
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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The Cabral Concept












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Oct 16, 2019

If you’ve ever struggled with digestives issues or bloating you know how upsetting it can be...

Dealing with chronic indigestion, food sensitivities, acid reflux, burping, or gas can put a damper on your energy, mood, and overall quality of life...

That’s why on today’s #CabralConcept 1349 I want to share with you how to get to the root cause to get rid of IBS, bloating, gas, and other bowel distress - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 15, 2019

When it comes to brain aging you absolutely must be thinking about the foods, activities, and toxins that are entering your body right now...

Because dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other brain-related diseases are the result of years of filling up your Rain Barrel...

The diagnosed dis-ease is simply the result of decades of living out of balance...

That’s why on today’s #CabralConcept 1348 I want to share with you the 7 foods & lifestyle factors that damage your brain so that you can begin avoiding them right now - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 14, 2019

One of the hardest things to see with your own eyes is that many of us live our lives based on how we're feeling at that moment...

This means that if for some reason we have reason to be happy, we're happy. Or, if we have a reason to be sad, we're sad... It seems out of our control?

The problem with this is that if you're always living by your emotions of the moment you'll never be able to live the life you seek...

That's why on today's #CabralConcept 1347 I want to go over why your emotions are getting in the way of your happiness and what to do about it - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 13, 2019

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!   

Leah: Hi Dr. Cabral. An overall background about me. I live and breath a healthy lifestyle (and love it - no deprivation here;)). I exercise daily, always walking... living off a clean, mostly plant-based, no highly processed foods + organic diet (well-balanced macros + micros), dry brush, tongue scrape... the works. I'm not tooting my own horn but rather give you a general picture of my lifestyle. One thing I can honestly agree is that my stress levels and anxiety are my biggest battle. About a year ago I have been finding myself at this burnout state. Feeling nauseous, weak (in bed) and fluelike symptoms, which happened about once or twice every other month (give or take). After reading your book (the rain barrel effect) It all made sense to me how I got to this state over a long period of time, even though everything else was right, the toxins (stress) just overflowed. My question is this:I did the FM detox, and while I see many amazing results from family and friends who did it with me, I didn't see or feel major changes. I didn't go down on the scale or react in any way. I try to implement meditation and overall calming rituals to balance my stress levels. I haven't been in this burnout mode for a while, but then sure enough... this week I find myself back in this cycle (this time I also experienced indigestion issues).What other steps can you suggest (lab test + lifestyle changes, or supplements) that I should implement?Also, side note: While It isn't my main concern; I have been struggling with the last 5-10 lbs. Eating clean (not too much but definitely enough/ full) and moving around (16,000 steps daily average and strength training 4-5x /week) Would this stubborn fat be related to the stress and anxiety? Thanks again for the amazing messages and knowledge you share with us all. You have impacted my life in ways you can't imagine. I really appreciate the time and effort you give. All the best, Leah.

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral. I am starting to incorporate organ meat into my diet and was wondering if there is a limit to how much I should eat? It is all grass fed and finished and comes from a local farmer. Also I have been listening to a podcast with a doctor who eats carnivore and he eats his meat raw. I have since looked into this and have seen many people online who do this. I am not considering this but out of interest, what are your thoughts on eating meat (organ, muscle etc) raw? As always thank you for your response.

Melissa: Hello I am so thrilled to have found you earlier this year! I am binge listening to your Podcast and have heard you talk about genetic testing. I was wondering if you continue to recommend testing and which brand you recommend? Seems like I remember something about teleomere testing! I love learning from you and would love to know half of what you have learned!

Jenny: Hi Dr. Cabral! Thanks for all the amazing information you share with us daily, for free. I listen to your podcasts to and from work everyday and it's made my commute seem "worth it." Question about genetic predispositions. My mother has battled (and won) 2 breast cancer battles. She is BRCA1+ as are my sister and I. I chose preventative, risk reducing surgery to lower my breast cancer risk which I feel really great about especially because my sister just finished her breast cancer battle. We also have a 54% risk of ovarian cancer with this mutation. I know you said we can change or maybe turn on/off our genetic predispositions. I'm currently 37 and am not ready to start a family. My gynecological oncologist is pushing fallopian tube/ovary removal to lower my risk of this awful cancer (known well as the silent killer) but I'm not ready. What are your thoughts and advice you have on this topic if this was, say your sister or daughter in this position? I appreciate everything you do and are trying to do! I hope to join the IHP level 1 one day as I love learning. Thank you!


