
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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The Cabral Concept












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Now displaying: August, 2017
Aug 31, 2017

Too many people believe that in order to get great results you need to be training 6-7x a week...

This is so far from the truth it's not even funny, and unfortunately, it prevents a lot of people from getting started in the first place...

The media perpetuates the idea that our workouts should be long and grueling, but the research simply doesn't back this up...

If anything, less can often be more and on today's podcast I want to share with you why this is the case - Especially for those just getting back into a routine...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 573 for all the details on how to ramp up and progress your workout programs - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 30, 2017

After almost 20 years in the health & fitness industry I've noticed 3 specific points in the year that are the most effective times to recommit to your goals...

These are the times where you'll have the greatest chance of success and the longest stretches of uninterrupted periods to really dive into a healthy nutrition and exercise plan...

Likewise, I've also seen 3 big dips during the course of a calendar year where we need to prepare ourselves to expect more obstacles to come up...

It's during these times that we may look to just "ride the wave" and maintain our results rather than always pushing for more...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 572 to discover these patterns and how you can use them to your advantage to properly recommit yourself to your body transformation goals - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 29, 2017

I'm sure even going back just 100 years ago people would be laughing at us talking about taking a break from eating!

The truth is that we have so much food abundance (in many countries) that we actually have to be convinced it's NOT a good thing to always be eating - even healthy food...

The reason for this is that we as humans are hard-wired to eat, gain weight, and protect our bodies for survival...

The problem is that nature didn't really account for refrigeration and processed foods, which allow us to have near unlimited access to food 24/7/365...

Therefore, it is vitally important we re-learn diurnal eating cycles in order to improve our health, transform our bodies, and live longer!

But, like with anything, intermittent fasting can be done the right way, or the wrong way depending on your needs...

That's why on today's #CabralConcept 571 I want to teach you the 7 most common intermittent fasting mistakes - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 28, 2017

Growing up we're always being shielded from hardships...

Our parents, community, and everyone that cares for us tries to the best of their ability to protect us and make our life as comfortable as possible...

Eventually this leads to the mindset that we must avoid as many challenging situations as possible - After all, we've been taught that the goal is to remain in our "safe zone."

The problem is that playing it safe can often backfire and what we're left with is a life that is anything but happy or fulfilled...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 570 to understand why you must embrace being uncomfortable - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 27, 2017

Thank you for tuning back into our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend - We've got some great Q&A's today.

Here are today's community questions:

Susie: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am pregnant and am planning on breastfeeding my baby. A friend of mine however started to breastfeed but had to stop after her baby developed an allergy to her milk.... I read the ingredients list for the crazy expensive can of formula she is using and saw some ingredients that I didn't really like such as palm kernel oil etc... It was a major brand that everyone would know, but it was far more expensive than the regular formula because apparently it is their "allergy" or "medical" formula. What would your suggestion be for a brand of formula if a mother has to use it (or chooses to use it) over breast milk. I cannot thank you enough for all that you do. Susie

Lubos: Dr. Cabral. Not sure if this is even a good question, but let me try… (BTW, thank you for answering my question about 23&me). I have heard you say several times – let’s stop guessing and start testing (referring to diagnosing symptoms or disease). The approach really resonates. However, most of us, including myself already have bunch of blood test results, sleep lab results, urine tests… etc. Most of us also tried supplements (not necessarily yours), medications, diets etc. Yet, most of us are still sick, fat, hypertensive and…quite frankly miserable (I am seriously projecting here J). Then, a person like yourself comes along - someone with proven track record and self-administered results. That’s powerful. To my question now: Where should one start? Let’s say, I’d like you to help me get into great health, yet I – like most of us – have limited budget. I’d honestly love to do all the tests that you provide, but simply cannot afford them all. Is there a cheat sheet, something that I could follow to gain confidence that I am ‘getting the biggest bang for my buck’. Should I do the genetic test first? Or should I try the 21 day detox and see if that fixes things (even though it goes against ‘let’s stop guessing and start testing’). Can you, please, bring clarity to those of us (or perhaps only me) who don’t see the forest for the trees and don’t really know which path to follow. As always, you and your work are impressive. Thank you for all you do. Lubo 

Jen: Hi Dr Cabral, I would like to know the proper protocol for my situation. I'm 56 and have had Crohn's disease for 20 years. I had a stricture about 3 years ago and had a portion of my large intestine removed and started a maintenance dose of remicade every 3 months. I have also gained about 15 lbs since taking the remicade and would like to shed that as well. I am feeling good, exercise daily, but would like to get off the remicade and heal my body the proper way. I take Metamucil to add fiber 2 x a day, a vsl 3 probiotic, D3, and a multi. I ordered the 3 week detox and would like to proceed with the proper testing and supplements. How would you recommend I begin my journey to better health. Thank you for your wonderful podcasts. Jen Sent from my iPhone


Jodi: Hi Dr. Cabral, My friend's baby has a pretty bad diaper rash. Are there natural creams or powders that can clear it up?


