
The Cabral Concept

The Cabral Concept by Dr. Stephen Cabral, Doctor of Naturopathy, was created for you, the health conscious individual looking to discover the little known factors to ideal wellness, weight loss, anti aging, Functional Medicine, Naturopathic medicine and detox. We uncover the root causes of why you're feeling stuck and unable to attain your goals and the action steps needed to live the life you always dreamed of. By following the Cabral Concept of "Change Your Body - Change Your Life," our community believes that by first rebalancing your body and mind, you will then be motivated to conquer any goals you set for yourself in life. I look forward to sharing these real world, proven, holistic wellness strategies with you straight from my Boston Naturopathic, Ayurvedic, and Functional Medicine practice!
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The Cabral Concept












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May 20, 2017

Thank you for joining me on today's first Cabral #HouseCall of the weekend!

Let's get right into this week's community questions:

Yanina: Hi Dr! Could u plz send me link of podcast were u explain how to get back to incorporating carbs after a low carb diet? We checked the hybernation low thyroid and it is what my mom is sufferingn from! Her thyroid is 1.5!!!! Thanks!


Belinda: Hi There, I would like to order from the online store but live in The Republic of Ireland. Is it possible to have supplements shipped? The form doesn't let me complete my order due to no available shipping method for Ireland. Thanks


Kimberly: Hi Stephen! Love your show, listen to it every day! I have a question - I am a sperm donor baby and do not have any information on who my biological father is - no health history, no cultural history, nothing. I am wondering if you know of any way I can possibly get some insight in to my health background - would you recommend a genetic profiling test or any others? Looking for as close to comprehensive as I can get. Thanks!


Jenn: I just listened to a podcast where you did not recommend probiotics while healing and sealing the gut. Why is that?

Edward: Hi, Dr Cabral. Big fan of your podcast, and I did actually already ask you a question, recently, relating to LPR, and how to treat it. You were kind enough to respond, and, as always, you gave excellent advice, but I have one follow-up question, if that's not too cheeky. You mentioned candida, as a possible factor in LPR, and I have to admit that this was my first suspicion: I have, over the past 10-15 years, had recurring fungal infections on my skin (chest, neck, shoulders, and pubic region) and frequent bouts of athletes foot. I've also craved (and eaten) sugary foods on daily basis my entire life. Additionally, I've had abdominal bloating and depression/anxiety for years. I don't drink or smoke. When my LPR symptoms started, I went on a candida diet which did help with the fungal infections but hasn't, really, helped lessen my LPR symptoms. Does it just take time, or am I barking up the wrong tree. Once again, sorry for asking another question, but this is such a stressful thing to be going through, and it's so hard to know whether I'm doing the right thing or not. The advice of regular MDs has been USELESS. I have been on a (mostly) gluten-free, dairy-free, zero-sugar diet for about two months, and I am just starting on an herbal anti-fungal medication: I had to ease off on the antifungal as I started too aggressively and had, what I assume must have been, horrendous die-off symptoms. I worry that I'm not doing enough/the right thing. Anyway, any further advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. Edward.

Kevin: Dr Cabral, Recently, our 4 year old daughter was diagnosed with strep throat and was prescribed an antibiotic. And it occurred to us...we know to avoid these, but (a) what would you do instead and (b) are their some fairly common ailments that you suggest going ahead with the antibiotic? Thanks for all that you do.

Tania: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you again for all of your fantastic work. I have written into you before, and your response was extremely helpful. Also, I have done the Dr. Cabral Detox, and recently received the food sensitivity test for my birthday, which I cannot wait to take! Also, I apologize for this very long and detailed question: I am writing in on behalf of my mother. She is almost 50 years old, and for the last 30 years, she has suffered from chronic Urinary Tract Infections (about 3-4 times per year), and has been on and off various antibiotics since they began. Otherwise, she is quite healthy, is not overweight, and does not take any other medications. She does drink about 2 cups of coffee a day, and she eats about 2 - 3 oz of cheese every day (in spite of our recommendations to avoid them). Also, she consumes a lot of wheat - mostly whole grain, but not always. She typically gets UTI flare-ups after intercourse, and her symptoms can be debilitating. Because of this, she is quick to take antibiotics, merely because she cannot function. Her MD has never offered any other solutions, but she would like to avoid taking antibiotics in the future. My sister and I have explained the detrimental effects of prolonged antibiotics usage to her. She has been told by numerous medical professionals, that she is prone to UTI's because of the anatomical position of her Urinary Tract. On another note, she recently went to the hospital with abdominal pain, which she thought was a side effect of a bad UTI. Upon a CT scan, and an MRI, they found some rather large (yet simple) cysts on her liver, pleura, and kidney. She has seen numerous specialists, and the doctors have determined that the pleural cyst is benign. Lastly, she has small gallstones, but her MRI report insights no features of acute cholecystitis. What do you suggest for her to deal with her chronic UTI's, and multiple cysts? Knowing my mother, doing a restrictive detox would be very difficult for her. She has also mentioned having circulatory issues with occasional numbness in her limbs. Thank you so much in advance.

Thank you for joining me today and I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow on our 2nd HouseCall of the weekend!

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May 19, 2017

Our #FridayReview is back a fun mix today of Functional Medicine dentistry and home grown organic food.

