Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Irene: Hi Dr. Cabral, about 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with lymphedema. The area associated with it is my left ankle. It stays swollen 24/7. Most of the time it isn’t painful, but it looks horrible. It looks like an elephant’s leg. I have these chamber type contraptions that zip onto my legs from toe to groin. A machine then inflates the chambers in order to compress my legs from toe to groin. I’m supposed to “pump” my legs twice a day. I’m not faithful at doing this, but even when I am for a few weeks at a time, I don’t see much of a difference. The same left leg also has about ten areas that have spidery looking veins from my ankle to my knee. Are the two possibly related? Is there a cure for my lymphedema? I’m a committed listener to your podcasts and I appreciate your commitment to helping others get well.
Tony: Dr. Cabral, Thanks again for everything you do! I have been sharing your information with almost everyone I know and just completed my OAT and Food sensitivy tests...needless to say I am excited and I have newfound hope on my journey to healing. Now that I have addressed my own issues, I wanted to write on behalf of my wife. She is 29 years old, very fit, and for the most part in good health. She has a history of kidney stones dating back to her late teens. We have been blessed with three children, but each pregnancy progressively got worse with more kidney complications each time. While she was pregnant she developed several stones, passed some, but we know at least one or two remain. This last pregnancy (two years ago) she actually had to have a nephrostomy tube for the last 10 weeks of pregnancy. Her nephrologist said that her kidneys had become very compressed and were not functioning well under the strain. She has had several follow up appointments over the last couple of years and Doctors have deemed her kidneys to be very low functioning due to "kidney disease". They stated that her kidneys are in pretty rough shape and have began to basically "calcify". Is this an actual condition? If so, what can be done to revitalize the kidney and restore its functionality..? Once again, a big thanks! My family appreciates you!
JL: Dr. Cabral, Thank you for your podcasts. I have just recently taken a functional medicine approach to my life and I appreciate all the information you give on a daily basis. My question is about female libido. What can be causing a low libido besides the stress of daily life? I cannot accept the diagnosis of hypoactive sexual desire disorder. I feel there has to be a hormonal imbalance that is causing this and can be treated. What is your advice to identify any potential imbalances in the body that could be causing this? Any proactive or natural remedies would be very helpful. Thanks again.
Anonymous: For as long as I've paid attention (Approximately two years) about two weeks before my cycle I get night sweats. They stop completely after day one or two of my cycle and are very predictable and consistent. Often times I have trouble sleeping because I'm so hot and I'll even wake up out of a dead sleep sweating like I did a workout. Is this normal? I know body temp rises after ovulation, but is it normal to sweat that much?
Judy: Dear Dr. Cabral, I am so grateful to have found your podcast. I am a 34 year old woman battling acne since my teenage years with the exception of when I took Yaz birth control for about 2 years. I later tried a generic brand to help with acne but it never worked. It has been at least 5 years since I was last on birth control. My acne continues to get worse mostly on my chin and cheeks. I have been on a vegan, plant based diet for almost a year. Several of my digestive issues improved once I gave up animal products such as I can now process beans and most cruciferous foods that for years I just thought I was allergic to. However, my acne continues to get worse. Starting a month ago, I am now taking about 5mg Maca, and 2tsp of flax oil and a vegan epa/dha supplement and eliminating all other oils and my beloved nuts to reduce inflammation and boost my omega 3s which I heard could help acne. However, I am constantly craving sweets especially before my cycle and I often binge on sugar on the weekends. Also, my eyelashes fall out causing bald spots so I started using a lash enhancer to keep the balding at bay although I can clearly see the new growth that is replacing the hairs that fell out. I am also concerned that I have lost my half moons on all my nails except my thumbs which are starting to go away too. Do you have any suggestions on what may be causing my acne, binging, hair loss and nail issues? Is there a vegan solution for me? I look forward to you reply.
Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!
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Although I believe in all forms of medicine it's becoming increasingly difficult to get behind conventional medicine after the latest news of bribes, deceit, and manipulation...
I'm also finding it equally as difficult to support fast food "restaurants" even if they are trying to provide a lower cost option due to their blatant deception of what they're hiding in their "food"...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 644 for this latest public service warning on food and drugs and why it matters for you and your family's health - Enjoy the show!
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While it's hard to draw straws on the best exercises for fat burning, I did want to share with you a few that stand out...
On today's show I'll give specific examples of movements that cause the body more "stress" and as a results will provide far greater fat burning effects...
These effects are also not just a temporary uptick in calorie burning - They actually boost your metabolism for up to 36 hours after your workout!
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 643 to discover the 8 exercises that burn more fat than you may think - Enjoy the show!
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Rather than pretend that it's not harder for women to burn body fat at the same rate as men I'd rather share with you the reasons why that is...
I figure that if you understand why men lose fat easier than women you can then use these "bio-hacks" to your advantage and try to ramp up your own natural fat burning systems...
For more information on the 5 factors of why men burn more fat than women tune into today's #CabralConcept 432 - Enjoy the show!