Macy: Hello! Thank you for such a helpful and informative podcast! I have a question I am hoping you can answer! What would be your protocol for a child (elementary age) who has petit mal seizures? Would a child with this condition benefit from a gut based diet (like gaps) or extra supplements? Can food sensitivities play a role? Your thoughts, advice or recommendations would be very much appreciated. Thank you again for taking the time to help!!!

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Aug 26, 2017

Welcome to our first Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

Here are today's community questions:

Jen: Hi Dr. Cabral I've heard you talk a little about body types and wondered how much this affects what each type eats and how they are supposed to exercise. Could you give a brief overview of each of those different body types (Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph) and how to tell which one I might be as well as the best exercise and foods for each type? Also, How does your blood type affect the way you breakdown food and should eat? Thanks - Jen


Josie: Hi Doc, I bought the parasite and candida cleanse, but decided to be safe and do the h. Pylori treatment first. My questions are: Should I follow the healthy gut guide (for the candida) for the entire cleanse? Also, I'm noticing that I'm having bloating after eating meats (specifically fish and eggs). You mentioned Great Lakes collagen protein powder and I'm wondering if I can use it during these cleanses.


Steph B: Hello Doctor! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING you do! I recently left you a 5 star review on iTunes! I try to listen to your podcasts every day, but if I can't, I save them up and "binge" listen to them! I'm very grateful to you. In April of 2016, my best-friend suffered a severe concussion. She was in the middle of moving to a new home and while cleaning a small crawlspace, her husband came up behind her and startled her. She raised up with much vigor (eek...!) and slammed her head against the top of the crawl space. She has had brain scans and other tests run, and all come up with nothing. They have told her that here is no cure for concussion. Chiropractor visits & acupuncture treatments have helped, but her headaches flare with stress & activity, heat, wine, and even certain sounds. She's miserable most of the time and some days she cannot even get out of bed. She is a married mother of three young children, and not even 40 years-old. She recently confided in me that sometimes she feels like her life is over. My heart was broken. I looked through your prior podcasts, but didn't see anything about concussions. Please doctor, any advice, or suggestions for my friend?


Jodi: Hi Dr Cabral, Thanks for creating such wonderful podcasts. They have been fun, interesting and helpful. My question is about bulging knuckles. In 2013 I noticed the knuckles on both hands on my pointer fingers were enlarged. In 2014 I saw a hand specialist and surgeon to determine what was happening thinking they could remove what I thought was an enlargement of my knuckle bone. I was told I had thumb CMC arthritis (Basel joint arthritis) and there is nothing they could do. I had no pain at the time of my appointment but now over the years I am experiencing some pain when I hold things in my hands for an extended amount of time and my knuckles are getting larger. My hands do tingle and ache occasionally when I'm just sitting. I will be 60 in September, I am a whole foods lean eater, and I exercise 4-5 days a week. In my 20-30's I was a body builder (not to compete) but now I lift light weights to stay fit a couple times a week for my arms. I don't have any pain when I exercise or type at work. I have done your 7 day detox and now I have your daily nutritional shake every morning, and I follow the detox meal protocol for lunch and dinner. Super simple to do. I do have an occasional glass or two of wine on the weekends. My once beautiful hands are getting quite gnarly and the area between my thumb and pointer finger is starting to sink in. All of my other knuckles are normal. Is there anything I can do to stop or reverse this or put it in remission? Should I stop exercising, get a different angled keyboard, take supplements, check with a different Dr for surgery? I hope you can help. Thank you.


Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, I'm going to be starting your 21 Day Detox this weekend to hopefully clear up some acne that I've been experiencing for about 4 months now. I ordered your Food Sensitivity Test, in hopes that I could complete this before starting the cleanse; however, I just learned that the shipping facility is awaiting the next shipment of test kits, so it won't be delivered until the end of next week. I'm deciding to start the cleanse before receiving the kit. Do you have any suggestions for how I should proceed with this testing, after completing the detox? I have some unexplained acne that I'm working to clear up and I don't want to go back to eating any foods that I may be allergic to, and linked to my acne, for the sake of testing just to be back at square one, as it is suggested to eat a variety of foods before taking the test. Thank you so much!