On today's show I'll give you the best place to search for a holistic dentist and how to have your mercury amalgam fillings safely removed without potential heavy metal toxicity health risks...

Next up, I'll share with you how I created my own small organic garden and where to get the best starter seeds, organic soil, and equipment...

Tune into #CabralConcept 469 for all the details and recommendations - Enjoy the show!

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May 18, 2017

Crunches are one of the least efficient ways to work your abs...

Will they work? Yes, but so does long-distance running for weight loss - However, in those exercises take more time than they're worth...

The good news is that there are a handful of exercises you can do that will not only tighten and trim your waist, but they'll also boost your metabolism at the same time (something crunches can't do)!

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 468 for how to get great looking abs without doing crunches - Enjoy the show!

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May 17, 2017

Most people have been told it's simply not possible to spot reduce their belly fat...

They believe that in order to shrink their waistline they must wait until they lose all their other body fat first...

This has been ingrained into our thought process, since the old belief was that belly fat was the last to go after you had lost all the other weight...

And while this still holds a lot of truth, there are 3 specific ways you can use diet, exercise, and hormone balance in order to get the results you want faster...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 467 for all the details on how to spot reduce belly fat - Enjoy the show!

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May 16, 2017

It's very rare that any nutritional supplement has such a noticeable effect the first time you use it...

Typically, it takes weeks for the effects to be felt, and even then they are subtle...

This is not the case with CBD Oil. You feel it the very first time you try it...

It feels like a wave of relaxation and relief over your body, which is why it has such a great healing effect on everything from stress, anxiety, addiction, inflammation, mood, sleep, and so much more...

Keep in mind, this is done through the powerful effect of natural, plant-based, cannabinoids (the active component of CBD) and not through THC when you smoke cannabis (which is what gives you a psychoactive "high")...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 466 for all the details on which brands to use (and which ones not to), what dosage to take, and when to use CBD Oil for best results - Enjoy the show!

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May 15, 2017

We all have goals in life...

And yes, having goals is important, but the goal achievement does not always provide the happiness you thought it would...

The reason for this is that we think that one day when we reach our goal, our life automatically changes. The problem is that this simply isn't true...

However, on #CabralConcept 465 I explain that there is a way to set goals, achieve them, and get to live a life of profound happiness along the way - Enjoy the show!

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May 14, 2017

We're back with our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I'm looking forward to answering all of our community's questions today and here they are:

Stephanie: Hi Dr. Cabral, I love your podcast! Thank you for providing listeners with this valuable info. For a bit of background: I'm active and try to maintain a healthy diet. I stretch every day and am fairly flexible, however for past few years, I've noticed that all of my bones crack. I was never that kid in grade school who could crack her knuckles, yet now (in my late 20's), everything from my hips, ankles, wrists, knuckles, neck... never seem to stop cracking. I'm embarrassed in yoga when trying poses because the cracking can be quite loud... What do you suspect this is a sign / symptom of, and what would you recommend I do? Thank you!

Tanya: Hello. Questions on pre/pro biotics! >Are prebiotics necessary to getting better while suffering with sibo/yeast/bacteria/parasites? >Which one do you recommend and when to take, I have heard am before breakfast or pm before bed. This always confuses me. > Can you tae your pre and pro biotic supplement at the same time? > I may purchase Doctor X's a scam? He has a crazy video on the internet. He says more important than pro biotic to help fix gut flora. tank you

Taylor: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am wondering your suggestions to avoid die off symptoms from your parasite cleanse and candida protocol. I tend to get constipated when the die off happens causing miserable symptoms. What are your suggestions to keep the bowels moving & prevent die off? Thanks!

Erica: I have a question in regard to the Food Sensitivity Test page. It's mentioned that igG is being tested, however the Sample Report shows for igE. Are both being tested? Thanks for your help.

Cassi: Hi Stephen - thank you so much for allowing our learning to never stop! I actually have 2 questions that kind of tie together. 1. I eat about 90% of my vegetables by oven roasting them. I typically do 2 tbsp of grapeseed oil, whatever spices I feel I want and then roast at 400 degrees for 20 minutes or so. I find this is the easiest way to cook them and honestly I love the taste that oven roasting brings out in the vegetables. Additionally, I find that when I eat a lot of raw vegetables I get a lot of bloating and gas, so eating cooked veggies also makes me feel better. So my question is whether this is a "healthy" way to get in all my vegetable if this is the main way i'm eating them. What are additional things to consider? 2. My second question goes back to me not feeling well when I eat raw vegetables. I am currently going through your candida protocol because I decided that based on a myriad of symptoms I most likely have overgrowth. I don't have a specific questions, but I want to bring up that I feel this is in part due to me having an eating disorder for several years. I have been in recovery for about 8 years now, but for a year at the age of 17 had severe anorexia (would eat about once every 2-3 days) and then from around 18-23 had severe bulimia with my binges being about every 5-7 days, and purge the remainder of the time. I also took laxatives every week and got up to needing 8 at a time before the pills affected me. I am sure there are several listeners who have also suffered through this terrible disorder, and just want to bring it up as i'm curious what long-term side effects this has had on my body. I've always be sure this has affected my digestion system, but every time I have brought it up or asked my PCP (I've had both an MD and DO) they seem to dodge or talk around the question. Can you talk about this? Thank you, thank you in advance!


