 4.81 | LDL 142

2018: Chol 280 | Tri 173 | HDL 51 | Ratio: 5.49 | LDL 194

She does not want to start taking a statin but she really feels defeated, so I am reaching out to see if there are any other tests that she could do to make sure there aren't other things that are actually causing the high cholesterol. Also, if she can do any of your protocols or any of the daily support products.

Any info that could give us some hope or something to try in the near future would be really really appreciated! Kind Regards, Ruben

Breanna: Hi Dr. Cabral. Thank you so much for providing us with such amazing content, and inspiring many to live happier, healthier and happier lifestyles. I listen to your podcast daily and have providing me with the knowledge I've always wanted to know growing up. I have a little story for you. For as long as I can remember I would be in excruciating pain 24/7, especially in the morning. I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance as a baby, but it wasn't until I was 11 years old that the doctors diagnosed me with Celiac Disease... then depression, then anxiety, then acid reflux, then anemia... my symptoms never went away, my intestines never fully recuperated and I was taking 5 different pills daily at 12 years old, despite eliminating gluten. I stopped taking all medication a year ago because I was fed up and I am now 18. Through your podcast I now realize why all these extra symptoms occurred and how they were going against me.. the health system failed me. My intestines still aren't fully recuperated but this isn't part of my question. I just believe my health background may play a part in my current situation. I was always super active growing up as I was a competitive dancer. A year ago I decided to start going to the gym and got approached by a coach who offered her services to help prepare me for a bodybuilding competition. I did my first competition in april and won 2nd place. That diet wasn't bad and didn't have to do too much cardio as I was only 17 and she didn't want anything bad to happen. 3 months later I started prepping for my second show, at 18 years old. My "diet" lasted 12 weeks. She started me off at 1800 calories, lowered weekly and by the end I struggled to loose weight. For the last 4 weeks I was doing 2 hours of cardio + 1 hour weight training, and my diet composed of 5 chicken breasts and 2 tbsp ground flaxseed (+ 1/4 cup oats ONCE a week on leg day, and cut out those carbs 2 weeks out). How did I survive? Barely. I realize that this is extremely unhealthy, but I was too far in to give up. I had 0 days off the gym in 4 months. Also, I was extremely constipated. There was a period where I went 4 weeks only pooping 3 times and had to use diuretics each time to force myself to go!!! I started taking probiotics as another coach had told me this helped her use the bathroom, and it did for a while. My body toxicity was so high. She also advised me to use "estro control" to help get rid of that toxicity and loose my last pounds on my legs. I won first place by the way :). But here is my question.. what exactly did I do to my body? And what could I do differently next time? From listening to your podcasts, (especially your low carb diet ones), I realize I lowered my metabolism dramatically, lowered my thyroid, increased cortisol, burned a lot of muscle and increases levels of disease from purely eating chicken. To put in perspective, I'm 18, 5ft, mesomorph body type, was 95 pounds before going to the gym, gained a lot of muscle and started my diet at 112 lbs but cut down to 98 lbs for my competition. To reverse diet, she advised me to eat 200g carbs, 100g protein and 45g fat, and 0 cardio.I had very minimal "cheats", meaning I only eat whole clean foods such as sweet potato, rice, berries, gluten free oats, veggies, protein powder, eggs, chicken, extra lean ground turkey, rarely red meat, nuts, peanut butter and coconut oil (literally all I eat). Following this diet I am 5 weeks post show and 120 lbs!!! I went from being 10% body fat to having the most fat on my body I've ever had. So what do I do now? Do I just follow this new diet and wait for my metabolism to reset? I know that lowering my calories and doing cardio is only going to hurt me more in the long run (metabolism, thyroid, cortisol)... so I'm just confused and extremely unhappy. On top of that, I haven't gotten my period in months (and no I'm not pregnant). I now go to the gym 5 times a week to weight train and I take multivitamins, omega 3, potassium, digestive enzymes and probiotic5, but no more estro control... should I still be taking these supplements? I have recently started implementing your morning routine (water, yoga, smoothie) and definitely feeling better, but not looking better. Can you help me? I'm sooooo lost. And I know you are the best of the best, and the only person I would trust answering this properly, as you always look at all perspectives.

Amanda: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have been listening to your show for over a year and absolutely love it. I receive more knowledge from you to help my clients than most other sources.

My question is about a current private client I am working with.