Thank you for tuning in and I look forward to answering more of our community questions tomorrow!

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Aug 25, 2017

All of us are use to celebrating our birthday every year and getting one year old (chronologically), but...

Your chronological age can often be drastically different than your biological age...

What this means is that regardless of the actual number of birthday's you've celebrated, the inside of your body may be aging at a faster (or slower) rate...

The goal, of course, is to slow down the aging process as much as possible, so that age truly does become "just a number."

And by slowing the aging process you will get to enjoy more energy, stamina, better moods, vibrant hair/skin/nails, and over-all a greater sense of well-being...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 567 to find out how you can discover your true biological age - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 24, 2017

One of the top factors for reversing disease and living a long healthy life is exercise...

However, more exercise is very rarely a good thing and often times it can actually do more harm than good...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 566 to learn about the warning signals your body sends you when you're overdoing your workouts - Enjoy the show! 

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Aug 23, 2017

When I went gluten-free 20 years ago the food selection was a lot different...

There wasn't the level of choice that we now see in the grocery food store...

You can now purchase everything from breads, to muffins, to cookies in gluten-free varieties...

But the question then becomes, are these options better than those containing wheat or gluten?

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 565 to discover why going gluten-free may be bad for you (and your health) - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 22, 2017

About 20 years ago I suffered from one of the worst cases of "adrenal chronic fatigue" you could have...

I was diagnosed with Addison's Disease and given no hope for recovery - except to continue to take a drug based cortisol for the rest of my life...

I decided that I didn't want to live this way and as a result I went searching for answers...

What I discovered along the way changed my life, led to my complete recovery, and to a life I could have only dreamed about...

Now, I've made it my mission to share the proven wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging strategies with you, so that you too no longer have to suffer...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 564 to discover the "8 overlooked signs of adrenal fatigue" and what to watch out for - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 21, 2017

In 1938 the sophomore class at Harvard University entered into a study that would last until present day...

Little did any of the participants know it would have such an enormous impact on the field of health and psychology that it would span 4 generations of research directors in order to study the results...

The research also started to transition away from the physical health of the classmates and morph into an exposé on one the most profound studies on happiness ever recorded...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 563 for all the details on what this Harvard University Study revealed as to what was is greatest source of happiness in one's life - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 20, 2017

Welcome to our first Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

We're getting ready to answer some of our community's amazing questions on wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging.

I'm looking forward to sharing those answers with you so let's get started!

Scott: Hi Dr. Cabral - I recently accompanied my fiance on her visit to the Wellness Institute. I must say I'm thoroughly impressed with the whole experience, especially with the amount of time and effort you put into each appointment/consultation. My fiance has me hooked on the podcasts! Thank you very much for the knowledge you share with us. With that said, I have some questions of my own, but first, just a little background. I'm a 30 year old male who played at a very high level of soccer up until graduating from school, and since then, still play quite competitively. I've always been prone to injuries and most recently I've been diagnosed with bulging discs in my lower back (L5) as well as in my C3/C4, C4/C5 and stenosis in my C5/C6 - quite a mess right now. Long story short, I've been in a lot of pain over the last two weeks with the bulging pressing on the cervical nerves radiating down my shoulder and into my hand. My questions are which supplements do you recommend I take to help in the healing process? I've read about MSM, Omega 3, and Glucosamine and Chondroitin. I haven't heard of MSM, but read that it's a "miracle drug". Where does one purchase these or other types of supplements? And lastly, I'm hoping you have a recommendation on any exercises (I envision you as the Wikipedia of health - my apologies, I'm asking too much), whether that be an inversion board or some other type of exercise. I've been advised to go see a spinal specialist and will be making appointments today. Thank you again for the podcast service and such a great practice! Regards, Scott


Jen: Hi Dr. Cabral! Thanks for all the great information you've provided in your podcasts. I've learned so much! My question today is related to excessive sweating and body odor when doing so. My teenage stepdaughter is very active in sports. She's muscular and strong, bigger than most girls her age, but 'solid' not flabby. Based on my experience, she sweats more than most grown men and her body odor when sweating is quite pungent. Her clothes smell like a stale dirty gym locker room and must be washed immediately. Her father (my husband) and her sister (my other stepdaughter) do not have this issue at all. It might be something genetic from her biological mom's family, but that's unknown to us. Do you have any suggestions for what might be causing this and how we might help prevent this? Thanks for all the help you provide to your listeners!!


