We're back with our 2nd Cabral #HouseCall of the weekend and I'm happy to have you back with us!
Here are today's community questions:
Melissa: Dr. Cabral, I enjoy listening to your podcast and thank you for all of the wonderful information that you provide. After having my third baby three years ago via c-section, I have had significant pain in my stomach after eating meals. This began occurring 6 weeks post-delivery and does not seem to be related to any specific food. It typically occurs within 30 minutes after a meal and can last for hours. I am extremely bloated, and am 40 pounds overweight even though I eat a very healthy diet (around 1200-1400 calories daily of fresh produce) and exercise daily. I have had a multitude of tests - gallbladder, ultrasounds of liver, blood tests, colonoscopy, endoscopy, food allergy tests - all of which come back normal, with my only diagnosis as constipation. After eliminating dairy and added sugars and taking Mirilax daily, my symptoms resolved. I was even able to eat a normal diet with no exclusions. However, over the last week, the symptoms have returned. I am so frustrated with not being able to eat and having no solution. Do you have any thoughts on what could be causing my symptoms and what my next steps should be? Thank you so much! Regards, Melissa
- Dr. Cabral, As an addition to my previous submitted question, I am also experiencing severe itching with no rash on my breasts and upper back. My skin entirely is very dry with patches of scaly skin and even though I drink lots of water and use lotions, my skin is still very itchy, dry, dehydrated and uncomfortable. When I itch, I do create very deep cuts which cause a lot of scarring. The itching is internal and often times I wake up with severe attacks where I feel as though I want to remove whatever body part is causing such intense itching - it is very painful. This has occurred over the last 20 years of my life, beginning when I was 18 years old. I have had bloodwork done looking at my liver, thyroid, iron -all of which were normal except iron - I did have low iron stores but after iron infusions, my levels are back up and I am still itching. I have food allergy tests done which have indicated no food allergy. I am severely allergic to dust mites. I have had these bouts with itching after each of my pregnancies (3 total all c-sections) - the other times they have occurred have been random. The only other connection I can make is that the first instance occurred a couple of months after I had my wisdom teeth removed and this last time occurred a couple of months after a colonoscopy, so could it possibly be related to surgery/procedures? Or maybe hormones? Thank you once again for any information you can provide. Regards, Melissa
Lizzie: Hi D. Stephen Cabral, I have recently felt pain in my right knee for the past couple weeks. It hurts to fully extend and just feels "off." I eat very well, mostly organic veggies, coffee in am, nothing crazy, not sure what this could be from. I work out 4x a week yoga to spinning to bootcamps. Can inflammation travel? I do also have very week ankles (kill during yoga in 1 leg poses) and wonder if this is connected? I am still working out and trying to ignore this subtle pain. Even in a plank it hurts to fully straighten my right leg.... but I am forcing it thinking it will clear up on its own. Come to think of it, I also have pain,soreness in my left shoulder, but also continue to work out with light weights during shoulder exercises. I am 32. 120 lbs. Fit. Try my best to do it all right. Please help!! Thank you.
Hayley: Hi Dr. Cabral- What is your opinion on stabilized lignite extract supplements? It is purported to tighten up a leaky gut, but I'm not clear on if this product is a necessary addition to my diet. Thanks for all the work you do-- your podcast is awesome!
Leilani: Dear Dr Cabral, Thank you for all your podcasts and all the information you provide! It is very much enjoyed and appreciated. I have a dental question - I need 4 crowns (maxillary central & lateral incisors) and would like to know what material you recommend as safe to have inside the mouth. I find all the information out there overwhelming and confusing and would like to finally have the work done but I want to feel confident that I'm getting the safest and most bio-compatible options available. I apologise if this has already been covered in an earlier podcast - I did a quick search but nothing came up. Thank you for your time & assistance. Kind Regards, Leilani
Ann: What is your recommendation for the most safest and healthiest cutting boards. There are so many to choose from (bamboo, plastic, wood, etc) Thanks!
Ashley: Hi Dr. Cabral, I seem to eat all of the time, but never really feel full or satiated. I'm not overweight, and I choose healthy real foods. But it seems I could literally eat all day long. What causes this? Thanks!
I hope you enjoyed today's Q&A and all the tips along the way!
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