MariEllen: Thanks for always answering all of our questions. I am so happy you take time out of your day, everyday to give all of your listeners helpful advice to be our best selfs everyday. For about the past 6-8 months, I have had the most intense itchy sensations all over both of my legs. They are little raised bumps that I can itch until they bleed. They are literally only on my legs and I do not consume dairy or gluten. When I itch, I get big and red blotchy irritations around the area.

Kyle: Hi Stephen! I've been on a bit of a personal health journey the last 2 years trying to figure out what is wrong with me and I recently discovered your podcast. I have to say, you are absolutely brilliant and I really appreciate all the work you do for people. I'm learning so much from you and am now annoying family and friends with constant information I'm learning! 2 years ago, I got food poisoning on holiday and got very sick. The local doctor filled me with antibiotics and I was up and running again. However since then I have never been the same. I go through periods of running to the toilet 5 or so times per day and not to be too graphic, but each time I go, it gets more mucus or bile like. Through personal research and your podcast I have come to realise I probably have a very weak gut, from a difficult childhood, to taking antibiotics prescribed for acne for years and a pretty rubbish diet. I have tried many methods to try and resolve it including your clean gut probiotic. However I seem to get temporary improvements, but not had a long term cure. My GP seems more interested in curing my symptoms unfortunately rather than helping me find the cause. And I am now back to square one. Would you recommend your candida protocol or something else? I also have other symptoms like bad allergies, recurring fungal nail infections, constant running/blocked nose thin hair, sudden bouts of fatigue, not sure if this is related to my gut in one way or another. Any way you can help is greatly appreciated. I hope my question isn't too long. I know you like your 20 minute podcast time limit haha ! Thank you very much for taking some time to listen to me All the best, Kyle

I hope you enjoyed this weekend's Q&A and all the tips added in along the way!

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May 13, 2017

I hope you had a great week and are ready to get started with this weekend's first Cabral HouseCall where we answer our community's questions!

Here is today's Q&A: 

Sinjin: Hello Dr. Cabral and team! First off thank you all so much for making these podcasts happen! I am a new listener and have been learning so much from your talks and really enjoying the open mindedness you have with health and individuality. So, thank you! I am going to tell you a little bit of my story so my questions can hopefully be easily answered and explained appropriately! I am a 25 year old male and have been slowly over the past few years starting to understand how important it is to be taking my health more seriously and looking at healing with a holistic approach. I have been struggling with asthma my whole life it seems, using inhalers and different medications on and off. As I get older I seem to have very high anxiety outbursts when it comes to health issues, thinking that I have the worst of the worst. I have realized by changing my diet to more plant based I have not had much breathing problems. When I was in college I got bronchitis pretty bad and was put on antibiotics for about a month straight and none of them seemed to work. I ended up somehow healing that by switching my diet briefly and using different herbal remedies. Not sticking with a plant based diet I was constantly having these reoccurring lung problems. About a year ago I got a sinus infection pretty bad and tried to work through it but ended up going to the doctor and got put on antibiotics that again, that didn’t work. So, I decided to just figure it out on my own and it got pretty bad and I started to get swollen lymph nodes. I also was experiencing burning sensations in the back of my throat every morning. So, I went to a different doctor, which explained that I have LPR and a bacterial overgrowth in my sinuses. I was put on two different prescriptions and given more antibiotics. I was also seeing an acupuncturist who explained that I didn’t need to take the antibiotics and that I could heal this with a diet change (no dairy or sugar) and lemon water basically. This seemed to help very much but still no cure. I took the prescriptions for a while but never took the antibiotic that was prescribed. I also got blood work done to make sure the swollen lymph nodes weren’t a sign of something different. My blood work came back great the doctor said except I was slightly vitamin D deficient, but nothing to worry about and just to get a little more sun. He felt I had high anxiety as well. I have been taking an internship in the Florida keys for a little over a month and haven’t been to the doctor. I did a 10 day fast before I came down here and have been on a plant based diet since I have been down here as well. My asthma seems pretty well suppressed and I use a netti pot at least once a day, which has been managing my sinus infection and congestion. I just started your ENT protocol about a week ago but I still experience congested nose in the morning and see a little bit of yellow in my morning snot after using the netti pot. I also still have the swollen lymph nodes in my neck. There are about 8 that I can feel and I have noticed them for almost a year now (no idea how long they have been swollen, maybe longer!). As I continue to experiment with this new diet change, I notice that I have really bad smelling gas as well and this isn’t a new occurrence either. This has been going on for a few years as well. From all the podcasts I have listened to of yours I feel that I probably have candida or bacterial overgrowth in my gut and feel that you will recommend the candida protocol. I am hoping you could give me an explanation about the swollen lymph nodes as well as what you think will really help clear up all this congestion and sinus infection for good. Within the past year I have also started to notice that I have been gaining new moles and also cherry angiomas and am wondering what causes these to appear. If you can recommend any practitioners within your field near the Florida Keys or a website to find reliable holistic doctors and dentists that would be so much help! I know these are a lot of questions and I know you have podcasts that touch on these. I will listen through more to continue learning. Thank you so much for doing podcasts and spreading your wealth of knowledge! Many of us have a lot to learn about the truth of medicine and what we can do to really start living optimally. We all are constantly learning and yourself and people alike really motivate me to stay positive and work on my health in a holistic way. Keep up the great work and thank you so much for answering so many of our questions! I’ll be listening! Questions How to heal asthma and anxiety? What is causing the swollen lymph nodes?*** How to totally beat this sinus infection and congestion?*** What can I do to not have stinky gas constantly? Where can I find holistic practitioners near me?*** What causes cherry angiomas and can I get rid of them?