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family)

Oct 12, 2019

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Cara: Hi Dr. Cabral! Yesterday (August 31) about 45 minutes after a hard workout at 10:30am; dead lift holds, overhead holds, kettlebell swings, assault bike, I got home and I had wavy lights in my peripheral vision. It freaked me out and this had happened to me a couple of months ago and I remembered a nurse friend said it was likely low blood sugar. I ate some mango and about 20 minutes later it went away. I had a DNS smoothie with blueberries and avocado about an hour before my workout and by the time I was done working out, I had half a gallon of water. This has happened 3 times in the last 4 years, each time was after a work out. I'm super healthy, I don't drink alcohol. I do the Dr Cabral Foundation Level 1 plus cal/mag, 3,000mg of Alkalized vitamin c, lysine, Vitamin D, CBD. I eat wild salmon twice a week and sardines 3 times a week, so I only occasionally take EN fish oil. I started to google search this but stopped because things like mini-strokes came up. All of my recent bloodwork was all where it should be according to your podcast guidance and I just had an eye exam and other than my life long near-sightedness, my eye health is perfectly healthy. Does this sound like low blood sugar? If so, why would it be the case if I ate breakfast and worked out at 10:30, plus had 32 oz of water? I do not want to go to a doctor because it'll be at least an MRI ordered. Im in your IHP Level 2 right now. Thank you for ALL you do!

Cara: Follow up: I received a reply from our Dr Cabral Support Group from an optometrist and she said that what I experienced could be a visual aura. She said most visual auras precede a migraine or headache but a good amount of people never get the headache and just experience the aura. I never had a headache or a migraine after any of these occurrences. Then my next question, why would I be getting these aura migraines?

Gabriela: Hi Dr. Cabral First I love your podcasts, very informative. Now for my question do you believe women should fast differently than men, are you familiar whith Dr. Beth who is all about women's health. She believes women should have snacks during the fast because of our hormones. Would really love to hear what you have to say about this. Thank you!

Luke: Hi Dr. Cabral. Would you be able to tell me what you typically feed your dog. As with humans, diet for pets seems to be a topic that has many differing opinions. What does your dog's diet look like (types of foods and amount), and do you give him any supplements? I know you would have done your research on this and I appreciate your response. Thank you.

Richelle: Hi Dr, Cabral,I’ve done your 7 day detox and am currently using the deep sleep protocol. I love using the support group and Michelle advised me to ask you my specific question. I have Blepharitis and my doctor currently has me using tea tree oil wipes which has helped. She says it will never be cured but by doing this it will keep it under control. Because of this, I rarely wear any makeup. I also suspect that I have a parasite issue and plan on doing that protocol in October after my trip to Jamaica.I also have been diagnosed with Afib and aflutter and had open heart surgery as a baby back in 1960. I’m currently on a blood thinner,Eliquis, and take diltiazem for high blood pressure. I’m taking magnesium and only half the recommendation for the blood thinner. At my request, my doctor is gradually lowering my blood pressure medicine as I don’t want to be on any meds. I’ve lost 11 pounds recently, retired from teaching after 36 years and need to lose more weight as I know it will help lower blood pressure. Please give me your expert advice regarding my issues.Thanks for your time

Natasha: Hi SC I was wondering if there was a way to stop or get rid of seborrheic keratosis other than freezing them off. As i get older I seem to be getting more and more and im becoming self conscious to wear a bikini in summer they are over my back and stomach and chest and dont look that great. Would appreciate any advice. Thank You


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

 - - -

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Get Your Question Answered:


- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 11, 2019

Welcome back to this week's #FridayReview where we'll be discussing:

• My top pick for an Organic Mattress
• Why we renamed all our labs
• A simple 2-step constipation protocol
• The dangers of caffeine during pregnancy

Be sure to tune into today's #CabralConcept 1344 for all the product reviews, research, and much more - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 10, 2019

The topic on EMFs is not going away and if anything it’s only going to intensify as 5G broadcasting sweeps across the world...

It’s a reality and it’s also something we shouldn’t take lightly...

The time is now to discuss the potential health damages caused by EMF and EMR electronics/WiFi and other sources...

So on today’s #CabralConcept 1343 I want to share with you a few simple steps to EMF proof your bedroom and protect yourself from their harmful effects - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 9, 2019

Although I've spoken about the connection between sleep and your health in the past it has mainly been in regard to weight loss, blood sugar, and stress...