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Believe it or not, there actually is a hierarchy of nutritional supplements...
Superfoods, herbs, and tinctures all fall into the healing category of nice to have, but they do not necessarily meet your body's base-level nutrient requirements...
You see, the body actually needs a very specific set of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other cofactors necessary to carry on its daily processes...
The interesting thing is that these requirements from a food or nutritional supplement standpoint can change with each season...
And, on today's #CabralConcept 641 I want to share with you the winter supplement you can't live without - Enjoy the show!
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To quote Jim Rohn, "Too many of us walk down to the ocean with a teaspoon instead of a bucket..."
Many of you already understand that you deserve more out of life and your goals have largely been left unmet...
And when hopes, dreams, and goals remain unanswered we are left with a low-level sense of despair, discouragement, and anxiety...
So although I agree that goal setting is important, what's been overlooked is how we go about the actual act of goal achievement...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 640 to learn how to attract what you want into your life - Enjoy the show!
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Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!
I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…
Let’s get started!
Amanda: Hey Doc, Thanks for all your amazing information. You continue to help me guide my clients to the highest form of health. I have a client with quite a great number of food sensitivities. My question is with removal of heavy metals, balancing of the microbiome & healing and sealing of the gut wall is it possible to restore my clients gut health to the point where he is no longer sensitive to so many foods? Thanks!
Jenn: Hi Stephen, First of all I just want to tell toy how much I LOVE your podcasts! They are my listening choice when I am out walking, hey... why not kill two birds with one stone? I get in my physical activity AND mentally you get the wheels turning in my head, thoughts to ponder. I have a question for you in regards to your Podcast #615, looking at HIIT training. At the tail end of the Podcast you summaries the differences in regards to longer intervals = shorter rest and shorter intervals= longer rests which makes complete sense to me now after your explanation. You stated that the shorter intervals should be done at the end of a strength training session for 3-5 hard workouts. Does this mean 3-5 times through or for 3-5 minutes? Thanks for any info you could pass on, Jenn
Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral! I really love listening to your podcasts every morning on my way to work. I'm a female Dietitian, 26 years old, and struggle with gas, bloating and some constipation. I've never struggled with my weight (BMI right around 18) or any health issues, and my hormone levels are always normal. I sleep very well, exercise often and eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, nuts/seeds, sweet potatoes and oatmeal and drink PLENTY of water. To my knowledge, I have no food allergies or intolerances and can't seem to figure out why some days I am more bloated or constipated than others. I started taking a probiotic daily about a year ago, which helps a little, but doesn't fix the issue. I tend to eat similar foods each day and can't find a pattern with my symptoms and some days just wake up bloated or produce more gas than others. It's so frustrating and I feel like I shouldn't have these problems at my age! I never had these issues until about 5 years ago. Any advice or help you can provide would be great! I've listened to your previous podcasts about constipation and found them very interesting. Thanks so much!
Megan: Hi Dr. Cabral, Let me begin by thanking you for being such an incredible resource for all of us who listen to you. I have the highest respect for you and am so grateful for your generosity in sharing all of what you know! My question is in regards to my 10 year old son. Let me give you a bit of the back story. 2 years ago he started suffering with terrible eye tics. It started with rapid blinking and then turned into hard blinks with some facial scrunching as well. It was constant and so sad, very hard to watch him suffer. We did go to a biomedical dr who ran a nutreval and we found he had yeast overgrowth and leaky gut. We cleared up the yeast using biociden and a biofilm supplement along with others that he needed (zinc, B complex, vitamin D, alpha lipoic acid, and restore for the gut). We cleared up the tics quite quickly and really have been symptom free for 2 years. He does flare a little with illness, so when he gets sick he has a little twitch but nothing at all like he had. I guess he is considered a PANS child. We have completed the nutraeval twice since then, the last one being in June. The yeast had returned despite following his food sensitivity diet (we also had the sensitivity test done as well). We started the biociden and the biofilm supplement again and also continued using the other supplements he needs as well. We have followed our plan fairly strictly and have kept with it for 2 years. So I am a bit confused as to why the yeast came back. The last week or so I have noticed some of that blinking again. Not at the same severity it was to begin with but I am confused as to why it is returning and what may be causing the inflammation which would in turn cause the tics? I guess my question is how do I best support the immune system to help reverse this response? What do you think I should do from here to help keep these tics from returning? Thank you so much for your help and I apologize for this long winded question, I just felt it was necessary to explain a little of our background! Thank you again, Megan
Megan: Hello! What's your best recommendation for boosting glutathione levels? Levels came back on a nutreval as very low in this area. We have tried using pharmanac and NAC pills but have yet to be successful in boosting these numbers. Thank you in advance!
Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!