Anon: Hi Dr Cabral, I have had trouble sweating for as long as I can remember. I only sweat from my head / hairline. After an intense workout, my head will be full of sweat... but the rest of my body will be dry. I know I am working out hard enough to break a sweat (I wear a heart rate monitor, and hit zones 4 and 5.). Why do you think this happen? Do you have any recommendations on how to balance this?

CC: Hello, My husband has an enlarged prostate. He has zero sex drive, but cannot take testosterone due to his issue. Is there anything he can try homeopathically? We are far too young not to have sex anymore. You are awesome and I love your show!

Toni: Hello! I have been using MACA powder in my smoothies, coffee every day due to the female estrogen dominant health benefits. I just recently saw in fine print on the package “This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.” and then under that it says "EAT IN GOOD HEALTH" WHAT?! (brand is sold at whole foods, it is organic from navitas naturals) Is this something to be worried about? Do you recommend MACA as an added daily boost to a baseline healthy diet? I love the flavor and texture it gives my coffee and oatmeal. Thanks!

Anon: Hi Doctor Cabral, I have a "medical grade" silicone implant in my face, of my doing. I wasn't happy with my appearance. How do feel about this material inside the human body? Supposedly it will last a lifetime and have no effects whatsoever. Now that I am more into health, I may be regretting my decision to do this...... Any thoughts welcomes to help put me at ease...or not. thank you

Mary: Thank you for your help! I love your podcast! Do you have any thoughts on cerebral palsy? Any recommendations for treatment?

Mary: Hi again! Do you have any suggestion for managing or healing Raynaud's?

Suzanne: My front teeth top and bottom are becoming very translucent. My partner actually pointed this out as very noticeable as did my parents. They look gray. Almost 1/2 of the tooth. How can I stop/fix this? I do battle with candida etc and get heartburn a lot. Will I have to get veneers? Anyway to naturally help this or fix this. What causes this? (I am 33 years old, drink coffee in am and wine on weekends) Sincerely, Suzanne

I hope you enjoyed today's Q&A and I'll be back tomorrow with another Cabral HouseCall!

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May 12, 2017

Welcome to the #FridayReview where I bring you my top picks for the week on all things wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging (and beauty today)!

The first 2 #glutenfree food recommendations actually came about many years ago during my own struggle with gut based issues and having to eliminate gluten. The products I mention on the show are 2 of the best brands...

Next up, I share a simple, straight forward book on the complicated topic of food combining and digestion. This book makes it easy to understand how to eat better and be healthier as a result!

Finally, I share one of the my private wellness clients recommendations that I researched, which has been show to help strengthen and grow healthy hair...

To not miss any of this week's top product recommendations check out today's #CabralConcept 462 - Enjoy the show!

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May 11, 2017

With so much conflicting information in magazines, online, and amongst fitness professionals, it's difficult to discern who's right and what to follow...

The good news is that when it comes to transforming your body, "toning up," and reshaping your figure, there is an actual science to it...

On today's #CabralConcept 461 we'll go through many aspects of body transformation training and discuss if lifting heavy or light weights is best to achieve your goals - enjoy the show!

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May 10, 2017

More and more people are becoming aware that we live in a very toxic world…

In the United States alone there are well over 77,000 man-made synthetic chemicals in the environment – most of which have been shown to cause disease and cancer in the body...

In my opinion, it's no longer an option to regularly #detox your body from these harmful chemicals, so that you can live a long healthy life...

However, on a daily basis it's nice to be able to use whole foods to help your liver clean your blood and detoxify naturally…

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 460 for the list of the best foods to eat for daily detox – enjoy the show!

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May 9, 2017

If you're going to invest in products to improve your health, you may as well maximize their results by fine-tuning your regimen...

One area where this is crucial is the when, where, and how of taking nutritional supplements...

Believe it or not, some supplements should ONLY be taken in the morning or exclusively at night, and some will have NO effect if swallowed with food...

These are the types of details they don't teach in school and they certainly aren't labeled on the bottle under "directions or suggested use."

So today, on #CabralConcept 459 I'll be sharing the protocols for getting the most out of your nutritional supplements so that you can achieve your goals of wellness, body transformation, or anti-aging - Enjoy the show!

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May 8, 2017

Too often we get weighed down by everything we feel we need to accomplish or fix in our life...

It happens to all of us. However, unless you come up with a proven strategy you'll end up never truly achieving anything and you'll be left with a pile of half-done "should have's.."

This then leads to anxiety, overwhelm, and irritability from the realization that although you're busy moving forward, you've never actually arrived at any destination...

This philosophy applies to every area of our life - be it our wellness, body, career, relationships, family, etc. There are many things we need to tend to in life, but we can't do them all at once...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 458 to figure out the best strategy to begin to live a life of happiness, fulfillment, and of reaching your peak potential!

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May 7, 2017


I hope you enjoyed yesterday's Cabral HouseCall and are ready to answer 8 more of our community's questions!