She is about 65, has had 2 heart attacks in the last 8 years (the last one about 2 years ago) and she is on about 12 different medicines (metformin, wellbutrin, Spironolactone, Zetia, *Metoprolol ER, *Crestor, *Aspirin, Cymbalta, Levothyroxine, Plavix, Avapro) progesterona along with 2 topical hormones estrogen and testosterone.

My question is, what would be your order of operations for this client. She is open and ready to change her diet and lifestyle and ideally, one day she would love to not be taking any medications or the least amount possible.

I've got her on your daily support shake and doing berry smoothies daily. We are working on increasing her stomach acid and next I would like to help her get rid of heavy metals (is there something you recommend for this that won't interfere with her medications?)

She is on so many medications and I can see that they are crossing to cause many of her symptoms, I also want to be sure to take things really slow and respect her doctor decisions (although she has tried to come off medications many times and they almost always resist her requests).

Any advice would be great, thanks for all that you do


Judy: Hi Dr. Cabral! I just finished your podcast (713) on body types and Inhave a follow up question. I am currently on week 2 of your detox and I have suffered for over a decade with adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism. Therefore, I have metabolism issues that I didn’t always have at a young age. When determining my body type, should I consider my current state or when I aas a kid with no health issues?

Judy: Hi Dr. Cabral, In your podcasts, you mentioned the importance of a cheat meal once a week for grehlin and leptin levels. I have a hard time resisting cravings once I cheat. I am on week 2 of your detox and no linger crave all the bad foods. I worry I will go downhill again once I allow myself the bad foods. What do you recommend I do to prevent a relapse? Are the better cheat foods to stick with that still address grehlin and leptin and avoid a relapse? What about portion sizes for cheat meals?


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Mar 16, 2018

Today I'm bringing you a special episode of the #FridayReview where I'm dedicating all 3 topics to helping you to de-stress, unwind, and enjoy more restorative sleep!

First, I want to share with you some research on how understanding your daily work/sleep rhythms allow for another 5-7 years of a longer life span...

Next, I have 2 fun apps for you to download (for free) that enable you to eliminate the blue light from your electronic devices enabling you to lower cortisol in the evening...

And finally, I want to bring you my "super-nutrient of the week," which is dedicated to an herb that has been prized in Ayurvedic Medicine for over 3,000 years as a "destroyer of stress..."

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 770 for all the details - Enjoy the show and let me know what you thought!

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Mar 15, 2018

I'm a big fan of not always stressing yourself out with the "micro" or the details of designing a workout program...

I'd rather have you start to move your body, have some fun doing it, and enjoy all the mental and physical benefits that come with exercise...

However, at some point you may want to take your workouts to the next level and when that time comes one of the best ways to do that is by listening to your body as to how hard you can push it...

Everyone is different, which is why using a heart rate monitor can be a simple, but HIGHLY effective way to burn more fat, boost your metabolism, and keep your workouts safe at the same time...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 769 where I share with you the "sweet science" of heart rate training and exactly how to integrate it into your workouts - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 14, 2018

I'm excited to bring you an in depth interview with one of the leading experts on "Intermittent Fasting!"

Intermittent fasting (IF) is easily one of the hottest topics trending in the fitness & nutrition field right now...

The problem is that there is so much misinformation out there, as well as conflicting reports on how to properly complete a fast...

To put an end to the confusion, during my conversation with my guest expert, Thomas DeLauer, we get deep into the benefits of intermittent fasting, how long you should be fasting, and an easy way to begin to implement this into your life...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 768 for the details on how to get all the benefits & results of Intermittent Fasting without having to suffer the food cravings or typical drawbacks - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 13, 2018

Running your blood work every 6-12 months should be mandatory in order to "catch" serious health issues quickly...

The problem is that not all MDs or PCPs will run all the lab tests you should be looking at...

For example, most MDs will run your cholesterol, but they overlook homocysteine and CRP, which when all elevated can spell serious trouble for inflammatory heart disease...

Of course, all of these dis-eases are correctable, but you do need to know what you're dealing with in the first place...

So, on today's #CabralConcept 767 I want to share with you what to ask for (and why) when running your annual blood work - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 12, 2018

Many people think happiness is elusive and that it's not something they could possibly achieve for any sustainable amount of time...

I used to feel this same way until I began to use a simple system that all begins with realizing when you are at your best and feeling great...