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Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Melissa: Hi Dr. Cabral - my question is this: I am currently expecting my first baby (early December). I am choosing to have a natural birth at a birthing center and am hoping that you can steer me in the right direction for postpartum recovery. Some background: After college I didn't have a period for 5+ years. When I got married in 2013 I realized that I needed to address my lack of a cycle if I wanted to start a family someday. My gynecologist told me 'don't worry we'll deal with it when you want to get pregnant' (as in, we'll put you on clomid). Well, I didn't want that. I knew I needed to get my system balanced to avoid more long term problems. I did some testing through a functional medicine doctor, and along with a supplement protocol and some lifestyle changes I was able to balance everything out, get my cycle regulated and ultimately get pregnant (praise God!). Postpartum I want to make sure that I set myself up for success to get my hormones regulated again and specifically make sure my thyroid is healthy (which I know can become an issue for many women during/after birth). Given my history with hormone imbalance I'm wondering if you can suggest what blood tests I should run, and when I should run them (2 months postpartum, 6 months, etc.) to get an idea of how my body is recovering and if I need to supplement. I might add that I will be exclusively breastfeeding. Prior to getting pregnant I was taking KyoGreen for iodine intake as well as some other adaptogenic herbs (ashwaganda, maca root, vitex) for hormone regulation. I'd love to hear your thoughts on going back on these as well as any suggestions you have so that I can be the best and healthiest mom possible!
Jessi: Hi! I have been taking DE dailey to great success I can't put my finger on it but feel it's helping w parasite issue and skin. 2 part question: 1.I want to go through a round of the intestinal cleanse - is it ok to add DE to the doc. shultz #2 powder /drink? for added benefit? 2. for a daily "upon wake drink" can i mix DEearth w psyllium or psyllium husk pills ? i want to keep taking DE every day will start intestinal cleanse as soon as i hear thanks for everything always !
Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, I've been struggling with acne since April of this year (cheeks, jawline, eyebrows, temples, forehead). I've referred back to all of your acne related podcasts and have done the following: 7 and 21 day detoxes (acne cleared and came back within a week), and food sensitivity testing (reactivity moderate for cow's milk, yogurt, egg yolk, and candida). One of your health coaches had suggested that I try your candida protocol. Back on another 7 day detox, post-travel and additional flare ups. I've also just completed your Weight Loss test to evaluate my hormones (no results yet). My naturopath has also prescribed me Berberine Complex (integrative therapeutics) and CandiBactin-AR (metagenics), since I tested positive for candida and this could be a contributor to my acne. Background - I stopped birth control in December of last year. I'm a vegetarian who eats mostly vegan, but have limited my intake of eggs, since testing (I rarely consume dairy). I'm very frustrated and feel like I have very little control over my skin, and testing/supplements are not inexpensive. Please help! And thank you for all that you do.
Tiina: Hi! I've been listening to your podcast for a while and really enjoy your objective and scientific take on functional medicine. I'm a 23 year old female and been suffering from bad gut issues on and off for around 5 years. I am currently doing an internship and studying on the side and struggling to get through day to day with my symptoms and keep up with my life, even though I have tried to take tone it down as much as possible and only focus on the necessary. My main problems include nausea, stomach aches, feeling very tired, anxiety/mood issues and brain fog. Just to add, I've been on a gluten free paleo diet for several years now and it did help a bit. I've recently had the GI Effects stool panel done and am waiting for results from that to see if I have a parasite or gut infection problem. I've had functional blood tests for lyme and other infections done recently and came up positive for Yersinia and Anaplasma / Ehrlichia and had a high MCV and other markers that point to a B12 deficiency. My question is what can I do right now to feel better? The rest of my lab results will take several weeks and I won't see my functional medical professional in nearly 3 weeks. I understood that it's important to keep the adrenals in balance too (since I would bet in my case they are under strain) but I also want to get rid of all the infections and toxins from my body as soon as possible to feel better. My nutritionist who ordered the tests said that we would start using herbs to cleanse my body of the infections and bugs, but I've read that that might be very hard on your adrenals and body if you are releasing all those toxins all of a sudden. I am just worried I will get bad side-effects and have to take too many days off due to the detox. Thank you so much if you take the time to respond, I'm listening to all your podcast episodes back and look forward to new ones every week! Kind Regards, Tiina
Lisa: Hi Dr. Cabral, thank you so much for answering my questions, I truly appreciate it! My question today is about poop and lack of energy. Im a gluten free vegan and eat only healthy foods, I do not even have a cheat meal! I have done your candida/bacteria protol, I also do your daily shake, your greens and your B complex. Although my digestion is better, I still wake up tired. I go to bed by 10, wake-up at 5:30. Also, I can see undigested food in my stool....like nuts, seeds and even quinoa. I do take digestive enzymes, HCL and a gall bladder supplement as well. Should I be avoiding the foods that I see in my stool? What else can I do to get more energy? I always feel my best when Im fasting, but its difficult to always fast cuz I crave my healthy foods. Thank you
Matt.: Hello Dr. Cabral! Just wanted to say thank you for your life changing/accessible information through your podcasts and site! I've tried to share the information you present with my family and close loved ones, and will continue to spread the word. You are making a difference in people's lives! I wanted to see what information you could give me about collagenous colitis. My mom has this as well as lupus. She hasn't had a bad lupus flare up for a few years but the colitis affects her every day life. She lives a fairly healthy lifestyle but we are confused as to what steps to take to heal this. There does not seem to be much information on collagenous colitis out there and want her to avoid any surgery on her gut unless absolutely necessary. It is a hard thing to approach due to the mixed information we hear about how to heal the gut as she suffers from a lot of similar symptoms of leaky gut but "collagenous colitis" as I understand is the excess build up layer of collagen in her gut not allowing for proper absorption among other things. I would love to hear your input as my mom is approaching 50 this winter and would love to get her on the right track to healing! Thanks so much Dr. Cabral, I'm 21 and so much of what you went through as a teenager resonates with me; as I've dealt with similar issues! -Matt H
Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!