Here is today's Q&A:

Carolyn: Hello, my son has a story very similar to your own health journey. He was healthy until age 12 when he suddenly became so sick that he was virtually in bed for the next 4 years. Finally after 22 specialists, he was diagnosed with mastcell activation syndrome and POTS (dysautonomia.) He has all sorts of stomach issues, and I just put him on your candida cleanse and then we will start your gut fixer. Is there anything he can do to help with the constant need for water do to low blood volume from POTS, plus the chronic fatigue and other dysautonomic problems. He is does not seem to be effected by histamines, so I feel his problem is more POTS related. God Bless you and thank you!

Bettina: Thank you so much for your outstanding information and podcast. I look forward to listening to it every day. Its the thing that gets me out of bed every morning at 5am! I would love your advice on my husbands condition. He's 45 now, but in his 20's he suffered a football injury in his thigh which didn't seem too severe at the time but now at the age of 45 he has hip problems, which seems to be a knock on effect of his body compensating for the injury. He has pain in his hip that is sometimes acute. He can walk without hindrance but it does bring him frequent pain. His doctor conducted an MRI and diagnosed osteoarthritis in his hip which will progressively get worse until he needs a hip replacement in his early 50's. I had him work with a chiropractor who gave him a series of exercises that have helped and he actually does do them quite regularly. But recently when he went back to the doctor to check on the progress, the diagnosis was still the same, an early hip replacement. His diet is pretty clean, except for maybe a little bit of dairy with his homemade granola in the morning. Lots and lots of vegetables with a small amount of occasional protein. Very low sugar, if any. I heard you mention Devil's claw in a recent podcast. Maybe I should try him with that for the pain. What would you recommend for him? I would love to at least extend the possibility of him having a hip replacement and possibly eliminate the need altogether, with the right treatment. Thanks for all you do!!!

Christine: Dear Dr Cabral, I cannot thank you enough for your help regarding my „German Fatique“! I am following your advice and slowly start feeling better, which is such a great relieve. This time I am contacting you on behalf of my husband. Since about two months he is having a strange itch on the palms of his hands and his fingers. There is no redness, no little blisters, just something that looks like „thicker skin“, which could also be a result from his ongoing scratching. I do not know what came first. When he starts scratching the itch gets worse and of course the skin gets red then. I wonder if it is a contact allergy or a food allergy. Or something completely different? Do you have any idea? I am thankful for any suggestion! Best regards, Christine (Lectins or food allergies of some type)

Lisa: Hi Stephen I have suffered with migraines for the last 4/5 years. Over the last 12/24 months they have become a lot more frequent and I am getting them at least 1/2 per month. I medicate with 50mg of Sumatriptan. I am feeling at the end of my tether and went to see my GP about it today, but she simply prescribed more Sumatriptan and also a 3 month course of Beta Blockers (Propranolol). She said that there is no cure for migraines we simply have to manage them. I also mentioned that I have digestive problems (constipation - despite a healthy diet and a nutritionist recently tested my stomach acid and advised it was low) - I was prescribed a laxative. What are you views on taking beta blockers, even if just for a short period - I am really at the end of my tether! I have also just started working with a registered nutritionist she advised that my zinc levels are low (even though I take 50mg per day) and is looking at balancing my blood sugar, supporting my liver and gut health and has prescribed the following supplements: Betaine and Pepsin (10mg); Cytoplan CoQ10 Multivit and Mineral complex, blackcurrent seed oil and adding ground flaxseed to my morning smoothie and other meals throughout the day. I also take a probiotic, and magnesium citrate and zine before bed. Any suggestions/advise would be really appreciated. Thank you so much.

Alex: Hi Dr Cabral, I've listened to your podcasts about food sensitivity, healing your gut, and allergies / hives... I agree and believe in your concepts about the origin of these problems and treating them. I'm hoping you can help explain where to start among all your recommendations. I have suffered from hives (and eczema) for over 7 years. They are unpredictable and sporadic - sometimes multiple times a day, sometimes nothing for a few weeks. I've tried eliminating things from my diet, stopped taking any medications (antihistamines, birth control), and most recently did a 10-day detox (not a Cabral detox, but a doctor monitored detox followed by probiotics), but still having reoccurring hives! I also have developed some digestion problems in the past year - frequent feelings of bloating and fullness. I believe that it is all connected, but don't know what to treat first. Do you suggest doing the Food Sensitivity testing first... and then eliminating the items my body sensitive to? Or, would you recommend doing Bacteria & Candida Protocol to clean and restore the gut first? Thanks in advance!

Larissa: Hi, I was wondering what your thoughts were on Live Blood Cell Analysis? A lot of holistic nutritionists and Naturopaths seem to be for it but it seems like traditional Doctors are against it. Thanks, Larissa

Pauline: Hello! Question #1: Im currently detoxing using a particular supplement ***(Its Davinci benefits line liver support perhaps you don't want to say the name on your podcast)***. Even taking a low dose of this product I get super nauseous or fiery heartburn that doesn't go away. I thought it might be the "healing crisis" but it lasted for about two weeks. I've read horror stories of people taking chlorella violently projectile vomiting/hospitalizations etc. This product has cracked cell chlorella in it along with many other herbs/mineral/vitamins.... Now, I'm literally taking 1/6 of the recommended dose every other day could it be the chlorella that makes me feel so ill? Or could it be that my liver is that full of junk?! I don't work around heavy metals, chemicals, and I've cut out just about all processed food! question #2: is there a way to detox at a cellular level without supplements (i.e. will sweating, eating clean organic, drinking filtered water... etc) I love the idea of detoxing and want it to be part of my yearly routine but I almost want nothing to do with it if it makes me feel sick.