However, today I want to share with you some very interesting research on how sleep irregularity may be one of the primal causes of heart dis-ease...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 1342 to find out how your sleep patterns may be affecting your heart - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 8, 2019

I find today’s topic a strange one to give tips on, but nonetheless it’s one of the most important things you could improve...

The reason is that without proper assimilation of food, the healthy choices you make become less important...

That’s why on today’s #CabralConcept 1341 I wanted to share with you an 8-step guide to mindful eating that I believe will dramatically improve digestion and enjoyment around meals - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 7, 2019

What could be better for productivity than a to-do list?

Well... the truth is that “to-do lists” only work if you keep yourself accountable for completing them.

And, the only way to actually check off everything you have on your to-do list is to make the time to get it all done.

But, where do you find that time?

That is the discussion on today’s #CabralConcept 1340 where we go over the one thing that is more helpful than a to-do list - Enjoy the show!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 6, 2019

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!   

Dar: Hi sorry you may need the entire podcast for these questions lol. 1. Thoughts on Arnold Ehret you must have read his books 2. Had bells palsy awhile back about 5 months ago once in awhile when I'm tired I have a weird eye twitch that I only had since then but all my other symptoms subsided after 2 weeks, crooked smile ect. What do you recommend? I take b12, magnesium, thyroid support, omega, and zinc. Fruits and veggies powder. 3. I feel pretty good but want optimal energy what do you suggest for that? I workout regularly. Just want to feel optimal. Once in awhile I feel tired and once in awhile optimal energy but want that to be consistent.

Cindy:  Dr. Cabral, I have had and still have many questions, but I don't usually stop to write them down. Last week in speaking with my husband I said, "Dr. Cabral has been my greatest mentor." He knows me well as he said, "Maybe you should tell him." So truly Dr. Cabral, I started listening to you in early 2017, I have read your book, and on my health passion endeavor, you have been my greatest mentor. Thank you.In 2018, I completed the food sensitivity test and the DNA testing. During the consultation, you briefly questioned why I did these tests first. I already knew it would not have been your path of tests to complete, but I feel very passionate to help my family. I know you can only help those who want to live a healthy life style. Meaning, if my DNA has indicators that could help my Dad and sisters, I wanted that information (and got it). I could not ask all the questions during our consultation, because as we went through it, my heart broke for my Mom, who passed away from Fatty Liver Disease in 2009 at the age of 67. I felt as though everything on the DNA test could have been my Mom's test. I know it was not, but I definitely had some emotions to work through. So, I think you should consider giving the report to the client a day or so before the consultation. That would have benefited me, for sure. OK... I am APOE2/E3 …. does this give any indication on one's Ayurvedic body type?  I am some combination of Pita / Vatta, but I am curious if there is any correlation between the two. Thank you for all you do.

Cindy: Dr. Cabral, Again, I have read your book, shared many of your shared wisdoms with my 4th grade students, and listen to your podcast daily. Thank you for taking your hardship and building a beautiful story that blesses others. I do have a request... on the House Calls, even if you have covered the information, could you please, please, please …. give a summarized answer (and give the episode one could go back to)? Question: How long do you think it would take for an average person's labs, lets say the big 5, to come back normal, all within range, if the person did your CBO protocol, Heavy Metal Detox, Mold Protocol, 4 Detox Protocols a year, Level 2 or 3 Daily Protocol, and lived a healthy lifestyle?