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I know there are thousands of diet variations on the market, but there is only one true foundation for human nutrition...
Meaning, you can choose high fat/low fat, high carb/low carb, high protein/low protein, but in the end unless you're basing your diet plan around low glycemic, anti-inflammatory foods that are high in antioxidants you are missing the mark...
Again, this may not matter to you in the short-term, but if your goal is to achieve long-lasting, permanent results I can't recommend enough creating a rock-solid foundational eating plan...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 637 for all the details on what to use as the foundation for any and all diet plans you come across - Enjoy the show!
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Although movement must be a part of everyone's daily and weekly routine, the amount of exercise should actually change based on the individual...
Unfortunately, in our all-for-one culture we have lost the bio-individuality component to allow for some diversity amongst recommendations...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 636 for details on how to exercise right for your type, so that you don't over or under do your workouts - Enjoy the show!
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I'll be the first person to say that there is no need or benefit to being super skinny, but when I do speak on the topic of weight loss it's because of the health issues associated with it...
Many people don't realize that there are over a dozen "diseases" and a half-dozen cancers that increase in risk the more over weight a person becomes...
This is why losing weight first and foremost is a health issue rather than simply a body transformation one...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 635 for all the details on what nobody ever tells you about being overweight - Enjoy the show!
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I had previously done a podcast on "What your tongue says about your health," and today I'd like to follow up along the same lines...
However, today we'll be assessing your nails and what all the different deviations from the norm may mean...
For example, if you have dry, brittle, peeling, ridged, white, dark red, pitted, black specks, white spots, or brown lines they can all mean that there may be some underlying health issue...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 643 for the early warning signs of nail diagnosis - Enjoy the show!
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Every once in awhile we all get to a place that seems dark, dreadful and hard to pull ourselves out of...
If you ever find yourself here, don't despair and do understand that there is always hope...
You can and will find a way out as long as you do not give up and you look towards the success of others...
There is someone out there that has been where you are right now and has made it out to the other side - Replicate that success...
For more details on how to reclaim your life and get back on track tune into today's #CabralConcept 632 - Enjoy the show!
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Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!
I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…
Let’s get started!
Ronda: I have a deep ridge in one of the nails on my left hand that has been there for close to a year. I have not slammed it in anything so I am concerned it is the sign of an underlying condition. Any and all information on what to do would be greatly appreciated. It has been there for close to a year. I have not seen any doctors regarding it, I have researched and can only find it can be from poor absorption. I suffer from muscle cramps regularly and I wonder if the two are related. I only drink water and have coconut water daily. My diet has not been great until recently when I started your fatlossity diet, which has been great. I have been on it for 2 weeks and have lost weight. Before the diet I still ate pretty healthy eating grass fed and organic foods as much as possible. I am not a big sugar eater but I do love fruit.
Mark: Hello Dr Cabral, Hope you are well : ) I just listened to your Podcast on CBD Oil. Last weekend, I went to Seattle last weekend for a Qi Gong workshop which was great and I slept pretty darn well out there! After returning to Colorado, as the week progressed things got stressful and I didn’t sleep so well and got some new breakouts on my face. I’m thinking I should try some CBD for anxiety and sleep. What do you think? Can you recommend a CBD brand or product for me to purchase? Also can you recommend a Naturopath or Functional Med Doc in the Denver/ Boulder Colorado area? All the Best, Mark O
Janice: what is the best test to check liver health? can you check if it goes through phase 1 and phase 2 detox? thanks!
Teresa: Hello Dr. Cabral, First off, thank you for the wealth of information you provide to you listeners. It truly has made a difference in my life! My daughter has the symptoms of HS, Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Last year she saw a dermatologist but all they do is suggest on taking some form of medication and to wear tight clothing so that there is no rubbing on her skin. She was not diagnosed with HS but when I looked up her symptoms, everything matches what she is suffering from. She has marble sized lumps under her armpits, occasional groin area, back, and various parts of her body and they do drain pus. I truly appreciate any knowledge and information your can share in helping her heal.
Lo: Hi! I love your MM mondays, and now I almost wish everyday was monday. Unfortunatley I have listened to all of them now, and I wish there was more. Could you please recomend some books, articles or especially podcasts that motivate YOU in your life? Thank you and keep up the good work!