Scott: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you so much for your podcasts, and sharing your wealth of knowledge. My girlfriend introduced me and is always forwarding me helpful information. I have two topics I was hoping you could address: I am 30 years old, fit, active and eat well. I suffer from depression. I am not at risk of hurting myself, but I am constantly feeling down. I try so hard to have a positive outlook on life, but constantly feel tired and depressed. I don't want to go on antidepressants. I was hoping you could help me sort out some natural alternatives besides exercise. The second is tonsil stones. They gross me out so much. I have recently started extracting them, but feel like lately they are there every day! Is there any way to get rid of them? Thanks again so so much for all that you do for everyone!

Thank you for your support of the Cabral Concept and I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow on our Motivation & Mindset Monday show!

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May 6, 2017

I hope you're enjoying the weekend and welcome back to our Cabral HouseCalls!

Today's we've got 8 great community questions that I'm looking forward to answering!

Elizabeth: Hello! Quick question: Do you reco raw honey, specifically manuka at night with chopped up raw garlic for stomach issues, health in general and as part of a parasite cleanse? I heard this is extremely beneficial, the garlic and honey together. Or is garlic chopped up in coconut oil better, so much info out there it is overwhelming. Also what are your thoughts on manuka honey daily in water? Thank you.

Anon: Hi Dr Cabral, My sister has endometriosis and is considering having surgery. (It could be hereditary). I have read that DIM-Plus is very good for endometriosis to balance out oestrogen? Not sure if you have answered in your podcasts before about this and wondered what your thoughts were? Thank you and thanks for your great podcasts!

Kelly: Hi Dr. Cabral. I just had a skype consultation with you and can't wait to get even healthier!!! Thank you for dedicating your time to help others. I pray and send well wishes your way daily. My question: I've been suffering from melasma since my mid 20s. At the time it started I was on birth control and constantly in the sun. Now obviously I stay out of the sun as much as possible to avoid it from darkening. Sun, heat, and also my period can contribute to its darkening at times. I'm assuming this is mainly an internal hormone issue. Do you have a protocol you can share for dealing with melasma... INTERNALLY & TOPICALLY. I have read many different things that may help, including vitamin C. Also can you share links for any products or information you recommend for this. Thank you for your time.

Mary: I have lupus and was wondering if you have any information on this, whether it means managing it or recovering from it and no longer having it. On a related note, is there a way to increased complement levels (C3 and C4) in your lab work? Thank you! I am grateful for your show and the wonderful information!

Mary: Can you suggest a protocol for weaning off anti-depressants?

Sharon: Dr. Cabral, My husband has night sweats. They range from not so bad to soaking wet; the sheets, the mattress cover, everything. He practices extremely good self care. Great diet, freshly squeezed juices, exercises daily. He currently has no known health issues. Can you help me understand this? Thanks for your great podcasts. Sharon

Kavita: Hello Dr. Cabral, I have been following you on instagram and listening to your podcasts a lot lately! Your work and knowledge makes a lot of sense to me. I am always looking for natural remedies for all problems health and body related, love ayurveda and on my path to regaining my health and weight. All that being said I have been troubled by terrible migraines since the last 4 yrs, first they were premenstrual and now they are post :( They are debilitating and leave me helpless. I have tried meds, Sumitriptan works best but want to get off it too!! My struggle with weight loss still continues and need help with these 2 problems!! Will be waiting.Thanks

Yvonne: Hi dr, I would like to ask about hormone imbalance and if it is connected to whitish discharge from my vagina. I'm 28 this year. I'm currently having many acne on the chin area with slightly dark patch armpits. Whitish discharge was since last year with no itchiness but when I have sex, it's painful. No burning sensation or bleeding. Thank you for ur time.

Thank you for tuning nto today's #CabralConcept and I look forward to answering our community's questions again on tomorrow's 2nd #HouseCall of the weekend!

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May 5, 2017

I've been looking forward to bringing you this "High-Tech BioHacking" show for some time!

It includes many of my favorite tech gadgets that help regulate your natural circadian rhythm for deeper more rejuvenating sleep, as well as in increased daytime energy...

One of those items includes my top pick for blue blocker "junk light" sunglasses!

Plus, I'll share my favorite clinical thermometers and BP cuffs, in addition to the ones I use at home with my family...

Finally, you'll be getting my top pick for whom I believe is at the top of the health & fitness "smart device" category...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 456 for all the details on my high-tech biohacking recommendations!

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May 4, 2017

For some people, just the thought of working out is exhausting in itself...

For others, their workouts have become "sub-par" and not living up to their potential...

Either way, something is missing in terms of motivation and because of that you're not going to get all the massive benefits of exercise until you step up your game...

On today's #CabralConcept 454 I share with you "7 Tips to Get Motivated to Workout" - Enjoy the show!

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May 3, 2017

Today I want to share with you how to always be assured that you'll be able to make healthy food choices even when you're on the run!

What I'm going to to do is give you some of the most popular tips I share in both our wellness & weight loss practices in #Boston...

This will help you with breakfast & lunch meal prep, as well as how to find the healthiest places while out and about...

