
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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The Cabral Concept












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Now displaying: June, 2017
Jun 30, 2017

We're back with another #FridayReview bringing you the very best of the week on all things wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging!

The first review is focused on a book that people love to hate! It discusses the many hidden symptoms of gluten-sensitivity and why you may be suffering from its effects...

Next up, I share some Functional Medicine lab data from my practice and let you know the scary results of how many people are truly vitamin D deficient - even in the summer time!

And finally, we wrap up with a full discussion on how much sun you really need, how do you know when you got enough, and what are some natural sunscreens that won't give you cancer...

Tune into #CabralConcept 511 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 29, 2017

I often get exercise questions asking if your workouts should change based on the "season?"

The reasoning behind the questions is typically around goal setting and how you should be training to develop your ideal physique...

Believe it or not, for over 100 years there has been a specific "cyclical training cycle" that has rotated with the seasons based on your yearly body transformation goals...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 510 to learn how you can change up your workouts to fit the season and make sure your body "peaks" at just the right time - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 28, 2017

Personally, I don't think it's realistic or even necessary to walk around everyday of your life at your ideal perfect goal weight, or body...

That would require that you exclude all of your favorite "cheat foods" on a weekly basis and that you're strictly adhering to an exercise program...

What I do believe is that we should all stay within 5-10 lbs maximum of our healthy goal weight, and then when desired we can easily lose that extra weight within a week or two...

This is a more relaxed, enjoyable, and realistic way to live in my opinion...

For details on how to lose that 5-10 lbs quickly before a big event, photo shoot, wedding, beach day, or vacation, tune into today's #CabralConcept 509 where I share with you my private client's Bathing Suit Body Diet plan - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 27, 2017

No matter what you may be currently suffering from, it almost always ties back to your gut health...

The reason for this is that 80% of your entire immune system lies inside and surrounding your approximately 28 feet of digestive tract (intestines)...

Plus, if your gut health is imbalanced you will not properly break down and assimilate your food - leading to malabsorption and nutrient deficiencies...

AND, if you have any increased intestinal permeability (a.k.a. "leaky gut") you will spill proteins, yeast, and bacteria into your bloodstream causing a host of issues (and symptoms)!

This is why it's so important to ensure you have proper gut health. I urge you to tune into today's #CabralConcept 508 to see if you have the very specific signs & symptoms of leaky gut - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 26, 2017

Until just a few hundred years ago it was vitally important that we looked out into the world with a comparative eye...

It would have often been life or death situations, and therefore, crucial that we would be constantly judging and comparing ourselves to our environment...

The issue is that in 2017 we're still stuck with this "compare and contrast" mentality - And that thought process is causing massive anxiety, depression, poor self-image, and a competitive non-stop lifestyle...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 507 for all the details on why you should never compare yourself to others and what to do instead - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 25, 2017

I hope you're enjoying the weekend and thank you for tuning back into this weekend's Part 2 of the Cabral #HouseCall!

Today's community questions are:

Tanya: ill be quick! a couple food questions: -black garlic good health benefit? Tastes amazing -is there an anti-acne diet? -do nut butters contribute to acne? already cut out dairy, eggs, gluten and still have acne (35 years old using retin-a) - portion control - are their easy ways to remember portion sizes, like size of fist, finger, etc? (not cups or ounces which are harder to visualize) thank oyu


Anonymous: Dear Dr. Cabral, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the work that you and your team are doing. I can’t thank you enough for the positive impact you have had on my life, which is carrying over to my family’s life as well. My 16 year old son now starts his day with your “Blue Crush” smoothie, instead of a sugar filled yogurt! A little history regarding my question: I am 45 year old female, diagnosed with SIBO in May 2015, then Candida in October 2016. I recently completed your Candida protocol and am feeling better. However, I don’t feel that I am at my best health. I am still showing various symptoms, such as brain fog, low energy (tired for a majority of the day), low libido, difficulty relaxing my mind, some bloating and occasional foul smelling gas after eating, and constant stuffed up nose. Last year I was diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, and now I have it again. I typically eat very healthy, the Dr. Cabral Detox is my typical way of eating. I exercise regularly with yoga, walking, a little bit of running and strength training. I have a limited meditation practice. I have been overly stressed about the past 6 months though. I continue to add wellness practices to my routine. However, I am feeling of balance, and would like to hear what avenue you might suggest that I look into next to continue my healing journey. Thanks again for all you do! Love your podcast and refer it often, as well as your Instagram.


