I'm really looking forward to today's Cabral #HouseCall!
We have so many amazing questions and I think the answers may even surprise you in some cases...
Let's get started!
Nikki: What is the best test for Optimal Health?
Lizzie: 2 questions for the wonderful doctor cabral: 1.What are you feelings on castor oil packs for detoxing? How do you do this simply? Life is already so busy, I was thinking I could do this at the same time as a coffee enema that I do once a week now. Good idea? Does this help with hormone issues/ovarian cysts? 2. What is the #1 oil for facial scars, I am trying to make my own acne serum for my face, back and arms, I did a lot of picking, and now need to eradicate the scarring that is so awful. Thank you!
Chloe: Hi Dr Cabral, thanks for your podcast on adrenal thyroid, looking forward to more. So I have started on a journey to repair my adrenals over the past month as much as possible using adaptogenic herbs (Gaia herbs) etc and just started taking natural thyroid support (also Gaia herbs) the other day, the last few days however, almost since taking the thyroid supplement, I have noticed I have been very moody and negative. I am trying to minimize stress to help adrenals but even the smallest thing will tick me off! I haven't touched birth control for almost 4 yrs. I am due a period but it is late (36 days), I am definitely not pregnant. I am not sure if it's just really bad PMS or if it could be some kind of adjustment to my hormones rebalancing - does this happen? I was wondering how long approximately it may take for this "adjustment" or the hormonal state to return to normal? Love this community, thanks and very much appreciated
Maura: Everyone talks about out of balance hormones and how they ruin everything but no one gives clear direction on what to do to fix them. Can you help with that?
Ashley: Hi Dr. Cabral, I recently got tested and found out I have a parasite AND a candida overgrowth - what do you recommend I work on healing first? Thanks for your help!
Frank: Thank you very much for responding to my instagram question about finding a Naturopathic today. Since I live in NY, I'm not sure I could find a doctor that does the things you do. I will check the IFM.org website and hope for the best. Believe me, I would love to see you, but since it is about a 5 hour trip, it doesnt look plausible. Thank you again for your help, your podcasts and overall great information. Blessings to you and yours.
Thanks for tuning in and I can't wait to bring you 5 more community questions tomorrow!
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