Lisa: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have 2 questions for you that I hope you can help me with. I recently read a book, Eating on the Wild Side, and I loved learning about eating the right foods. In this book they say the skins of fruit and veggies are nutritious......However, now Im reading The Plant Paradox and its about lectins and how harmful they are for us and its in the skins of our fruits and veggies. What is your opinion on lectins? My other question is about the OATS testing. I did this testing, however, I also do the NutrEval testing....can you explain the difference? The OATS test showed no yeast, but the NutrEval showed high yeast. This is confusing for me and would like your input. Thank you so much for everything you do and God bless your family! Lisa


Mariellen: Thanks for everything you do for your listeners. I previously wrote in and ordered the hormone test and had my consult with your health coach and just ordered the DIM Evail and adrenal response complete care. I am on month 2 of the candida protocol and haven't stuck to the diet as well as I should, but have noticed reduced bloating and other benefits. I also take your Daily Activated Multivitamin. I feel like everything and anything gives me headaches.. I have been using the netti pot and when I have my bad headaches it does make me feel a little better, but notice after I use it when I bend over.. water pours of my nose and not sure if it's normal when I use it I can sometimes feel it in my throat. My headaches are always the back of my head, my ears, my sinuses and my eyes always hurt and burn when I get them. They are usually pulsating. I also had trouble swallowing and getting food down. I have been choking here and there. I also have heart burn and do not talk anything for that. Sometimes when I swallow my pills for the candida protocol and my vitamin, the side of my stomach will start throbbing with pain. Sometimes it even feels like it's hard to breathe and I always feel the need to clear my throat. My thyroid is ok I have had that checked out. Any thoughts would help and any natural remedies would be great seeing as I do not want to take anything for acid reflex etc.


Ewa: Hello, thanks dr Cabral for all that you do, so grateful and appreciate you daily! I would like to know what you suggest I do regarding me very intense yellow urine. This has been the case for about 6 weeks. I live mostly a healthy lifestyle, with food exercise and weight under control. I drink plenty of water , Dr Cabral daily support shake f breakfast, and your probiotic. I take 120 mg extra magnesium glycinate daily , can that cause the discoloring, even tho I dont notice any difference the days I forget the magnesium... I cant recall any particular diet change when this all began ... appreciate your opinion on this, thanks a bunch! Ewa (like Eva, but you can spell it out any way you like ;) Im going to the bathroom A LOT, at least every hour and have been doing so even before this color change happened. Thought that should be included in the bigger picture in case that helps as a clue... Thanks a bunch! Ewa


Aug 19, 2017

Welcome back to our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend and I hope you were able to tune into yesterday's 6 community questions!

We had a great Q&A session and I'm looking forward to sharing more with you today with these brand new questions:

Mariellen: Dr Cabral, you have always helped me in finding answers to my health issues and I am on a journey to getting better. I am not writing in for myself. I have a friend who for years has had what I would say are seizures. She has crashed her car before, been on vacation far from home and had this happen. There seems to be no common factor in these episodes. When she was on vacation she had a wild dream about a ton of spiders and woke up and her fiancé found her seizing and she always throws up after and sometimes pees herself as well. Out to dinner, she became unconscious, no seizing (which she said sometimes happens) and this was the only event where this has happened where she has had alcohol in her system but she literally became limp and was completely out for a minute or possibly longer and was sweating perfusely and began to vomit minutes later. We had just finished dinner and she was drinking water along with her dinner. She is a hairdresser and yesterday had mentioned she did a wedding and barely ate anything all day. She always feels completely exhausted after. Sometimes there is seizing and sometimes, there is not. No one will give her answer. She once had her stitches taken out and had a seizure. Anything would be helpful. Thank you

In addition to my other question just wanted to add on that she smokes marijuana and in the vacation case, she hadn't smoked for 4 days and had one and yesterday was the first day she hadn't smoked in awhile. The doctors will not diagnosis her with epilepsy because whatever test they ran came back negative and they say what she has are not seizures. Any advice would help.



