
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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The Cabral Concept












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Now displaying: June, 2016
Jun 30, 2016

Most people would like a flatter stomach...

And so it's common to see people doing crunches and sit-ups to tighten their tummy, but often times those exercises can back fire and you can actually look like your stomach is more distended than before you started...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept show as I explain the one ab exercise you're most likely missing from your workout and how you can easily add it in for fast results.

Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes:

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Jun 29, 2016

Today I want to get into how alcohol affects your body, health & weight loss...

I know many people enjoying having a few drinks to unwind or socialize with friends, so let's also talk about if there is any room for it in a healthy diet & lifestyle.

Join me today on the #CabralConcept as I talk about the potential pros & cons of having a few drinks and whether or not it fits your current goals.

Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes:

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Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 28, 2016

Have you heard of oil pulling for your health?

It's one of the most popular "trends" right now even though it's been around for well over 5,000 years in Ayurvedic Medicine...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept as I detail what it oil pulling do for you and your health and why the most popular oil right now that is being used is actually incorrect - I also reveal the best oil to use and how long to "pull" for in order to maximize results!

Enjoy the show!

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Show Notes:

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Jun 27, 2016

Let's face it, there are a thousand different ways you could begin to get well or lose weight...

Today, I show you how to choose the critical few that will lead to the greatest gains in the least amount of time.

For faster results, use the Peredo's Principle, "The 80/20 Rule," to finally figure out how to get more results with your busy schedule!


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Show Notes:

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Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 26, 2016

We're back with the 2nd edition of the Cabral House Call this weekend and here are today's amazing questions from he community!

Bev: I have excessive burping almost like hiccups what is causing this?

Alicia: What are your healthy toothpaste recommendations?

Raymond: Do you have any tips for substituting bread at lunch?

Enjoy the Show!


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Show Notes:

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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 25, 2016

Welcome back to the 1st Cabral House Call of the weekend!

Here are today's community questions:

Robert: Do you need to use the "Fork Test" for the rest of your life?

Kristin: I'm having trouble regulating my hormones and I'm having "Lady Cycle" symptoms please help?

Marie R: I love Sweet Greens - Is their new steelhead fish safe to eat?

Enjoy the Q&A and all the tips along the way!


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Show Notes:

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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 24, 2016

Today's #FridayReview is dedicated to the science & art of Orthomolecular Medicine, which is just fancy talk for using vitamins and nutritional supplements to heal your body!

I started studying this type of medicine about 10 years ago and it was at that time that I realized in some difficult to treat health & weight loss cases food alone was not going to be the answer...

The reason for this is that when the digestive system becomes too weak and the gut has become too imbalanced and inflamed people cannot adequately absorb the proper nutrition from the foods they eat - even if they're organic and whole foods. 

At this point the best way to heal is to give the body building blocks that it needs to begin to repair itself. As a doctor it is not my job to tell the body how to rebalance itself, however it is my job to give it everything it needs to return to proper function, as well as remove the toxicities from it that hinders it from efficiently become well again...

To learn more about Orthomolecular Medicine and how nutritional supplements can heal your body, be sure to check out today's #CabralConcept podcast!


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Show Notes:

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Jun 23, 2016

Short on time? Don't have a gym membership? Looking to get in amazing shape? Look no further!

In my Boston weight loss & wellness practice I created a handful of gym-free fat loss intervals that clients can do outside, in a hotel room, or at home to burn body fat and tone up.

The best part is that there is no equipment necessary and you can get in a full metabolic boosting workout in just 10-20 minutes! Be sure to tune into today's #CabralConcept as I share with you the specific intervals I recommend to my private clients...

Enjoy the show!


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Show Notes:

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Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:





Jun 22, 2016

Doing a "cleanse" seems to be the talk of the town lately and they've certainly grown in popularity since celebrities starting using them a few decades back...

But did you know that cleanses have been used for thousands of years? In Ayurvedic, Chinese, and Greek medicine we see thousands of documents showing their recommendations and successes...

Most people could greatly benefit from an intestinal cleanse, as long as they are doing it safely and effectively - And, as long as it is a short term protocol. (It's important that your bowels do not begin to rely on a laxative instead of your own natural intestinal movement.)

Tune in today to the #Cabral Concept podcast to check out the details of what I recommend in practice, who intestinal cleanses are best for, and what products I feel are safe to use...

Enjoy the show!