CC: Hi Stephen, I wondered if you are you familiar with or better yet, have taken Shilajit? I was reading about the ancient herbal ayurvedic substance to balance hormone levels and reduce fatigue then realised it had a whole wealth of benefits due to all it's vitamins and minerals but apparently there are a lot of low-grade imitations and even genuine shilajit can be contaminated with fillers? I purchase Jing Herbs.


Taylor: Hi Dr. Cabral, For the last 4 years I have noticed my eyes doing something interesting. My pupils alternate sizes. At random times one will be significantly larger than the other and they alternate all day long on and off. Both seem dilate fine as I've had them checked out with my yearly eye appointment. It is something that has concerned me but I don't have headaches or any other symptoms that I feel may correlate. Do you know anything about this? I would love to know any knowledge you may have around this symptom. Thanks, Taylor 


Anon: Hello doctor! About 8 months ago I ate Taco Bell (...I know gross but Health wasn't a concern for me at that time). Less than 30 minutes later I got sick with nausea/vomiting and since then my digestive system has not been the same. I had the worst heartburn I never knew existed for about 2 months after just about daily. I was given omeprazole but stopped taking it after two weeks because it made me really nauseous so I turned to Rolaids/tums/pepto for a couple of months just about daily as well. Then I started with overwhelming anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and couldn't eat but about 10 different foods. Saw a naturopath and did a clean guy protocol and was back on my feet after about 3.5 months. The question I have is one thing that keeps reoccurring are episodes of gastroenteritis. Three times in these past 8 months I've gotten what I believe to be food poisoning. It usually starts less than an hour after I eat. I'll get painful upper abdominal cramps right under the left rib area and usually will start vomiting 2 hours after. Vomiting never last longer than 20hrs or so. Is this a bad coincidence or are there some questions I need to start asking. Now I eat a good diet of mostly whole organic foods but will occasionally snack on junk foods maybe once a week. My naturopath had ordered me a functional medicine stool test that looks for things that a normal stool test doesn't but I'm really want a second opinion.

I hope you enjoyed this weekend's community Q&A and all the tips added in along the way!

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Jun 24, 2017

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral #HouseCalls!

We have some amazing questions this weekend starting with these 6 community questions today:

Emily: Hi Dr Cabral, I need to get all four of my wisdom teeth extracted in a month. What can I do before and after surgery to help me heal faster and detox from the anesthesia? Thanks!


MariEllen: I went to the doctor for trouble swallowing. Got tested for my thyroid and had an ultrasound and all was okay. They want me to go to a GI for maybe an esophagus issue, but I have gone to so many doctors I don't want to waste any more money or time. I often feel the need to burp. Could this just be acid reflux? And I am not interested in taking a prescription, is there any thing else I can take for this? Hi doctor Cabral, I have written in previously a week ago and have done some research with your help. You have not answered my question yet and I know you guys generally have a few weeks lag and it's no problem but I have been thinking... would I be wasting my time doing the candida bacteria overgrowth protocol if I am currently on birth control? I am getting married in three months and the last time I tried to get off birth control, my entire back broke out and I can't have that happen seeing as my back will be showing in my wedding dress. I kind of have tried to cross out everything else that is wrong with me.. is there a connection between candida and a hormone imbalance as well? Thank you!


MariEllen: Dr Cabral, you are amazing and I feel like I have made more progress with my health with listening to you daily than any conventional medicine I have tried. I just got back blood tests and an ultrasound on my thyroid. Everything came back ok. I believe my symptoms to be adrenal fatigue and no one seems to agree. I have been on birth control for far too long and hate what it does to me. I noticed when I stopped taking it for a short amount of time I slept a lot better but am back on it for my acne apparently. My cystic acne has yet to go away for good. I am still suffering from it. My symptoms are hard time falling asleep, irritable, snappy, anxiety, overwhelmed quickly, dry skin, frequent urination, purple nails and poor circulation to hands and feet, no sex drive, neck pain, trouble swallowing, cravings for sweets, extreme headaches, mind never stops racing, constantly worrying, startle extremely easily, grinding/clenching my teeth, lack of taste/smell, extreme hunger, burning and aching eyes, always cold, no motivation, dry and itchy scalp and oily hair and lighter periods as well as trouble swallowing and ear aches. I know you have a test for this, but I can't find room for it in my budget this second and just want to feel better. I feel confident in saying I have adrenal fatigue, but want your advice. I also wanted to just get off birth control completely and keep telling my OBGYN that my cystic acne has got to be hormonal and no one will believe me. I want to take natural supplements to help me get back to myself and don't want coming off birth control to be a complete disaster either but I don't want to take birth control anymore. I also have your candida protocol that I will hopefully be starting next week.. Thank you 