Cindy: Dr. Cabral, I am still in search of my Root Cause. As a "health detective," I think it was gluten pushing my rain barrel throughout childhood. As a child I would always get tonsillitis once or twice a year. They were removed at 18, and a few years later I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. I started medication (levothyroxine) and had virtually no symptoms for 20 years.  At that point, everything went wrong, but I was pushing my body (working on my educational dissertation) too hard, with little sleep. For four years during this time, I also lived in and worked in a Mold house (now my daughter also has issues, but not my husband or son). Within a 2 year period, I started taking 5 different medications.  Upon finishing my educational goals in mid 2016, I knew I needed to focus on my sleep patterns and health.  In 2017 I stopped all medications besides the thyroid medication and a daily allergy pill (which I have tried eliminating those as well). Two days without the allergy pill, I am a sneezing mess (yes, histamine issues). There was a cost in stopped the medications: I crashed. But, I got up! Slowly. I did NOT want to cover symptoms; I now want to feel, so I know. Exercise is important, but it could sure take my energy for a day or two. I am feeling much better, but I still don't know my root cause. I don't want the energy crash to happen. If I eat gluten, a small one still happens, but not like before. What I know: My body does not digest Gluten (DNA). Food Sensitives: wheat, gliadin, dairy (slow metabolizer of caffeine... so it can make me feel anxious with too much) Thyroid antibodies: Present, but both in the 30s (only tested after removed gluten and dairy, mostly) Big Helps for me: 2016 Sleep focus of at least 7 hours (but I don't get much Deep Sleep, according to my Oura ring) 2017 Removal of Gluten and Dairy 2017 Adding about 6 mg of Iodine Daily (now I can go longer without it, but then I would crash with 1 day of skipping it) 2018 Added liothyronine (T3 drug …. due to High Reverse T3 = 29…) 2018 Daily Coffee Enemas for 12 weeks: I felt completely renewed after 10 weeks. Now, I use weekly. 2018 I could run without crashing, if I would ground (literally, putting my body on the grass for several minutes) after a short sprint. 2019 Red Light Therapy with Platinum LED Bio 900 mixed bulbs and a full body I-Vibration Pro Plate. I know your Magnesium, Zinc, mentholated Vit B, and Vit C - continue to help me (and I will always supplement these); but the items above, I know, I felt the push towards health. My question: How do I get to my root cause? How do I know, so I don't repeat the same mistake? I don't know if I will ever get off the thyroid medications, and if my thyroid is damaged (working to get an ultra sound), I am ok with taking medications. But the truth is, I think my thyroid is coming back to life! My medication dosing is crazy now. After taking 175 mcg of levothyroxine for a decade, I know take 88 mcg; but, it keeps changing. I am doing a lot, working towards, no... living healthy. I want others having this similar struggle to have that list of "big helps for me" - maybe it can help them too. Again, My question: How do I get to my root cause? How do I know, so I don't repeat the same mistake?  Thank you. Aloha & Blessing to you.

Cindy: Dr. Cabral, What would cause pain in the bottom of the feet and behind the knees, specifically behind the knees when in bed? When I first started taking the Citricidal drops, the knee pain started. It doesn't happen often any more. However, the bottom of my feet hurt when I start walking. The tops will sometimes get terrible cramps (I use Essential oils on it), but it can be painful. I have had the pain in the bottom of my feet for years. But, when I see each of my sisters (5 girls) get up from a seated position and start walking, I notice the struggle in each of us! I've read about Bartonella, both causing pain in the bottom of the feet and hurting one's thyroid. What do you think? Thank you again for all you do. Aloha & Blessings to you. :)

Sonny: Have you or your team ever come across someone suffering from Type I - Diabetes, Celiac Disease, Testicular Cancer, and finally Multiple Sclerosis, 2 Auto- Immune Disease?


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

- - -

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family)

Oct 5, 2019

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Virupa: Hi, Im a 26 year old female from the UK. I recently discovered Dr Cabral’s podcasts and the rainbarrel effect through Melissa Ambrosini and I’m so grateful for all your wonderful work! I’ve just completed my first year of foundation training as a doctor and I’m fascinated by functional medicine, Holistic medicine and alternative medicine as they really are the answer to many chronic illnesses.  I was diagnosed with IBS a few years ago. I’ve been suffering from terrible bloating/gas/belching and chronic constipation for a few years. I also suffer from chronic anxiety and insomnia, and PCOS. I keep my stress levels under control by exercising regularly, doing plenty of yoga and meditation. Diet wise I eat plenty of vegetables, healthy carbohydrates and eggs. I’ve recently eliminated diary and gluten. Given my GI symptoms above could I have Candida/bacterial overgrowth? I haven’t really used antibiotics, birth control, Advil or consume alcohol in excess however I feel it could be a possibility given my symptoms? I was wondering how sensitive and specific the organic acids tests is for diagnosing SIBO? I was also wondering what else the organic acids test could tell me about my health given the symptoms/conditions I have listed above? Kind regards, Dr Virupa

Tanisha: Hey Dr. Cabral. Are there any real serious drawbacks from someone doing cosmetic procedures whether it be minor aesthetic stuff like Botox & face lifts or plastic surgery where fat is removed and body is contoured. I know I am wrong & selfish here but I've worked hard & ate right for my body for years while some of my friends were being sloppy even when I encouraged them to train. A couple got procedures and it admittedly looks great, now the others are exploring that option and I can't honestly tell them to chose the exercise/diet option instead because procedures are more appealing. Forgive me, but is there any info you have that I can give them or is this the way of the future and we should accept it? Even one told me her husband did penis enhancement procedure. It's crazy in my opinion. Sigh. Anyway, love your show, I'm trying to put friends on it.