And, I also share about a half dozen healthy alternatives for mid-afternoon snacks that will keep you energized and on track to your goals, while feeling satiated at the same time...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 453 for the top tips on "How to Eat Healthy on the Run" - Enjoy the show!

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May 2, 2017

It's taken me a long time to actually come around to the thought of using CBD Oil as a nutraceutical in my Functional Medicine practice...

I would have liked to have looked into it much sooner, but the legalities and government lockdowns on Naturopathic practitioners using it was too much to contend with...

The issue of course is that CBD oil (cannabinoids) are so incredibly powerful for healing the human body (in both children and adults - and even animals!) that not even the government could keep it under wraps any longer...

The great news is that CBD Oil is now available legally in all 50 states in the US and much of the world. The bad news is that BigPharma is trying to patent and alter certain strains so that it can make it available as a prescription drug...

Today, I'd like to share with you my 6-month experiment using CBD Oil (no THC=No high) and how it's benefited my sleep, inflammation, and mood. Plus, I'll list which health conditions (and at what dosage) CBD Oil is most successful at helping to heal...

Tune into #CabralConcept 452 for all the details - Enjoy the show!

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May 1, 2017

It happens to all of us...

Anyone that's ever tried to break free of the chains that have been holding them back to a certain level in life has experienced "Growing Pains."

The reason for this is 2-fold...

Our brain sends signals of anxiety, overwhelm, and apprehension to our body to keep us in our comfort zone. It may not be a particularly happy place, but at least we're familiar with it and have learned to cope...

The 2nd reason we feel growing pains is that we're exploring unchartered territory for ourselves. This can be scary and we often fail at first, which is why so few end up going on to accomplish what they truly desire in life...

Unfortunately, these growing pains can prevent you from ultimately living a life of purpose and feeling like what you do and who you are matters...

Tune into to today's #CabralConcept 451 for details on how to minimize and overcome these growing pains as quickly as possible- Enjoy the show!

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Apr 30, 2017

We have a very special bonus #CabralConcept show today where I've invited N.Y. Times Best Selling Author, Dr. Sara Gottfried, on to talk more about how our genetics effect everything from our immune system, to brain health, to unwanted weight gain...

I also ask Dr. Gottfried to break down the "Top 10 Conditions that Steal Your Youth," as well as as follow up with the "10 Factors that Improve Longevity."

Plus, we'll give you an action step take-away plan to get healthier, lose the weight, and feel great!

Tune into today's podcast for all the details and show notes - Enjoy this fun & enlightening bonus interview!