Jennifer: Dear Dr.Cabral, I am 44 and in fairly good health. I could lose about 25-30 pounds and feel perfect. I did the 7 day detox in July and lost about 10 pounds and have kept 9 off so far. I have been struggling with my libido for quite sometime now. I know there is a emotional component involved but I believe it’s more than that. At this point my libido is now at a zero. Can you advise me what test to take or what supplements I should look into? I have not seen a physician for this as I am not interested in medications if I can help it. Thank you for your time. I recommend you to all my clients, family, and friends. Jennifer
Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!
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Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Lisa: Hi Dr. Cabral, I’m asking this question for a friend and I will list the problems so its easier. 5yr old boy with Autism Have done many tests: Stool, OATS, Heavy Metals and vitamins Results: yeast overgrowth, high lead, arsenic, aluminum, Clostridium Difficele and E. Coli Child does not have overgrowth bacteria or parasites. He does have MTHFR and CBS gene mutations What would be the order to address his problems so I can help his mom? Thank you so much and I hope one day you can do a podcast on Autism
Julie L.: Hi Dr. Cabral, I recently found your podcasts and have enjoyed the various topics you cover. I searched on your website for information about Cyclic Vomiting and could not find anything. Here is the story . . . My 17 year old daughter has experienced an unexplained, alternating pattern of vomiting for the past 4 years or so. I often thought it was tied to the flu, food poisoning or other. Her symptoms include nausea, intense stomach pain, and episodes of constant vomiting (this can last up to 3 days). In the last year migraine headaches were added to this list of symptoms and the vomiting episodes became more frequent. Her MD ran a series of blood and stool tests, but did not find anything out of normal limits, including h. pylori. The doctor diagnosed her with "cyclic vomiting syndrome" and high cortisol levels, which is why she felt nausea every morning and had alternating vomiting episodes. She has since been prescribed Zofran Odt to use at the earliest onset of nausea and Rizatriptan 10 MG (SSRI) for the vomiting once it has started. The pills have helped reduce episodes but the morning nausea persists. We were told she would grow out of this. Are you familiar with this diagnosis and do you have any thoughts about this disease? (From a mom's perspective I would add that she is a high comp soccer player and sleeps about 5-7 hours on a good night, comes home after school and has to take a 2 hour nap after school each day. Her diet is ok but she does eat a lot of gold fish and popcorn for snacks). Thank you, Julie L.
Nikki: Hi again! A couple months ago I had a lump in my underarm. It dissipated in a couple weeks and I assumed my body was just fighting off an illness. I've recently gotten 2 more. A larger lump in one (bean size) and smaller in the other (pea size). They are painful to the touch. I'm hoping it's an abscess but have an appointment with my doc soon to check it out. If an abscess, I want to figure out what is triggering the inflammation so I can correct it. Any light you can shed would be great. As always, a huge THANK YOU to you and your team. Your knowledge, time and efforts in providing us this information is so much appreciated. Cheers to our health! Best, Nikki.
Jessica: Hi Dr. Cabral! Ive been listening to your podcast religiously for about 6 months and i just want to say thank you for sharing your knowledge. I'm positive with your help I can heal my body. I seem to have issues with staying hydrated especially when I exercise. I've been starting my day off with warm water, Himalayan salt, and lime and that seems to help on a daily basis. However, when I go moutain biking in perticular I usually get a massive headache and it takes me about 6-8 hours to rehydrate. I put a good amount of pink salt in my camelback when I ride and it helps but I still usually start to feel terrible about 2 hours after I ride. I suspect this is some sort of auto immune response as I also suffer from Alopecia Areata. That started about ten years ago due to stress and I gave up gluten 8 years ago which helped tremendously. I get like one random bald spot now and then which tells me my body is not in optimal condition. I've been eating pretty clean for about six months, no gluten, hardly any dairy and very little processed foods and sugar. I'd like to know your recommendation on how to treat the hydration situation for the long term as well as your recommendation on what to do in the short term while my body is healing. Thanks again! Jess
Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral, I sent an AskCabral question the other week in relation to slow skin healing and wanted to provide a bit more info as realize I probably didn't give any; - late 20s, juice daily, drink a lot of water, take supplements, generally live healthily - A mark from a spot just above my upper lip from over a month ago still very red and has not healed; I typically use mild acids and "Egyptian Magic cream" amongst other things for marks but no matter what I do spots take weeks to fade (I am pale and scar easily) - Late August at the dentist for a professional hygiene clean left me with a mark on my face; the dentist accidentally sprayed up close the side of my cheek with the power jet spray!! Thankfully the mark has faded with use of La Roche Posay Cicaplast but over a month on there is still a red patch... - Mosquito bites on legs from July / August although healed still leave behind red marks - I am convinced I have hormonal imbalance/candida and hypothyroid which I am trying to correct and this all may be down to a weak immune system. I have started taking a vitamin B complex, primrose oil and a higher dose of Vit C along with all other supplements... but my skin has been very slow to heal since I can remember - I used to take a Roaccutane (6+ years ago, total six months) because scars from getting spots bothered me more than the actual spots themselves!! I am trying hard to strengthen my immune system (will check if you've done an episode on that) but nearly 30 I am a little fed up! Thank you... enjoy all you do :)