Jess: Hi Dr. Cabral, I recently completed the Candida and Bacterial cleanse protocol and feel amazing! I have significantly less bloating and love the results! I have learned so much about my body and how food affects it. I noticed that during the protocol my white clumpy vaginal discharge went away (I frequently got yeast infections), however some of the discharge is back now that I am off the protocol. I do sometimes get some foul smelling gas after meals as well. I am in the health professional field, followed the specific shopping list you provided and did my best to stay satiated on the meal plan. I did lose some weight that I am now trying to slowly gain back because I have not gotten my period the last two months. I am wondering if this white ( somewhat clumpy) discharge is normal. There is no itching like before. Any input or recommendations on gaining weight back without causing increased Candida growth would be so helpful! I started the gut rebuilding protocol but if you have other suggestions for another supplement to take to avoid Candida/ bacteria overgrowth again / ensure it is all gone that helpful as well! Thanks for everything that you do, I appreciate all of your time and commitment! Jess


Carla: Hi Dr. Cabral, I believe I have a staph infection on my arms and I was wondering the best way to treat it myself? I know that they can become very serious but I'd like to avoid going to a Doctor and being given antibiotics. I've been applying turmeric poultices for 2 days to two small open wounds on my arms but haven't noticed much of a difference. Is there anything else I can do? Also what can I do to prevent it in the future? I do a martial art where I come in direct contact with other people (Brazilian jiu jitsu). Thank you so much for the work you do! Carla


Lauren: Hi Stephen, I recently got an alarming amount of marks that look like welts/hives/bites etc all throughout my body. It began as very itchy (including my scalp) as if i had a bug on me. Then within 2 days throughout the day I kept developing more welt like marks that are very itchy mostly on my torso area; however a few on my forehead near my scalp. I haven't used any new products and I am very conscious of using Fragrance-free products as I used to have eczema and have generally sensitive to dry skin. I went to a walk-in clinic, and the doctor insisted it wasn't bug bites but that it was something called pityriasis rosea. After looking at the symptoms of that, I have no similarities nor do my marks look anything like that as mine resemble mosquito bites. thus, i am stumped and worried it could be auto-immune related or something like scabies etc. Last week, i felt weird tingling in my left foot near my ankle as if the sense of touch felt different on that ankle compared to the right side. Just thinking if any of this could be related. I eat generally well and try to eat organic as best as I can but, I am not perfect & could be better. What route do you suggest I take in regards to the above? I wish I lived in boston to come visit you! thanks in advance!!

Thanks for tuning and be sure to come back tomorrow where we answer more of our community questions!

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Jun 23, 2017

We're back with another #FridayReview bringing you the very best of my favorite wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging products from the week!

Today, I'm sharing some new #blueblocker UV based research, as well as a more stylish pair of cortisol managing shades.

Next up, I'm reviewing two products that we have in our fitness studio to help clients use a self-massage technique to open up tight muscles in their hips and back…

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 504 for all the details – Enjoy the show!

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Jun 22, 2017

A few years back barefoot training (not wearing shoes while working out or running) began to catch fire all over the world...

And while there are many pros to not wearing shoes while running I explained back on episode 103 that just switching to barefoot running can be potentially very harmful...

Today though, I'd like to share with you the top 7 benefits I see to working out (resistance training/classes) without shoes. I'll also share some tips we use in my practice to help people get the most out of this type of training...

Tune into #CabralConcept 503 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 21, 2017

Most people are aware of the normal food allergy and sensitivity reactions such as skin rashes, hives, or at worst anaphylaxis...

But did you know that there are quite a number of other food sensitivity reactions that are a bit more hidden...

The reason I say that is because these reactions can happen days later or show up as symptoms that may seem completely unrelated to the foods you ate...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 502 for the 5 "sneaky" food sensitivity symptoms that you may not be aware of - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 20, 2017

Anxiety and mood disorders affect more than 40 million people in just the US alone...

Anxiety, OCD, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety, Depression and PTSD are both mental and physical health issues that can hold you back from reaching your full potential in life...

My goal is to make sure you don't have to live with these debilitating issues your entire life and cannabinoids are one example of plant-based healing modalities that has shown a lot of promise...

On today's #CabralConcept 501 I'm going to share the science with you in a very approachable way so that you can begin to understand how CBDs can be used to calm the mind and body so that you can feel free and alive again - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 19, 2017

Without a doubt the hardest part about taking action on our new goal or dream is that we have to start back again at ground zero...

This can be intimidating to think that you may have to leave your current comfort zone and go after a new career, relationship, body transformation, or wellness goal for the "first time" again...