Josie: Dear Doctor Cabral, I've been listening to all of your podcasts and learning soooo much. I really enjoy listening. I am currently working on improving my own health, but my mother's health is very worrisome. These are a list of her major conditions. I was hoping you would have some ideas on a place for my mother to start. Primary liver sclerosis, State 3 liver disease Colitis Crohn's UC Diverticulitis Autoimmune Hepatitis IBD Hiatal hernia Osteoporosis Hepatocellular She has had part of her bowels removed 7 years ago. She gets esophageal varices because of her liver disease. She experiences abdominal pain, spasms, bloating, extreme fatigue. My mother is on a LOT of meds for her illnesses, but she is only 58! She has been on antibiotics for about 2 years. I hate that she is on them, but the doctors have had her on them since she had septic shock and acute renal failure in 2015. I would like to encourage her to strengthen her liver. We have listened her your podcasts and learned that low fat diets are good for your liver. I'm trying to get her to drop gluton and sugar, and start drinking warm water. She already enjoys water with lemon, but I'd like to leave her with more. Would you think that starting there is sufficient or might you have more recommendations? Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do, Josie


Cara: Hi Dr. Cabral, First and foremost, I found your podcast a couple of months ago and I have been listening to you nonstop as I love learning about optimal health and nutrition. I value all of the hard work you do especially because it is derived from your own struggle and quest now to serve others. Recent History: I had a crash cesarean 21 months ago. I ended up with a very rare condition called velamentous cord insertion. My daughter arrived at 36 weeks 2 days (after a healthy pregnancy - no red flags) she lost a tremendous amount of blood before delivery, required intubation, 2 blood transfusions and was almost immediately transported via ambulance to CHOC where she was cooled to 91 degrees for 72 hours. She survived and thrived, no stroke no seizure, no developmental delays. We now share our story on behalf of CHOC at fundraisers and have contributed to the new NICU they just completed building. We have been able to serve others through our trauma. We eat paleo-ish, always organic / free-range / pastured / no gluten. I did start incorporating raw goat dairy a few months ago. I have one cup of coffee a day, usually half caffeine. I do yoga/pilates and with a toddler and two businesses I'd say my stress level is moderate. I wanted to clean up my system after having surgery and antibiotics. At 12 months postpartum (last November - January) I did a very in-depth 12 week gut thrive program. It started with an anti-inflammatory diet and moved into a pathogen purge, followed up my a reseeding phase. The clinical nutritionist is very similar to you in most ways with her philosophies and practices. The program included things like proteolytic enzymes, digestive enzymes, biocidin, atak, mors, diamateceaus earth+clay, triphala, Pure encapuslations/Orthomolecular high quality supplements, coffee enemas and probiotic enemas, heavy hitting oral probiotics, etc. I had to do the pathogen purge at 1/2 dose because I was still nursing. My husband and I did preconception work with our nutrition before I got pregnant with my daughter. I took a couple of different prenatals throughout: Innate, New Chapter, Garden of Life. Around 10 months postpartum I had lab work that confirmed I was low in D / K / B's and tested positive for MTHFR 1298C mutation. After finding this out, I switched to Seeking Health Prenatal which is high in methylated B's. I am now taking Orthomolecular prenatal. I am also taking your Daily Fruit and Vegetable powder and I just started trying your Nutritional support protein. Currently, I am still breastfeeding during the day. (we night weaned 3 months ago) I have had 3 menstrual cycles starting at 17 1/2 months postpartum and they have been irregular...roughly 40-45 days. I just had my annual blood work ran with a functional medicine doctor here in California although, he was not very thorough and still seemed to be on that 15 minute time allotment. Cholesterol was good. Total: 178 / HDL: 77 / LDL: 93 Triglycerides: 42 He said my D was low, but it read 53.4 so that should be good. Low in B's B12: 17 / Folate: 37 / Pantothenate: 9 Low in Vitamin C: 48 Thyroid: Free T4: 1.18 Free T3: 2.4 Reverse T3: 13.4 Thyroid peroxidase antibodies: <28 Thyroid globulin anti-TG: <20 IGg Food allergy test (ran through Spectracell in Texas) showed I'm highly sensitive to grapes, which I rarely have, although, postpartum I'm highly sensitive to alcohol and I get a headache after a glass of wine. I'm "low" sensitive to garlic, green peppers, white potatoes and a few others, which he suggests I eliminate for a few months. He tested me for COMT which was not an issue. High in Eosinophils 18.5 (regular is 0.0 - 7.0), which he said could either be allergies or parasites, but my IgE confirms there are no allergies. Instead of running a stool test for parasites, he first said let's re-run the lab work to see if that was a lab error. (I do have HSVII which I was confirmed via bloodwork while I was pregnant, but I have not had an outbreak in over a year - could this elevate eosinophils?) He says my hormones are good. I didn't take the test right at 21 days, because my cycle is irregular: Progesterone: 4.46 (this looked low to me) FSH: 1.41 Estradiol: 138.1 Testosterone: 39 He says my thyroid is overall good, but my T4 is a little low and so he asked if I have fatigue, hair loss, or dry skin. I have had dry skin, mostly my hands where they will crack, but I attributed that to extra hand washing from changing diapers... My questions are: Why are my B vitamins low if I'm supplementing? At 53.4 do I need to supplement with D? I was taking Thorne D/K2. We are thinking about having another child, but it's tricky when my cycle is irregular. What should I do to make my cycle regular? Should I stop breastfeeding now? Should I do another Detox? (I'm getting ready to have my husband do your 21 day detox) Should I be concerned of parasites? Also, if I'm taking your Daily nutritional shake, do I still take a prenatal on those days? THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!


