Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Zoe: Hi there! Just listened your episode “how to cure constipation” as I am constipated right now. You mentioned that you would recommend an international cleanse. I didn’t see the brand in the show notes. Could you please tell me which brand you recommend for that? Also I have already purchased the 21 day detox. Should I do a intensional cleanse first and then detox? Or is it okay to just start with the detox? I am getting my hormonal birth control out on the 22nd so I was planning on starting the detox on the day of removal or next day.
Anonymous: Dr. Cabral, by the time you answer this, I will have completed the CBO protocol and likely be continuing through the CBO Finisher. I am currently beginning month 3 of the CBO and have a need for more improvements in my constipation/trapped gas symptoms. I have been very diligent, and followed the protocol exactly as recommended. I tried the intestinal cleanse on week 6 and experienced the constipation and lack of motility in over two years, and I took the binder and 4 capsules 3x per day for 5 days with only one bowel movement. If this protocol does not provide any improvements, where do I go from here? What testing do you recommend? (I did the HMTA and Stool Test leading into the CBO). Thank you!!
Samantha: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you for all that you do! I would love your insight. I'm a 30-year-old woman from New York. I recently had surgery on my right side Bartholin gland. I had an allergic reaction to either the anesthesia or intravenous antibiotics they gave me during the procedure. I'm seeing an allergist in a few weeks to figure that out. I had dermatitis that spread all over my torso, chest, arms, and back; it was pretty severe. A dermatologist prescribed me a ten-day taper protocol of Prednisone (which was really intense!). At the time of writing this, I'm done with the Prednisone and the bumps from the allergic reaction are gone, but I'm still SO itchy and I'm breaking out in hives. The itching feels like it's coming from the inside out if that makes sense. Actually scratching the area doesn't provide relief. I've been diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome and I'm listening to your previous podcasts about it now. I've also been taking allergy medication and eating a low histamine diet. This combination provides very slight relief. I feel hopeless and want to feel like myself again. Thank you for any guidance that you may have. With Gratitude, Samantha
Stefanie: Hi Dr. Cabral, You are truly amazing! I love all that you do and am so appreciated for finding equi.life and these podcasts! You are a blessing I have had hypothyroidism and addison's disease for 5 years. Recently my doctor discovered that I also have Polythemia Vera. In your experience have you seen all of these diseases to be related? I'm trying to find the right direction on how to naturally lower my red blood cell count without having to take blood medication to lower this. Have you worked with patients with polythemia vera? I would love any advice on where to begin healing this blood disorder.
Cassie: Hi Dr Cabral. Thank you for all you do for everyone here. It’s appreciate by so many of us! I have this “anxiety rash” is what my doctor labeled it as, but it happens with any heightened emotion, happy or sad and when I’m nervous. It starts on my neck and moves to my chest and when it’s really bad it goes to my arms. Splotches on my face can appear too and my cheeks are always sort of red anyways. Sometimes a trigger is as simple as a customer at work complimenting me, and I feel it happening, which I don’t really understand. Or being excited about something. Not all the time, but sometimes it can feel like a rush of adrenaline. It’s come to the point where I feel uncomfortable in my own skin and I’ve hidden it for years by not wearing shirts or anything that goes below my collar bones or people always ask what’s wrong. I’m getting married this summer and it makes me nervous I’m going to be a red mess because I know I’ll feeling all the emotions that day. Doctors have just thrown anxiety meds at me, and that is not what I’m looking for. I am a very active person, exercise a lot and eat pretty healthy, I have noticed the healthier I eat the better it is but I can’t figure out triggers with food. Any advice is so greatly appreciated! Thank you, Cassie
Marleen: My bloodwork showed high B12 but I don't supplement how is this possible?
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