
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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Now displaying: January, 2018
Jan 7, 2018

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks… 

Let’s get started!

Alexis: Hi Dr Cabral, I am slowly working my way through your podcast and have to say that they are life changing. They have actually replaced my music while I work out.  I learn so much each time. I am needing some guidance on where to begin. I am wanting to have some of your functional lab test performed at the beginning of the year but not sure which one to start with. I live a healthy lifestyle, work out 6 days a week with weights and hiit/Tabata, rarely eat out and buy all organic. The time I go to bed I am learning is far to late (between 12-1 am).  I have been having odd issues creep up over the last 2 years. I have developed a skin disorder called dermatographia, also called skin writing. Basically when I scratch an itch it gets really red and swells. I also have high cortisol levels (24 in the morning and around 21 at 5pm). My cortisol binding globulin is also high. I struggle with anxiety and have all my life. My fasting glucose is also a little high (around 100); however my a1c is normal at 5.1. Lastly, I have a sore in my nose that I cannot get to heal. My initial thought was pre diabetes, but I am not overweight and with my a1c being normal, I am stumped as to what is going on. I am a 33 yr old female, 5'7", 133 lbs. any insight would be greatly appreciated.   Thank you so much! 

Lance: Hi Dr, I work with people who have long-term illegal drug use in their past. My clients are in early recovery and I firmly believe that nutritional changes can prevent more negative consequences in their lives. I will be using your MM podcasts to uplift and help them set new goals for success. What type of nutritional changes would you initially suggest for people who have anywhere from 5 - 30 plus years of Methamphetamine use?

Denise: I have RA that I am trying to control with the AIP protrocal but after 2 years  of this I am still having problems. If I try the FOOD sensitivity  test would it show much when I have been on such a restricted diet . I HAVE severe brain fog and some hand joint inflammation and bad hair loss. Do you or your team have any advice for me. I recently  found your podcasts and love it. I hope you can help me. I HAVE SEEN 2 functional  medicine doctors that did a lot of testing but it did not help much. I went to someone who reads energy and she did help  some by adding sunflower oil that stopped the dehydration problem. Then adding B vitamin helped some brain dysfunction. Any help would be appreciated.  SINCERELY  DENISE 

Gary: Hi Dr. Cabral, My name is Gary from Philippines and I'm interested with your book - Rain Barrel Effect. Don't you have any paperback version of the book? I'm interested because I've believe in reversing ailments and my son was diagnosed with autism and I'm following GAPS diet for him and we're seeing improvements. Hope to hear from you. Regards, Gary

1,000th Question: Bree: Hi Dr. Cabral, My 3 year old son has had recurrent impetigo breakouts around his mouth. He was prescribed a topical antibiotic ointment which I put on the sores as soon as they start. It usually takes about 2 weeks for them to clear up. It just doesn't seem normal for him to be constantly getting these sores. There must be something wrong at a deeper level. He's generally healthy otherwise. No major health issues, typical 3 year old. He does have a terrible diet. He pretty much refuses to eat anything green. Sometimes I can get him to drink a smoothie but it has to be pretty mild for him to drink mostly fruit and a bit of spinach. I'm thinking my next step is to get the sores cultured....ugh! What are your thoughts?? Thank you SO much!!! 

Kevin: Hi Dr. Cabral, I was wondering if you could provide me with 2 nutrition books that most impacted you? I am going in the nutrition/fitness field and crave to learn more about the topic. Thank you, Kevin

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Jan 6, 2018

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows! 

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track! 

Check out today's questions:

Marina: Dr. Cabral & Team, before I start I'd just like to thank you for everything you do! You are such an incredible human being and you have inspired me to pursue my education in the medical field to HEAL and not just mask symptoms. I listen to your podcast everyday and have learned so much over the past year, you truly as remarkable and I wish the best for you and your practice. I am a 21, going on 22 year old female living in Southern California. I am currently studying at the University of California Irvine after transferring from a CC. I tend to be a very stressed person, maybe due to my perfectionist type A personality. Aside from striving for perfection in school, I also strive for perfection in my health. Over the past 2 years I have struggled with my eating behavior and body views. Sometimes I binge eat and have just developed a disordered relationship with food. I workout 4-5 times a week because i genuinely love it and for the most part eat pretty healthy, except when I overindulge, which is typically in processed, sweet foods such as bread, cookies, ice cream, cake. I've learned a ton about health and nutrition from your podcast and have tried to include as many health foods possible in my diet, again, except for the times i overeat or binge. The past 3 months have been pretty stressful for me, starting at a new school, moving away from home, trying to figure out my career and school plans, and on top of that dealing with my disordered eating and body issues. I'm usually irregular when it comes to my menstrual cycle but since starting school, I have not gotten my period since August, it is now December (3-4 months). I used to have mild acne 2 years ago, it cleared up and now, over the past 2 months, my acne has come back, mildly but i get constant breakouts primarily on my chin area, sides of checks, and sometimes on my forehead. My hair has been falling out a lot lately! It even feels extremely thinner than before and i have developed mild dandruff. I know this must have to do with stress and maybe what Im eating. Stress about school, my eating and body issues, and how I appraise those stressors. Foods i eat such as dairy (4-5 eggs weekly), sometimes milk derived foods (cookies, cake, ice cream). I know this is a lot f information and I plan on working with you to help me heal once I have some extra cash. If you could direct me to certain podcast episodes or give me advice on any of these issues, I would seriously appreciate it so so much. Thank you again for all that you do and all that you provide for us, your works and efforts do NOT go unnoticed. -Marina