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Show Notes:

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Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 21, 2016

Allergic reactions inside the body are one of the most under diagnosed causes for many of the health issues people are suffering from...

The reason they're often missed is because your body doesn't always immediately react to an allergen or "pathogen" that's invading your body. Often times the histamine reactions build up over days and it's only then do you see symptoms.

If you've ever suffered from allergies, hives, food sensitivities, environmental allergies, migraines, headaches, fatigue, reflux, digestive difficulties, skin issues, or any type of inflammation I recommend you check out today's Cabral Concept podcast!

Enjoy the show!


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Show Notes:

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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 19, 2016

We're back with the 2nd edition of the Cabral House Call this weekend and here are today's amazing questions from he community!

Hippi_mom: How do you recommend taking apple cider vinegar to improve health & digestion? 

Sharon P: What do you recommend for a colicky baby?

Ed C: How many total intervals should I complete in one workout?

Enjoy the Show!


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Show Notes:

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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 18, 2016

Welcome back to the 1st Cabral House Call of the weekend!

Here are today's community questions:

Tanya: How can I keep up with all the new studies and articles coming out about what foods are good and bad to eat?

John P: What’s the #1 supplement I can take for my allergies to decrease symptoms? 

Fatama: Do you have any family friendly gluten-free recipes for pancakes and waffles that are also healthy? 

Enjoy the Q&A and all the tips along the way!


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Show Notes:

See all the Show Notes, Links & Recommendations at:


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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 17, 2016

The #FridayReview is here and today I'm reviewing 3 great health & fitness products!

The 1st item is a book on herbal medicine that's referred to as the "Natural Herbs Physicians Desk Reference..."

The 2nd is my new favorite fitness toy called a "Legend's Bell." 

And, the 3rd item is how you can create your own small organic garden right at home to start growing your own healthy food!

Enjoy today's #CabralConcept show and my picks of the week!



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Show Notes:

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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:





Jun 16, 2016

Today I want to teach you why over complicating your workouts doesn't get you better results!

I see far too many people making up insanely difficult exercise routines & programs for no reason whatsoever - except to make the exercise even harder and look "cooler."

It's that type of mentality that ultimately gets people injured and pushes them away from working out and making exercise a long-term part of an overall healthy lifestyle...

Right now, I want to talk about what does actually make up a great workout and how you can truly get better results by keeping things simpler...

Enjoy today's #CabralConcept show!


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Show Notes:

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Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 15, 2016

Adding more fiber to your daily diet is one of the simplest ways to lose weight while improving your health -

Today, I want to explain to you how to choose the right fiber type (soluble or insoluble) and how some types of fiber may not be the best idea to add into your daily meals until you correct your digestive issues...

Plus, I'm going to review how many grams of fiber you should be taking in per day and what some of the best foods (and safe supplements) are for easily reaching that daily goal.

Enjoy today's #Cabral Concept!


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Show Notes:

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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 14, 2016

One day a few months back I was trying to explain to one of the wellness clients in my Boston practice how to look at food & digestion in a new way...

I wanted them to understand there are no "good" or "bad" wholefoods - only foods your body can easily digest, breakdown, and utilize...

It's important to understand that when your digestive system is weak and you have reflux, bloating, gas, cramping, or stomach pain that many of the foods we deem healthy are actually going to cause you more harm than good...

Check out today's Cabral Concept where I reveal the "Fork Test" solution that I give to my digestive based wellness clients!


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Show Notes:

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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 13, 2016

Let's face it, sometimes you just have a bad day or week (or month!) and just need a way to hit the reset button...

It's happened to everyone, but starting over is often easier said than done. The tough part is that our bad habits have begun to set in and now it's harder to break those patterns and adopt new ones -

This is why I believe small incremental changes don't always work for a lot of people. What you may need is to use the "pull the bandaid off fast" approach. This will allow you to create a "pattern interrupt..."

Listen in today on the #CabralConcept podcast on iTunes (or link in my bio - just click my name above) and hear how I teach my private clients how to hit the reset button & start fresh for best results!


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Show Notes:

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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 12, 2016

Welcome back to our 2nd Cabral House Call of the weekend!

Here are our community's questions from the week:

  1. Jordan: What’s an alternate breakfast food to a smoothie?
  2. Stephanie H: How many gummy vitamins a day can my kids have?
  3. Anonymous: Can I skip the weekends from taking my supplements?