Sigrid: Hi there, i was diagnosed with H-Pylori. I would like to clear it out using a more natural method instead of going the antibiotic route (as i have tried it before and didn't last more then a 1.5 days). Can you please tell me which products i need to purchase to start on Dr. Cabrals program for H-pylori.

Jody: Hello! I’m working with Dr X doing the X Program (I believe he has taken your courses and has turned me on to your podcast). I’m entering the 5th week of program which is 1st week of detox. (2 week X detox)Do you feel using enemas are safe? I have trouble moving bowels and frequently use enemas. I’m especially concerned during detox phase and don’t want to miss a day of elimination.  Big fan- thanks for what you do! Jody

Richie: Hi, I have been diagnosed with Hashis in March. TSH 40. My dr thinks I was hypo for some time. I'm on 150 mg syntroid per day. Is there any benefit to prolonged water fasting to cleanse my system. I'm currently 60 pounds overweight. Would a 10, 20, 30 day water fast, followed by AIP diet help? Could it possible cure my symptons? I continue to suffer from Brain Fog, mood fluctuations, letargy. Recently my scalp has become irritated. Thank you. Richie

Kerry: Hi Dr,  Would you ever use adrenal “Adrenal Soothe” support for a 5 year old child who has ASD and high anxiety?  If not what would you suggest to support with high stress. We are already looking at underlying issues and doing your parasite protocol and will follow up with CBO after. The main goal I have is to reduce stimming as it is impacting my child’s schooling. Thanks Kerry

Darrel: Hey Dr. Cabral. Quick question. In your early podcast days and your Guide to muscle and Strength book you would've recommended whey protein. Has that stance changed since then or is it still safe to use? Even though it's cow based does it go through a different process (like ghee) to not be considered harmful like dairy? If that's the case, what types you suggest? Keep up good work


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

 - - -

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Get Your Question Answered:


- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 4, 2019

Welcome back to this week’s #FridayReview!

Today I’m going to share with you reviews & research on:

* Matcha Tea & Anxiety Research 
* Pique Tea Product Review 
* Vaping & Flu Immunity 
* Free Loyalty Rewards 
* New podcast interviews

We’re going to review this and much more on today’s #CabralConcept 1337 - Enjoy the show!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 3, 2019

I don't know about you, but sometimes it seems like the health industry tries to "force" things to work...

Meaning, they will selectively cherry-pick the few studies that back up their point, or exclaim how much it has made a difference in their personal life...

While this is interesting to listen to, it's not necessarily advice you may want to follow...

The reason is that it most likely does not pass the "common health sense or longevity test."

On the contrary, on today's #CabralConcept 1336 I want to share with you some rock-solid research on a study of 23,153 people that holds the truth to getting well and living longer stronger - Enjoy the show!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 2, 2019

There are thousands of imbalances that we have seen in our practice over the past 20 years, but I can assure you most of them contain the same root causes…

However, these root causes can manifest themselves in a multitude of symptoms that we label “disease...”

The problem is once you are labeled with a disease, you are told that you are your “dis-ease” and it’s something that you’re going to have to live with and manage for the rest of your life…

I’m here to tell you that that is simply not the truth and for all those that want to get well, lose weight, and feel alive again there is another way…

Join me today on #CabralConcept 1335 to discover the top 2 ways your body becomes diseased and how you can go about rebalancing your body - Enjoy the show!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Oct 1, 2019

Although genetics play a role in whether or not your hair will thin or fall out there is so much more that goes into this hot topic that is within your control…

For example, most people don’t know that simple vitamins and nutrients, as well as the balancing of specific hormones, enable you to either keep your hair or have it fall out…

So to bring more information around this topic I want to share with you today on #CabralConcept 1334 why you are losing your hair and what to do about it – Enjoy the show!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Sep 30, 2019

No matter who you are, or how far you've come, you will eventually come to a point in your life where you feel stuck...

And, when you do you will ultimately have 2 choices to make:

You're either going to shrink back and become smaller, or step up and grow...