Zoe: hi dr cabral, thank you for answering my previous wellness question - i am currently trying to take onboard your advice and make the necessary changes to my life and calm my nervous system down, eat a lower fat, higher carb diet and am looking to conduct some of the recommended tests soon. On a separate note, im thinking about going to India for 10 days - 2 weeks in the new year - id like to continue my wellness journey, and ive never been to india before - id like to learn about the culture, more of Ayurveda and perhaps the yoga and spiritual side. i realise that this is not strictly a wellness related question - but i wondered if you had any tips/suggestions where to go and what to do as its my first visit and id really appreciate your advice and your love of India and Ayurveda. Eventually id love to go to there for a longer stint, but right now, the max i can take is 2 weeks. Appreciate your thoughts as always, best, Zoe 

Tony: Hello Dr. Cabral, Thanks again for taking my question. As I write this I am about three weeks into the Cabral detox. In early November I spoke with Caitlin regarding my OAT and food sensitivity test results. I have been on point with the diet recommendations and the detox protocol. I decided to have testing done and do the detox to get to the root cause of Ménière’s disease which I have had for about two years. Overall, I am feeling a lot better in the mornings and throughout most of the day. However, around three or 4 o’clock each afternoon, I experience brain fog. It feels as if my brain is fatigued and cannot keep up and I sometimes deal with a slight dizziness as well. My OAT shows that I have low VMA, high HVA, extremely high Quinolinic acid, and really low 5-HIAA. One of my chief concerns in my results was the possibility of neural excitotoxicity, because of the potential long-term effects of it. Since I am three going on four weeks into this and still feeling the brain fog and slight dizziness for a portion of the day I was wondering what your recommendations for me are at this point. As far as Meniere’s cases in your practice, what is the average timetable for those who got better after addressing the root causes?

By the way, for those listening who are wondering about the detox and whether it really helps you lose weight or not, let me say that it definitely works. Weight loss was not my goal, especially since I am a hard gainer weightlifter, but I have lost over 15 pounds in the three weeks I’ve been doing this. I would say the product is effective. Thanks again. 

Tami: Hello Dr Cabral, I get recurring inflammation of my underarm glands from preteen years. I am currently in my early 30s. I have changed diets, recently started doing a natural detox, however it has reoccurred. When I was younger my tonsils would often get inflamed, however in my later teens this stopped and the inflammation moved to my underarms. I did a full blood test and urine, and all the results came back fine, of course lymphocytes were a bit on the high side, due to the inflammation at the time the blood test was done. I wanted to get a second opinion, on what might be triggering this and possible methods of treatment. Thank you for your time and response. - Tamilia

Elizabeth: Hi Dr Cabral, wondered what your thoughts are on Dr Patrick Flanagan's (Phi Sciences) Crystal Energy and/or MegaHydrate. I am currently using 'Cell Food' by NuScience and wondered if it's similar or if these things are even worth using? If I may also ask your thoughts on BioLive Gold liquid probiotic Thanks for such a great podcast, learning so much! Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Jan 5, 2018

Welcome back to our #FridayReview where I share the best of the week in terms of all things wellness, weight loss, anti-aging, and healthy living!

This week, I'll review the pile of books I read over New Year's, as well as what I'm currently studying more of and what I'm moving on from...

Today I'm also going to reveal some disturbing trends going on in the reporting of "scientific studies" that show the true hidden nature of the AMA...

And last, but certainly not least, each week going forward I'm going to be highlighting one of the "super hero" nutrients that your body needs to function at it's highest capacity...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 700 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 4, 2018

I got my start in the health field by working in gyms and "cutting my teeth" by helping clients transform their bodies through exercise...

However, what I quickly realized was that there wasn't a one-size-fits-all approach that I could use to template workouts no matter who walked through the door...

This discovery then led me to be able to look at and treat each client as an individual that needed specific guidelines in order to make sure that their workout was customized based on their needs...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 699 to find out what I discovered in terms of whether or not you can lose weight and get well without doing any exercise at all - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 3, 2018

Losing weight has so much more to do than calories in versus calories out...

Sure, in the short-term you can lose weight by depriving your body of fuel through food, but in the long term you want to be able to lose weight without damaging your metabolism...

The reason I mention this is that I see too many people starving themselves of good quality nutrition and as a result their hormones begin to suffer, which then causes other health issues as a side effect...

On today's #CabralConcept 698 I share with you how to lose 5 lbs in 7 days the healthy way without sacrificing future results - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 2, 2018

Although I love the Holidays, what I don’t always enjoy is the dramatic amount of sugary foods at every turn...

And although a treat every once and awhile is no big deal for most, the daily sugar intake many people unknowingly consume is literally dangerous...

This is why beginning with awareness is the key to overcoming the health, weight gain, wellness, and aging issues associated with increased sugar consumption...

Tune into today’s #CabraConcept 697 to find out the 10 toxic side effects of sugar - Enjoy the show!

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Jan 1, 2018

The majority of people use the New Year to give themselves a fresh start and with that often times comes some form of goal setting...

While I'm a huge proponent of setting goals I often see people in my practice get overwhelmed as to where to start and how many goals to set...

And since the New Year should be a fun and exciting time (rather than one of anxiety) it's important to stay focused on what you can accomplish in the next few months...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 696 for the details on how to set New Year's goals without getting overwhelmed so you can have your best year yet - Enjoy the show!

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