Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Eilise: Hello Dr. Cabral, My 9 year old daughter has suffered greatly most of her life from chronic stomach pains, switching between constipation and diarrhea. She has Hyper mobility in her arms and hips, has cold hands, often feels itchy without there being any visible rash. Has very bad eyesight, thin, brittle, slow growing hair and can’t gain weight. She is 40th percentile in height and 2 percentile in weight. I’ve been on a wait list to see a geneticist for possible ehlers-Danlos syndrome. It seems very likely that she has ehlers-Danlos and possibly some accompanying issues. We eat organic and gluten free, grass fed beef, Ive tried giving her liver capsules, omega 3’s, cod liver oil, digestive enzymes, and even c60 to try and help get her as much nutrients as possible but she goes through periods of time where her stomach hurts so much she can’t take them. I desperately need help to figure out what I am missing to relieve her pain and help her be able to improve her digestion and absorption of food so she can heal. Do you have recommendations for how to manage the symptoms of ehlers Danlos to improve her quality of life? Thank you for all the work you’ve done to help people in need. Looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Eilise
Anna: Hello Dr. Cabral, I´ve just read your book and I thought it was very interesting and eyeopening. My son is 20 years old, we live in Holland, and he was born pre-mature and dismature. He´s had an eatingproblem the first 3 years and a lot of ear infections. He now wears hearing aids. I also recognised myself in your comments that you felt you never got answers at the several hospitals. My son, first discovered when he was four years old, has also numerous calcifications in his muscles. He is fairly healthy, can do sports, but it does trouble him and the calfifications in his feet are often inflamed if he does too much. Up to now, they only take blood tests, urine tests and occasional photo's. They haven´t seen a simmilar case in Holland and I find it difficult they can tell me so little. Can these calsifications be auto-immune related? Do you have any idea what could cause them? Thank you for now for all I´ve learned up to this point.
Carl: I have a sluggish (low) metabolism. Every morning I wake up feeling shaky. My morning blood sugar can be anywhere between 85-115. My morning blood pressure is 150's/100's. As the day goes on, it gets better. Every time I try to go on a diet and cut out the crap (mostly carbs) I feel shaky all day and the blood pressure stays elevated all day. even though blood sugar is fine. I realize this is most likely a Cortisol issue. I do have Candida issues/through lab testing. How can I get enough good carbs to lose weight, yet keep my metabolism up, BP low and keep Cortisol normal? Thanks, Carl
Tiffany: Hello Dr. Cabral. I am a daily listener to your podcast as I try to incorporate what I can into better healthy lifestyle for me and my family. We really appreciate it. My son is 16 and we started noticing that one of his hands shakes. I was distracted by it the other day as he was talking to me so it is noticeable. He is a healthy strong guy (6ft tall). Does pole vaulting and lifts and cardio. Not anxious or really stressed. Eats fairly good. He does not eat a lot of sugar or sweets. Can you give me some ideas to look at to help him with this? I’m not sure where to start for him. It has been going on for several months but seems to be getting more noticeable. Thanks so much
Joesph: I’ll try to make the long story as short as possible: my wife has well controlled diabetes, however in the past five years she has developed complete numbness in her feet, calves, and it has now spread to her hands. Additionally, she has nearly constant muscle fasciculations, with occasional painful cramping. We know it’s demyelination but no one knows why it’s occurring. She has had every test available and everything shows she is the picture of health (aside from diabetes). She has had tests for tropical disease, other exotic diseases, genetic testing, you name it she had the test. She’s even been to the Cleveland Clinic multiple times. Recently she had a spinal tap which also showed nothing wrong; however, it did show 3 oligoclonal bands found in both the cerebral spinal fluid and the serum. Analysis of this was basically “something autoimmune”. On a side note, her spleen occassionaly swells so much you can see it pushing against her skin. We are at our wits end, and she has said that she’s not doing anything else, she’s been through enough. Can you help us try to find the right path to heal her?
Jade: Hi. Dr Cabral. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge with us. Truly a blessing! I am 57 years old. I have fibromyalgia, IBS, silent reflux and Gilbert’s syndrome. I suffer daily with chronic fatigue, severe stomache issues (everything I eat hurts my stomache…gas, bloating, cramping, and loose stools) anxiety, whole body pain and trouble sleeping. Oh, and my cholesterol is high. I’ve also had EBV in the past. I’m always in fight or flight mode. I worked full time for 30 years in a very stressful workplace and I’ve always felt drained. I have gone though a lot of emotional trauma in the last few months. Which has made everything worse. I do eat very clean and healthy. No processed junk at all. Everything’s organic. I pray and meditate daily. I walk when I’m not in a flare up and I do yoga. CBD oil seems to help but I’m not sure if that will cause more problems with the Gilbert’s so I’ve stopped it until I know if it’s ok to continue with it. What do you suggest for me? I can’t afford your 1 on 1 consultations but I will do whatever else you recommend. Thank you to you and your team for all that you do!!!
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