The problem is that your old ways will no longer work in your new world and that's what I want to talk about on today's show...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 1333 to find out why you're stuck and what you need to do to move forward in life - Enjoy the show!

- - -  

Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Sep 29, 2019

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!   

Valerie: Hi dr.cabral i know you've done podcasts on this before but im having trouble finding the one im thinking of. I know you disagree with the intake of dairy due to its inflammation properties but where do u stand on lactose free milk/yogurt or goat diary? Is it less or as safe as nut alternative?

John: I have white dots all over my arms, I have gotten more and more with age. They look like loss of pigmentations, I also have a lot of freckles too. Is there some sort of deficiency that causes this or is this just ageing

Sarah: Hi Dr. Stephen, First off, thank you very much for sharing so much of your knowledge through your podcast. I by no means claim to be a health guru, but your podcast has helped me make some significant changes in my diet and lifestyle and they have proven to work. So, thank you!  I wanted to reach out and ask about your daily nutritional shake. I started using your products about six months ago and I make a daily, breakfast smoothie with the daily nutritional support shake in either flavor, along with your collagen and magnesium as well. However, I have a family who is very into supplements and are representatives of the Isagenix brand. I used these products for about six years before stumbling upon your podcast (and others) and realized that I can do better and be cleaner in my diet. My family hasn’t been able to accept the fact that I’m no longer using the Isagenix products and nearly every time we meet with them they preach to me how “this new shake your taking does not give you the minerals and vitamins that you need.” Can you speak to this at all? I do feel Supplementing is important, but it would be helpful to get some professional insight on how I am in fact getting what I need through your Equilibrium products. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

Sue: Hi Dr Cabral,  I am at a loss! I feel like I have zero will power and fell that I must be the stupidest person on the planet. I have loads of knowledge of health and wellness and have had massive health gains over the past few years. My family and community see me as their health and wellness go to but I fear that I’m just a fraud.  I have lost about 30 kg through completing food elimination diets, I have even completed 2 x 21 day detoxes. I gain weight very quickly after I complete a protocol. I usually gain at least 3kg (7 pounds) in the first week that I return to regular eating after this I feel deflated and I start over eating. I do so well when I’m on protocol but a few weeks after I’m done start binge eating and over eating. Once I start over eating it is like I have an insatiable hunger - I could literally eat all day and never feel satisfied.  I think it’s a mental thing because a few times I’ve even eat gluten during a binge and caused great pain to myself because I have celiac disease.  The past year I have lost and gained the same 10kg 4 times. I don’t know what is wrong with me, why I’m so weak, why I gain so quickly and what I can do. Do you have any suggestions for why I can’t break this vicious cycle?

Lisa: Looking for you opinion on Lithium orotate. How and when to use it? Brand and dosage to take. Thank you!

Darren: Hey Dr Cabral. You regularly recommend Blueberries in smoothie for breakfast. I'm from Caribbean so we import them frozen. I was wondering if maqui berries are also as effective, better or worse to use as a substitute given the powdered version is available to us. As always keep up great work.


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

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Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

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Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family)

Sep 28, 2019

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

James: Hi everyooneee (Dr Cabral voice) :D but actually Hi doc, because this question today is for you. I wanted to hear your thoughts on food sensitivities, my understanding is that they are usually caused by undigested food particles breaching the tight junctions in the gut lining then the body having an immune response to that specific food because it’s now in the blood stream – then when we eat that food again the body still has that same immune response and starts attacking itself, causing food intolerance symptoms? Firstly can you confirm if I am correct with that, and if so do you think it’s possible to cure food intolerances then by sealing up the tight junctions and taking care of any fungus/bacteria overgrowth - or will your body still have an immune response to these specific foods? If you could dive deep(ish) into how food intolerances are created, how symptoms arise and the mechanism behind curing them I would be super interested to learn! If you have time Thanks again - James

Richie: Dr Cabral, I listen to your podcast all the time. I have recently become interested in extended water fasting and the benefits of autophagy. 5 , 10, 30 day fasts.I was diagnosed with Hashimitos in March. I'm taking 125 mg synthetic T4. I'm 50 pounds overweight and suffering brain fog and mood swings. Do you think a prolonged water fast of 30 days could reset my metabolism and cleanse my gut? Or do you think it could be dangerous and damage my already stressed adrenal system? I'd appreciate if you could consider this topic for your podcast.Cheers, Richie 

Alpha: Hey Dr. Cabral. I really enjoy your show and try to put as many people as possible on to it. I'm a firefighter and sometimes despite out best efforts we get exposed to smoke, fumes, dust etc. All the years the recommendation after a major call where that happens is to drink some milk. The seniors claim it helps trap and remove contaminants. Is there any possible truth to this or is it an old wives tale not rooted in science? Also what recommendations you have for firefighters, victims or those in similar circumstances who may have been exposed to smoke/contaminants etc? Would an active lifestyle help combat risks? As always keep up great work.