I hope you enjoy today's Q&A and all the tips mixed in throughout the show!

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Show Notes:

See all the Show Notes, Links & Recommendations at:


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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 11, 2016

In our first #HouseCall of the weekend I'm tackling 3 of your questions on...

  1. Howard B: What’s the difference between an MD and ND?
  2. Amanda G: What does Ayubowan mean?
  3. Phil: My knees have been bothering me from years of running - but I’m worried that switching over to the bike will cause me to lose my results?

Enjoy today's Q&A and I'll be back tomorrow with more answers to your questions on the Cabral House Call!

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Show Notes:

See all the Show Notes, Links & Recommendations at:


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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 10, 2016

On today's #FridayReview we're looking into an excellent book for children (and adults) suffering from ADD, ADHD, Autism, Migraines, Mood Disorders, Gut Dysfunction, and much more...

Plus, I'm going to give you the vitamin C gummies we recommend as part of our children's immune protocol to help kids get well and stay healthy - naturally. 

And, last but not least, I review an often misunderstood topic on how going "barefoot" can actually energize your body and improve your health & well-being through a principle called "Earthing or Grounding."

Don't miss today's #CabralConcept for all the details!

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Show Notes:

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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 9, 2016

Right now there's a lot of debate between those that believe workouts should be ultra-short 4-minute bursts and those that feel only longer 60-minute+ exercise programs will get results...

As with everything, bio-individuality should decide who needs shorter workouts and who would benefit from longer routines - This helps eliminate a one-size-fits-all approach and allows for more individuality & customization...

Plus, your personal goals, the amount of days you exercise per week, and what type of shape you're currently in should be taken into account when choosing workout types and length...

For more details on how to decide what works best for your body, check out today's #CabralConcept podcast for details!

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Show Notes:

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Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:




Jun 8, 2016

One of the fastest ways to lose weight, get well, and live longer is to follow the 12-hour fasting rule -

It's actually must easier than you think and for the fastest and best results I recommend doing this daily...

If you follow this rule you can expect to improve digestion, decrease bloating, lose weight & inches, decrease inflammation & pain, improve sleep, increase brain function, boost energy, and feel more vibrant on a daily basis!

Listen in on today's #CabralConcept for details on how and when exactly to start your 12-hour fast for the simplest and best results!

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Show Notes:

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Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:


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Jun 7, 2016

Over a billion people suffer from poor sleeping patterns - I used to be one of those people.

Sometimes it would take me hours to fall asleep and some night's I wouldn't sleep at all. Then there were the nights where I'd fall asleep, only to wake up multiple times throughout the night...

None of this is normal and it took me years of study to find the underlying root causes for sleep issues. And although there are dozens of symptoms and specific issues surrounding sleep, there only 3 main reasons why you can't sleep.

Today, I break down those 3 reasons why you can't sleep so that you can get your life back on track and enjoy the deep, peaceful, and restorative sleep you were meant to have!

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Show Notes:

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Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:


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Jun 6, 2016

It took me a decade to grasp this "philosophy," and it's not something you ever truly master...

Too often we find ourselves in a state of perfectionism, where we want everything to be perfect before we even get started - Or worse, sometimes we're extremely hard on ourselves when we mess up on the path to achieving our goals...

After having worked with thousands of clients, my mission is to help them to see that the aim is never to be perfect, but rather to make progress on a weekly basis. You don't need to be perfect in order to achieve everything you want in life!

Once you give yourself some room to breathe and accept that you'll never be perfect, you are then free to try new things and understand you will have your ups & downs, and failures & successes... But in the end you'll be happier because you'll never have the regrets of never trying at all...

It's time to start dreaming big and then making small steps each week towards those goals!

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Show Notes:

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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:


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Jun 5, 2016

We're capping off the week with a 2nd great Cabral House Call where I'm answerign your questions on weight loss, wellness, and anti-aging!

  1. Serenity: How many days away from the gym does it take for you to start losing results and strength?
  2. Jake F: You spoke about Alzheimer's last week - if there was one test you recommended to see if I’m susceptible what would it be?
  3. Cassi: I heard egg yolks raise cholesterol - is that true? Should I avoid them or keep them in my diet?

Enjoy the Q&A and today's tips!

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Show Notes:

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Get Your Questioned Answered!

Each week I answer our community questions and I'd love to answer yours on an upcoming show:


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