Angela: Hi Dr. Cabral, Your expertise and generosity with your podcasts is not only a gift to us all but a true inspiration. My question is regarding my Sister in law. She suffers from Fibromyalgia and is soon to be tested for Lupus as well. She is a mother of three, two of them being twin toddlers. She suffers from intense pain throughout her entire body, short term memory loss and depends on a cane. It started with a back injury where she damaged the lower discs in her back. Then with the traumatic occurrence of her losing her mom, it sprung on the disease. Her MD prescribes her Morphine and Opiates, that she takes daily. They have also suggested starting a new plan consisting of horse tranquilizer drugs... She is just about to start a healthy option first called, Plexus. What are your suggestions for her to follow to find a natural solution to her pain or to minimize the impact this horrible disease has on her life? I would love to see her happy and healthy, and the relief of all the stress this illness has caused on her family. Thank you, and all the best. Angela
Nicole: Hi Dr. Cabral, Firstly, I would like to thank you for your podcasts and all of the work you do to help people in reaching their health goals. I listen to your podcasts everyday and I so appreciate your dedication and passion to your work! I have a question regarding stress support, specifically relating to ashwagandha and CBD oil. I have heard you speak often of these two supplements and how well they work. I use ashwaganda every morning and feel as though it seems to be working quite well throughout most of the day. However, I notice that I am often most anxious and stressed in the mid-late afternoons. I was thinking of adding a second dose of ashwagandha at this time of day, but thought of perhaps trying CBD oil instead. What are the main differences between CBD oil and ashwaghnda specifically? Is one more potent than another? Thank you again for all you do! Kind Regards, Nicole
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Welcome back to our #FridayReview where I'm taking a little time out today from our typical routine of bringing you the latest books, supplements, products, and research to get you closer to your wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging goals...
Instead, today we are going to answer some frequent listener questions around how I plan my day, try to get a lot done, what I do to unwind, and how I record my daily podcast...
So for all the details on the things I can't do without and what's in my travel bag, tune into #CabralConcept 630 - Enjoy the show!
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Believe it or not, it's actually best to change up your workout programs based on the seasons...
The reason for this is that most people typically have a "peak season" where they want to look their absolute best for. This means that for the rest of their year they should be planning their workout routines around peaking at the right time...
And, one of the best seasons to completely change up your program is in the Winter (cold weather). It allows you to go through certain exercises and rep ranges that you may not do at any other time in the year...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 629 for the reason why I believe now is the time to switch over to cold weather workout routines in order to look your very best when it counts - Enjoy the show!
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Your thyroid is almost like the "watchman" of the body where it's constantly assessing the situation of how you're doing in terms of nutrition, stress, hormones, toxicity, sleep, and exercise...
When one of those begins to falter there's usually back-up systems in place in order to rebalance the body and make up for a lack in one area...
However, over time your body does not compensate as well and as a result your overall metabolism (a.k.a. thyroid) can begin to suffer and slow...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 628 to learn how a slow thyroid makes you overweight & unhappy - Enjoy the show!
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Have you ever wondered what the difference was between a cleanse, a detox, and a fast?
Or if there is even a difference at all?
I'll be honest, right now most companies market their products completely unaware of the differences, and therefore, you may be mistakenly not getting the results you're looking for...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 627 for all the details on the real differences between a cleanse, detox, and fast and when to use each one - Enjoy the show
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I'm not sure if the planets are in some sort of odd astrological alignment, but from what I've been experiencing and seeing all around me there seems to be a general transition happening right now...
What's stranger is that many people are at a loss as to which direction to move in. They may have tried to make a pivot in life and for some reason it's not going as planned...
The issue is that what you may not realize is that these "growth periods" need to occur in your life - Your life would actually go backwards if this were not the case...
Tune into today's #CabralConcept 626 to find out why the answer you seek to your current condition will only appear upon taking a specific action - Enjoy the show!
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Welcome back to our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions!
Here are today's topics:
Jen: Hi Dr. Cabral, I was looking at your weight loss testing because I'm interested in finding out what my specific body need in order to get on the right plan for weightloss and wellness. I was also reading that your genetic testing can also tell me what my specific body needs in order to lose weight and I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit more about which one would be best?