Cara: Hi Dr. Cabral! One of my largest life struggles over the last few years has been watching my 9 year old step son taking Resperidone. He was diagnosed as autistic at 13 months, which I don't even know how that's possible so young. His mother has all of the medical rights and at 6 years old, his psychiatrist (who spends 5 minutes with him) placed him on Resperidone (originally created for adult schizophrenics, it has been found to cause type II diabetes in children and breast growth in boys). She did this without trying anything by the way of nutrition, genetic testing, supplementation, physical activity or consoling. He has always seemed like a completely regular child in our care. We have tried to make the aforementioned suggestions to his mom, but she never moves forward with any of our suggestions. 6 months ago, he was re-tested by Regional (for the first time since he was a baby) and they said he is NOT autistic. The mother asked for more testing which they did and again they deemed him not autistic and they wanted him to be moved into a regular school. He was in a school for emotionally challenged children. Since then the mother has added him on a second medication -it's actually a blood pressure medication they're using for children with ADD. Our hands are tied, and we only have him every other weekend. His nutrition at his moms is devoid... he has cheerios for breakfast... whereas we don't have anything processed like that. Is there anything that we can supplement him with in the time we have him to help him? If his mom got serious about getting him off of these medications, what protocol would you suggest? I worry about him so much. I have reached out to his mom several times trying to help her understand and utilize natural modalities. In gratitude, Cara


Miles: Hello I am wondering what I could do to get rid of a cyst and make it dissolve or whatever. It is in an embarrassing and annoying painful place (scrotum) and I am willing to try basically anything at this point to avoid having it surgically removed. I have tried turmeric supplements but can't take them because they make my stomach uneasy and I get heartburn . Maybe another recipe would work. I would like to try cbd oil if it might help . Any advice would be amazing thanks !

Thank you for tuning into this week's HouseCalls and I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow on our Mindset & Motivation Monday show!

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Aug 18, 2017

One of the most popular questions I get is how (and why!) did I read so many books in such a short period of time?

I always tell people that I wasn't born with any special speed reading ability and when I started out, I was actually a 3-page per minute (or slower) reader...

What happened was that I learned a few techniques that allowed me to cut my reading time by more than half, and then again by another half when I became more skilled...

This then allowed me to read thousands of books and discover the knowledge I needed to get well, and then share it with others...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 560 for all the details on how you can learn to "speed read" really valuable books like the Definitive Guide to Cancer - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 17, 2017

My least favorite form of measuring a client's progress is by weighing them in on a daily basis...

Many people have a fear of the scale and rightly so...

Sometimes you'll feel like you're doing everything right, yet the number isn't budging in the direction as much as you'd like...

The good news is that if you dislike doing weigh-ins there are actually better measurements for tracking your results...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 559 for all the details and on how to get better results by skipping the scale and doing this instead - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 16, 2017

Unfortunately in our Western-based, conventional medicine society we've grown up thinking that our health and wellness is largely determined by our genetics...

And we've also been led to believe that our mental health is a consequence of our genes and upbringing...

The truth, though, is so far removed from that ideological worldview that it seems insane most doctors still subscribe to it...

We know that certain lifestyle factors cause sickness, disease, weight gain, and depression, yet we tend to ignore them because "a pill" is always ready to be prescribed...

As I said, it's unfortunate, but the good news is that you don't have to be a victim any longer -

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 558 to discover "10 Things That Will Make You Sick, Fat & Depressed" - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 15, 2017

What if I were to tell you that you could completely regenerate your immune system in just 72 hours...

You'd probably think I was crazy or hyping up some type of "advanced immune-booster magic pill..."

But the truth is that there is a way to rebuild your white blood cells and super-charge your immune system without anything other than what mother-nature already gave us...