The good news is that starting from scratch can often times be a blessing - It allows us to wipe the slate clean and start fresh... And, it can actually be a huge source of motivation and excitement when done right!

Join me on today's celebratory #CabralConcept 500 as we outline where to start and how not to get overwhelmed as you begin your new journey - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 18, 2017

Welcome back to our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

We have some amazing questions lined up for you today, so let's get started:

Amanda: Hi Dr. Cabral. Love the show. Last September I switched birth control contraceptives. I had been on the pill for about 10 years. I switched to the cooper IUD (paragard). I've had spotting almost every single month since the switch. I was told this was normal, however, I didn't expect it to last this long. Is there anything I can do to help stop the spotting? 

Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral, is it fine to start taking probiotics after a few weeks of a decent candida cleanse even if you are still experiencing candida symptoms, i.e. bloating, gas etc; is it usual to still experience the symptoms until you start on probiotics or should you completely wait or avoid probiotics until those symptoms are fully gone? I also wondered what your take is on the controversial probiotic Enterococcus faecalis (found in Threelac/Fivelac)? Learnt so much thanks for your amazing podcast!

Amanda: Hi Dr Cabral, I am a holistic nutritionist and love your show. Almost 5 months ago I ended up with leaky gut which led me to having perioral dermititis. My skin problems were really bad until I started Going on a leaky gut protocol; healing with bone broths, fermented foods, green juices and probiotics. Today I am much better but there is still a slight rash around my nose that hasn't totally gone away. Some days it's better than others. Do you have any experience of what could keep this lingering dermatitis? Is it bacteria or fungal? And any suggestions on a cure? Thanks for all that you do 

Elizabeth: Hi Dr Cabral, similar to the CBD oil I was very intrigued on your 483 episode on CoQ10. I purchased a CoQ10 supplement & serum about a year ago from "MitoQ"; unfortunately I wasn't consistent with either but since your episode, I have looked back into them and noticed this supplement contains 5mg Mitoquinol and wondered how that compares to the supplements you suggested of 100mg Ubiquinol? I have read reviews for both and both seem to be very effective but the price range is quite significant. Thanks and awesome podcast!!

Tony: Hi Doctor Cabral, I am mid fight with my gf about microwaving food. I do not see the issue, she is telling me it disrupts the food on a cellular level and I just don't believe her. Is there truly any harm in microwaving your food for best health. Also, What makes GMO food GMO? I do not see gmo as hurtful, again my gf thinks otherwise, so we come to you! I do not see the harm in eating gmo plants since cross pollination is inherently natural. My gf believes its the seed that is corrupt and therefore needs more pesticides. it is all confusing to me. please help explain. Does gmo food truly connect to disease? Thank you! 

Geena: I have been breaking out on the front of my neck and LOWER back and shoulders, and eyebrow area of my face. I have tried to learn about Chinese facial mapping and I think it points to a bad liver? Any ideas? The acne on my neck is the most troublesome and creates anxiety. thank you for your help and podcast, I am sure to spread the news you give.


Stephanie: Hello! I have extremely bad lower back pain the first 2 days of my period when it is the heaviest, any reason? I can't really work or do much on these days. I heard it is just normal and my doc just wants to put me on birth control, but I know better. Any advice? I am 32 years old an would like to have kids in the next couple years. Also since on the topic, is it true women get to "clean out their blood" through their period monthly, so it is really something we should look at as a good nuisance....? I also break out on my back the week before my period. normal? Thank you! Great show.

I hope you enjoyed today's Q&A and all the tips added in along the way!

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Jun 17, 2017

I'm excited to bring you our first Cabral #HouseCall of the weekend where I share answers top our community's wellness, weight loss and anti-aging questions!

Here are today's Q&A topics:

Jodi: Hi Dr. Cabral, Love your podcasts. I started listening about a month ago and I'm learning lots. What are your thoughts on the new fascia blaster that is being advertised to break up cellulite? I'm wondering if I should purchase one. What are other ideas to eliminate cellulite? Thanks, Jodi

Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral, my mom and I both have little red dots, primarily on our arms. Some are the size of a pin head and some like the tip of a ball point pen. They look like red freckles. My mom has had them all my life and I've had them for at least 20 years. Any idea what causes these and how to get rid of them? Thank you so much for any light you can shed on this topic.