What I've found now is that life isn't supposed to be perfect all the time, but I believe we can feel happy the majority of the time if we first know what happiness looks like to us...

Today, on #CabralConcept 766 I want share with you the mental exercise I use in my private practice to demonstrate how you can make yourself happy on daily basis in a very practical way - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 11, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!

Viviane: Love your podcast, have learned so much. ok, straight to the point. My hands get numb at night , both hands, and wake me up several times during the night. Started a long time ago with the left hand , but now are both. Dr. said I had a very light case of carpal tunnel 5 years a go, gave me shots and for a couple years , it was fine. Came back and much worse. went again to DR, did nerve tests and same diagnosis. Got the shots again , which did ABSOLUTELY nothing this time, but made my hands very much uncpable for a couple days. I get numb even sleeping with braces they prescribed. My hands feel sore and hurtful , tender all day from the numbness at night. it is not the position i sleep in....please give me some light. Thank you so much.

Joey: Dr. Cabral I am a 39 year old male that’s an ex athlete that still works out everyday. My diet is really good and have been fasting between 12-16 hours a day for about a two years. The last three years I have been spending time coaching basketball in Eastern Europe in China(4 months). For the past year, I have been having serious lower throat pain that comes and goes usually lasting for weeks. Also while having this pain I get other symptoms such as blurred vision(especially bad in left eye), fatigue, lightheaded when standing up, dizziness, numbness in hands and feet(like they have falling asleep) and just overall really jittery and anxious. Doctor, I just feel off like everyone is moving around me in fast motion. It’s really frustrated because nobody can seem to figure out what’s wrong with me. Anything you can do would be appreciated. Thank you Joey

Sue: Hi Dr. Cabral, Before Christmas I was under a lot of stress at work. We took a family trip after the holiday and on the first night I woke up and half of my face was paralyzed. The next day I phoned my dr. who prescribed predinisone and antiviral medicines which I took but I've seen no improvement. My dr says I have bells palsy. Can you please help me to understand why this may have happened and how I can begin to heal my body from the inside out? its been 3 weeks and there has been no change to my paralysis so far.


Travee: what nutritional supplements would help a child with ADHA?


Matt: Hi Dr. Cabral- Thank you so much for all you are doing to help people. I have a question about my wife and some nausea she is experiencing. She gets nauseous after almost every meal (and has for years) and needs something like gum or a piece of candy to get rid of the nausea. She is 35 years old and healthy. No smoking, known medical conditions, or health "dis-eases." :) I want to try to help her so we tried to find trigger foods to no avail. It appears unlinked to any foods or times of the day. Her grandmother also has the same issue and her nausea is helped by smoking cigarettes. I would love any advice or suggestions. Thanks again for everything.

Taylor: Hi Dr. Cabral, As always thank you for the ways you share your wisdom & expertise for the community! I just received my pregnancy protocol in the mail from you. I am curious about the iron. I am planning on taking the prenatal vitamins for the next 3 months and then begin trying to conceive. Should I be taking the iron supplements now or when I get pregnant? I have heard conflicting things about if women get to much iron then they can easily overdose ect. Can you give me some more insight why taking iron is important and the specifics on if I should be taking it before conception/after conception? Thanks! Taylor

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Mar 10, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track! 

Check out today's questions:

Elizabeth: Hi Stephen, I have a friend who has a family member suffering with corticobasal degeneration. Understand it's a rare dis-ease and wondered if you have had any experience with this treatment or if it's possible to be treated? Similar to yourself I believe everything can be treated or reversed but I am not familiar with CBD. Thanks for all you do and inspiring others to better health!

Rachel: Good Morning Dr Cabral my name is Rachel I located in Queensland Australia. I have listened to your podcast with Melissa Ambrosini and your words spoke to me. I would love to know if you take online clients from Australia? I am also extremely interested if you offer any nutrition training? I am looking to start my course very soon and I would love to be able to take part any training that you offer as I really understanding the concept of what is best when it comes to health is individual for every BODY! Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated, even if you can suggest a training course that I could complete that you would suggest.