Madison: Hi Dr. Cabral! Big fan of your podcast & all that you stand for. I am 22 years old and have a question regarding the correlation between cortisol and intermittent fasting. I am very active workout out 5-6x/week and prefer to fast 7pm-9am. However, I find that, for example, if I wake up at 5:30am to workout, when I return home to get ready, around 7-7:30am, my stomach is grumbling/expressing hunger, but I don't physically feel hungry. With stress in my job/commute to the city, could these stomach/intestinal noises be a sign of high cortisol? Thanks!!

Ruth: I started doing Amanda’s program and your detox. I drank 30 oz upon waking and then the 20oz shake. I was feeling nauseous and had to stop. So my point: what should i do from here. I didn’t think feeling nauseous was normal, which is why i discontinued the detox shake/pills. Is this something that indicates something else is going on? Should i try again in a week? I have three boys: 9, 6 and 4 that i homeschool and my 4 year old has severe medical issues that i am sole caregiver for. My youngest son has had a lot of medical issues since hes been born to say the least which is why i started my health journey becUse i need to be around to take care of him. But i am in shape and been working out since last oct, and have been eating healthy, whole foods according to the faster way june: no gluten or dairy. I just wanted to give all details so you could advise best on how i should proceed. I will be honest that im scared to try again but maybe it was just the perfect storm of a day with mensuration, but i have a lot on my shoulders in life to be responsible for and being unavailable to my kids, especially my youngest, is not an option. Thanks for your time, Ruth 


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Get Your Question Answered:


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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Sep 27, 2019

Welcome back to the #FridayReview where we will be covering a new vegan protein, as well as a brand new product, and some great research!

Here is a breakdown of what we’ll be covering in-depth:

* Sacha Inchi seeds
* New Whole Food Bars
* Parkinson’s & Vitamin D research
* Chronic dehydration in children
* Plastic in sea salt?

Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 1330 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Sep 26, 2019

Although the best exercises in the world haven't changed in decades that doesn't mean you can't stay on the cutting edge of fat-burning...

And, if you've never heard of BAT (brown adipose tissue) before you will absolutely want to check out the big benefits of increasing this form of fat...

Yes, believe it or not, there is a beneficial form of body fat that actually helps you rev up your metabolism and keeps you lean!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 1329 to find out 3 ways to stimulate brown fat to burn more calories - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Sep 25, 2019

After last weeks podcast on how to swap out unhealthy food options for much better choices, I wanted to follow up with a show dedicated just to snack foods…

Snacking can be an effective way to boost energy levels, stabilize blood sugar, or make it through a long layover until your next meal, but there are also a lot of places you can go wrong in terms of making smart choices...

Too many snack foods are loaded with processed flour, artificial flavors, and blood sugar spiking ingredients disguised as “healthy low-calorie snack packs…”

However, these types of snacks will only set you further back from achieving your wellness, weight loss, or anti-aging goals…That’s why on today’s Cabral Concept 1328 I’d like to share with you 11 healthy snack food options plus what to watch out for – Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Sep 24, 2019

There are many niches within the health field that I’ve become obsessed with and anti-aging based protocols is one of them…

For the past few years I’ve not only been researching what is helping people live longer, but I’ve been implementing those recommendations into my own life and clinical practice…

I’d like to share one of those recommendations with you today and it covers the 2 longevity minerals that centenarians all shared in this major study - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Sep 23, 2019

While I do believe in the power of venting and having someone you can confide in and share your struggles with there comes a point where complaining does more harm than good...

It’s at this point that you begin holding yourself back from the bigger picture life has for you...