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral -I love your podcasts and appreciate the amount of helpful information you give on a daily basis! Two questions: 1. You mentioned in another podcast that not every person can take a probiotic depending on other internal issues. What if you don't know whether your child has one of those? Is it better not to give them at all or is it safe to give them daily? My child takes a gummy by Renew Life called Ultimate Flora with 3 billion daily and I'm concerned I'm doing more harm than good. Thoughts? Also if okay to take - do you know if this is a good quality option? 2. I loved your interview with Sara Gottfried - have been reading her book Younger, which is excellent and following her work. I believe I read on a recent post of Sara's that she is recovering from breast cancer. Part of me feels discouraged that a functional medicine doctor with access to all of the preventative tests, information and resources -- and who has been following the best possible protocol for over 10 years -- can still end up with breast cancer. I would like your thoughts on this. I think very highly of her and her work and wish her a full recovery and this is by no means a criticism of her work or of her. It just left me questioning if there just isn't a way to prevent disease even if you do everything possible to get it "right",

Michelle: Hi Dr. Cabral - I have a few questions that are inter-related. I just purchased The Daily Support and wonder the following: 1. Would I as a 105 pound woman use two scoops and my husband at 200 pounds use the same amount every morning or should we adjust based on weight? 2. Am I getting all of my daily vitamins with it only if use the two scoops? 3. If I'm deficient in Bs and Ds is it okay to take an additional supplement? If so, when would I take them? 4. You suggest using it for morning and as afternoon shake - is it possible to take in too many vitamins during a day? I know certain vitamins build up and others like C don't so don't want to take too many or too little. 5. Is it safe to take a daily liver detox which your supplement contains or isn't this something you do once a quarter? Thanks!

Lisa: Hi Dr. Cabral, I'm so overjoyed to have found you and your podcast! I'm hooked! Your teachings, insights, and dedication are a blessing in my life. Thanks so much for all you do. I have a question regarding CBD and eye health. I was diagnosed with Vitreal Macular Traction in my left eye in October of 2013 (piece of the macula stuck to the vitreous). I'm in good shape, with no major health issues outside of mild IBS which I manage with diet and probiotics so I was shocked to have this happen. I can see out of the eye, just can't read out of it which is so depressing. Although there's a surgery and gel injection for VMT it isn't always successful and can lead to a permanent black spot on the eye. To support eye healing, I shifted my diet to mostly vegetarian with occasional chicken and salmon at least once a week. Many people with VMT heal spontaneously, so I'm (still) hoping that will be me. My question is this: I have read a few articles stating that people taking CBD for other health issues, had their Macular Degeneration healed as a by product. Could you speak to the potential for healing of eye dis-ease with a CBD protocol? Many thanks!

Ava: Hello.. a vain question more than a health one.. I have noticed deeper and more visible creases on my chest area (Decolletage Lines) and I really don't want them to get worse, even more so I'd like to get rid of them without injection/ lazer. Do you have any tips? I am mid thirties and these lines are making me v self conscious. Thank you v much for your insight.

Ciara: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have some questions about episode 481 concerning food combining. I've been studying nutrition and holistic health for several years now and I really loved your breakdown about proper food combining. A lot of this information is consistent with what I've studied and I've incorporated what makes the most sense to me. I typically eat fruit on its own or in a green smoothie. What is your opinion on combining sweet and sub-acid fruits with leafy greens in a smoothie, as the food has already been predigested? I've read that leafy greens and fruit combine well together, but I just recently heard that this is a bad combination and only apples will mix well in a green smoothie. Also, your Daily Fruit & Vegetable Blend supplement contains similar combinations. How does this product demonstrate proper food combining? 

Britney: Hi Dr. Cabral, I listened to your podcast on the thyroid, which prompted me to ask about the parathyroid. I went to the Dr. for lab work and my parathyroid hormone level was high and my calcium level was high by 1 point. They ran the numbers again 2 weeks later and the parathyroid number had lowered and was slightly outside of the reference range. My calcium had gone down by a tenth of a point. The only things that I changed between the first test and the second were eating a bit more iodine because I thought that I had a thryroid issue, and I began taking one of your daily supplements. I was advised to see an Endocrinologist and I haven't had my appointment yet. I've tried not to ready too many resources because some of what I have read has made me nervous. My Vitamin D is lower than the reference range and my LDL is slightly high. All other numbers were fine for my annual physical. Do Vitamin D and LDL play a role in a high parathyroid number? Do I need more calcium or am I lacking it? Which foods are helpful to lower the parathyroid number? Will foods/supplements keep my levels normal or will these levels need to be maintained constantly? Are any of the foods that are helpful to the thyroid also helpful to the parathyroid? 