It also works so well that cancer patients about to receive chemotherapy are now being asked to complete this simple protocol before their treatments...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 557 for all the details on how to regenerate your immune system within 72 hours - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 14, 2017

I think too often we fall in love with the idea of living "happily ever after."

We've been brainwashed through fairy tales and myths that a rainbow and pot of gold exist at the other side of our problems...

But the real truth has been known throughout the ages:

There is no happiness without struggle. There is no joy without sadness.

The trick is to not have to "suffer" or struggle for too long before you can realize that fact and move through it to happier times...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 556 to understand why you must embrace the struggle if you're ever going to truly be happy for the rest of your life - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 13, 2017

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's Cabral #HouseCall and that you're ready to get started with another 5 community questions!

Here's what we'll be covering today (and plenty more tips!):

Joanie: I love listening to your podcasts and have learned so much from you. Thanks for all you do getting this information out especially for free. I have been dealing with hip bursitis for the past 8 months. It's worse when I go from sitting to standing. I have always been active and enjoyed running (not long distance running), but any high impact I do now is painful. I have had xrays, been to chiropractors, orthopedic surgeon and had a hip injection which only helped for a couple of weeks. I am wondering if I should get another injection? I am very healthy - no grains, no dairy, eat lots of veggies/fruits/lean protein. I have been doing stretches, yoga, walking, etc. but nothing seems to help make it go away. Any information you can give me would be great! Thank you so much!!


Rebekah: Hello! I recently had blood work and found that my WBC, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit and platelet count were all on the low end. All but the platelet count were only low by .5 or less. My platelet count was 111ng/ml. This is the first time I've seen these issues before. I'm just wondering what it could be. My naturopath said it could be immune stress and my GI said I should see a hematologist. Ferritin is 9 ng/ml and vitamin D is 35 which I know ideal is 50-70ng/ml but its gone up remarkably from 13ng/ml (this increase in vitamin D is 2 weeks on your daily nutritional support powder). Pretty healthy 27yr old femal. the only known issues are upper GI based. Reflux, indigestion, bloating, abdominal pain from time to time, but I'm taking your healthy belly for that as I suspect it's h.pylori after and encounter with food poisoning. So, where should I begin looking and what is immune stress??


Galina: My husband who is 25 year old and otherwise is in good health was just diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Every doctor asked us if he had any illnesses recently or stress. He did in fact have a very stressful period in his life about 3-6 months prior to diagnosis. I understand its an autoimmune disorder and everyone everywhere says its not reversible. My question is if its not possible to reverse T1D and regrow new pancreas, is it possible to reverse autoimmune mechanism, to stop his body from attacking itself, get rid of antibodies? If so, how? Thank you 


Heather: Hi Dr. Cabral. I am wondering what test you would recommend I start with. I am a 29yr old female. I live a pretty healthy lifestyle (eat all organic, non-processed foods and exercise about 3-4x a week). When I was 22 I was diagnosed with thyroiditis that eventually resolved on it's own and no medication was needed. Ever since then I've felt my body changed (maybe it's just a coincidence?). A year after I started to develop a strange problem where multiple times a month I would wake up in the morning with my eyes severely swollen shut as if I had an allergic reaction. For the past 5 years or so I haven't found any answers, with doctors being completely stumped. some suggested a food allergy (ive had testing) others suggested idiopathic angioedema and recently had my thyroid checked again with blood work. I feel it's related to my hormones. I used to take my birth control pill every night before bed. I decided 4 years ago to stop taking birth control pills to see if I would get any relief. It helped tremendously and now I only have minimal swelling once a month always a week before my period. On a side note, I'm always extremely tired and I can't seem to figure out why. I get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night. I never feel rested upon waking and always crash around 3pm and need to take a nap. If I don't set an alarm I could easily sleep 12 hours. Do you think the tiredness is related to whatever else is occurring? Thank you for all you do, I truly appreciate it and enjoy listening to your daily podcasts every morning on my way to work! Heather 


Anonymous: I am a married mother of three lovely boys, 49 years old, overweight, menopausal and working 40-50 hours of night shift a week as a flight nurse. Life is busy, rewarding, fun and stressful. Have just found your podcast and loving all the wisdom, information and real-ness. So, as well as fighting the weight, fatigue and hormones, I have been living with HIV for 20 years. I have been on and off meds throughout that time, depending on the wisdom and practice of my ID doctor, have never been sick and maintain CD4 > 900 and undetectable copies. Currently on Odefsey with no obvious side effects, but I worry about the toxicity. In another life, naturopathy as a career would have been my thing, I'd love your insight on functional medicines role in HIV care. Appreciate it, thank you.