Katie & Susanne: Hi there, I’m in Australia and I would love to have a consultation with him as his story really struck a cord with me and he sounds like the right person to help me get well again. Is that possible via Skype of do I need to be living in America? Thanks so much. Kind regards, Katie


Danielle: Hello! I would really appreciate your advice on post pregnancy iron deficiency anemia please, also what are your thoughts on black strapp molasses as a natural cure/treatment? Many thanks Danielle


Lindsey: I am a firm believer of functional medicine and rebalancing the body to heal any disease. My daughter’s father was recently diagnosed with severe kidney failure. They are still running test to see what the next step is but right now they’re thinking dialysis. He’s 34 years old and has been on hydrochlorothiazide, verapamil, and enalapril for high blood pressure for the pass 6+ years. He believed his high blood pressure was linked to these terrible migraines he’s been suffering from for over 10 years. He was an avid user of over the counter pain pills to help with the migraines, especially excedrin. He follows the standard American diet with a lot of diary and no pork or red meat. I’ve listened to your podcasts on high blood pressure, migraines, high histamine foods, etc. Along with the other information I know, I’m starting him on a detox tomorrow eliminating a lot of the foods he currently eats. My thoughts are to find out what is triggering his migraines because I am almost certain it’s food related. He’s also going to start adjusting his schedule to getting 8 hours of sound sleep, working out (cardio and light weight training), and intermittent fasting. My question is, am I on the right track? My goal is to get him off of the pharmaceutical drugs and show him that he can balance his high blood pressure by changing his diet and lifestyle. I want him to work with a functional medicine doctor but he’s still skeptical and brainwashed by conventional medicine. He’s still taking his high blood pressure medication because everyone is telling him to keep doing it. What supplements can he add to help with the kidney failure and stress? And also, what labs would you recommend him to start with?


Jen: Hi Dr Cabral, I was recently diagnosed with a mild case of Candida. My MD wanted to put me on antibiotics, but not only do I prefer to cure it naturally, as I understand it, Candida is fungal and not bacterial, so antibiotics wouldn’t work anyway. Is that correct? I wondered if you could recommend a natural way to cure this mild case? I understand certain foods like cold smoothies and salads, can add to the dampness in the body and that I should stick to warm veggies and lean protein. Would that be your recommendation as well? Also, I have heard about accelerated silver and wondered about your thoughts on using it? Any advise is MUCH appreciated and respected. Thank you Jen

Mary: Hello. I use your daily nutritional support shake and fruit and vegetable blend and have also used the detox you offer. I perceive that I am getting great health benefits from all of these products and have gotten several friends and family members hooked as well. I also listen to your podcast and find it very valuable and educating. Thank you for all you do. Could you explain your thoughts on the fad of low lectin and low oxylate diets and how this plays into your suggestion of having a predominately plant based diet. I would also like to know your thoughts on the Ayurvedic perspective of regular green smoothies being aggravating on the physiology of many people as they can be hard to digest. I presume this is due to the high fiber content and maybe the possible affects of lectins and oxylates on the immune system? Thank you for your time!


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Mar 9, 2018

Welcome to this #FridayReview where i'll be sharing with you a challenge I'm throwing out to the community in order to reduce waste and improve our environment with one easy switch...

This is also the 1st time ever that I've done a full month review of all the book's I read over February and I actually walk you step-by-step through each of the 25 books (most of them pictured above). I share the good, the bad, and the GREAT!

And finally, I'm bringing you the super-nutrient of the week, Vitamin A, and why this nutrient needs to be sought after in every diet...

Tune into this today's #CabralConcept 763 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 8, 2018

For many people, when they think about beginning (or re-starting) an exercise program it all just feels too overwhelming...

You may think about the stress of having to find a gym, plan a time into your calendar to workout, and figure out what you're even supposed to be doing in the first place in order to not waste your time...

If this sounds like you, a client, or someone you may know, it's important to remember that you are not alone - This is a common struggle amongst many people, but luckily there is an answer...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 762 for the 7 ways to better stick with and improve your workouts - Enjoy the show!

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Mar 7, 2018

What to eat for breakfast is easily the most understood and challenging meal to get right...

But, it hasn't always been this way - Up until the 1500's and then later in the 1920's breakfast had always been consistent with healthy living and following the natural digestive processes of the day...

The problem is that when modern life and big corporations get involved with the media our version of what is healthy for us often times becomes perverted by private interest groups...

On today's #CabralConcept 761 I reveal what to eat and what not to eat as we begin to rediscover what is truly best for our bodies...

Tune into today's show for all the details on the fat & toxin flushing recipe that has been followed for hundreds of thousands of years in human history - Enjoy the show!

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