Thomas Brunhart: Hello, I found the Cabral Concept podcast a few weeks ago and love it. I have listened to many not all of the episodes. I am trying to have this email read on housecalls. Not sure if this proper way to do that or if there is a different website for that. I am a 42 year old male with Interstitial cystitis. I was diagnosed 5 years ago. It started pretty much over night. I am otherwise very healthy. I am 6' 2 '' and 175 pounds. I swim 3-4 times a week and go to they gym for weight training. I have tried many different treatments for my IC. I have tried stem cell treatment, was on a high dose of antibiotics for 1-2 months, I had my bladder stretched, tried Elmiron. The only thing so far that seems to have helped a bit was the first bladder stretching and going on a complete anti-inflammatory diet. I eat little to no gluten and processed sugars. I started taking CBD oil about 8 weeks ago can not say it changed much. However that said living with IC is still a nightmare. I am told there is not cure and would love your opinion or thoughts on the topic. Thank you Thomas

Thank you for listening and I'll be back with another HouseCall tomorrow so stay tuned!

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Jun 16, 2017

Our #FridayReview today is dedicated to the one mineral that most people are missing...

Every year I run over a thousand Functional Medicine lab tests in my practice and from a underlying root cause level, I see one vital element missing from people's biochemistry...

Without enough stores of this mineral, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, heart arrhythmia's, fatigue, skin issues, headaches, and many other health conditions can be difficult to overcome...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 497 for the name of this missing mineral and all the various forms you can get it to start feeling your best again - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 15, 2017

The challenge amongst health & fitness experts is trying to recommend a program that best works for the greatest amount of people...

For some people, working out while in a fasted state can work quite well. But for others it spells disaster...

Although I've shared on a previous podcast if you should skip breakfast and workout, today I want to bring you new research that may just have found a happy medium...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 496 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 14, 2017

It's almost universally agreed upon that eating too much processed food will lead to an increase in disease, weight gain, mood disorders, and premature death...

But did you know that there are 5 specific food groups that can help you get well, lose weight, and live longer?

Today, I'm going to take you through each one of those specific foods groups and why each one of them is extremely important to add to your diet on a daily basis...

Tune into #CabralConcept 495 for all the details on how to eat the rainbow to lose weight and feel great - enjoy the show!

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Jun 13, 2017

Right now, statistics show 1 out of every 3 people will get cancer in their lifetime...

And by the year 2030, that number will increase to 1 out if 2. Just as bad, the cost of getting cancer set you back over $100,000 in "treatments"...

These are some scary stats that we need to start doing something about right now. And, one of the best ways to help prevent cancer in the first place is by what we choose to put in our mouth...

On today's #CabralConcept 494 I'm going to share with you my "Top 7 Cancer Fighting Foods" that you can consume on a daily basis to help you take one more step to fight back against getting cancer - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 12, 2017

Although it's not very well known one of the main drivers for success is how you speak to yourself...

This refers to the non-verbal, as well as the words spoken out loud where you're either building yourself up or putting yourself down...

Most of the time we're completely unaware of this self-talk that is always taking place, but the truth is that until we get this sun-conscious speak to work for us we may be destined to never fully reach our potential...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept for the most dangerous phrase most people use that must be removed from your vocabulary (and your children's) - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 11, 2017

Thank you for joining us for the 2nd day of our Cabral HouseCalls!

Here is today's community Q&A:

Shawn: Hi Dr Cabral, Can you recommend a protocol to heal a tear around the area of the anal sphincter. It was likely caused by poor diet choices and major constipation. I've cleaned up my diet (no wheat, dairy, etc), but the wound does reopen every few months or so.

Lisa: Hi Dr. Cabral, Loving your podcast and the time you put into it to help so many! I have a couple questions, what cookbook or resources (instagram, pinterest) does your wife use when cooking for the family? This would help me so much! My other question is, I have been on a vegan diet (80 percent raw) for 1 year hoping to heal my tongue problem. I know you have talked about this in the past and Im ordering your bacteria overgrowth supplements to see if this will help. If I do not eat ANY sugar (not even fruit sugar for the last 3 months) why cant I starve the bacteria and get rid of the white coating on my tongue? Thank you so much!!