Thanks for tuning into this weekend's Q&A and I'll be back tomorrow with our Mindset & Motivation Monday!

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Aug 12, 2017

I can't believe it's already time for another Cabral HouseCall - the weeks have been flying by!

I'm really looking forward to today's show and here are our community's questions:

Vicky: Dr. Cabral, I would like to start using your Daily Nutritional Support. I had my gallbladder removed about 10 years ago. So I'm wondering if this Support is safe for me to use. Also take 50 mg Losartan for high blood pressure. Recently diagnosed with a hernia. With the above, would the product be ok for me to start using. Always look forward every morning to listening to your podcast. Thank you so much for your help and time. Vicky


Maggie: my son has been battling a very rare form of cancer since he was five. He has been sick a lot due to all the chemo wiping out his immune system. We almost lost him around December 2016. He is now almost seven and has recently been sick with a virus in his blood that the doctors cannot control. I want to build up his immune system and help him fight his cancer in as natural way as possible. Could you please recommend how I can go about this. Thank you so much for all your advise and help. You are a blessing to us all. Maggie


Cindy: Hello Dr Stephen Cabral, I have a question. Thanks again for all your podcasts and for all the information you provide to us. May God bless you , your team and your family. My question is... why is my uterus low? How can I fix this issue? Thanks again. 


Michele: Hi Dr. Cabral, So many people I know are looking for recommendations for comfortable mattresses that aren't toxic. Can you recommend a couple of brands? Curious what you use? I have one all cotton one for my child and my husband and I are due for a new one. Ours is not a "clean" mattress and not particularly comfortable. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Michele 


Sotirios: Greetings I read about your work with great interest. I specifically read that some consumer groups have send to different labs ( I don't know which ones ) same blood samples and they receive different and not overlapping results. Or that food sensitivity testing has not been studied systematically so we have no reliable evidence that it is meaningful. For instance - How you make sure the tears are accurate ? Do you run them twice ? We were thinking of purchasing some of the tests in my family but I would like to read more about that in detail if it is possible . Many thanks best wishes

Thank you for tuning in and I can't wait to share with you a brand new set of Q&As tomorrow!

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Aug 11, 2017

Our #FridayReview is here and I can't wait to share with you my favorites from the past week!

The first item we'll be reviewing is a family favorite "ice cream" recipe that's #dairyfree #glutenfree and #vegan - It's a delicious take on acai smoothie bowls!

Next up, I'll be sharing an all natural (scientifically-proven) cure for malaria - no more drugs needed!

And finally, I want to share with you how to read the labels of your nutritional supplements and #CBDoil to see if you're getting scammed...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 553 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 10, 2017

As I've said before, there's a time and place for a low-carb diet, but in general it's not a great long-term plan...

In the beginning you may be feeling great and getting the benefits of a meal plan lower in carbs, but then some negative symptoms may start to creep in...

It is these initial signs you will want to know about so that they do not lead to serious health issues in the long run...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 552 for the 5 symptoms a low carb/keto diet may be hurting you - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 9, 2017


Often times we associate weight gain or a difficult time losing the weight as the only thing our fat burning hormones are good for...

However, your levels of metabolic hormones have a far greater effect on your overall body (and mind) than you may have ever thought about...

They effect everything from your mood, to where you gain the weight, to how you view yourself...

Check out today's #CabralConcept 551 for all the details and the specific 7 signs your fat burning hormones may be low - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 8, 2017

Lately there's been a lot of talk in the media about the benefits of using heat therapies to get well, lose weight, and love longer...

And in a previous show I spoke about using sauna therapy for just 19-minutes to reduce heart disease and all cause mortality by over 40%!

But i'm getting a lot of questions coming in on the differences between using a steam vs. sauna, and if they're both equally great? 

So on today's Cabral concept 550 would like to do is take you through the pros, cons, and different benefits that each one of these therapies can provide - Enjoy the show!

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Aug 7, 2017

It's hard to believe, but the way we now view life had already been shaped well before we even graduated from high school...

This is why I've said before that most people only have the illusion of choice...

They've never been told that the reason they think and act the way they do is due to preconceived conditioning that happened during childhood...

So although your subconscious thoughts can be reprogrammed you have to figure out what to reprogram in the first place!

This will then allow you to be free in mind and body to begin to achieve any goals you've set for yourself! (No more self-sabotage.)

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 549 for the details on how to find out what the invisible chains are that are holding you back - Enjoy the show!

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