Tania: Hi Dr. Cabral! I am an avid listener (as is my entire family), and I have written in several times. Your advice has been so impactful, so thank you again for all that you do. Giving your time to this podcast is so generous, and I appreciate your response in advance. Today, I'm writing on behalf of my brother-in-law. Last year, while driving, he had a seizure at the wheel. He blacked out completely, and thankfully survived a nearly fatal crash. He woke up in the hospital hours later with no recollection of the crash. I should note that the night prior, he had been drinking alcohol, and was dehydrated when he drove home. His blood alcohol at the time of the crash was 0.05. A few months later, he had another seizure in the evening, after drinking alcohol earlier that day. He has seen neurologists, cardiologists, and has had a multitude of test. The doctors diagnosed him with mild epilepsy, and he has been on Dilantin for at least 8 months. Two nights ago, he had a seizure in his sleep, and woke up feeling unwell and could not recall any events in the last 12 hours. He does not eat well, and works nights. He loves his job, and I do not foresee that changing in the near future. I believe you previously spoke about CBD oil as a potential seizure prevention aid. What dietary recommendations should I be giving to him based on his condition? Do you think a ketogenic approach could help? If so, for how long? Any suggestions you have would be unbelievably helpful. It is so difficult to find advice on this condition outside of taking heavy meds for a lifetime. Thank you once again. Kindest Regards, Tania
Vanessa: I have a question for you about microbiome. I, unfortunately, did the keto diet for about six months and lost 40 pounds, which was great, but now that I am off of it, I am constantly getting stomachaches, gas, and even diarrhea a time or two from foods that I ate without any concerns before. In fact, I am sooo frustrated because I am almost daily having stomach issues and I almost NEVER had stomach upsets before this. So, my question is: what is your advice for those who have already screwed up and ate like that for a time but want to fix their microbiome? Side note: I do eat a real food diet free of processed foods - I'm talking, I'll eat a homemade soaked einkorn pancake and experience gas and bloating. I ate chicken stuffed zucchini with homemade tomato sauce yesterday and paid dearly for it. I do immediately take extra probiotics (usually just drink brine from my ferments) but I'm super frustrated but there's seems to be little hope in my research. All I've found is to wait it out? Is there anything I can do???
Donna: Hi there, Dr. Cabral. I'm writing today to get your thoughts on how to naturally manage Sickle Cell Anemia for my 12 year old little cousin who was diagnosed at birth. And I want to make very clear that I am concerned--not trying to be critical of his current treatment. I hope your information can help his family and others who are diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease. To my knowledge, this is how his Sickle Cell is being managed: 1. Large doses of antibiotics 2. Limited physical activity 3. Continuous hydration 4. He takes Leukemia medication (which seems to have kept him out of "crisis--Not sure if it's taken with antibiotics also) Again, I'm just wondering if there are some natural alternatives that might be beneficial for him. I truly value your opinion and thanks so much for all you're doing to make the world a healthier place.:-) Donna
Anonymous: Whenever I eat salmon (I only buy wild caught since I saw your IG post where you explained how toxic farm raised is), I notice that a few hours later, I have a fishy vaginal odor, which I presume is from eating the salmon. Is this normal? I don't have this odor any other time, and I don't have any hives or any other symptoms that would lead me to believe that I'm having an allergic reaction. Is this reaction similar to the one that sometimes happens for people where consuming asparagus can cause their urine to have a foul odor? Thanks!
Veronica: My daughter, Lauryn, is 12 years old and was diagnosed last year with Hashimoto's and Graves' disease. I have been to many docs, with diet change we have put graves into remission. We are still dealing with hashimotos. She is on LDN, which has helped a ton but still struggling. New functional medicine doc wants to put her on biociden. I would like to learn more about this protocol or how to get her health back. You were recommended by another patient Lisa. Thank you so much.
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We are back with another episode of the #CabralHouseCalls!
I'm looking forward to our community's questions today, so let's get started with these Q&As:
Monica: Hello, I had wonderful success several years ago with the Fatlossity program so I decided to do it again. Because it has been so long since I bought the original program, I recently bought the Fatlossity 2.0 Diet Plan. I'm excited and ready to being but I'm a little confused about what exercises to perform and in what order. The previous digital condition came with a set exercise program however; the new 2.0 program book only gives fat loss intervals and says to perform them after a 30-45 metabolic resistance workout. I don't know where to begin with the metabolic resistance workout. Would a Zumba class be the same? Thanks
Toni: Quick question! Can I put a teaspoon of Diatamaceous earth in my morning coffee and / or oatmeal every am as a part of my daily parasite and overall healthy belly routine. Is it still effective this way? Should I be taking your healthy belly probiotic daily as well with breakfast? thank you.