This is why on today’s #CabralConcept 1326 I want to share with you what happens when you spend your time complaining and making excuses rather than taking a step forward in life - Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes & Resources:

- - -

Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect

- - -

Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:

- - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

- - -

Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

- - -

Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

- - -

Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

- - -

CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

- - -

Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

- - -

> See All Supplements:

 - - -


Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

- - -

Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

- - -

Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

- - -

Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

- - -

Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

- - -

Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

- - -

Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

- - -

Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

- - -

Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

- - -

View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)

Sep 22, 2019

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!   

Megan: Hi Dr Cabral, thank you for everything you do, you have helped me immensely! Keep up the good work. My question is about a guy I have recently started dating - he is 26 and seems to have little uncontrollable ticks or Tourette's like symptoms, is there something You can suggest to help him? His diet is not the best at the moment. I am currently studying your IHP certification and would love to know if this is something I can help people with when I am certified. Thanks again

Christina: Hi, I am a 27 year old women with many symptoms of hyperthyroidism. I have been struggling with changes in my body weight and have recently lost about 8 pounds in a month due to stress. I have had insomnia for the last 4 years and am often extremely tired during the day and feel wired at night. I have a very active metabolism and can have up to 6 bowel movements in a day. The symptoms seem to be much more intense when I am pmsing and ovulating. I have frequent mood swings that can shift dramatically within an hour. I have never been clinically diagnosed but feel pretty confident that I have hyperthyroidism because it also runs in my family and would like to complete a lab test analysis. Which lab test(s) would you recommend? Thank you,  Christina

Sharell: Hi doctor,  Can you please enlight me/us about the link with prostaglandins and your period.For 5 days AFTER my period I always get diarrheaI have seen this with might have something to do with a chemical called prostaglandins Is there anything I can do ??Back ground. 40 years old, healthy, normal flow period, 5 day period, 20 day cycle for years. No pain, no head aches. Thanks. 

Becca: Good Evening! I am interested in a detox for my 5 year old son. He is currently 85lbs and we eat/live a relatively healthy life style. My husband and I are average and athletic and my daughter (age 4) also has a healthy weight! The pediatrician tells me that I should not be concerned with his weight until he is 10 years old, but I am having a hard time with that. He complains of his legs hurting all the time. We recently (past 2 years) discovered from our chiropractor that he has a sensitivity to corn and sugar. When consumed, his leg pain increases and most of all his behavior does a complete 180. He get very angry and irritable and nothing I do can stop it. My chiropractor mentioned that it could have something to do with his weight as well! We cut it out as much as possible but it is in EVERYTHING! A friend of mine suggested the detox and then the gut sealer for him! I am having a difficult time finding the info! Could you, please, point me in the right direction so that I can get my baby healthy and happy?Thanks so much, Becca

Hunter: Hey Dr. Cabral, Love your work and how you are providing valuable information on a daily basis. I work in the dental field and I enjoy applying your podcasts to my field. One of the latest trends in dentistry is myofunctional therapy, which includes correcting the air pathway by training the muscles in the mouth and face. After hearing a myofuntional speaker give a presentation last week, practicing doctors claim that such therapy aids in ADHD / behavioral treatment, posture correction, sleep apnea, longevity and much more. I would encourage you and your audience to take a look at the research in order to develop your own opinion on interdisciplinary dentistry. My question to you would be how has dentistry / orthodontics fit into your wellness view for young children and adults? This myofunctional discipline is focused on healthy occlusal forces in the mouth and improved airway to aid in proper sleep.

James: Hi Dr Cabral. I am definitely a vata/ectomorph body type, have been all my life. 6’ 3, 165lbs, skinny ankles, wrists, can eat whatever I want without gaining weight etc. I have decided I want to gain some weight – mainly muscle. I have the training and nutrition plan to do this, but this means I will be overeating somewhere between 3000-5000 calories a day, most likely eating more protein than I need and overall not living in balance, unfortunately for a HARD gainer this is what I need to achieve my goal. I know you will probably advise against this for overall health but I am at a point where I feel this is what I need at this time, I am just looking for some tips about what I can do to maintain my health (particularly gut health), while still eating very high calories/working out hard. Should I use enzymes to help with digestion? Use the DNS powder to make sure I’m getting enough fruit/veg? Meditate to help with the stress my body will be under? I have already been through your parasite and CBO protocol and would hate to wreck my gut again in pursuit of this goal. Any tips would be massively appreciated, thanks for your help doc – James


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Dr. Cabral Detox 

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Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

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Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

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CBD Oil 

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Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

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Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

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Adrenal + Hormone Test

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Food Sensitivity Test

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Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

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Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

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Genetic Test

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Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

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