Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Patti: Is ketoacidosis something people should worry about when doing keto diets? I'm not a proponent of keto diets and know the dangers of consuming so much fat and little carbohydrates but I was wondering if the acidity that builds up from ketones is also another reason as to why keto diets are so detrimental?
Katie: Hi Dr. Cabral! I know you've spoken about both filtered and spring water many times on your podcast. I'm debating: Berkee filter or Local Spring Water Delivery. What should be considered when debating, and would one be more beneficial than the other? A friend who does spring water said that filtered water takes out the electrolytes, do you have any insight on this?
Susan: I was just diagnosed with mild COPD and given Spiriva for maintenance. What can I do naturally to stop the progression of the disease and help with my lung capacity? Thank you so much
Betsy: Hello, Is Dr. Cabral taking new clients himself? I'm very interested in booking an appointment with him directly. Best, Betsy
Lauren: Hello Dr. C! Thank you for all that you do. I was on birth control pill for 15 or so years, finally got off to try for a family. I had 56 day cycles for months. About 3-4 months post pill I developed insomnia along with other issues such as acne, weight gain. I took your Hormones Accelerator and focused on reducing resistance training, did your FM detox, decreased high estrogen foods and have got my cycle back down to 36 days. My sleep was *really* bad for 2-3 months. It is getting better, but I keep having this weird twitch when I fall asleep. I looked it up and it possibly called a Hypnic Jerk. They get so bad that they will completely wake me up. They are reduced when I leave the bed and sleep on the couch. I have become at peace knowing that I will survive another day if I don't get great sleep. There are stressors in my life right now and I am working on techniques to de-stress. For a while I thought it was related to weight training (even in the AM) but that theory is inconsistent with the jerking episodes. I am wondering your thoughts on what could be causing this hypnic jerk. Thank you for all that you do. PS currently doing heavy metal detox.
Maria: Thank you for all you do. I have several questions regarding my children. I don't like giving pain medicine but sometimes it's needed. Can you recommend a pain medicine. Also my daughter has underarm body odor and has had it since she was 2. Can there be a root cause for this? Last question my daughter's are 6 & 7 and are constantly sick with a cold a cough a stomach flu. It feels like it's always something. Should I be concerned? Or is this just part of building their immune system.
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