Jennifer: Hi Dr. Cabral, My name is Jennifer, and through divine intervention I found you. In July I had a week off of work, so I completed the Cabral 7 day detox. i have never experienced a detox before, so safe to say I had no idea what I was getting into. First off, I came to realize VERY quickly that a large part of my daily routine is thinking, planning, shopping, preparing, and eating food. When you don’t eat for the first 2 days you have free time that you didn’t know you would have. I came to an understanding on how time consuming food really is in our daily lives. in stating that, when day 3 arrived I was so happy to incorporate food again.The plan was so simple and easy to follow. I thought, “ Im going to breeze through this” however, I was very wrong. I work in a salon with many many chemicals in my daily life. Not to mention the roller coaster of poor food choices in my life and what damage had built up from that. Prior to the detox I could work out endlessly and really not budge the scale at all. Weight has been a life long issue for me. So as day 3 went on my body became really weak and I didn’t have the energy I had before when it came to my workouts. My brain was starting to reel from the detoxification happening and I actually was uncomfortable in my own skin. By day 4 I felt skittish and afraid to even talk to people. I felt so terrible that I was worried I wasn’t going to make it to the end. I knew I was toxic due to a lifetime of exposure to unhealthy things, but wow! Well, day 5 came and it was like the dark cloud lifted! I felt amazing! Each day became better and better. I didn’t have a starting weight but knew about where I was. When I was done I did weigh myself and I lost probably 5-7 pounds. I continued strong on your eating plan but have wavered quite a bit in the last couple months but have continued to lose weight. My body and brain feel better than they have in a very long time. I plan to do my next 7 day detox in the next month. So thank you for your research and creation of your supplements and detox. I listen to as many of your podcasts as I can. I recommend you constantly. My first question is regarding my daughter. When she was around 7 or 8 she showed me this rash on her hands and said when her hands come in contact with any form of water this is what happens. This white raised bumpy skin was between her fingers and almost looked like blisters or skin that was going to peel. Fast forward to now, she is 18, and the rash has come and gone since then. It now covers most of her palms. When it is severe the skin pulls tight and can be painful until her hands dry out. Usually it takes about twenty to thirty minutes for her hands to completely return to normalcy. When her hands are dry, you can see remnants of whits spots on her palms. It does this in any type of water and can be severe to slight; sometimes it goes away all together. We have tried organic products as well, and that helps, but it doesn’t go away, so we think its water itself. We have only been to one doctor and they have no idea what it is. At the moment it's at a medium degree. I attached a picture, and wonder if you might know what it is or what to do. My second and final question is regaurding your weightloss blood test. I have been experiencing a steady decline in my sex drive for many years and as of now I virtually have no sex drive at all. Would that specific test measure my hormone level to see if thats whats wrong? Thank you for your time. I look forward to your advice! I tried to attach the photo of my daughters hands but it won't attach. If you would like to see a photo please just let me know where to send it and I will. Thanks again!!
Tim: Hi Dr. Cabral My wife swears by your podcast and says your the smartest person she doesn't know. She's very much into health and wellness and I've watched how much your advise has helped her and in turn helped me in my health, so far. So, my question today is about anxiety and depression. Ive battled for years and tend to have anxiety attacks often and it prevents me from traveling outside my town. I've been on claorasapan as it works instant to help with my anxiety attacks, but don't want to rely on it. I have little to no energy and I drink beer just to try to cope with my anxiety but again, not healthy. I've gone to a naturalpathic doctor and had my neurotransmitters tested and she found that my Gabba, seratonin and dopamine were depleated. I wanted to know what you would recommend to heal from anxiety completely. Thanks, Tim
Jen: Hi Dr Cabral, It is now a requirement for my kids to have all their vaccinations, in order for my kids to attend public school. I've heard the rise in Autism and ADD and ADHD, strange growths, etc. have been linked to these vaccination. I see the significance in getting these vaccinations, especially certain ones like the HPV virus, but when I read the ingredients, I'm shocked to find that they contain aluminum, dead fetal cells, formaldahyde, mercury, etc. wonder what your opinion is on the vaccinations? Is there a way around these? Thank you Jen
Marge: Hi Dr. Cabral I am in my late 60s and I have a family history of Alzheimer's. My question today is what can I do to prevent to getting Alzheimer's? Thank you Jen
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When it comes to winning the battle against aging what we're really looking to do is keep our energy, stamina, mood, vitality, and body strong...
This means putting good quality foods in our body, exercising (without overdoing it), getting adequate sleep, and doing things that boost our mood...
But, there are also some additional ways you can take your health and longevity to the next level. One of those ways is by using science-backed nutritional supplements proven to keep you feeling (and looking) younger longer...
Tune into #CabralConcept 623 for the Top 7 supplements to slow and reverse aging - Enjoy the show!
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Some people love to exercise, while others despise it, but the bottom line is that if you want to get into great shape you really do need to include at least a little movement into your day...
This is why I'm a big believer in doing the exercises that maximize your results with the least amount of time involved...
After all, we're all busy and lead pretty hectic lives, so our workouts shouldn't add more confusion or stress to that equation...
And, on today's #CabralConcept 622 I'll clearly lay out exactly how to design your workouts to maximize output while also sharing with you how to "ice the cake" on your workouts for sculpting the arms, abs, and legs you've been looking for - Enjoy the show!
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Although I have previously reviewed this style of "dieting" before I have gotten so many questions on intermittent fasting (IF) and which form is best, that I thought it deserved a more thorough discussion...
The problem is that there are so many different types of IF diet plans that it's often difficult to surmise which plan is best for you...
After all, you need to figure out if you should just eat dinner one day, skip meals all together, or if you should just drop your calories for a couple of days per week...
To clear up this confusion, tune into today's #CabralConcept 621 for all the details and breakdown of the 5:2 "Up-Down" Dieting Method - Enjoy the show!
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