Jen: Hi Dr. Cabral! I'm loving your podcast and slowly making my way through your older episodes while continuing to listen to your new ones. You always provide such good information! I recently listened to a podcast you did on food sensitivities. You were talking about common signs or symptoms a person can experience and I'm one of those people who has a headache response to certain foods. I can never figure out a connection between the foods though. Is it common to have sensitivities to foods which on the surface appear to have nothing in common? I'm already 100% dairy free, for about 5 years, 90% gluten free, for about 1 year, and about 75% egg free, also for about 1 year. So I think I've done a good job eliminating the top 3 contenders you mention often. I've noticed that I get a strong headache, nearing a migraine but not quite, when I eat onions (typically only happens with raw, but sometimes cooked), garlic (worse with raw and cooked, not too bad with garlic powder or garlic salt as a seasoning), and cilantro. Salsa and guacamole used to be favorites of mine, but are now off limits. To me, these three foods have nothing in common, aside from their common use in lots of Mexican dishes. I've found the headache effect happens both when these foods are combined and when they are solo ingredients in a dish. Anyhoo, I'm totally open to taking your food sensitivity test, and I'd be curious to see the results, but I didn't know if you could give me a little bit of insight before I ordered it. First, can a person have similar reactions to seemingly unrelated foods? Second, will the food sensitivity test pick up on these foods if I haven't eaten them recently? I steer clear as much as possible of onions, garlic and cilantro and do pretty well with avoiding them for weeks at a time. Also since I have no dairy and very little gluten or eggs, would those foods be detectable in the test or not? My husband thinks I'm crazy for blaming onions, garlic and cilantro on my headaches after eating Mexican food, and maybe I am, but I'd love to know once and for all if I really do have a sensitivity when it comes to those foods or if it is all 'made up' by me. Thanks for your help!

Megan: Hi Dr. Cabral, over the last year I have had an issue with multiple canker sores. I am in my late 30s, in a pretty good health state, average stress for a working mom, did your IGG food sensitivity test, take your daily multi and haven't changed my toothpaste etc Any suggestions? They hurt! Many thanks.

Anon: Hi Stephen, I appreciate your knowledge and the time you give to the world! My body fat has been yo-yoing since as long as I can remember (especially due to binge eating then watching what I eat and then falling off). I find that if I am extreme and avoid all my food sensitivities and sugar and carbs I am successful, but when I try to find balance with cheats I always go overboard. I want to lose body fat for good (especially around the abdomen, obliques, thighs and triceps) and learning to deal with the binge eating emotionally and hoping to have control with cheats eventually. I have been tempted to turn to cool sculpting because I hear that it actually helps you lose approx. 25% of fat cells by freezing them and that traditional methods only shrink your fat cells. At this time I am trying to fast to shrink my stomach and when eating, eating very nutrient-dense food. What is your opinion overall and do yo have any other advice? Thank you so much!

Anon: Hi Stephen, Thank you for giving back with this podcast - you are truly making a change in the world! I am confused because I have been meeting many health practitioners (nutritionists, naturopathic doctors, etc.) that are overweight (not obese, but body composition is not ideal - but seemingly eat well) and do not look like what I am led to believe is in optimal health although that is their business. I am wondering how much of how lean you are or how you look is a reflection of your health because similarly, I know many people who look healthy, but I know do not eat well and/or have health issues. I do not want to judge a book by it's cover and/or hurt anyone's feelings, but better understand this so I know how to perceive it... Can you please shed some light on this? Thank you so much for answering our questions!

I hope you enjoyed this weekend's community Q&A and all the tips added in along the way!

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Jun 10, 2017

Welcome back!

Today we'll be starting Part 1 of this weekend's Cabral #HouseCalls where we answer our community's questions.

Here are today's questions:

Kerry: Please give me your thoughts on rice flour (looking for gluten free options) I was tempted to buy sprout brown rice flour but remembered that its recommended to have rice sparingly due to the natural arsenic in it. Is this something I should limit or use at all?

Anon: Hi Dr. Cabral, What is your take on fibroids? I performed a quick search for previous podcasts on this topic and didn't see anything come up. I was diagnosed with two 11-14 cm fibroids in October 2016, which were symptomatic (pelvic pain, heavy periods, discomfort from working out, etc.). After visiting my gynecologist, I was told that I would need to have an open myomectomy to have them removed, especially if I want to have children. I am a 35 year old African American women with no children, but plans to have children. Long story short, I opted to go the holistic route of shrinking the growths. I used Fibro Defense for uterine health, systemic enzymes, which I now take everyday, I increased my intake of raw green foods (I was born and raised as a vegetarian with a solid plant based diet) and wheatgrass shots. Since my symptoms seemed to be getting worse, and I want to plan to start having children with my fiance this year, I opted for a minimally invasive myomectomy. Turns out, I only had one 14 cm fibroid and one very small one that was not removed. Do you know what really causes fibroids? Are they estrogen dependent? I stopped taking my birth control in December 2016 and have continued to up my enzyme intake with plant foods and supplementation. My hope is that this second growth doesn't result in another surgery. Many thanks!