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Apr 30, 2017
Jessie: Thanks for your podcast on castor oil packs. Other castor questions: - Do you recommend this topically for scarring on face? How much? - Do you recommend a tablespoon of castor oil at night, to keep bowl movements going during a cleanse, or in general day to day life. I have been hearing very beneficial daily. - Can you rub on your abdomen as lotion at night, if you don't have time for the pack? Still beneficial?
Heather: Hi Dr Cabral, First want to thank you for your free podcasts, my husband and I have made some serious changes since starting your daily podcasts. I have been dealing with forehead acne for almost 6 years(post getting off-implanon birth control) , the acne that is tiny bumps all throughout the forehead, sometimes jawline and back of neck which never come to a head just stay under the skin. I have been to dermatologists and have been prescribed each time , topical clindomyicin and minocycline which caused irregular periods so I had to stop but continued the topical which seemed to work until a couple months later all returned. I regularly do a coconut oil cleanse for removing makeup/daily toxins and have gotten rid of all harsh soaps, limit makeup use and have cut gluten, dairy and eggs and nothing seems to help fully clear it up. I am currently not on any medications, workout regularly and just started your detox. Is there anything else I could do to finally rid this acne? Thank you in advance for your advice, Heather
CC: Hi Dr Cabral, I have two quick questions; my nose is guaranteed to always run in hot or cold temperatures (i.e. outside cold weather or taking a hot shower, eating hot soup, spices etc) what would be the cause of this, as far as I'm aware I have no allergies, it's purely temperature related? Also I wonder what your view is on CBD oil and if there are any brands that you are in favour of? Thanks so much, excellent show!
Joe: Hey Dr. Cabral, I was wondering what you thought of oil of oreganofor a daily "tonic". I hear one side say its selective and doesn't kill good bacteria and that you could even make kefir with it. And then you have the other side saying it will destroy your good gut bacteria. Also I have been working on fixing adrenal fatigue from a anti candida diet and tried taking adaptogens like ashwaganda and rhodiola and got severe insomnia and just felt like i couldn't shut my body down. I know these aren't for everyone and people react differently, wasn't sure if it was that or it was adapting to handle some underlying stressors in my body. Thanks. Really appreciate you answering everyones questions. Your the man!
Misty: Hi Dr. Cabral, I have been listening to your podcast for several months now. I have even gone back and listened to the previous shows. My question is about detoxing. About 10 years ago I started taking a real interest in my health. I am a ethical vegan who tries to follow a planet based diet but does occasionally indulge in some vegan junk food. I have tried to do a several different detoxes. The first I was introduced to was the master cleanse. I tried it and failed miserably. Each detox I've tried I have thought was more sophisticated and healthier detox than the previous. The last one I tried was your seven day detox. With all of the detoxes I get to either the end of day two or the beginning of day three and I end up with a massive migraine that usually involves Extreme pain, light sensitivity, vomiting, and diarrhea. I am very good about drinking plenty of water during the detox. I stopped the seven day detox at the end of day three. I was about 6 weeks postop from a hysterectomy and was afraid that the vomiting would disrupt some of the stitches I still had on the inside. I would like to complete the seven day detox. What advice do you have for me? With love and admiration, Misty
Ms. Taylor: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you so much for the valuable information you share!!! I have a question about the 7-day detox. I'm currently on day 3 and I have some interesting side effects and I'm hoping you can tell me if they're normal. I ate my vegetarian lunch (salad) and within two hours, I had an urgent, yellow, liquid, BM that had green bits (my salad!) in it. My stomach doesn't hurt. I feel great. In fact, I feel almost euphoric, very energetic. Is this normal??? I will mention I'm drinking more tea than I normally do but not excessive. Thanks again!!
Anon: hello! thankyou for all your advice, I would love to hear a "What I Eat in a Day" Dr Cabral style! What you eat on a regular basis for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do you have healthy desert? thank you
I hope you enjoyed today's Q&A and all the tips added in along the way!
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Apr 29, 2017
I'm excited to be answering your questions this weekend and can't wait to get started with our first Cabral #HouseCall!
Here are today's communities questions:
Jenn: Hi Dr. Cabral! I will be traveling internationally within the next week and a half and am trying to pump my body up with extra goodness to prevent illness while abroad. I have been using your all in one shake (which is out of stock and I am running out!) and have increased my vitamin c. What else should I add into my daily regimen? Anything I should throw in my backpack besides the vitamin c to take along with me? I am on xarelto, my only medication, for Factor V Leiden, as I have had 2 PE's. I love to integrate natural supplements etc into my life, but am confused at times if they interact with this drug. Thank you so much for your insight!
Vrajhi: Hello Dr. Cabral. I want to first thank you for all that you do. My family has benefitted so much from your podcasts and products... I honestly don't know where we would be without you. That being said, I have a question about facial hair on females. Is it possible at all to get rid of unwanted facial hair growth? I am hoping that once my hormones get rebalanced that it will go away on its own. I have only been dealing with chin hair for maybe 2 or 3 years and it has gotten aggressively worse with everything I've tried to do to get rid of it (which includes waxing, plucking, electrolosis, hair removal creams, etc). Is there a silver lining?
Anon: Hello! My mom gets frequent sinus infections, at least 2x a year and takes antibiotics about 1-2x year for them. She is an elementary teacher and has bad allergies. I tell her not to take the antibiotics but she feels it is the only way she can function and get back to normal. They usually work. How can she wean off of this bad habit, and kick sinus infections naturally. Any advice much welcomed. Also a reminder of what antibiotics do to our bodies. Thank you!
Anon: Hello, My husband has been dealing with excess gas, bloating, mucous in his stool and frequent constpation. We are currently doing your OAT test and food sensitivity test, but I know that those symptoms match the symptoms for colon cancer. I was wondering what your take is on colonoscopies. I know there are real risks associated with the procedure. 1 in 1000 cause death. I've also read that the harsh laxatives they give before procedure cause gut imbalances and there are often false positives and finding/treating tumors that may heal themselves. Would an FOBT be sufficient? Would a simple blood test possibly show if there are any problems? Or is a colonoscopy necessary? Thanks for info
Susan: Hello Dr. Cabral I am an avid listener and love your show. I have learned so much. I am a 52 year old healthy female - approx 10 to 20 lbs overweight I have been active over the years but not consistently. I recently went through menopause and now my hips are aching and certain motions hurt. I went to the doctor and through xrays he says I have arthritis (not sure what kind - but I do have psoriasis) The pain although not severe is somewhat constant. I have no pain in any other joints and am still very flexible for my age. I am concerned about this as I feel 52 is young to start getting arthritis and I do not want to lose my mobility? Help do you have any suggestions. Susan
Ness: Hello! I just want to say thanks, your an absolute legend for sharing all this information for free. I wanted to ask if its possible to eat too much avocado in a day. I eat about 1-2 a day, is this okay because of its high fat content? I don't eat a lot of carbs and try to stay full from healthy fats. Thank you for the work you are doing in the world.
Enjoy your weekend and be sure to join us tomorrow for our 2nd Q&A of the weekend!
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Apr 28, 2017

Today I'm back with a fun #FridayReview covering everything from high-tech health gadgets to the new sheets I bought for my bed!

If you've never heard of bamboo clothing or bedding, you have to check out this plant-based fabric. It's incredibly soft and cooling to the touch...

Next up, I'll be talking about a specific blood pressure lowering device that has 22 clinical research studies backing up its effectiveness...

I'll also be discussing a garlic based supplement that's completely orderless, but gives you all the cardiovascular benefits...

And finally I'll discuss a smart, funny, and outlandish book on all things health and nutrition - Tune into today's #CabralConcept 448 for all the reviews and enjoy the show!

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Apr 27, 2017

Working out will always have a special place in my heart...

It's the one thing I was able to control when I was sick, feeling down, and unable to recover from some debilitating diseases as a teenager...

This led me to studying the finer points of maximizing results in the gym, while ensuring you do not burn out your body for long-term health...

Tune into today's #CabralConcept 447 for a more balanced approach to working out, taking days off, creating "unloading weeks," and structuring your program design - Enjoy the show!

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