Fabienne: Dear Dr Cabral, my name is Fabienne and I am reaching out to you all the way from Luxembourg, Europe. I've been listening to your podcasts and I would like to thank you for all the work that you do. I genuinely appreciate all the information you put out there. I am currently doing a heath coaching program with IIN; I believe in the value of nutrition and would like to dig deeper into the area of holistic health and functional medicine. I do have a job at the moment so enrolling at a university abroad is not an option, therefore I would like to study with a distance learning program. My problem is that I find so many inspiring and seemingly meaningful schools and programs, that it's a bit overwhelming for me to choose one. Are there any schools or programs that you could recommend to someone who's just starting out in that field? I've found a curriculum that seems really interesting, it's with the "New Eden School of Clinical Natural Medicine" and it is called "Certified Naturopath in Functional Approaches (C.N.F.A) An impressive non-doctorate professional diploma program in Functional Naturopathy. A science based curriculum that combines Naturopathy and Functional Medicine. Requirements: High school education or GED" Would you say this is a good program? I am willing to learn, so it's not a question of workload, but rather one of: is this a good program? Or are there others I should look into? There are also quite a lot of German schools that offer online courses (and I remember you saying that you wish you had had the opportunity to do some training in Germany), maybe I should stick to one of those? I hope you can help me out, there is so much information out there that it is a bit exhaustive and I don't really know who to ask as most practitioners in Luxembourg have done their education in French, not English or German. Thanks again for everything. I understand if you do not wish to promote any schools in particular, so I won't hold it against you if you can't reply ;-)

Sandra: I have hashimoto' disease and have been told not to eat raw cruciferous vegetable. I also have a few nodules And a cyst , non malignant , on my thyroid so not to consume too much sugar including fruit. My question is- will green powder be ok to add to morning shake?

Isabelle: Hello! I have a question about Bacopa manner (or Brahmi). I was wondering if you have any experiences using this herb? Any possible side-effects? And would you recommend it for its alleged brain benefits? Thanks so much, from Isabelle

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to come back tomorrow where we answer more of our community's questions!

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Jun 9, 2017

I can't believe it's already the end of the week and of course that can mean only one thing - our #FridayReview !

Today, I'll be sharing with you the best way to turn "dead" filtered water back into living water again with just a few drops of ionic minerals...

Next up, I'll be sharing my favorite workplace ergonomic tools as a follow up to yesterday's podcast on the top posture tips...

And finally, I'll give you my top picks to save you money on standing desks and how to transform any desk into a "standing one!"

Tune into #CabralConcept 490 for all the tips and product reviews - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 8, 2017

I don't do a lot of interviews on the Cabral concepts, but when I do I like to bring you top experts that you may not have ever heard of...

This allows you to get a different perspective and hear information in a new way that can help you improve your overall health and wellness...

And today, I want to introduce you to Dr. Krista Burns of the American Postural Institute who discusses with me the "Top 10 Tips to Improve Your Posture & Relieve Pain."

We had a great time going back and forth sharing our favorite tips, strategies, products, and ways to decrease pain, inflammation, headaches, and fatigue!

I invite you now to check out #CabralConcept 489 for this special interview on how to improve your energy, mood and body with these top 10 postural tips - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 7, 2017

In the very near future you'll hear more about the power of Functional Medicine Testing in the media...

Although it's been around for decades, unfortunately many people haven't been exposed to a resource that very well may be the catalyst that helps them achieve their wellness, weight loss, or anti-aging goals...

The reason I'm so passionate about this is that Functional Medicine lab testing is what helped me figure out the underlying root causes for why I was feeling sick even when the "best doctors" in the world couldn't tell me what was wrong with me...

You see, when you're only looking at your blood work you're never getting the full picture. This is why looking deeper into your gut health, adrenals, thyroid, hormones, and other systems of the body is so important...

So on today's #CabralConcept 488, I'm going to explain 3 popular Functional Medicine lab tests, what they are, what they test for, and why one of them may just be what you're looking for - Enjoy the show!

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Jun 6, 2017

Some people are desperately seeking medical help trying to figure out what is wrong with them...

The problem is that they are looking to be told they have some name of a "disease" that they can then hang their hat on and finally feel like their pain and suffering is justified...

Although I've been through this myself and I truly understand this longing for an answer, the problem is that being diagnosed with a disease is one of the worst things that can happen to you...

The reason I say this is due to the fact that you will then be medicated and most likely given no alternative to ever coming off those drugs - You'll be sentenced to a life of "disease."

Tune into today's controversial #CabralConcept 487 for a look into this dilemma and how to overcome "the delusion of disease" while finding true long-term relief for your health issues - Enjoy the show!

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